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Preparing for Ramadhan

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    Preparing for Ramadhan

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    I found this article and thought of sharing it with everyone

    Preparing for Ramadhan

    Ayesha (radhi-Allaahu anha) said,

    "I have never seen Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wassallam fast in month of the year more than he did in Shabaan. He used to fast all of Shabaan." and in another narration. "He used to fast almost all of it, except a little." [sahih Muslim]

    The scholars' advice is to fast a lot in shabaan, and increase acts of worship in the same way, by getting up at night for Tahajjud, more Quraan, more dhikr and to make it a month of Ibaadah, to prepare ourselves for Ramadhan.

    Sweetness of any ibaadah does not come straight away. It requires a lot of patience and striving. We have to start early to taste the sweetness of ibaadah in Ramadhan.

    One of the salaf said: "I strove hard to do qiyaam al-layl (supererogatory prayers offered at night) for twenty years, and I enjoyed it for the next twenty years."

    Before running a marathon one has to do some preparation. In the same way, we need to do some Preparatory/ Warm Up exercises.

    1st Exercise:

    We have to renew our Tawbah (repentance) and practice perfecting it. Tawbah is a lifetime affair. We have to clean our hearts from all the dirt, junk and rust of the sins before we decorate/fill them with the beautiful, powerful acts of worship in Ramadhan.

    We have to make Tawbah from:

    Sins of the tongue (backbiting, lies, slander, speaking to people in an insulting way, making fun of others).
    Sins of the heart (show-off, self admiration, arrogance, envy, hatred)
    Lack of modesty (in dress, mannerism, way of speaking with the Non-Mahrams)
    Tawbah from pleasing others while its displeasing to Allaah
    Tawbah from all the time wasted (in shopping, telephone, long chat).
    Clean up your heart, forgive others and forget, hoping for Allaah's forgiveness.

    When making Tawbah, remember that there is no sin too great/huge that Allaah does not forgive. Be confident that Allah will forgive your sins.

    2nd Exercise:

    Increase your level of motivation by increasing Ibaadah during Sha'baan.

    Pray/increase the supererogatory prayers.
    Pray Duhaa (increase in rakah)
    Tahajjud (night prayer)
    Fast (Monday & Thursday / make up your missed fast)
    Morning and evening Adhkaar (these are protection/shield against jinn & shayateen. Do not leave them ever)
    Make a lot of Duaa (at last 3rd part of night, accepted times, last hour of Friday)
    Read Quraan after Fajr.

    3rd Exercise:

    We need to train our senses (tongue/ears/ eye-sight) . These are the avenues/ways to the heart. We have to train them to get them used to the act of worship and to refrain from sins.

    We have to train ourselves/our nafs to hate the sins. Naturally our fitrah (inborn natural state) hates sins, but we have become so accustomed to sins that we have become numb to them. Prophet sallallaahu salayhi wassallam said:"Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand (by taking action); if he cannot, then with his tongue (by speaking out); and if he cannot, then with his heart (by hating it and feeling that it is wrong)."
    (Narrated by Muslim, 49).

    All this is part of cleaning the inside/heart/ soul for Ramadhan to take effect & to feel the real sweetness of Ibaadah.

    4th Exercise:

    Train your self to humiliate/break yourself apart before Allaah. Understand that you are in desperate need of Allaah. Human beings transgress when they feel self sufficient. Teenagers rebel against parents when they feel they no longer need them. Ask Allah to keep us steadfast upon His Path, we are in desperate need of Allah to survive in our Dunyah and Deen. If Allah doesn't keep us steadfast on his way, we can never last!

    We are in need of Allaah to fulfill any act of worship. We have to realize ourselves how badly we are in need of Allaah for everything.

    5th Exercise
    Magnify the symbols of Allah. Salah(prayer) , Hajj, Fasting, Masajid, these are all the symbols of Allaah. We should magnify and elevate the symbols of Allah. We should not take these acts of worship routinely and lightly. We have to give them their right & take them as something huge/heavy and serious.

    Having Ghaflah (heedlessness) is very dangerous to our religion. We must awake ourselves. Ramadhan is a big symbol of Allaah. It comes once a Year. The doors of Jannah are open, doors of Jahannam are closed, Allaah is boasting to His angels about people, it has "layl-Al-Qadr.

    One way to help to magnify the symbols is to get ourselves used to reflecting on acts of worship before we do them.

    e.g., when you are starting the salaah, reflect and think:

    "I am about to pray, I am going to meet Allah, put Jannah (Paradise) to your right and the Naar (Hellfire) to your left, think what if I am on the Siraat (Path over Hellfire on day of Judgement) now?"

    The nafs will start talking and reminding you of this and that, say be quiet I am the only one talking now and I am talking to Allah.

    Keep struggling and fighting to have Khushoo (humility and attentiveness) in Salaah and Allah will grant it.

    Notes taken by students. Taken from Fisabilillah Forums.
    Last edited by 'Abd al-Baari; 08-27-2008 at 10:01 PM. Reason: Source added.
    Preparing for Ramadhan

    ''Let the days do as they please,
    And be optimistic when destiny decrees,
    Do not despair due to the events of nights past
    For the events of this world were not meant to last.”

    [ Imam Al Shafi’ee ]
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    Re: Preparing for Ramadhan

    JazakAllahu Khair Very Beneficial Post
    Preparing for Ramadhan

    And as for the one who fears standing in front of His Lord and restrains the soul from impure evil desires and lusts, verily, Paradise will be his abode [79:40-41]
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    Re: Preparing for Ramadhan

    jazakiallah khayr sis.
    Preparing for Ramadhan

    Three simple rules in life:

    1) If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it
    2) If you don't ask, the answer will always be no.
    3) If you do not step forward, you'll always be in the same place
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    Faith.'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Preparing for Ramadhan

    Jazakallah for sharing
    It was realy informative
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    ayan333's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Preparing for Ramadhan

    Jazakallah for sharing
    Preparing for Ramadhan

    Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, Be! and it is.
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