
Masturbation in the Month of Ramadan

By Mohammad Rafique Etesame

Almighty Allah Says in the holy Quran,” And those who preserve their chastity save with their wives and those with their right hands possess, from those they are not blameworthy, but whoso seeks more than that, those are they who are transgressors (Al-Maarij: 31).
These verses reveal that all the methods for the fulfillment of one’s sexual desire comprising sodomy or gay sex, homosexuality or same-sex and masturbation etc., are forbidden in Islam save with the wife or with the slave-girl (if he possesses).
But this article throws light on the masturbation and its related issues because this topic is being discussed more than the other issues now-a-days.
This is an extremely bad and shameful act in the sight of Shariah particularly in the month of Ramadan. According to the teachings of Islam, the hand by which this bad is done will be pregnant at the Day of Resurrection and that will be resulted in disgrace and dishonor amongst the people.

The question is: if someone has done this act and he is with fast, now what should he do? Whether he should pass over it by keeping one fast or will atone for it by keeping two months fasts? So he should keep only one fast to omit for it.
After all, the young ones must have to control over their passions particularly in the month of Ramadan in order to get immense reward from Allah Almighty.