In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Asalamuu 'aalaykum,

Are you a Home Educator who wants to provide your children with a fun education, specific to their own interests and needs?
Do you want your children to learn the 'traditional' subjects but in a fun way related to their hobbies?
Are you a parent who is unhappy with the 'boxed in' approach within your children's school and wish to provide a supplement at home to your child's education that they will enjoy?
Are you a parent who not only values the education of your children but also is passionate about them excelling in their unique interests?
Are you a teacher who works in a private school and needs help with planning for your unique students?

If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then I am excited to announce something that will insha'Allah meet your needs, more importantly your children's needs and will give you more time to enjoy educating your children.

My name is Umm 'Adbullah and I would like to introduce you to Tailor Made Educational Guides.

All praise is due to Allah, we are a small group of sisters who have led careers as teachers. Some of us left the 'traditional' teaching path and are now home educating our children.

We provide a service whereby the parent, home educator or teacher contacts us with the interests, strengths and weaknesses of the child. A tailor made educational guide is then produced specifically for that child. We take into account the hobbies of the child, what they absolutely HATE doing, and what they LOVE to do.

One of our recent customers was a homeschooling mother. Her youngest child, aged 5 loves insects and reptiles, hates writing and loves maths. We took this into consideration and produced a 6 month guide whereby he pursued his love of insects and reptiles (with integrated Islamic Studies), enjoyed the fact that there was a lot of 'insect and reptile maths' and we created ways in which he could practice on his writing skills without realising he was actually doing so. In the end, a happy mother and child.

We have a range of guides to suit you:


The process is as follows:

- You contacts us with your requirement. We then email you a questionnaire which will enable us to create a tailor made curriculum for your child.
- You choose a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE option and within an agreed time frame, you receive your educational guide.

GOLD: Includes the Guide which is organised into a timetable for your child. It also includes all materials and resources so that you woudn't need to buy a single item.
SILVER: Includes the Guide as above with a list of resources/materials you would need to buy.
BRONZE: Includes the Guide with ideas of activities to do with your child.

We specialize in Islamic Studies as well as integrating Islamic Studies into your child's hobby-based guide.

The benefits of this option:

* A quality educational guide based on what YOUR child ENJOYS.
* You have more time to enjoy educating your children as we do all the planning for you.
* Authentic Islam integrated into the tailor-made guides based on the Qu'ran, Sunnah and way of the righteous predecessors.

We are in the process of setting up our website, but in the meantime, if you would like to take benefit of our services and to request a quote, you may contacts us on [email protected]

Waalaykum 'aasalam
Umm 'Abdullah