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9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

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    9 things a Women on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Almighty Allah has made it easy for a women in Ramadan during her menses for she is still able to get the same rewards as men.

    The good deed accounts don't stop when a women is menstruating for the angels are continuing writing down good deeds as long as a women is doing good actions in order to please Allah.

    The following are 9 good deeds a women can do whilst on her menses during Ramadan and throughout the whole year:

    1. Listen to Qur'an recitation:

    Listening to recitation is the perfume of the souls, the calmer of hearts, and the food of the spirit. Is is one of the most important psychological medicines. It is a source of pleasure, even to some animals – and pleasure in moderation purifies inner energy, enhances the functioning of the faculties, slows down senile decay by driving out its diseases, improves the complexion, and refreshes the entire body. Pleasure in excess, on the other hand, makes the illnesses of the body grow worse.

    Abu Nu’aim states, in his Tib an-Nabbi, that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said that the benefits of listening to recitation are increased when it is understood – that is, when its meaning is understood.

    Allah Himself says:…so give good news to My slaves, those who listen to the word and then follow the best of it(Qur’an: 39.17-18)

    Source: As-Suyuti’s Medicine of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

    2. Read the tafseer and meanings of the Qur'an

    To reflect upon the verses of Allaah is a form of worship; it is something that will draw one close to Allah, Most High.

    Allaah, Most High, Says in the Quran (what means): "Then do they not reflect upon the Quran? If it had been from [any] other than Allaah, they would have found within it much contradiction." [Quran: 4:82]

    We should try to understand the Qur'an:

    Ibn Kathir says regarding tafsir of [Soorah al-A'raf (7): 179]:The similitude of the one, who memorizes the Qur'an but does not act in accordance to it, is like a donkey, which carries a load of books, but does not understand!

    We should read and study the deeper meanings of the Qur'an and act upon everything we read as this is what the Sahaaba did. Some of the Sahaaba took a very long time finishing the Qur'an because they wanted to implement everything they read before moving on to the rest of the Qur'an.

    3. Dhikr of Allah:

    A women on her menses can do excessive dhikr night and day. We will all have utter regret for each second wasted without remembering Allah:

    Mu`adh Ibn Jabal (RA) said that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "The People of Paradise will not regret anything except one thing alone: the hour that passed them by in which they made no remembrance of Allah." Narrated Bayhaqi in Shu`ab al-iman (1:392 #512-513)

    The highest rank in Jannah are for those who remembered Allah the most:

    Abu Sa`id (RA) narrates the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was asked, "Which of the servants of Allah is best in rank before Allah on the Day of resurrection?" He said: "The ones who remember him much."I said: "O Messenger of Allah, what about the fighter in the way of Allah?" He answered: "Even if he strikes the unbelievers and mushrikin with his sword until it broke, and becomes red with their blood, truly those who do Dhikr are better than him in rank." (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, & Bayhaqi)

    Therefore we should remember Allah as much as we can & glorify him night & day, not just in Ramadan but until our very last breath. What better time to start remembering Allah more than in this most blessed month.

    So we should set ourselves daily targets of doing as much Dhikr as we can. We can remember & glorify Allah whatever we are doing throughout the day. At work, whilst cooking, shopping & even whilst relaxing. We should remember Allah in our heart's & not just by our tongues. We should also contemplate over his magnificence & his creations & imagine him in front of us as we glorify & remember him.

    The following are 10 Dhikr, supported by Hadith that we can recite throughout the day & night in Ramadan until our last breath:

    Note: We should try & aim to recite each of these 10 Dhikr a 100 times each which makes a total of 1000 a day minimum.

    1. Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee - Recite this abundantly during the last ten nights of Ramadan.

    2. Subhaanallah

    3. Alhamdulillah

    4. Allahu Akbar

    5. Laa ilaaha illallah


    7. Asthaghfirullah-halladhee Laa ilaaha illa-huwal Hayyul Qayyuumu Wa athoobu Ilay

    Or short version: Asthaghfirullah


    Or short version: SUB-HAAN'ALLAAHi WA BI-HAM'DIHI

    9. Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-aliyyi-l-azīm

    10. Lā ilāha illā-llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu lahu-l-mulku wa lahu-l-ḥamdu yuhyi wa yumītu wa huwa ḥayyu-llā yamūtu abadan abada, ḏū-l-jalāli wa-l-ikrām, biyadihi-l-khayr, wa huwa alā kulli Shay-in qadīr

    Or the shortened version:

    Laa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay-in qadeer

    We should also recite much of durood e Ibrahim which is the durood that is recited towards the end of Salaah.

    Or the shortest durood is: Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallim

    4. Dua & Repentance

    A women in her menses can make excessive Dua to Allah night and day.

    Almighty Allah says in the Qur'an: "When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on me." [2:186]

    The place of Dua is so high in front of Allah, that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallim) has said: "Nothing is more honourable to Allah the Most High than Dua." [Sahih al-Jami` no.5268].

    Allah loves repentance & loves those who turn to him in sincere repentance:

    Truly Allah loves those who turn [to Him] in repentance... (Qur'an 2:222)

    Many of us rush our Dua’s & quite often our hearts are not present whilst we are making dua to Allah. That is why we lose out on much of the benefits & blessings of Dua. Therefore we should not let our minds wonder whilst in Dua & we should concentrate more, making sure our hearts are present whilst asking of Allah. Whilst we are in dua we should imagine Almighty Allah in front of us & so we should humble ourselves in front of him in a state of meekness & humility.

    It may also help if we made a list of what we want to ask Allah during our dua’s. We can then refer to this list as a reminder so that we can cover everything we need to ask him, which may help in making our Dua’s longer & more sincere. This is because we will not always remember everything we want to ask Allah unless we note it down & refer back to it when we need to.

    The times when Dua's are most accepted during Ramadan are:

    1. The third portion of the night shortly before sehri ends. 2. Whilst fasting. 3. Between Asr & Maghrib. 4. Just before fast opens. 5. On Jumma before & after khutba. 6. Between Adhan & Iqamah. 7. Whilst raining. 8. After Qur'an recitation. 9. The Night of Qadr

    Let us not be of those who pass by Ramadan without gaining any forgiveness:

    Rasullullah (sallahu’ ‘alaihi wasallam) said: ...the angel Jibra’il appeared before me and said: Destruction to him who found the blessed month of Ramadan and let it pass by without gaining forgiveness...’ Upon that I said: ‘Amin.’ (Al-Bukhari, Al-Tabrani)

    We should ask of Allah to accept all of our good deeds & efforts throughout Ramadan & be hopeful that Allah will accept it from us. We should also have FULL hope that Allah will accept our Dua’s if not in this world then in the hereafter. We should accept his decree for he knows best in all matters.

    Narrated ‘Ubaadah that the Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for EACH believing man and believing woman.” (Tabarrani)

    Subhanallah this deed can be done in EVERY dua and can you imagine how many rewards can be gained for each and every Muslim you make dua for from Adam alayhis 'salam until now and the last Muslim on earth. This is the easiest way to earn rewards that go into the billions and the more you make these dua's then the more your good deed account wil get filled!

    Every night in the last ten nights the following dua should be recited abundantly:

    Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallim):: 'O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?' He said: 'Say:

    "Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee"

    O Allah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.' " (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi).

    5. Learning Islamic knolwedge:

    A women in her menses can learn Islamic knowledge as much as she can through books, online, teachers etc

    "Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have been granted knowledge to high ranks."

    "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male and female)." (Hadith)


    Allah (Most Exalted is He), Who created us and gave us sustenance, has also given us guidance. He said:

    "Verily We have created man into toil and struggle… Have We not made for him a pair of eyes; and a tongue, and a pair of lips; and shown him the two ways (obedience and disobedience)?"
    (Qur'an, Al-Balad 90:4-10)

    After providing us with the capability to contemplate, think and differentiate between things, He instructed us to know Him, to know his Prophets and to know His Deen, Islam. He said:

    "So know that there is no god save Allah, ask forgiveness for your sins and for the believing men and the believing women. Allah knows well your moving and your place of rest."
    (Qur'an, Muhammad 47:19)

    This verse shows the importance of knowledge and the virtues that Allah has given to it. It also shows that knowledge comes before deeds, since Allah instructed His Prophet to know that He is One and the only One worthy of worship. After that, He commanded him to ask forgiveness for himself, his family and for his Ummah.

    If Muslims truly realise the importance Islam places on knowledge and its virtues, they will definitely be keen to learn and teach others. They would start with themselves and their families; then their neighbours and the community at large.

    6. Serving your parents:

    A man once asked the Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallim):

    "'Should I join the jihad?' He asked, 'Do you have parents?' The man said, 'Yes!' The Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallim) said, 'Then strive by serving them!'" (Sahih Al-Bukhari, No. 5972)

    Therefore serving one's parents is even better than jihad so serve your parents as much as you can and gain rewards you can NEVER imagine!

    Treating your parents the best:

    To be obedient and to show kindness to parents has been enjoined in the Holy Quran in such a manner as to say that among the noble deeds, to obey parents, treat them respectfully and to show kindness to them is next to worshipping Almighty Allah.

    The Quran says, "Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour." - Surah Al Isra (17:23).

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said:“What a loss is for him! What a loss is for him! What a loss is for him!” Someone asked: “Who, O Allah's Messenger?” He replied: “He whose parents reach old age, either one or both of them, and he does not use their presence (by being good to them, etc.) to cause him to enter Paradise.” (Muslim)

    Abdullah bin Mas'ood (RA), observed: "I asked Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) which deed was the best." He replied: 'The Prayer at its appointed hour.' I (again) asked: "Then what?" He replied: 'Kindness to the parents.'... (Sahih Muslim: 120)

    So a women in her menses should do what she can to serve her parents in anyway that she can like for eg clean the house so that her parents do less, attend to their every need etc. Surely she will be pleasing Allah so much and gaining unimaginable rewards!

    7. Giving dawah:

    "And who is better in speech than he who invites to Allah and does righteous deeds, and says: 'I am one of the Muslims.'" [al-Qur'aan, Fussilat(41):33]

    A women on her menses can give dawah to other sisters and non Muslims. We should spend our lives inviting others towards Allah whether they are Muslim or non Muslim.

    "Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. They are prosperous ones." (3.104)

    We should not argue with them or use a harsh manner but use wisdom, tact and the best approach possible:

    Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious. (16:125)

    We should enjoin good and forbid evil for it is a duty upon us:

    The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: ‘Indeed, by Allah, you either enjoin good and forbid evil and catch hold of the oppressor and persuade him to act justly and stick to the truth, or, Allah will involve the hearts of some of you with the hearts of others and will curse you as he had cursed them’ (At-Tirmidhi)

    Whatever beneficial knowledge we have we should convey it unto others so that they may also benefit from it:

    Zaid b. Thabit (RA) narrated the Prophet(Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said: "May Allah cause to have freshness and brilliance the man who hears what I say and keeps it in mind, then convey it to others. (Ahmad, 5-183)

    We should know that any good action another does because of some beneficial knowledge we have shared then we will also have a share of it:

    "Whoever guides [another] to a good deed will get a reward similar to the one who performs it." (Sahih Muslim)

    So she can give dawah by text, e mail, direct or indirect

    8. Best Manners, Character & Conduct

    A women on her menses should show the best manners, character and conduct in this blessed month and throughout her life. She should strive to be of those with the best of characters and manners as that is what will elevate us in the hereafter:

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alahi wasallam) used to say: The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character. (Related by al-Bukhari)

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said: There is none heavier in the scales of the Hereafter than good character, (Hadith narrated by al-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud).

    Subhanallah so if we show good character outside of Ramadan then it is of the heaviest on the scales but can you imagine the rewards of good character in Ramadan?

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "The best loved by me and the nearest to me on the seats on the Day of Resurrection are those who have the best manners and conduct amongst you, who are intimate, are on good terms with others and are humble, and the most hated by me and who will be on the furthest seats from me are those who are talkative and arrogant." (Tirmidhi)

    So let us strive to perfect our manners, character and conduct and know that these good deeds will be of the heaviest on the scales and will enable us to reach the highest ranks of Jannah

    9. Charity:

    A women in her menses should spend in the way of Allah as much as she can for charity extinguishes sins save one from the fire:

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said: “Charity wipes out sins as water extinguishes fire.” (Tirmidhi)

    Charity should be paid secretly:

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said: “Righteous deeds protect a person from an evil end; a charity spent in secret extinguishes Allah’s wrath; and maintaining good ties of kinship increases ones lifespan.” (Tabaraani)

    Removing harmful objects from people’s way is also a charity:

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said:“I saw a man enjoying himself in Paradise (simply) because he removed from a road a tree that used to harm people.”(Muslim)

    Providing for ones family is a charity:

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said:If a man provides for his family hoping for the reward, it will be counted as charity for him.”(Bukhari & Muslim)

    She can involve herself in charity work in her local community or for a charity organisation. She can do various projects to raise money and awareness for good cauises.


    Therefore a women on her menses must never feel that she is not able to gain the blessings and reward of the month of Ramadan. There is NOTHING stopping her from gaining IMMENSE rewards equal to that of a man. All that is required from her is effort, the right good intentions and sincerety in her actions.

    May Allah enable us to gain he best of this month. Ameen
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 08-03-2011 at 11:38 PM.
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    JazakAllah khayrun
    9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Allah made everyone different thats what makes them special,so no matter what ppl say just remember you're SPECIAL!!
    "You are with the one you love"
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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Those in menses should seek knowledge:

    Seeking Islamic knowledge is one of the best forms of worship and a great source of blessings and rewards. It is the way that leads to Jannah. The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam) said:

    "He who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to paradise." (Muslim)

    And he said:

    Allaah, His angels and all those in the heavens and in the earth, even the ants in their holes and the fish in the water, pray for those who instruct people in beneficent knowledge." (Tirmidhi)

    You don't have to be clean (tahaarah) to seek knowledge so pick up some good books of authentic Islamic information or go on the Internet (Only if you are certain that the information you are listening to and reading is authentic). There are wonderful, lectures and reminders by great shuyookh as well as Imaan-boosting articles and other audio/video material where a lot can be learned.

    So read, listen and learn and earn abundant rewards at the same time whether on menses or not.
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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    It may be a good idea for those women who feel that they lose 'momentum' in their ibaadat during their menses, to continue to follow salaah times in respect to other forms of worship.

    In other words, when the azaan is called, one can still sit on their prayer mats - but instead of performing salaah, they engage in zikr, make abundant duaa and read islamic books. Sometimes, just sitting on ones musallah (prayer mat) at the times of prayer, makes a difference to how one feels.

    So, we should still try to awaken for fajr, and to proceed to perform other types of ibaadat five times (and more) a day.

    In this way, one will feel like there is still a 'routine' to each day of worship and it will also, in shaa Allah, prevent laziness from setting in and we will be able to maximize our time more beneficially.

    9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِى عَلَى دِينِكَ

    Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
    "Oh Turner of Hearts, keep my heart firm on Your Deen."

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Worship routine for a woman on her Menses during the last 10 blessed Nights:

    09:30 - 10:00 pm - Open fast with family with dates and water so as to fulfil the Sunnah and also feel the atmosphere and feeling of fasting

    10:00 - 10:15 pm - Eat light in order to have optimum energy for worship. Avoid heavy and fried foods which will make one lethargic.

    Bonus: The lighter the stomach the more worship. The more worship the more reward!

    10:15 - 10:30 pm - Get ready and prepared. Make Ghusl, Wudu and wear ones best clothes. Sit I'tikaf at home.

    Bonus 1: Looking ones best actually has a significant impact in making one more productive! These are the nights of maximum productivity! So look good to be more productive!

    Bonus 2: According to many scholarly opinions including that of Hanafi Madhab. It is recommended for a woman to sit I'tikaf at a designated place in the depths of her home.

    10:30 pm - 12:00 am - Put on Taraweeh prayer from Makkah or locality if they have radio transmission. This will enable one to get the feeling of Ramadan and at the same time listen to the Qur'an recitation. Also read the translation to go with it in order to understand what is being recited.

    12:00 - 12:30 am - Drink water to hydrate. If one is hungry then eat (LIGHT) in order to prepare for worship for the rest of the Night. Do not partake in any idle talk. Go straight to the spot where there will be no disturbances at home and begin worship immediately. NO PROCRASTINATION during these blessed 10 nights!

    Bonus: The less time we waste the more time we have for worship. The more time we have for worship the more we can gain unimaginable rewards during these blessed 10 nights! Other things can be done at anytime but not during these blessed few nights.

    12:30 - 2:30 am - Ramadan is the month of the Qur'an and not being able to recite the Qur'an is no reason to feel down as you can read the tafseer (Meanings of the Qur'an) and contemplate and ponder over the words of Allah and gain the same rewards insha'Allah.

    Bonus: In one of these nights was the auspicious night that the Noble Qur'an was revealed. So surely we should spend most of these nights reciting the Meanings of the Qur'an so that we may understand it and ponder and reflect over it.

    2:00 - 2:30 am - Recite the Dua of Laylatul Qadr as much as possible for wiping out sins and make Dua of repentance to Allah, begging and crying unto him for mercy and forgiveness. (Allahumma Innaka Afuwun Thuhibbul Afwa Fa'fu Anna)

    2:30 - 3:00 - Prepare Suhoor and eat (Light).

    Bonus: Prepare Suhoor in the day and put it away in the fridge as nothing should get in the way of our worship during these blessed nights. Preparing Suhoor before hand leaves us with more time to worship. As I keep saying: The more time we have for worship the more unimaginable and incomprehensible rewards we can gain!

    3:00 am - until Fajr begins Spend the last half an hour in Dua and beg and cry unto Allah, by praising and glorifying him using his beautiful names asking for his mercy, forgiveness and for our parents, families and ourselves. Ask for anything ones heart desires. Include Dua's for the Ummah. Surely Allah will accept each and every sincere Dua during these blessed 10 nights more so more than any night of the year on the Night of power!

    Bonus: Make a Dua list and be sure to cover everything you can think of so that your mind does not go blank during making Dua on these blessed nights. So if we have made a Dua list before hand then we can make the best Dua which will cover everything and during these blessed nights Duas are readily accepted and if we catch the Night of power during these 10 nights then our Duas will be accepted without a doubt. Subhanallah!

    Repeat this schedule for the remaining time in Menses and know that you do not have to worry about earning less rewards as you can earn the same if not more than those who are not on menses!

    May Allah enable us to make the best of these nights and gain the rewards may he enable us to catch the blessed Night of Power and gain the rewards that are promised for it. Ameen
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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Sisters recite the Dua of Laylatul Qadr abundantly during the last 10 nights:

    اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ ، تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

    Allahumma innaka ‘affuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni’ ‘

    O Allah You are The One Who forgives greatly, and loves to forgive, so forgive me. [at Tirmidhi]

    This Dua is a true blessing to our Ummah which was given to us by Allah the majestic to the Prophet [Sallallahu laihi Wasallam] to the most beloved person to him: Aisha [RA]. So that makes the Dua extra special.

    Normally when we ask for forgiveness then Allah may forgive us but may still mention the sin to us on the Day of Judgement. But in this Dua we are asking Allah to completely wipe away our sins so that they are totally erased. So recite this Dua frequently during this blessed night to get your sins totally wiped out and come out as sinless as a newborn baby. Subhanallah!
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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    10 Easy Ibadaat for Women in Ramadan on their Menses / Periods

    What is Ibadah?!

    The term “Ibadah” (worship) in Islam is not only confined to the pillars of Islam as it comprises many other goodly aspects. Allah [Exalted be His mention] says [what means]:
    “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” {Surat Adh-Dhariyat 51: Verse: 56}

    Many people mistakenly understand the term “worship” to mean living an ascetic way of life. This is not true at all. In Islam, worship is not [only] restricted to prayer, going to the masjid, giving in charity, or going for Hajj, as one can even turn permissible acts such as sleeping, eating, drinking, going to work, etc. into an act of worship. How is that?! By having a good intention! So, if one sleeps with the intention to rest his body so he can have more energy to worship Allah then this is a good intention. If one goes to work so he can provide for his family and those under his care, then this is a good intention which he will be rewarded for.

    Mu’aadh (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I sleep and I get up (to pray at night), and I seek reward for my sleep as I seek reward for my getting up.
    [Narrated by al-Bukhari]

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “You will never spend anything that you spend for the sake of Allah, but you will be rewarded for it, even the morsel of food that you put in your wife’s mouth.”
    [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]

    Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Tayimah (May Allah have Mercy on him) gave a very comprehensive definition of the word “Ibaadah” as he said: “Al-Ibadah is a collective term for all of the deeds and words which Allah loves and is pleased with [whether] inward or outward.”


    Many sisters feel that they cannot do much of Ibaadaat while on their monthly period, this is not true. Allah (Exalted be His mention) gave us the blessing of time, we should take advantage of it in doing things that are pleasing to Him. So, here is a list of ten easy Ibaadaat that can be done during the period:

    1. Make lots of du’a (supplication) to Allah

    Being in that state of ritual impurity should not prevent you from making du’a.

    It is reported from An-Nu’man bin Bashir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported the prophet (Peace & blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “Du’a is worship.” [Abu Dawud]

    2. Visit a close family member

    When you are visiting one of your close family members make sure to have the intention of keeping good ties of kinship between both of you.

    The prophet (Peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “And he who believes in Allah and the Last Day should unite his ties of kinship.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari]

    3. Make lots of Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness from Allah) and dhikr (remembrance of Allah)

    This can be done when you are cooking, cleaning, going to work, going to the shop, etc. Allah [Exalted be His mention] says [what means]:
    “O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance.” [Surat Al-Ahzab: 33: Verse: 41]

    4. Give Da’wah to Muslims and non-Muslims

    This can be by sharing an Islamic post on face book, sharing Islamic knowledge in general through media, and most importantly being a good example through your manners, speech and actions. Allah says what means: “And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, “Indeed, I am of the Muslims.” [Surat Fussilat: 41: Verse: 33]

    And the prophet (Peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Convey from me even if it is (only) one ayah (verse).” [Narrated by al-Bukhari]

    5. Read beneficial books

    Choose books that will help you understand more about Islam, purpose of this life and duties towards our creator. Anas ibn Malik said, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.” [Sunan Ibn Majah]

    6. Visit the sick

    It is one of the rights upon another Muslim to visit them when they are sick, and not only that, there are great virtues for visiting the sick as mentioned by our beloved Prophet (Peace & blessings of Allah be upon him): “When the Muslim visits his (sick) Muslim brother, he is harvesting the fruit of paradise until he returns.” [Narrated by Muslim].This would also enable us to be more thankful to Allah for the good health that we have and content with the condition we are in.

    7. Listen to the Qur’an frequently

    Listening to the Qur’an would enable you to prefect your recitation of the Qur’an, help you revise what you memorized, and constantly remembering Allah in your heart and mind.

    8. Help others

    If you see your sister in Islam going through hard circumstances, do what you can to help her. One day if you are in that same position, Allah will bring to you someone who will help you too.

    9. Smile in your sister’s face

    By doing so, we are following the prophet’s sunnah and will be rewarded for it Insha’Allah.

    10. Spread the greeting of “Salam”

    This should be done with those [sisters] we know or never met before. The prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I tell you about something which, if you do it, will make you love one another? Greet each other with Salam.”

    In conclusion, let’s renew our intentions and make sure we are doing all these good deeds sincerely for Allah’s sake and following the footsteps of our beloved prophet Muhammad and his companions (May Allah be pleased with them all).

    9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Fasting - Menses at time of Laylatul Qadr

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Taking on your Period During Ramadan!

    So, you have been fasting consistently. The headaches and dehydration have passed. You are really beginning to take advantage of the blessings that Ramadhan brings. And no clearer than the end of this sentence. There it is, right on time. Your period. The worst thing that can happen during Ramadhan.

    No more fasting, no more praying, until it has ended. What are you to do?

    Continue earning the blessings of Ramadan during your menses!

    Now is not the time to fall back into bad habits, you can still participate and earn the blessings of this holy month. I’m sure you spend plenty of time online, and/or listening to your iPod. Yes, Apple has an app for that. You can listen to and read Qur’an from your iPhone, iPod, or favorite web browser.

    You may actually find yourself reading more than you realize, too! If you read a minimum of five pages of Qur’an per day, insha’Allah you will be done by the end of Ramadhan.

    Okay, you can’t pray, no big deal. But you can do dhikr. Prayer is a way or remembering Allah (SWT) . As you are waiting for your family and friends to pray, simply do dhikr during the time in which you would be praying instead. Dhikr is repeating ‘Allahu Akbar‘, ‘Alhamdulillah‘, and ‘Subhanallah‘ 33 times each. It’s a very meditating and calming activity.

    In actuality you can still pray. Even without purification, at any time you may fall in Sujood, or prostration (face on the floor, palms down) and make supplication to Allah (SWT) for anything that concerns you. You can make supplication sitting down with hands raised to your Creator at anytime as well.

    You don’t have to have any special supplications memorized, or even speak in Arabic. Talk to Allah (SWT) as though He (SWT) were your best friend, and you will find that He (SWT) is. You will begin going to Him (SWT) more and more, even after Ramadan is over. It’s not only by doing more good deeds that you improve your character, but also by drawing yourself closer to Allah (SWT) ; as you grow closer to Him (SWT) , He (SWT) changes your character and therefore your deeds change as a result of the change in your heart.

    Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an:

    “… Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you.” 2:185

    Feeding people has a blessing of its own. However, during the month of Ramadan, it’s like a multi-level marketing business! If you feed a person who has been fasting, your earn the blessings of their fast as if you had fasted the entire day yourself!

    Volunteer at your local mosque, sponsor Iftar one night, or contribute to a potluck. Encourage your friends who are also not fasting to join you, and gain blessings from their good deeds as well. Before you know it, your menses will be over.

    Purifying yourself after your menses

    After your menses has ended, you must purify yourself through a process called ghusool before you can begin fasting and resume praying as normal. First, remove all your jewelry or anything that may get in the way of the water touching your skin, and un-braid any braids or pony tails that you may have in your hair. Bathe your private parts, and pour three cup fulls of water of your hair, making sure that water gets to your scalp.

    Then continue your ghusool as you would when making Wudhu. But before you wash your feet, bathe and wash your entire body until you are fully clean. Then, wash your feet and end your ghusool by saying the shahada: Ashhadu inna la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu inna Muhammadun rasool Allah. Remember, the water should touch every single part of your body – if even one hair remains dry, your ghusool is not valid!

    If, for some reason, your menses has continued for more than 15 days, perform ghusool as stated above, and go back to your praying and fasting as you normally would. Scholars differ on the number of days, between 11-15 days. They all agree however that it is not considered to be your menses but rather a discharge. You simply purify yourself before each prayer, then pray and fast as normal.

    Don’t let something as small as your menses get in between you and your blessings. Remember that Ramadan is not simply about giving up food, praying, and fasting, but it is truly about purifying your heart and your deeds — leaving things that Allah (SWT) dislikes and doing more of the things that He (SWT) loves with no intention other than to please Him (SWT) .

    Source: http://---------------/2509/taking-on...uring-ramadan/
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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Do's & Don'ts While Menstruating - Islamic Advice by Ustadha Shawana A. Aziz

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    What if menstruation begins before the fast ends?

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Spiritual Productivity during non praying days:

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    5 Ways to Make the most out of Ramadan during Menstruation

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Menstruation During Ramadan (Must See Hacks)

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    Menstruation During Ramadan (Must See Hacks)

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    if a woman becomes pregant just before ramadan does she have to fast?
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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Jazakallah for the thread, very informative
    9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Jabir bin 'Abdullah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:'A slave (of Allah) shall not believe until he believes in Al-Qadar, its good and its bad, such that he knows that what struck him would not have missed him, and that what missed him would not have struck him." (Jami 'at Tirmidhi)
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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    format_quote Originally Posted by rafhelp View Post
    if a woman becomes pregant just before ramadan does she have to fast?
    yes but if her doctor recommend that fast is not harmful for her she should have to fast.
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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    Periods in Ramadan | How to worship? | Tips: Ramadan 2022

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    Re: 9 things a Woman on Menses can do in Ramadan

    How to Maximise the Spirit of Ramadan During Menstruation

    Ramadan represents an important time for Muslims. It is a month inwhich we return ourselves to Allah and the Qur’an. Physically, we abstain from food and water, reminding the body of how little sustenance it needs to thrive. Morally, the Muslim works on improving their character, abstaining from anger, backbiting and obscene language. They guard their ears, eyes, and tongues from engaging in sinful behavior. Spiritually, it is a time of self-reformation and seeking purification from desires (nafs) to bring oneself closer to Allah. We give up the devices of this world (dunya), whether it is our cellphones, music playlists, Netflix subscriptions or social media to bring ourselves in alignment with what Islam asks of us, and in turn, inculcate a deeper sense of God consciousness (taqwa). Before the month even starts, an aura of anticipation and eagerness fills our communities. We circulate lists of goals to be achieved, whether it is increased prayers, recitation of the Qur’an or standing in the night prayer, seeking solace in the company of Allah.

    For women, menstruation (hayd) can present a distinct challenge – just as they find themselves settling into a Ramadan routine, they start their cycle and are no longer able to fast or pray. For many, this leads to a sense of frustration and questioning as to how they can benefit spiritually. First and foremost, understanding and obeying the command of Allah is in itself a form of worship. So, if a woman refrains from fasting while menstruating, she is gaining reward from her Creator, due to her humility and obedience.

    Moreover, there are ample ways a woman can worship, affording herself the opportunity to benefit from the blessings of Ramadan even while she is menstruating. In each prayer time, she can perform ablution (wudu), enter into her prayer space and focus her heart on Allah through different means. Allah tells us in the Qur’an, “When My servants ask you about Me [tell them that] I am truly near. I respond to the call of one when he prays to Me; so they should respond to Me [with obedience] and have faith in Me, so that they may be on the right path.” (Surat al-Baqarah 2:186).

    Below are some practices a woman can partake in during her hayd:

    1. Daily Litany (Wird) – Recite a portion from a compiled book of litanies, such as Al-Hizb al-A’zam. These Qur’anic and Prophetic invocations remind the believer of the temporal nature of the dunya and the need to consistently put one’s focus on the hereafter (akhira).

    2. Remembrance (Dhikr) – One of the most beloved things to Allah is when his believing servant glorifies and praises Him. Recognising and calling on the attributes of Allah is an important way to strengthen your relationship with Him.

    3. Supplication (Du’a) – One of the most intimate and powerful means of communicating with Allah is through du’a. It is through du’a that we turn our affairs over to Allah, we accept His power over all things and our absolute submission to Him. We open our hearts to Allah and ask for His forgiveness, guidance and mercy.

    4. Seeking Forgiveness (Istighfar) – Ramadan is a month in which the believer turns to Allah seeking His absolute forgiveness. It is a time when the floodgates of Allah’s mercy are wide open and the believer simply needs to turn toward Allah penitently. Allah knows that His creation will repeatedly sin, but He has also given us the means of erasing those sins through istighfar.

    5. Sending Salutations (Salawat) – By sending salawat, a woman is not only fulfilling the command of Allah but increasing the love she has for the Beloved Messenger (may Allah bless him and give him peace), as well as increasing his love for her. Our salawat will envelop us in the mercy and protection of Allah and His Messenger (may Allah bless him and give him peace) on the Day of Judgment.

    In addition to the above mentioned, there are multiple other things a woman can engage in to use her time for spiritual benefit. Although this is not a conclusive list, it is suggestions from our team that we have found beneficial.

    1. Listen to Qur’an Recitation – A powerful way to soften the heart and to draw oneself closer to Allah and the message of Islam is to listen to the recitation of the Qur’an. As we listen and reflect on the meaning of the verses, we realize the immense power of Allah and the challenges faced by the Prophets as they spread the message of oneness (tawhid). Listening to the verses also brings about a feeling of calm and serenity. Many organizations are live-streaming recitations of the Tarawih prayers. One can open up their browser with the livestream playing in one window and pull up the translation in another window to follow along. Reading the meaning while hearing the recitation live can beautifully penetrate the heart.

    2. Read Hadith Commentary – The body of hadith collections is an amazing way to get a glimpse at what life was like for the Beloved Messenger (may Allah bless him and give him peace). They are also a source of legislative information for Muslims, giving detail and nuance on issues the Qur’an does not directly address. However, it is important to keep in mind that an average person cannot open up a Hadith book and simply apply what is written therein. A scholar should be consulted. The benefit for us is in learning about the things our Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) did and said. You can start with a collection, such as Provisions for the Seekers. Other collections are Imam Nawawi’s 40 Hadith and Imam Bukhari’s Al-Adab al-Mufrad, which focuses on the perfection of one’s character and manners.

    3. Read a Seerah Book – One way to inculcate the love of the Messenger (may Allah bless him and give him peace) in our hearts is to read about his life and traits. A book or audio lecture series on the Seerah allows us to understand the events of his beloved life and all the sacrifices he made, so we could receive and practice the religion (din) with such ease. When we learn about him, we know him, and then cannot help but love him (may Allah bless him and give him peace).

    4. Read Tafsir of the Qur’an – While recitation of the Qur’an itself is prohibited in hayd, a woman can read the tafsir to help her understand better what is being discussed within the pages of scripture. A good start would be Illuminating Discourses on the Noble Quran for a comprehensive tafsir or Pearls from the Quran by Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam for a condensed look at particular chapters.

    5. Read Islamic Literature – There is an abundance and wealth of Islamic literature available. There are books on the Companions of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace), Islamic history, Islamic law (fiqh) and theory, spirituality and the scholars of the past. There are amazing books being produced by female scholars on a range of topics, including the example of great Muslim women throughout history.

    6. Service to Others – Although she cannot fast herself, a menstruating woman can be of service to others. One way to do this is to prepare a meal for those who are fasting. If she is already doing this, she can take it up a notch when she is menstruating by preparing food for her extended family, local congregation or her neighbors. Additionally, she can volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen to spend her time in service of those who are in need.

    7. Watch Islamic Videos – While one should be careful of the scholarship they take from online, as there is so much content available, a beautiful way to learn about any subject is to watch a video series. There are many series available that take the listener through a topic in detail so they develop a grounded and solid understanding. There are many selections available on ZamZam Academy.

    The mercy of Allah, especially in the month of Ramadan, is expansive and in no way reserved for only those who are able to fast and pray. Menstruating women should first remember that by refraining from the fast, prayer and recitation of the Qur’an, they are following the command of their Creator. In that itself is a reward. Second, as shown above, there are numerous ways to engage in worship and earn good deeds during this blessed month. A woman in hayd need not worry. As long as a sincere effort is put forth, she will find herself benefiting from Ramadan despite not being able to fast or pray.

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 04-09-2022 at 04:34 AM.
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