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if Allah the all seein all hearin...

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    Question if Allah the all seein all hearin... (OP)

    Ok well ...a quick question (another...quick question) for you...

    ok well if allah is the all seeing all hearing knows when what is gonna happen, why and how its gonna happen then how come when iblis didnt bow down to adam allah had to see who of us will follow him? What i mean is didn't allah already know it was gonna happen? If so, then how come he didn't stop it? And doesn't allah control everything? If so, why'd he let this happen? And couldn't allah just make shaitan disapear right there and save the big pain in de ...something??
    And also, when you think bout it, when we get punished in the grave for our sins, or go to hell, or something, its because shaitan makes us do it, but shaitan is shaitan coz he didnt bow down to Adam, and Allah could've made non of this happen, and Allah could have made iblis not do what he did, and Also...

    Why are we have to suffer for what iblis did? Don't this sound a bit...schoolish? you kno, when the geek siting next to u do something and YOU get in trouble?

    k Jazakallah khair

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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

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    format_quote Originally Posted by SixTen View Post
    You got it all wrong sis, hope this explains to you some things.

    You do not do things because the shaitan made you do it. You have free choice, if shaitan was the force which made you do things, Allah would not punish you - as it would be unjust. Rather, you are taught what Allah allows/not, and the shaaitan tempts you to these wrongs. The faith in God, is what you use to fight against such temptations and desires, which are brought to you from the shaaitan.

    You don't suffer for what iblis did. You exist, as do the angels exist, for the purpose of praising Allah, not because he needs it, but because he is worthy of it. But, unlike angels, you have the free will to do it or not, which makes you superior in terms of worship, to that of Angels, as yours is voluntary as the angels are not.

    Islam does not have this original sin thing, you are not the product of 1 mans or 1 shaatians mishap. Allah had willed that all of this happens, he didn't forbid the shaaitan/adam incident, simply because, that was not his will - his will was to allow them to do actions according to their own will - as we do in this life - It is all a test.

    You are here, not in heaven, fo you to voluntarily worship God. If you do, you will go to heaven (with God), if not, you go to hell (with shaaitan, i.e. the path you chose). Allah has made it so that, you must earn heaven/hell. It is not for us to question why.

    Its your choice really, you can't complain.
    Ooh much better answer.
    but now i have more questions...

    Why do you peopel think its better to have "free will", that way you have a chance to sin, and get punished, than to be like angels and not possible for us to sin or get punished??


    If allah already knows whats gonna happen, and controls what happens, and its all written, then why do we have to go through this life to SEE who will follow him and who will follow shaitan? Aren't the results already there? And wouldn't it be...oh i cant believe im saying this ... buut.... wouldnt it be because allah that we are being "misguided " ? I mean...since he can "control" everything that happens.
    So that means he controlled iblis to do what he did. He controls us to obey shaitan. He controls shaitan to tempt us. He controls the non muslims not to turn to islam. He controls us to doubt islam. And He is controlling me to say things i never thought i'd say right now.

    So who is it to blame for us going to hell? Who is it to blame for OUR punishment? WHo is it to blame for what shaitan did and is doing?

    :eek: Please nobody jump at me for saying this. Been holding it too long, and want answers.
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post
    Ooh much better answer.
    but now i have more questions...

    Why do you peopel think its better to have "free will", that way you have a chance to sin, and get punished, than to be like angels and not possible for us to sin or get punished??


    If allah already knows whats gonna happen, and controls what happens, and its all written, then why do we have to go through this life to SEE who will follow him and who will follow shaitan? Aren't the results already there? And wouldn't it be...oh i cant believe im saying this ... buut.... wouldnt it be because allah that we are being "misguided " ? I mean...since he can "control" everything that happens.
    So that means he controlled iblis to do what he did. He controls us to obey shaitan. He controls shaitan to tempt us. He controls the non muslims not to turn to islam. He controls us to doubt islam. And He is controlling me to say things i never thought i'd say right now.

    So who is it to blame for us going to hell? Who is it to blame for OUR punishment? WHo is it to blame for what shaitan did and is doing?

    :eek: Please nobody jump at me for saying this. Been holding it too long, and want answers.
    Its not people think, its is better. It is better in Allah's eyes, that we worship him voluntarily, rather than robot like. Would you not prefer say, a friend buying you something to be nice - rather than someone buying something for you because you ordered them to? Which would you see as the superior act.

    Also, you may ask, why not just take us to judgement day now? I'll explain.

    Imagine, tommorow, I took you to court, trialed you for a murder case and then sent you to prison.

    You would object, you would say "When did I do that?" or "I would never do that!", what I mean is, the life is going to be the evidence for you at judgement day - for you to be able to see what you did. So you could not object to it. It is the most fair way, rather than God telling you what you would have done and punishing you - he let you do what he knows you will do for your benefit, not his.

    Remembe, Allah knows what you will do - not that he will make you do things. E.g., he will know in advance if you will wake up for fajr for the prayer, but in no way does he intervene.

    Allah knows in the end, whether you are going to heaven or Hell, but he does not force you to follow the shaaitan in any act, he does not force you to do anything - but he just knows.

    Like, given a boy, you know he would take a Action man toy rather than a barbie doll - but Allah is infinitly more superior to us, he is even better at knowing what we will do, as he knows deep inside our morals, imaan, faith etc.
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    ok ill try and explain this is a simple way, hope this helps.

    Truemuslim, i know youre going to do something, you havent done it yet..but i know you are going to murder someone. So i put you into jail and give you the death penatly. But you protest, you havent actually done the crime. I knew you were going to do it, but you didnt! See my problem?

    Now Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala knows what we are going to do. But He, out of His infinite wisdom gave us the free will to live on earth. The shaytaan does not force us to disobey Allah. Its like a person selling you drugs, they gave u the drugs, but you took it. Are you innocent? Can you say the blame is all on the drug pusher? No, you took the drugs willingly. You wanted it. He introduced you to it. But you made the choices.

    Now Allah knows what we will do- look around you now. How many people do you see disobeying and disbelieving in Allah? However, before coming onto earth each and every one of us testified in the Lordship of Allah.
    the Quran states:

    And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adams loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "yes! We testify," lest you should say on the day of Resurrection: "Verily, we have been unaware of this."

    So what you are saying already happened, we testified, no we are being tested for the truness of our words. In a worldly example- say youre a high school teacher. You have two students. One quite bright, a science nerd. Another, not as clever- most likely to flop science. Can you fail this not so clever student before hes taken the test since you know he wont pass? would he not argue, but you havent given me the chance, i might have passed. You know theres no way he can pass, but you give him the chance to show himself. That way, you cant be accused of being unfair right? Because he has this own evidence against him, he tried and he flopped. You knew it, but till he himself did the test and showed himself- he didnt realise.

    Now think truemuslim, when a person wants to do something haraam, is it because the shaytaan forced them, or they wanted to? Have we not all been given free will? Does that mean if we do good deeds we shouldnt be rewarded paradise because Allah wants us to obey Him? Does Allah force us to do good deeds? No, sister we have been given our own minds to know whats right and wrong, good and bad.
    If Allah wished, He could have put us all into either heaven or hell, we hadnt commited no actions but Allah knew our destinies. Would that be fair? would that make sense? Would we not all argue, that no! we will obey! put us all into heaven!

    As ive said before, we have free will. Our destinies are written, but we arent robots.

    and the reason Allah created us was to worship Him.

    and I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship me (Alone).
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed.
    Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and expiate from us our evil deeds, and make us die (in the state of righteousness) along with Al-Abrar
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Em, so allah dont control nobody?
    wow so 99 names, can control natural disasters, can control the earth to blow up whenever he feels like it, can control when judgement day come, but cant control what we do???? Cmon !

    but what i meant is why we gotta go thru this? Its liek when u see a movie, and you seein it again to see ONE certain thing that happened in it, why would you rewatch the entire movie just for one thing, when you KNOW whats gonna happen? Like say allah right now couldve made us fastfoward life for say ten years, and he made it seem as if we had a past, but we didnt get to see that past, but it seems like it did, we would have no idea what just happened, so why cant he just fastfoward it to when we come back to him?? Just end all this since it all written, all ready, all judged, everything is set so why rewatch it? See for a MOVIE its for entertainment, but its only with COOL movies like hancock, but life, it aint no entertainment, and im pretty sure watching ur slaves in jannah is much more entertaining.

    dont ya think????

    Its ok, if you wanna stop right here and leave, go ahead, cause i am pretty pretty sure this is gonna be endless.
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    another thing... Why does allah want us to worship him? What is the purpose? I know the usual replies are "Its not that he created us to worship him, its that he deserves to be worshipped" Ok i know that, but if he deserves to be worshipped then why would he create us to worship him? Does that make sense? Like em...wouldn't that mean he really did create us to worship him? So we are in this world to worship him. I get that. But WHY? Don't say because he is worthy enough for it or whatever. That answer gets old when u think alot. But WHY would allah create us to worship him ?
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post
    Em, so allah dont control nobody?
    wow so 99 names, can control natural disasters, can control the earth to blow up whenever he feels like it, can control when judgement day come, but cant control what we do???? Cmon !

    but what i meant is why we gotta go thru this? Its liek when u see a movie, and you seein it again to see ONE certain thing that happened in it, why would you rewatch the entire movie just for one thing, when you KNOW whats gonna happen? Like say allah right now couldve made us fastfoward life for say ten years, and he made it seem as if we had a past, but we didnt get to see that past, but it seems like it did, we would have no idea what just happened, so why cant he just fastfoward it to when we come back to him?? Just end all this since it all written, all ready, all judged, everything is set so why rewatch it? See for a MOVIE its for entertainment, but its only with COOL movies like hancock, but life, it aint no entertainment, and im pretty sure watching ur slaves in jannah is much more entertaining.

    dont ya think????

    Its ok, if you wanna stop right here and leave, go ahead, cause i am pretty pretty sure this is gonna be endless.
    Right, it seems to me you're asking why are we here.

    Aren't you happy that theirs a mighty reward up for grabs; Jannah?

    About Allah (swt) controlling us, he gave us conscience, which allows us to make our own decisions and actions which reflects upon who we really are. Although we can make any decision at any time, Allah (swt) knows what we will do as he created us. For example, you have conscience right now, you could jump infront of a car and kill yourself, but will you? Allah knows.

    Hmm... Maybe you will understand better if someone explains to you in person. Why don't you ask your parents?
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Should I seek a source of law other than God, when it is He Who has sent down unto you the Book (Qur'an) fully explained? And those whom We have given them the Book know that it has been sent down from the Lord with truth, so be not of those in doubt.

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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post
    another thing... Why does allah want us to worship him? What is the purpose? I know the usual replies are "Its not that he created us to worship him, its that he deserves to be worshipped" Ok i know that, but if he deserves to be worshipped then why would he create us to worship him? Does that make sense? Like em...wouldn't that mean he really did create us to worship him? So we are in this world to worship him. I get that. But WHY? Don't say because he is worthy enough for it or whatever. That answer gets old when u think alot. But WHY would allah create us to worship him ?
    Because he told us to. And if we do all he has commanded us to, then Jannah insha'Allah.
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Should I seek a source of law other than God, when it is He Who has sent down unto you the Book (Qur'an) fully explained? And those whom We have given them the Book know that it has been sent down from the Lord with truth, so be not of those in doubt.

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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Right, it seems to me you're asking why are we here.

    Aren't you happy that theirs a mighty reward up for grabs; Jannah?
    Thats the thing...what if there isn't no jannah? And what if this is all a lie? What if we were going the wrong way all along? What if ther is another religion thats right? What if islam was changed too? What happens in the end if we find out we're wrong... sooorrry!

    And also, wouldn't it be better to see your religon all clear instead of blind and doubt?

    About Allah (swt) controlling us, he gave us conscience, which allows us to make our own decisions and actions which reflects upon who we really are. Although we can make any decision at any time, Allah (swt) knows what we will do as he created us.
    So do he control or not? They say he control everything, when someone is about to convert out of islam, why cant he pull them back to islam? Why does he suddenly fill there heart with doubt and regret? I know your answer is "the shaitan tempted them, not allah" yeh well allah control shaitan too, right?

    For example, you have conscience right now, you could jump infront of a car and kill yourself, but will you? Allah knows.
    Maybe, but its haram so No.

    Hmm... Maybe you will understand better if someone explains to you in person. Why don't you ask your parents?
    Lol hell no, i can't ask a local imam and try my parents??! psh.
    you kno my dad just told me YESTERDAY for the FIRST time EVER that music is haram. And he only said that because the radio was too loud and he want me to stop keep it loud.
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ali. View Post
    Because he told us to. And if we do all he has commanded us to, then Jannah insha'Allah.

    ah cmon, so ima invent a robot so it can worship me then ima give it a new chip if it does, but if it doesn't then i will take a sledge hammer and squish it to pieces. Why would i do that? Thats the question

    k am off to bed now. it 5:12am. havent slept. cant sleep.
    Last edited by truemuslim; 07-13-2008 at 09:13 AM.
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post
    Thats the thing...what if there isn't no jannah? And what if this is all a lie? What if we were going the wrong way all along? What if ther is another religion thats right? sooorrry!
    I'm sure you've seen many proofs of Islam, no?
    I've read somewhere that you're 15/16, that's still pretty young. When you get older insha'Allah this is the decision you have to make, you have to research all religions and decide on which one you think is truth.
    The Qur'an... the complex Arabic is contains, no mistake whatsoever, do you think man could have written it? And if you think man did, then try and write 10 verses of it. I'm serious, give it a try.

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim
    What if islam was changed too?
    It would've been written down in History.

    So do he control or not?
    He created you, he controls what he creates in you, he created conscience, then you make the most of it. So yes.

    when someone is about to convert out of islam, why cant he pull them back to islam? Why does he suddenly fill there heart with doubt and regret? I know your answer is "the shaitan tempted them, not allah" yeh well allah control shaitan too, right?
    That's the test.

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post
    ah cmon, so ima invent a robot so it can worship me then ima give it a new chip if it does, but if it doesn't then i will take a sledge hammer and squish it to pieces. Why would i do that? Thats the question
    The Qur'an is a book of guidance, not an explanation as to why He created you.

    k am off to bed now. it 5:12am. havent slept. cant sleep.
    No wonder you're so confused, go to bed.
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Should I seek a source of law other than God, when it is He Who has sent down unto you the Book (Qur'an) fully explained? And those whom We have given them the Book know that it has been sent down from the Lord with truth, so be not of those in doubt.

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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    the very fact that we ignore is like we demand from Allah Tallah that why is not everything straight and simple. why do we have to go through this hell before reaching our abode - The paradise. But we forget that He has devised a plan and we walk accordingly to the plan. Each individual thinks that Allah Tallah is so powerful if he just gives me money then i wont have worries. But Allah Tallah has a special plan for HIM as He knows what will he do with that money.
    Its the same as our parents deal with us. its like we are questioning why do we grow up why cant we always be a child as it very simple to be. we need to realize the pattern set for us by our Almighty LORD.
    According to my understanding He has given us too much of power and the only thing is He wants us to utilize that . Some of them are fear of Allah , patience , forgiveness, self control .How much u utilize it that much will be your reward. and how much each one will be able to utilize He knows that also by HIS knowledge. And then HE enwraps that person with HIS mercy or with HIS justice.

    In Quraan most of the Surahs they are a plain warning that resurrection is going to happen . the day of qayamah will happen. its just reminding us , isnt like the teacher is giving the questions before hand of the exams. but we are like we dont want the exam itself. is that logical.
    If we were just no where responsible then the hell and paradise wouldnt have been created.

    Looking at the sahabas , i just feel to proud to say that , the path UMAR(ra) would pass through Iblis would change His way. and the story of a jin who captivated a girl was bought to Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. the jinn responded - you fear ALLAH and all fear you and left her. After Imam's death he again captivated her and was taken to a sheikh, he started laughing and said Imam Ahmad has died , Imam Ahmad has died.

    If He wants us to fight against Shaitan , didnt He give us Salaat , Quraan, Prophet (salllaho alaiahi wassalam) , our sahabahs.

    the only thing is we need to realize the potential we have and consequently utlize it - May Allah make it easy for us. Ameen but one thing is sure He is the most merciful. so try to be away from the major sins that HE has forbidden , pray 5 times a day and hope from HIM and repent for all the sins done. Isnt Our Lord most merciful who loves us when we repent that means we gain marks even if we do mistakes also. least He says is die in Imaan with shahadah in heart. I feel shameful. leave the iblis at side , cant we be actually good muslims as the sahabas were. May Allah guide us . He guides whomsoever He wills. Ameen
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Important Plz read:

    May our tongues be the slaves of ALLAH.May no momin wear silk.May no momin wear oufit hanging below his ankles.May all mumineen wear hijab Ameen
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Em, so allah dont control nobody?
    wow so 99 names, can control natural disasters, can control the earth to blow up whenever he feels like it, can control when judgement day come, but cant control what we do???? Cmon !
    Incorrect, God can control you, but he said he doesn't - and their is no evidence that he does - so why wonder if God is controlling you.
    but what i meant is why we gotta go thru this? Its liek when u see a movie, and you seein it again to see ONE certain thing that happened in it, why would you rewatch the entire movie just for one thing, when you KNOW whats gonna happen? Like say allah right now couldve made us fastfoward life for say ten years, and he made it seem as if we had a past, but we didnt get to see that past, but it seems like it did, we would have no idea what just happened, so why cant he just fastfoward it to when we come back to him?? Just end all this since it all written, all ready, all judged, everything is set so why rewatch it? See for a MOVIE its for entertainment, but its only with COOL movies like hancock, but life, it aint no entertainment, and im pretty sure watching ur slaves in jannah is much more entertaining.
    If he fast fowarded you 10 years, you would ask why not 20, 30, or maybe you would want it as it is. These are just arguements like "Why is the Qur'an written in Arabic"? The Qur'an answers that, you would say why not another if it was anything else. Just accept how it is now.

    another thing... Why does allah want us to worship him? What is the purpose? I know the usual replies are "Its not that he created us to worship him, its that he deserves to be worshipped" Ok i know that, but if he deserves to be worshipped then why would he create us to worship him? Does that make sense? Like em...wouldn't that mean he really did create us to worship him? So we are in this world to worship him. I get that. But WHY? Don't say because he is worthy enough for it or whatever. That answer gets old when u think alot. But WHY would allah create us to worship him ?
    So we can earn being with him in heaven (earning something is superior to getting it for free).

    Its ok, if you wanna stop right here and leave, go ahead, cause i am pretty pretty sure this is gonna be endless.
    At the end, you are asking "Why's", about things which are true. You are here, you have received guidance, your task is not to use to work out why God did X or Y - God is incomprehendable, we are mere humans, we only have sufficient knowledge to be able to do what he has asked us. I mean, can you imagine, fully understanding your God, when we are even confused with Calculus? God chose what he releases to you and what he does not.

    Sis, please watch that youtube link I gave you, go through that 3 hours and tell me you wasn't satisfied!
    Last edited by SixTen; 07-13-2008 at 12:36 PM.
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    simply Allah dont want to make the satan dissappeared....! Cause Allah Wanna see how we must fight our appetite and syaitan,mean Jihad.God wanna see the Human struggle for Allah,do anything for Allah,Syaitan is just a game that Allah plays...he created Syaitan is to see how strong we can fight with Satan seductions,that's why God already knew it that Syaitan dont obey ADam..and still let it be!and doesnt destroy it the syaitan,SYaitan is a test for Human!
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  18. #34
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Each of us is responsible for our own choices. None of us are forced into believing anything and none of us are "made" to sin because of the temptations of the shaytan.

    We often are our own worse shaytans and tempt ourselves and others, because we do have the ability to do so. It is easy to place the blame for our choices upon shaytan, but it is our own desire and choices that cause us to follow shaytan or to act like shaytans.

    We are not made to follow either the path to Jannah or the path to hellfire, but we are allowed to follow as we desire. However, we alone will reap the rewards or pains of the path we choose.

    We can be given a large sum of money to buy an elegant dinner. But, we can squander the money on junk and go hungry. If we starve after geing given the money for food, it is a punishment only because we alone took that path.

    so it is with life, we have been given the directions to follow the path to Jannah, it is our choice if we choose to follow the pah to hellfire instead.

    Sorry, we can not blame either Allaah(swt) or shaytan if we find the path to hellfire to be the easier and more enjoyable path, we have to live in the domain the path ends at.
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Herman 1 - if Allah the all seein all hearin...

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    same as tupac........beneath u. under the dirt. lost inside the earth. left the spark 4 u, nd left
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    ooh finally sum real anwers comin...sorta.
    em well jazakallah khair so much everyone, and yeh i did watch that video in youtube, not all but most. Mashallah.
    Jazakallah khair. tho i do still have much more questions. ima just leave them and try and figure them out myself. ....coughgooglecoughqurancough
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  21. #36
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Greetings and peace be with you truemuslim,

    Ok as I remember you are around 15, forgive me if I am wrong, anyway my point is this; in years to come you might marry and start a family. You already know that some children grow up and loose their faith, you know some children grow up to be murderers, rapists, robbers. Once your children are about fifteen you have very little control over them, when they grow up to be forty you have hardly any say in what they do.

    If you know this why would you ever have children?

    If you have ten children and two grow up to be bad what can you do?

    Ok atheists will argue that human parents and God are very different, and that might be so. But it appears the choices to create or not to create life are very much the same for us and God.

    In the spirit of searching for a loving and merciful God,

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  22. #37
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Em, so allah dont control nobody?
    wow so 99 names, can control natural disasters, can control the earth to blow up whenever he feels like it, can control when judgement day come, but cant control what we do???? Cmon !
    Allah can control everything. But think about it. Say i control you. Can i punish you for something youve done wrong when i am controlling you? Can i reward you when your totally under my control anyway?

    but what i meant is why we gotta go thru this? Its liek when u see a movie, and you seein it again to see ONE certain thing that happened in it, why would you rewatch the entire movie just for one thing, when you KNOW whats gonna happen?
    The movie example is dodgy
    Try another example. You see women having lets say 5 kids. Kids are stressful, the process from the time of pregnancy till the time a mother dies. Pain, worry stress....and deep uncondiotnal love. Why would any woman want to go through that with more than 1 child? Why would any woman want to have a kid at all?
    You have friends, many, why not just have one? one friend is all you should need. Theyll help you in times of worry, they are your friend in times of happiness, is that sense?
    You have money. lets say 1 million dollars. Is that enough? Why do you keep working? Isnt it boring? Why does human always want more and more
    Youve tasted chocolate before. You know what it tastes like. you know eating chocolate in excess is unhealthy but it just tastes so good. Why eat it again when you know its tastes?
    See how different things can be seen?

    Like say allah right now couldve made us fastfoward life for say ten years, and he made it seem as if we had a past, but we didnt get to see that past, but it seems like it did, we would have no idea what just happened, so why cant he just fastfoward it to when we come back to him??
    and is that fair? Is that just? Can your body testify for or against you for something you havent done? Can you be punished for something you never actually did only thought you did? Allah is Most Just.. we have been given this time on the world with Allah knowing exactly what we will do..but giving us the free will to do it. No one forces us to believe and disbelieve. No one forces us everyday to do what we are doing. And it is fo rthat reason we are judged for our actions. Look at angels. They are totally under the submission of Allah. They do as He commands. They have no free will. And we humans, by the grace of Allah, we have been put above them in rank.

    Just end all this since it all written, all ready, all judged, everything is set so why rewatch it? See for a MOVIE its for entertainment, but its only with COOL movies like hancock, but life, it aint no entertainment, and im pretty sure watching ur slaves in jannah is much more entertaining.
    dont ya think????

    No i dont. wouldnt you say watching slaves in jannah is not entertaining either because Allah knows even what we will do in jannah?
    You are comparing our lives to a movie, its not a movie, its not that simple. Its a lot more than that.

    another thing... Why does allah want us to worship him? What is the purpose? I know the usual replies are "Its not that he created us to worship him, its that he deserves to be worshipped" Ok i know that, but if he deserves to be worshipped then why would he create us to worship him? Does that make sense? Like em...wouldn't that mean he really did create us to worship him? So we are in this world to worship him. I get that. But WHY? Don't say because he is worthy enough for it or whatever. That answer gets old when u think alot. But WHY would allah create us to worship him
    let me add more things to your whys ok? :P

    Why did Allah create the sun to light up the world. Why did Allah create the sky. Why did Allah create water for us to drink? Why did Allah create animals for us to eat? Why did Allah create land for us to cultivate?

    Why has man invented vacum cleaners? Why has man invented internet connection? Why do you like your favourite dress?

    We have been created with purpose, we are not here on earth in vain.

    Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding.
    Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.


    "Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?"

    And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them without purpose! That is the consideration of those who disbelieve! Then woe to those who disbelieve (in Islamic Monotheism) from the Fire!

    and Allah knows best.
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed.
    Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and expiate from us our evil deeds, and make us die (in the state of righteousness) along with Al-Abrar
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  23. #38
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    same as tupac........beneath u. under the dirt. lost inside the earth. left the spark 4 u, nd left
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Sis amani your post is amazing mashallah .Jazakallah khair dear sis !

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    Greetings and peace be with you truemuslim,

    Ok as I remember you are around 15, forgive me if I am wrong, anyway my point is this; in years to come you might marry and start a family. You already know that some children grow up and loose their faith, you know some children grow up to be murderers, rapists, robbers. Once your children are about fifteen you have very little control over them, when they grow up to be forty you have hardly any say in what they do.

    If you know this why would you ever have children?

    If you have ten children and two grow up to be bad what can you do?

    Ok atheists will argue that human parents and God are very different, and that might be so. But it appears the choices to create or not to create life are very much the same for us and God.

    In the spirit of searching for a loving and merciful God,


    Yes I'm 15, and WOW, the way you just put that totally made so much sense. Thank u so much.
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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Gretings and peace be with you truemuslim,

    Ok if my answer helped you in some small way; you might think this is because I have had forty four years longer than you to search. God is a bit older than I am, and he has had a tad longer to think about these questions too.

    Tricky stuff all these questions about God, our friend Tornado is right when he says we will not find a truly satisfying answer to all our questions.

    But I believe in a God who is a greatest good, and who only does things for a greatest good purpose. So when I search for an answer to something; I always try and look for a greatest good answer.

    Suppose you marry and have a child, that child did not have any choice about coming into this world, that was your choice. What if your child that you love grows up to be an atheist or a Christian; despite all your best attempts to bring him up as a good Muslim.

    Would you condemn your own child to a life in hell, he didn’t ask to be born?

    I don’t want to put you off having children, but fairness and justice seem to hold the key questions about God.

    Despite all these troublesome questions there is a need to have faith and trust that God is fair, just, loving and merciful

    In the spirit of searching for a loving and merciful God

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    Re: if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Everything is in Allahs hands, he knows waht is best, and he knows what isn't. We can't question his authority, we have to accept it as his will. Hence why i never ask why such and such happened.

    Sab Kuch Us Ke Hath Main (All is in his hands)
    if Allah the all seein all hearin...

    Ėk Gusā Alhu Mėrā
    The One Lord, the Lord of the World, is my God Allah.

    Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Mahraaj Ji!

    Kal Meh Bėḏ Atharbaṇ Hū Nā Kẖuḏā Alhu Bẖa.
    In the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Atharva Veda became prominent; Allah became the Name of God.

    Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Mahraaj Ji!
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