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    “If you have spare time, make the best of it.”

    ^That is what i''m gona try to do, so inshallah you'll read through this so my work won't go to waste inshallah May Allah except it all and Add it to my good deeds. And may he reward every person he reads this inshallah. Ameen

    youth1 - yOuTh ThReAd

    In his book ‘al-Fawā’id,’ he said:
    “There are ten useless matters that cannot be benefited from:

    • Knowledge that is not implemented
    • An action that is empty of sincerity, and is not based on the correct example
    • Wealth that is hoarded, as the owner neither enjoys it during this life, nor obtains any reward for it in the Hereafter
    • The heart that is empty of love and longing for Allāh, and of seeking closeness to Him
    • A body that does not obey and serve Allāh
    • Loving Allāh without seeking His pleasure
    • Time that is not spent in expiating sins or seizing opportunities to perform deeds of righteousness that will bring one closer to Allāh
    • A mind that thinks about issues which bring about no benefit
    • Serving those who neither bring you close to Allāh or benefit you in your life
    • Hoping and fearing one who is under the authority of Allāh, and whose forehead is in His Hand, while he cannot bring any benefit, harm, life, death, or resurrection to himself.

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    ThE fOrBidDeN gAzE

    gaze1 - yOuTh ThReAd

    The Forbidden Gaze? What is it exactly? Is looking at the opposite gender really haram? What about lowering the Gaze? What does Allah say about that? In society today there is much confusion clouting this topic, and many are heedless to the affects and consequences of these acts, adopting a very western secular position to what is actually disallowed in Islam. Sheikh Feiz explains all this and more in his lecture, The Forbedden Gaze.

    The Disease
    The Cure

    Continued in Next Post....
    Last edited by Na7lah; 05-30-2008 at 02:28 AM.
    yOuTh ThReAd

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    The Dilemma of the Youth

    dilemma - yOuTh ThReAd

    By Abdullah Hakim Quick. A common question the speaker is asked whilst on his travels is: What is the answer for the youth to keep them upon the correct path? How detrimental is the predicament of the youth today? The speaker shares with the listener various real-life examples of the diseased situations hurting the young Muslim community. This presentation can also be a tool in assessing what the current condition of the ummah’s youth is.

    |Download Lecture| Here]

    The Evil Of Hiphop Culture

    Abu Shahadah takes a look into young Muslims who glorify thug mentality, gang culture and also the dangers they are leading themselves into as well as exploring rap music and its stars who have had a big impact on society, ultimately on the Muslim youth.


    Gangsters & Thugs

    Abu Shahadah discusses the problems Muslim Youth face living in the West and trying to live the life of a thug. This thug life which stems from ignorance, can be seen present in young muslims. What is the consequences of this life? and where does this belong in islam? A very direct and powerful speech.

    Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 | Track 8 |

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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    They were youths, yet mature youths.

    "...They were youths, yet mature youths, their eyes fresh and free of evil, their feet refrained from approaching falsehood and futility.

    They sacrificed and expended themselves in worship and in withholding themselves from sleep. They sold their souls which were to pass away for souls which would never die.

    Allaah saw them in the latter part of the night, bending their backs, reciting the Qur'aan. Whenever one of them came to an Aayah mentioning Paradise, he would weep, longing for it. Whenever he came upon an Aayah mentioning the fire he would groan out of fear, as if the Hell-fire were directly in front of him.

    The earth devoured their knees their hands and their foreheads (out of their constant prostration). They joined exhaustion in the night with exhaustion in the day. Their colour becoming yellowed and their bodies emaciated through standing long in prayer and frequent fasting - whilst they regarded their own actions to be negligible before Allaah.

    They fulfilled their covenant with Allaah and attained Allaah's promise."

    So let us hasten to be like them and to resemble them, since, as it was said: We are not in comparison to those who came before except like small herbs growing beside the trunks of tall palm trees.

    And as 'Abdullaah Ibn al-Mubaarak said: Do not mention us whilst mentioning them, the fit and healthy when he walks is not like the crippled.
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    'Ali at-Tamimi: "The Zeal to Guide Vs. the Zeal to Judge"

    From the lecture by 'Ali at-Tamimi, titled 'Intellection Confusion of the Muslim Youth':

    "The fourth cause which leads to intellectual confusion amongst the youth is the lack of zeal to order, to guide the people. In other words, instead of being zealous for the guidance of people, often, the youth were zealous for judging the people, zealous for passing out judgements: 'Well, he's astray, and he's on the guidance, and he's, well, he's OK, but he's not quite there, and this one is 10%, and this one, OK, he's 13.2%,' and so forth, and so on.

    This is not the way of Allah's Prophet. This is not the way of the Prophet's Companions. Rather, they used to seek to guide the people, and Allah Said to the Prophet, in order to console him: {"...So, do not ruin yourself out of sadness for them..."} [Fatir; 8] See, the Prophet would be so sad when the people wouldn't accept the message, it used to affect him physically. So, Allah Tells him: "Do not allow yourself to be in such a state, that you are almost losing yourself out of sadness because they are not guided."

    This is how the Prophet was.

    Unfortunately, some of the youth take pleasure, they take glee; it's almost as if it gives them some sort of energy, some sort of, you know, happiness that they can judge somebody, and say: 'OK, you're a person of bid'ah,' 'OK, he's astray.' But, if they knew what they were saying, and if they realized the seriousness of the word, first of all, they wouldn't be so quick to judge. And second of all, even if they were correct in their judgement, they should be taken with sadness, because if that man is astray - if that person is truly a person of heresy - then, he is facing a very deadly doom in the Hereafter, and one should be saddened in wanting to guide him, not happy to see him in that state."

    - Listen - (39:40 thru 41:40)
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    Bring your Friends Closer to Allah
    By Dar-ul-Muslimeen

    In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    Why should you, a young Muslim, be helping to bring your friends closer to Allah? After all, you've got your own struggles to deal with: trying to explain to hostile teachers why you pray, Hijab discrimination, standing up in class when the professor attacks Islam, dealing with parents who think you've gone nuts because you're growing a beard, or all the other difficulties faced by a number of practicing Muslim youth?

    Islam was never meant to be an individualistic faith, reserved for the "chosen few". Muslims have a duty to spread the Deen; and practicing Muslim youth, whether beginners, activists or leaders, have a crucial role to play.

    Who is your childhood friend going to listen to? Who is your childhood friend, who would rather spend Fridays at McDonalds's than the Masjid, or your classmate who is Muslim in name and only knows that "Muslims don't eat pork" going to listen to: the nice Imam of the Masjid who would freak out if he saw the way they were dressed and talked or you who may have grown up with them, joked with them, or see them everyday in school?

    The answer is obvious: You.

    Don't panic. Here are some tips and advice which can help. These are advises from other Muslims, many of whom have been there and done that:

    Tip # 1 : Make Your Intention Sincere

    All work we do should ideally be for the sake of Allah. That includes the task of bringing someone closer to Allah. That of course means this should not be connected to arrogance, thinking you're the teacher and everyone else should be lucky you've embarked on a crusade to save them. Guidance is from Allah. Make Dua and make sincere efforts and remember Allah.

    Tip # 2 : Practice What You Preach

    Not practicing what you preach is wrong and you will lose the confidence of anyone, young or old, once they figure you out. Don't do it.

    Tip # 3 : Use The Qur'an, Seerah of the Prophet and Ahlulbait (peace be upon them)

    As TABLIGH Guides Read and understand those chapters of the Qur'an which talk about how the Prophets presented the message of Islam to their people.

    Read the Seerah to see especially how the Prophet Muhammad and Ahlulbait peace and blessings be upon them) brought Islam to so many different people, including young people.

    As well, talk to Tabligh workers, and check out manuals they may have
    written, like Yahiya Emerick's How to Tell Others About Islam.

    Tip # 4 : Talk To People As If You Really Don't Know Them

    Don't assume you know someone just by looking at them. You don't know that the Muslim girl in your homeroom who walks through the school's hallways as if they were fashion show catwalks, is not someone you can talk to about Allah because she looks like a snob. Or that the Muslim guy who you've never seen at Juma at your university is a "bad Muslim". Maybe he was never really taught Islam and has no idea what importance Friday prayers have in Islam, especially for Muslim men.

    Tip # 5 : Smile

    Did you know the Prophet was big on smiling? But many "practicing" Muslims seem to have "their faces on upside down" as one speaker once said-frowning and serious. Smiling, being polite and kind are all part of the manners of the Prophet, which we must exercise in our daily lives. If we want to approach others with Islam, we have to make ourselves approachable. Smiling is key to this.

    But note that being approachable does not mean being flirtations with the other gender. There are Islamic rules for how men and women should deal with each other which have to be respected. Tabligh is no excuse to have long and private conversations and meetings with the other sex, for example. Set up a system where someone expressing an interest in Islam is referred to someone of the same sex.

    Tip # 6 : Take The Initiative & Hang Out With Them

    Take the first step and invite someone you may have spoken to a couple of times to sit at lunch together, to check out a hockey game or invite them over for Iftaar in Ramadan.

    Also, share difficulties, sorrows and frustrations. Help with homework, be a shoulder to cry on when depression hits, or just plain listen when your friend is upset, discuss common problems and KEEP THEIR SECRETS. There are few things as annoying as a snitch and backstabber. But an important note: if the problem is of a serious nature, (i.e. your friend is thinking of committing suicide or is taking drugs), notify and consult an adult immediately.

    Tip # 7 : Show Them Islam Is Relevant Today, Right Here, Right Now

    Young people may think Islam is too "old fashioned" and not in tune with the modern age.

    Prove this wrong. Show how Islam is really about relating to Allah, which any human being can do, anywhere, anytime. Allah is always closer to you than your jugular vein and He hears and knows everything. Encourage friends to ask Allah's help during tests, exams, and in dealing with problems at home with parents and siblings. Also point out how Islam relates to teenagers: Islam gives you focus and an understanding of who you are and where you are going, which most of "teen culture" does not.

    Tip # 8 : Get Them Involved In Volunteer Work With You

    If you are already involved in the community, get your friend to help out. Ask them to make a flyer for one of your youth group's events or brainstorm for ideas about activities to hold this school year. This involvement makes them feel part of the Muslim community and deepens your friendship, since you are now working together on something beneficial for both of you. Make sure you thank them for their contribution.

    Tip # 9 : Ask Them 4 Fundamental Questions

    As your friendship develops, you will notice the topics you discuss may become more serious. You may be discussing, for instance, future goals and plans. Khan recommends four questions to ask that can steer the topic to Allah and Islam:

    a. Where am I going in life and what would make me really happy deep down inside?
    b. What do I believe?
    c. Who should I be grateful to?
    d. Did I get to where I am today without the help of anyone?

    Tip # 10 : Emphasize Praying 5 Times A Day Before Any Other Aspect Of Islam

    A person's main connection with Allah, on a daily basis, is through the prayer five times a day. Don't emphasize any other aspect of Islam until your friend starts making a real effort to pray five times a day. Emphasize the direct connection one has with Allah in prayer. If they are facing a problem, tell them to pray, and to ask Allah for help in Salah and outside this time. When possible, make it a point to pray together during your "hang out time". If your friend begins to pray, that is the first step to other aspects of Islam like giving up swearing, treating parents with respect or dressing Islamically.

    Tip # 11 : Help Instill Confidence In Adults

    Adults, like Bart Simpson's dad Homer, are considered bumbling idiots in the eyes of "teen culture". Your job as a young Muslim is to help turn the tables on this false and un-Islamic belief. All you have to do is this: when a Muslim adult does something good (i.e. saving someone's life, donating money to a worthy cause, the Imam gives a good speech, taking good care of his/her family) bring it up in the course of your conversations with your friend and praise the adult in question. Doing this regularly may not only change your friend's perspective, but could lead to them seeing their own parents in a more respectful way.

    Tip # 12 : Support Them Even When They Become More Practicing

    Remember, just because a person starts practicing Islam more regularly, this does not mean everything will be okay from this point onwards. There will still be hard times, difficulties. There may be times when your friend may have doubts about his or her newfound practice of Islam. Be there to reassure them.
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    Ways To Strengthen One’s Memory

    In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    It is human nature to be forgetful, as the Arab poet said:

    “He is only called man (insaan) because of his forgetfulness (nasiyaan), and it is only called the heart (al-qalb) because it changes so rapidly (yataqallib).”

    In the past they said that the first one to forget (awwal naasin) was the first man (awwal al-naas), meaning Adam, peace be upon him. Forgetfulness is something that varies from person to person according to each individual’s nature; some may be more forgetful than others. Some of the things that may help to combat forgetfulness are the following:

    1. Keeping away from sin, because the bad effects of sin result in a bad memory and the inability to retain knowledge. The darkness of sin cannot co-exist with the light of knowledge. The following words were attributed to al-Shaafi‘ee, may Allah have mercy on him:

    “I complained to [my shaykh] Wakee’ about my bad memory, and he taught me that I should keep away from sin. He said that knowledge of Allah is light, and the light of Allah is not given to the sinner.”

    Al-Khateeb reported in al-Jaami‘ (2/387) that Yahya ibn Yahya said: “A man asked Maalik ibn Anas, ‘O Abu ‘Abd-Allah! Is there anything that will improve my memory?’ He said, ‘If anything will improve it, it is giving up sin.’”

    When a person commits a sin, it overwhelms him and this leads to anxiety and sorrow which keeps him busy thinking about what he has done. This dulls his senses and distracts him from many beneficial things, including seeking knowledge.

    2. Frequently remembering Allah, may He be glorified, by reciting dhikr, tasbeeh (saying ‘Subhan Allah’), tahmeed (‘Al-hamdu Lillaah’), tahleel (‘Laa ilaaha ill-Allah’) and takbeer (‘Allahu akbar’), etc. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “…And remember your Lord when you forget…” [Qur’an al-Kahf 18:24]

    3. Not eating too much, because eating too much makes one sleep too much and become lazy, and it dulls the senses, besides exposing one to the risk of physical diseases. Most of the diseases which we see result from food and drink.

    4. Some of the scholars have mentioned certain foods which increase the memory, such as drinking honey and eating raisins and chewing certain kinds of gum resin.

    Imaam al-Zuhree said: “You should eat honey because it is good for the memory.”

    He also said: “Whoever wants to memorize hadeeth should eat raisins.” (From al-Jaami‘ by al-Khateeb, 2/394)

    Ibraaheem ibn [sth. omitted] said, “You should chew resin gum, because it gives energy to the heart and gets rid of forgetfulness.” (From al-Jaami‘ by al-Khateeb, 2/397)

    As they mentioned, too much acidic food is one of the causes of laziness and weak memory.

    5. Another thing that can help the memory and reduce forgetfulness is cupping (hijaamah) of the head, as is well known from experience. (For more information see Al-Tibb al-Nabawi by Ibn al-Qayyim). And Allah knows best.
    From missionislam.com
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    “I Can’t, It’s Impossible”

    In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    One often hears these words repeated, and they are a major reason for the state of failure that the Ummah is enduring.

    These words are rooted in a state of mental inability, even though this inability is illusory, not real. Indeed, disabled minds only produce failure.

    There is no doubt that there are things in life that are impossible. This is why when the Prophet – blessings and peace be upon him – used to take the oath of allegiance from his companions, he would make them repeat, “[I will listen and obey] to the utmost of my ability”. Allah – Glorified is He – says “Allah does not burden any soul with more than it can bear” [2:286]

    This shows that there are some things beyond our abilities. We are not talking about this fact here. For otherwise we may enter into a prolonged discussion, and end upholding the illusion “I can’t, it’s impossible”, and moreover giving this illusion an ‘Islamic’ justification!

    These two phrases “I can’t, it’s impossible” – despite their difference in meaning – have become a law that is used to excuse every failure, negligence and backwardness. They are used to justify the current backwardness, to numb the senses, to destroy the resolve of the Ummah, and to kill every success in its infancy.

    Many people, generation after generation, took these two phrases as a beacon guiding their lives, as a way of thinking that makes them accept the current bitter state of affairs, and at the same time feel satisfied that there is nothing they can do.

    I stand perplexed before the incredible backwardness of the Ummah, despite its enormous potential for success, progress, and leadership. I have thought long and hard about this, and have decided that the most prominent reason for this backwardness – and there are many – is the illusion “I can’t, its impossible”. This illusion has turned into an unshakeable principle. From it we take off, and in its darkness we operate.

    How many tribulations befell us, and are still falling, because of this illusion. The most dangerous of these is not realizing that this is just an illusion; that it disappears when we start investigating it. But you will find those who waste a part of their life defending the idol “I can’t, it’s impossible”. They waste a part of their life trying to prove that this idol is a solid fact; an unquestionable axiom.

    This illusion did not form overnight. It is the result of an accumulation of many factors, over the course of many years. Instead of producing men who would lead the Ummah forward without surrendering to the difficulties and obstacles, we found those factors producing more hopelessness, failure and despair.

    But I am also amazed at that idolatrous nation that took from difficulties a starting point for its progress, until it was able to compete vigorously with its former enemies, without surrendering to psychological defeat, nor emotional despair. Japan rose from the ashes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to become an important economic power, and did not make those defeats a reason to cry and hope for the sympathies of others.

    As for Germany, it came out from underneath the ruins of World War II to become a powerful nation, and its economy one of the strongest in the world. This despite the fact that Germany was destroyed not long ago – the period between its destruction and its rise as an economic leader is less than 30 years.

    Let me just imagine. Had the revivers of the Ummah surrendered to the illusion “I can’t, it’s impossible”, how would the Ummah have been now?!!

    Had Abu Bakr – may Allah be pleased with him – said, “I can’t fight the Arabs after their apostasy, and I will surrender to this bitter state of affairs”, what would the result have been? Simply thinking about that scares me.

    Had Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal – may Allah have mercy on him – not took his solid stand in the face of the makers of fitnah, backed by rulers who did not realize the danger of what is being said…Had he surrendered and said, “I can’t, it’s impossible”, do you think that that great victory for Ahl-us-Sunnah (at the hands of one man!) would have taken place?

    Had Salahu-ud-Din surrendered to the awful humiliation that the Ummah endured under the occupation of the crusaders, excusing himself that he cannot take on that great power that possesses the most powerful weapons, with the unqualified support of many countries… Had he accepted what many other rulers of his time had accepted, humiliation and subjugation, together with the guarantee of continued rule…Had he done this, and said the removal of the crusaders is impossible, would Jerusalem have been purified from the crusaders and their hatred? How today is like yesterday.

    Had Shaikh-ul-Islam, Ibn Taymiyah – may Allah have mercy on him – not seriously raised the banner of knowledge, action and jihad, at a time of when callers to falsehood and innovation became outspoken, at a time of political and military defeats…Had he surrendered to the belief “I can’t, it’s impossible”, would history have recorded for us that huge heritage of heroism, knowledge and challenging of falsehood?

    Had Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab – may Allah have mercy on him – when he found the Arabian Peninsula living in the darkness of ignorance, innovation and blind following, had he accepted for himself what other righteous people did, “I can’t, it’s impossible”, do you think the Peninsula would have awaken from its sleep and got rid of its idolatry and innovations?

    Our long history is full of such pioneering leaders and revivers, who recorded for us the most admirable examples the Muslim’s ability to overcome the greatest of physical and mental obstacles, neither surrendering to psychological defeat, nor allowing the compound difficulties to numb their senses.

    Many would say, “They were great men, and how few such men are!!”

    I say that we did not know they were great until after they recorded those shinning pages of history with their admirable victories in different fields. Before that they were just ordinary men. However, for many reasons, they were able to climb the ladder of success that made them heroes and leaders. Foremost of these reasons is the destruction of the illusion “I can’t, it’s impossible”
    From missionislam.com
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    Only Allah can Judge Me

    judge - yOuTh ThReAd

    Only Allah can Judge Me
    Rasululah SAW said: "Verily Allah does not look to your bodies nor to your faces but He looks to your hearts," And he pointed towards the heart with his fingers.

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    backbiting - yOuTh ThReAd

    Allah SWT says in Surah Hujurat, verse 49: Oh you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, in deeds some suspicions are sins. And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it [so hate backbiting] ..
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    Ahmed the Repenter

    This is one of the best lectures in the world!

    ahmadtherepenter 1 - yOuTh ThReAd

    Ahmed the Repenter
    The speaker commences the lecture by explaining the importance of repenting to Allah without despairing from His Mercy and forgiveness. The main topic of this talk is about the recent unforgetfull true story of a man called Ahmad, who struggled to live a normal life after committing a major sin. The speaker takes us on a rollacaster ride with Ahmad on his quest for forgiveness, sharing with us his joy and sadness and details the lessons that can be learnt from this emotional, heartbreaking story.

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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd


    All the above are from Kalamullah.com & Dhikrullah.com

    Inshallah I'll add more another time if i can
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    Asalamo Alikom

    That was great my dear all these words are great to be followed mashaa Allah my precious sister ...

    may Allah grant you with satisfaction and happiness in this life and in the hereafter and protect you from shaytan,sins,all harms and the torment of hell and reward you with Jannat Al Ferdous to see our Lord face and to sit beside his messenger Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him....

    praise be to Allah and peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad...

    the same Duaa for everyone in LI forum....


    I loved your thread may Allah love you...
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    MashaaAllaah sister, May Allaah reward you for your efforts x
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    Masha'Allah a very nice thread . JazakiAllah Khayr.

    “…if you are too stingy with Allah to give Him some of your time at such an early age, in the coming times you will be even stingier…”

    Shaykh Abdullah 'Azzam
    A Message to Every Youth PDF

    WaAlaykumus Salaam Warhamatullahi Wabarakaatuh
    yOuTh ThReAd

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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    Simply superb post . Baarakallahou feehi sis.

    to all the duahs.
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  17. #14
    Na7lah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    yOuTh ThReAd

    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
    Speech will guide you, and silence will protect you.
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  19. #15
    INsearch's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    What an amazing thread I do not have the ability right now but I will be looking most of this over
    yOuTh ThReAd

    Islam is the TRUTH!!
    "The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has nobody to thank."- Dante Gabriel Rossetti
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  20. #16
    Na7lah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: yOuTh ThReAd

    format_quote Originally Posted by INsearch View Post
    What an amazing thread I do not have the ability right now but I will be looking most of this over
    listen to the lectures too, you'll probably like them
    yOuTh ThReAd

    Learn silence as you have learned speech.
    Speech will guide you, and silence will protect you.
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