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Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?

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    Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination? (OP)


    This is dark but have to share, important to understand where the future of (British) education is going.


    As a parent you are well within your right to voice an objection. Try to get other parents on side about it so they can't ignore you. It's not being homophobic to say this material is not age appropriate. Give them a link to this video.

    The obvious lesson.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 07-24-2019 at 02:28 AM.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Constantineman View Post
    It’s very confusing to me this stuff because most gays say it isn’t genetic nor we are born gay now a days. It is just natural they argue.
    I do not think it's genetic either, but neither it is natural. It is just a choice they made or somehow developed. their conditions in this world guided them somehow towards homosexuality.
    But that still doesn't make that right...It may feel like natural to them, but it isn't.

    By the way, I am officially Dutch. The Netherlands was one of the first countries that allowed gay marriage, and homosexuallity is generally accepted in the Netherlands, but...
    homosexuals, even the ones with a steady partner for years, are NOT allowed to donate blood just heterosexuals. They need to take a blood test, and wait for 4 months, before they finally can donate if everything is right.
    Just because statics show that homosexuals carry a lot more virusses in their blood in average than others. Even the married ones.

    Isn't that a sign that something is wrong?

    I just tried to look this information up, and it seems that many countries have similar rules on blood donation:

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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    No doubt they will re-invade Iraq in the name of saving the LGTBXYZ.

    Iraq condemns foreign embassies for flying LGBT flags

    The Iraqi Foreign Ministry has said homosexuality goes against “the noble morals of all divine religions” and that all missions in Iraq had to “adhere to the laws of the country,” after foreign embassies flew the rainbow LGBT flag in honour of the International Day Against Homophobia.

    The European Union, the World Bank and the Canadian and UK embassies all raised the flag on Sunday, commemorating the day when the World Health Organisation removed the designation of homosexuality as a mental illness.

    Iraqi leaders from across the political spectrum issued condemnations and called for the expulsion of diplomats following the embassies’ actions.

    The influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr condemned homosexuality as a “mental illness” and called for Iraqi embassies in European countries to raise the flags of Muhammad and Jesus in response.


    Hah, right on cue.

    The West’s bizarre obsession with homosexuality

    Portuguese political activist and PHD candidate João Silva Jordão argues that homosexuality, once considered a cardinal sin by Christians, has now been transformed into an unlikely liberal virtue and into a Western geopolitical tool.

    As a Muslim convert and political activist, there has been an issue which has come to my attention over the last few years, but which I have not had, until now, the capacity to put into words. Or at least, not had the capacity to put into the right words in the right way. Not least because it is a very sensitive topic.

    I do, however, also believe that no matter how sensitive a topic may be, all opinions and angles must be taken into consideration, especially if there is no malicious intent.

    It concerns the growing influence of the LGBT movement, and in particular, how the position of the West regarding homosexuality has undergone a fascinating dialectical inversion. But what has not changed, however, is the centrality that homosexuality occupies in the Western religious, philosophical and political mind.

    It is easy to demonstrate, if only one takes a step back, that the sheer importance that the topic is given is completely arbitrary, and at times, simply bizarre.

    Up until very recently in the West homosexuality was considered a capital sin. Nowadays, it’s a capital sin to be homophobic. What hasn’t changed, though, is the irrational amount of importance that is ascribed to the phenomenon of homosexuality overall.

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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Another update.

    Its not new.


    Author, art professor, feminist, and cultural commentator Camille Paglia speaks on the current transgender mania, the wisdom of early medical & surgical intervention (calling it "child abuse"), and how the explosion of gender identities is a recurring sign of cultural collapse throughout the history of civilization.

    The lunacy.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 07-07-2020 at 08:09 AM.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?

    I think all this ties into one basic thing, and that is an embrace of Irrationalism

    It is something French philosopher Jacques Maritain used to talk about in length--that if our culture, institutions, or even our religious leaders, begin to latch on to things that are demonstrably wrong, irrational, and unsupportable, it will lead to disaster.

    If there is no "truth", no fixed-points of scientific reference, and no reasonable interpretation of God's words and commandments, then anything is ultimately permissible, and nihilism rules the day

    There is nothing rational about homosexuality: such people cannot have children if they follow that lifestyle. It is hedonism without any kind of view to the future.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Reminded of this phrase from Chesterton.

    5447133e269866521b0bbf8d85a6d542catholic 1 - Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?

    E Michael Jones had a good take on this subject.


    Big powers are backing this - they have found another means of gas lighting and controlling the general population, the state sanctions you and takes control if you dont pass the gay test.

    Naturally the more useless members of the liberal and left leap on an join this cult (the ENDLESS pride parades, pride months etc etc), gives them the illusion of doing something useful.

    Another good illustration of the game they are playing.

    Its interesting watching this insanity develop. Degenerate sections of the ruling classes are becoming more and more brazen.

    Dont be surprised in the next couple of decades they will attempt to normalise this.

    Huge Scandal Brewing in US

    And those who object will be considered 'backwards' or 'behind the times'
    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-11-2021 at 12:55 AM.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Good discussion on this subject.

    one more

    More evidence about their 'designs'.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 10-28-2021 at 09:58 PM.
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  10. #47
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?

    It sucks that LGBT community have destroyed the colors for us. We can no longer enjoy the ramboo colors without associating to filth. They had no right to defame colors. If I wanted a colorful place it now links to homosexuality and lesbianism, instead of just enjoying colors. They stink.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    It sucks that LGBT community have destroyed the colors for us. We can no longer enjoy the ramboo colors without associating to filth. They had no right to defame colors. If I wanted a colorful place it now links to homosexuality and lesbianism, instead of just enjoying colors. They stink.
    Exactly my thoughts!
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  12. #49
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Remember the good old days.

    Jokes aside its interesting how the alphabet brigade agenda has advanced over the decades and the techniques they have used to subvert and then remake society. Yuri Bezmenov's described this process decades ago.

    The demoralisation part is important. Propaganda is not to convince you of a lie. It's to tell a lie and convince you that you can do nothing about it. Or to put it another way.

    “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, **but to humiliate**; and therefore, **the less it corresponded to reality the better**. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity." -Theodore Dalrymple

    Its easy to prove what the end game is, they aren't very subtle. (this took place in Saudi Arabia).

    F1 driver Lewis Hamilton said the following in Saudi Arabia. He might be good at driving a car, but he’s driving his intellect off a cliff with this one.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 03-19-2022 at 11:51 PM.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Like to share.

    Challenging the LGBTQ lobby


    But OUR Public School is Great

    No, it isn’t. It really, really isn’t. The public schools have further degenerated from providing intellectual lobotomies to outright pushing open satanry:

    An Austin, Texas school teacher said that of the 32 fourth-grade students in her class, 20 have “come out” to her as “LGBTQIA+,” according to a leaked internal school message.

    The claim reportedly came from a teacher at the Austin Independent School District (ISD)’s Blackshear Elementary School, according to the Daily Caller, which originally obtained the internal messages from the “Libs of Tik Tok” Twitter account.

    The teacher’s revelation came as part of a complaint that Blackshear Elementary School principal Rick Garner referred to the morning’s Pride Parade — an ISD-wide celebration of LGBTQ sexuality and gender — as a “wellness walk.”

    “I feel that it is inappropriate to call our parade this morning a ‘Wellness Walk’ at all. While I understand that Wellness Walk is something that was previously in motion to promote health and fitness and is something we want to continue, it really takes away from the experience of celebrating Pride to couple the two,” wrote the teacher, who has not been publicly identified.

    “The first Pride was a riot,” wrote the teacher, apparently referencing the Stonewall Riots that inspired the first gay pride parades. “It is not enough to just ‘welcome,’ ‘love,’ and ‘celebrate’ Queer folx. Your allyship should always lead you to activism — speaking up and fighting for what is right, even when it feels uncomfortable,” the teacher continued.

    She went on to write, “Out of the 32 students that I teach, 20 of them are LGBTQIA+ and have come out to me. I feel that we need to do better — for them. To affirm our students, I think it would be only appropriate and right to publicly announce what we had this morning was a PRIDE Parade. Our students are aware and are paying attention.”
    If your children are in a public school, you deserve no more sympathy for what happens to them than you do if you go and get them vaxxed. Frankly, the latter is probably preferable, as it will only destroy their bodies instead of their minds and souls.

    There is no such thing as “a bad teacher” or “a bad school”. All of the public school teachers and all of the public schools are evil, because they are part of a centralized system that exists for no other purpose than to destroy children. Don’t feed your children into the filth factory.


    Devil Mouse Goes Full Evil

    Disney is not even attempting to hide its complete devotion to Satan and all his pomps any longer:

    A Disney executive in charge of content vowed to up the ante on gender politics during an all-hands meeting, promising that at least half of the characters in its productions will be LGBTQIA or from racial minorities by the end of the year.

    General entertainment president Karey Burke said during a company-wide Zoom call that Disney must do more to be more inclusive. The call was part of Disney’s ‘Reimagine Tomorrow’ campaign which promises that 50 per cent of characters and content would be from underrepresented groups by 2022.

    Meanwhile, Disney’s diversity and inclusion chief Vivain said that they no longer address theme park visitors as ‘ladies and gentleman, boys and girls’ but instead as ‘dreamers’ and ‘friends’.

    Burke choked up during Monday, saying the issue hit close to home because of her children. ‘I’m here as the mother of two queer children, actually, one transgender child and one pansexual child, and also as a leader,’ she said.

    During the same all-hands meeting, television animation executive producer Latoya Raveneau gushed about Disney’s inclusivity and boasted about ‘adding queerness’ to shows and productions. ‘Our leadership over there has been so welcoming to my not-so-secret gay agenda,’ she said. ‘Wherever I could I was adding queerness. No one would stop me and no one was trying to stop me.’
    At this point, nuclear fire is about the only thing that is capable of saving Orlando from the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. No Christian, no sane person, no self-interested individual who values indoor plumbing should support the Devil Mouse in any possible way.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 04-21-2022 at 11:06 PM.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Another update - tough watch but has to be done - goes more into the politics of this movement and the damaging effect it has on the Muslim community.

    The lunacy never ends.


    Last edited by سيف الله; 06-19-2022 at 08:29 AM.
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  16. #52
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Yasir Qadhi is feeling the heat and for good reason.

    And to prove how foolish he was to ally with the Alphabet brigade.

    In the US.

    New Supreme Court Case Challenges Religious Freedom for LGBT

    The Supreme Court is getting ready to hear another case regarding freedom of religion (or gay rights, depending on which side you’re on) that is akin to the Colorado baker case.

    This time, it’s a Christian graphic designer (Lorie Smith) who wishes to be able to refuse designing wedding websites for same-sex couples.

    From the Supreme Court docket for the case (Creative LLC v. Elenis):

    “Artist Lorie Smith is a website designer who creates original, online content consistent with her faith. She plans to (1) design wedding websites promoting her understanding of marriage, and (2) post a statement explaining that she can only speak messages consistent with her faith. But the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) requires her to create custom websites celebrating same-sex marriage and prohibits her statement–even though Colorado stipulates that she ‘work[s] with all people regardless of … sexual orientation.’ App.53a, 184a.

    The Tenth Circuit applied strict scrutiny and astonishingly concluded that the government may, based on content and viewpoint, force Lorie to convey messages that violate her religious beliefs and restrict her from explaining her faith. The court also upheld CADA under Employment Division v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990), even though
    CADA creates a ‘gerrymander’ where secular artists can decline to speak but religious artists cannot, meaning the government can compel its approved messages. The questions presented are:

    1. Whether applying a public-accommodation law to compel an artist to speak or stay silent, contrary to the artist’s sincerely held religious beliefs, violates the Free Speech or Free Exercise Clauses of the First Amendment.

    2. Whether a public-accommodation law that authorizes secular but not religious exemptions is generally applicable under Smith, and if so, whether this Court should overrule Smith.”
    The left is already worried about the slippery slope argument: if she can refuse to design websites for gay couples, she could also potentially refuse to do so for black people, interracial couples, etc.

    The right rebuts: if she is forced to go against her beliefs (the term “compelled speech” has come up in relation to this), then perhaps the Muslim will be forced to work on an ad campaign promoting alcohol, the Jewish teacher forced to teach Christmas carols, etc. (all examples outlined in the AP articles).

    According to Smith’s lawyer:

    “…her objection is not to working with gay people. She says she’d work with a gay client who needed help with graphics for an animal rescue shelter, for example, or to promote an organization serving children with disabilities. But she objects to creating messages supporting same-sex marriage, just as she wouldn’t create a website for a couple who met while they both were married to other people and then divorced…”
    If we take a step back from the arguments being made by both sides, we notice that something is missing: we know in Islam, there would be no concern of a slippery slope between religious belief and allowing discrimination based on skin tone and/or origins. I am speaking here of religious law and not the unfortunate cases of discrimination due to skin tone, origins, etc., that exist in some Muslim-majority countries. I think it’s important to recall that these countries do not actually fully impose the Shari’ah. Perhaps as it stands now, the US may be, when it comes to treating people of differing origins and skin tones fairly, better than continental Europe and some Muslim-majority countries (think Lebanon).

    The Bounds of Religious Freedom

    “Your rights end where mine begin.”

    This is the basic idea embedded in the running of secular society within the US. It’s ‘nice’ in theory, but all of us are by now aware of the fundamental flaw with this. When values clash and you’re trying to run an entire society, one set of values has to take precedence over the other, or you’re simply going to be stuck in an endless battle.

    In much of continental Europe, the concern is with maintaining the secular state, which is most pronounced in France. Consider this point from Silvio Ferari, a retired professor of law and religion who focused much of his work on religious minorities, especially Muslims, in Europe:

    “The presence of Muslims in Europe is challenging Europeans because it is challenging the idea that religion is fundamentally a matter of individual choice and a private affair. If this is correct, we have to go back to the question, ‘What should we do with our secular state?'” (2012, page 48, Here)

    Since its founding, the USA, arguably has been much more tolerant of religion than Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment Europe. This has typically worked to the advantage of the religious populace within the US, but perhaps this will now change. It will be interesting to see how the judiciary handles this case.

    With society becoming less religious and with the rise of Wokeism (which is a religion unto itself and unlike say, Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, it demands that ALL adhere to it), who knows how long traditional religions will be respected and permitted to uphold their ‘bigoted’ beliefs.

    As the lines between right and wrong continue to become increasingly blurred; as clear and precise definitions of words continue to somehow evaporate into thin air, the weaknesses of a secular, democratic system will become ever-more apparent. It seems that this system could almost dissolve religious freedom (at least in many cases) once the majority ceases to be religious and no longer has respect for religion.

    Hold on to your hats everyone.

    May Allah keep us steadfast. Amin.


    And in the UK

    Give them an inch and they will take a mile.

    And to give a taste of the consequences of your children embracing this LGBT ideology.

    A Brave New World awaits us.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?

    format_quote Originally Posted by سيف الله View Post
    “Artist Lorie Smith is a website designer who creates original, online content consistent with her faith. She plans to (1) design wedding websites promoting her understanding of marriage, and (2) post a statement explaining that she can only speak messages consistent with her faith. But the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) requires her to create custom websites celebrating same-sex marriage and prohibits her statement–even though Colorado stipulates that she ‘work[s] with all people regardless of … sexual orientation.’ App.53a, 184a.

    The Tenth Circuit applied strict scrutiny and astonishingly concluded that the government may, based on content and viewpoint, force Lorie to convey messages that violate her religious beliefs and restrict her from explaining her faith. The court also upheld CADA under Employment Division v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990), even though
    CADA creates a ‘gerrymander’ where secular artists can decline to speak but religious artists cannot, meaning the government can compel its approved messages. The questions presented are:

    1. Whether applying a public-accommodation law to compel an artist to speak or stay silent, contrary to the artist’s sincerely held religious beliefs, violates the Free Speech or Free Exercise Clauses of the First Amendment.

    2. Whether a public-accommodation law that authorizes secular but not religious exemptions is generally applicable under Smith, and if so, whether this Court should overrule Smith.”
    The law seems crazy. A gay couple could say, I am not going to buy anything in this shop because they are Muslim or Christian. The gay couple would be free to choose another shop without being labelled as discriminating, and they would not face prosecution. If customers are allowed to freely choose their shop, why can't shop's also have the freedom to choose their customers.

    Sadly, I think religion started to loose the battle with sexuality back in the 60's with the contraceptive pill. Pre 1960 in the UK, it was considered gravely wrong to have a child out of wedlock. The contraceptive pill made it safer to have sex without the fear of pregnancy. Gradually over the years, marriage started to loose its meaning, cohabiting was accepted as a norm, and divorce became more acceptable.

    Families are at the heart of of communities, and families mean parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins, in-laws, uncles aunts. When family bonds break down, communities break down. All the LGTB, trans issues just add to the breakdown of marriage and the meaning of families.

    My thoughts on the subject are, we should speak up more about what we believe to be the greater good path, rather than what we are against. That is a loving marriage between a man and a woman, and before God. A marriage where children can grow in not only their own family, but also with the loving support of the wider family.
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    Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?

    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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  18. #54
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Careful Eric - for uttering such heretical your dangerously close to committing a hate crime. You'll have a Prevent officer coming over to your place for a 'friendly chat'. No doubt you'll be mind conditioned to think 'correct thoughts'.

    I agree the disfigurement of the family has been going on for sometime

    So Much for 'Father's Day' - in a Country Where Fatherhood is Dying Out

    but I would predate it before 1960s. Ancient times obviously but more recently you had the Renaissance, Reformation, French Revolution, Marxism, Communism, feminism etc etc all played their role.

    The modern state with its policies played a big role in undermining the family.

    The LGBT lunacy is not a new phenomena, its happened before in different shapes and guises with disastrous results.

    Putin Compares Gender Ideology to Bolshevik Revolution

    “Beware of going where the Bolsheviks once planned to go” Vladimir Putin warned Western countries in a landmark speech. “One more step and you will be there.”

    The Russian President candidly warned Western countries of the totalitarian danger of gender ideology, calling it a “perfect phantasmagoria” in a rare, and perhaps unprecedented, public examination of conscience of Russia’s turbulent past.

    Putin sounded the alarm on gender ideology’s attempts to change the way we speak about men and women in society and compared it to Bolshevik attempts to change language and rewrite history to manipulate how people think.

    He said teaching children that a boy can become a girl, and vice versa, is a “monstrous thing” and that it is “bordering on a crime against humanity.”

    “We look in amazement at the processes underway in the countries which have been traditionally looked at as the standard-bearers of progress,” Putin said.

    “Some people in the West believe that an aggressive elimination of entire pages from their own history, reverse discrimination against the majority in the interests of a minority, and the demand to give up the traditional notions of mother, father, family and even gender, they believe that all of these are the mileposts on the path towards social renewal,” he explained.

    “Anyone who dares mention that men and women actually exist, which is a biological fact, risk being ostracized,” he said.

    Putin warned that “this is nothing new” and said “Hollywood memos” on “proper storytelling” are “even worse than the agitprop department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.”

    “In the 1920s, the so-called Soviet Kulturtraegers (culture influencers) also invented some newspeak believing they were creating a new consciousness and changing values that way. And, as I have already said, they made such a mess it still makes one shudder at times,” Putin said.

    Putin called on the world to avoid extremes and to chart a course of conservativism in the face of multiple global challenges. He promised to stay out of other countries’ business, but he said no one country or group should attempt to impose universal solutions. He said this was a hard lesson learned from Russia’s “difficult and sometimes tragic history.”

    “Any attempts to force one’s values on others with an uncertain and unpredictable outcome can only further complicate a dramatic situation and usually produce the opposite reaction and an opposite from the intended result,” he explained.

    “It is easier to destroy than to create, as we all know. We in Russia know this very well, regrettably, from our own experience,” he said.

    “The cost of ill-conceived social experiments is sometimes beyond estimation. Such actions can destroy not only the material, but also the spiritual foundations of human existence, leaving behind moral wreckage where nothing can be built to replace it for a long time,” he explained.

    According to Putin, had it not been for the Bolshevik revolution, Russia could have dealt with its problems “in a civilized manner” and while remaining a great power.

    “These examples from our history allow us to say that revolutions are not a way to settle a crisis but a way to aggravate it. No revolution was worth the damage it did to the human potential.”

    Now we cant even define what a Man or a Woman is now, or should you have male or female bathrooms because 'hate'. Its gaslighting to the nth degree, but there is method to the madness.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 01-13-2023 at 10:42 AM.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    The lunacy never ends.

    More comment

    So insane.

    There is pushback.

    Push back against LGBTQ lobby in schools, respond to consultation today

    Yusuf Patel of The Muslim Family Initiative is urging Muslims to immediately respond to a government consultation (deadline March 12) which could curb the worst excesses of teachers who are trying to push “gender ideology” onto our kids.

    The line between teacher and “gender ideology” activist has become blurred. Nowadays many teachers feel that they must stand as an ally when a child expresses dissatisfaction with their biological sex. And they believe by “affirming a child” they are able to live their “authentic self.”

    So when a girl wants to be addressed as “he/him,” why shouldn’t a teacher affirm? When a boy identifies as a girl and wants to use the girls’ toilets, this is “equality in action” even if real girls are fearful of using the toilets if a boy play-acting as a girl can enter at any moment.

    Then there are the real cases. Like the Muslim boy who approached his teacher to convey the news that his mother was expecting a boy and he was looking forward to being a big brother. What did the teacher say? Did she congratulate him?

    No, she conveyed the slogan of the new religion, “gender identity,” which is a contested belief. Her reply was: “How do you know you’re having a brother? He’ll decide his gender when he gets older.”

    In an age where a biological reality (biological sex) holds little weight, but an idea (gender identity) rooted in 1950’s America in the mind of a pervert like John Money is considered real, this shows what happens in the absence of objective morality from the Creator.

    That is why the draft guidance on “gender-questioning children” is a game changer. For the first time it sets rules governing what a school can and cannot do. It also restricts the influence of LGBTQ lobby groups like Stonewall and Mermaids.

    It’s important that we make clear we are on the whole supportive of this guidance.

    The Times leader, commenting on the new gender-questioning guidance, encapsulated how chaotic things have become:

    “Sex Education has been compulsory in schools since 2020, but the obligation arrived without clear instructions as to how it should be carried out. Schools were forced to turn to third-party providers, creating what some described as a ‘Wild West’ environment. This left them, and children, at the mercy of companies that suggested children as young as three could be transgender, or that there is a ‘galaxy’ of genders, or that children should be encouraged to make genitalia out of Play-Doh.”

    That is why the draft guidance should be welcomed by all parents who believe things have gone too far. What does the guidance say?

    It includes the following practical advice to schools:

    • Gender identity is a contested belief.
    • Schools should not immediately affirm a child’s wish to socially transition. They should take a watchful, waiting approach.
    • Schools must inform parents when such a request is made.
    • Schools must look into any factors that have influenced a request to socially transition such as by peers or social media.
    • Schools must not change the name of children on registers, which must contain their legal name. Any change of name must include parental input.
    • Schools should not use different pronouns for children. In the rare cases where changes are made this decision must be balance the benefit to the child and the impact on the wider school community. No pupil or teacher should be compelled to use these pronouns.
    • Boys must not be allowed to go into girls’ toilets and vice versa. If for example, a boy wants to use the girls toilet, the school should provide an alternative arrangement that does not affect single-sex spaces. The same principle applies to changing rooms, showers and overnight accommodation on trips or boarding schools.
    • A child who questions their “gender,” must, in general, wear the uniform of children of their biological sex.
    • Single-sex schools can refuse to admit children of the opposite biological sex,
    • Schools must ensure same-sex separation in PE lessons or sporting competitions.
    • Anyone concerned with protecting children should submit a consultation response.

    How to respond?

    View our guide to respond. We would recommend reading the summary, but if you do not have the time focus on responding and skip to action 2.

    Most of the questions contain yes/no questions. Follow the guide and respond yes/no based upon our suggestions. Even if you tick yes/no based upon our guidance and add some supportive comments at the end, that will suffice.

    If you have more time, use the comments we have produced to write your responses. Don’t copy and paste but use your own words. Better still use examples of your own experience in schools with “gender ideology” influenced practice.

    The Deadline to Respond is March 12, 2024 (11.59PM)

    Finally, it has come to our attention that LGBTQ lobby groups are convincing their supporters to respond. Most of these people do not have children, yet they want to influence what happens in a school.

    These measures don’t solve every problem, but they do go a long way to protecting your children from the dangers of “gender ideology.”

    Finally, think about what has motivated you to stand up for Gaza and respond for the sake of your children, other people’s children, but tap into our ultimate motivation – the want to please Allah SWT.


    And dont think Islamic countries wont be affected.


    Daniel Haqiqatjou discusses the controversy with transgender-promoting textbooks in Muslim countries with Professor Asif Mahtab.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 03-10-2024 at 09:56 PM.
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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Another update.

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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    Another update.

    Unprecedented Evil

    The wickedness of Clown World is proving too great for Great Britain:

    The UK has banned puberty blockers for minors,

    “The United Kingdom indefinitely banned puberty blockers for children after warnings about an “unacceptable safety risk” on Wednesday. Wes Streeting, the U.K.’s secretary of state for Health and Social Care, announced the ban would affect everyone younger than 18. “We need to act with caution and care when it comes to this vulnerable group of young people, and follow the expert advice,” Streeting said.

    The declaration from the British government comes after the Commission on Human Medicines found there is “an unacceptable safety risk in the continued prescription of puberty blockers to children.”

    With the commission’s report revealing that puberty blockers were prescribed to minors who filled out only one online questionnaire and completed a single Zoom call, Streeting said Wednesday that there was “particular concern” about whether the “children and their families were provided with enough time and information to give their full and informed consent.”

    Now the prosecutions of the doctors who prescribed these puberty blockers to children should begin. This was only and ever child abuse, and it is about time that this practice was banned.

    I remember when I was a kid you would hear teachers at school often talk about how evil China was for allowing the practice of foot binding. This was the practice of binding little girls’ feet to stop them fully growing. I remember thinking how cruel and evil it was. I am not sure what sort of support this practice has in modern China, but blocking the natural development of children through puberty is just as, if not more, cruel than binding little girls feet.
    The comparison to historical Chinese foot binding is both apt and illustrative. There can be absolutely no doubt that the historians of the future will look back at this time as a period of insanity. As awful as foot-binding is, it’s nowhere nearly as cruel and evil as blocking a child’s natural development under the guise of “changing” their sex.

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    Re: Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination?


    And again, the sane are pushing back.

    Refuse to Play, Refuse to Lose

    The Boise State women’s volleyball team are demonstrating courage that very few other female athletes have been willing to show by refusing to play against men pretending to be women.

    In a stunning turn of events, the Boise State Broncos women’s volleyball team announced that it will forfeit its semifinal match in the Mountain West Tournament against San Jose State. Although the team did not specify the reason for the forfeit, that’s obvious: SJSU has a trans-identifying biological male player, Blaire Fleming, on its team. The Broncos forfeited twice against SJSU during the regular season, but the prevailing thought was that the team wouldn’t forfeit during the conference tournament and end its hopes of reaching the NCAA Tournament. However, that’s exactly what the women decided to do.
    Equality does not exist. Women cannot compete with men in the vast majority of sports, nor should they. The point of sports is competition, not winning, and there is no competition when men and women compete on physically unequal grounds; this is why there are weight limits in sports like boxing and weightlifting.

    Since the politicians, the courts, the conferences, and the schools won’t do the right thing, it therefore falls to the athletes to shut down the whole charade. Let the deranged baphomites collect as many fake “tropies” and “championships” as they like; so long as women refuse to compete with them, they will win nothing.


    To confirm Yasir Qadhi and Omar Suleiman have clarified their views they reject allying with those who promote LGBT ideology.
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