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10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

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    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    The blessed & most beautiful month is near and what better time to prepare for it than right now. Some of us deceive ourselves into thinking that when Ramadan comes we will suddenly change and worship Allah night and day but we are only decieving ourselves in thinking like this.

    The Sahaaba used to prepare for Ramadan six months in advance. So if we really want to make the best of this Ramadan then we need to prepare for it now!

    This may be our last Ramadan for life is so uncertain. Then there is NO doubt that we must make the best of it for the Reward of EVERY good act in the month of Ramadan is multiplied many times over:

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Whoever draws near to Allah during it (Ramadan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, no. 1887)

    If there was a 75% sale on in the shops surely people would go crazy and even cue all night outside in order to be the first in the store to take advantage of this special offer. So in the same way why should we not take advantage of the immense rewards that are available in Ramadan?

    The best way we can make the best of this Ramadan and grab the immense rewards that are available is to prepare for it NOW.

    The following are 10 ways in which we can prepare for this beautiful month starting from NOW:

    1. Voluntary Fasts

    What better way of preparing ourselves to fast for 30 consecutive days in Ramadan than to fast the voluntary fasts.

    Fasting Monday and Thursday:

    Abu Hurairah reported that the most the Prophet, (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam) would fast would be Monday and Thursday. He was asked about that and he said: “The deeds of people are presented to Allah on every Monday and Thursday. Allah forgives every Muslim except for those who are deserting each other." He says: "leave them for later”. (Ahmad; Hasan)

    Another is to fast the white days (13, 14 & 15th of each Islamic month):

    Abu Tharr Al-Ghefari said: “The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said "O Abu Tharr! If you fast three days of every month, then fast the 13th, the 14th and the 15th [these are call the al-ayaam al-beedh, the white days]". (Ahmad, an-Nasaa'i & at-Tirmithi; Sahih)

    Therefore we should fast these days in order to prepare for the fasting of Ramadan and even after Ramadan we should continue to do so for fasting will intercede for us on the day of judgement:

    Rasulallah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Fasting and the Qur’an will intercede for the slave on the Day of Resurrection. Fasting will say: “O My Rabb! I prevented him from food and desires, so accept my intercession for him.’ And the Qur’an will say: “I prevented him from sleep during the night, so accept my intercession for him.’ He (Sallallahu `Alaihi Wasallam) said: ‘And they will (be allowed to) intercede.’” (Ahmad, at-Tabarani, Al-Hakim, Sahih)

    2. Reciting Qur’an

    Allah the exalted says:

    “The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down, a guidance for mankind, clear proofs for the guidance, the Criterion; so whoever amongst you witnesses this month, let him fast it." (Surah al-Baqarah 2:185)

    Ramadan was the month in which the Qur'an was first revealed so it is the month of the Qur'an. We should devote much of this blessed month reciting the Qur'an.

    Az-Zuhri used to say upon the coming of Ramadan, “It is only about reciting the Qur’an and feeding the poor.”

    Abdur-Raziq said, “When Ramadan came, Sufyan Ath-Thawri would give up all acts of (voluntary) worship and devote himself to the recitation of the Qur’an.”

    But for many of us the Qur'an has gathered a lot of dust since the last time we picked it up.

    As Ramadan is fast approaching we must blow off the dust and start to build a close relationship with the Qur'an for it will intercede with us on the day of judgement:

    "Recite the Holy Qur’an as much as we can for It will come as an intercessor for its reciter’ on the Day of Judgement" (Muslim)

    The Recitor will be in the company of Angels:

    ‘Aa'ishah related that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Indeed the one who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. As for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have twice that reward.” (Al-Bukhaari & Muslim)

    There are Ten Rewards for Every Letter Recited from the Quran in normal times but in Ramadan these rewards are multiplied:

    “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allaah, he will have a reward, and this reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that 'Alif, Laam, Meem' (a combination of letters frequently mentioned in the Holy Quran) is a letter, rather I am saying that 'Alif' is a letter, 'Laam' is a letter and 'Meem' is a letter.” (At-Tirmithi)

    So what better time for us to get into the habit of reciting the Qur'an than to begin to do so right now. We should recite the Qur'an with its meanings and try to understand and implement it into our daily lives.

    We should set ourselves realistic targets for how much we should begin to recite each day for e.g. we will recite 1 or 2 pages a day, half a juz (chapter), or 1 juz etc. We should recite however much we can manage and then build up gradually.

    3. Praying Superogatory (Nafil) prayers

    In Ramadan every voluntary prayer carries the reward of a Fard prayer in normal times and there is nothing more rewarding than a Fard prayer so one can imagine the immense rewards that are available in Ramadan for every voluntary prayer we pray.

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Whoever draws near to Allah during it (Ramadan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, no. 1887)

    In order for us to take advantage of these immense rewards we should start begin now by praying all of the daily Sunnah and Nafil prayers so by the time Ramadan comes we will already be in the habit of praying all of our Sunnah and Nafils and so we cna increase our voluntary prayers even more so during Ramadan. This would be difficult if we were not in the habit of praying Sunnah and Nafil prayers in normal times.

    By increasing our voluntary worship we can gain closeness to Allah as well as the company of Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in Jannah:

    Rabi'ah ibn Malik al-Aslami reported that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Ask (anything)." Rabi'ah said: "I ask of you to be your companion in paradise." The Prophet (Sallallahu ALaihi Wasallam) said: "Or anything else?" Rabi'ah said: "That is it." The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said to him: "Then help me by making many prostrations (i.e., supererogatory prayers)."

    4. Making Dua

    Many of us do not spend as much time as we should do in Dua. Even if we do we rush our dua and our hearts and minds are not present whilst supplicating to Allah.

    Many of us rush our Dua's and our hearts are often not present whilst we are supplicating to Allah. Therefore we lose out on much of the benefits and blessings of Dua. We must give more attention to our Dua's and try to concentrate more and be more sincere in our Dua's imagining Allah watching us supplicate to him. We should humble ourselves making ourselves low and not worthy in front of Allah. We should try to cry if we can and have FULL hope that Allah will accept our Dua's if not in this world then in the hereafter.

    Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an: "When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on me."

    The place of Dua is so honourable to Allah that the Prophet (Sallallahu AlaIhi Wasallim) said:

    "Nothing is more honourable to Allah the Most High than Du`a." (Sahih al-Jami` no.5268).

    It is the most excellent of worship:

    He also said: "The most excellent worship is Du’a." (Sahih Al-Jami` no. 1133)

    So let us get into the habit of making sincere Dua's from deep within our hearts and let us not be heedless when supplicating to Allah. What better time than now for us to get into the habit of making more intense and sincere Dua's. So by the time Ramadan arrives we would have already got into the habit of making the long, sincere and intense Dua's which will readily be accepted during this blessed month especially whilst we are fasting and in the latter part of the nights during Tahajjud.

    It may help to make a list of what we should ask of Allah suring dua's which we can refer to as a reminder as this may help us to make our dua's longer and more sincere covering everything we want to ask of Allah.

    5. Sincere Repentance

    Ramadan is the month where we can gain mercy and forgiveness from Allah for all of our sins past and present.

    We should know that Allah is most merciful and most forgiving and loves to forgive:

    Allah says: O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and you would then seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you.

    When a person sins and then sincerely turns to Allah for forgiveness, one will find Allah ready to accept his repentance and to forgive him, as this verse indicates: And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself, but then seeks forgiveness from Allah, he will find Allah forgiving and merciful. (Surat an-Nisaa 4:110)

    Allah loves repentance and loves those who turn to him in repentance:

    Truly Allah loves those who turn [to Him] in repentance, and He loves those who keep themselves in purity. (Qur'an 2:222)

    Therefore we should get into the habit now of repenting to Allah so that in Ramadan we will make the best of repenting to Allah and continue to do so throughout everyday of our lives.
    How unfortunate is a person who after the end of Ramadan does not gain any forgiveness of his sins from Allah but ends up piling more sins onto his account.

    6. Generosity & Charity

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) became even more generous in Ramadan than he already was.

    Ramadan is a time for generosity and giving. It is a time when we think about those who have less than us as well as thank Allah for everything he has given us. Ramadan is an honourable and blessed month, and the rewards for generosity are multiplied in it.

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) said, “The best charity is that given in Ramadan.” (At-Tirmithi).

    Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) said, “He who feeds a fasting person will gain the same reward as he will, without decreasing from the fasting person’s rewards.” (Ahmad).

    Therefore we should get into the habit of giving in charity now so by the time Ramadan arrives we would increase in our generosity, giving to those less fortunate than ourselves. We should give whatever we can afford as Allah looks at our intentions.

    Surely in there hereafter we will regret that which we did not spend in the path of Allah.

    7. Controlling the tongue

    Ramadan is a time where we must control our desires (nafs) aswell as our tongues:

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Fasting is not (abstaining) from eating and drinking only, but also from vain speech and foul language. If one of you is being cursed or annoyed, he should say: ‘I am fasting, I am fasting.” (Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban)

    Therefore we must protect our tongue from vain speech and foul language. Protecting the tongue is preventing it from lying, back-biting, slander, tale-carrying, false speech and other things that have been forbidden in the Qur'an & Sunnah.

    Those who control their tongues are of the best of Muslims:

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was asked: “Which Muslim is best?” He responded, “One who the other Muslims are safe from his tongue and his hand.” (Tirmidhi, #2504)

    We must not deceive ourselves into thinking that by the time Ramadan comes we will all of a sudden break a lifetime habit and control our tongues. Again this is another big deception. We must start controlling our tongues now for we cannot for changing lifetime bad habits is not an overnight process.

    So how can we begin to control our tongues? This can be done by "THINKING BEFORE SAYING ANYTHING". Not just talking without even thinking what we are going to say.

    We must think before we speak and before saying anything we should think whether or not what we are going to say is going to please or displease Allah.

    If we doubt that what we are about to say may anger or displease Allah then we should refrain from saying it. If we have nothing good to say then surely it is better NOT to say anything at all. Remember we WILL be accountable for everything we said in our lives so we MUST start taking responsiblity for what comes out of our mouths NOW otherwise we will regret it later when it is too late. Therefore we must get into the habit of "thinking before speaking".

    So let us begin to control our tongues now so that by the time Ramadan comes we would have adopted good habits and would have been used to controlling our tongues and refraining from saying anything which may anger or displease Allah.

    REMEMBER: If we do not protect our tongues then our fasts will be in vain:

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Allah does not need the fast of one who does not abandon false speech or acting according to his false speech.” (Sahih Bukhari)

    8. Improving Character & manners

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) came to perfect the character of man and the best of this Ummah are those wioth the best of characters:

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alahi Wasallam) used to say: "The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character.” (al-Bukhari)

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "There is none heavier in the scales of the Hereafter than good character (Tirmidhi & Abu Dawud).

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) also said: “The best loved by me and the nearest to me on the seats on the Day of Resurrection are those who have the best manners and conduct amongst you, who are intimate, are on good terms with others and are humble, and the most hated by me and who will be on the furthest seats from me are those who are talkative and arrogant." (Tirmidhi)

    Again as with making any big change perfecting our character and manners cannot be done overnight but we must make a start now so that by the time Ramadan comes we would have gained momentum in making the necessery changes to our characters in order for us to be the best of this Ummah and those closest to Allah.

    Surely if good character and manners are the heaviest on the scales then can you imagine how much more heavier they will be if we behave with good character and manners during Ramadan?

    So let us strive to perfect our manners, character and conduct towards others and know that these good deeds will be of the heaviest on the scales and will enable us to reach the highest ranks of Jannah and the closest to Allah.

    9. Moderation in eating

    On the authority of Al-Miqdaam ibn Maadiy-Karib who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: "No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Adam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath." (Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasaa’I, Ibn Majah )

    Ibrahim al-Nakha’i, on of the teachers of Imam Abu Hanifa, may Allah have mercy on them both, mentioned: “The people ruined before you were done in by three characteristics: too much talking, too much eating, and too much sleeping.”

    There is no doubt that excessive eating is not only a cause of many diseases but is also a major factor in stopping us from maximising our worship to Allah.

    Ash-Shafi’I said: I have not filled myself in sixteen years because filling oneself makes the body heavy, removes clear understanding, induces sleep and makes one weak for worship.

    Many of us fast during Ramadan fast during the day and after Iftaar make up for all the food we missed throughout the day by binge eating.

    Surely this goes against the very purpose of Ramadan which is to be moderate in eating and to remember those who have less than us. How will we remember the unfortunate when we constantly over eating before and after our fasts?

    By controlling what we eat now we will not only benefit our health in the short and long term but moderate eating will make us less heavier and enable us to maximise the amount of worship we do everyday during Ramadan and the rest of our lives.

    Al-Hassan Al-Basri: “The test of Adam (AS) was food and it is your test until Qiyamah.

    And, it used to be said: Whoever takes control of his stomach gets control of all good deeds.

    And: Wisdom does not reside in a full stomach.

    One day, Al-Hassan offered some food to his companion who said: I have eaten until I am no longer able to eat. To which Al-Hassan said: Subhaana Allah! Does a Muslim eat until he is no longer able to eat?

    10. Implementing Sunnah's into Daily life

    Following the Sunnah is a command from Allah:

    "Say (O Muhammad to mankind): "If you (really) love Allah, then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic monotheism, follow the Quran and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Quran: 3:31)

    Surely if we follow the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in every aspect of our lives then everything that we do will become a worship to Allah, even going to the toilet, having a bath, dressing and undressing etc

    Reviving the Sunnah into our daily lives:

    Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Whoever revives an aspect of my Sunnah that is forgotten after my death, he will have a reward equivalent to that of the people who follow him, without it detracting in the least from their reward.” (Tirmidhi)

    The best habit we can ever have in our lives is to implement the Sunnah into EVERY aspect of our lives so that our whole life and everything we do during it can become a worship to Allah.

    We can do this by gradually learning all of the Sunnah's and dua's of every aspect of our day waking up, leaving and entering the Masjid and house, dressing and undressing etc. So let us get into the habit right now of implementing every Sunnah's into our daily lives so by the time Ramadan comes we can continue to implement Sunnah's and gain even more rewards for them.

    Download Comprehensive Sunnah collection to implement everyday of our lives:


    May Allah enable us to make the best of this Ramadan and make it a salvation for us in the Hereafter. Ameen
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 06-11-2013 at 03:15 PM.
    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    Bookmarking thread. I need to know this stuff for my first Ramadan.
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    JazakAllahukheir for sharing,

    One that needs to be kept in mind especially is...'moderation in food', the amount of food we stack up and prepare for ramadhan...fast throughout the day and then make up for it by iftaar by eating more food than you'd eat if it wasn't ramadhan! SubhanAllah....totally kills the hikmah of fasting
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    How can we plan for each precious day in Ramadan?

    Here is a solution: Download the "ProductiveRamadan taskinator" and plan for each and EVERY day of Ramadan. What an amazing way of making the best of each and everyday in the blessed month of Ramadan:

    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    JazakAllah khair
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam), said regarding those who do not leave false speech during ramadan:

    "Whoever doesn't desist from speaking falsehood and acting upon it, Allah has no need that he desist from his food and drink." (Bukhari)

    Therefore we must not fool ourselves into thinking that we will be able to leave false speech and profanity the day Ramadan starts. It does not work like that. We need to train ourselves NOW in order to control our tongues so that we may leave false speech and profanity and continue after Ramadan as Ramadan is training for the rest of the year and is not just for one month but for a lifetime.
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    JazakAllahu khairan for this very beneficial thread. May Allah swt give us the tawfeeq to make the most of this blessed month. Ameen.
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    Something that has been working for me is gradually increasing my fasting. I make my fast 30 min longer each day. I'm up to no food or drinks until 2:30 pm now and because of the gradual change, no headaches and even though I get hungry and thirsty it isn't so bad.
    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Starrynight View Post
    Something that has been working for me is gradually increasing my fasting. I make my fast 30 min longer each day. I'm up to no food or drinks until 2:30 pm now and because of the gradual change, no headaches and even though I get hungry and thirsty it isn't so bad.
    I try to do the same. I made it until about 1:30 pm the other day, and in general I don't feel as hungry as I used to.

    Today I am really struggling from lack of sleep though, so I had to grab some caffeine when I got to work.
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Starrynight View Post
    Something that has been working for me is gradually increasing my fasting. I make my fast 30 min longer each day. I'm up to no food or drinks until 2:30 pm now and because of the gradual change, no headaches and even though I get hungry and thirsty it isn't so bad.
    Asalaamu Alaikum, that is a brilliant idea particularly for those who have never fasted for a whole month and even for many of us who do not fast throughout the year except for in Ramadan.

    Is this your first ramadan?
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    Yup! My first one. I am getting excited though! I'm hoping it will help increase my devotion as I will be reflecting a lot more
    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Starrynight View Post
    Yup! My first one. I am getting excited though! I'm hoping it will help increase my devotion as I will be reflecting a lot more
    Ramadan is just amazing you will feel it whe it arrives and you would not want the feeling to go away. Once Ramadan finishes you can also feel it. I usually suffer from Ramadan blues meaning that i feel a bit depressed for a while when Ramadan is over such is the magnitude of this month.

    What better time than to train ourselves for the rest of the year. What better time to increase our imaan (faith) and fear of Allah. What better time to repent for our past sins and what better time to gain closeness to Allah and admittance into the gardens of Paradise and freedom from the torment of the grave and the fire of Hell.

    May Allah bless us all with as many Ramadans as possible in our lifetimes.
    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

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    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    Assalaamu 'Alaykum wa rahmatullaah. BarakAllaahu feek!

    May Allaah allow us to make the most of this Blessed Month, Ameen!
    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    *Without Allah, without Islam, life would be meaningless. If I've ever learned patience, it's because of this. Alhamdulillah...*
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    This will be my first Ramadan also, and I am excited and nervous about it at the same time.
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    format_quote Originally Posted by King of Nines View Post
    This will be my first Ramadan also, and I am excited and nervous about it at the same time.
    There is nothing to be nervous about brother just take it in your stride. In this month you will feel a inner peace that cannot be described but only felt. You will wish that life can always be like how you feel in Ramadan. Then you will think to yourself "Why was i ever worried or nervous"?

    Just enjoy it when it comes and make the best of it. It will make you appreciate the simpler thing in life more like food, water and what the poor go through.It will also make you much closer to Allah and enable you to make changes to yourself that would otherwise be more difficult throughout the year.

    Let us prepare now so that when it finally comes we can make the best of it but of course as a revert do not overburden yourself but do things at your own speed.

    May Allah make it most beneficial for us in this world and the next. Ameen
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    I have a question about praying during Ramadan. When doing wudu during sunlight hours do we still rinse out our mouths?
    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Starrynight View Post
    I have a question about praying during Ramadan. When doing wudu during sunlight hours do we still rinse out our mouths?
    Salaam sister,

    Yes, you do rinse your mouth, but you do it quickly so that it doesn't quench your thirst. I wouldn't worry too much about it, just don't intentionally rinse for a longer amount of time so that it resembles drinking water.

    Peace and blessings be with you
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    Okay, that makes sense. Thank you!
    10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Starrynight View Post
    I have a question about praying during Ramadan. When doing wudu during sunlight hours do we still rinse out our mouths?
    Asalaamu Alaikum, You can still rinse your mouth during Wudu and Ghusl but you must be very careful that no liquid goes down the throat otherwise it may break your fast.

    So normally when we do Wudu and Ghusl we rinse our mouths and then gargle but whilst fasting you do NOT gargle at all so you do not bring it to your throat but keep it in your mouth and be extra careful not to let anything trickle down your throat.

    Hope that helps.
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    Re: 10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

    Preparing for Ramadan

    The righteous predecessors were very attentive to the worship to Almighty Allah, including paying great attention to the holy month of Ramadan.

    So it is known that many of them used to pray to Allah during 6 months after the end of Ramadan to accept their fasting, and then in 6 months they would ask Allah to allow to see the next Ramadan, so that they have another opportunity to make this great worship, which is the fasting in this holy month.

    In other words, we can see how the pious predecessors of this Ummah (community of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh) were prepared to meet the Ramadan.

    So Abu Bakr al-Balkhi, may Allah bless him with mercy, said:

    "Rajab is the month to sow the seeds; Shaban is the month to irrigate the crop; and Ramadan is the month to reap the harvest".

    And he also said:

    "Rajab is like the wind; Shaban is like the water-laden clouds; and Ramadan is like the rain".

    - Here a question arose: how do we need to prepare for Ramadan?

    The answer is: while preparing for the Holy Ramadan, bear in mind the following:

    1. Sincere repentance

    Repentance is demanded to be performed continuously, at any time. But it would be better for you with the approach of the blessed month to hurry up with repentance for all the sins you committed against Allah, and also against His creations.

    So with the advent of the Blessed Ramadan, you could proceed to the commission of worship with pure and quiet heart. Almighty Allah says in the Quran:

    "And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed".

    Al-Agharr ibn Yasar al-Muzani, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said:

    "O people! Turn in repentance towards Allah and ask His forgiveness. I turn towards Him a hundred times a day".

    2. Dua (supplication)

    It is reported from some of the righteous predecessors that they used to ask Allah for the six months to extend their lives to see Ramadan in good health. Then, they used to ask Allah for five months after Ramadan to accept their good deeds committed in it. Therefore, you, by following their example, pray Allah that He gives you an opportunity to celebrate Ramadan in good health and with a strong faith, and ask Him for the help in worshiping Him, and for acceptance of good deeds.

    3. Joy in light of the coming of the Holy month of Ramadan

    The approach of this blessed month is a great boon for every believer after all, because this month is a period of blessing. It is a month when the gates of Paradise are open and the gates of Hell are closed. It is a month when the Holy Quran was sent down.

    Allah said:

    "Say, In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy - in that let them rejoice; it is better than what they accumulate".

    4. Replenishment of the left obligatory fastings

    It is reported from Abu Salama, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said:

    "I heard Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, as saying: "Sometimes I missed some days of Ramadan, but could not fast instead of them except in the month of Shaban"."

    Ibn Hajar, may Allah bless him with mercy, said:

    "It can be drawn from the desire of Aisha to make up the missed days of Ramadan in the month of Shaban that any missed fasts to make up have to be made up before the next Ramadan comes".

    5. Acquisition of knowledge related to the dignity of the month of Ramadan, and with certain provisions of the fast.

    6. The coming completion of all deeds that can distract you from worship in the month of Ramadan.

    7. Explanation to the household, relatives and friends of the basic provisions of the fast.

    Motivation to "little ones" to participate in the fast, so that they could become accustomed to the basic kinds of worship in Islam from their childhood.

    8. Fasting in the month of Shaban, in order to prepare for the month of Ramadan.

    It is reported in an authentic hadith from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that she said:

    "Sometimes the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fasted so much that he even thought he did not break his fast in that month, and sometimes he broke his fast so much that we would say he did not fast. I did not see the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) fast in the whole month except Ramadan. I never saw him fast in any month more than he did in Shaban".

    It is also reported from Osama Bin Zeid, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said:

    "O Messenger of Allah! I did not see you fasting in any month as you do in the month of Shaban".

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said:

    "People neglect this month which is between Rajab and Ramadan, in this month the deeds of the people are presented to Allah; so I like my deeds to be presented while I am fasting".

    This hadith explains the wisdom of fasting in the month of Shaban, namely the fact that deeds or actions are presented to Allah. Also, some scholars have pointed out other wisdom of the fasting in the month of Shaban, which lies in the fact that this fasting is like a sunna-prayer committed before the obligatory farz-prayer. Thus, a man prepares himself, a sort of warm-up before the fulfillment of the obligatory form of worship.

    9. Reading the Quran

    Salamah Ibn Suhayl, may Allah be pleased with him, used to say:

    "The month of Shaban is the month of reciters of the Quran".

    When Shaban came, Amr Ibn Qays al-Malai, may Allah be pleased with him, used to close his store and devote his time to reading the Quran.

    Now, having said all this, let's look at our situation, and answer ourselves, being honest, how we prepare for this blessed month, and how we are going to meet it?

    We ask Almighty Allah for help and assistance in preparing for the fasting, and for a worthy meeting of the Holy month of Ramadan!

    Source: http://islambrowser.blogspot.com/201...r-ramadan.html
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