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What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

  1. #1
    Ibn Al Aqwa's Avatar Full Member
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    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

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    Assalamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah Wa Barakatuh to the Muwahideen.

    May Allaah guide those who dont reject the taghout and deny Allaah of his Supremity, as the Only Legislator, and the only one worthy of worship, or may Allaah burn them with the dogs of hellfire.

    Members of LI, i dont come on and post often, but when i do come on, i see a pitiful state, Walaahi, its sad. We are all in need of guidance, but what is one of the worst things a man can do, is speak without knowledge.

    There are so many incidents where people have said things, without realising the seriousness of what they have said, and in fact, they may have taken themselves out of the fold of Islaam (and they know it not). In my recent visits, i cant help but think this place has become a playground.

    In this thread, there is a prime example of what i am saying:

    Gang Rape / Rape

    Allaah is the only law-giver, and His laws are most just, in every situation and circumstance. To deny this is to take the path of nullifying ones Shahadah.

    Another complaint, is a thread was deleted yesterday, cannot remember the exact title but was along the lines of " The smile of the shuhadaa". It was deleted under the reason as "This is a childrens forum and is for families" apparently, or along them lines im told.

    take a look at the Top 5 Posts at any time during the day.

    Is this an Islamic forum or a joke?

    This isnt aimed at the staff or anything, its aimed at LI. Yaa Ahlul LI, you've died.

    Assalamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah

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    Ibn Abi Ahmed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Jazakallah Khayr for your concern for the forum and its members.

    Members of LI, i dont come on and post often, but when i do come on, i see a pitiful state, Walaahi, its sad. We are all in need of guidance, but what is one of the worst things a man can do, is speak without knowledge.
    Do you have any suggestions for improvement to offer as opposed to complaining about what you see?

    There are so many incidents where people have said things, without realising the seriousness of what they have said, and in fact, they may have taken themselves out of the fold of Islaam (and they know it not).
    This is a big accusation, and something if it is incorrect returns upon the one making the accusation. It is the type of accusation that scholars are apprehensive of making yet many today feel safe from the reprepcussions of what their tongues earn. Guard your tongue. That's my advise to you. Guard your tongue just as you are advising others to not speak without knowledge. It's amazing these days how easily the accusation of kufr upon one's brethren crosses the minds and rolls off of the tongue's of people. Allaahu Musta'an.

    Another complaint, is a thread was deleted yesterday, cannot remember the exact title but was along the lines of " The smile of the shuhadaa". It was deleted under the reason as "This is a childrens forum and is for families" apparently, or along them lines im told.
    I deleted it, and I stand by my decision to do so. Seeing has a greater impact on the mind than reading. We have members here who are 10, 11, and in their early teens and regardless of what others may think, I believe such material is unsuitable for such an audience. If you feel the need for more justification, please refer to the forum rules, in particular number 20.

    Is this an Islamic forum or a joke?
    Like I said above brother, we would be glad to hear any practical suggestions that you can offer. Let's try to be a bit constructive in our criticism, shall we Insha'Allaah?

    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl

  4. #3
    Nawal89's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Yes alot of people say things here without realising what they are saying and the top threads are not always the most educational.

    But don't judge the people here too harshly. People come here to learn. Their Iman is at different levels. Their level of education is of different levels. Their understanding of this religion is of different levels. Most of the members here arent' even twenty yet.

    And I have a suggestion. Why don't you open some good threads that discuss aqidah in the general section? I suggest the general section because thats where most of the members post. And isntead of making it a big cut adn paste thread why don't you interact with the members and share your knowledge, and get to know them and why they think like that,instead of just sitting back and shaking your head?

    And abu sayyad I'm glad you deleted that shuhada thread. it was the right thing to do.

  5. #4
    doorster's Avatar
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?


    edit: I am so stupid that I, originally replied to first post by reading the replies to it only, (how dumb can one get)
    Last edited by doorster; 10-08-2008 at 04:12 PM.

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  7. #5
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Jazakallah Khayr Brother Ibn Al Aqwa for your concern.

    This like all public forums is shaped by the postings of the active members. Our currently most active members seem to range in age from 8 years old to over 60 years old. Most of the younger members seem to be Muslim living in Muslim families and Islamic communities. I estimate that about 1/2 of the members are from the UK, slightly over 1/4 are from the USA. The rest from the rest of the world.

    Many of our older members are non-Muslim and initially found this forum for the desire of refuting Islam. Those who conduct themselves aggressively are soon eliminated from membership. Those willing to discuss our differences peacefully, stay on.

    The topics and replies are those of interest to the current members. We do not attempt to be nor pretend to be a scholastic site for the purpose of giving tafir about our beliefs. We are limited to keeping things directed to that which the majority of our members are capable of understanding and try to keep the forum interesting so people will read and engage in active posting.

    Our listing of FAQ's pretty much explains our goals and Inshallah, we will live up to those goals with the help of Allaah(swt).

    We always welcome suggestions on what we can/should do to help us fulfill our goals and commitments.

    I should add we are a simple introduction to Islam and not a professional or educational site beyond the very basic concepts. You can say we are the kindergarten level of discovering Islam and very far from being on the university or even high school level.
    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Herman 1 - What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

  8. #6
    Ibn Al Aqwa's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    This is a big accusation, and something if it is incorrect returns upon the one making the accusation. It is the type of accusation that scholars are apprehensive of making yet many today feel safe from the reprepcussions of what their tongues earn. Guard your tongue. That's my advise to you. Guard your tongue just as you are advising others to not speak without knowledge. It's amazing these days how easily the accusation of kufr upon one's brethren crosses the minds and rolls off of the tongue's of people. Allaahu Musta'an.
    Na'am, i know, and if you had read properly, you would have seen the word may

    and in fact, they may have taken themselves out of the fold of Islaam
    so no accusation

    I deleted it, and I stand by my decision to do so. Seeing has a greater impact on the mind than reading. We have members here who are 10, 11, and in their early teens and regardless of what others may think, I believe such material is unsuitable for such an audience. If you feel the need for more justification, please refer to the forum rules, in particular number 20.
    ok, this is pretty weak. 20 dosnt apply here, as its not "under the pretense of jihad" if smiling faces of the shuhadaa falls under that categroy for you, then theres nothing for me to say to you. And so what they are age 10,11? is this not the age the sahabah instilled their children with the love of the deen and for jihaad? Where are the shabaabul Haqq going to come from if you dont teach them when they are young? Age 10,11 is a suitable time, as long as you do it in the correct manner.

    Like I said above brother, we would be glad to hear any practical suggestions that you can offer. Let's try to be a bit constructive in our criticism, shall we Insha'Allaah?
    Yeah inshaa'Allaah.

    This Islamic Sections shuold be made use of more. The most important aspect in islaam is Tawheed. Knowledge of Tawheed, Shirk, Kufr, all go hand in hand. When people lack this knoweldge, its where they commit the biggest mistakes. LI should take the course of doing a little teaching, rather than just a zone for family and friends to chat. So the first thing i think, is to go through the series of lectures my Murtaza Khan, on Kitab at-Tawheed, a series of 10 Lectures. 1 CD a week, and notes and questions are made in a thread. This is the first and most important step.

    JazakAllaah Khayr for the input Woodrow.

    Wa 'Alaykum as-Salaam Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuh

  9. #7
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Bro chillax...I agee LI has gone a bit too "jokey" in the past year, but Alhamdulillah it is still better than a lot of forums, in my opinion. *coughummahcough*

  10. #8
    Re.TiReD's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?


    Firstly, masha'Allah at the Akhlaaq that come through, Im may not agree with all that has been said but its clear you've come back to us a changed person...And you know what I'm referring to.

    take a look at the Top 5 Posts at any time during the day.

    Is this an Islamic forum or a joke?

    This isnt aimed at the staff or anything, its aimed at LI. Yaa Ahlul LI, you've died.
    I cant help but agree at the above. And its the nature of man to turn defensive when something he is familiar with is attacked or questioned. However, if you cant see the places of benefit, if you cant seek out the ilm in this forum, or maybe bring some to it, then maybe this isnt the place for you? ... Frankly putting it.

    Otherwise, I agree that we seem to have more useless threads than useful. But I can say thats because I personally may not take the time to wander into the sections that require attention from somebody lacking ilm...as I do.

    We saw some sections closed for Ramadaan and I personally saw the forum improve. Wallahu A'lam.

    But let me say one final thing insha'Allah, I spent the first year or half a year on this forum living....literally living in the puzzles and humour section...I dint dare wander out of there because I felt out of my depth. And now, two years on...my Imaan and ilm might not be perfect, faaar from it actually, but because of the light atmosphere...I learnt things Im may not have learnt elsewhere. I am a changed person...and I feel for the better but Allahu A'lam. Basically I'm saying that it aint all bad..

    Akhee, each forum has its own puropse. And as much as we may want LI to be what we want it to be, it wont.

    There are forums like IDa'wah masha'Allah....and then there's the far extreme for example *the forum which must not be named but the one I'm banned on* and then there's LI....

    Whatever you say, I say...Alhamdulillah for what we have rather than what we dont have.

    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    s a b r

  11. #9
    IbnAbdulHakim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    jazakAllah 1 - What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?
    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part

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  13. #10
    truemuslim's Avatar Full Member
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    same as tupac........beneath u. under the dirt. lost inside the earth. left the spark 4 u, nd left
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Yeh honestly ther notin wrong wit the shuhada thread.

    nd yeh jazakallah khair bro

  14. #11
    Nájlá's Avatar
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    jazakallah khair akhi i guess that ur right
    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Three simple rules in life:

    1) If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it
    2) If you don't ask, the answer will always be no.
    3) If you do not step forward, you'll always be in the same place

  15. #12
    doorster's Avatar
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post

    I should add we are a simple introduction to Islam and not a professional or educational site beyond the very basic concepts. You can say we are the kindergarten level of discovering Islam and very far from being on the university or even high school level.
    wa alaikum salaam

    if you log out, you'll find the following on first page
    Peace be upon you! and Welcome to the Load-Islam Forums, a Muslim Forum dedicated to present and preserve the correct understanding of Islam religion to both the Muslim and non-Muslim community.
    correct understanding according to who? every tom dick and their aunty?would that not make it as many correct understandings as there are members?
    Last edited by doorster; 10-08-2008 at 04:14 PM.

  16. #13
    Ibn Abi Ahmed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ibn Al Aqwa View Post
    Na'am, i know, and if you had read properly, you would have seen the word may

    so no accusation
    I was aware of it, but what worries me is how easily that conclusion crosses the minds people. Wallaahu 'Alam.

    ok, this is pretty weak. 20 dosnt apply here, as its not "under the pretense of jihad" if smiling faces of the shuhadaa falls under that categroy for you, then theres nothing for me to say to you. And so what they are age 10,11? is this not the age the sahabah instilled their children with the love of the deen and for jihaad? Where are the shabaabul Haqq going to come from if you dont teach them when they are young? Age 10,11 is a suitable time, as long as you do it in the correct manner.
    I think 20 applies here very well. "and glorifying combat" & "The scholars are to be relied upon in such issues."

    You hit the nail on the head. We are not parents of these young members, nor are we knowledgeable of the religion to be teaching anyone in-depth matters of our religion, much less on an Internet forum. This is also why we prohibit sectarian discussion and in-depth Fiqh discussions here. Our goal is to increase interest in Islaam, clarify misconceptions both for Muslims and non-Muslims, and form a community that serves as a safe website for the youth. The forum rules mention: "The mission of our e-Islamic community is to help foster a better understanding of Islam."

    We also have to take into consideration what the parents of our young members will think. There are a lot of factors that come into play. The internet is vast, and there are many dangers that our young brothers and sisters can fall into, and forums like LI are trying to provide a halal outlet. We aren't here to teach a class or provide a means to Islamic scholarship. An internet forum is not the proper medium for that. Knowledge of the religion is gained by studying under scholars, and there are other places online where this can be sought; forums with scholars taking part therein such as the Ahl al-Hadeeth and AlMahgrib forums. And honestly, I believe that if someone is a serious student of knowledge, he wouldn't be spending his time on an internet forum.

    I think Uncle Woodrow said it best:
    I should add we are a simple introduction to Islam and not a professional or educational site beyond the very basic concepts. You can say we are the kindergarten level of discovering Islam and very far from being on the university or even high school level.
    This Islamic Sections shuold be made use of more. The most important aspect in islaam is Tawheed. Knowledge of Tawheed, Shirk, Kufr, all go hand in hand. When people lack this knoweldge, its where they commit the biggest mistakes. LI should take the course of doing a little teaching, rather than just a zone for family and friends to chat. So the first thing i think, is to go through the series of lectures my Murtaza Khan, on Kitab at-Tawheed, a series of 10 Lectures. 1 CD a week, and notes and questions are made in a thread. This is the first and most important step.
    Jazakallah Khayr for the suggestion. If you have more, please keep them coming.
    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl

  17. #14
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    format_quote Originally Posted by doorster View Post
    correct understanding according to who? every tom dick and their aunty?would that not make it as many correct understandings as there are members?

    These are the kind of pathetic posts that make me give negative reps. If you haven't got anything good to say, keep your mouth shut. Thank you.

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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    There are plenty of good threads and reminders still on here, yeah on occasion there are some humour threads, but thats why we got a humour section.

    I lot of people come on here just asking for general advice with every day probs and it does help people a lot. We do everything for the sake of Allah swt on here , because none of us know each other,.

    It still a good place to come on ,

  20. #16
    Ibn Al Aqwa's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    But let me say one final thing insha'Allah, I spent the first year or half a year on this forum living....literally living in the puzzles and humour section...I dint dare wander out of there because I felt out of my depth. And now, two years on...my Imaan and ilm might not be perfect, faaar from it actually, but because of the light atmosphere...I learnt things Im may not have learnt elsewhere. I am a changed person...and I feel for the better but Allahu A'lam. Basically I'm saying that it aint all bad..

    Akhee, each forum has its own puropse. And as much as we may want LI to be what we want it to be, it wont.
    To be honest, i dont want LI to be anything. I couldnt care less for the state of LI, i was doing my duty at giving da'wah and naseehah, as i said to some people as to why i made this thread. LI died a long time ago, i dont hope to bring the forum out the gutter, i just hoped to take a couple of people out...

    I was aware of it, but what worries me is how easily that conclusion crosses the minds people. Wallaahu 'Alam.
    So you thought you accuse of me, because you presumed i meant something else?

    I quote from you

    This is a big accusation

    Guard your tongue. That's my advise to you. Guard your tongue just as you are advising others to not speak without knowledge.

    It's amazing these days how easily the accusation of kufr upon one's brethren crosses the minds and rolls off of the tongue's of people.
    This actually puts you in a worst position because if you indeed saw the word may, you decided to accuse me of accusing anyway? this is from Shaytaan brother, just as you incorrectly timed to advise me to guard my tongue, I advise you the same.

    Allaahu Musta'an.
    Indeed, you caused needless friction.

    I think 20 applies here very well. "and glorifying combat"
    Bro, this is a praisable if done correctly in the sight of Allaah. Why ban what Allaah made halaal?
    You hit the nail on the head. We are not parents of these young members, nor are we knowledgeable of the religion to be teaching anyone in-depth matters of our religion, much less on an Internet forum. This is also why we prohibit sectarian discussion and in-depth Fiqh discussions here. Our goal is to increase interest in Islaam, clarify misconceptions both for Muslims and non-Muslims, and form a community that serves as a safe website for the youth. The forum rules mention: "The mission of our e-Islamic community is to help foster a better understanding of Islam."
    This is a valid point.

    Knowledge of the religion is gained by studying under scholars, and there are other places online where this can be sought; forums with scholars taking part therein such as the Ahl al-Hadeeth and AlMahgrib forums.
    Indeed so...

    And honestly, I believe that if someone is a serious student of knowledge, he wouldn't be spending his time on an internet forum.
    Which is why Alhamdulillaah i dont...

    Okay to be honest i done my bit inshaa'Allaah, whichever direction LI goes, i wont be going that way anyway lol, just an attempt to wake some minds up.

    Khayr inshaa'Allaah, no bro Abu Sayaad, as you'll have guessed, i got no more ideas left, because i know they wont be implemented here. Anyway, i spent too much valuble time copying and pasting quotes and replying to them, i wont be doing it again.

    But one thing i noticed, all the solid brothers (and sisters) who i talked to this about, agree with me.

    take care kids.

    Assalamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuh

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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    the way that i see it, either close the puzzle humour bit, and if we cant do that, then the people shouldnt visit them, its like a tv or the web, you have the heavy sections like tawhid, islamic etiquettes etc, and you have the other sections which are gona be jokey and that, like general and puzzle/humour, so like on a tv, you have the option of wat you watch init! and like here, you have the forum of what you do and read and see! no forum is perfect, and nobody is perfect!

    may Allah (swt) guide us all!
    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214


  22. #18
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    same as tupac........beneath u. under the dirt. lost inside the earth. left the spark 4 u, nd left
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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    Mashallah, bro u jus did a major wake up call to the whoole place , nd i totally agree

    yeh nobody perfect but at least we could try to fix up the forum a bit.
    in ramadan it was awesome when som forums were closed! nd now it feels back to the old li befor ramadan

    nd u see them other setions, like the puzzle n humor one? i guess this forums like ...life ish. u kno wher ther is haram nd halal, waste of time nd valuable time, good n bad, u jus need to kno which way u go towards, this forum tho, is controllable, so we can actually fix its up to make it much easier for us to go towards the right path

    bro may allah grant u the highest of jannah, nd ameen.

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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    ^ but even in ramadan, people opened up threads in the general section, which would have originally been in the puzzle humour section...
    What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214


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    Re: What is happening Ya Ahlul LI?

    yeh but they were learnin lil by lil that sum mods arent "nice" people, nd go hard on em, so they quit.

    jus take one step at a time yo

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