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questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

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    Kashnowe's Avatar Full Member
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    questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

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    hello all. i have thought of a new question for the muslims. not so much for the christians. simple answers are best here.

    i was raised in the catholic church and catholic school. i have been to many other catholic churches accross the country and they all have exactly the same beliefs, read from the same scripture every week, same rules, ideas etc.

    how often should religious/practicing/devout/sincere (not sure what the correct word is for this) muslims go to mosque?
    what goes on inside the mosque?
    is there any kind of ceremony or ritual?
    is the imam the leader and speaker?
    all catholic priests believe the same things and preach the one set of beliefs to the church (i.e. abortion is wrong, no sec before marriage, stealing is a forgivable sin but one must confess to be forgiven,etc...) do all imams believe the same things about islam? (i have seen so many contradictions in what i read from imam's web sites about rules of islam etc.)


    d oyou think the radicalism presented by some individuals has scared most into asking questions about islam so they just keep believing what they are told?
    christians believe christianity is the right way to live, aspring to be like jesus is the only way to peace and happiness and love and heaven so in being that they believe it is so good they are obligated to spread the word to everyone. called spreading the "good news" about hope and salvation to anyone and everyone on earth. this is how missions are formed for that sole purpose. i understand that every religion believes that they are the correct one. so does islam present itself in a way that promotes spreading the "good news about islam" and how it is a great and peaceful faith and how to get to heaven for non believers? do muslims go on pilgrimages to try and convert jews and christians? is that not a form of charity?
    according to islam is every human being God's child and deserves the opportunity to information that will lead to their eternal salavation/peace?

    there. thats everything (that i can think of for now) that i ever wanted to clarify.
    Last edited by Woodrow; 04-26-2007 at 06:02 PM. Reason: Removed sectarian question
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    Now that is a list of questions.

    Many of those are answered in various places on the forum. But some are quite unique and I have not seen them asked before, or they have not been asked often.

    how often should religious/practicing/devout/sincere (not sure what the correct word is for this) muslims go to mosque?

    what goes on inside the mosque?

    is there any kind of ceremony or ritual?

    is the imam the leader and speaker?

    all catholic priests believe the same things and preach the one set of beliefs to the church (i.e. abortion is wrong, no sec before marriage, stealing is a forgivable sin but one must confess to be forgiven,etc...) do all imams believe the same things about islam? (i have seen so many contradictions in what i read from imam's web sites about rules of islam etc.)

    d oyou think the radicalism presented by some individuals has scared most into asking questions about islam so they just keep believing what they are told?

    i understand that every religion believes that they are the correct one. so does islam present itself in a way that promotes spreading the "good news about islam" and how it is a great and peaceful faith and how to get to heaven for non believers?

    do muslims go on pilgrimages to try and convert jews and christians? is that not a form of charity?

    according to islam is every human being God's child and deserves the opportunity to information that will lead to their eternal salavation/peace?
    questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    Herman 1 - questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    how often should religious/practicing/devout/sincere (not sure what the correct word is for this) muslims go to mosque?
    As often as possible. We have required prayer times daily. If at all possible we should say them at a Masjid. However, we can pray where ever we are. But, it is always good to pray as a community.

    Men are required to attend Masjid for the Friday Jummah Prayer. Women are encouraged to attend the Masjid but they are under no obligation.
    questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    Herman 1 - questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    how often should religious/practicing/devout/sincere (not sure what the correct word is for this) muslims go to mosque?
    at least 5 times a day (for 5 obligatory prayers) . This goes for men, as for women it's optional wether they pray in congregation or alone. But men should pray in congregation.

    what goes on inside the mosque?
    nowdays, nothing except books, some chairs (for old or sick people that can't pray), some things that hang on the wall that say "la illahe ilallah" or something like that.

    is there any kind of ceremony or ritual?
    we do the prayer . as an example:

    is the imam the leader and speaker?
    yes there is an imam, but imam is same as us, except that he should have more knowledge than us, so that he leads the prayer or gives the speech on fridays.

    do muslims go on pilgrimages to try and convert jews and christians? is that not a form of charity?
    muslims go on pilgrimage not to convert jews or christians, bc there is no jew and christian there, but they go to finish the duty which is explained as the 5th pillar of Islam.

    according to islam is every human being God's child and deserves the opportunity to information that will lead to their eternal salavation/peace?
    We don't say we are God's child, I think this is an expression used by jews in old times, but in Islam we are simply a creation of Allah, a slave etc. and everyone is obligated to read, to learn. bc the knowledge is the core, the more you know about Islam and understand it, the greater your iman (not imam) is, the more you love/fear Allah and the more you work to do good deeds so you enter Jannah by the mercy of Allah swt.
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    what goes on inside the mosque?
    First we perform Wudu prior to entering. This may be done at home. that is a wahing of the hands, feet, head. Men and women have seperate places for performing Wudu. Men and women enter through seperate doors and are seperated in the Masjid. It is not fitting to look upon a member of the opposite gender.

    The Imam may or may not say a few words about community affairs. then will come the 2 calls for prayer. we will align for the prayers, do the prayers and leave.

    the interior of a Masjid is very plain and simple. It is essentially empty except for a marker to show the direction of the Qibla.

    is there any kind of ceremony or ritual?
    Just the simple recitation of the prayers as we would do them at home or anyplace else.

    This link is basically what we do in the Masjid.


    is the imam the leader and speaker?
    questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    Herman 1 - questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    hello all. i have thought of a new question for the muslims. not so much for the christians. simple answers are best here.


    i was raised in the catholic church and catholic school. i have been to many other catholic churches accross the country and they all have exactly the same beliefs, read from the same scripture every week, same rules, ideas etc.


    how often should religious/practicing/devout/sincere (not sure what the correct word is for this) muslims go to mosque?

    It is 5x daily, however the obligation is once every Friday for the Friday Prayers. Known as the Jummah Prayer.

    The evidence for that is:

    O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew!

    [Qur'an Jumuah (The Congregation/Friday) 62: 9]

    what goes on inside the mosque?

    The masjid/mosque is the central place of prayers, learning, and place of activity for the muslims.

    is there any kind of ceremony or ritual?
    Yeah, the prayers are one of the pillars of Islaam since it keeps one in continuous remembrance of God throughout ones daily life etc.

    is the imam the leader and speaker?

    Yeh, he also leads the prayers.

    all catholic priests believe the same things and preach the one set of beliefs to the church (i.e. abortion is wrong, no sec before marriage, stealing is a forgivable sin but one must confess to be forgiven,etc...) do all imams believe the same things about islam? (i have seen so many contradictions in what i read from imam's web sites about rules of islam etc.)

    To hide ones sins and repent to God directly is a really important matter in Islaam. The proof is that the Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

    “All my Community will be excused except those who are blatant. And it is from blatancy for one to perform an act at night and to wake up and tell something that they did such-and-such, while Allah had concealed it for them. They slept under the cover of Allah, and they rended Allah’s covering from themselves in the morning.”

    [Authentically recorded in Bukhari and Muslim]

    d oyou think the radicalism presented by some individuals has scared most into asking questions about islam so they just keep believing what they are told?

    God's final Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

    “This religion is easy. No one becomes harsh and strict in the religion without it overwhelming him. So fulfill your duties as best you can and rejoice. Rely upon the efforts of the morning and the evening and a little at night and you will reach your goal.” [Sahîh al-Bukharî]

    No-one can be radical if they follow the Prophetic way, and whenever we do anything in regard to religion - we depend on evidences from Qur'an (the speech of God) or the Sunnah [Prophetic way.] If we stick to this - we won't become radicalised or go astray.

    christians believe christianity is the right way to live, aspring to be like jesus is the only way to peace and happiness and love and heaven so in being that they believe it is so good they are obligated to spread the word to everyone. called spreading the "good news" about hope and salvation to anyone and everyone on earth. this is how missions are formed for that sole purpose. i understand that every religion believes that they are the correct one. so does islam present itself in a way that promotes spreading the "good news about islam" and how it is a great and peaceful faith and how to get to heaven for non believers?

    We believe that we should follow the way of all the Prophets of God since they are the best example to mankind. We don't accept all aspects of the bible since we don't know of its authenticity, however we do believe that some aspects are still true. The Qur'an is the final revelation of God to mankind and it hasn't been altered by anyone, the copy written by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'s companions still exists today and is preserved in the museum of Turkey.

    Here's some images if you want to check it out:

    The Qur'an is the Criterion to distinguish the truth from falsehood, wrong from right. And it is for all of mankind.

    Anyway, i writ a little bit about Islaam and maybe you could get abit more of an understanding:

    Let's start off with the fact that the majority of the world believes in a God, or 'Higher being.' The difference between islaam and all other faiths is that instead of just recognising that there is a God, we believe that the Creator created us with the purpose of submitting to Him, worshipping Him alone sincerely without any associates.

    These associates can be stone idols, it can be humans (or human legislations) it can be a person's desires etc.

    Islaam call's to the worship of God, known as Allaah in arabic. If you're confused about why God is Allaah in arabic, realise that people from spain call God - Dios, the french call God - Dieu etc. Therefore we call God, Allaah in arabic.

    Allaah has sent messengers to convey the same message of calling to the worship of God since the beginning of time, since Adam (peace be upon him) the first person to ever live. All the messengers came to call to Allaah's worship, and this is the purpose of our creation - to worship Allaah, without no associates, so no idols, no humans, no law which opposes the law which Allaah has revealed to His messengers.

    We as muslims believe that Noah, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (peace be upon them all) were prophets. There have been a total of 124,000 prophets that have come to mankind to call to the worship of Allaah Alone. However, the majority of mankind has fallen astray, because they do believe in a Creator, but they reject the fact that He should be worshipped alone.

    Any deeds we do, we do them sincerely to gain Allaah's Mercy, and if we gain it - we will enter the eternal paradise which all the prophets have called to also. However, if someone rejects the worship of the One God - without any associates, they will be punished in the hellfire. This is the only sin which God does not forgive, why should He, if the person is saying that a stone is God? Or a human is God etc.

    We all will die and be raised back on the day of recompense, when Allaah/God will judge between us on all that we did. No-one will be judged unfairly because Allaah is the Most Just. Allaah can bring the dead back to life, the same way He brings the dead land back to life by sending down rain.

    If you feel that God is being unfair to His servants by punishing those that associate partners with Him, then the justice for this will also be balanced out. Allaah will ask those who associated partners with Him to ask the one's they worshipped for reward. So if someone worshipped a stone idol, they will ask that for recompense on the day of judgement (obviously the stone won't be able to do anything.) If someone worships a human, even if the human is pious, the person will have to get their reward from this human [but obviously everything is dependant on the Creator.] The one's who worshipped God Alone, sincerely without no associates - they will be rewarded by Allaah, the Exhalted with an eternal paradise where they can have all that they desire, and more.

    If anyone feels that it is unjust, then they have to stop being unjust to their own Creator. If Allaah created man so he should worship Him, then why worship the stone idol, or why worship a human when you can turn towards your Creator?

    do muslims go on pilgrimages to try and convert jews and christians? is that not a form of charity?

    The pilgrimage performed in Makkah is the way of Prophet Abraham, who submitted himself to the One and Only God.

    We should call christians and jews to Islaam since that is the religion which is only acceptable in the sight of God. However, we cannot force anyone to become muslim since everyone has a freedom of choice.

    The evidence for that is in the Qur'an:

    Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. [Qur'an 2:256]

    according to islam is every human being God's child and deserves the opportunity to information that will lead to their eternal salavation/peace?

    We don't believe God has children since He doesn't have any spouse, since having a spouse would mean that one has an associate. There is none like God:

    Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
    Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
    He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
    And there is none like unto Him.

    [Qur'an - Ikhlaas/Sincerety 112]

    We are all servants of God and He loves us, yet those who turn away from God and turn away from Him when the clear proofs come to them, He doesn't love that.

    If you disbelieve, then verily, Allâh is not in need of you, He likes not disbelief for His slaves. And if you are grateful (by being believers), He is pleased therewith for you. No bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, so He will inform you what you used to do. Verily, He is the All-Knower of that which is in (men's) breasts (hearts).

    [Qur'an 39:7]

    there. thats everything (that i can think of for now) that i ever wanted to clarify.

    Kool, if you ever have any more questions - please don't hesitate to ask.

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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    thanks all for the answers. some i am satsfied with and others i think the question was misunderstood. so i will try to clarify. sooo.

    i said "all catholic priests believe the same things and preach the one set of beliefs to the church (i.e. abortion is wrong, no sec before marriage, stealing is a forgivable sin but one must confess to be forgiven,etc...) do all imams believe the same things about islam? (i have seen so many contradictions in what i read from imam's web sites about rules of islam etc.)"

    my confusion is where i read things like muslims should not listen to music, and then i see a contradiction that says that is fine. i read that muslims should not say 'God bless you' to a non-muslim when he sneezes and i wonder why should that person not be blessed by God?

    is this really a religion of peace if you do not wish blessings upon all humans?

    one catholic priest can not approve abortion or he will lose his title and be excommunicated from the church. so how can the imams have such differing opinions on other matters? (abortion is merely one example)

    how can the illiterate and uneducated know the truth if they are fed contradictions?

    i wrote "d oyou think the radicalism presented by some individuals has scared most into asking questions about islam so they just keep believing what they are told?" i was thinking of stories i heard and read that said children are not allowed to question elders about islam, they can not ask why or else be beaten or punished. i have also read about muslims reading the bible and being murdered. is that not a holy book? a great history book in the very least? is this common?

    i wrote " i understand that every religion believes that they are the correct one. so does islam present itself in a way that promotes spreading the "good news about islam" and how it is a great and peaceful faith and how to get to heaven for non believers?"

    say for instance you went to brazil and found a young orphan boy and took him in. would you consider it your duty to teach him about islam?

    i wrote "do muslims go on pilgrimages to try and convert jews and christians? is that not a form of charity?"

    i guess pilgrimage was the right word here but for muslims it has a more widely known connotation. soooo what i mean is something....hrm....ok so christians believe that if you tell a jew or a muslim or buhddist about christianity you are giving them a gift of charity. the greatest gift of all:the truth, the light, salvation etc. i am aware that charity is a big part of islam cooincding with peace and good will. so do you consider teaching non believers about islam to be a form of charity?

    and lastly as a christian i am used to saying God's child however we do not believe Go d had a spouse. we are human beings created by God in our likeness as a child is to his father. not literally children of God in the human sense.
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

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  11. #9
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    thanks all for the answers. some i am satsfied with and others i think the question was misunderstood. so i will try to clarify. sooo.

    Sure, its ok.

    i said "all catholic priests believe the same things and preach the one set of beliefs to the church (i.e. abortion is wrong, no sec before marriage, stealing is a forgivable sin but one must confess to be forgiven,etc...) do all imams believe the same things about islam? (i have seen so many contradictions in what i read from imam's web sites about rules of islam etc.)"

    We stated that it's not permissible to mention our sins to no-one, rather we should hide it and repent to God with the intention of not doing it again.

    my confusion is where i read things like muslims should not listen to music, and then i see a contradiction that says that is fine. i read that muslims should not say 'God bless you' to a non-muslim when he sneezes and i wonder why should that person not be blessed by God?

    The issue of music isn't really controversial since we depend upon evidences like stated earlier right? And the evidence for the prohibition of music is in this Prophetic saying:

    The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

    “Among my ummah [nation] there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari ta’leeqan, no. 5590; narrated as mawsool by al-Tabaraani and al-Bayhaqi. See al-Silsilah al-Saheehah by al-Albaani, 91).

    That saying is recorded in Sahih Al-Bukhari, and that book is authentic without a doubt since the sayings of the Messenger of God are recorded and authenticated, and that book is well known for its authenticity of chain of narrators etc.

    is this really a religion of peace if you do not wish blessings upon all humans?

    If you sneeze and a non-Muslim says something to you from his tradition, you may say to him what you would say to a Muslim i.e., "May Allah guide you and rectify your affairs" In regard to non muslims, you can:

    • Visiting them when they are ill.
    • Witness their funerals
    • Respond to their invitation
    • Come to the aid of the oppressed

    one catholic priest can not approve abortion or he will lose his title and be excommunicated from the church. so how can the imams have such differing opinions on other matters? (abortion is merely one example)
    how can the illiterate and uneducated know the truth if they are fed contradictions?

    They have to be given proof from Qur'an or the Prophetic Narrations, and that should be sufficient.

    i wrote "d oyou think the radicalism presented by some individuals has scared most into asking questions about islam so they just keep believing what they are told?" i was thinking of stories i heard and read that said children are not allowed to question elders about islam, they can not ask why or else be beaten or punished.

    I've stated many many times, we need evidence and even if a child asks - they have the right to that knowledge. This religion depends upon evidences and not blind following, infact blind following can lead a person astray - so we need evidences and should depend on them.

    i have also read about muslims reading the bible and being murdered. is that not a holy book? a great history book in the very least? is this common?
    The bible in reality isn't a history book since there is no authenticity to it, infact even the christians cant agree on a common copy since many copies have been edited so much. The protestants and the catholics can't agree on a true copy either, and Jesus son of Mary spoke Aramaic, yet the earliest copy found is only in greek. So in reality it isn't really an authentic history book.

    In regard to people killing muslims who read the bible, who's to say what they're doing is right? They'll have to bring evidence for their claim that what they are doing is right. If they don't - then what their doing is wrong.

    i wrote " i understand that every religion believes that they are the correct one. so does islam present itself in a way that promotes spreading the "good news about islam" and how it is a great and peaceful faith and how to get to heaven for non believers?"

    say for instance you went to brazil and found a young orphan boy and took him in. would you consider it your duty to teach him about islam?

    Yes it would, since he is an innocent boy who should learn about the purpose of his life.

    i wrote "do muslims go on pilgrimages to try and convert jews and christians? is that not a form of charity?"

    i guess pilgrimage was the right word here but for muslims it has a more widely known connotation. soooo what i mean is something....hrm....ok so christians believe that if you tell a jew or a muslim or buhddist about christianity you are giving them a gift of charity. the greatest gift of all:the truth, the light, salvation etc. i am aware that charity is a big part of islam cooincding with peace and good will. so do you consider teaching non believers about islam to be a form of charity?


    and lastly as a christian i am used to saying God's child however we do not believe Go d had a spouse. we are human beings created by God in our likeness as a child is to his father. not literally children of God in the human sense.

    We believe that we are servants of God since we are His creation, and what you explained is the same concept. Children implies that it is ones offspring, and we know that God has no spouse, hence no children since He is way above that. There is none like Him, and He is the Hearer and Knower.

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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    thanks all for the answers. some i am satsfied with and others i think the question was misunderstood. so i will try to clarify. sooo.

    i said "all catholic priests believe the same things and preach the one set of beliefs to the church (i.e. abortion is wrong, no sec before marriage, stealing is a forgivable sin but one must confess to be forgiven,etc...) do all imams believe the same things about islam? (i have seen so many contradictions in what i read from imam's web sites about rules of islam etc.)"

    my confusion is where i read things like muslims should not listen to music, and then i see a contradiction that says that is fine. i read that muslims should not say 'God bless you' to a non-muslim when he sneezes and i wonder why should that person not be blessed by God?

    is this really a religion of peace if you do not wish blessings upon all humans?

    one catholic priest can not approve abortion or he will lose his title and be excommunicated from the church. so how can the imams have such differing opinions on other matters? (abortion is merely one example)

    how can the illiterate and uneducated know the truth if they are fed contradictions?

    i wrote "d oyou think the radicalism presented by some individuals has scared most into asking questions about islam so they just keep believing what they are told?" i was thinking of stories i heard and read that said children are not allowed to question elders about islam, they can not ask why or else be beaten or punished. i have also read about muslims reading the bible and being murdered. is that not a holy book? a great history book in the very least? is this common?

    i wrote " i understand that every religion believes that they are the correct one. so does islam present itself in a way that promotes spreading the "good news about islam" and how it is a great and peaceful faith and how to get to heaven for non believers?"

    say for instance you went to brazil and found a young orphan boy and took him in. would you consider it your duty to teach him about islam?

    i wrote "do muslims go on pilgrimages to try and convert jews and christians? is that not a form of charity?"

    i guess pilgrimage was the right word here but for muslims it has a more widely known connotation. soooo what i mean is something....hrm....ok so christians believe that if you tell a jew or a muslim or buhddist about christianity you are giving them a gift of charity. the greatest gift of all:the truth, the light, salvation etc. i am aware that charity is a big part of islam cooincding with peace and good will. so do you consider teaching non believers about islam to be a form of charity?

    and lastly as a christian i am used to saying God's child however we do not believe Go d had a spouse. we are human beings created by God in our likeness as a child is to his father. not literally children of God in the human sense.
    I think an area that you probably are not aware of is we have no ordained clergy. Each Muslim is responsible for his/her own actions. we follow no human and have not religious hierarchy. We do listen to people that have shown either through academic achievement or apparent wisdom, that they have more understanding than we do. but, that is on an individual basis. I can not use it as a cop out if I hear an Imam say it is ok to eat pork and I go eat a BLT. I am responsible for what I do and it is my responsibility to question every person who claims to be a scholar.

    i guess pilgrimage was the right word here but for muslims it has a more widely known connotation. soooo what i mean is something....hrm....ok so christians believe that if you tell a jew or a muslim or buhddist about christianity you are giving them a gift of charity. the greatest gift of all:the truth, the light, salvation etc. i am aware that charity is a big part of islam cooincding with peace and good will. so do you consider teaching non believers about islam to be a form of charity?
    I can only answer on a personal note. I consider myself obligated to show the truth of Islam to every non-believer. But, do not see it as being any more of charity than stopping to give CPR to a man that has stopped breathing. It is so much of my life, I can not separate it out and call it charity. My daily life and in all I do I try to do out of service to Allah(swt) I strive that all of my actions will be a guide and show people the joy of serving Allah(swt).

    It is not charity, it is a great gift to myself. The greatest pleasure I can have is to know I am doing my best to serve Allah(swt)

    The non-believer who stops and lets me tell them about Islam is the one giving me charity.

    i wrote "do muslims go on pilgrimages to try and convert jews and christians? is that not a form of charity?"
    I doubt if I can say that I do in the sense you would call going out and spreading the word. It is not a separate task in my life, all of my daily actions and words should be an example as to what I believe as A Muslim.

    Hopefully any person who sees me can immediately look and say "He is a Muslim"

    If I do not look and live as a Muslim, there is no need in trying to tell a person about Islam. Why tell about it, if I am not living it?

    As Muslims we do not believe in trying to convert anybody. Each person needs to decide on their own if they wish to serve Allah(swt) I can only tell why I live as I do. I can cry because somebody refuses to accept the truth of Islam, but I will fight to defend their right to make their own choice as to giving their life to Allah(swt) or to give it to whatever.
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    I think an area that you probably are not aware of is we have no ordained clergy. Each Muslim is responsible for his/her own actions. we follow no human and have not religious hierarchy. We do listen to people that have shown either through academic achievement or apparent wisdom, that they have more understanding than we do. but, that is on an individual basis. I can not use it as a cop out if I hear an Imam say it is ok to eat pork and I go eat a BLT. I am responsible for what I do and it is my responsibility to question every person who claims to be a scholar.
    i do know that there is no ordained clergy in islam. imams are just scholars who dedicated enormous amounts of time to studying. chrisitian ministers and priests are ordained which is much like a diploma. it shows that they ahve successfully studied a set curiculum and thus they have the knowledge and privelage to share the information accurately to all. theres more to it but basically not just anyone can be ordained a priest tomorrow.

    i know that the world is made up of educated and uneducated people of all religions. so illiterate christians can go to church every sunday and listen and learn about the faith htrough sermons and song and hear the bible being read to them etc . you say at mosque all you do is pray.

    well then how does an illiterate muslim woman learn accurately about islam?

    what if she relies on her illiterate father for information? how does he know how to interprite the quran if he himself can not read it?
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post

    well then how does an illiterate muslim woman learn accurately about islam?

    She can go to a woman Islamic scholar, since we have many knowledgable and respected female scholars today, and in our rich Islamic history; including the wife of God's Messenger Aa'isha (may God be pleased with her.)

    what if she relies on her illiterate father for information? how does he know how to interprite the quran if he himself can not read it?

    She should go to someone who's knowledgable in Qur'an, we dont go to an engineer to prescribe our medicine for us, so we should similarly go to the person required to teach us Qur'an, Ahadith and the Islamic sciences etc.

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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    i do know that there is no ordained clergy in islam. imams are just scholars who dedicated enormous amounts of time to studying. chrisitian ministers and priests are ordained which is much like a diploma. it shows that they ahve successfully studied a set curiculum and thus they have the knowledge and privelage to share the information accurately to all. theres more to it but basically not just anyone can be ordained a priest tomorrow.
    An Imam will most often end up being a scholar who has done much studying, but that is not a requirement and not always the case. Quite simply, if a group of Muslims gather for prayer, the one among them who is the most knowledgeable will lead the prayer. For example, if I were to decide to open my house as a Masjid and people did come to it. As a group we would select the most knowledgeable among us to be the Imam. Any building can become a Masjid. Any person can be an Imam, provided it is agreed he is the most knowing in the Qur'an among the people who come to pray. Now, it is true that the only physical evidence that you can have that an Imam is knowledgable is by his academic achievement, so that is a good guide in selecting an Imam.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    i know that the world is made up of educated and uneducated people of all religions. so illiterate christians can go to church every sunday and listen and learn about the faith htrough sermons and song and hear the bible being read to them etc . you say at mosque all you do is pray.
    Pray is the primary purpose of the Masjid. It is a central point of worship. However, most Masjids will also be open as an Islamic school. a large Masjid is also the Islamic center for the community.

    In the prayers, there will be readings from the Qur'an. Among Muslims there is much love in the reading of the Qur'an all Muslims strive to be Hafiz(a person who has Memorized the Qur'an)

    The teaching of Muslims goes far beyond the walls of the Masjid. Each Muslim to some extent is a teacher of Islam. It is often said that a Muslim learns Islam at the feet of his Mother.

    Being a Muslim is not confined to any location. Being Muslim you are Muslim in everything you do. At work it is the responsibility of your employer to allow time for the required prayers and the employer should teach each employee how to use his work as a prayer. all things we do are offered to Allah(swt) this does pose great difficulties for Muslims living in non-Islamic countries. However, we are adapting by opening Islamic schools.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    well then how does an illiterate muslim woman learn accurately about islam?
    If she was in an Islamic country, the community would be her Teacher. However, since many no longer live in Islamic countries, it is the duty of all of us to seek out those who know less and help them.

    I can use myself as an example. I am very new to Islam, having only said the Shahadah 2 years ago. I am essentially illiterate in Qur'anic Arabic. I do make errors and still have a long ways to grow.

    My Brothers and Sisters on this forum are part of my learning process. When I make an error I am given gentle prods to correct me. My local Islamic community also pulls together and helps with such things as Qur'an and Ahadith teachings. One of the Imams is tutoring me in proper Arabic. although I have some ability in Arabic, it is far from being proper Arabic and of a dialect few Muslims here in Texas can understand. However for the first year after saying my Shahadah, I lived in an area with very few Muslims. I only knew one in the Town I lived in and in the entire county there were maybe 20 at the most. The nearest Masjid was 3 counties away, over 60 miles. I was on my own to learn. I did use the internet a lot and found Islamic sites, that helped.

    Last year Allah(swt) blessed me with illness and I could no longer live by myself and was forced to move in with my daughter in Austin. Here I finaly made contact with an Islamic community and discovered this site.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    what if she relies on her illiterate father for information? how does he know how to interprite the quran if he himself can not read it?
    A person does not rely on another to teach them. It is our responsibility to seek out the knowledge and learn. (see my answer above)

    We are all responsible for our own actions, and Allah(swt) does not require we do more then what we are capable of. Allah(swt) will not give us any trial, without giving us the strength to overcome it. It is always our personal choice.
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    A person does not rely on another to teach them. It is our responsibility to seek out the knowledge and learn. (see my answer above
    this makes no sense. a person most definately relies on another to teach them. thats what being human is all about. thats the whole purpose of childhood. we can not always be seekers of knowledge. we must also be ignorant open recievers.

    i feel as if i am getting very vague answers.

    an example i can think of is a suicide bomber. suicide bombers believe they are doing good for islam by their actions (killing inocent children, people in general). according to islam this is not true at all. however someone taught them that information as truth. yes i can understand that one person can read the quran and the bible and interpret them totally incorrectly as with anything literal. but there are masses of men women and children believing that the suicide bombers are in heaven and are martyrs. there are children raised to believe this and chant hate taught in schools. so the information is taught. the children are not seekers. they are ignorant until someone teaches them. and those children grow up to be adults. quite possibly a vioelent adult who claims his evil is in the name of Allah. when in fact Allah demands peace.

    so with such an extreme contradiction who is to blame?

    why do muslims who know the quran not then stand up for it when it is being misinterpreted?

    how is it that islam can be so different in different countries, neighborhoods, families?

    is there not one message, one truth?

    i once read a story about an illiterate muslim in a rural area spewing words of hate and t eaching his daughter to chant death to america. the man was interviewed and asked why he was teaching his daughter this. and he said because Allah says americans are all evil. and the interviewer asked how did he know. and he said because the village elder said so. the interviewer asked the village elder why and he said because he saw it on televison. here the elder was trusted to be the most knowledgable.

    is this a good argument for ordained clergy in islam?
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    this makes no sense. a person most definately relies on another to teach them. thats what being human is all about. thats the whole purpose of childhood. we can not always be seekers of knowledge. we must also be ignorant open recievers.
    As children we are very much dependent on others for all things. As we gain the ability to reason we take on more responsibility for our own actions. we do have to learn from others, but we need to always question and not accept teachings simply because somebody says it is true. If a person is trying to become a Dentist, it is there own fault if they enroll in a plumbing school.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    i feel as if i am getting very vague answers.
    If that is the case, I apologize for not making my answers understandable. I will try to do better.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    an example i can think of is a suicide bomber. suicide bombers believe they are doing good for islam by their actions (killing inocent children, people in general). according to islam this is not true at all. however someone taught them that information as truth. yes i can understand that one person can read the quran and the bible and interpret them totally incorrectly as with anything literal. but there are masses of men women and children believing that the suicide bombers are in heaven and are martyrs. there are children raised to believe this and chant hate taught in schools. so the information is taught. the children are not seekers. they are ignorant until someone teaches them. and those children grow up to be adults. quite possibly a vioelent adult who claims his evil is in the name of Allah. when in fact Allah demands peace.
    That is true. There are many people who fail to take on their own responsibilities to question and to seek all answers, not rely on the teachings of any Human. Not all who wear the name of Muslim follow Islam. To follow Islam comes from personal choice and not from outside teachings. Many reverts are stronger in Islam than some life long Muslims, as they had to search and find on their own with no instructors.

    Children are very much seekers, in all things. It is only when they gain the ability to reason that they select what they will search for. the Qur'an is really quite simple to follow. But, a person needs to take the responsibility to learn all of it and not just the parts they choose.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    so with such an extreme contradiction who is to blame?
    The individual is always the one to blame for their own sins. Being too lazy to search is no excuse for not learning.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    why do muslims who know the quran not then stand up for it when it is being misinterpreted?
    We do. there are several threads posted in the General section and in world affairs that address that issue. It is a question that comes up often. In the open countries that we can have access to, it is very difficult to find an Imam who does not denounce terrorism.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    how is it that islam can be so different in different countries, neighborhoods, families?

    is there not one message, one truth?
    In the Qur'an itself it is stated that we will divide into 73 divisions but only one will find Jannah. there is only one truth. the truth is the Qur'an and the way to live the Qur'an is explained in the Ahadith.

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    i once read a story about an illiterate muslim in a rural area spewing words of hate and t eaching his daughter to chant death to america. the man was interviewed and asked why he was teaching his daughter this. and he said because Allah says americans are all evil. and the interviewer asked how did he know. and he said because the village elder said so. the interviewer asked the village elder why and he said because he saw it on televison. here the elder was trusted to be the most knowledgable.

    is this a good argument for ordained clergy in islam?
    No, because to know Islam a person needs to understand their personal responsibilities. I can not blame the teachings of any man for my sins. My sins are committed by me alone. It is my responsibility to learn the truth. I can and do seek the advice of every person I meet. An Imam is no more or no less of a Muslim than I am. I do seek the opinions of Imams, but I also understand those are the opinions of a man.
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    In the Qur'an itself it is stated that we will divide into 73 divisions but only one will find Jannah. there is only one truth. the truth is the Qur'an and the way to live the Qur'an is explained in the Ahadith.
    very intersting. i was not aware of this.

    If a person is trying to become a Dentist, it is there own fault if they enroll in a plumbing school.
    ahh yes but if a person is trying to be a dentist and they enroll in a dental school claiming to be legitimate but then professor is really a plumber who has pulled a few teeth lying about being a dentist. then it is the plumber's fault for the deception.

    so i'd imagine theres no room for civil law suits in islam
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post

    ahh yes but if a person is trying to be a dentist and they enroll in a dental school claiming to be legitimate but then professor is really a plumber who has pulled a few teeth lying about being a dentist. then it is the plumber's fault for the deception.

    so i'd imagine theres no room for civil law suits in islam
    In a true Islamic country that was under true Sharia Law, there would be no need for Civil suits or any other type. There is no seperation between the Qur'an and any part of life. there are rulings for everything and there is no seperation between civil or criminal law. to deceive others is a very serious sffense. Also teaching any falicies about Islam is a serious offence. If a person does not have any validation for what they claim to be a truth of Islam they are forbidden to spread it.
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    well yippee i think i am fully satisfied. i learned some new stuff. thats always nice. kind of like eating a good meal.

    so to sum up everything in this topic i think i'm getting the message that in order to understand islam i merely must read the quran and it will present itself the way it should be interprited.

    yes? no?
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    Re: questions for Muslims about Islam from Christians (not debates or opinions)

    format_quote Originally Posted by cooloonka View Post
    well yippee i think i am fully satisfied. i learned some new stuff. thats always nice. kind of like eating a good meal.

    so to sum up everything in this topic i think i'm getting the message that in order to understand islam i merely must read the quran and it will present itself the way it should be interprited.

    yes? no?
    Just one little detail to remember. The Qur'an is only written in Arabic.

    To read the true Qur'an you have to be fluent in Arabic. Arabic can not be translated into English, so to learn the Arabic Language you have to absorb at least some of the Arabic culture, which is based on Islam.

    If you are not fluent in Arabic, you need to have the Arabic explained to you by several people as to fully comprehend it.

    If you are profiecient in Arabic Reading the Qur'an is sufficient to give you enough of an understanding to know if you desire to be Muslim.

    It takes only 10 seconds to become a Muslim, but a lifetime to be a Muslim. As a Muslim you will never stop seeking knowledge. You will want to read the Ahadith to know how to pray. You will have read in the Qur'an that you are to Read, Read REad.
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    Yes, some people do decide to become Muslim, by reading an English translation of the Qur'an and that is sufficient to send them on their quest for more knowledge in how to live as a Muslim.

    for most reverts the earlier steps are basicaly self education, but as you search you learn more sources to increase your knowledge. No human living today will ever fulfill all the requirements of Islam, but we all learn that we are required to do our best to try to.
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