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How productive was your day today in Ramadan?

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    Exclamation How productive was your day today in Ramadan? (OP)

    Asalaamu Alaikum,

    This is a thread dedicated to us posting how productive we think our day was this Ramadan with regards to worship so that we can give tips to each other effective tips, help and advice on how we can get the most out of everyday this Ramadan.

    Also post if you need tips on how to maximise your day if you think you are not spending your day productively enough.
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    Re: How productive was your day today in Ramadan?

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    Re: How productive was your day today in Ramadan?

    5 ways to boost your productivity in Ramadan

    Ramadan demands from Muslims an abstention from food and drink – which are an essential requirement to make it through the day. Food and drinks rejuvenate us and are important means of energy. However, since our routine changes entirely during this holy month, therefore it is important to know some tips and tricks to make it through without losing your focus.

    Eat right

    If you are one of those people who cannot do without food for long, it is important to plan your Suhoor and Iftar meals. Instead of eating a lot of food, you should focus on high energy items which have all the required proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. One should particularly avoid salty foods so as to not feel too thirsty during the day. Even at Iftar, eat light but filling food so that it does not make you lazy and cause hindrances in work and in your Ibadah.

    Spend time in Ibadaah

    Although it may sound difficult but keeping busy is one of the easiest ways to remain productive. If you focus less and less on what you can’t do during your fast and emphasize more on the tasks at hand, it is going to become rather easy to concentrate and actually do your work.

    If you indulge yourself in Dikhar and reciting the Quran after Suhoor, it keeps your focus on the essence of Ramadan and refreshes you for work throughout the day. Sleeping right after Suhoor proves to be counter-productive in general.


    Exercise during Ramadan seems like a counter-intuitive act, especially when one already feels low on energy. But this is actually a great thing about exercise that it revitalizes and rejuvenates you. Throughout the month, either pre-Iftar or post-Iftar, make time for exercise because it not only gives you more energy, it also allows you to focus on your work better.

    If you feel sleepy during the day, it is important that you take a little walk even while at work; it will give you a break and allow you to refocus.

    In addition, you can also wash your face in intervals to keep yourself fresh throughout the day.

    Plan your days

    An essential thing to do for maximizing your productivity is to plan your days. Since Ramadan requires resetting your routine from what it has been previously, therefore to make a new routine especially for this month is rather vital. Instead of counting minutes and hours each day, plan ahead of time what you want to achieve during the day. Setting goals, however little they may be, helps significantly. Read the Quran after Suhoor, rest for a while after work, exercise before or after Iftar, do not miss out on your prayers and if you have a little more time left during the day or at night, remember the Lord some more.

    Having a set routine removes your attention from food and lethargy and allows you to be more productive during this month – a month where you should maximize as much as you can on everything.

    Indulge more in helping others

    Whatever little time you have left during the day, give lots of Sadaqah: get involved in charity drives and arrange Iftars for those who may need. When you help others, it not only makes you feel happy but also pleases Allah Almighty and that gives us the strength to do things that are required of us during the day.

    The spirit of Ramadan is all about doing more than you do in the entire year – this month does not hinder your productivity in any way if only you learn to focus on your goals and keep in mind the little tips and tricks to help you feel energized and always ready to seize the day.

    Source: https://www.islamicfinder.org/news/5...ty-in-ramadan/
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    Re: How productive was your day today in Ramadan?

    Six Easy Ways to Maximize the Barakah (blessings) in Ramadan:

    With our countless responsibilities and the never ending demands of everyday life, many of us struggle to find the time to achieve our goals in Ramadan. We feel overwhelmed and the lack of time leaves us disappointed at the end of each day. Nonetheless, a simple yet profound concept has the potential to transform our Ramadan and entire life around!

    It is Barakah. But what is Barakah? It is not about having more, rather the ability to do more with the less that you have. Barakah is Allah granting us immense blessings in what we have, bestowing upon us exponential increases in our time and rizq (sustenance). Generating outstanding results with the minimalist of efforts; that is the essence of Barakah! And what better time to start implementing this life-transforming concept than in Ramadan, the month of Barakah and the month wherein the most blessed book was sent down?

    1) Maximize Your Intention

    Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab:

    I heard Allah’s Messenger saying, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended…”

    This is the secret formula by which Allah would magnify our rewards beyond imagination! Think of two people performing wudhu’: one is doing it with the intention of praying, whilst the other adds to that the intention of cleansing himself of every misdeed committed by his limbs, getting closer to Allah by purifying himself both physically and spiritually as well as performing a sunnah of the beloved . Which of these two will receive an abundant reward? Without a doubt, it is the person who had multiple intentions for this one single deed. Bountiful rewards await such a person due to the power and magnitude of the intention; an effortless deed that many of us are heedless to.

    We must revive this beautiful teaching during Ramadan for greater Barakah in our actions. Whether you are reciting the Qur’an or cooking Iftar in the kitchen; be sure to maximize your intention, because every seemingly small deed carries magnanimous rewards!

    2) The Qur’an

    “And this [Qur’an] is a Book We have revealed [which is] blessed, so follow it and fear Allah that you may receive mercy.” 2

    Allah describes the Qur’an as blessed, and this is a fact that every reader would testify to. I have personally experienced this myself, the more I recite from the Qur’an, the more barakah there is in my time, the more I can achieve with the exact same hours that I have every single day. How many of us would wish for extra hours during the day to complete unfinished tasks? With this blessed book, you won’t need them.

    Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an, where our daily recitations increase and where we reflect and ponder upon the words of Allah. Simply reading a few more pages will grant you unimaginable barakah in your time and innumerable Hasanat for every letter you recite, leaving you with a heart filled with peace and tranquillity.

    3) Utilize the Morning Hours

    Narrated Sakhr al-Ghamidi:

    The Prophet said: “O Allah, bless my people in their early mornings.” 3

    The morning hours after Fajr are a treasure for every human being. These hours are especially blessed by Allah and those who do not utilize them are indeed in great loss. It is in these blissful hours that one is able to have clarity of thought, away from all distractions, by which they are able to complete a number of tasks that would have otherwise taken up an entire day. This is a fundamental aspect of productivity that all experts call for; these are the golden hours that we cannot forsake. Whether you are a student with multiple exams, a young mother with little children who expend most of your time and energy, or a student of the Qur’an striving to memorize a new surah, this is the ideal time for you to start working, try it and watch how your day unfolds!

    4) Less Screen Time

    Spending our precious time on petty matters such as the latest updates on social media platforms should be the last thing on our minds during Ramadan. Try to make this a screen-free month, except for checking important messages and beneficial posts, thereby making time for the revival of your heart and the purification of your soul with minimal distractions.

    We claim to be spending only five minutes on our devices, but it is never just five minutes. Our time is a gift from Allah, a gift that we will be held accountable for, and every passing minute is one that we will never be able to get back. You will be astonished by the time that will be freed up for you with less technology; you will find greater barakah in it, thus a chance to increase your credit of good deeds.

    5) Fill Your Time Gaps

    One must be conscious of their daily tasks to be able to fully utilize the gaps during their day. If you are a student commuting then you can spend the few extra minutes you have to read the Qur’an, or if you are waiting for a meal to be cooked, you can utilize the minutes of delay for dhikr and Istighfar by which your reward will be increasing perpetually. We must train our tongues to be continuously remembering Allah during the blessed hours of fasting so as not to be from the people of heedlessness. Fill your time gaps with sunnah acts that are inherently engulfed by immense Barakah: Start every act with bismillah, be consistent with the morning and evening Adhkar, express gratitude to Allah and He will increase you, these are all ways to significantly magnify the Barakah in your day, simple deeds yet promising mountains of rewards!

    6) Seek the Blessed Times for Dua’

    Especially during Ramadan, our tongues should become moist with dhikr and dua’, and although we should be making Dua’ at all times, there are certain hours that cannot be missed. These would include:

    The last third of the night,
    Between the adhan and iqama,
    Before breaking your fast,
    In Sujood
    These timings are of infinite blessings, where Allah promises to answer our Dua’s, so how can we abandon them and instead busy ourselves with trivial, unimportant matters?

    The ultimate source of barakah in our lives is Allah , hence, we must constantly be making Dua for barakah in our time and deeds. The following Dua is asking Allah for barakah in what we have already been given; it is part of the well-known Dua Qunoot and a beautiful one to beseech Allah with:

    {وبارك لي فيما أعطيت}

    “wa baarik lee feemaa ‘a’atayta”

    “and bless me in what You have bestowed”

    A Point for Reflection

    Imam Al-Bukhari, the great Muhaddith, had memorized and compiled over 600,000 hadiths in his Saheeh. Imam an-Nawawi, another great scholar, began seeking knowledge at the age of 19 (which is considered quite late), and he passed away at the age of 40. However, within this short span of time he was able to leave behind a tremendous legacy and inspirational books that are referred to until this very day. Where did they get the time to accomplish these things you might wonder? It must have been Barakah!

    The blessed month of Ramadan is engulfed with remarkable virtues and blessings, it is the month where every soul races to attain the mercy and forgiveness of the All-Mighty . In it, hearts are rectified, souls are cleansed and thoughts are purified by the mercy of Allah. The ideas outlined in this article are very simple yet enormously impactful if we consistently implement them. Let’s dedicate our time this Ramadan to strengthen the bond with our Creator and climb up the ladder of spiritual growth!

    May Allah allow us to witness this long-awaited month and shower upon us His infinite mercy and forgiveness! Ameen.

    Source: https://blog.islamiconlineuniversity...rakah-ramadan/
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    Re: How productive was your day today in Ramadan?

    Increase your connection with the Qur’an

    The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion… [Qur’an: Chapter 2, Verse 185]

    Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an, and because rewards are multiplied during this month, it is the perfect time to practice having a stronger relationship with the Qur’an. Reading the Qur’an isn’t just limited to the month of Ramadan, but Ramadan is when good deeds are done abundantly. This doesn’t mean that you should be in a race to finish the entire Qur’an without taking the time to reflect. If your goal was to finish reading the Qur’an, keep it up, but leave some time for reflection. If you don’t fully understand the meaning of the verses, read the translation, and even better, the tafsir. You don’t have to do that for the entire Qur’an. The words of Allah are so deep and magnificent that one or few verses would be enough to reflect on the whole night.

    Read more here:https://productivemuslim.com/maximiz...-days-ramadan/
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