i know, im such a saddo posting all these threads about marriage i swear, its with the intention of passing on knowledge and nothing else

Question: Is it permissible for the husband to prevent his wife from visiting her family and relatives? If it is impermissible for him to prevent her, then is he incurring sin by doing so?

Answered by Sheikh Sulaymân al-`Îsâ, professor at al-Imâm University in Riyadh

It is impermissible for the husband to categorically prevent his wife from visiting her family and other. However, he may determine the times of her visits in accordance with the welfare of his household as long as he does so without bringing about any harm for her.

If the husband categorically forbids his wife from visiting her relatives, he will indeed be sinful. By doing so, he is helping to break the ties of kinship which Allah has ordered us to uphold. He is instead assisting in fostering sin and rancour.

Allah says: “Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour.” [Sûrah al-Mâ’idah: 2]

Also, preventing his wife from visiting her family contradicts with the kindness and customary usage that husbands and wives are ordered to observe in their relationship with each other. Allah says: “And live with them on a footing of customary kindness.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 19]

And Allah knows best.

and here is one more...