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VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

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    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!


    1.TAHIYATUL WUDHU (Nafl prayer after doing Wudu)

    Abu Hurairah (Ra) narrates that once The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) asked Bilal (Ra) at Fajr Salat:

    O Bilal!

    Tell me that deed of yours
    which is most hopeful (for reward)
    after embracing Islam,
    for I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise
    (in my dream).

    Bilal (Ra) replied:

    I have not done anything extroadinary except that
    whenever I perform Wudu during the day or night,
    I Salat (Tahiyatul-Wudu) after that,
    as much as was written or granted for me.

    Abu Huraira (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (Salallahu ‘alaihi wa Salam) said to Bilal (Ra) “Tell me about the most hopeful act (i.e one which you deem the most rewarding with Allah) you have done since your acceptance of Islam because I heard the sound of the steps of your shoes in front of me in paradise.” Bilal (Ra) said : “I do not consider any act more hopeful than that whenever I make ablution (wudoo) at any time of night or day, I offer salah (prayer) for as long as was destined for me to offer.” (Al-bukhari and Muslim).

    After completion of the wudhu of two Rakaats is full of blessings (sawaab). It is related in the Hadith that performance of the two Rakaats of Tahiyatul wudhu Namaaz makes paradise obligatory (wajib) for the performer (Muslim) There are also many other benefits.

    It should not be performed during the Improper (makruh) times. (When the sun rises, when it is at Zenith and when it sets.)

    2. Prayer of Ishraq (Sunrise prayer)

    The beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said: Those who perform the Fajr prayer in congregation (Jamaa’at), read the Zikr (remembrance of Allah) till the sun has completely arisen (length of a spear from the horizon, after 20 minutes of sunrise) and read 2 Raka-at Nafil prayer, will have the benedictions (sawaab) equal to those of Haj-Umrah. It is recommended to read the Surah Fateha and Ayyat-uk-Kursi till Khaalidoon, in the first Raka-at, and in the second Raka-at to read, after Surah Fateha, Aamanar Rasul till the end of Suratul Baqarah. In the case that this verse cannot be read from memory, one can recite any other verse and then ask Duas. Woman should read all prayers of Farz and Nafil at home and will derive the same benefits (sawaab) that accrue from prayer performed at the Mosque (Tirmidhi Shareef).

    The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said that Whoever, after finishing Fajr salat, kept sitting at the place of prayer, and prayed the Ishraq salat before getting up from there, provided he did not engage in any worldly act or conversation during that time, and instead, remained in Allah's Zikr (remembrance), then all his sins are forgiven, even if they are as much as the foarn of the ocean. [Abu Da'ud] The scholars have written that during this time, the person should take care to sit facing the Qiblah. Sheikh Shahabuddin Soharwardi (R.A.) used to say that the action whose reward is obtained right away in this world, is that a person, after Fajr salat, facing Qiblah, does Zikr of Allah until Ishraq. After a few days the person will gain inner spiritual light (Nuraniyat).

    The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said that Allah says, 'O son of Aadam, perform 4 Rakaats of Salat (Ishraaq) in the early part of the day. I shall help you in accomplishing all your responsibilities during the rest of the day.' (Mishkaat pg.116)

    In another narration of Tirmidhi, The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said, 'He who performs Fajr Salat with Jamaat and remains seated in the same place while engaging in Dhikr until after sunrise and thereafter performs 2 Rakaats Nafil Salat, (Ishraaq), he will obtain the Thawaab of one Hajj and one Umrah.' (Tirmidhi).

    From the above Ahaadith, we learn that the number of Rakaats to be performed are 2 or 4 Rakaats, and the Mustahabb method of performing it is to remain seated in your place of Salat after Fajr and engage in Dhikr, etc. until sunrise. Then, approximately, 10-15 minutes after sunrise perform 2-4 Rakaats. 'If a person gets occupied in some worldly activity after the Fajr Salat, and after sunrise he offers Ishraaq Salat, this will also be permissible although the reward will be less.' (Bahishti Zewar part2 pg.30)

    3. Dhuhaa Salaat (Breakfast prayer)

    When the sun has risen high and there is heat in its rays, the performance of 2,4, 6,8 or 12 rakaats is called Namaaz-e-Chaast. This is full of countless rewards.

    The Traditions says that the performance of 2 rakaats wipes away all ones sins. There are 360 joints in our body and to pay Sadakah for each is Wajib (obligatory) The 2 rakaaats is enough to pay all the Sadakah. Performance of 4 rakaats places the performer's name among the Abids and is the Sunnat of Saliheen and promise the performer protection until the evening. The performer of 6 rakaats is relieved of his day's worries. Performance of 8 rakaats places his name among the Parhezgaars and the performer of 12 rakaats ensures a Golden Mansion or castle for himself in Paradise. (Ref : Tirmidhi, Ibne Majah, Ahmad and Abu Yala)

    The Mustahabb (preferred) time of performing Salat al-Dhuhaa is after 1/4 of the day has passed. This is deduced from a Hadith of Muslim. (Halabi; Sharah Kabeer pg.390). From many Ahaadith, we understand that Salat al-Dhuhaa should be performed after the sun has risen quiet high. Because the Fuqahaa and Muhadditheen are of the opinion that the commencement of the time of Salat al-Dhuhaa is the same as that of Ishraaq (i.e. immediately after sunrise), the Ulama have stated that 'if due to lack of time, one performs the Salat of Ishraaq and Dhuhaa together at one time, that too will be correct.' (Our Namaas pg.44)

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said, 'Whoever offers 2 Rakaats of Salat al-Dhuhaa, all his sins will be forgiven even though they are as much as the foam of the sea.' (Ibid)

    It is reported that Sayyidna Aaisha (Radhiallaahu Anha) used to perform 8 Rakaats of Salat al-Dhuhaa. She said that even if her parents arose from the grave, she would not leave Salat al-Dhuhaa to go and meet them. (Ibid).

    'Salat al-Dhuhaa consists of 2 - 12 Rakaats and it is preferable to perform 8 Rakaats.' (Raddul Mukhtaar vol.1 pg.505)

    The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said that Whoever prayed twelve rakaats at the time of Chasht, then Allah will, as reward, prepare a palace of gold for him in Paradise. [Mishkat, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah]

    4. Virtues of the Four Rak'aah Sunnah of Zuhr

    The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said that Whoever performs the four rakaats before and after the Zuhr salat with constancy, Allah Ta'ala makes the fire of Hell haram (forbidden) for him. [Mishkat, p. 104; Tirmidhi, Abu Da'ud, Nisai, Ibn Majah]

    The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said that after the worshipper prays the four rakaats of Zuhr salat, the doors of heaven are opened, i.e. the salat becomes accepted by Allah, and the cause of its acceptance comes down on the worshipper as rays of mercy. [Mishkat, p. 104]

    5. Virtues of the 4 Rak'aah Sunnah of Asr

    The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said: "May Allaah have Mercy on the one who offers four (rak'ahs) before 'Asr prayer." (Abu Dawud)

    6. Salatul Awwabeen (Nafl prayers of Maghrib)

    After the Farz and Sunnat of Magrib, performance of the minimum of 6 to a maximum of 20 rakaats is called Salatul Awwabeen.

    Rasulallah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) has said that the one who performs six Rak'aahs after Maghrib without uttering an evil word between these rak'aahs, then these six rak'aah's will be equivalent to 12 years devotion for that person.

    7.Prayer of Tahajjud (Night prayer)

    The beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said: In Paradise there is a castle reserved for those who read Tahajjud and the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) further adds, those who pray at night will enter paradise without having to account for their acts in this life.

    The Nafils of Tahajjud are read after the Esha prayer, but it is important to sleep before performing Tahajjud. The prayer consists of a minimum of 2 Raka-ats, and a maximum of 8 or 12 Raka-ats (to be read according ones capacity).

    After Esha prayers sleep for some time, then wake up any time during the night before the rise of morning for Tahajjud prayers. With the performance of 2 Rakats you have duly achieved your Tahajjud. However, the performance of 8 Rakats in Sunnat, and complying with the practice of the Holy Saints of Islam and performing 12 Rakats is commendable.

    It is recommended that you recite in your prayers as much of the Sacred Quran as you know. If you happen to know by heart the whole of the Sacred Quran you may, in at least 3 nights or most 4 nights of Tahajjud effectuate the complete reading of the Sacred Quran.

    Otherwise, you may recite 3 Surah Ikhlas (Qul Hu Allahu Ahad) after your "Alhamdu..." in every Rakat and you will thus derive full benefits of the full recital of the Sacred Quran in every Rakat.

    During the month of Ramadan one should awake a little earlier for Sehri and make time to pray Tahajjud Salaah for the reward is magnified so much more in Ramadan and duas are even more readily accepted than at any other time of the year.

    The dua's at the time of Tahajjud are very readily accepted by Almighty Allah and one should repent and ask of Allah and try to cry in their dua's at this time, if one cannot cry due to the hardness of ones heart due to sin then at least one should make the face as if one is crying. Just as a mother tends to her baby quickly and promptly when it cries the same way Allah attends to his servant quicker when they are crying.

    8.Salaatul Tasbih

    Our beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) had taught this Nafil prayer to his Uncle, Hazrat Abbas (RA) and told him; He who performs this prayer will have his past and future sins forgiven.
    The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has recommended to read this prayer daily on each Friday or once a month or once a year, in case of this not being possible, to read it even once in one’s life. This Nafil prayer provides limitless benefits both in the material and spiritual life.

    How to perform this Nafil:

    After having pronounced one’s intention (Niyat), say Allaho-Akbar, read "Subhanaka-Alla humma" completely (Sana), read now 15 times "Subhaanallahi wal hamdu Lillaahi wala illaha Illallah Wallah-o-Akbar." Then read Aoozu billah and Bismillah (completely) and Surah Fateha. Then recite 10 times the Tasbih mentioned above and go to Ruku. Here also recite 10 times the Tasbih before raising yourself to read another 10 times the same Tasbih, this time in a standing position. Then prostrate (Sajdah) and read 10 times the Tasbih, sit now and read again 10 times this Tasbih (Jalsa) and prostrate again, Tasbish 10 times in the 2nd Raka-at begin by reading 15 times this Tasbih before reading "Bismillah" and Surah Fateha. After that read 10 times the Tasbih and then proceed as in the first Raka-at. To end the second Raka-at, read as usual "Attahiyat", "Durood" and "Duas".Then read 2 other Raka-ats. As in each Raka-at the Tasbih is recited 75 times, it means that in all 4 Raka-at the Tasbih is read 300 times. In the other 2 Raka-at, after "Subhana Rabbiyal-azeem",read the Tasbih 75 times and in the Sajdah (prostrations after Subhaan Rabbiyal-ala) read again 75 times the Tasbih.

    Note: No fixed time has been prescribed for this prayer, a fact, which means that besides any time prohibited this prayer, can be read at any time.

    9. Salatul Hajaat (When wanting help from Allah)

    In case of difficulty, illness or of authorized necessity this prayer is read. The beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) had taught this to a blind person who, as soon as he performed it, regained his eyesight. (Tirmidhi, Tibrani)

    To perform this prayer it is recommended to wear one’s best and clean clothes and to perform pleasingly one’s ablution (Wudu). Then 2 Raka-ta Nafil is read in the usual way, after salaam this dua is read:

    Allahuma Inni As-aloka wa (Atawassalo) Wa Atawajjaaho ilaika be nabbiyeka Muhammadin nabi yir Rahmate ya Rasullulah. Inni tawajjahto be ka ila Rabbi fi hajaati haa-zehi (here we make our requests (le tuqza li) Allahumma fashaffiho fiya

    Translation: O Allah I implore You and I come near You through the intermediary of Your Prophet (Nabee) Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who is the Prophet of Grace. Ya Rasullullah, through your intercession I implore Allah to accept my request. O Allah grant the intercession of your Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in my favor.

    10.Salaatul Tawbah (Prayer for Repentance for sin)

    If one has done committed any sinful act which is contrary to the Shariat then one should perform 2 rakaats of Nafil and humble themselves before Allah and sincerely repent, feel ashamed for their sins and ask Allah for forgiveness and make a firm intention never to commit such act again in the future. By the Grace of Allah the sins would then be forgiven (Ref: Shami)

    Ameerul Mumineen Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) relates that the Holy Prophet ( Sallaallahu Alayi Wasallam) said that whenever one has done a sinful act he should make wudhu , perform 2 rakaats Nafil and thereafter sincerely repent and seek Almighty's forgivness. Allah pardons all sins. After relating this , the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then read the following from the Quran:

    "And those who have done something to be ashamed of or wronged their own souls. Earnestly bring Allah to mind and ask for forgiveness of their sins, and who can forgive sins except Allah" (Sura 3-135)

    11.Virtues of walking to the Masjid

    Abu Hurayra (Ra) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said,

    "Anyone who purifies himself in his house and then goes to one of the houses of Allah to fulfil one of the obligations of Allah, one step removes an error and the other raises him a degree." [Muslim]

    12. Virtues of Praying in the Masjid

    The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said that The person who, from morning to evening, goes towards the Masjid to perform salat, every time he goes to the Masjid, Allah Ta'ala prepares the Paradise for his welcome. [Mishkat]

    13. Tahiyyatul Masjid (Nafl prayer when entering Masjid)

    Abu Qatada (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (Salallahu ‘alaihi wa Salam) said : “If any one of you enters a mosque, he should pray two raka’ats before sitting.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    This is a 2 Rak'aah Nafl prayer which one should perform as one enters the Masjid. It is very rewarding.

    14. Reward of Salaah multiplied 70 times or more by use of Miswaak

    ‘Aisha (Ra) has reported that,

    “The prayer before which the Miswak is used is seventy times more excellent than that before which it is not used.”

    Ibn Abbas, ‘Ali and Ata (Ra) state that,

    “But it increases to 99 or 400 times.”

    Reward for every action is based on sincerity, the more sincerity we are the the more reward we'll get! It may be that we could get 70, 99 or even 400 times or more rewards for every action depending on how sincere we are in doing the action. Subhanallah!

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 04-20-2022 at 04:52 AM.
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    Virtues of Taraweeh prayer

    The night prayer in Ramadan has a special consideration different from any other time of the year.

    Imams Bukhari and Muslim reported that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: "Whoever offers optional prayers (like Taraweeh prayers) throughout the nights of Ramadan, believing in Allah and seeking His rewards, will have his previous sins forgiven."

    Abdullah Bin Ammar radhiallahu anhu states that Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: "The fast and the Quraan will both plead on behalf of the bondsmen who keeps fast in the day and recites or listens attentively to the recitation of the Quraan at night standing in the presence of Allah (in taraweeh). The fast will say "O my Lord, I had held him back from food, drink and sexual gratification, accept my intercession for him today and treat him with mercy and forgiveness. The Quraan will say, "I had held him back from taking rest and sleep at night, O’ my Lord, accept my intercession for him today and treat him with mercy and forgiveness". The intercession of both the fast and Quraan will be accepted and he will be treated with exceptionl kindness". (Baihaqi).

    Abdullah Bin Ammar radhiallahu anhu states that Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: "The fast and the Quraan will both plead on behalf of the bondsmen who keeps fast in the day and recites or listens attentively to the recitation of the Quraan at night standing in the presence of Allah (in taraweeh). The fast will say "O my Lord, I had held him back from food, drink and sexual gratification, accept my intercession for him today and treat him with mercy and forgiveness. The Quraan will say, "I had held him back from taking rest and sleep at night, O’ my Lord, accept my intercession for him today and treat him with mercy and forgiveness". The intercession of both the fast and Quraan will be accepted and he will be treated with exceptionl kindness". (Baihaqi).

    No mu’min servant (of Allah) performs salaah during its night (any night of Ramadhaan), but Allah will record for him one thousand five hundred hasanah (rewards) for every sajdah that he makes. And Allah will build a home for him in Jannah made out of red ruby, which will have sixty thousand doors, each of its doors having (interlinked to, leading to) a palace made out of gold, ornamented (beautified and decorated) with rubies.

    Thus, when he (the mu’min) fasts on the first day of Ramadhaan, all his past sins are pardoned, and seventy thousand malaaikah make istighfaar for him, daily, from the time of the fajr salaah, until the sun sets.

    And for every sajdah that he makes during Ramadhaan, either by day or by night, there will be for him a tree, (in Jannah, so huge that) a person on horseback will ride in its shade for five hundred years."
    (Baihaqi, Targheeb)

    Salmaan radhiallahu anhu reports: "On the last day of Sha'baan the Messenger of Allah addressed us and said: ‘O people, there comes over you now a great month, a most blessed month in which lies a night more greater in virtue than one thousand months. It is a month in which Allah has made compulsory that the days shoud be observed by fasting. And he has made sunnah the Taraweeh by night. Whosoever intends drawing nearer to Allah by performing any virtuous deed, for him shall be the reward like him who had performed a fardh in any other time. And whoever performs a fardh, for him shall be the reward of seventy faraa'idh in any other time. This is indeed the month of patience, and the reward for true patience is Jannah (paradise). It is the month of sympathy with one’s fellow men. It is the month wherein a true believer’s rizq is increased.

    Whosoever feeds another who fasted, in order to break the fast (at sunset), for him there shall be forgiveness for his sins and emancipation from the fire of Jahannam (hell), and for him shall be the same reward as him (whom he fed) without that person’s reward being decreased in the least….".

    From this hadeeth it is noted that the command for taraweeh prayers too comes from Allah Himself. All the authorities of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm’ah are agreed upon the fact that taraweeh is sunnah.
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    may ALLAH give us strength for action (Ameen)
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    WANT TO BE IN THE COMPANY OF RASULALLAH (Sallallahu Alahi Wasallim)?

    Rabi'ah ibn Malik al-Aslami reported that the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam said: "Ask (anything)." Rabi'ah said: "I ask of you to be your companion in paradise." The Prophet said: "Or anything else?" Rabi'ah said: "That is it." The Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam said to him: "Then help me by making many prostrations (i.e., supererogatory prayers)." (Muslim)
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    As salaam alaikum Ikhwaan,

    Jazak allaah khair for the reminder, but also note that there is serious doubts on the authenticity of the Awwabeen prayers, There is difference of opinion on Salatul tasbih. Salatul Haajah is clubbed with Istikharah prayers.

    Please consider the same
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    al Amaanah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    jazaak Allaho khairan akh hamza. read below insha Allah.

    Is there a hadith that supports Salat Ul-Tasaabeeh? If so, what is the reference?

    Praise be to Allaah.

    There are ahaadeeth concerning Salaat al-Tasaabeeh which are attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and which were classed as hasan by some of the scholars, but may scholars said that they are da’eef (weak) and that this prayer is not prescribed in Islam.

    The Standing Committee was asked about Salaat al-Tasaabeeh, and they answered:

    Salaat al-Tasaabeeh is a bid’ah (innovation) and the hadeeth concerning it is not proven, rather it is munkar. Some of the scholars mentioned it among the mawdoo’ (fabricated) ahaadeeth.

    See Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, vol. 8, p. 163

    Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: Salaat al-Tasaabeeh is not prescribed, because the hadeeth is da’eef (weak). Imaam Ahmad said there is no sound evidence for it. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said it is a fabrication, and he said that none of the imaams recommended it. He (may Allaah have mercy on him) spoke the truth, because whoever examines this prayer will find that it is odd in the way it is performed … Moreover, if it were prescribed, it would have been something that was reported in many reports because of its great virtue and reward. Since there are no such reports and none of the imaams described it as being recommended, we know that it is not proven. The oddness in the way in which it is performed is as described in the hadeeth narrated concerning it, which says that it is to be performed once every day, or once every week, or once every month, or once every year, or once in a lifetime. This indicates that these reports are not sound; if it were prescribed, it would be something to be done on a regular basis, and one would not be given such a variety of options.

    On this basis, people should not do this prayer. And Allaah knows best.

    Fataawa Manaar al-Islam, 1/203

    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al Munajjid
    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!


    Salaat alAwaabeen

    Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatu 'Llahi wa barakatuh

    Please explain salatul Al-Awaabin and the daleel that supports it. I cannot locate a hadith about this salah.
    Jazzakallahu Khayrun

    Praise be to Allaah.

    Salaat al-Awwaabeen is otherwise known as Salaat al-Duhaa, and may consist of 2, 4, 6 or 8 rak’ahs, prayed after the sun has risen and before the time for Zuhr approaches. It is better to delay it until the day is hotter, the evidence for which is as follows:

    “From Zayd ibn Arqam who said: ‘The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went out to the people of Qubaa’ and found them praying. He said: “Salaat al-Awwaabeen is when the young camels lift up their feet (because of the heat of the sand).”’” (Reported by Muslim, 1238).

    According to a report narrated by Imaam Ahmad from Zayd ibn Arqam, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to or entered the mosque at Qubaa’ after the sun had risen, and found the people there praying. He said: “Salaat al-Duhaa should be prayed when the young camels lift up their feet (because of the heat of the sand).”

    According to a report narrated by Muslim from al-Qaasim al-Shaybaani, Zayd ibn Arqam saw some people praying Duhaa and said: “Do they not know that praying at some other time than this is better? The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Salaat al-Awwaabeen is when the young camels lift up their feet (because of the heat of the sand).’” (Saheeh Muslim, 1237).

    Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The phrase ‘Salaat al-Awwaabeen is when the young camels lift up their feet (because of the heat of the sand)’ refers to when the sand becomes unbearably hot from the sun’s heat, and burns the soles of the young camels’ feet, so they alternately raise and lower their feet in response to the heat of the sand. ‘Al-Awwaab’ means one who is obedient, or one who turns to obedience. The hadeeth also refers to the best time to offer this prayer, although it is permissible to pray it any time after the sun has risen and before it reaches its zenith.” (Sharh Muslim li‘l-Nawawi). And Allaah knows best.

    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Faizal_Rakhangi View Post
    As salaam alaikum Ikhwaan,

    Jazak allaah khair for the reminder, but also note that there is serious doubts on the authenticity of the Awwabeen prayers, There is difference of opinion on Salatul tasbih. Salatul Haajah is clubbed with Istikharah prayers.

    Please consider the same
    Asalaaamu Alaikum wr wb, i hope you are in the best of health and imaan this Ramdan.

    I ask ALLAH Azza wa jall that this benefits the brothers and sisters who are confused about the authenticity of this sunnah. Ameen.

    To proceed:

    It is narrated on the authority of Ikrimah that Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah exalt his mention, said to the Al-Abbas b. Abdul-Muttalib: 'O Abbas, My uncle! Shall I not give you, inform you, of something that if you are to do it, Allah would forgive all your sins, its past and present, its intentional and unintentional, its minor and major, its private and public? Pray four Rakat, in each read al-fatihah, and another surat...after you finish reciting (in the first rakat) say, while you are standing, SUBHANALLAH, AL-HAMDULILAH, LAILAHAHILLAALLAH, ALLAHU AKBAR 15 times, then make rukoo and say it 10 times, then go down to sujood and say it ten times in your sujood, then raise your head from the sujood and say it ten times, then make sujood and say it ten times, then raise your head and say it ten times...that is 75 in each rakaat, do it in all four rakaat. If you can pray this prayer every day then do it, but if you cannot then do it once a week, if you cannot than once every month, then if you cannot then once a year, if you cannot then once in a lifetime.' (this is in the meaning of the hadeeth).

    This hadeeth is Saheeh (authentic li-ghairihi) and is narrated in Abu Dawood (1297), Ibn Majah (1387) al-Haakim (1-308).

    Al-Haafidth ibn Hajar said, 'And in the narration of At-Tabrani: even if your sins were as the foam of the sea, or as much as the sand, Allah would forgive you...'

    Abu Bakr b. Abi Dawood said that he heard his father say, 'There is nothing in the Tasbeeh prayer more authentic than this hadeeth.'

    Imam Muslim said, 'There is no hadeeth with a better chain of narrators in this matter other than this...' (i.e. Ibn Abbas narration).

    The second hadeeth, which is also authentic (Saheeh li-ghairihi) is narrated on the authority of Abi Rafi'...it to is similar to the above (in its wording).

    This narration was narrated by Ibn Majah, at-Tirmidthi, Ad'daar-Qutni, and al-Baihaqi.

    Al-Baihaqi said, that Abdullah b. al-Mubarak used to pray the Tasbeeh prayer, this prayer was handed (to us) by the pious predecessors, and from this, the above hadeeth gains extra strength...!

    At-Tirmidthi said, 'this is a ghareeb hadeeth from the narration of Abi Rafi' he then said, 'Ibn al-Mubarak used to practice it, and other people of knowledge used to practice it also, and they mentioned its merits.'

    Of those who corrected (authenticated) the above hadeeth:-

    1. Abu Dawood,

    2. Ibn Mundah,

    3. Al-Aajari,

    4. As-Sum'aani,

    5. al-Madini,

    6. al-Mundthiri,

    7. Abul-Hasan al-Mundthiri,

    8. Ibn As-Salaah,

    9. Ad-Dailami,

    10. Al-Haakim,

    11. Al-A'laali,

    12. Az-Zurkashi,

    13. Al-Muhaamili,

    14. Abul-Hasan al-Muqdasi,

    15. al-Juwaini,

    16. Al-Baghawi,

    17. Ar-Ra'fiee',

    18. Al-Haitami,

    19. As-Su'youti,

    20. Al-Luknawwi,

    21. Ibn Aa'bideen,

    22. Al-Albani and others...

    There is a third hadeeth which too is authentic and is narrated by Ahmed, At-Tirmidthi (who stated this narration as Hasan), an-Nasa'i, ibn Khuzaimah, and Ibn Hibban in their Saheeh collections, and al-Haakim, said that is authentic according to the conditions set by Muslim.

    This narration is on the authority of Anas b. Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, that Umm Sulaim asked the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, 'teach me a few words that I may say them in my prayer. He said, 'Say Allahu Akbar 10 times, Say Subhanallah ten times, Say Al-Humdulilah ten times, then pray as much as you want...' (in its meaning).

    Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, said: The main hadeeth on which the Tasbeeh prayer is based on is the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, (the first Hadeeth I mentioned).

    I have returned back to the original books were Sheik Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, authenticated the ahadeeth (pl. Hadeeth) which conern the Tasbeeh prayer...such as Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, At-Targheeb and at-Tarheeb. To summarize this altogether, there are authentic hadeeth which concern the Tasbeeh prayer and other Hadeeth which are weak.

    So from the above, no one can call the one who practices the Tasbeeh prayer a man of bid'ah, nor the prayer itself a bid'ah practice...Subhanallah!

    An argument which may be heard from those who deny this prayer is: 'Now somebody might say to you...'look brother although the hadeeth is Saheeh, none of the Salaf (pious predecessors) practiced it.'

    The answer to this is that if the hadeeth is authentic, we should immediately put it into practice regardless of the fact if somebody did it before you or not...the proof of this is as follows: Imam ash-Shafi'ee said in his book 'Ar-Risalah': Umar b. Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, used to rule that the diyah (blood money) for the thumb, was 15 camels; but when he found the letter of Aal-Amr b. Hazm, and in which a hadeeth was mentioned: 'For every finger there are 10 camels.' He immediately put this hadeeth into practice...

    Imam Ash-Shafi'ee said, 'They didn't practice what was in the letter of Aal-Hazm until it was affirmed that it was an authentic letter from the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention.'

    Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, said: 'From this hadeeth we take two very important things, that we should accept the hadeeth once it is deemed authentic, even if nobody practiced it before you...'

    Besides this...it has been authentically reported that some of the Salaf practiced it, such as Ibn al-Mubarak!

    Secondly, if you put this hadeeth into practice, which is regarded by some as bid'ah you would be reviving a Sunnah of the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, and whoever revives a Sunnah of the Prophet, would receive its reward and the reward of whomever practices it till the Day of Resurrection....Allahu Akbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By the way I have used some terms in the post which I will elaborate on here more in depth:

    Ghareeb: Lit. Strange. This is one of the types of hadeeth in which in any stage of its narration goes through only one person. for example...Lets say the hadeeth in its first level was taken by two companions, then two or three Ta'biee, then 4 Tabi tabiees...then in the fourth level the hadeeth was only taken from one person...this hadeeth is considered Ghareeb...because its chain (other than the companion) in one level has only person in it....If the chain is authentic it is authentic...and so on.

    Saheeh li-Ghairhi, this is a group of hasan hadeeth which combine and gain strength and then are considered saheeh.

    Was Salaam
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!


    Salatul Tasbih For forgiveness of All Sins

    Benefits of Salat-Ul-Tasbih

    Our Beloved Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaho Alihiwassallam) said to his uncle (father’s brother) Sayyiduna Abbass (may Allah be pleased with him) Oh uncle shall I not give you Shall I not grant you Shall I not award you Shall I not do mercy on you When you do 10 things Allah will forgive your sins: of the future and of the past; new and old; those you have forgotten and those you did knowingly; big and small; hidden and revealed. Then he (Sallallaho Alihiwassallam) explained the taught the way to pray Salatul Tasbih and then said if you can pray this salah once a day, if you can not pray once a day then every Friday, and even if this is not possible then once a month and even if this is not possible then once a year and even if this is not possible then at least once in a lifetime (Abu’Dawood & Tirimzi)

    How to perform Salatul Tasbih?

    This salaat (namaz) is offered in four rakat at a time and can be read in any part of the day and night besides Zawal and Sunrise and Sunset makrooh times, keeping in mind the forbidden times for performing Salat (namaaz). But is is preferred before Zuhr (Fatawa Alamgeeri)

    The Tasbih to be read in Salaat-Ul-Tasbeeh:

    " Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaha illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar "


    Goal is to recite above Tasbih 300 times in Four Rakah with the following method.
    In the first rakaat, after reading Sana "Subhaana Kallahumma...", read the above tasbih 15 times.

    Now recite Aaoz "Aoozubillah...", Bismillah "Bismillah...", Then read sura Fatiha and a Surah or minimum of three small Ayayhs then read the tasbih 10 times again.

    Go to ruku saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar), after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Ruku.
    Saying "Samee Allahu Liman Hamidah Rabbana Lakal Hamdh" get up from ruku to qiyam position.

    Now read the tasbih 10 times.

    Go to Sajdah saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar) and after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'la" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Sajdah.

    Now go after first Sajdah go to Jalsa (sitting position) saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar). Sitting in Jalsa read tasbih 10 times.

    Go to sajda again saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar) and after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'la" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Sajdah again.

    Get up to begin 2nd rakat saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar).

    Do rakah #2 in same fashion, but before reading Bismillah "Bismillah...", and Surah Fatiha, read the tasbih 15 times. Follow the rest as you did in first Rakat.

    After second Sajdah of Second Rakat sit in Qaidah Oola (first sitting) read Attahiyat, Durood and Dua then get up for 3rd rakaat without saying Salam.

    Begin third Rakat, just like the first Rakat, with Sana "Subhaana Kallahumma...", read the above tasbih 15 times. Follow the rest as you did in first Rakat untill you sit for Qaidah Akihra (last sitting) after second sajdah of fourth Rakah.

    In Qaidah Akihra Attahiyat, Durood, Dua finish Salah with Salam.

    Special notes for Salat-Ul-Tasbih:

    1) Do not count loudly. It will break Salah
    2) Do not count on fingers or by holding a Bead Tasbih in hand. It is Makruh.
    3) You may count by pressing the fingers as a reminder. For example if you are in Ruku. You me press pinky of your right hand first for the first count, then the finger next to it for second count, then the middle finger for third count, following this method untill you reach the pinky of left hand will give you an exact count of ten. Use the same method in Qayam, Sajdah and Jalsa.

    4) If missed a count then make it up in the next posture. For example if forgot to recite Tasbih after Surah in Qayam. Then you may recite Tasbish 20 times instead of 10 in Rukuh after "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem". Missed Tasbih cannot be recited in Qayam after ruku and Jalsa between Sajdah. If you missed the Tasbih in Ruku then recite 20 in the first Sajdah instead of the Qayam after rukuh. Similarly if missed the Tasbih in first Sajdah then do not make it up in Jalsa. Instead recite missed tasbih in the second Sajdah. If Tasbih has been missed in last sajdah of second or fourth Rakah then you can recite the missed ones before Attahiyat in Qaidah.

    5) If you miss a wajib in Salah and have to do Sajdah Sahaw. You dont have to recite Tasbih in Sajdah sahoo, since the 300 count has been estalished. But if you had missed Tasbih in any of the postures and remeber it now. Then you may recite the missed Tasbih in Sajdah Sahaw now.

    6) It is preferable to recite after Surah Fatiha Sura Takathuur in the first raka’, Surah Wal A’sr in the second raka’, Surah Kaferoon (qul ya aiyuhal Kafiroon) in the third and Surah Akhlas (Qul hu Allah-hu ahd) in the fourth raka’. If one does not remember these surah they can recite the ones they prefer.

    Source: http://www.islamicacademy.org/html/A...lat_Tasbih.htm
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    Arrow Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    theres still a few days left for ramadan so lets do as many nafil prayers as we can because nafil prayers in ramadan are rewarded like fard prayers in normal times! Subhanallah!!!!

    lets not miss out on this unique opportunity because we may not be alive for the next ramadan!!!
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    Jazakumullah Khayrn....

    Very beneficial
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, how blessed are we that Almighty Allah the master of the universe has blessed us with yet another Ramadan for if we knew the rewards of the smallest of good deeds in this month we would even crawl to do it.

    This is our chance to get the closest to Allah and increase our investment in the hereafter. Let us increase in worship and know that Allah will reward abundantley for good deeds done in this month far more than good deeds in any other month.

    Every Nafil we pray we will get the reward of a Fard Salaah. Fard Salaah carrys the most reward of any other deed therefore imagine how much reward we would get for every nafil we pray in this most blessed month. Let us not waste a second more. These deeds are up for grabs so let us strive to do them and to please Allah!
    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    Every Nafil prayed is the Reward of praying a Fard Salaah!

    In this most blessed month of Ramadhan all good deeds are multiplied. Every Nafil one prays one will gain the reward of a fard Salaah!

    The Prophet peace be upon him said: “Whoever draws near to Allaah during it (Ramadaan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.” Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, no. 1887.
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    [Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 11, Number 623]

    Narrated Abu Musa (Radi Allah Anhu): The Prophet (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said, "The people who get tremendous reward for the prayer are those who are farthest away (from the Masjid) and then those who are next farthest and so on. Similarly one who waits to pray with the Imam has greater reward than one who prays and goes to bed. "

    i.e whose homes r away from masjid as for each step towards masjid he will get reward!
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    The blessed last ten days of Ramadan are upon us once again and we should thank Allah abundantly that we are alive and able to gain countless blessings and rewards in the next ten days. We should be making the best use of the great rewards that are on offer.

    The Prophet peace be upon him said: “Whoever draws near to Allaah during it (Ramadaan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.”Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, no. 1887.

    In this most blessed month of Ramadhan all good deeds are multiplied by 70 or more. Every Nafil one prays one will gain the reward of a fard Salaah and every Fard Salah is the reward of 70 Fard salaah. The reward for reciting one letter of the Qur'an is 700! The reward for giving charity is 70 more reward and so is EVERY good deed! There is NOT much time left so let us make the best of each second!!!
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    Let us pray the following EVERYDAY his Ramadan:

    Sitting after Fajr remembering Allah until sunrise:

    1. “Whoever prays fajr in congregation, then sits remembering Allah until sunrise, then prays 2 rakats of salat has a complete reward of (Nafil) Hajj and Umrah. (The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) repeated the word ‘complete’ 3 times for emphasis) [Tirmidhi]

    2. A house in Jannah for praying 12 Sunnah each day:

    “Allah will build house in Jannah for whoever is diligent in obsering 12 sunnah rakat (as follows) 4 rakat before and 2 after Dhur, 2 after the Maghrib, 2 after Ishaa, and 2 before Fajr.” [Tirmidhi]
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    JAZAKLLAH I will try to read 4 Rakah before Duhr.. For some time i made a habit to read it but then suddenly i leave that.. May ALLAH forgive me and give me strength to fulfill all Sunah and Obligatory worship.
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    JazakAllahkhair for reminding, May Allah make us amongst those who strive to perform good deeds for His sake,ameen.
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    Re: VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday this Ramadan!

    Grab the HUGE FARD (OBLIGATORY) rewards for each voluntary prayer!

    In the blessed month of Ramadan ALL good deeds are multiplied. So each Nawafil (voluntary prayer) is the reward of a Fard act! Subhanallah!

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Whoever draws near to Allah during it (Ramadan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, no. 1887)
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