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Imam Anwar Awlaki advices us in the west

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    Red face Imam Anwar Awlaki advices us in the west

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    Asalaamualykum wa rahmatullah, following is the transcript of the interview Imam Anwar Awlaki held on the 4th of February 2008 in his second interview since his release. There may be a few mistakes due to unclear audio so I would appreciate if you're going to link it or use it to link here and point out to me the mistakes so I can make changes. jazakum'Allahu khair *smiles*

    You can listen to the interview here: http://www.dhikrullah.com/lectures/awlaki.html

    Islam Focus Radio: Shaykh Shaykh Anwar Awlaki Awlaki, Asalaamualaykum, welcome
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: wa3laykum salaam wa ra7matullah
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: Starting with your detention, when were you detained, how, and when were you released?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: alhamdulilah wasalatu ala rasululah, bismillah, my detention was in mid 2006 and initially I was held because I was a mediator in a localissue local, later I found out the US gov requested my detention so the FBI could interrogateme. After released dec 2007
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: basically there no charges against you, detention 1 year for whatever reason, correct?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: yes, no charges, I released unconditionally, case closed
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: what case?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: mostly related to some cases related to course in US, the whole issue of sep 11, related to people who used to pray in masaajid where I was imaam. Interested in people who prayed where I was imaam. They accused me of inciting them, but they had no clear evidence of this. I made it clear I was imam at more then one masjid. My last masjid, over 5000 people in jumuah. One or two or even more found guilty, doesn’t mean I played a role, 5000 people in my masjid, I don’t know everyone by name.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: wont go into the conditions of your detention, you've already done interview, you can go you tube or cageprinsoenrs.comto listen to that.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: lets start with questions form txters, sorry email, there’s a brother who emailed me, Abu Muslim. He says hope you are best of health and emaan, my question is, are there any specific benefits from the Quran and Sunnah for providing financial aid to a student of knowledge? would it be sadaqah jaariah?
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: Also he is asking, what advice do you have for youth in the west?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: in past, schools were set up to teach shariah funded by khilaafah. For example, the one established by salahaudeen. Nowadays, you get Islamic university, traditional method still exist in some part of world. Rasululah SAW SAW said: the angels spread their wings, and ask Allah to forgive the one seeking knowledge. every creature asks Allah to forgive student of knowledge, even fish in sea. great virtue. because knowledge of shairha, lies in fact, given happiness in world and hereafter, saving for hellfire. any funding given to student of knowledge also carries such reward. because Rasululah SAW said: the one who guides towards good is like the person who practices. So whatsoever given to talib, person who funds him also receives copy of rewards.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: second question, what advice would you give to the Muslim youth in west?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: taqwah of Allah, always have akhirah on mind, protect from temptation of worldly life, maximum in western country and to try to be in Islamic environment as much as possible to protect cos SAW: the wolf eats stray sheep.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: another q here from Dublin: salam, would you discuss thoughts on integration and Muslims in west? basically give your thoughts on integration or Muslims in west society
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: no integration between Islam and kuffar. rasuluilah SAW and sahabah faced trials in makkah did not integrate. Islam is Islam, disbelief is disbelief. Muslims need to call others to become Muslim,. when Muslim part of ummah, same rights and responsibility. integration in sense that barrier between Islam and disbelief torn down is impossible. Allah SWT has made clear in quran in stories of anbiya. if you read through the stories of all prophets of Allah, there’s always conflict between good and evil. good cannot stand evil vice versa, conflict. eventually, good and evil are collision. even does not appear at time. some times maybe not clear to some unaware of reality of history as stated by Allah in quran,. Muslims in west have repsonobility to convey truth and protect from falsehood. and go back to point minute ago, we need to put ourselves in Islamic environment. diff to what q asking. protect oneself, need to be in Islamic environment
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: basically saying we should more priority in protecting our faith before thinking of social life as such, is that what you are saying?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: yes. protection priority is to protect capital before making profit. capital is Islaam, dawah is our profit. protect ones deen, social aspect after person doing dawah and affect religion, protect deen first. protect of ones deen most important, Allah says: everyone one will come to Allah lone. in the end, Allah, will ask you about you alone about your own deeds. Allah does not overburden a soul more than bear so every person reps for own action in front of Allah
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: Muslims in west should they interact with wider soc? keep to self? help one-another rather than wider society and work and fix general problems? is that what your point?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: Muslims in west facing crisis. understanding of den getting weaker by generation and being drawn further from Islam so it is priority for Muslims in west to protect religion and calls for integration in society are unhelpful in that regard. these calls are driving Muslims further form religion rather than improving situations of Muslims
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: improve state of Muslims in the west or generally?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: situation of Muslims in west getting worse, and this is pretty clear. year by year sit not getting better conditions Muslim in west understanding of reality getting worse, Muslim identity det. that is because Islam Focus Radioluence by public, by school system, Islam Focus Radioluenced by media, by peers, this is all because they integrate in society very well. so if purpose of integrate is to call others to Islam and cooperate and to call to good but that isn’t happening., what is happening is back to the capitals I was on about, is decreasing. situation as Muslim community is detor because of integration.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: question form text. does Islamic scholarship need to be reformed and Islam comp with west culture? does Islam value contradict?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: Islamic scholarship does need reformation, and reform needs is to go back to way of early Muslim. Rasululah SAW SAW and sahaba and righteous generation. Second part of q, Islam unique, Islam is sirat al mustaqeem and Islam is based on truth from Quran, word of Allah. what west culture based on minds of men’s philosophy, based on .., minds of men, some good but talking about Islam, talking about divinity, coming from Allah. def some contradiction between men made system and Islam. when you say Islam, does it contradict west values, yes it does.
    Islam Focus Radio: listening to this, it doesn’t sound advisable for Muslims to live in west even though Muslims have prominent presence in west hemisphere. how would that reconcile with fact many Muslims who are settled cannot or are unable to move into so called Muslim country due to facing problems or facing some sort of curb on practise
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: rauslulah SAW lived in makkah for 30 years, lived amongst disbelievers that did not rule by law of Allah, during time, he was persistently looking for place to establish Islamic state, as soon as he found one in madinah. Rasululah SAW SAW made it mandatory for all Muslims to make hijrah to Islamic state. if we look at our condition, as Muslims now living in countries where law of Allah not established, mandatory to make hijrah in place where law of Allah SWT established, therefore tell Muslims to establish such base. when established, fard for Muslims to live amongst Muslims where law applied. Rasululah SAW SAW says: I have nothing to do with those people who live amongst non-Muslims. Rasululah SAW SAW made it very clear Muslims live in area where law of Allah applied.
    Islam radio: doesn’t that mean, for e.g. lot of ppl who migrated to west, did so cos were proescuted, lot of ppl say no Islamic state, no contry in owlrd eastbsluish law of Allah SWT.
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: again, some Muslims, not all, did leave co persecuted in home. duty of those living in west and Muslim country to seek establishment of Islamic khilafah, law where Allah is applied. existed short period in Afghanistan and Somalia. west never gave the experiment time to succeed, the west destroyed government in Afghanistan and assisted Ethiopians in Somalia. Two examples of place where there is attempt to apply rule Allah. didn’t have time to succeed because those states were destroyed in initial stages. duty of Muslims to seek such a rule, where land is ruled by law of Allah, then mandatory on Muslims to support such a state early on. sometimes impossible but when such state is there and people are able to accept hijrah,. and to make hijrah to such place.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: Issue about khilafah and Islamic state whole issue in itself moment, 2 more questions, txt asking, should shairah adapt to diff times and places
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: in shariah there are some things that do not change and there are some things which are open to change and flexible, answer to q yes and no, depends on what exactly to change. no change in criminal law of shariah when it comes to punishment of adultery etc. because clear txt in Quran and in Sunnah that spells out what the punishment is. there are some areas accept to change for example, how to choose the Islamic leader whether by placement such as case with Abu Bakr and Umar or upto ashurah of Muslims such as case in Uthman. example no clear cut txt, left to Muslims at time.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: what happens when so called Islamic country, such as saudi, Egypt or Jordan, Kuwait, do not implement shairah themselves to full capacity?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: situation in Muslim world you have government that are secular, not applying rule of Allah SWT, therefore what needs to be done, and need to do 2 thing,. first establish community and unity of Muslims and apply rule of Allah on this united state.
    Islam in focus rasdio: one last question, txt sender, would you consider moving to Ireland we invite you live, please come?
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: jazakumAllahu khair, may Allah reward. I’m living in Yemen for time being, Allahu a3lam what Allah holds in future
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: finally, question from me, what word of advice would you give to listeners, Muslims as well as non
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: Allah SWT has created, human being with capacity to search truth, if intend to do so and put effort, then do say. Allah says in Quran, who looks for truth, Allah will give it to them. not just something I would say to non Muslims but to Muslims too because everyone else needs guidance of Allah that’s why we say in surah faitha in every rakah in every salah to guide us, ihdinas siratal mustaqeem, guide us to straight path I ask Allah to guide us all. salAllahu a3la Mohammed.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: one last question, keep brief, can Muslims participate politics
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: if question regarding can Muslims vote in elections, then answer is no
    Last edited by Abu Muslim; 02-06-2008 at 09:14 PM.
    Imam Anwar Awlaki advices us in the west


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    Re: Imam Anwar Awlaki advices us in the west

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Muslimah View Post
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: finally, question from me, what word of advice would you give to listeners, Muslims as well as non
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: Allah SWT has created, human being with capacity to search truth, if intend to do so and put effort, then do say. Allah says in Quran, who looks for truth, Allah will give it to them. not just something I would say to non Muslims but to Muslims too because everyone else needs guidance of Allah that’s why we say in surah faitha in every rakah in every salah to guide us, ihdinas siratal mustaqeem, guide us to straight path I ask Allah to guide us all. salAllahu a3la Mohammed.
    ISLAM FOCUS RADIO: one last question, keep brief, can Muslims participate politics
    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: if question regarding can Muslims vote in elections, then answer is no

    Imam Anwar Awlaki advices us in the west

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    Re: Imam Anwar Awlaki advices us in the west

    Shaykh Anwar Awlaki: if question regarding can Muslims vote in elections, then answer is no
    Is this true?
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    Re: Imam Anwar Awlaki advices us in the west

    ...muslims cant vote?

    waaaaiiit i see wat this is... this is one of those things that they go a bit EXTREEEEME wit islam isnt it?!

    isnt it?
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    nvm i dont need u nomore..hehe MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA
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