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Ramadan..... The month of Qur'an

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    RAMADAN…The Month Of Qur’an

    The Month Of Quran, The Month Of Allah
    Ramadan For All Of Mankind!

    We as Muslims have conceptualized and limited Ramadan to something so narrow because of which most of the non-Muslims misinterpret.

    They see Ramadan as the month of eating, the month of sweets and the month of Taraweeh without the real essence of Taraweeh! Many people in Mecca and Medina and all over the world pray Taraweeh in this month.
    But Is The Taraweeh That People Pray,
    According To The Taraweeh
    That Allah Wants?
    Does It Have A Message?

    At the arrival of the months of Rajab and Sha’baan, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) used to say
    "Allahumma Barik Lana Fi Rajab
    Wa Shabaan Wa Ballighna Ramadan."
    Oh Allah Give Us The Blessings
    Of The Month Of Rajab And Sha’baan
    And Allow Us To Reach Ramadan.

    In another hadeeth, the Prophet (s.a.w) said "Allahumma Barik Lana fi Shaban Wa Ghaneema Ramadan.” Oh Allah give us the blessings of Sha’baan and give us the treasures of Ramadan.

    Allah (Swt) Says,
    He Created Everything
    And From It, He Chose The Earth...
    Of All The Creatures Of The Earth He Chose Mankind

    From all of humanity, He chose the messengers. From all of the messengers He chose five. From the five He chose two and from two He chose Muhammad (saw)
    Allah Created Time
    From All Of The Months He Chose Ramadan
    And From All The Days Of The Week
    He Chose Friday

    From All The Days Of The Earth,
    He Chose The Day Of Arafat.
    From All The Places Of The Earth, He Chose
    Mecca, Medina And Jerusalem. From All
    Of The Nights He Chose
    Laylatul Qadr (The Night Of Power)

    Guidance From Allah
    Ramadan is the month that Allah chose; He gave us Laylatul Qadr, the hidden night, the night of Power, which is better than a thousand months. Some scholars say that Ramadan has over 60 names. Some of the many names it is known by are:
    The Month Of Allah (Swt),
    The Month Of Rahma (Mercy), Purification,
    Kindness, Compassion And The Month
    Allah Chose To Send The Ultimate Mercy To Mankind
    Ramadan is the month in which Allah’s Hidaya (guidance) can reach us, it can also lead us to Him, to His pleasure, Mercy and to Paradise, Inshallah.
    The Significance Of Ramadan
    According to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), when he used to see the crescent or the new moon in the beginning of the month of Rajab, he used to say 'Oh Allah give us the blessing of this month and the following month and allow us to reach Ramadan.

    According to Another report, Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) used to say: "Oh Allah, give us the blessings of Sha’baan and ghaniima (treasures) of Ramadan.” The word Ghaniima in Arabic contains many meanings:
    It Means Treasure, Something Very High And
    Something That Is Difficult To Find
    Everywhere At Any Time

    It Is Something Very
    Significant, Something Very Precious,
    Valuable And Important That Will Be Given
    To Us By Allah (Swt). This Elevation Belongs To Allah
    Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, “On the day of judgment some people will gain nothing except thirst and hunger out of Ramadan.”

    Fasting is not just keeping away from eating and drinking as it is only one aspect of Ramadan. It is mainly to free ourselves from our temptations, our desires, gain wisdom, blessings and the guidance of Allah (swt). Rasulllah (Saw) said:

    The Month Of Ramadan
    Is Divided Into Three Parts.
    The First Ten Days Are A Rahma (mercy),
    The Next Ten Days Are For Maghfira (purification)
    And The Last Ten Days Are
    For Our Purification From Hell Fire
    Aisha (r.a) once asked the Prophet (s.a.w), “If I see the night of Qadr, what should I say?"

    Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) replied, say "Allah humma innaka 'Afu wun tu hibbul 'Afwa, Fa'fuannih", which means “Oh Allah, one of your attributes is Al Aa’foon, the one who erases and deletes all bad deeds. You love this quality, erasing is higher than forgiveness, so give me A'af.”
    When Allah Gives A’af To Any Human Being,
    He Calls The Angel Who Is On The Left Of That Slave,
    Who Writes Down All Of Our Sins And Mischievous
    Acts, And Allah (Swt) Says To Him, “i Give A’af
    To So And So, Erase All Of His/Her Sins”
    This way the person’s book will contain no sins and it will seem as if he/she has started afresh. The Angel, who writes, will not even remember any of his bad deeds.

    Allah (swt) will call the earth and say "Oh Earth blot out all the sins committed by this person on the earth and expunge all the signs of the sins committed by him". This person would then meet Allah (swt) without any bad deeds.
    One Of The Closest Sahabahs Of The Prophet (saw),
    Umar Bin Al Khattab (ra) Used To Say
    “if I Die And I Leave This Dunya
    Without Any Bad Deeds I Am Lucky”
    Before we understand the message of Ramadan, we have to consider the fact as to who is reminding us of this message. It is Allah (swt) Himself Talking to us directly about His Mercy, His Rahma and all of His other bounties.

    The Month Of Cleansing
    Allah (swt) is reminding us that as Muslims we have been constantly sinning to the point that we have become filthy. Allah is asking us to return to Him during this month of cleansing.
    The Month Of Ramadan
    Is A Chance For Us To Return To Allah
    By Cleaning Ourselves, To Remember Him.
    This Is The Essence Of Salatul Taraweeh In Ramadan
    Allah (swt) wants us to remember that every night is important during Ramadan. He wants us to remember His words, His mercy, His command, His advice, His wisdom, His promise about Jannah and His warnings about Jahannam.
    The Arabs Of Early Times Had A Saying:

    “If Someone Is Talking
    Do Not Listen To That Person...
    But We Must Recognize Who And What
    That Person Does” That Way We Can Understand
    What He Is Talking About...
    Likewise Allah (swt) is talking to us and calling us. But what is the reason for Allah to call us? It is for us to be careful, to wake up, to make an effort, to sacrifice, to struggle and do our utmost in Ramadan. What is the need for all of this?
    It Is Because Ramadan Is One Month
    Where We Can Acquire All The Treasures
    That Allah (Swt) Has For Us
    An example, If someone voluntarily offers a million dollars, would we ever be late to receive it, and will excuses such as “my education”, “my job” etc come about?
    No, Instead We Will Put In
    The Utmost Of Our Efforts To Be On Time
    For The Money That Has Been Promised To Us
    Remember and remind others that Allah (swt) wants us to make an effort to gain His mercy in Ramadan by exceedingly remembering Him and getting closer to Him.
    Ramadan For The Believers
    Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah
    [Verse: 183]

    “Oh you who believe, I give you and prescribe to you fasting.
    Maybe you will gain Taqwa (piety)"

    Allah (s.w.t) says “oh you who believe” and not “oh Muslim” thus addressing the one who first believes in Allah before anything else.
    This Means We Need
    To Embrace Islam, Live As A Muslim,
    Be In A State Of Obedience To Allah
    And Strive To Be A Believer
    We need to stay away from every kind sin to the maximum of our ability, in order to be among those who are of this verse.
    Meaning Of Siyam
    From a linguistic point of view, it is to stop something. In the early days, people used to fast from talking and other things.
    Allah Gave Us Something Special,
    He Made Food Halal (Permissible)
    For Us At All Times...

    Except For The Month Of Ramadan
    Where We Are To Fast From Sunrise Until
    Sunset Without There Being
    Any Intimate Relation Between Spouses

    What is the need for these restrictions?
    Allah wants to train our Nafs and our soul so that we can stop living the life of an animal. They also eat, sleep and have sexual relationships like us but we as human beings have more responsibilities in life, we have a different purpose.
    Allah (Swt) Wants To Train Us
    From Following Our Every Desire And Demands...
    Human Beings Can Demand To The Point That They Destroy
    Their Souls. Allah (Swt) Wants Us To Wake Up,
    To Be Aware And To Remember His Message
    We must wake ourselves up and our souls by not allowing ourselves to be just like animals, eating and sleeping. He wants us to experience the journey of Imaan (faith), the reality and to be closer to Him.

    Why Did Allah Prescribe Fasting?

    The earlier generations were also commanded to fast. Allah commanded us to fast during a small portion of the day that lasts only for a month. Imagine, if we had to fast the whole year?
    Fasting Was Prescribed To Us Muslims
    To Remember Allah And To Get Closer To Him.
    The Difficulties Of Fasting Make Us Realize The Troubles
    That The Poor Experience Day In And Day Out
    Allah (swt) said, whoever fasts, it will be good for him. Therefore, there is much goodness in fasting, if only we knew the amount of rewards and bounties that a fasting person will be bestowed with. Allah (swt) said:
    “Fasting Belongs To Me, And I Will
    Reward You On The Day Of Judgment”
    Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam and Allah (swt) has not mentioned much about the rewards He has reserved for us. If we only comprehend the meaning of fasting, we would be crying and thanking Allah (swt) for allowing us to live as human beings, and providing us the ability to obey Him even while fasting.
    The Month Of Revelation
    Allah says, Ramadan is the month of the revelation of the Quran, Which is guidance to humanity. Moreover, the sign of guidance is to distinguish between right and wrong.

    Whoever is of age and is in good health must fast. If they are unable to fast, it is to be broken and made up for when their condition is better.

    Allah Wants To Make Things
    Easy For Us So That We Can Continue
    Fasting And Complete The Whole Month.....
    He Wants Us To Do Takbirah (Allahu Akbar) For
    The Hidaya Of Allah To Reach Us On The Day Of Eid
    On the day of Eid, we say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa-lillahil-hamd.
    Essence Of Fasting
    The essence of fasting is to gain piety. Nevertheless at the end, Allah wants us to thank Him because we have already gained piety.

    When people questioned the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) about certain issues, Allah (swt) said to the Prophet, “Qul (say)” and the answer followed...

    However, when people used to ask Him about Allah, Allah said "I am near,” instead of saying “Qul” again. There was also not a mention of Prophet Muhammad (saw) in these verses.
    Allah Talks Directly To People.
    There Is An Unbelievable Closeness And Unity
    Between Allah And Us. Allah Wants Us To Realize
    How Close He Is To Us, How Much He Loves Us
    And How Much He Wants To Guide Us
    Allah (swt) says: “I am near, I accept the Dua’s, wishes, supplications, requests and prayers of the one who calls Me. Obey Me, come back to me, and believe in Me, maybe you will gain Rushd (a combination of wisdom and guidance, a level the Messengers and Prophets reached) and Allah guides whomsoever He wants.
    Many people worship excessively in the middle of Sha’baan and elevate it to the night of Laylatul Qadr. There is no authentic Hadith about this practice. On the night of laylatul qadr, Allah (swt) looks at the book that contains everything from the beginning to the end of creation (Kitabul Mubin).

    He looks to the book of the human beings and informs us of the fact that we must eventually return to Him. When Allah created the pen, it asked Him what it must write; the order was to write down everything from the beginning to the end of creation.
    Laylatul Qadr, The Night Of Power, Contains Destiny,
    Elevation And Status. If Allah Looks At Us,
    Smiles And Forgives Us, We Have A Status
    If Through Allah’s Mercy We Enter
    Jannah We Have A Status

    If He Switches Our Bad
    Qualities Into Good Ones We Have A Status.
    And If We Experience Any Calamities In This World
    Then We Will Have A Status In The Hereafter......
    Many people do not understand the difference between Laylatul Qadr and Qadr. The Prophet (s.a.w) said, "When a baby is in the womb of the mother, an angel appears at the fourth month with a book which is a copy from the mother of all books (Kitabul Mubin).

    This book contains everything about the baby. The book is chained to the baby’s neck while it is inside its mother’s womb. This Book Contains Information Regarding Four Things, they are:
    His/Her Amal (Deeds), Rizq (Provision),
    Ajal (Time Of Life And Death), And If He Will
    Be Among The Happy Or The Disgraced Ones
    (People Of Jannah Or Jahannam)
    When Allah (swt) created Adam (as), he took him to the kingdom of the souls of his progeny.

    Adam (as) noticed that some souls were in the light and some in darkness, when he asked Allah the reason for this, Allah said, whoever received His light will be amongst the people of paradise and the ones bereft of His light will be amongst the people of hell fire.
    Allah Said That
    It Is Only Through His Mercy That People
    Reach Jannah.The People Of Hellfire Are There
    With His Wisdom, Knowledge
    And Justice. Since Allah Is Our Creator,
    He Knows Which Soul Belongs Where


    Allah (swt) gave us a chance, by giving us intellect, a brain to think, the ability to communicate and a heart and a soul. What we choose after that is according to our humility and state of being humble. It is only through being humble and having humility that we can we gain wisdom and guidance from Allah.
    If We Are Arrogant With No Respect For The Creator And
    If We Do Not Show Our Gratitude For All The Things
    That Allah Has Granted Us, By Being
    Ungrateful To Him, He Will Deny
    Us Of His Rahma And Guidance

    Surah R'aad Chapter 13
    Verse: 39
    "Allah erases and confirms whatever He wills; and only with Him is the real script."
    Allah says that He has written everything down (Kitabul Mubin), but from it, He can erase and also retain whatever He wants. He is sharing this information with us to let us know that although everything is predestined, we must worship and humble ourselves on Laylatul Qadr.

    If we are sinners then we must ask for forgiveness and cry for Allah’s mercy, and thank him for letting us do good deeds.
    The Bounties Of Ramadan
    Allah (swt) made fasting during this month an obligation whereas the Taraweeh prayer is only voluntary. Whoever comes with any quality, towards Allah it is equal to one who does an obligatory good deed in any other month. But whoever does any good deed in Ramadan (obligation) it is equal to 70 good deeds in any another month
    Ramadan Is The Month Of Patience
    And An Increase In Provision For A Believer.
    Whoever Helps Another Believer
    To Break His Fast With Even A Piece Of Date,
    Allah Forgives His Sins And Clears
    Him From Jahannam And Purifies Him For Jannah
    Allah (swt) showers us with rewards during this month for even a sip of water that you give to someone else. Prophet Muhammad has (s.a.w) advised us to increase four habits:
    • Increase Saying La Ilaaha Ilallah
    • Do A Lot Of Istagfar To Allah (Asking For Forgiveness)
    • Increase Asking Allah To Give You Jannah
    • Ask Allah To Protect You From Hell Fire
    Whoever helps another person who is fasting at the time of breaking his fast with a sip of water, on the Day of Judgment; Allah (swt) will give that person water to drink and he will never be thirsty until he enters Jannah
    During Ramadan, The Big Satan
    Is All Chained And Locked Up.
    Therefore, This Is A Chance For Us Muslims
    To Change Our Bad Habits And Develop Good Ones

    Allah Will See, Who Has Sacrificed
    Everything To Worship Him
    And Gain The Treasures Of Ramadan.
    If Anyone Is Too Busy And Does Not Use Ramadan
    To Increase His Imaan, Then He Is The Looser
    The Prophet (s.a.w) said, Allah (swt) gave him something that no other Prophet was given before. If Allah looks at a servant In the first night of Ramadan, he will never go to Jahannam. The angels will ask Allah to forgive his sins. Allah asks Jannah to decorate itself and be ready for his servant
    The Odor From The Mouth
    Of A Fasting Person Is More Beloved
    To Allah Than The Smell Of Any Sort Of Musk.
    Allah Says To The Angels "Look At My Servant, He/She
    Is Trying To Please Me; Bear Witness, I Forgive His/Her Sins"
    Do not recite the Quran as a routine; do not pray Taraweeh as a routine in life. Try to live the message, try to understand what Allah (swt) wants from us. Why does Allah want us to pray Taraweeh? Is it to gain extra reward only?
    Yes, We Get A Lot Of Reward
    But That Is Not The Only Purpose....
    It Is For Us To Get Closer To Allah, To Wake Up
    And To Gain The Knowledge Of The Quran

    We Might Be Alive
    During This Ramadan.....
    But Who Guaranteed Us Next Ramadan?
    Once someone came to the Prophet and said so and so is an orphan, the Prophet (s.a.w) replied, "The one who does not have anyone is not an orphan. An orphan is one who enters Ramadan and does not gain the Rahma (mercy) of Allah."
    The Month Of Ramadan
    Is About Giving, Spending, Seclusion,
    Oneness And Unity. We Need To Elevate Ourselves
    To Be For Allah, Purify Ourselves From All Materialistic
    Desires And Live For The Akhirah
    If we enter Ramadan with the right intentions, our good manners will increase, our Iman will increase, our habits will change, and we will be a different person altogether.

    We need to show Allah (swt) that we are ready to sacrifice for him and that we want and desire his blessings, forgiveness, pleasure and Jannah. We need to show Him respect, detach ourselves from Duniya and elevate our souls.

    To summarize all that we have discussed above we can gather that the purpose of different commands and rituals in Ramadan (i.e. prayer, extra Dhikr, reciting the Qur'an, praying Taraweeh, spending in the way of Allah and of course fasting) is all a form of purification and training for us.

    In order for us to be a pure 'Abd to Allah (swt) and elevate ourselves from the animal level.
    Therefore, Our Focus Will Now,
    Not Be Directed Towards Fulfilling Our Own
    Desires, But To Elevate Ourselves To The Position
    Of The Angels. This Is To Be Purely For Allah (Swt)
    With Our Complete Soul And Body
    This purpose benefits the individuals and cures his/her diseases of the heart, greed, accumulation, stinginess, misery and the obsession of loving oneself.
    The Maximum Purification
    And Solution For The Sicknesses
    Mentioned Above Can Be Cured Through
    Generosity, Sacrifice And The Love To Help Others

    Also by Sharing, Instilling Short Hope,
    And Most Of All; Work That Will Please Allah
    And Hence Gain The Hereafter
    We need to show Allah (swt) how sincere we are in our journey of Iman, how much we're willing to give up whatever we own, or we think we own in this life, to achieve His Pleasure and Generosity by Granting us His Rahma (Mercy) and the ultimate Paradise in the hereafter.
    By Achieving All This As An Individual, It Generates Manner,
    Good Quality And Conduct, Equality And Justice.
    Now We Can Be Good To Ourselves, Good
    To Others, Benefit Ourselves;

    Benefit Others In A Familial Level,
    Neighborly Level, Societal Level,
    And In A Humanitarian Level
    All of the above will help generate a just, kind and a giving person, which in a bigger picture generates a society and a nation with beautiful qualities, manner, character and elevation. We will be elevated in the eyes of Allah (swt), angels and humanity.
    We Will Become A Role Model,
    A Leader And A Carrier Of Guidance To
    Humanity.We Will Be Purified And Elevated, Ready
    For The Greatest Job, The Job Of The Messengers And Prophets
    The honor will be ours, as we help humanity to go to the Mercy of Allah, to believe, live, worship as a slave and servant of the Almighty in achieving Paradise and the Pleasure of Allah. In addition, Allah will Grant us His own Pleasure for infinity.

    These are some of the meanings, wisdom and purposes of Ramadan, which is a goal we need to, live and achieve.
    Whoever Enters Ramadan
    With The Right Understanding, The Right Niya
    And The Right Goal, He Will Be Elevated
    According To His Effort And His Sacrifice To Reach
    The Highest Level Of Love, Pleasure And Elevation Of Allah
    That He Gives To A Servant
    What more do we need, when we are elevated from the status of an animal to the status of the angels by becoming the carrier and the spreader of the message of the Almighty?
    Ramadan Is The Training And Rehab Center
    Of An Individual For Him To Prepare
    And Ready Himself For The Greater Mission.
    Whoever Passes, He Will Be Elevated And Enter
    A New Phase. Higher, Respected And Beloved To Allah

    This is also the challenge all of us have to meet, that is to choose between what we think we have or we own, to what Allah is willing to give us from all His promises. It is an examination of the belief of Allah's promise and reward, versus our weaknesses, temptations, disease of the heart and the pleasures of material life.

    This is Ramadan. It is a glimpse of the purpose, essence, and wisdom of Ramadan. Imagine an individual willing to give himself up for the sake of the almighty? Imagine a nation willing to give themselves up for Allah?

    There is neither millionaire nor a billionaire, but there is justice and kindness without poverty, deprivation, orphans living alone, or lonely people, because everyone cares about each other…
    This Is Ramadan. This Is Islam.
    The Elevation Of Allah (Swt) To Us.
    We Give Allah (Swt) Our Utmost And Allah (Swt)
    Gives Us In Return. However, This Discussion Will Never
    Lead Us Anywhere Unless We Possess Real Iman
    The real Iman and not the one that is fake. Iman is to believe in Allah's promise and his rewards. Moreover, if we claim so, each one of us needs to ponder about where we are from the message.

    Where are we, when it comes to fulfilling our worldly desires, as opposed to our desire for Allah’s fulfillment of the promise of Jannah for infinity? Where Is The Believer?
    May Allah (Swt) Grant Us The Blessings Of Shaban
    And Treasures Of The Ramadan,

    Daee Ahmed Moait

    Jazakallahukhair, and May Allah guides us all to the one true path and may Allah accept us all, amen.
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    Re: Ramadan..... The month of Qur'an

    JAZAKALLAH khair dear. Yes Ramadan is really a month of Blessing It's ALLAH month in which he give every person who worship him by heart and true feelings. Rajab, Shaban Ramadan are three months in which a man can earn lots of blessing and get many favors from ALLAH May ALLAH guide us and lead us toward right path.
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    Re: Ramadan..... The month of Qur'an

    Wa iyakum sister
    please keep me in your dua'
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