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Why is the Koran True?

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    Why is the Koran True? (OP)

    Hello everyone. I'm new here, and I'm hoping to stick around and have good discussions.

    My purpose for this thread is to ask you all, in your own words, why you consider the narrative in the Koran to be the accurate and unaltered word of god.

    I realize this may seem like a silly question, so I'll provide context for my curiosity. I'm an apatheist, someone who doesn't think that the existence or nonexistence of deities is an important question. Whether one exists or not, to me, is neither here nor there; I care about how a person acts and what they do for the people around them, and less about why they do the things they do. I have read a lot of religious texts in my life, however, because I find religion both fascinating and nonetheless a decent source of philosophy.

    This philosophical view is what brought me to this forum. I have read the Koran twice now, once in English and once in German, unfortunately I do not speak Arabic or I'd have read it in that, too. For the most part, I like the philosophical message of the Koran, very much. I think it's undeniably more comprehensive/tolerant than any other Abrahamic text, and is also much clearer and less allegorical than most other religious texts. I don't think it's perfect, of course, but the philosophical and moral framework that one can construct from its pages are, at worst, decent, and at best they're conducive to a rather functional society. I like it enough, in fact, that I've found myself idly considering the idea of joining a muslim community.

    My hang-up, however, is the belief aspect. I can (and do) respect the Koran as a philosophical text, a historical text, and even as a moral treatise. My issue is the last leap to actual belief in a deity. I understand that the pillars of Islam require the belief that there is no god but god, and that Muhammad was his last messenger, but the idea of believing in something that can't be established as observably true is difficult for me, especially since I have never put much thought or care into the existence of deities one way or another.

    So, to re-iterate my question, how do you all get past this point? What made you take the leap of faith, as it were? How do you reconcile the unprovable nature of the divine with the modern, materialist world?

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

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    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Will you prove the 'bold parts' of your post...
    The famous verse about beating your wife is 4:34.
    The mistreatment of women is observable on the streets.
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?


    How civil and interesting this post has been. Fairly diverse range and thought process.

    The Creator, God exists in the mind as it cannot be proven scientifically. So it needs a thought process.

    The pill (in my humblest opinion) that is hardest to swallow is to humble oneself and surrender to His Will. On top of that, one also needs to be patient. What? We're insignificant slaves? Essentially, it's our pride that gets in the way.

    So, the first message of the Quran to come down, a message proclaimed to be for all of mankind is 'iqra!' and it was said 3 times before the verse was completed with the sentences. Recite or Read, the Quran was revealed with the Word from the Creator telling mankind to 'read!'.

    At the same time it can be said to it was to introduce Himself to our prophet for him to recite in His name.

    The Quran also goes on asking us many occasions to use our reason, to ponder, consider and other suggestions for us think about the message.

    But, Satan has a very prominent role to play to mislead people from the true path. Hence, the same message from the Single source, repeatedly sent via prophets and messengers eventually became corrupted and over generations becoming splinter or modified religions as it was his (Satan's) solemn oath to deviate people from finding the truth. He has done an excellent job. Misleading vast majority and as a result, there are Muslims who do not necessarily reflect Islam. Unfortunately, that what is highlighted by the media has probably had an effect as I often hear people studying all other Books and if they ever get to the Quran, it would literally be because they have run out of other Books. So well have the controlling society 'isolated' the Quran from being a choice.

    There's much I want to say but time does not permit.

    But before I go, id like to suggest you to take a look at Jeffrey Lang 'the purpose of life' on YouTube.

    Why is the Koran True?

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  5. #43
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    format_quote Originally Posted by umie View Post
    The famous verse about beating your wife is 4:34.
    The mistreatment of women is observable on the streets.

    Let us take a look at Surah An-Nisa, Ayah 34:

    Men are “qawwamuna” over women, because God has given some more than others, and because they support them from their means, and the righteous women are the truly devout ones [ God fearing ] , who guard in their husbands absence the intimacy which God has ordained to be guarded.
    And as for those women whose “nushuz” you have reason to fear, remind them [ of God and His teachings ] ;

    then leave them alone in bed;

    then [ as a last resort ] “hit” them; and if thereupon they pay you heed, do not seek to harm them. Behold, God is indeed most high, great ! [ Surah 4:34 ]

    The hadith in Muslim’s Sahih states that the Prophet s.a.w. in his Farewell Pilgrimage said:

    Lo ! My last recommendation to you is that you should treat women well. Truly they are your helpmates, and you have no right over them beyond that – except if they commit a manifest indecency [fahisha mubina = ranging from immorality to adultery]. If they do, then refuse to share their beds and hit them without indecent violence [fadribuhunna darban ghayra mubarrih]. Then, if they desist, do not show them hostility any longer. Lo! you have a right over your women and they have a right over you. Your right over your women is that they not allow whom you hate to enter your bed nor your house. While their right over you is that you treat them excellently in their garb and provision. you hate to enter your bed nor your house. While their right over you is that you treat them excellently in their garbhh
    Our Prophet s.a.w uses the expression “fahisa mubina” as the equivalent of “nushuz” . The word “nushuz” in this verse [ Surah 4:34 ] therefor refers to “ fahisa mubina”, which refers to manifest obscenity. The word “nushuz” used in reference to the wife therefor doesn’t mean disobedience or a case of simple disagreement. It means lewd acts, immoral behaviour that could lead to adultery.

    Prophet himself defined the permissible form of hitting in the Farewell

    My last recommendation to you is that you should treat women well. Truly they are your helpmates, and you have no right over them beyond that – “except if they commit a manifest indecency” [ fahisha mubina ]. If they do, then refuse to share their beds and hit them “without indecent violence”[ fadribuhunna darban ghayra mubarrih ].

    Qatada said as narrated by al-Tabari in his tafsir: “Ghayr mubarrih” means ghayr sha’in = not disgraceful/ outrageous/ obscene/ indecent [hitting].” `

    Ata’ said: “I asked Ibn `Abbas ra: ‘What is the hitting that is ghayr al-mubarrih?’ He replied: ‘[With] the siwak [toothbrush] and the like”.
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    format_quote Originally Posted by umie View Post
    Sorry, I totally forgot about this part of your post. The mistreatment of women is common among muslims...because too many muslims do not truely understand their religion. Quran says you can beat up your wife...so they beat up their wife for every fart she makes...they do not understand that this is absolutely the last measure you can take as a husband if all other methods have failed. you see women walking several feet behind their husbands for some crooked reason...I never understand why, but it might be some misinterpretement of a rule in the Quran.
    Sister, don't make ridiculous claims such as the Quran saying that a husband can beat up their wife. How could a sound, logical person make a claim like this??
    Why is the Koran True?

    He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him [59:23]

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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Aaqib View Post
    Sister, don't make ridiculous claims such as the Quran saying that a husband can beat up their wife. How could a sound, logical person make a claim like this??
    İ think you did not follow this thread at all...because if you did, you would not be reacting like that.

    - - - Updated - - -
    You see podo...verse 3:34 is also a perfect example of a verse which can be easily interpreted without further investigation. This is a verse where people have been asking quetions about it to our prophet during his life...so you can find hadeeth about this issue.
    İn the Quran it looks like İslam gives men permission to beat up their wives...but if you look into the tafsir or hadeeth...you will find out what is really meant with this verse.
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Podo View Post
    From the small parts I've been able to learn enough to understand, the poetry is very advanced. Does this mean it HAS to be divine? No. But, it doesn't rule divinity out, I suppose.
    The people of Quraish endorsed a proposal and requested Abu Talib to talk to the Prophet very softly and he begged him to abandon his affair. To this suggestion the Prophet firmly replied:

    "0 my uncle, if they placed the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand to cause me to renounce my task, verily I would not desist therefrom until Allah made manifest His cause or I perished in the attempt."​

    Then they chose Utbah, the old and wise aristocrat of the Quraysh, to undertake that task. ‘He came closer to Muhammad [pbuh] and addressed him in the following words:

    We have seen no other man of Arabia, who has brought so great a calamity to a nation, as you have done. You have outraged our gods and religion and taxed our forefathers and wise men with impiety and error and created strife amongst us. You have left no stone unturned to estrange the relations with us. If you are doing all this with a view to getting wealth, we will join together to give you greater riches than any Quraishite has possessed. If ambition moves you, we will make you our chief. If you desire kingship we will readily offer you that. If you are under the power of an evil spirit which seems to haunt and dominate you so that you cannot shake off its yoke, then we shall call in skilful physicians to cure you.

    "Have you said all?" asked Muhammad [pbuh]; and then hearing that all had been said, he spoke forth, and started to recite the first 5 ayat of this surah:

    The Messenger of Allâh [pbuh] went on reciting the surah while ‘Utbah sitting and listening attentively with his hand behind his back to support him. When the Messenger reached the verse that required prostration, he immediately prostrated himself. After that, he turned to ‘Utbah saying:
    "Well Abu Al-Waleed! You have heard my reply, you are now free to do whatever you please." ‘Utbah then retired to his company to apprise them of the Prophet’s attitude. When his compatriots saw him, they swore that he had returned to them with a countenance unlike the one he had before meeting the Prophet [pbuh] . He immediately communicated to them the details of the talk he gave and the reply he received, and appended saying:
    "I have never heard words similar to those ones he recited. They definitely relate neither to poetry nor to witchcraft nor do they derive from soothsaying. O people of Quraish! I request you to heed my advice and grant the man full freedom to pursue his goals, in which case you could safely detach yourselves from him. I swear that his words bear a supreme Message. Should the other Arabs rid you of him, they will then spare you the trouble, on the other hand if he accedes to power over the Arabs, then you will bask in his kingship and share him his might." These words of course fell on deaf ears, and did not appeal to the infidels, who jeered at ‘Utbah and claimed that the Prophet [pbuh] had bewitched him. (Arraheeq Almakhtoom)

    The point is: Quran isn't just another piece of poetry; even top elite of Meccan polytheists acknowledged that.

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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    Allow me to drop my two cents in here. I will try to be brief ... "try"

    Firstly: Im sorry to burst your bubble, but if your looking for definitive, indisputable, and quantifiable proof of God, then im sorry but you most probably wont find anything like that here (at least non that i know of).

    Thing is ... you have to understand that this dunya's (world) sole purpose is to test the majority of us in our faith which is based on lack of absolute knowledge. What i mean by this is that there is no way to know for certain whether or not God exists except after death (that is somewhat hinted at even in the Quran where god refers to death as Yakeen which translates to certainty). Because, if you think about it, if there was definitive proof, say a miracle where no one can deny that this can only be from God, then what element of faith is there to test when it is superseded with absolute knowledge?

    Note: there are few people who where tested in other things such as patience or arrogance.

    1. Prophet was tested for his patience since he had absolute certainty of God (meaning he actually was able to establish God's presence not only through his belief).
    2. Iblis (the father/leader of all current devils) was tested in his pride .

    Secondly: I wanted to talk about why i personally believe islam to be the one true religion, but before i do, id like to ask you a question first.

    What would it take for you to believe in a supernatural deity or a God? What would it take for you to actually jump and take that leap of faith and admit that the idea of a God being the creator of the universe is more reassuring to you than it being out of coincidence? What would it take for you to make that leap of faith?
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    format_quote Originally Posted by ChosenTCO View Post
    Allow me to drop my two cents in here. I will try to be brief ... "try"

    Firstly: Im sorry to burst your bubble, but if your looking for definitive, indisputable, and quantifiable proof of God, then im sorry but you most probably wont find anything like that here (at least non that i know of).

    Thing is ... you have to understand that this dunya's (world) sole purpose is to test the majority of us in our faith which is based on lack of absolute knowledge. What i mean by this is that there is no way to know for certain whether or not God exists except after death (that is somewhat hinted at even in the Quran where god refers to death as Yakeen which translates to certainty). Because, if you think about it, if there was definitive proof, say a miracle where no one can deny that this can only be from God, then what element of faith is there to test when it is superseded with absolute knowledge?

    Note: there are few people who where tested in other things such as patience or arrogance.

    1. Prophet was tested for his patience since he had absolute certainty of God (meaning he actually was able to establish God's presence not only through his belief).
    2. Iblis (the father/leader of all current devils) was tested in his pride .

    Secondly: I wanted to talk about why i personally believe islam to be the one true religion, but before i do, id like to ask you a question first.

    What would it take for you to believe in a supernatural deity or a God? What would it take for you to actually jump and take that leap of faith and admit that the idea of a God being the creator of the universe is more reassuring to you than it being out of coincidence? What would it take for you to make that leap of faith?
    in podo's defence:
    There is no bubble to burst. Podo legitimally askes how we can be sure that God exists and why out of all other religions would Islam be the true one...other religions also claim they are the true religion.
    This is a normal reaction from someone who is foreign to faith and who used to look for logical answers.
    at least he tries to learn our viewpoint by asking.

    For him the logical world is solid ground, and he does not know yet that Islam is also solid...so he is not ready for his leap yet.
    Our job is to provide him our viewpoint in a way he can understand so that the doubts in his way to God can be wiped away.
    He needs to know that Islam is also solid, and he needs to know that he can gain a lot by believing in God.
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    The Qur'aan is true because it is from Allaah.

    That is the answer to the question.

    However, I think the question the OP meant to ask was how do we know the Qur'aan is true.

    The Qur'aan consists of over 6000 Verses. When you live your life as a Muslim, you get to see all the Verses which apply to this life come true before your very eyes.

    There are Verses which provide you solutions to problems you face in this world. When you apply those Verses you see the promised conclusions.

    The same is the case with the Sunnah.

    When you see time after time, again and again, how the Verses of the Qur'aan come true before your eyes and what is promised if you follow the guidance therein, you come to realize that everything it tells you about the next world will also come true.

    Finally, for a non-Muslim looking into Islam, if you are sincere, I would recommend that you make dua (supplication).

    Ask God to guide you. Ask Him to show you if Islaam is true or not. If you are an atheist then sincerely supplicate by saying if You truly exist guide me towards You, O God.

    Your prayer, without a doubt, will be answered if you honestly want the truth.

    If, however, you have already convinced yourself that the truth is that God does not exist and Islam is not a true Religion, then you are just wasting time. If you are not open to the truthfulness of Islam, then you cannot expect much. You might get lucky and have good destiny in your favor and convert at a later point in life, but other than that you are not about to accept Islam.

    Finally, as with anything in life, you cannot draw conclusions. As a matter of fact, it is a the scientific process to conduct an experiment and then induce and deduce the results.

    You cannot have answers to you questions about Islam until you live it, follow what the Qur'aan and Sunnah say, and then see if they are truthful or not.

    I can tell you they are but that does not mean much to you because you have not felt and lived it like I have.
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    Would like to add what i believe will help in clarification to this enlightening post - may Allah reward those who sincerely strive to make the true and just way of life prevalent

    format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez View Post
    The Qur'aan is true because it is from Allaah.
    And is the most pristine and recent instruction and guide from Him.

    format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez View Post
    That is the answer to the question.

    However, I think the question the OP meant to ask was how do we know the Qur'aan is true.
    "Why do we believe with certainty that the Quran is true" is probably more scientifically palatable.

    format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez View Post
    The Qur'aan consists of over 6000 Verses. When you live your life as a Muslim, you get to see all the Verses which apply to this life come true before your very eyes.

    There are Verses which provide you solutions to problems you face in this world. When you apply those Verses you see the promised conclusions.

    The same is the case with the Sunnah.

    When you see time after time, again and again, how the Verses of the Qur'aan come true before your eyes and what is promised if you follow the guidance therein, you come to realize that everything it tells you about the next world will also come true.

    Finally, for a non-Muslim looking into Islam, if you are sincere, I would recommend that you make dua (supplication).

    Ask God to guide you. Ask Him to show you if Islaam is true or not. If you are an atheist then sincerely supplicate by saying if You truly exist guide me towards You, O God.

    Your prayer, without a doubt, will be answered if you honestly want the truth.

    Your prayer, without a doubt, will be answered if you honestly want and sincerely seek the truth.

    format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez View Post
    If, however, you have already convinced yourself that the truth is that God does not exist and Islam is not a true Religion, then you are just wasting time.
    If, however, you have already convinced yourself that the truth is that God does not exist and Islam is not a true Religion, then you are making a grave mistake, you will inevitably err from the straight path and commit injustice to yourself and to others, and will land yourself in unbearable punishment after God's Promised Just Judgement.
    If you seek and follow the truth with sincerity, you will inevitably come to the logical conclusion that Islam is the most true and just path, and if you sincerely follow the most true and just path available to you, you will certainly have an easy judgement and be rewarded with a reward that will make you happier and richer than the happiest and richest person on planet earth.

    format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez View Post
    If you are not open to the truthfulness of Islam, then you cannot expect much. You might get lucky and have good destiny in your favor and convert at a later point in life, but other than that you are not about to accept Islam.

    Finally, as with anything in life, you cannot draw conclusions. As a matter of fact, it is a the scientific process to conduct an experiment and then induce and deduce the results.
    You can and sometimes must accept a notion or claim in order to move forward with a basis in life, and you can also come to believe with certainty in a claim or notion, but i personallly believe that some things are certain beyond doubt such as - the fact that i have a brain in my head even though i can't directly see it - and the existence and oneness of a law setting creator of the universe - and this is logically demonstrable through elimination of fallacies.

    format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez View Post
    You cannot have answers to your questions about Islam until you live it, follow what the Qur'aan and Sunnah say, and then see if they are truthful or not. I can tell you they are but that does not mean much to you because you have not felt and lived it like I have
    You cannot have complete answers to many of your questions about Islam until you live it, follow what the Qur'aan and Sunnah say, and then see if they are truthful or not just as you can't have a complete answer as to how Vimto tastes until you taste it, or what passing or failing an exam feels like until you pass or fail it, or what absolute zero feels like uness you feel it (but you will refuse to feel it because you believe/believe with certainty that it will harm you) or as to how death or ressurection feel until you experience them - you can however use your intellect and empathetic and sympathetic brain feelies to get a basic idea of what it's most likely like so that you force yourself to sacrifice the unlawful drugs and debaucheries and some lawful entertainment in order to study so as to not fail the final exam and so as not to end up -not simply wiping the supermarket floor- but landing in eternal damnation.
    I assure you, i inform you with certainty beyond doubt that you will die even if you don't think or don't want to believe that it's true. Your logical brain tells you certain things are certain, but i'm also telling you that there will be no conclusion of your eternal story - even after death.
    It would be wise of you to sit down (or walk or pace about if you prefer) and have a long and deep think about it.

    Much of this advice is to myself also since the human's nature pulls him/her to err at least sometimes - and teaching is re-study and revision.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 06-30-2018 at 06:56 PM.
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    I find the Quran to be true because what is says is the truth the scientific facts how a child is born etc all of this told 1400 years ago and science discovered things later on. When you read the Quran and understand it every single thing written is just beneficial for us it acts like a guide I duno its just so very powerful. Every single time you read there's something new that you learn. I don't really know how to explain but it certainly is the truth every single thing written just turns out to be true..
    Why is the Koran True?

    Allah made everyone different thats what makes them special,so no matter what ppl say just remember you're SPECIAL!!
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    Re: Why is the Koran True?

    My purpose for this thread is to ask you all, in your own words, why you consider the narrative in the Koran to be the accurate and unaltered word of god,,,My hang-up, however, is the belief aspect. I can (and do) respect the Koran as a philosophical text, a historical text, and even as a moral treatise. My issue is the last leap to actual belief in a deity. I understand that the pillars of Islam require the belief that there is no god but god, and that Muhammad was his last messenger, but the idea of believing in something that can't be established as observably true is difficult for me, especially since I have never put much thought or care into the existence of deities one way or another.
    3 things:

    1. Allah's existence
    2. The Prophet Muhammed's (Peace Be Upon Him) legitimacy as a Prophet of God
    3. The Quran's unalterability (as if that's a word)

    1. The existence of the Creator is proven by the existence of the creation: This is easily observable in the meticulous, extreme precision and detail that is apparent in all that exists. This level of organization, precision, and symmetry that we can observe in every facet of science and cannot be replicated in even the most advanced of man-made technology is clear indisputable proof of the One who Fashioned the Universe and gave it its grandeur. Nothing man-made can come about haphazardly or by chance. Human beings and the rest of "creation" are far more advanced than even the most sophisticated man-made technology.

    I do not agree with my brothers and sisters here who say that there is no proof of Allah's existence and that you just have to believe. Iman (Faith) in Islam is believing with conviction in the clear signs that are right in front of your face and there is nothing that is clearer in this Universe than the existence of Allah. Two of the Names of Allah are ath-Thahir (The Apparent) and al-Batin (The Hidden). Of course, none of us can see Allah outright but His existence, power, might, wisdom, and greatness are evident in everything that we can observe all around us.

    2. Proof of Muhammed's Prophethood (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) is established by his character. If he were not a Prophet, there are only 3 other possibilities that could exist, none of which stand to reason:

    a)--And said, "Is it one human being among us that we should follow? Indeed, we would then be in error and madness. Has the message been sent down upon him from among us? Rather, he is an insolent liar." They will know tomorrow who is the insolent liar. (al-Qamar: 25-26)

    The innumerable examples of his sincerity and truthfulness disprove any thought or statement that Muhammed was untruthful or a liar. For 40 years in Makkah, he had a reputable standing in society. He was known as being trustworthy. He was married to a very wealthy businesswoman. He had daughters and a good life. He put all of this on the line for the sake of his message and after 13 years of preaching he left Makkah as a fugitive. To keep things brief I will list a number of points which proves that he was one of the most truthful and sincere of people:
    *As I said, his reputation was trustworthiness from the leaders of Makkah for 40 years before he became a Prophet. And then, after 40 years he is going to come with the greatest hoax of human history? I don't think so.
    *The story of the dispute of the leaders of Quraish as to who would put the black stone into the Kabbah. The matter almost led to bloodshed. The leaders agreed to let Muhammed (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) arbitrate the matter which he did brilliantly.
    *The story of Abu Sufyan when he went to talk to Heraculius about Muhammed (May Allah's Peace and Blessings be Upon him). Even though he was an enemy to Muhammed he was forced to say nothing but good things about him.
    *The complete sacrifice that he made for his message. This proves his sincerity. "Good brother" gave an excellent example of this when the leaders offered him a position of authority, wealth, and women if he gave up his call and he refused.
    *When he died, he left almost nothing behind in terms of wealth. Why would he lie when there was nothing for him to gain from it in the worldly sense?

    And many more examples besides these which I have not included due to brevity. All of these things (and more) prove that he (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) was no liar.

    b)--"Say, "I only advise you of one [thing] - that you stand for Allah , [seeking truth] in pairs and individually, and then give thought." There is not in your companion any madness. He is only a warner to you before a severe punishment." (Saba: 46)

    The exceptional intelligence, forsight, wisdom and understanding of the Prophet (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) are all proof against any defects in the mental clarity and coherence of this wise and noble man . He was an extremely successful father, statesman, teacher, leader, judge, arbiter, friend, husband, strategist, businessman/trader, and more.
    The Prophet united the war-mongering tribes of Arabia under one banner, established a charity/welfare system, set up educational institutions for learning, pragmatically abolished slavery gradually, basically established an empire from scratch. None of these things could have been accomplished except by a man with a sound mind.

    c)--And indeed, for you is a reward uninterrupted. And indeed, you are of a great moral character. So you will see and they will see which of you is the afflicted [by a devil]. (al-Qalam: 4-6)

    "And the devils have not brought the revelation down. It is not allowable for them, nor would they be able. Indeed they, from [its] hearing, are removed. So do not invoke with Allah another deity and [thus] be among the punished." (Ash-Shuara: 210-213)

    And this is actually an accusation that is made by some of the Jews and Christians. So what I want to know is: what's the devil's grand master plan here? Before Muhammed (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) Arabia was steeped in darkness. Drinking, gambling, fornication and adultery were all widespread norms in the society. It was a custom for the Arabs to bury their daughters alive out of fear of poverty. Tribal warfare was ongoing and normal and could easily arise out of some kind of stupid dispute. Highway robbery and gangs who would steal, kill and plunder were all normal threats that one would have to beware of. Swindling and cheating in business were also problems. Arabia was in Shaitan's (may Allah Curse him) back pocket.

    Why, then, would he go out of his way to inspire a man to abolish all of the above-mentioned vices, to put an end to idol-worship, the killing of baby daughters, fornication and adultery, the killing and blood shedding of the tribes, to establish prayer and the giving of charity, to teach that one should give proper respect to one's parents as well as all the other moral teachings?

    This is not the work of the devil (may Allah Curse Him) this is not something that befits him. None of these things that Muhammed (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) accomplished are things that would please the devil but on the contrary would grieve him.

    If you can think of a forth possibility let me know.

    What also proves his prophethood (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) is the challenge. This was also well-mentioned by "Good brother". Allah in the beginning challenged the Arabs to bring a Quran like it if they think that Muhammed wasn't truthful. They couldn't do it. Then Allah made the challenge easier and told them just to bring 10 surahs (chapters) like it. They still couldn't do it. Then Allah made it even easier and said to bring just one surah like it and they can organize whomever they want for the task. The smallest surah in the Quran is just 3 verses long. 3 verses long and they still were unable to do it. The Arabs were masters of Arabic. If the Prophet
    were making this up, then the Arabs could have easily made one up like it, but they didn't because they couldn't.

    3. The Preservation of the Quran
    The Prophet taught his companions the Quran. Many of them memorized it by heart and taught it to others successfully throughout the centuries until today where we still have thousands if not millions of Muslims who have the entire Quran memorized by heart. There are even many children in the Muslim world who have the entire Quran memorized and could pick out a chapter if you asked them to.

    A Muslim who has memorized the entire Quran is called a "Hafidth" which means "preserver". The one who has memorized the Quran is literally one who preserves it. This is the main method of how the Quran was and is preserved. If you were to go to a masjid (and any one of the brothers or even sisters can testify to this) and observe the Muslims when they pray: if the Imam (the one leading the prayer) were to make an unintentional mistake and change so much as a letter from the Book of Allah (again unintentionally) you will find one of the common Muslims would immediately correct him in the prayer. If someone were to try and change anything from the Quran, they would be found out immediately. In fact, if every single copy, both printed and digital, of the Quran were to be destroyed (which of course is impossible) we the Muslims could easily compile the Quran again word-for-word and letter-for-letter within a matter of hours. And it could be done independently from different parts of the Muslim world (meaning one from Saudi Arabia, one from Egypt, one from Malaysia, and so on). This is proof that the Quran we have toady is the same exact Quran that Muhammed taught to his noble companions (RadiaAllahu 'Anhum).

    These are just some quick points that I hope can be of use in answering your queries. I tried to keep it brief on purpose. If you wish for me to elaborate on any one of the points (including the point of the existence of the Creator), then I would be more than happy to do so.

    Again, I do not agree with my Brothers and Sisters who are saying that there is no proof for our beliefs, you just have to believe. This is a Christian concept. Allah says that He Sent Messengers with signs so that people could reflect on those signs and then believe and follow the Truth with certainty. These signs are not only the specific miracles that the Prophets (May Allah Peace and Blessings Be upon them all) showed to their respective peoples but also the clear signs that are all around us to this day (if only we would reflect) and that the vast majority of mankind is taking for granted.

    "And We have made the night and day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night and made the sign of the day visible that you may seek bounty from your Lord and may know the number of years and the account [of time]. And everything We have set out in detail." (al-Isra: 12)

    "...And indeed, many among the people, of Our signs, are heedless." (Yunus: 92)

    "We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences" (al-Hadid: 25)
    Wa Allahu 'Alim
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