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Why aren't you a muslim?

  1. #1
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    Why aren't you a muslim? (OP)

    This question goes to all the non muslims on the forum. Basicly after spending some time on this forum. What are the reason why you have not converted/reverted to islam?

    We believe islam is perfect, which non muslims obviously do not agree with. So i wan't to know from you guys, what do u find not perfect about islam?

    While at it, could you aslo please mention the things u find good, or very usefull in islam.

    I thank you for your efforts

    Why aren't you a muslim?

    wwwislamicboardcom - Why aren't you a muslim?

  2. #41
    Ummu Sufyaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Fazl Ahmad View Post
    Shura is not the same thing as voting. Shura means consultation, plus woman do not have the right to be part of shura or become advisors to the ruler.
    says who and where? *raises eyebrow*
    Last edited by Ummu Sufyaan; 09-01-2008 at 09:30 AM.
    Why aren't you a muslim?

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    here is another article..

    والموقف السياسي

    يوم كان المجتمع الإسلامي يعيش في ظلال الإسلام الوارفة ويخضع لمبادئه الحكيمة، ويطبقه تطبيقاً شاملاً صحيحاً.. يومها كان للمرأة شأن عظيم، ودور كبير لم تحظ بمثله طوال التاريخ..

    فقد توفر للمرأة في ظل الإسلام، وضمن المجتمع الإسلامي حرية اختيار الموقف السياسي الذي ينبع من إرادتها وقناعتها…

    لأن الإسلام يطلب منها اتخاذ موقف محدد تجاه قضايا السياسية والحكم باعتبارها من أهم قضايا الأمة. وينظر لموقفها نظرة احترام وتقدير، ولا يراه موقفا فضوليا عبثيا لا قيمة له..

    فكما كان النبي محمد (صلى الله عليه وآله) يتقبل مبايعة وتأييد الرجال المؤمنين كان يتقبل مبايعة النساء المؤمنات بأمر من الله سبحانه وتعالى. إذ يقول تعالى في سورة الممتحنة:

    (يا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذا جاءَكَ الْمُؤْمِناتُ يُبايِعْنَكَ عَلى أَنْ لا يُشْرِكْنَ بِاللهِ شَيْئاً وَلا يَسْرِقْنَ وَلا يَزْنِينَ وَلا يَقْتُلْنَ أَوْلادَهُنَّ وَلا يَأْتِينَ بِبُهْتانٍ يَفْتَرِينَهُ بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِنَّ وَأَرْجُلِهِنَّ وَلا يَعْصِينَكَ فِي مَعْرُوفٍ فَبايِعْهُنَّ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُنَّ اللهَ إِنَّ اللهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ)(سورة الممتحنة الآية 12).

    هكذا يأمر الله تعالى نبيه (صلى الله عليه وآله) بأن يتقبل مبايعة النساء، والمبايعة موقف سياسي ويطلب من نبيه أن يشرح لهن برنامجه ونظامه الاجتماعي بالإضافة إلى عقيدته الإلهية حتى تكون البيعة على أساس من الوعي والمعرفة..

    فمثلاً حينما لم تقتنع فاطمة الزهراء (عليها السلام) بضعة الرسول محمد (صلى الله عليه وآله) برأي أبي بكر في مصادرة أرض فدك أعلنت رفضها الصريح في المجتمع، وخطأت الخليفة في مصادرته فدك ولم تقبل حتى بمقابلة الخليفة أو مبادلته التحية.. كما جاء في كتاب الإمامة والسياسة المعروف بتاريخ الخلفاء، لابن قتيبة الدنيوري المتوفي سنة (276هـ) قال في الجزء الأول ص20:

    فقال عمر لأبي بكر : انطلق بنا إلى فاطمة، فإنا قد أغضبناها..

    فانطلقا جميعا، فاستأذنا على فاطمة، فلم تأذن لهما، فأتيا عليا فكلماه، فأدخلهما عليها فلما قعدا عندها، حولت وجهها إلى الحائط، فسلما عليها فلم ترد عليهما السلام.

    فتكلم أبو بكر فقال: يا حبيبة رسول الله، والله إن قرابة رسول الله أحب لي من قرابتي وأنكِ لأحب إلي من عائشة ابنتي، ولوددت يوم مات أبوكِ أني مت، ولا أبقى بعده، افتراني أعرفكِ وأعرف فضلكِ وشرفكِ وأمنعكِ حقكِ وميراثكِ من رسول الله؟.

    إلا أني سمعت أباكِ رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) يقول: لا نورث ما تركناه فهو صدقة ...

    فقالت: أرايتكما إن حدثتكما حديثا عن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) تعرفانه وتفعلان به؟

    قالا: نعم.

    فقالت: نشدتكما الله ألم تسمعا رسول الله يقول رضا فاطمة من رضاي، وسخط فاطمة من سخطي فمن أحب فاطمة ابنتي فقد أحبني، من أرضى فاطمة فقد أرضاني، ومن أسخط فاطمة فقد أسخطني؟..

    قالا: نعم سمعنا من رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله).

    قالت: فإني أشهد الله والملائكة أنكما أسخطتماني ولم ترضياني ولئن لقيت رسول الله لأشكونكما إليه..

    فقال أبو بكر: أنا عائذ بالله تعالى من سخطه وسخطكِ يا فاطمة ثم انتحب أبو بكر يبكي حتى كادت نفسه أن تزهق..

    وهي تقول: والله لأدعون عليك في كل صلاة أصليها(الإمامة والسياسة لأبن قتيبة ج1- ص 20).

    هكذا كانت المرأة المسلمة تمارس موقفها السياسي تأييداً ورفضاً حسب إرادتها وقناعتها..

    وفي هذا العصر حيث يحتجب عنا الإمام القائد المهدي المنتظر (عليه السلام) للمرأة المؤمنة حريتها الكاملة في اختيار القائد الديني، الذي تعتبره مرجعا لها وحاكماً شرعياً بالنيابة عن الإمام (أرواحنا فداه).. ضمن المواصفات والشروط الإسلامية التي يجب توفرها في المرجع القائد ولا يصح لزوجها أو لأبيها مثلاً أن يجبرها على تقليد مرجع معين لا تؤمن هي بجدارته وكفاءته..

    وحينما تلاحظ المرآة فساداً أو انحرافاً في جهاز الحكم وإدارات الدولة، فعليها أن تفضح هذا الانحراف، وتكشف هذا الفساد.. وتسعى لإصلاحه وتقويمه بمطالبة القيادة العليا ووضعها أمام واجبها ومسؤوليتها.. وهذا داخل ضمن واجب الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر..

    ولنقف الآن أيها القاريء الكريم والقارئة العزيزة وقفة إكبار وتقدير أمام صفحة بطولية رائعة من صفحات تاريخنا الإسلامي المشرق، حيث كانت المرأة المؤمنة تمارس دورها وتتحمل مسؤوليتها في مواجهة الفساد والانحراف في جهاز الحكم والسلطة..

    إن بطلة هذا الموقف (سودة بنت عمارة بن الأشتر الهمداني) من سيدات نساء العراق. وكانت تعيش في إحدى ولايات العراق في عهد الإمام أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب (عليه السلام) فلما رأت من سيرة الوالي (أمير المنطقة أو المحافظ) انحرافاً عن خط العدالة الإسلامية وإساءة لجماهير الشعب.. ركبت دابتها وقصدت أمير المؤمنين علي ابن أبي طالب (عليه السلام) لتشكو له انحراف الوالي، وتشرح له أوضاعه.. ولم ترجع إلا ومعها قرار صارم بعزل الوالي المنحرف..

    وبعد أن تسلط معاوية ابن أبي سفيان على رقاب الأمة وتسلم أزمة الحكم بالقوة والإرهاب، فرض على الولايات والمناطق ولاة قساة منحرفين، مؤهلهم الوحيد الولاء والتأييد لسلطة معاوية.

    وكانت هذه المرأة المؤمنة البطلة سودة بنت عمارة تلاحظ سلوك الوالي على منطقتها، فتراه ظاهر الانحراف، يغلب عليه الجور والفساد..بيد أن شخصيات المجتمع يرهبون بطش معاوية ويخافون سطوته.. فهل تسكت سودة وتغض النظر عن هذا الانحراف الواضح في جهاز الحكم المتمثل في جور الوالي وقسوته؟ وهل سيسمح لها ضميرها ووجدانها بالتفرد على شقاء مجتمعها ومعاناته؟

    كلا، فقد تحملت مسؤوليتها وهبت لأداء دورها وواجبها وتجشمت عناء السفر إلى معاوية لتشكو إليه هذا الوالي الظالم، وهذا الجور القاسي.. رغم أن لها في الماضي دوراً سياسياً وإعلامياً بارزاً ضد معاوية أثناء حرب صفين.. وهذا ما لم ينسه معاوية بعد..

    فحينما دخلت على معاوية وسلمت عليه عرفها وذكر دورها المناويء له في صفين الذي أوغر قلبه عليها فأسرع يجابهها قائلا: ألست القائلة يوم صفين؟ تشجعين أخاك على قتالي:

    شمر كفعل أبيك يا ابن عـــمـــارة يوم الطعـــــان وملتــــقى الأقران

    وانصر علياً والحسين ورهطـــــه واقصـــد لهنـــــد وابنها بهــــوان

    إن الإمـــــام أخـــــا النبي محـــمد علم الهدى ومنــــــارة الإيمــــان

    فقد الجيــــوش وسر أمــــام لوائه قدما بأبيض صــــــارم وسنان؟؟

    سودة: أي والله لقد قلت ذلك وما مثلي رغب في الحق أو اعتذر بالكذب.

    معاوية: فما حملك على ذلك؟

    سودة: حب علي واتباع الحق.

    معاوية: (متشمتا) فو الله ما أرى عليك من أثر علي شيئاً.

    سودة: مات الرأس وبتر الذنب، فدع عنك تذكار ما قد نسي وإعادة ما مضى..

    معاوية: هيهات ما مثل مقام أخيك ينسى، وما لقيت من أحد ما لقيت من قومك وأخيك.

    سودة: صدق فوك لم يكن أخي صغير المقام ولا خفي المكان كان والله كما تقول الخنساء:

    وإن صخراً لتأتم الهداة به وكأنه علم في رأسه نار

    معاوية: صدقت كان ذلك.

    سودة: بالله اسأل إعفائي مما استعفيت منه (تعني تذكار الأحداث الماضية).

    معاوية: قد فعلت فما حاجتك؟

    سودة: إنك أصبحت للناس سيداً ولأمرهم متقلداً والله سائلك عن أمرنا وما افترض من حقنا ولا يزال يقوم علينا من ينوء بعزك، ويبطش بسلطانك فيحصدنا السنبل ويدوسنا دوس البقر ويسومنا الخسيسة ويسلبنا الجليلة.. هذا بسر ابن ارطاة قدم علينا من قبلك فقتل رجالي وأخذ مالي ولولا الطاعة لكان فينا عز ومنعة فأما عزلته عنا فشكرناك، وإما لا ففرقناك.

    فتأثر معاوية من كلامها واعتبره جرأة على الحاكم وتهديداً للسلطة فقال لها: أتهدديني بقومك؟ لقد هممت أن أحملك على قتب أشرس فأبعثك إليه ينفذ فيك حكمه؟

    فأطرقت إلى الأرض وهي باكية العين، حزينة القلب ثم أنشأت تقول:

    صلى الإله على جسم تضمنه قــبر فأصبح منه العدل مدفونا

    قد حالف الحق لا يبغي به بدلا فصار بالحق والإيمان مقرونا

    معاوية: ومن ذلك؟

    سودة: علي بن أبي طالب.

    معاوية: وما صنع بك حتى صار عندك كذلك؟

    سودة: قدمت عليه في رجل ولاه صدقتنا، فكان بيني وبينه ما بين الغث والسمين فأتيت علياً (عليه السلام) لأشكو إليه ما صنع، فوجدته قائماً يصلي فلما نظر إلي انفتل من صلاته ثم قال لي برأفة وتعطف: لك حاجة؟ فأخبرته الخبر فبكى ثم قال:

    (اللهم إنك أنت الشاهد عليّ وعليهم إني لم آمرهم بظلم خلقك ولا بترك حقك) ثم أخرج من جيبه قطعة جلد كهيئة طرف الجراب فكتب فيها (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، قد جاءتكم بينة من ربكم، فأوفوا الكيل والميزان ولا تبخسوا الناس أشياءهم، ولا تعثوا في الأرض مفسدين، بقية الله خير لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين وما أنا عليكم بحفيظ. ، إذا قرأت كتابي فاحتفظ بما في بديك من عملنا حتى يقدم عليك من يقبضه منك والسلام) فأخذته منه، والله ما ختمه بطين ولا حزمه بحزام..

    فانبهر معاوية وتعجب من هذا العدل والإنصاف وقال:

    اكتبوا لها بالإنصاف والعدل لها؟ فانبرت إليه قائلة إلي خاصة أم لقومي عامة..

    معاوية: وما أنت وغيرك؟

    سودة: هي والله إذن الفحشاء واللوم إن لم يكن عدلاً شاملاً وإلا فأنا كسائر قومي.

    معاوية: اكتبوا لها ولقومها بحاجتها(أعلام النساء 2/663).

    وسودة هذه البطلة نموذج واحد لها مثيلات كثيرات في تاريخنا الإسلامي من النساء اللاتي مارسن موقفا سياسيا تجاه السلطة وقضايا الحكم..


    My fast started a good 15 mins ago, and I'd so hate to lose it on a Muslim, who appears a little ignorant of his own Islamic history if not down right misogynistic!
    Why aren't you a muslim?

    Text without context is pretext
    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - Why aren't you a muslim?

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  5. #43
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    format_quote Originally Posted by raOnar View Post

    This question goes to all the non muslims on the forum. Basicly after spending some time on this forum. What are the reason why you have not converted/reverted to islam?

    We believe islam is perfect, which non muslims obviously do not agree with. So i wan't to know from you guys, what do u find not perfect about islam?

    While at it, could you aslo please mention the things u find good, or very usefull in islam.

    I thank you for your efforts

    this may be one reason . . .

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  6. #44
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    Hi Thinker,

    It's me again.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
    I read the post that you linked to and I don't understand why that should be a reason to prevent somebody from becoming a Muslim. The main reason for this is that it has, as you said yourself, nothing to with Islam and everything to do with culture! Surely, a faith should be judged on it's own merit, rather than what some of it's professed followers happen to do, right?

    Why aren't you a muslim?

    "I spent thirty years learning manners, and I spent twenty years learning knowledge."

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    Fazl Ahmad's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    Bayat is not voting either! I do not think people know what is voting. Bayat is makind a pledge, not casting a vote.
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  9. #46
    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Fazl Ahmad View Post
    Bayat is not voting either! I do not think people know what is voting. Bayat is makind a pledge, not casting a vote.
    'Bayat' means house in the Arabic vernacular, so how can it be us that don't know what we are talking about? The articles are there with references I didn't write them, and it is mentioned agained in suret al'momta7ana..
    No one ever said anything about a capitalistic or a socialized democracy vote.. we are talking about an Islamic shura system casting of ones voice.. if a woman wanted one khalifah over another to govern by God's law for reasons she sees fit, no one by religious law is to forbid her from casting her voice!
    If we are talking about an 'American style so-called 'democratic' voting system, then both Muslim men and women are forbidden from participating...that is a different story all together!

    Isn't is better to be perceptive to learning, than hold on to archaic notions that have no basis in Islam just for the sake of being right?

    We are all here to learn!

    at this stage I say "Allhouma inni sa'ema' and refrain from engaging into vain discourse. I have put the words and references should anyone have the desire to validate, and folks are entitled to make up their own mind historical evidence based!

    Last edited by جوري; 09-01-2008 at 09:52 AM.
    Why aren't you a muslim?

    Text without context is pretext
    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - Why aren't you a muslim?

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  10. #47
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman View Post
    I read the post that you linked to and I don't understand why that should be a reason to prevent somebody from becoming a Muslim. The main reason for this is that it has, as you said yourself, nothing to with Islam and everything to do with culture! Surely, a faith should be judged on it's own merit, rather than what some of it's professed followers happen to do, right?
    Let's take the fictitional character John, a 25 year old single plumber who was raised as a Christian buy who is inclined towards converting to Islam. He expects, as all young men do, that he will find a wife. As a white British Muslim, he is unlikely to find parents of any middle east or asian Muslim group who will allow him to marry their daughter and so that leaves him with choice from a group of (how many) British single female Mulsims?
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    ^ i know loads of reverts who married pakistani's, one of my bengali cousins married a caucasian muslim revert.

    Why aren't you a muslim?

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  12. #49
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    Hi Thinker,

    format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
    Let's take the fictitional character John, a 25 year old single plumber who was raised as a Christian buy who is inclined towards converting to Islam. He expects, as all young men do, that he will find a wife. As a white British Muslim, he is unlikely to find parents of any middle east or asian Muslim group who will allow him to marry their daughter and so that leaves him with choice from a group of (how many) British single female Muslims?
    The crucial point here remains the same: this has nothing to do with Islam. A decision to convert to Islam should be made on the basis of whether you believe it's teachings to be divinely inspired and not on the chances of finding a marriage partner. If John believes Islam to be the truth, then his chances of finding a middle-eastern or asian marriage partner isn't likely to be a factor in his decision at all. Again, I must re-iterate, a religion must be judged on it's own merit.

    Why aren't you a muslim?

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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    Brother Osman, I think you should know the British flag is a symbol of the cross.
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Fazl Ahmad View Post
    Brother Osman, I think you should know the British flag is a symbol of the cross.
    Ok well I was just about to change it anyway. I don't find it aesthetically pleasing lol. JazakAllah Khayr.
    Last edited by Uthman; 09-01-2008 at 10:50 AM.
    Why aren't you a muslim?

    "I spent thirty years learning manners, and I spent twenty years learning knowledge."

    ~ 'Abdullāh bin al-Mubārak (rahimahullah)
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    Jazakum Allah, your new avatar is much better on the eyes.
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    Why? because I'm a Sikh. And nothing ever can change that fact!
    Why aren't you a muslim?

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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    Some of the reasons members have given are interesting. Some are rather funny.

    What I would add to this thread, without creating a debate, is something very simple: look deep within the religion of Islam and you will find the teachings and practices (which include rules, regulations and laws in addition to financial matters, military stuff, animal welfare, family relations and I could go on but you get the point). Analyse and reflect upon them - then you will truly understand Islam.
    Why aren't you a muslim?

    Book on sharia law Updated!
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Fazl Ahmad View Post
    Brother Osman, I think you should know the British flag is a symbol of the cross.
    What is wrong with displaying images of the cross of St George?

    The cross of St George (a red cross on a white background) it is the national flag of England.

    St George was born in Cappadocia in what is now Turkey, in about the year 280 AD. He enlisted into the Cavalry of the Roman Army at the age of 17, during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian.

    He quickly achieved the rank of Millenary or Tribunus Militum, an officer's rank roughly equivalent to a full Colonel, in charge of a regiment of 1,000 men and became a particular favourite of his Emperor.

    St. George acted to limit the excesses of Diocletian's actions against the Christians. He was arrested and appeared before Diocietian. St. George bravely denounced him for his unnecessary cruelty and injustice. The Emperor consigned St George to prison with instructions that he be tortured until he denied his faith in Christ.

    St George, having defended his faith was beheaded at Nicomedia near Lyddia in Palestine on the 23rd of April in the year 303 AD.

    During the Crusades (and every other battle before and since) English soldiers wore and carried symbols of their patron saint and their national flag. During the crusades (and probably during every other battle since) other nationalities wore symbols of their national flag. I presume that applies to Muslim nations also i.e. they carried symbols of their identity.
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Thinker
    What is wrong with displaying images of the cross of St George?
    During the Crusades (and every other battle before and since) English soldiers wore and carried symbols of their patron saint and their national flag
    You answered your own question! Youre a true thinker
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  22. #57
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    To return to raOnar's OP, I certainly feel that there is much in Islamic teachings that is beneficial!

    I like the emphasis on fasting and daily prayer.
    I agree with the idea of living simply, of seeking God rather than material gain; the principles of modesty and humility; of forgiveness, human kindness and charity.

    But then, none of those things are unique to Islam.
    You will find that most religions and worldviews probably teach and/or agree with most, if not all of those teachings too.

    So those principles – beneficial as they may be – cannot be all that makes a Muslim a Muslim! Those principles make Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, secular humanists (well, perhaps without the praying bit), and all kinds of other people too …

    To be a Muslim somebody has to be able to declare Shahada. And that is precisely why I am not a Muslim.

    Now, I can shout it from the rooftops that God is the only God, and that he alone is worthy of worship. Christianity teaches that too.
    But I cannot declare that I believe Muhammed to be God’s messenger.

    With all the reading, learning and studying of Islam I have done in the last 2-and-a-half years, with all the discussions I have participated in here in LI, with all the prayer for God’s guidance, all the fasting, and even reading the Qu’ran itself, I have not found any conviction that the Qu’ran is the dictated word of God, that Muhammed is God’s final prophet, and that Islam is the true path.

    It seems that no matter how much I explore, test and probe Islam, it remains empty to me …

    And that’s why I am not a Muslim.

    I hope people don’t mind my honest reply. It comes after much thought, prayer and pondering.
    I do not mean to offend anybody.

    Why aren't you a muslim?

    glocandle ani 1 - Why aren't you a muslim?

    Here I stand.
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    Come, let us worship and bow down •
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    [Psalm 95]

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  23. #58
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    So many people seem to be getting carried away with all the Hadith's and miconceptions about Islam and totally overlook the true essence of Islam.

    Follow the 5 Pillars of Islam and feel the difference for yourself. It really works...

    Don't convert to Islam if you are looking for an encylopedia that answers all your scientific questions...

    The Quran is guidance to mankind. Not an Encyclopedia although some people want it to be.
    Last edited by Hamayun; 09-18-2008 at 01:02 PM.
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  24. #59
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    To return to raOnar's OP, I certainly feel that there is much in Islamic teachings that is beneficial!

    I like the emphasis on fasting and daily prayer.
    I agree with the idea of living simply, of seeking God rather than material gain; the principles of modesty and humility; of forgiveness, human kindness and charity.

    But then, none of those things are unique to Islam.
    You will find that most religions and worldviews probably teach and/or agree with most, if not all of those teachings too.

    So those principles – beneficial as they may be – cannot be all that makes a Muslim a Muslim! Those principles make Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, secular humanists (well, perhaps without the praying bit), and all kinds of other people too …

    OK, so what commandments do you have from Jesus[pbuh] on how to fast?
    are they followed by all Christians?

    what commandments do you have from Jesus[pbuh] on how to pray?
    do all Christians pray as commanded by Jesus[pbuh]?

    what commandments do you have from Jesus[pbuh] on how many times a day to pray?
    do all Christians pray this way?

    what commandments do you have from Jesus[pbuh] regarding modesty?
    do all Christians follow this?

    what commandments do you have from Jesus[pbuh] regarding charity?
    is this uniform for all Christians?

    To be a Muslim somebody has to be able to declare Shahada. And that is precisely why I am not a Muslim.

    Now, I can shout it from the rooftops that God is the only God, and that he alone is worthy of worship. Christianity teaches that too.

    actually, Christianity does NOT teach that! they have a "Trinity", which even they can't explain. not only that but we read in their Bible from the 1st chapter of John:

    1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    2He was in the beginning with God.
    3All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

    that testifies to AT LEAST TWO Gods! "God" and "the Word." NOT ONLY THAT, BUT, it takes "creation" away from "God" and puts it in the jurisdiction of "the Word!" so we can assume that the "Christian God" was incapable of creating "all things" WITHOUT "the Word!?"
    so either:

    a) the writer of these verses does NOT understand the concept of "The One True God!"

    b) Christians don't believe what their Bible says, or

    c) the "God" described in these verses is in need of a little Psychiatric help for his schizophrenia!

    But I cannot declare that I believe Muhammed to be God’s messenger.

    and you can't! NOT without Allah's guidance

    With all the reading, learning and studying of Islam I have done in the last 2-and-a-half years, with all the discussions I have participated in here in LI, with all the prayer for God’s guidance, all the fasting, and even reading the Qu’ran itself, I have not found any conviction that the Qu’ran is the dictated word of God, that Muhammed is God’s final prophet, and that Islam is the true path.

    It seems that no matter how much I explore, test and probe Islam, it remains empty to me …

    Guidance comes only from Allah[swt]

    And that’s why I am not a Muslim.

    I hope people don’t mind my honest reply. It comes after much thought, prayer and pondering.
    I do not mean to offend anybody.


    thank you for your comments on Islam. I hope you don’t mind my honest reply. It comes after much thought, prayer and pondering.I do not mean to offend you.

    let's look at:"reading the Qu’ran itself"

    with all due respect, you CANNOT read the Qur'an in English! MAYBE you can read you own books in English, but Qur'anic Arabic CANNOT be translated properly into English! at the most, you can get an "version" of what "someone" thinks it is best explained or interpreted.

    here's a link to an Arabic recitation with a translation done in English. when hearing the Arabic, you ARE hearing the Qur'an, but the English is what 2 men [based, it appears on Pickthall] have chosen to represent in English words:


    now, to truly understand why English, or any other language, is not a proper vehicle for translation consider Al Fatiha:

    1:Transliteration: Bismi Allahi arRahmani arRaheem
    2:Transliteration: Alhamdu lillahi Rabbi alAAalameen
    3:Transliteration: ArRahmani arRaheem
    4:Transliteration: Maliki Yawmi adDeen
    5:Transliteration: Iyyaka naAAbudu wa-Iyyaka nastaAAeen
    6:Transliteration: Ihdina assirata almustaqeem
    7:Transliteration: Sirata allatheena anAAamta AAalayhim ghayri almaghdoobi AAalayhim wala addalleen

    that is how you pronounce it, here are a few translations:

    1:Pickthal: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
    2:Pickthal: Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
    3:Pickthal: The Beneficent, the Merciful.
    4:Pickthal: Master of the Day of Judgment,
    5:Pickthal: Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.
    6:Pickthal: Show us the straight path,
    7:Pickthal: The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.

    1:Muhsin Khan: In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
    2:Muhsin Khan: All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
    3:Muhsin Khan: The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
    4:Muhsin Khan: The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)
    5:Muhsin Khan: You (Alone) we worship, and you (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything).
    6:Muhsin Khan: Guide us to the Straight Way
    7:Muhsin Khan: The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace , not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).

    1:Sahih International: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
    2:Sahih International: [All] praise is [due] to Allah , Lord of the worlds -
    3:Sahih International: The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
    4:Sahih International: Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.
    5:Sahih International: It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
    6:Sahih International: Guide us to the straight path -
    7:Sahih International: The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.

    as you can see, the can't even entirely agree on how to interpret the very first BismiAllahi arRahmani arRaheem!

    here is a MORE CORRECT explanation of Surat Al Fatiha:


    as you can see, it's a 28 part lecture! BUT, you have a much better "understanding" of the Surah, with Allah's help of course!

    as for: "I have not found any conviction that...that Muhammed is God’s final prophet" have you read any Seerah[Life of the Prophet]?

    here's a link to a 41 part lecture on the Rasulullah[pbuh]:



    it gives a better understanding

    and finally : "I have not found any conviction that...Islam is the true path." here's a link to a 11 part [shown in 21 parts] lecture on the Foundation of Islamic Studies by Dr Bilal Philips[it's the links at the very bottom of the page]:


    if you listen and watch ALL of that, you will at the least, have a more complete view of Islam, In Sha'a Allah!

    but Guidance will still only come from Allah[swt]!!

    Why aren't you a muslim?

    Had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which is in the Hands of Allah, he would not lose hope of entering Paradise, and had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah, he would not consider himself safe from the Hell-Fire
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    Re: Why aren't you a muslim?

    With all due respect, brother Yusuf, but your post is veering strongly towards religious debate - for which there is no place at the moment, neither in this section, nor for the duration of Ramadan.

    All I did was express my opinion in reply to ranOar's question.
    Everything else will have to wait until the end of Ramadan.

    In the meantime thank you for respecting my views.

    Why aren't you a muslim?

    glocandle ani 1 - Why aren't you a muslim?

    Here I stand.
    I can do no other.
    May God help me.

    Come, let us worship and bow down •
    and kneel before the Lord our Maker

    [Psalm 95]

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