Most of the people (inlucding me) here on this forum frequent the general chit chat, and the world affair but does not go into islamic education section frequently.
Yeah, i've noticed that too. I personally think that its not really that useful and alot of people think they can attack islam because of what is going on in the world right now.
A big mistake alot of us make is that we fall for the argument that some people might start, whereas we're better off if we just ignore them same old arguments, and instead - learn about islam so we can protect it with knowledge.
We have a straight way which is from the Qur'an and Sunnah, but the ones who are too attatched to this world - remember that it will perish anyway, and none of us will live in this world forever, we will all become that dust we once were..
i have been saying this for the longest, i even pmed the mods and admin about it, but i see nothing changed.
I see more trivia and fun games for members to play around with more than there is an Islamic talk
there are several times i posted Islamic material that get no reply at all or maybe just one or two, while other threads that include games have thousands of them
Most of the people (inlucding me) here on this forum frequent the general chit chat, and the world affair but does not go into islamic education section frequently.
This is only my opinion, but it can be difficult for me to read the very long posts. There are so many words that I just don't understand so I have to look up what they mean and then I lose my place and have to start all over again. It can be very frustrating. Perhaps instead of just copy/paste a whole article people could take out the major points and post those and then link to the rest of the article if you want to read the whole thing.
Just an idea.
"The only thing neccesary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - E. Burke
"We have just enough religion to hate but not enough to love one another" -Jonathan Swift
Yeah, i've noticed that too. I personally think that its not really that useful and alot of people think they can attack islam because of what is going on in the world right now.
A big mistake alot of us make is that we fall for the argument that some people might start, whereas we're better off if we just ignore them same old arguments, and instead - learn about islam so we can protect it with knowledge.
We have a straight way which is from the Qur'an and Sunnah, but the ones who are too attatched to this world - remember that it will perish anyway, and none of us will live in this world forever, we will all become that dust we once were..
Only a few people who don't have complete faith in Allah, therefore they think that Allah cannot protect Islam.
In fact Allah who sent Islam to make the lives better for Muslims in this world knows very well how to protect his deen. Then the holy prophet advised us to seek more knowledge not just from Quran and Sunnah but from everywhere to improve ourselves.
It's therefore, the duty of Muslims to get more knowledge (from everywhere) about the world and make their lives better and more respectable.
If we see that Muslims are not in a good shape these days, then we shouldn't blame them. We should do something to make them better off.
Faith, to my mind, is a stiffening process, a sort of mental starch.
Someone said to the Prophet, "Pray to God against the idolaters and curse them." The Prophet replied, "I have been sent to show mercy and have not been sent to curse." (Muslim)
another thing; you know, when you are engaged in a disscussion with a disbeliever and you are making a very decent progress in refuting him/her/them, then along comes a Muslim with little or no knowledge and butts in
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