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Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

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    Exclamation Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

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    Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

    Many of us are just Ramadan Muslims:

    Many of us both Muslim men and women are unfortunately just Ramadan Muslims. We become devoted to our Deen (way of life) for just one month of the year and the rest of the year we spend chasing our desires with our only or main concern being the worldly and materialistic life. Why do we desire a life that is so temporary and can end at any second?

    Just for this one month we reach to our top shelves and blow off the dust from our Qur'an's and get the prayer mats out from within our cupboards. Many of our sisters put their makeup sets, high heels and tight clothes away for the month and bring out the hijaab and Jilbaab. Many of our brothers put away their ear rings, chains and chaps and shape their beard lines for the month to loo as holy as possible for just this one month.

    Mash Allah we become so much more practicing during this blessed month than any other time of the year. We fast and do the prayers. We stand in the night for Taraweeh prayer and even do good deeds that we have not done or even thought of doing outside of Ramadan. We sit and spend more time with our families. We recite the Qur’an; do dhikr of Allah and visit the Masjid so much more than at any other time of the year.

    We feel a wonderful sense of peace and satisfaction in our hearts because we feel a deeper sense of awareness of Allah during this blessed month than we do throughout the year.

    The night before the day of Eid:

    The night before the day of Eid, shaythan gets released from the chains and shackles and runs to see what state we are in after this blessed month. He does not like what he sees. So straight away he gets to work trying to undo the good habits we have acquired throughout this blessed month. Then we see that during the night before Eid, our sisters take out their makeup sets, high heels and tight clothes and put away their Hijaab and Jilbaab for another year. Even if many of our sisters do wear hijaab it will be bright and colorful worn with the tight and revealing clothes and high heels. Is that hijaab? We can fool ourselves but not our creator!

    We see the brothers take out their ear rings, chaps and chains and get their wacky hairstyles cut many of which are gravity defying and intricately shaped patterned haircuts that even Siberian tigers would be envious of. Remember those who imitate the disbelievers will be raised amongst them on the day of Judgment:

    Narrated by Ibn Umar (Ra): "Whoever imitates a group, then he is from amongst them" (Abu Dawud, Mishkat)

    Back to old habits:

    That very same night before Eid the Masjids are EMPTY! The Isha prayer is abandoned! We see many of our brothers and sisters blasting music from their cars, beeping in the high streets, busying themselves preparing for Eid day and in doing so abandon the prayer which is the purpose of our creation!

    We see our brothers and sisters going out intoxicating themselves and meeting up for illegal sexual relations that very night. We see our brothers and sisters go back to old bad habits that we were supposed to have stopped and asked Allah to forgive us for. We begged of Allah to forgive us and we go back to our evils that very night before Eid? Subhaanallah what a sad state of affairs we are in!

    Instead of thanking Allah on the night before Eid we ridicule and mock him by going back to the evils we begged of him for forgiveness for! This month was a chance for us to redeem ourselves and to change our state but rather than go forward and get closer to Allah and bring our Deen into every aspect of our lives we go backwards again and back into old and evil habits.

    Is the purpose of Ramadan that we become pious and practicing for just this one month and for the rest of the year we follow our desires, imitate the disbelievers and hardly practice our faiths at all. We are Muslim just by name but not by action. Many of us fast and pray during this blessed month only because we have to or others are doing it and not solely for the pleasure of Allah or to get closer to him. What a sad state of affairs!

    O believers enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Shaythan, surely he is your clear-cut enemy. If you falter after receiving the clear-cut message, then keep in mind that Allah is Mighty, Wise. Are they waiting for Allah to come down to them in the shadow of clouds, along with the angels, and make His decision known? Ultimately all matters will be presented to Allah for decision.
    (Surah Al-Baqara, Ayah 208-210)

    There are no excuses for not praying:

    Allah does not expect us to be perfect angels but he will judge us on the amount of effort we made throughout our lives. When we say "I try to read Salaah or i try to do what i can". Then are we really trying our best? Surely If we really tried our best to do something then we would do it. If we get a warning from work for being late and that we must be at work on time from now on or face the consequences then there is no doubt that we would make sure that we reach work on time even if it means leave our houses early in order to avoid traffic as we would not want to be late again and face the consequences.

    Similarly if we know that we must do our prayers and if we do not then we must face the consequences in this world and the next then why do we not pray? Why are we so heedless? We are in a state of delusion if we think that we will be saved by not praying and doing a few good deeds. We may deceive ourselves but we cannot deceive Allah!

    Therefore there are NO excuses for us to miss a single prayer. Allah has created us for only one reason: to worship him! What is the best and most important form of worship? The Salaah (prayer).

    Abandoning the prayer is kufr (disbelief)

    The Prophet, (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), said, "The agreement that is between us and them is the prayer: whoever leaves it has disbelieved." [Reliance, p4.2]

    In another hadith, it is narrated on the authority of Abu Zubair that he heard Jabir b. 'Abdullah saying, 'I heard the Prophet (Salalallahu Alaihib Wasallam) observing this,' "Between man and polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of salat." [Muslim]

    Only 3% of our day on praying:

    If we calculate how long it would take to pray 5 times a day then you could sum it up to around 40 minutes a day. Now there are 1440 minutes in a day and 40 minutes out of 1440 of our day is ONLY 3% of a day and we still can't manage that? Many of us spend that much time eating, excreting or in front of a mirror and we can't even spend it praying and fulfilling the very purpose of our creation? We spend hours on end in front of the television or listening to Music or playing our playing the latest play station games or seeing who's poked us on Facebook but we can't spend a few minutes praying to the one who has given us EVERYTHING we can possible imagine and far more? We are truly at loss!

    Many of us work full time jobs having to work almost everyday of the year having to get up at early hours in order to do so. If we can do this then can't we pray Salaah 5 times a day for a few short minutes that it takes to pray them? If we really did try then we would not fail in praying our 5 prayers but we decieve ourselves and we end up wasting our lives decieving ourselves and then regret it later on when it is too late! Let us not be of those who will regret it forever

    The month of training:

    If we had training at work so that we can become better at our job and then after the training is finished we disregarded what we learnt and did not implement it into our jobs throughout the year then what is the use of the training? Our employer will be angry with us that they provided us with an opportunity for training and we did not even implement it in our daily lives. Similarly Allah has provided us with the blessed month of Ramadan as a month where we can train ourselves and improve ourselves as Muslims for the rest of the year in order to gain the fear of Allah and get closer to him. It is to make us practicing Muslims every day of our lives not just for Ramadan.

    Therefore let us change our ways and not be one month Ramadan Muslims. There is no such thing as a part time Muslim for Allah tells us to go fully into our Deen and not partly. Let us immerse ourselves into our beautiful way of life and not let ourselves stop practicing as soon as Ramadan is over for the best way to know if our Ramadan has been accepted or not is if we actually make changes to our lives after Ramadan is over. If we go back to how we were before Ramadan started then how can we except for our Ramadan to be accepted?

    We are not expected to become saints overnight but surely the least we can do is to fulfill our obligations unto Allah and that is to establish our 5 times prayers and to keep away from that which Allah has forbidden. Does he not deserve even a little amount of our time each day? Has he not given us enough that we are so ungrateful to him? How much is he asking from? Is half an hour a day too much when he has given us EVERYTHING we can see, hear, touch and imagine? Remember he does not need us but we sure do need him.

    Let us not abandon the Qur'an:

    So the brothers should not abandon the house of Allah as soon as Ramadan is over but we should establish a close connection with the best and most favorite place of Allah which is the Masjid. We should not put away our prayer mats and our Qur'ans on the highest shelves to gather dust for another year but we should recite from the Qur'an everyday even if it is a few lines. We should read and try to understand the message of the Qur'an and contemplate and ponder over it and try to implement it into our daily lives as that is the purpose of the Qur'an for it to be used as our daily guide and not to gather dust on the top shelf.

    Make changes for the whole year and not just during Ramadan:

    Our sisters should not put away the hijaab and Jilbaab away for another year but should realise that to cover is an obligation from Allah and would they rather want to please Allah or to please the eyes of other men and shaythan who is our worst and sworn enemy and only wants the worst for us? Do our sisters not feel good and at peace by wearing the hijaab and Jilbaab during this month? Was it not a freedom from the shackles of the way the glossy magazines want women to dress and be like? Then do not put away the hijaab and Jilbaab but continue to wear it throughout the year. Those sisters who do wear colorful, bright hijaab with tight clothes, high heels and excessive make up should know that this is a mockery which goes against modesty which is the very purpose of hijaab. Those sisters should know that by wearing tight clothes along with excessive makeup they are in fact contradicting the very purpose of hijaab. Instead those sisters should wear proper Hijaab with Jilbaab as that is closest to what true modesty is really about.

    The brothers who try to imitate the disbelievers by wearing chains, chaps and ear rings as well as getting inappropriate haircuts should know that this is not the way a Muslim should be. Our role model is the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) not the latest celebrity’s and rappers. If we look into their lives then we will know they are mostly unhappy and not content. This is because Allah has informed us that the ONLY way to bring true contentment is through his remembrance, NOT money, cars, fame etc.

    So we should not make them as our role models who or what the latest trend is but we should copy and imitate the best of creation and the best example for us and there is no better example for us and the whole of mankind but our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

    Make the changes NOW!

    Forget the past now, it is gone and will never come back. There is no use worrying about the future because it is uncertain and we may not even live to be alive tomorrow. Therefore we must concentrate on making the changes NOW. This is by far the best opportunity for us to change our lives for the better forever!

    Therefore let us practice our beautiful way of life EVERYDAY throughout the whole year. Ramadan is like a training month for us where we train ourselves for the rest of the year. If we have not yet made a commitment to Allah then let us make it NOW! What are we waiting for to change ourselves? DEATH? Death will NOT wait a second but it will take us at its appointed time.

    Change before the soul reaches the throat:

    We have until our souls reach our throat to ask for forgiveness from Allah and make the necessary changes. So we should not wait to die before we make changes. We should never think that we can change next week, or next month, or after marriage or after this and after that. It is shaythan who wants us to keep putting it off so we never make those changes. That is why shaythan keeps telling us to change tomorrow but tomorrow never comes and that is why we MUST change NOW!

    Why do we chase a life which is so temporary and short and can end at any second when the Hereafter is FOREVER and will never end? Surely something that never ends is so much better than something that will end so quickly! Then let us devote ourselves to something that will last forever not something that may end today! Let us devote ourselves to our creator who gave us so much that we can never comprehend. We should imagine that we are in this life on a journey and our final destination is the Hereafter. This journey is very short as it may end at any second, so surely we should be preparing for the end to our journey as we almost reach our final destination.

    So make the firm commitment:

    So we must make a firm commitment to Allah now and also internalise this commitment and the need for change in our minds and hearts and do everything we can to ensure that we make the necessary changes and not put it off otherwise tomorrow maybe too late so the time for change and commitment is NOW!

    May Allah enable us to carry the positive changes we made during Ramadan throughout the rest of the year. Ameen
    Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

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    Qurratul Ayn's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

    ^ Ameen, thumma ameen

    Hear, hear!

    "And the life of this world is but amusement and play, whilst truly the Home in the Hereafter, that is Life indeed, if they but knew..."
    ​al-Ankabut 29:64
    Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

    فَبِأَيِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
    "Then which of the favours of Your Lord will ye deny?"
    Al-Qur'aan; Surah Ar-Rahman

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

    Keeping Ramadan Spirits Alive: 10 tips to help you keep those Ramadan habits

    Ramadan was great for Sarah. She actually started praying five times a day on time. But once the blessed month is over she fears the momentum, drive and motivation that kept her going will fade out. Sarah is worried that this good habit might not last.

    But it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, a number of psychologists agree that a person needs about three weeks to develop a good habit. If you've been praying regularly, fasting, controlling your temper, trying to be more patient, or keeping any other good habit during Ramadan, you're almost sure, Insha Allah, to keep up with it afterwards. Nonetheless, we all slip up. As well, the drive that pushes us to do good in Ramadan is usually not as strong the rest of the year.

    Here are a few things you can do to maintain the good habits you picked during Ramadan:

    1. Make Dua

    It was Allah who gave you the ability to keep the good habit in Ramadan, and only He can help you maintain it afterwards. Make Dua that Allah helps you not only keep the habit, but that He accepts it and makes it a way for you to grow in closeness to Him.

    2. Make it a habit

    If you want to keep good habits, you've got to make sure they remain part of your daily schedule. For instance, fasting. Did you know that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged fasting on Mondays and Thursdays? He said: A man's deeds are reported (to Allah) on Mondays and Thursdays and I prefer that I should be fasting when my deeds are reported (Tirmidhi).

    This is a great way of maintaining the habit so you're not rusty by next Ramadan.

    Or for example, were you extra generous during Ramadan? Well, maybe you can portion out a set amount of your weekly or monthly paycheck to a charitable cause to maintain the habit of giving.

    Make the habit part of your daily and weekly schedule. The point is to keep the action in practice, and of course gain rewards from Allah.

    3. Think about your day each night

    Evaluating ourselves, our intentions, words and actions, every night is a very good way to maintain good habits (see a sample self-evaluation form):

    Sample self evaluation form:


    Self-evaluation doesn't only help you see where you are and where you've got to go. It's also a great reminder of what you were supposed to do and didn't.

    Add a question or two (or three or four) about your specific habit into a daily self-evaluation questionnaire. Ask yourself, for instance, how often did I pray today? What was the quality of my prayer? Did I pray on time? etc. These serve to remind you to keep up the habit and do better next time.

    4. Evaluate yourself weekly

    This helps you see the bigger picture. You'll be able to evaluate on a more long-term level how well you've been keeping your habit in practice. You can do the same thing on a monthly and yearly basis.

    For those who are really into the technical aspect of self-evaluation, maybe you can make a graph to help you chart how well (or not so well) you've been keeping up with your good habit.

    5. Get a friend to help

    What are friends for anyway? If you've got a close friend you feel you can share your new habit with, let them join you in keeping up with it and keeping tabs on you while they're at it. This will not only encourage you, but Insha Allah, it'll deepen your brother/sisterhood as well.

    Alternatively, look for groups where you can maintain the habit. If, for instance, you memorized Quran regularly in Ramadan and want to keep the habit, join an Islamic study circle focused on memorization.

    6. Don't fall apart once you make one mistake

    The beauty of Tawbah (repentance) in Islam, is that Allah blesses us with this opportunity to return back to Him after doing something wrong. We should remember that we are humans and that we will err. Only Allah is Perfect.

    This is why, for instance, if we were able to pray on time all through Ramadan, but become slack afterwards, we must realize it, seek Allah's forgiveness sincerely, and try our best to get back on track, asking Allah to help us.

    We should not give up trying to pray on time just because we have missed doing so on a couple of occasions.

    7. Ask yourself WHY you kept the habit

    Niyyah or intention is a key to Allah's acceptance of our good deeds. If we developed a habit to impress others, for instance, we may be able to keep the momentum for a while, but most probably it'll wear out afterwards.

    But if we maintained a habit sincerely for the sake of Allah, Insha Allah, not only will we be rewarded for it, but our intention will help us maintain the necessary motivation to continue to do good.

    8. Don't expect the same results

    If you were ready to spring out of bed in anticipation for Fajr during many of the days of Ramadan, but find yourself barely waking up for the prayer afterwards, don't be surprised, but don't become slack either.

    Good habits are often easy to maintain in Ramadan, the blessed month. The hard part is doing so after the "high" of Ramadan. This is where you'll have to work hard to force yourself to maintain your habit, whether it's waking up for Fajr, not smoking, eating less, being more patient, etc.

    Be thankful when you're able to maintain your habit and think about practical things you can do to keep it up on a regular basis.

    9. Work your way up slowly

    Aisha reported that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and remember that you shall enter Paradise only through Allah's Mercy, and also remember that the most beloved deed to Allah is that which is regular and constant even if it is little (Bukhari).

    The wisdom in this Hadith is tremendous and it is one way of keeping up good habits you have picked up in Ramadan.

    For example, let's say you were motivated to read Quran for half-an-hour on a daily basis in Ramadan. But now that it's over, you feel sluggish, lazy and want to give it up. Yet, you had wanted to maintain this habit after the blessed month was over.

    Instead of trying to read Quran for the same amount of time, reduce the time period to as much as you are initially able to do, even if it's just five minutes a day.

    If you keep up this 'five minutes a day' habit, Insha Allah, you will see the amount of Quran you read will increase slowly but gradually, perhaps even surpassing your Ramadan maximum in the long-term, Insha Allah!

    10. Don't give yourself the option

    What makes you get up for work in the mornings, no matter how tired you are? What makes you drag yourself out of a warm bed on a cold morning to get ready for school? It's the fact that you have no option, and you know that there are negative consequences to not going to work (you'll be fired) or school (you'll fail).

    Use the same kind of psychology on yourself when it comes to maintaining your good habit. Tell yourself, for instance, that Allah will be very angry with you if you do not pray Fajr, no matter how cold your room is on a frosty December morning. That in turn can lead to more bad deeds, which could lead to decreased faith, and a downward spiral in your life. And Allah can punish you in various ways in this world as well as the next for not praying. You could lose your job; you could have a family crisis, etc.

    Source: http://www.soundvision.com/info/eid/alive.asp
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    Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

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    Re: Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

    good stuff jazakallahu khair, very helpful
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

    If you worshipped Ramadan, know that Ramadan is leaving. But if you worshipped the creator of Ramadan, know that He the Almighty is everlasting.

    Therefore worship Allah alone and remember that he is most merciful outside Ramadan too. His mercy never decreases.

    It's us, rather being so weak, we fail to improve our standard so lets raise our game now and keep this high momentum outside RAMADAN because we are not merely RAMADAN Muslims.

    We are Full Time Muslims for life!
    Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

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    Re: Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

    Farewell Ramadan, Welcome Change

    Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

    After Ramadan

    Hadhrat Maulana Yunus Patel

    The Holy month of Ramadaan came like seasonal rain and passed by. This rain did not water the plants and crops -it showered upon the hearts of believers. It is sad, but true, that the hearts of the majority of Muslims are stricken with spiritual drought and spiritual decadence. It is a drought caused by excessive indulgence in un-Islamic activities, immoral behaviour, unjust actions, unfair dealings etc.

    Drought caused by lack of rain destroys crops -drought caused by lack of piety, lack of fear of Allah and lack of Allah consciousness destroys the SPIRITUALITY of the heart.Ramadaan’s spiritual rains brought to life the Masaajid and other*prayer*places. Ramadaan had fanned the dying spark of*charity*.

    Ramadaan had awakened the dying spirit of tolerance, patience and sympathy for the less fortunate.Now that we come to the end of Ramadaan the big question is what to do? Did we go through all the spiritual exercises in Ramadaan in order that we may have the freedom to indulge, on Eid day, in all types of immoral, shameless and indecent amusement? Did we restrain ourselves from halaal food, drinks and other pleasures from dawn to sunset throughout Ramadaan, so that we may return with renewed vigour to gambling, drinking, adultery and fornication?

    Will the spirit of tolerance, mercy, patience, charity and sympathy be still evident or will these noble qualities be shelved until the dawn of the next Ramadaan?Will the Masajids which were filled on most nights in Ramadaan remain the same or will they become empty wondering where the faithful have gone? Our lifestyles after Ramadaan will show whether we used the month to bring about a total reformation within ourselves or are we going to waste the valuable opportunity?

    The National and international position of the*Muslim*communities leaves much to be desired. Muslims are lamenting the loss of lives, destruction of property, oppression, tyranny, injustice and a host of other problems all over the world. They are wondering why the promised help of Allah to the believers is nowhere in sight. Just one glance into the lifestyles of the overwhelming majority of the Muslims is sufficient to answer the question. Millions of Muslims do not have much to their credit besides Muslim names.

    Allah’s help comes with action and Islamic qualities -not with names or faces – Arabs or non-Arabs, African or European, Chinese or Indians. On the other hand every group, organization, society or individual who talks*Islam, seems to have got its own brand of Islam. The Islamic teachings which were left behind for us, crystal clear and pristine pure, have become so adulterated with foreign customs, alien practices and un-Islamic ideologies, that a new Muslim has to make an effort to search for the Quran and Sunnah brand of Islam or remain confused and ignorant.

    May Allah Ta’ala on the occasion of Eid give us the guidance to resolve that we shall make the Quran and Sunnah our guiding lights and practise Islam as much as possible. If* the non-Muslim inhabitants of our country see Islam in the lives of Muslims, they will not require much persuasion to accept our beautiful deen.

    Source: HaqIslam
    Ramadan Not Just For One Month But For Everyday Of Our Lives!

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