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where's the door out????????

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    truemuslim's Avatar Full Member
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    Unhappy where's the door out????????

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    ya you kno me.
    i give up
    i always will

    allah isnt here. allah doesnt lissen. answer dua. nothing. well at least to me he doesnt.
    Life sucks. everyone knows that.
    when you are the problem in the center of everyones problems, and you didnt do anything...

    now my mom wont talk to me, shes in yemen, i didnt do anything i swear. she thinks im like my evil dad. yah i dont care if its haram to say that. she wont talk to me, she wont answer the phone.
    and i just once ONCE try to stand up for me and her, and i told my dad that they didnt do anything in yemen. and now he think me and her and my brothers are like some evil witches under some evil plan like he is always doing! he starts saying to me what me and her always talk about on the phone, i tell him, he says we are hiding something, we arent, now he wont talk to me either, he all throwing glass at me whenever he thinks im lying, he sits there cussing at me (and he yells at my brothers for cussing :mad: ) he sits there bein a stupid annoying lil shaitan....omggg...

    allah ignores me. allah doesnt answer ANY dua i ask for.
    allah doesnt help. allah doesnt forgive me.
    nobody here to talk to. nobody to TRUST. like i always tell you
    NOBODY , and somebody here said to trust allah...

    well i say trust nobody but yourself.

    you feel quran is not helping. istikhaarah seems fake :'( . allah seems liek he doesnt exist. your faith is GONE. Suicide is haram. Killing someone is also haram. Lying to parents is haram. not respecting parents is also haram. telling them everything causes problems, telling them Nothing causes problems, and sins.

    nobody is there. and i mean it NOBODY.
    where do you go? who do you trust?

    nowhere. nobody.

    but now your stuck. you cant take it.

    nobody knows. nobody cares. nobody is there. nobody has a place for you. nobody..but YOU. and you isnt good enough.




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    Re: where's the door out????????

    I mean I dont know how to reply to this weird post. someone help...
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post

    um? Nvm, probably a mistake. Don't worry about it, you'll get through.
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    ^ The grin was an attempt to cover up the pain.

    I'm really sorry to hear what you're going through sis. It's really painful being in a situation where parents have their differences with each other and are not mature enough to handle it themselves and bring their children in and hurt the children in ways that they don't even realize.

    The only door out is to keep having faith in Allah. Allah is not the cause of your problems, He has the solutions to your problems. Yes, it seems like there is no solution, and nothing can possibly get better, and it all is going to get worse. But inshaAllah there will be a time where you'll feel happiness.

    Allah does accept every dua. It may not be willed to happen right this minute, but it will happen, and if not in this world, than in Jannah. Never loose hope in the mercy of Allah sis. Allah is more merciful than a mother is to her young infant. He hates to see us in misery, but He loves to see that we turn to Him even when the world has caved in on us and that we continue to hold onto Him even though we can't see Him.

    You're in my duas inshaAllah. I know you don't really wanna trust anybody, and I don't blame you. But if you'd like to talk to me anytime on msn or anything, I'm a PM away. I love you for the sake of Allah, and I hope feel true happiness and contentment some day soon. Just please, don't give up. You're a strong girl, and you can make it through this difficulty inshaAllah!
    where's the door out????????

    "...You are my Walî in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die as a Muslim, and join me with the righteous." [Surah Yusuf 101]
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    truemuslim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    I'm not a strong girl sis jawharah, i give up faith easily, i doubt religon and everything in it pretty much even tho i believe it...god its confusing. but its all because my faith is gone. my parents blame me when they get into fights, wanna kno why? because my dad is deaf, and i have to be the stupid translator, then i guess they think IM the one who says everything and im not! I tell them im jsut the translator, i actially like my brothers much better. i dont even care how mean they are theyr awesome. at least i they the definition of TRANSLATOR and CRAZY FATHER.

    And on top of all this allah won't help me with my religon, i DO turn to allah. since i started my "true faith" and learned more about my deen, which is likewhen i was 10. and when i started to pray and all. and i always turn to allah. and for 5 yrs. nothing! just gets worse and worse, i always turn to allah. i still do. but now i give up! The only thing i ask allah for now is death, and you kno what ? When the whole world is against you, you cant trust anything or anyone, DEATH suddenly becomes against you! (i guess the angel of death has something against me.)
    Religon is just another big wieght of trouble on you. I haven't benifitted anything from it. I never feel my faith gets better, only my doubt gets bigger.
    And when im sad/mad/stressed/depressed , i listen to music. not anasheed, MUSIC. Like.. american music!

    um? Nvm, probably a mistake. Don't worry about it, you'll get through.
    i try to smile. i cover everything with a smile. NOBODY know how i am, my faith, my doubt, my depression anything. why? coz its all covered by the magic smile
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    Life is a test, don't let that test have the better of you. This life is only but idle play and enjoyment but the best will be the hereafter for u if only you but knew. Allah swt says in the quran "Do you think we will leave you to say you are muslims without being tested"?
    Try to make everything that you do be a good deed for you, For you own sake do not turn against Allah SWT during this trial of yours because it will only make it worse for you. Have patience and the best of believers are the one's who have patience. Try not to hide everything with a smile, Let your problems out, speak to people who can help because if you keep everything inside the balloon will one day burst just like its occurring now. Communicate, and most of all keep up your communication with Allah SWT.
    La Basaa Tahoorun InshAllah
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by coddles76 View Post
    Life is a test, don't let that test have the better of you. This life is only but idle play and enjoyment but the best will be the hereafter for u if only you but knew. Allah swt says in the quran "Do you think we will leave you to say you are muslims without being tested"?
    Try to make everything that you do be a good deed for you, For you own sake do not turn against Allah SWT during this trial of yours because it will only make it worse for you. Have patience and the best of believers are the one's who have patience. Try not to hide everything with a smile, Let your problems out, speak to people who can help because if you keep everything inside the balloon will one day burst just like its occurring now. Communicate, and most of all keep up your communication with Allah SWT.
    La Basaa Tahoorun InshAllah
    jazakallah khair brother...what surah is that btw?
    But isn't there something that says allah is always with his true believers or something?
    sis i always turn to allah, alwayyysss, and nothing changed, well except my faith in allah, my trust in people, my trust in allah, and of course my doubt grows more...
    and no there is nobody to talk to. i held everything in so far, i am pretty sure i wont burst in my time to come. keeping everything inside u and covering with smile is best for me.
    Besides when i try and talk to somebody like my parents about something very SMALL, they start saying i wanna get married, all i want is a husband, bla bla bla.
    thats why i dont talk to them.
    and nobody else to talk to.

    used to be allah there but now nobody.
    allah is busy with his good servants who are like the opposite of me
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    I think the ayah is this?
    "Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, "When (will come) the Help of Allâh?" Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allâh is near!" [Surah Baqarah: Ayah 214]

    Hun, you are strong, and you are amazing. Stop denying things and making it seem like you're the worst person alive, cuz you simply ain't.

    Don't give up on faith because of the mistakes of your parents. That's all I ask of you. I know things are tough. I know how you want to die. But I also know that Allah rewards us for the trials we face. You gotta stop focusing on only the fact that many things are haraam, because it makes Islam feel hard, especially when you're depressed and at the end of your rope. Music is known to be a difficult thing to give up, and given your circumstance, I don't really expect you to give it up overnight. Just the fact that your heart desires to try to give it up is good, and make dua that you will be to one day. Allah listens to all His servants who turns to Him...

    You know, nothing in our lives is certain. You just need to have the hope that it will turn out. With hope you can be optimistic, and slowly as you grow up you can carve out the way you want your life to go. Do you really want to end your life now? Don't you have any dreams for your future and what type of mark you want to leave on the world? Don't tell me you're not capable of anything, cuz everybody has a gift...
    where's the door out????????

    "...You are my Walî in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die as a Muslim, and join me with the righteous." [Surah Yusuf 101]
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post
    jazakallah khair brother...what surah is that btw?
    But isn't there something that says allah is always with his true believers or something?
    sis i always turn to allah, alwayyysss, and nothing changed, well except my faith in allah, my trust in people, my trust in allah, and of course my doubt grows more...
    and no there is nobody to talk to. i held everything in so far, i am pretty sure i wont burst in my time to come. keeping everything inside u and covering with smile is best for me.
    Besides when i try and talk to somebody like my parents about something very SMALL, they start saying i wanna get married, all i want is a husband, bla bla bla.
    thats why i dont talk to them.
    and nobody else to talk to.

    used to be allah there but now nobody.
    allah is busy with his good servants who are like the opposite of me
    Wa Ayekom Sister

    The Surat is 29 Verse 2

    Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe," and that they will not be tested?

    ALLAH SWT also says:

    2:155 Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.

    2:214 Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden (of Bliss) without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They encountered suffering and adversity, and were so shaken in spirit that even the Messenger and those of faith who were with him cried: "When (will come) the help of Allah" ah! verily, the help of Allah is (always) near!

    The Words of Allah should always be soothing to the Heart.
    InshAllah you Don't lose faith in Allah SWT
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jawharah View Post

    I think the ayah is this?
    "Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, "When (will come) the Help of Allâh?" Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allâh is near!" [Surah Baqarah: Ayah 214]

    Hun, you are strong, and you are amazing. Stop denying things and making it seem like you're the worst person alive, cuz you simply ain't.

    Don't give up on faith because of the mistakes of your parents. That's all I ask of you. I know things are tough. I know how you want to die. But I also know that Allah rewards us for the trials we face. You gotta stop focusing on only the fact that many things are haraam, because it makes Islam feel hard, especially when you're depressed and at the end of your rope. Music is known to be a difficult thing to give up, and given your circumstance, I don't really expect you to give it up overnight. Just the fact that your heart desires to try to give it up is good, and make dua that you will be to one day. Allah listens to all His servants who turns to Him...

    You know, nothing in our lives is certain. You just need to have the hope that it will turn out. With hope you can be optimistic, and slowly as you grow up you can carve out the way you want your life to go. Do you really want to end your life now? Don't you have any dreams for your future and what type of mark you want to leave on the world? Don't tell me you're not capable of anything, cuz everybody has a gift...

    aw that ayah is so beautiful but why isnt allahs help near then?
    I know, and i KNOW islam is the true religion, and i believe it 100% (or mayb 99%?) is the truth, but i cant believe it is! I KNOW IT IS BUT I CANT !!! god this confuses me, i KNOW islam is the truth but i cannoooot get on with my faith then!
    and i kno i cant give up music overnight, more like almost a year now! And you know when i hafiz more quran, i also memorize more rap lyrics along with it!
    Everyone goes up, i go down.
    And no, i dont have any dream of my future other than bein a COOL ghetto type of islamic doctor in america and yemen...nobody knows of course. Last time i told them that i was 11, then told em i gave it up. so now i shut up and continue on what i wanna do and let them do what they wanna do.
    and "slowly as i grow up" i wont "carve my life" into anything. well maybe that "curve" will turn back and go back low.

    Please i really wanna figure something out about my faith and about my life and how to deal with things and be strong. How do i do this?
    I got one day left to figure something out, because then im leaving and wont come back to LI coz ima be in yemen, and NOBODY there is able to understand anything i say. thats what makes LI unique
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by coddles76 View Post
    Wa Ayekom Sister

    The Surat is 29 Verse 2

    Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe," and that they will not be tested?

    ALLAH SWT also says:

    2:155 Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.

    2:214 Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden (of Bliss) without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They encountered suffering and adversity, and were so shaken in spirit that even the Messenger and those of faith who were with him cried: "When (will come) the help of Allah" ah! verily, the help of Allah is (always) near!

    The Words of Allah should always be soothing to the Heart.
    InshAllah you Don't lose faith in Allah SWT

    Mashallah, wa jazakallah khair brother
    Yes the words of allah are ALWAYS soothing for the heart, even if im in deep doubt, i still know its coming from allah, but the shaitan keeps pulling me away and theres no way for me to push him away. when im in shaitans trap, my heart tells me islam, and my actions make me to stay in the trap
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post
    Mashallah, wa jazakallah khair brother
    Yes the words of allah are ALWAYS soothing for the heart, even if im in deep doubt, i still know its coming from allah, but the shaitan keeps pulling me away and theres no way for me to push him away. when im in shaitans trap, my heart tells me islam, and my actions make me to stay in the trap
    Recite Ayat Al kursi
    It is a powerful weapon against Shaytan and shaytan Himself knows that.

    All the best in your fight but remember the fight of life is always gonna be hard and especially hard for the believers, though in the hereafter our reward will be enormous.
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    its ok truemuslim


    Your parents can be the biggest mercy for you and sometimes the biggest test. And it seems ur being tested, and do u no whom Allah tests. Those people he loves the most, the stronger ur imaan, the harder ur tests, take it as a compliment from Allah :smile:

    Your dad seems like a lost soul, but make Dua for him, does he have a mother?, ask ur gran to make dua for him, a mothers Dua for her child works like magic!

    STOP thinking these thoughts about the non existence of Allah! as soon as these thoughts enter ur mind, seek refuge in Allah from shaitaan, hes see ur a 'true muslim'! and hes completely jealous! lol.

    remember how he sed to allah that he would encompass man from above him, below him, behind him, and infront, and becuse man is hollow he can defeat him? Are you going to let shaitaan defeat you?, think how much youve been thru, if u give up hope now, it would all have been in vain!

    right now ur surrounded by ur grief and shaitaan is having a party becuase he can control u like a puppet.If u allow that, then you have let shaitaan win.
    where's the door out????????

    My heart, so precious,
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    Your one smile takes it for free.Rumi
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  17. #14
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by coddles76 View Post
    Recite Ayat Al kursi
    It is a powerful weapon against Shaytan and shaytan Himself knows that.

    All the best in your fight but remember the fight of life is always gonna be hard and especially hard for the believers, though in the hereafter our reward will be enormous.
    I do. And again. Nothing happens. nothing will or has happened.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sahabiyaat View Post

    its ok truemuslim


    Your parents can be the biggest mercy for you and sometimes the biggest test. And it seems ur being tested, and do u no whom Allah tests. Those people he loves the most, the stronger ur imaan, the harder ur tests, take it as a compliment from Allah :smile:

    Your dad seems like a lost soul, but make Dua for him, does he have a mother?, ask ur gran to make dua for him, a mothers Dua for her child works like magic!

    STOP thinking these thoughts about the non existence of Allah! as soon as these thoughts enter ur mind, seek refuge in Allah from shaitaan, hes see ur a 'true muslim'! and hes completely jealous! lol.

    remember how he sed to allah that he would encompass man from above him, below him, behind him, and infront, and becuse man is hollow he can defeat him? Are you going to let shaitaan defeat you?, think how much youve been thru, if u give up hope now, it would all have been in vain!

    right now ur surrounded by ur grief and shaitaan is having a party becuase he can control u like a puppet.If u allow that, then you have let shaitaan win.

    I know that, but when im like the target of everything and if they get divorced theyd blame me for it. I dont even care anymore.
    I dont even know my dads mum, shes dead now anyway. people that meet my dad say that 30 seconds with him and theyr getting depressed as if theyr sitting wit a shaitan... . thats how crazy he is.
    and i cant get the shaitan out of my head. until i get thoughts of that the shaitan isnt in my head. i am geting these crazy thoughts because allah or shaitan arent here.

    or allah is ignoring and shaitan is ...emm...harmless..

    Jazakallah khair sis.
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim View Post
    people that meet my dad say that 30 seconds with him and theyr getting depressed as if theyr sitting wit a shaitan... . thats how crazy he is.
    and i cant get the shaitan out of my head. until i get thoughts of that the shaitan isnt in my head. i am geting these crazy thoughts because allah or shaitan arent here.

    or allah is ignoring and shaitan is ...emm...harmless..
    ^Your dad can't be as crazy as me can he? :X

    Don't let Shaytan win, keep on praying to Allah and making dua... Inshallah Shaytan will get fed up and leave my sis alone! *scowl* I wonder if hes readin this... And sis, Allah never ignores, he listens...

    where's the door out????????

    " Its sometimes better people don't get to know you..
    Cuz the more they know you, the less they understand & accept you..
    Alone is better, what say
    " - SRK
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    Re: where's the door out????????


    we have this saying, my mum says it

    when their is a fire raging, ur cant expect the rain to fall miraculously from the sky!

    meaning, things have to burn, get worser, alot worser before they get better, a bit like a phonix burning and rising anew from its ashes (HARRY POTTER hmmm lol).

    Ur father...what can i say.....
    where's the door out????????

    My heart, so precious,
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    Your one smile takes it for free.Rumi
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by Crazy_Lady View Post

    ^Your dad can't be as crazy as me can he? :X

    Don't let Shaytan win, keep on praying to Allah and making dua... Inshallah Shaytan will get fed up and leave my sis alone! *scowl* I wonder if hes readin this... And sis, Allah never ignores, he listens...

    lol sis ur cute crazy not mean crazy
    shaitan doesnt leave anyone alone
    and like u said...allah never ignores, he listens........*coughcoughtoeveryonebutmecough*
    aw noway he doesnt ignore me either actually, he sits there setting up my grave punishment and my hell seat with a beautful hot glass of boiling water. how kind

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sahabiyaat View Post

    we have this saying, my mum says it

    when their is a fire raging, ur cant expect the rain to fall miraculously from the sky!

    meaning, things have to burn, get worser, alot worser before they get better, a bit like a phonix burning and rising anew from its ashes (HARRY POTTER hmmm lol).

    Ur father...what can i say.....
    yeh but its liek hellfire, never turns off until allah wants it to.
    meaning allah right now could be making me stray away from islam completely.

    after all....

    he is the all seeing all hearing, all forgiving and patient, and powerful and has everything under HIS control...
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    Ok then, that's it. You've let the shaytaan win.

    He threatened Allaah, yes threatened, that he will take people to the hell fire with him, and you've agreed with shaytaan and let him overtake you.

    Well done. This is really what you wanted isn't it?

    Oh yeah, why would Allaah listen to you? After all you're only His creation, and He only loves you more than 70 mothers love, why would he listen to you? Nah...
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  23. #19
    IbnAbdulHakim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    whoah :|


    *digests info*


    so, your feeling neglected because you get blamed for anything that goes wrong and get shouted at and stuff and things just aint working out.

    your making dua' to Allaah and Allaah aint sending you those miracles you wanted oh so badly. So now you reckon Allahs sittin their brewin some hell up for ya.

    sis im sure most people at some point of their lives go through a blaming spree. I know i , as the youngest of the family, got blamed LOOOAAADS, heck i didnt even care most of the times coz i mighta deserved it :| but even when i didnt i just cried about it n thought "no biggie".

    personally if my parents got divorced and blamed me for it i would just crack up thinking "LOL AND BUSH AINT STUPID" ie could you be anymore off target?

    ok i might be sounding mean and im sorry for that but what im trying to say is as long as YOU know what YOU are and how YOU feel inside and act, thats what matters ! just keep ourself straight and flip others if they wanna twist you up !

    and about Allah not listening....

    ok check this you know LUT alaihissalaam right. He had to deal with the fags, rememba? Allah sent three angels to hear his testimony against his people before letting them be destroyed. So Lut alaihissalaam had to say in front of these three angels that all of his people are mislead evil people. So what happened is Lut's daughter saw the three angels who appeared to be three beautiful handsome man (Bound to attract some homo's) so she quickly called her father who came rushing to them and invited them to his home (out of fear that some homo's might want a piece o them if they wonder around). So on the way home Lut alaihissalaam kept telling these three angels how evil his people are and how he never met anyone worser in his life (hoping to repel them from staying any longer, he didnt wanna be rude and just tell them to go away coz they'd think his such a rude man who doesnt want to host them, but he was hoping they would fear the town from his warnings... but these are angels who were recording the evil... so that they could get Allah's consent to deal with them !)

    Anyway so they all sit for a meal, when all of a sudden the gays come marching, calling out the beautiful men, banging on the door trying to force their way in. Lut alaihissalaam resisted and resisted to the point where he said

    "If only i had a power to lean on"


    just hold on a second, ALL this time Lut alaihissalaam had 3 powerful angels with him. Jibrail was one o them ! But... he didnt know? the help of Allah was ALWAYS NEAR!!! He just couldnt see it! how much near could it be then three angels right next to him???

    sis do you have any idea how close the help of ALlaah is to you? Just because its not in visible effect right now DONT MEAN NOTHING!

    ALLAHS HELP IS ALWAYS NEAR>>> ALWAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    inshaAllaah read the lives of the prophets, i read em every night.... it gives so much strength and understanding.

    Assalamu Alaikum
    Last edited by IbnAbdulHakim; 07-23-2008 at 09:35 AM.
    where's the door out????????

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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  25. #20
    truemuslim's Avatar Full Member
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    same as tupac........beneath u. under the dirt. lost inside the earth. left the spark 4 u, nd left
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    Re: where's the door out????????

    oh wow i never actually read the entire story of lut (as) jazakallah khair
    but he's a prophet.
    ok i'll continue, repenting, bla bla, all that stuff thats never worked, and i'll sit here hoping for something of that to work...like istikhaarah, forgiveness , all that.

    Jazakumallah khair..

    and serene , i told u i give up easily, i dont even care if the shaitan wins anymore, considering i have doubt about the shaitan hmslef....:X
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