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Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

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    Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr (Night Of Power)

    Almighty Allah says in the Quran:
    {Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with every decree. (This night is) peace, until the rising of the dawn.} (Al-Qadr 97: 3-5)

    This blessed night can be found in any of the last 10 nights of Ramadan which are the most blessed nights of the year & therefore we should increase our Worship & Devotion in them:

    Aisha (Ra) reported: With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work harder) and used to pray the whole night, & used to keep his family awake for the prayers. (Bukhari)

    Imam Ibrahim Al-Nakha`i (Ra) says: "Good works performed on this night are better than those performed consistently for a thousand months."

    Abu Hurayrah (Ra) relates that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:
    "Whoever spends Laylat al-Qadr in prayer, believing in Allah and seeking His reward, will be forgiven all of his past sins." (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

    Subhanallah! What immense rewards are to be gained during these blessed 10 nights. How can we afford to miss out on them? Who is to say that we will be alive next Ramadan? So we must make the best of these 10 nights. If we cannot manage all of the 10 nights then at least as many as we can manage particularly the last 10 odd numbered nights: 21st, 25th, 27th and 29th.

    There is a saying: A person who fails to plan, plans to fail. So I have created a Worship plan that we can use to maximise these blessed 10 nights of Ramadan. Before we get into the plan, there are a few points to consider:

    10 points to consider in the Worship Plan:

    1 - Remain in I'tikaf: The best way of catching the blessed night of Power is to remain in I'tikaf which both men and women can do. If it is not possible for one to remain in I'tikaf for the whole of the 10 days and nights then one should try to remain in I'tikaf as many days and nights as is possible. It is also possible to make intention of Nawafil I'tikaf each and every time one enters the Masjid in order to gain rewards for the time spent in the Masjid.

    2 - Worship all the 10 nights: Try to worship the whole of the 10 nights or at least as one can manage as that is the best way to catch the unimaginable and incomprehensible rewards of Laylatul Qadr. Each and every good deed from Maghrib until Fajr on Laylatul Qadr is rewarded a minimum of over 83 years of worship rewards. Subhanallah that is longer than most of us will live!

    3 - Best Dua of the last 10 nights: Recite the Dua for Lailatul Qadr (the Night of Power) abundantly throughout the last 10 nights.

    اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ ، تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

    Allahumma innaka ‘affuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni’ ‘

    O Allah You are The One Who forgives greatly, and loves to forgive, so forgive me. [at Tirmidhi]

    This Dua was given by the Prophet [Sallallahu laihi Wasallam] to the most beloved person to him: Aisha [RA]. So that makes the Dua extra special. Normally when we ask for forgiveness then Allah may forgive us but may still mention the sin to us on the Day of Judgement. But in this Dua we are asking Allah to completely wipe away our sins so that they are totally erased. So recite this Dua frequently during this blessed night to get your sins totally wiped out and come out as sinless as a newborn baby. Subhanallah!

    4 - Give in charity: Give some charity during these 10 nights as any good act like charity during Laylatul Qadr is rewarded like one has done it for over 83 years!

    5 - EAT LIGHT: as one is going to stay up until Fajr and the more one eats the harder it will be to stay up and the less productive one will be!

    6 - Hydrate well: Keep some water with you at all times. This well help you stay up, feel energised and refreshed and have a clearer mind

    7 - Complete all tasks before hand: So that we are free to worship the 10 nights without being disturbed by having to complete worldy tasks. This is in order to spend minimum time on things other than worship.

    8 - Show exemplary character: The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Nothing is weightier on the Scale of Deeds than one’s Good manners.” (Al-Bukhari)

    So surely we should aim to be the best in character during these blessed nights and then continue to do so the rest of the year. So we must not argue, swear, backbite, slander or gossip. These things are prohibited anyway but how can we display such characteristics during these blessed few nights?

    9 - No time wasting: We must make firm intention that during these blessed 10 nights that we will take part in NO idle talk and NOT watch TV, or play Games, or spend time on Social Media. There is 355 days in the year for all that. This is just 10 nights! Utter loss and regret for those of us who waste these blessed 10 nights!!!

    10- Making life changes : Ramadan is not just for one month but it is for the whole year. So we should make the necessary changes that we need to make in order to better ourselves as Muslims and what better time to make such changes than during these blessed 10 nights where we can change our lives for the better forever. So we must internalise these changes and make firm commitment to Allah and it maybe that he will wipe our sins clean like we were a new born baby.

    The following is a possible worship routine for the last 10 blessed nights of Ramadan which can be adjusted according to the times in ones own country:

    09:30 - 10:00 pm - Open fast with dates and water and Pray Maghrib (Men with congregation and women at home). After that pray the 2 Sunnah and as many Nawafil (Voluntary) prayers in sets of 2 raka'ahs as one can manage.

    Bonus: The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Whoever draws near to Allah during it (Ramadan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, no. 1887)

    So each Fard prayer during Ramadan entails a reward of 70 obligatory prayers and each voluntary prayer entails a reward of a Fard prayer. Can you imagine how much more reward a voluntary and Fard prayer will be rewarded during Laylatul Qadr,? Subhanallah! you will be rewarded like you have prayed the Fard and voluntary prayers for over 83 years!

    10:00 - 10:15 pm - Eat light in order to have optimum energy for worship. Avoid heavy and fried foods which will make one lethargic.

    Bonus: The lighter the stomach the more worship. The more worship the more reward!

    10:15 - 10:30 pm - Get ready and prepared to pray Isha and Tarawee. Make Ghusl or Wudu. Pray 2 Rakat Tahiyyatul Wudu after every Wudu. Wear ones best clothes and put on Attar and use Miswaak and comb hair, beard etc.

    Bonus 1: Looking ones best actually has a significant impact in making one more productive! These are the nights of maximum productivity! So look & smell good to be more productive!

    Bonus 2: Walk to the Masjid if you are not in I'tikaf. Each and every step is rewarded like you have been walking to the Masjid for over 83 years! Subhanallah!

    10:30 pm - 12:00 am - Pray Isha & Taraweeh. Men with congregation and women may also pray in the Masjid in order to hear recitation of Qur'an, if the facilities are available and there is no danger of free mixing. Pray 2 rakat Tahiyyatul Masjid upon arriving at the Masjid and also remember to pray the 4 raka'ahs of Sunnah before the 4 Fard of Isha' which is often neglected.

    Bonus: Praying Taraweeh during the night of power will bring rewards of over 83 years for each and every letter recited by the Imam and for each and every prostration (Sajda).

    12:00 - 12:30 am - As soon as Taraweeh is finished then prepare for worship until Fajr. Make Fresh Wudu or Ghusl if one wants. Drink water to hydrate. If one is hungry then eat (LIGHT).

    Either stay at the Masjid or go home immediately not partaking in any idle talk and go straight to the spot where there will be no disturbances and begin worship immediately being firm in remaining free of any disturbances. NO PROCRASTINATION during these blessed 10 nights!

    Bonus: The less time we waste the more time we have for worship. The more time we have for worship the more we can gain unimaginable rewards during these blessed 10 nights!

    12:30 - 1:30 am - Recite Qur'an with its tafseer (Meanings of the Qur'an) and contemplate and ponder over the words of Allah.

    Bonus: In one of these nights was the auspicious night that the Noble Qur'an was revealed. So surely we should spend most of these nights reciting the Qur'an. Each and every letter is normally rewarded as 10 good deeds and during Ramadan this is increased further, but during Laylatul Qadr each letter will be rewarded like one has recited it for over 83 years. Subanallah!

    1:30 - 2:00 am - Salaatul Tasbih. Or continue reciting Qur'an with Tafseer and recite the Laylatul Qadr Dua as much as possible for wiping out sins.

    Bonus: Salaatul Tasbih contains a Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) which is one of the best glorifications of Allah (Abu Dawud):

    Subhaanallaahi walhamdu lillaahi walaa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu Akbar

    This is recited 300 times during this prayer. So can you imagine the rewards of reciting this prayer during Laylatul Qadr? Subanallah!

    How to Pray Salaatul Tasbih: Pray like a normal 4 raka'ah (Nawafil) prayer except above Dhikr is said 15 times after the Surah after Surah Faathiha,10 times in Ruku (After Subanarabbiyyal Adheem), 10 times after Qiyaam (Saami-Allah), 10 times in Sajda (After Subhanarabiyyal Adheem),10 times when up from Sajda in sitting position,10 times in second Sajda,10 times when up from second sajda in sitting position. Repeat for every Raka'h.

    2:00 - 2:45 am - 8 Rakats of Tahajjud prayer with long Sajdas reciting as many Sura'hs as one knows by memory. Before hand reading the meanings of the Surahs that are going to be recited in order to gain Khushu and feel the Surah's being recited in ones heart.

    Bonus: The best Nawafil (voluntary) prayer is Tahajjud and it is a prayer in order to get closer to Almighty Allah which can be prayed after Isha until just before Fajr begins. The best recitation of the Qur'an is that done during Tahajjud prayer. So one should recite as much of the Qur'an as one has memorised and in the long prostrations ask and beg of Allah in Arabic for forgiveness and mercy and surely Allah will never turn away his slaves who beg of him during this prayer.

    2:45 - 3:00 am - Eat Suhoor slightly earlier so as to spend the last half an hour in Dua as Dua just before Fajr is the best and most accepted Dua and any Dua on Laylatul Qadr is accepted without doubt.

    Bonus: Prepare Suhoor in the day and put it away in the fridge as nothing should get in the way of our worship during these blessed nights. Preparing Suhoor before hand leaves us with more time to worship. As I keep saying: The more time we have for worship the more unimaginable and incomprehensible rewards we can gain!

    3:00 am until Fajr begins. Devote the last half an hour in Dua. Beg and cry unto Allah, by praising and glorifying him using his beautiful names asking for his mercy, forgiveness and for our parents, families and ourselves. Ask for anything ones heart desires. Include Dua's for the Ummah. Surely Allah will accept each and every sincere Dua during these blessed 10 nights more so more than any night of the year on the Night of power!

    Bonus: Make a Dua list and be sure to cover everything you can think of so that your mind does not go blank during making Dua on these blessed nights. So if we have made a Dua list before hand then we can make the best Dua which will cover everything and during these blessed nights Duas are readily accepted and if we catch the Night of power during these 10 nights then our Duas will be accepted without a doubt. Subhanallah!

    Fajr until 20 Minutes after Sunrise:

    Annas (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa Sallam) said: “Whoever prays the Fajr prayer in congregation and then he remains sitting mentioning Allah until the sun rises, and then he prays two Rak’ahs, will receive the reward of one Hajj and one ‘Umrah, complete, complete, complete.” [At-Tirmithi with a good chain of narrators]

    So remain seated after the Fajr prayer and engage in Dua, contemplation, recitation of Qur'an and in the glorification and remembrance of Allah until 20 minutes after sunrise and then get up and pray 2x2 raka'ah Salaatul Duha.

    Bonus: Remaining seated after prayer and engaged in worship until 20 minutes after sunrise brings the rewards of a Hajj and Umrah. Subhanallah! If that was not enough then the rewards are further increased during this blessed month.

    Repeat this schedule for each and every night of worship during the last 10 nights of Ramadan and know that at least one of the nights we will gain the rewards like we did each and every worship for over 83 years. Subhanallah that is longer than most of us will live!

    May Allah enable us to make the best of these nights and gain the rewards may he enable us to catch the blessed Night of Power and gain the rewards that are promised for it. Ameen
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 08-02-2013 at 09:12 PM. Reason: Final Edit
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Worship routine for a woman on her Menses during the last 10 blessed Nights:

    09:30 - 10:00 pm - Open fast with family with dates and water so as to fulfil the Sunnah and also feel the atmosphere and feeling of fasting

    10:00 - 10:15 pm - Eat light in order to have optimum energy for worship. Avoid heavy and fried foods which will make one lethargic.

    Bonus: The lighter the stomach the more worship. The more worship the more reward!

    10:15 - 10:30 pm - Get ready and prepared. Make Ghusl, Wudu and wear ones best clothes. Sit I'tikaf at home.

    Bonus 1: Looking ones best actually has a significant impact in making one more productive! These are the nights of maximum productivity! So look good to be more productive!

    Bonus 2: According to many scholarly opinions including that of Hanafi Madhab. It is recommended for a woman to sit I'tikaf at a designated place in the depths of her home.

    10:30 pm - 12:00 am - Put on Taraweeh prayer from Makkah or locality if they have radio transmission. This will enable one to get the feeling of Ramadan and at the same time listen to the Qur'an recitation. Also read the translation to go with it in order to understand what is being recited.

    12:00 - 12:30 am - Drink water to hydrate. If one is hungry then eat (LIGHT) in order to prepare for worship for the rest of the Night. Do not partake in any idle talk. Go straight to the spot where there will be no disturbances at home and begin worship immediately. NO PROCRASTINATION during these blessed 10 nights!

    Bonus: The less time we waste the more time we have for worship. The more time we have for worship the more we can gain unimaginable rewards during these blessed 10 nights! Other things can be done at anytime but not during these blessed few nights.

    12:30 - 2:30 am - Ramadan is the month of the Qur'an and not being able to recite the Qur'an is no reason to feel down as you can read the tafseer (Meanings of the Qur'an) and contemplate and ponder over the words of Allah and gain the same rewards insha'Allah.

    Bonus: In one of these nights was the auspicious night that the Noble Qur'an was revealed. So surely we should spend most of these nights reciting the Meanings of the Qur'an so that we may understand it and ponder and reflect over it.

    2:00 - 2:30 am - Recite the Dua of Laylatul Qadr as much as possible for wiping out sins and make Dua of repentance to Allah, begging and crying unto him for mercy and forgiveness. (Allahumma Innaka Afuwun Thuhibbul Afwa Fa'fu Anna)

    2:30 - 3:00 - Prepare Suhoor and eat (Light).

    Bonus: Prepare Suhoor in the day and put it away in the fridge as nothing should get in the way of our worship during these blessed nights. Preparing Suhoor before hand leaves us with more time to worship. As I keep saying: The more time we have for worship the more unimaginable and incomprehensible rewards we can gain!

    3:00 am - until Fajr begins Spend the last half an hour in Dua and beg and cry unto Allah, by praising and glorifying him using his beautiful names asking for his mercy, forgiveness and for our parents, families and ourselves. Ask for anything ones heart desires. Include Dua's for the Ummah. Surely Allah will accept each and every sincere Dua during these blessed 10 nights more so more than any night of the year on the Night of power!

    Bonus: Make a Dua list and be sure to cover everything you can think of so that your mind does not go blank during making Dua on these blessed nights. So if we have made a Dua list before hand then we can make the best Dua which will cover everything and during these blessed nights Duas are readily accepted and if we catch the Night of power during these 10 nights then our Duas will be accepted without a doubt. Subhanallah!

    Repeat this schedule for the remaining time in Menses and know that you do not have to worry about earning less rewards as you can earn the same if not more than those who are not on menses!

    May Allah enable us to make the best of these nights and gain the rewards may he enable us to catch the blessed Night of Power and gain the rewards that are promised for it. Ameen
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr


    SUBHANALLAH.. Brothers and sisters make the most out of these last 10 days of worship. The days are slipping away. Lets strive and do our utmost to gain the mercy of Allah especially in the odd numbered nights. If one of us leaves Ramadan without gaining the mercy of Allah then surely we are the most unfortunate ones and are the biggest losers in this world and the next.

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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Here is a beautiful and emotional duaa (in english) that one can listen to and follow in shaa Allah.
    (for those who struggle to shed tears during duaa, then in shaa Allah, this will help to melt the heart to make sincere and heartfelt supplication before Allah)

    Last edited by ~Zaria~; 08-01-2013 at 06:37 PM.
    Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِى عَلَى دِينِكَ

    Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
    "Oh Turner of Hearts, keep my heart firm on Your Deen."

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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Thanks and Jazak'allah for the nice advice and reminder.
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Worship from Fajr until 20 Minutes after Sunrise:

    Annas (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa Sallam) said: “Whoever prays the Fajr prayer in congregation and then he remains sitting mentioning Allah until the sun rises, and then he prays two Rak’ahs, will receive the reward of one Hajj and one ‘Umrah, complete, complete, complete.” [At-Tirmithi with a good chain of narrators]

    So remain seated after the Fajr prayer and engage in Dua, contemplation, recitation of Qur'an and in the glorification and remembrance of Allah until 20 minutes after sunrise and then get up and pray 2x2 raka'ah Salaatul Duha.

    Subhanallah! Remaining seated after Fajr prayer and engaged in worship until 20 minutes after sunrise brings the rewards of a Hajj and Umrah. If that was not enough then the rewards are further increased during this blessed month. How generous is Allah!
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Salamun Alaikum Brother Hamza. I do really benefit from your posts full of knowledge. Jazak'allah khayran kasira.

    I want to share with you a writing about how to understand the merits of deeds and good acts related in some hadits. Insha'allah you'll enjoy and benefit it.

    "Like with most of the other sorts of creatures, among mankind are certain individuals who are extraordinary by virtue of their acts and deeds. If those individuals have advanced in good deeds, they have been the cause of pride of mankind. Otherwise, they have been the cause of their shame. Also, they are hidden. It is as though each becomes a collective identity, an imaginary goal. Other individuals try to emulate them, and it is possible. That means, being absolute and indefinite, it is possible for such a perfect, extraordinary person to be present everywhere. In regard to this indefiniteness, according to logic, his universality may be posited in the form of a possible proposition. That is, it is possible for all acts to produce the following result: for example, “Whoever performs two rak’ats of prayers at such and such a time has performed the equivalent of the Hajj.”(1) It is thus the truth that at certain times two rak’ats of prayers may be the equivalent of a Hajj. Due to its universality, this meaning may apply to all prayers of two rak’ats. That means what narrations of this sort refer to is not in fact continuous and universal, because since there are conditions of acceptance, it disallows it being continuous and universal. It is either in fact temporary and absolute or possible and universal. That is to say, the universality in this sort of Hadith is in regard to possibility. For example, “Backbiting is like murder.” (2) This means, someone who indulges in backbiting is more harmful than deadly poison, like a killer. And for example, “A good word is a deed so good it is like freeing a slave.” (3)

    Here, in order to encourage and restrain, it points out the possibility of that indefinite perfect individual being present everywhere in absolute form as though it is actually the case, thus arousing eagerness for good and disgust for evil. Furthermore, the things of the eternal world cannot be measured on the scale of this world. The greatest thing here is not equal to the least thing there. Because the merits of actions look to that world, our worldly view is narrow for them. We cannot fit them into our minds. For example, “Whoever reads this is given the reward of Moses and Aaron.” That is to say:

    All praise be to God, Sustainer of the heavens and Sustainer of the earth * Sustainer of all the worlds, His is the might in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. * All praise be to God, Sustainer of the heavens and Sustainer of the earths, * Sustainer of all the worlds, and His is the sublimity in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. * And His is the dominion, Sustainer of the heavens, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
    What has most attracted the attention of the unfair and the unthinking is narrations like these. The reality of the matter is this:With our narrow mind and short views in this world, we know how much we imagine the the rewards of Moses and Aaron (Peace be upon them) to be. The reward the Absolutely Compassionate One will give to one of His infinitely needy servants in the world of eternity and everlasting happiness, in return for a single invocation may be equal to the reward of those two, but equal to the rewards as we conceive of them and surmise them to be.

    For example, there is a primitive, uncouth man who has never seen the king and does not know the majesty of his rule. He imagines a lord in a village, and with his limited ideas thinks of the king as a more exalted version of the lord. Long ago with us even, there was a simple-minded tribe who used to say: “Our lord knows what the Sultan does as he cooks his bulgur soup on his stove in a saucepan.” That is to say, they imagined the Sultan in such a narrow situation and so common a form that he cooked his own wheat soup; they supposed him to have the majesty of a captain. Now, if someone was to say to one of that tribe: “If you do this work for me today, I’ll give you as much majesty as you think the Sultan has, and give you a rank as high as a captain.” To say that is right, because, of the majesty of kingship, what enters the narrow bounds of his ideas is only the majesty of a captain.

    Thus, with our worldly views and narrow minds, we cannot think as much as that primitive man of the true rewards which look to the hereafter. It is not the equivalent of the true rewards of Moses and Aaron (Peace be upon them), for according to the rule of similes and comparisons, the unknown is compared to the known; the true reward, which is unknown, for an invocation of one of God’s believing servants is compared with the rewards that we know and surmise. Moreover, the surface of the sea and the heart of a droplet are equal when it comes to holding the complete reflection of the sun. The difference is only in quality. The nature of the reward reflected in the mirrors of the ocean-like spirits of Moses and Aaron (Peace be upon them) is exactly the same in nature as the reward that a believing servant, who is like a droplet, receives from a Qur’anic verse. They are the same in nature and quantity, while their quality is dependent on capacity.

    Also, it sometimes happens that a single word, a single glorification, opens a treasury of happiness that was not opened with sixty years of service. That is to say, it sometimes happens that a single verse may be as beneficial as the Qur’an. Also, the Divine effulgence which God’s Noble Messenger (PBUH), who manifested the Greatest Name, received from a single verse, may have been as much as all the effulgence one of the other prophets received. And it would not be contrary to the truth if it is said that a believer who through ‘the legacy of prophethood’ manifests the shadow of the Greatest Name, receives, in accordance with his own capacity and in regard to quantity, a reward as great as a prophet’s effulgence. Furthermore, reward and merit are from the world of light, and one world from that world may be contained in a speck. Just as the heavens and all its stars may appear in a tiny fragment of glass, so luminous reward and merit like the heavens may be situated in an invocation or verse which acquires transparency through pure intention." ~Bediuzzaman / The Words~

    Dipnot-1 Kanz al-‘Ummal, vii, 808; Tabarani, al-Mu’jam al-Kabir, 7740.

    Dipnot-2 Musnad al-Firdaws, iii, 116, 117.

    Dipnot-3 al-Manzari, al-Targhib wa’l-Tarhib, iii, 421, 434; Kanz al-‘Ummal, iii, 589.
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Laylatul Qadr - The Night Of Power

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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    What if this is your last Ramadan?

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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    16 things you can do on the Night of Power in Ramadan

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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    10- Making life changes : Ramadan is not just for one month but it is for the whole year. So we should make the necessary changes that we need to make in order to better ourselves as Muslims and what better time to make such changes than during these blessed 10 nights where we can change our lives for the better forever. So we must internalise these changes and make firm commitment to Allah and it maybe that he will wipe our sins clean like we were a new born baby.
    If something is not in the Qur'aan / Sunnah, then please don't assume statement highlighted above.

    Thank you.
    Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    “Indeed the patient will be given their reward without account.” :love:
    { Qur’aan, Chapter 39, Verse 10 }
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    format_quote Originally Posted by ~ Sabr ~ View Post
    If something is not in the Qur'aan / Sunnah, then please don't assume statement highlighted above.

    Thank you.
    Asalaamu Alaikum.

    Sister you should start your posts with the Islamic greeting.

    Regarding what you have mentioned then are you implying that Allah cannot wipe out sins if a person sincerely repents and asks of him for forgiveness and pardon?

    What better time to ask for pardon for our sins to be wiped out than during these blessed days and nights of Ramadan. Hence the Dua of forgiveness and pardon is recommended for us to recite abundantley during this time:

    Aisharadi allahu `anha*(Ra), realizing the magnanimity of this time, asked the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam): “O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?” He said: “Say:


    Allahumma innaka `afuwwun, tuhib al-`afwa fa`fu `anny

    O Allah, You are the One who pardons, and You love to pardon, so pardon me.” (Bukhari)

    Therefore we should recite this as much as we can during the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

    May Allah forgive us and pardon our sins. Ameen
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 07-08-2015 at 07:48 PM.
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    format_quote Originally Posted by ~ Sabr ~ View Post
    If something is not in the Qur'aan / Sunnah, then please don't assume statement highlighted above.

    Thank you.

    Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
    (Az-Zumar: 53)

    Allah will wipe out sins if a person sincerely repents and asks of him for forgiveness and pardon, and change our lives to be better is a kind of taubah.
    Last edited by ardianto; 07-08-2015 at 08:25 PM.
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Last 10 nights of Ramadan and Laylatul Qadr - How to take advantage!

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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Recommended Acts of Worship in Laylatul-Qadr - Last 10 Nights

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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Jazak Allah khayran
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    Worship on the Night of Power is better than 1000 months of worship (Over 83 years).

    For eg prayers, Qur'an, Dhikr, charity etc.

    Charity on the Night of Power (Laylat-ul-Qadr) is equal to an act of giving to charity for a 1000 months = 83.33 years x 365 days = over 30,415 days.*

    So giving just £10 to charity equals to £300,000!*

    Each letter of the Quran is worth over 300,000 good deeds (10 rewards each letter × 30,415 days = 304,000 good deeds)

    So these are the best nights to gain rewards amounting to a lifetime of worship.

    Tonight is the 23rd Night & may well be Laylatul Qadr as can each of the remaining nights of Ramadan.

    So do not waste a second during these nights from Maghrib to Fajr. Take care to leave 15-20 minutes before Suhur ends for sincere Dua.
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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan - Don't Miss!

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    Re: Worship Plan to Maximise Laylatul Qadr

    7 Tips to Maximize the Rewards in the Last 10 Days of Ramadan

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