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Looking for the Right Religion

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    Truthist's Avatar Limited Member
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    Looking for the Right Religion

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    As I said in my new member introduction, I was raised in the Christian church but have left that religion several times because there are parts of it that are hard for me to believe and/or follow. I've been trying Christianity again, but am hitting some of the same barriers again.
    Just today I realized that, while Christianity is currently the religion with the most adherents--which is one of the reasons I keep going back to it--far more than 50% of the people in the world don't believe that Jesus was God's son. If what the majority of people believe matters, then a religion in which Jesus wasn't God's son might be the most correct. And Islam is the most followed one that fits that requirement.

    Anyway, I read somewhere today that there are actual proofs that Islam is the correct one. I'd love to find those proofs. What I want is the truth. That's why I call myself "Truthist." Can anyone tell me where to find these proofs? If I can't have proofs I'll see what God leads me towards.
    It scares me some to think about leaving what I was always told was the only good way to go, but if I'm just looking for the truth, I don't think God can really be displeased.

    A more minor question: In case Islam is the way I go, do I need to start learning the prayers in Arabic, or can they be said in English? I'm pretty sure from today's research that they have to be memorized. I am fine with this--anything for the right religion.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    format_quote Originally Posted by Truthist View Post
    As I said in my new member introduction, I was raised in the Christian church but have left that religion several times because there are parts of it that are hard for me to believe and/or follow. I've been trying Christianity again, but am hitting some of the same barriers again.
    Just today I realized that, while Christianity is currently the religion with the most adherents--which is one of the reasons I keep going back to it--far more than 50% of the people in the world don't believe that Jesus was God's son. If what the majority of people believe matters, then a religion in which Jesus wasn't God's son might be the most correct. And Islam is the most followed one that fits that requirement.

    Anyway, I read somewhere today that there are actual proofs that Islam is the correct one. I'd love to find those proofs. What I want is the truth. That's why I call myself "Truthist." Can anyone tell me where to find these proofs? If I can't have proofs I'll see what God leads me towards.
    Welcome to Islamicboard Sister, may you find the truth. We will try our best to help you with your questions.
    Could you tell us what your barriers were about Christianity?

    Ehm...about proof...it depends on what you consider as "proof". If you are looking for cold hard scientific evidences for the existence of God, or whatever, then I am afraid we have to disappoint you.
    If that was true, then there would be no more need to "believe" because everyone would then know the existence of God.

    But we can show you some other evidences like the Quraan.
    When we ask ourselves "who is the Author of the Quraan?" and we examine it more closely, it becomes clear we cannot actually answer that question scientifically.
    - It is written in high poetic Arabic...that gives us an indication that the Author was actually very intelligent.
    - The style is similar throughout the book, so it is clear there is only one Author, and it is not a combination or more authors.
    - Scientifically and historically correct. There are no errors in it.

    Our Prophet Muhammad (sas) could not be the Author of it, because he could not read or write. Besides, he was illiterate, he never had access to Jewish or Christian literature, so there was no way he could know about the stories of Adam, Noah, Abraham and all the other stories.

    So, if Muhammad (sas) was not the Author of the Quraan, and there is no one else, then who wrote the Quraan?

    The only possible answer to that is that Gods words have been dictated to our Prophet bit by bit, and he in turn dictated it to us...bit by bit...over a time of roughly 20 years.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Truthist View Post

    It scares me some to think about leaving what I was always told was the only good way to go, but if I'm just looking for the truth, I don't think God can really be displeased.

    A more minor question: In case Islam is the way I go, do I need to start learning the prayers in Arabic, or can they be said in English? I'm pretty sure from today's research that they have to be memorized. I am fine with this--anything for the right religion.
    Prayers in Islaam are of two kinds. The five daily prayers which we call "Salat" indeed must be done in Arabic. at the beginning you could read it from a book as long as you did not memorize it yet...it would be better....but one step at a time...no need to rush.

    Other prayers, like the prayers in Christianity...talking to God, asking God something, can be anytime anywhere and in any language.
    Just open your hands and talk to God...It will be heard and understood no matter which language you use.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    Just in case, I'll try to reply to this again. The most important thing I wanted to say is THANK YOU! If this works, I have a few other things to say, later.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    I'll try to start to answer your question about the barriers, the problems I keep having with Christianity. There are too many to list them all. I want a religion, I want a relationship with God, and I'm thinking maybe He's saying, "Okay, but Christianity is not the way."
    We're told that we'll get faith by reading the Bible, but I keep coming to things that just don't sound right, but since I'm trying to have faith, I just tell myself that maybe I'll understand later, and pray for understanding, and go on. But they keep piling up.
    One example: If God wants to forgive people, couldn't He just do it, without having to put an innocent person through a long, painful death? I think in Islam He just forgives. There are no conditions He has to satisfy before He can do it.
    I don't pretend to know how God would do things, but I just keep getting these questions.

    I've been reading in the Qur'an and so far, I haven't come to anything like this. It just sounds more Godly to me.

    I'll stop here and see if I can get this posted. Maybe there's still a delay for a moderator to check it. I'm enjoying reading this website and discovering things. The idea that having doubts is okay and that it's what you DO and whether you persevere is very encouraging. If I want to find the right religion so much, and I search and I try things and don't give up, maybe I'll be rewarded, if not today, then some day soon. I surely didn't ask for doubts and am trying to send them away. When I call it doubts, it's because I want to believe in Islam, and it makes a lot of sense to me, although I still have an open mind for something else if God sends it instead.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    format_quote Originally Posted by Truthist View Post
    One example: If God wants to forgive people, couldn't He just do it, without having to put an innocent person through a long, painful death? I think in Islam He just forgives. There are no conditions He has to satisfy before He can do it.
    Exactly. Anywhere and anytime. The only requirements are:
    - You truly have to repent and promise not to do that again
    - Ask God directly to forgive you. We do not confess to priests or imams or sheikhs. No one can forgive my sins in the name of God.

    We do not have the original sin of Adam as like Christians do. Every baby is born sinless until the age of 6, 7 or 8 when it is capable to distinguish between good and evil.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    Welcome to the forum.

    We have 6 articles of faith, they are the following:

    1- The Oneness of God
    God is One. He is the Supreme and Eternal, the Creator and Provider, the Merciful and Compassionate. God has no father or mother and no son or daughter; He has never fathered anyone nor was He fathered. God has no equal. He is the God of all humankind, not of a special tribe, race, or group of people. He is the God of people of all races and colors, and of believers and unbelievers alike. God is Mighty and Supreme, yet is very near to the pious and thoughtful believers. God asks us to know Him, to love Him, and to follow His law for our own benefit and salvation.

    2- The Angels of God
    Angels are pure and spiritually obedient creatures. God created them to fulfill His commands and worship Him tirelessly.

    3- The Divine Revelations (Books)
    Muslims believe in the revelations sent by Almighty God to His prophets and messengers including the Quran, the Torah, the Gospel, the Scrolls of Abraham and the Psalms of David.

    4- The Prophets of God
    All of the messengers and prophets of God such as Noah, Moses, Solomon, Jesus and Muhammad were mortal human beings who were endowed with Divine Revelations and appointed by God to teach humankind how to submit to His will and obey His laws.

    5- Resurrection after Death and the Day of Judgment
    After the world ends, Muslims believe that all people will be brought back to life to face the Judgment of Almighty God. Muslims believe in an appointed Day of Judgment and in heaven and hell.

    6- Preordainment (Qadar)
    Muslims believe in God’s eternally preexistent knowledge and that nothing in existence lies outside of His eternal control.

    I want to add something to point 4 which is that prophets came to tribes and people long before the preservation of Islam to preach the oneness of God and guide them, but the people wanted to keep parts of their old ways or change things, so they implemented other practices and changed the holy books. So in actuality, Islam was always preached since the beginning from every prophet, and we consider every prophet to be Muslim because they all believed in the oneness of God and had impeccable character. This is why you will find many similarities between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and yet very contrasting differences. The trinity for example is very much a pagan ideology and I learned this in my history art class at uni! So it's not even a secret that this was a belief carried over. Another thing in christianity is the unholy actions of prophets such as David committing adultery. This is not true in Islam.

    Essentially all of the prophets have been preaching the same thing since the beginning, but the people want to follow their own desires in the end. The quran is the only holy book which has been preserved entirely and memorized by heart by millions of followers, so it can never really be destroyed or corrupted.

    Finally, after reading your posts, this video reminded me of you because this bro has been through the same journey, so I hope you find it to be a great resource and help:

    Last edited by *charisma*; 03-30-2022 at 10:26 AM.
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    Looking for the Right Religion

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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    Hopefully Allah shows you the way
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    Hello Truthist,

    Welcome to the forum.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Truthist View Post
    Anyway, I read somewhere today that there are actual proofs that Islam is the correct one. I'd love to find those proofs. What I want is the truth. That's why I call myself "Truthist." Can anyone tell me where to find these proofs? If I can't have proofs I'll see what God leads me towards.
    Out of God's mercy and wisdom, He has sent Prophets to guide mankind and He has supported them with miracles and signs to prove their prophethood. The (main) miracle of the Final Messenger, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, is the Qur'an, which will remain a miracle for all generations no matter when or where they live. The Qur'an is set apart from all other books in that it cannot be rivalled or imitated.

    During the time of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, the Arabs had reached the peak of eloquence and tribes would compete with each other to produce the most skilled and eloquent poet. Due to this pride that was prevalent among the Arabs, God revealed the Qur'an in an Arabic that was so eloquent that the Arabs could clearly see it was a miracle from their Creator. On top of this, God challenged them to bring forth anything similar to the Qur'an yet they themselves admitted that they could never match the Qur'an. This challenge has remained down throughout history, but not one person has been able to produce anything like it. If it were the word of a human being, some people would have been able to produce something like it or close to it. The eloquence and beauty of the Qur'an is so great that it is considered to be the ultimate authority and reference work for Arabic rhetoric, grammar and syntax, even by non-Muslim Arabs. Moreover, orientalists who have studied the Qur'an have acknowledged the literary excellence of the Qur'an.

    The literary aspect of the Qur'an is perhaps the strongest and most apparent of its miraculous nature. But, there are many other facets from which the Qur'an is miraculous. For example:

    - The stories and accounts of the nations and prophets of old, since the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم had no recourse to such information.
    - The predictions which occurred in the Qur'an and which later came true.
    - The perfect belief of Monotheism - the attribution of all that befits God and the negation of all that does not befit Him, and the call of the Creator to the created to worship Him. All of this is not possible for a human to bring forth unless he was inspired by God.
    - The laws that the Qur'an came with and the morals and conduct that it called for. All of this leads to the betterment of life in this world and in the Hereafter. The perfection of a set of laws that can be applied to any society at any time and place is humanly impossible, and the Law of Islam is the only example of such a set of laws.
    - The fact that it has been protected and remained unchanged: every letter of it was transmitted by thousands from thousands down throughout history, and not one letter of it was altered. If any person tried to alter anything in it, or add something or take something away, then he would be exposed straight away, because God is the One Who has guaranteed to preserve the Qur'an, unlike the case with other divinely-revealed Books.
    - The ease by which it is memorised, and this is known by experience and observance. Muslims everywhere memorise the Qur'an, many millions memorising the entire Qur'an from cover to cover, such that Huffa(those who have memorised the entire Qur'an by heart) are ubiquitous within the Muslim community. It is not uncommon to find children as young as six or seven or younger who have completed their memorisation of the entire Qur'an. If all the books in the entire world were to be lost or destroyed, the Qur'an would still be recovered letter for letter as it is preserved in the hearts of so many millions. This is in contrast to all other religious books, for none of them are memorised like the Qur'an.
    - The deep meanings that are present in it, and the fact that a reader never tires of reading the Qur'aan, no matter how many times he has heard it or read it. This is in contrast to any other book, since a person cannot read it more than a few times without it gelling monotonous and mundane.
    - It is free from any shortcoming, error or contradiction, despite it having been revealed over a period of 23 years and in different circumstances. If the Qur'an were not the word of God, there would be some contradictions and shortcomings in it.
    - The scientific facts in the Qur'an: although the Qur'an is not primarily devoted to a discussion of science, its references to subjects of a scientific nature conform exactly to modern science, and the Qur'an imparts knowledge that was unknown during the time of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. These descriptions are free from retroactive ideas that plagued humanity from the earliest of times.

    In addition to the above, one will find further evidence for the truth of Islam by studying the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad
    صلى الله عليه وسلم. The unbiased researcher will realise the fallacy in thinking that Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم was a false prophet who claimed Prophethood to attain material gain, greatness or power. To the contrary, the entire biography of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is one of the strongest proofs of his sincerity and Prophethood. Here follow some examples:

    - Before becoming a Prophet, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم was well-known to his own people for 40 years to be trustworthy and reliable, an honest man, a person of integrity, who did not lie. It was due to this reason they named him "Al-Ameen", or "The Trustworthy". The Qur'an therefore appealed to them to look at his life and try to understand. How could he tell lies against God, when he did not tell lies against human beings? One should also bear in mind the vast amount of teachings in Islam (including verses in the Qur'an) which condemn lying. See for example verse 10:17 ('Who does more wrong than those who fabricate lies against Allah or deny His revelations? Indeed, the wicked will never succeed.') Such verses strengthen Muhammad's صلى الله عليه وسلم claim to Prophethood because if he invented the Qur'an, he would be calling himself a criminal and calling for damnation upon himself. When he ascended the Mount of Safa and gathered many of the people, he said, 'If I inform you that cavalrymen are proceeding up the side of this mountain, will you believe me?' They replied, 'We have never experienced any lie from you.'

    - An example of the honesty and integrity of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is when the sun eclipsed on the day that his son, Ibrahim, died. The people said that the sun had eclipsed because of the death of Ibrāhīm. Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, “The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death or life (i.e., birth) of anyone. Rather, they are two of the signs of Allah, by which He instills fear in His slaves. When you see the eclipse, pray and invoke Allah.” Had the Prophet ﷺ been an imposter, this would have been the perfect opportunity to capitalize on such a credibility booster. These coinciding events opened an extremely convenient window for self-promotion, and yet, the Prophet ﷺ would not even let others interpret this as the skies being saddened for Ibrāhīm. Though hurting from the tragic loss, he ﷺ ascended the pulpit, dismissed the false interpretation, and established that eclipses follow nothing but the universal laws of God.

    - The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was raised illiterate, unable to read or write, and remained like that till his death. Before receiving revelation, he had no prior knowledge of religion or any previously sent Message. He remained like that for his first forty years. Revelation then came to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم with the Quran which mentioned most of the accounts found in the previous scriptures, telling us about these events in the greatest detail as if the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم witnessed them.

    - The message that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم brought testifies to its truth. He brought a Sacred Law whose rulings are full of wisdom and benefit. He also brought teachings that elucidate the utmost refinement of ethics, behaviour and character. Consider the value of what he ﷺ preached, both in terms of its inherent quality and the breadth of its scope. It defined people’s relationships with their Maker, with those around them, even with animals and inanimate objects, and provided timeless wisdom about everything related to their individual or collective well-being. Then consider its consistency; the harmony of such a comprehensive corpus that addresses theology, personal conduct, interpersonal behavior, civil laws, foreign policies, ritual worship, and spiritual perceptions certainly classifies it as uniquely intriguing, if not miraculous. This becomes further evident when contrasted with other doctrines of religion and law that waned in the face of criticism and with the passage of time. The ongoing inability of human beings to devise an ageless system that confers equilibrium and holistic well-being makes us appreciate the message of the Final Prophet ﷺ all the more.

    - All good qualities and virtues were perfected in him, something which no one else can attain except the Prophets whom God protected and guided. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was a perfect example of being upright, merciful, compassionate, truthful, brave, generous, distant from all evil character, and ascetic in all worldly matters, while striving solely for the reward of the Hereafter. Moreover, in all his actions and dealings, he was ever mindful and fearful of God. Despite enduring so much loss, pain and suffering, he persevered with hope and in fact became a fountain of mercy and empathy for people, animals and plants alike. Only God could have empowered him ﷺ to have compassion for the heartless, forgiveness for his enemies, and concern for the arrogant. Only God could have kept his heart grateful at times when others could not even be patient, and his heart merciful at times when others could not even be just.

    - If one were to allege that Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم claimed Prophethood for fame, glory and status, we would see that what actually occurred was the exact opposite. He was offered wealth and status in exchange for abandoning his call but he refused. For 13 years in Makkah, he and his followers faced torture (which led to the death of some of his followers), ridicule, sanctioning and ex-communication from society. The simple and austere lifestyle of the Prophet ﷺ is a major indication that his mission could not have been self-serving. Despite controlling all of Arabia by the end of his life and having thousands of followers, we find no luxury in any sphere of his life. Rather, we find in his apartment a straw mat that would leave marks on his side, and a hanging leather water skin from which he bathed. For months on end, no fire would be kindled for cooking in his home and his family had to be content with dates and water unless a Companion gifted them some milk.

    - The triumphs that God gave him and the spread of the religion he preached, as well as the triumph of this religion over all existing religions in a short period of time. Had he been a liar, God would have humiliated and destroyed him as He did with those before him who falsely claimed Prophethood. He also received special protection and care from God, which kept him safe at times of crisis; if it were not for this protection he would most certainly have been doomed to destruction. None of this could have happened except to one who was truly sent by God.

    - God gave him further miracles as supporting evidence: the moon split for him, water gushed from his fingers, food became more abundant in his hands and similar phenomena were authentically reported and happened in a way that could not be denied.

    - Several occasions presented themselves where he could have fabricated revelation. For example, after the first revelation came, people awaited to hear more, but the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم did not receive anything new for months. The Meccans began making fun of him, ‘His Lord has abandoned him!’ This continued until Chapter 93 was revealed. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم could have compiled something and presented it as the latest revelation to end the mockery, but he did not. Also, at one point during his Prophethood, some of the hypocrites accused his beloved wife Aisha of being unchaste. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم could have easily fabricated something to free her of blame, but he waited for many excruciating days, all spent in pain, mockery, and anguish, until revelation came from God freeing her from the accusation.

    - His coming was foretold in the Torah and Gospel, and some of the People of the Book saw that these prophecies applied in totality to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, which led them to embrace Islam. There are still passages in the Bible that clearly refer to the Prophethood of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.

    - On multiple occasions the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم prophecised future events and each and every one of them came to pass, just as he ﷺ mentioned. These were pertaining to victory, the removal of the tyrannical kingdoms of Chosroes and Caesar, the establishment of the religion of Islam throughout the earth, signs pertaining to the Day of Judgement and so on.

    These are some of the evidences and proofs that Islam is the true Religion. I hope you will take the time to reflect and research these points (and there are many more), and keep asking God to guide you.

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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    In addition to the above post, I would like to quote a few older posts that may be beneficial to you:

    format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah
    Allah has sent a succession of prophets to people throughout the ages, to convey His message to them, and with guidance to show people how He wants them to live and worship Him. Muslims believe in all the prophets God sent, and do not reject or blaspheme any of them, from Adam, to the last and final prophet, Muhammad, peace be on them all. They were the purest and noblest of humanity and were not divine in any way. God sent all the prophets with the same message and not different messages. The message was: to submit wholeheartedly to God and worship Him and Him alone, without any associates in, or parts to, His Exclusive Divinity, and to obey the prophet. They taught that people should be under no misperception that they can commit themselves to God as their Lord, and then combine this with accepting others as their Lord, or associating others in His Divinity, in whatever way. They taught that we should strive hard to translate our belief in the One True God into practice, by obeying God and the messengers He sent, who were also role models and examples for us, showing us practically how to put the guidance they were sent with into practice in our daily lives, explaining the scriptures, warning against wrong-doing, giving good tidings, and giving additional legislation from God.

    So Islam is not a new faith but is the same Ultimate Truth that God revealed to all prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them). Thus Islam is not named after a specific person (like Christianity, Buddhism), nor after a certain race or place (like Judaism, Hinduism), but is named by God Himself, and the meaning loosely translates as 'submission to God', which is what every Prophet and their righteous followers did, from amongst all times, all races and all peoples. That in itself is one fraction of the evidence that it was the way of all the Prophets from the beginning.

    With time, the message got forgotten or corrupted. So people started worshipping other gods along with Him, made idols, said that God begot a son, said that certain people were incarnations of God, some rejected belief in God altogether, while others elevated the status of some prophets to divine, or at the other end rejected or blasphemed some of the prophets. Whenever God's message got distorted by people, or forgotten, a new messenger was sent, not with any new or changed message, but reinforcing the actual message that God sent all the messengers with, the actual core beliefs that people were taught from the beginning of humanity, confirming the true parts of previous teachings and scriptures, and correcting wrong beliefs and misconceptions that had crept in.

    God required that whenever He sent a new messenger, that messenger should be followed along with any new scripture given to him. This chain of messengers culminates in prophet Muhammad (peace on him), who is the last and final prophet and messenger. Since his prophethood, Gods message is available unchanged and unadulterated, for the entire world, until the end of time. He wasn't sent as prophet and messenger for a specific group of people and specific time (e.g. as Moses and Jesus were to the Children of Israel), but he was sent for all the world, for all time, until the Day of Judgement. Thus he is the last, not first, prophet of Islam; a messenger to all mankind, for now, and for all time to come.

    Muslims love and respect Jesus (peace be upon him) and believe in him as he was; one of the most noble and purest of humanity to ever walk the earth, and one of the greatest messengers of Allah, sent to the Children of Israel. We do not reject him (as Jews do), nor do we deify him (as Christians do). Neither he, nor any other messenger, ever claimed divinity, or to be God's son. We believe he was born miraculously of the noble virgin Mary (peace be on her), and that he is the messiah. We do not however, believe that he was crucified. He'll return to earth near the end of time.
    Muslim-Christian Dialogue (islamicboard.com)

    The following two posts are by members who used to be Christians and then converted to Islam:

    format_quote Originally Posted by YusufNoor
    we cannot reach the conclusion for you, ONLY Allah(SWT) can bring you to the realization of the truth. FROM MY VIEWPOINT, Islam's totality of guidance and the ACTUAL GENEROSITY of the Sharia stood out PROOF to me. i mean assuming a) God exists and b) He has spoken to mankind and c) His Message would make total sense, Islam cleans the clock of the other 2 Abrahamic faiths.

    Judaism rejected the Messiah Jesus/Isa(pbuh), as well as turning to a Priestly dominated religion in the time of Ezra and Hezekiah. It also has a pretty bad track record of killing the Prophets.[see Nehemiah ch. 9] Christianity has the Catholic Church and the fact that majority of churches are her daughter. It, also seems way too focused on Jesus(pbuh) and, imho, totally neglects "the Father!"

    Islam MAY APPEAR to be something "different" or "new", but it is simply a return to the religion of Abraham(pbuh) and is in reality an elaborate and complete form of the 7 Noahide Laws, so much so that a vast number of Jews [including some that have posted here on this forum] are of the opinion the proper followers of Islam are entitled to Jannah [Heaven] according to their beliefs.

    In Islam, one learns about Allah Ta'Aala in ways totally neglected by Christians, who focus instead on Jesus[pbuh]. when you base your life around the 5 daily prayers and constantly call on God [Allah Ta'Aala] for assistance, many of the sayings of Jesus[pbuh] start to make sense. Moses/Musa [pbuh] is the most referred to Prophet in the Qur'an and we end up with a Religion that focuses on worshipping and obeying God [Allah Ta'Aala], but with Moses[pbuh] and Jesus[pbuh] and other Prophets [alayhe Salaam] as well pointing to the same Truth preached by Muhammad ibn Abdullah[pbuh]!
    format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
    I was raised as a Christian (Baptist), but I reverted to Islam while I was in college. Since I can remember, I have always believed in a Supreme Creator and have striven to worship this Being. When I first read the Quran, I went through the index of Yusuf Ali translation to find all of the passages that referred to people that I knew from the Bible, particularly Jesus and Mary. At first I disbelieved because it was different from what I believed at the time, but I kept reading anyway. I reached a point where I concluded that the Quran was more logical in the teaching that God is One without ancestors, descendants or equal. My fundamentally beliefs changed in a "paradigm shift" kind of way. I have not studied all of the world's religions, but I accept on faith that Islam is True. The fundamental teachings of Islam is to believe that God is One, to do good deeds, such as prayer and charity, and to avoid the bad, such as murder, adultery, dishonesty, gambling, and consuming alcohol. It is also consistent with my prior belief in a Hereafter, but with a means to gain Paradise and avoid Hellfire that was more logical than the Christian means of salvation. Ironically, I accept the uncertainty of my personal destiny as a Muslim over the certainty of salvation promised by Christianity.
    Why do you say Islam is the only true religion? (islamicboard.com)

    For further stories of those who converted to Islam, you can see:
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here! (islamicboard.com)

    May Allah, the Exalted, guide you and open your heart to Islam, Ameen!
    Last edited by Muhammad; 03-30-2022 at 08:58 PM.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    Dear sister,

    Welcome to the forum.

    What I have to say here is quote from Quran about John the Baptist (Yahya in Quran), Zacharia, Mary and Jesus. It's 19th chapter of Quran, called Maryam (Mary):

    P.S. You can also read 3rd chapter of Quran, Ali-Imran (Family of Imran, which is family of Mary and Jesus. Imran was prophet and father of Mary)

    In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.1. Kaf, Ha, Ya, Ayn, Saad.2. A mention of the mercy of your Lord towards His servant Zechariah.3. When he called on his Lord, a call in seclusion.4. He said, “My Lord, my bones have become feeble, and my hair is aflame with gray, and never, Lord, have I been disappointed in my prayer to you.5. “And I fear for my dependents after me, and my wife is barren. So grant me, from Yourself, an heir.6. To inherit me, and inherit from the House of Jacob, and make him, my Lord, pleasing.”7. “O Zechariah, We give you good news of a son, whose name is John, a name We have never given before.”8. He said, “My Lord, how can I have a son, when my wife is barren, and I have become decrepit with old age?”9. He said, “It will be so, your Lord says, ‘it is easy for me, and I created you before, when you were nothing.’”10. He said, “My Lord, give me a sign.” He said, “Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three nights straight.”11. And he came out to his people, from the sanctuary, and signaled to them to praise morning and evening.12. “O John, hold on to the Scripture firmly,” and We gave him wisdom in his youth.13. And tenderness from Us, and innocence. He was devout.14. And kind to his parents; and he was not a disobedient tyrant.15. And peace be upon him the day he was born, and the day he dies, and the Day he is raised alive.16. And mention in the Scripture Mary, when she withdrew from her people to an eastern location.17. She screened herself away from them, and We sent to her Our spirit, and He appeared to her as an immaculate human.18. She said, “I take refuge from you in the Most Merciful, should you be righteous.”19. He said, “I am only the messenger of your Lord, to give you the gift of a pure son.”20. She said, “How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, and I was never unchaste?”21. He said, “Thus said your Lord, `It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign for humanity, and a mercy from Us. It is a matter already decided.'“22. So she carried him, and secluded herself with him in a remote place.23. The labor-pains came upon her, by the trunk of a palm-tree. She said, “I wish I had died before this, and been completely forgotten.”24. Whereupon he called her from beneath her: “Do not worry; your Lord has placed a stream beneath you.25. And shake the trunk of the palm-tree towards you, and it will drop ripe dates by you.”26. “So eat, and drink, and be consoled. And if you see any human, say, ‘I have vowed a fast to the Most Gracious, so I will not speak to any human today.'“27. Then she came to her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary, you have done something terrible.28. O sister of Aaron, your father was not an evil man, and your mother was not a -----.”29. So she pointed to him. They said, “How can we speak to an infant in the crib?”30. He said, “I am the servant of God. He has given me the Scripture, and made me a prophet.31. And has made me blessed wherever I may be; and has enjoined on me prayer and charity, so long as I live.32. And kind to my mother, and He did not make me a disobedient rebel.33. So Peace is upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the Day I get resurrected alive.”34. That is Jesus son of Mary—the Word of truth about which they doubt.35. It is not for God to have a child—glory be to Him. To have anything done, He says to it, “Be,” and it becomes.

    When you read it and deeply think of the entire surah, you'll find out that birth of John the baptist was also a big miracle, but also other are mentioned in the surah (chapter).
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    Hello again, and THANK YOU for the thoughtful replies. I'm having trouble posting replies again, especially long ones--I think I get logged out. I need to read and consider all the replies anyway before I say much more.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    format_quote Originally Posted by Truthist View Post
    As I said in my new member introduction, I was raised in the Christian church but have left that religion several times because there are parts of it that are hard for me to believe and/or follow. I've been trying Christianity again, but am hitting some of the same barriers again.
    Just today I realized that, while Christianity is currently the religion with the most adherents--which is one of the reasons I keep going back to it--far more than 50% of the people in the world don't believe that Jesus was God's son. If what the majority of people believe matters, then a religion in which Jesus wasn't God's son might be the most correct. And Islam is the most followed one that fits that requirement.

    Anyway, I read somewhere today that there are actual proofs that Islam is the correct one. I'd love to find those proofs. What I want is the truth. That's why I call myself "Truthist." Can anyone tell me where to find these proofs? If I can't have proofs I'll see what God leads me towards.
    It scares me some to think about leaving what I was always told was the only good way to go, but if I'm just looking for the truth, I don't think God can really be displeased.

    A more minor question: In case Islam is the way I go, do I need to start learning the prayers in Arabic, or can they be said in English? I'm pretty sure from today's research that they have to be memorized. I am fine with this--anything for the right religion.
    Greetings again Sister,

    Your story about having doubts about Christianity especially regarding the many inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible is a very common one and of the main reasons why so many Christians revert to Islam. It is great that you have an open mind and really want to learn as that really is one of the most important prerequisites of gaining guidance from God.

    With regards to proofs that Islam is the truth then we can certainly prove without doubt that the Qur'an can only be the word of God because firstly it is absolutely proven without doubt that Qur'an has never changed from revelation to today. Secondly the Qur'an does not contain any inconsistencies, contradictions nor mistakes:

    Allah says: "Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction. (Qur'an 4:82).

    Thirdly the challenge of God in the Qur'an has never been met which is that God challenges the entirety of mankind and Jinn to come together to create a single verse like the of the Qur'an. However this challenge has never been met and nor will it ever be. Fourthly it is impossible that an illiterate man who lived in the middle of a desert could have written the Qur'an especially as the language is far more superior than the language of the best Arab poets of the time and the Prophet could not have known so many of the things that the Qur'an contains. The language of the Qur'an is a miracle in itself. It has an unbreakable structure and a flow that is unmatched and that in itself is proof that the Qur'an can only be from God.

    We are here to support you through this journey. Ask of God sincerely just before you sleep with a completely open heart to show you signs and inclinations that Islam is the right religion for you. We must also realise that satan will keep trying very hard to deter you away from the truth with everything possible from his arsenal. He is the sworn enemy of mankind. So we must keep firm our resolve and put our trust in God for he will show us the right way if we are open to accepting his guidance.

    I hope you find the following threads interesting:

    Proof the Qur'ans Never been changed

    The Qur'an: A true miracle that can only be from God

    Why are so Many Women Turning to Islam?

    Free E Books & Resources on Islam

    Best Qur'an translation for non Muslims and new reverts:


    If you need anything else then please do not hesitate to ask us.

    May Allah guide you to the truth. Ameen.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    Thank you for this too.

    I'm still reading these messages, and the Quran. I'm still liking the Quran, although I did hit a place I don't understand. It wasn't a contradiction, though. Liking--I wonder how important that is. Some people seem to think religion should be acquired or chosen by reason, some by emotion. It would be nice if it could be both.
    I've read 10% of the Quran now and am eager to see the entirety of it.
    If Muslims pray for God/Allah to help individual people, please pray for me. For the ability to believe and commit to Islam. That would mean more to me than all the wealth or fame or beauty or other success that there could be.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    format_quote Originally Posted by Truthist View Post
    Thank you for this too.

    I'm still reading these messages, and the Quran. I'm still liking the Quran, although I did hit a place I don't understand. It wasn't a contradiction, though. Liking--I wonder how important that is. Some people seem to think religion should be acquired or chosen by reason, some by emotion. It would be nice if it could be both.
    I've read 10% of the Quran now and am eager to see the entirety of it.
    If Muslims pray for God/Allah to help individual people, please pray for me. For the ability to believe and commit to Islam. That would mean more to me than all the wealth or fame or beauty or other success that there could be.

    Yes, we pray for others, individuals and we love to do that as the dua/prayer for others is always accepted. So you have mine.

    Sometimes it's hard to understand Quran. There tafsir helps. Tafsir is explanation based on many things. As Quran had been revealed within 23 years and almost every time after something would happen, including questions by believers and others. For instance, entire surah Kahf was revealed as an answer to questions posed by Jewish people.

    So many ayaat were revealed separately. One ayaah would come today and another from the same surah sometimes in many years after.

    The first ever revelation was surah 96, from 1-4 ayat and the rest of the surah much later:

    “Read!”. He responded, “But I cannot read!”. Then the angel Gabriel embraced him tightly and then revealed to him the first lines, “Read: In the name of your Lord Who created, (1) Created human from a clot. (2) Read: And your Lord is the Most Generous, (3) Who taught by the pen, (4) Taught human that which he knew not.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    Thank you, Flos. I have to make quick answers or I get logged out and lose the message.

    I see what people are saying about a tafsir, but the first time through I'm just reading the Quran and see what God might say to me with my present experiences and understanding. In the Christian world, there are many thousands of opinions, many of them different. Maybe it's not so in Islam, but this is the best I know how to do right now.

    IS it different in Islam? Are all guides the same?
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    In my hasty reply above, it may have not clear what I meant... there are thousands of opinions on the meaning of the Bible. I haven't seen much discussion of the Quran. I've never heard it discussed in casual conversation.

    In defense of my country--although there has been some hate speech about Muslims, particularly as pertains to violence (still not in casual conversation, but in written communication)--as many times as I've seen hate speech, I've seen people saying, "That's just a small group. Most Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding people."
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    format_quote Originally Posted by Truthist View Post
    In my hasty reply above, it may have not clear what I meant... there are thousands of opinions on the meaning of the Bible. I haven't seen much discussion of the Quran. I've never heard it discussed in casual conversation.

    In defense of my country--although there has been some hate speech about Muslims, particularly as pertains to violence (still not in casual conversation, but in written communication)--as many times as I've seen hate speech, I've seen people saying, "That's just a small group. Most Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding people."

    No, no it's not opinion, it's explanation of Quran from many perspectives, like linguistic perspective (since Quran is revealed in ancient Arabic), "Hadith perspective" - how our Prophet Muhammad explained it, Seerah (as every ayah was revealed as an answer to specific event, and seerah means lifepath of our Prophet Muhammad, the whole life), and so much more.

    I have an idea and this idea is inspired by a revert's video. She would take notes of what she wouldn't understand from Quran while simply reading it and then when she finished reading she would ask around for explanation. Maybe that's the best way for you too. Just read, relax, enjoy and if there's something, write in a notepad
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    I did not review in depth the post, but regarding few last ones, we must know that Islamic lifestyle can not be understood only from Quranic text.
    There is Quranic text, but it was contextual revealed, we must know the causes of relevation and the hadith and sirah related.

    Also, there is ibadah, mostly known from sunnah, like namaz, many, many duas, dhikr, salawat, estegfars, tasbeehs, fasts, where real experience starts.

    Practicing your abilities get augmented a lot inshaAllah.

    Please read:


    I only wrote sone basic basic fundamental glimpses.
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    Re: Looking for the Right Religion

    format_quote Originally Posted by Truthist View Post
    Thank you for this too.

    I'm still reading these messages, and the Quran. I'm still liking the Quran, although I did hit a place I don't understand. It wasn't a contradiction, though. Liking--I wonder how important that is. Some people seem to think religion should be acquired or chosen by reason, some by emotion. It would be nice if it could be both.
    I've read 10% of the Quran now and am eager to see the entirety of it.
    If Muslims pray for God/Allah to help individual people, please pray for me. For the ability to believe and commit to Islam. That would mean more to me than all the wealth or fame or beauty or other success that there could be.
    Of course dear sister we will certainly pray for you that you are guided towards the truth, especially during these blessed nights of the year in the month of Ramadan. So continue as you are reading through the translation of the Qur'an and afterwards you can go more into more depth with the Tafseer just to gain a deeper understanding of the verses in their correct context and meaning. However whenever you stumble upon any verses that you do not understand and want clarification on then please do not hesitate to ask us and we will try our best to help you in anyway that we can.

    In Islam contrary to Christianity where the fundamentals differ significantly, then although there are many translations and Tafseers, then know that they do not differ on the fundamentals of Islam. The only differences are on very minor issues where certain ambiguous verses are more open to having different meanings or it maybe that it is something that we are not aware of yet. But the fundamentals of Islam remain the same and they always will do.

    In Islam we have Scholarly consensus on the fundamentals of the religion and this keeps the fundamentals of Islam the same. Anyone who suffers and comes out with a new meaning for any of the fundamentals of Islam, then they are immediately shunned as it is not in line with the consensus and we will never change nor compromise on what God has ordained upon us.

    This is what frustrates and angers many orientalists and anti Islamists, as they wish to dilute Islam as Christianity was diluted to the point where it is completely unrecognisable from the teachings that Jesus left to his followers. Hence why you will see that many of them misquote the same verses in the Qur'an completely out of context to try and paint Islam and Muslims in a bad light. But in reality they know the truth about those verses but they are merely playing to the ignorance of the masses to give others a distorted and negative perception of Islam and Muslims. Then you have the Media that catapult these distorted misquoted messages about Islam across the World on various media outlets.

    However what you will find is that as a result of this "negative" attention that Islam has received over the last few decades, an innumerable number of people have ended up accepting Islam just because they decided to look into it for themselves to see what it is really about. To see if it is how it is actually portrayed. However as soon as one does their own research on Islam with a completely open mind and heart then there is no doubt whatsoever that one will realise that it is absolutely nothing like how it was falsely portrayed by the media and other people.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 04-02-2022 at 04:58 PM.
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