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You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Cool You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    salaam - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    tt1889954fltt - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    [Note: I'll be posting up most of the book Insha'Allah so please bear with me. Please don't post in the thread either, JazakAllahu Khayran]

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    tt1940071fltt - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    z147190287 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World | z140309205 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World | z147190287 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    To every Muslim woman who is content with Allâh as her Lord, Islâm as her religion and Muhamad (Blessings and Peace be upon him) as her Prophet.

    To every girl who follows the path of truth, who carries the message of sincerity.

    To every teacher who strives by means of her words to convey knowledge and values, and has purified her soul.

    To every mother who brings her children up to fear Allâh and to follow the Sunnah, and make virtues dear to them.

    To every woman who is burdened with worries and sadness.

    Rejoice and receive the glad tidings of a way-out at hand, the care of Allâh, a great reward and expiation of sins.
    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    tt1940089fltt 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    z4402242 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World z93143587 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World z93144574 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Praise be to Allâh, the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allâh and upon his family and Companions and those who follow him.

    This book urges the Muslim woman to rejoice in her religion and in the grace that Allâh has bestowed upon her. It brings hope and glad tidings to everyone who feels distressed, depressed and burdened with many worries. It invites the Muslim woman to expect a way out and to look forward to ease after hardship. It addresses her rational mind and pure heat, telling her to be patient and seek reward with Allâh, do not despair, do not give up, be optimistic, for Allâh is with you, Allâh is sufficient for you, Allâh, the Almighty, will protect you.

    My sister, read this book, for it contains clear and unambiguous verses from the Qur’an, true hadiths, sound ideas, inspiring stories and the wisdom of obedience. Read this book and chase away the traces of sadness, the spectres of distress, the nightmares of fear and anxiety. Read this book to help you cleanse your mind of the clutter of illusions and devilish whispers, and show you the way to a sense of tranquillity, faith, joy and happiness. May Allâh give you happiness in this world and in the Hereafter, and bestow His Favour upon you, for He is the Most Generous, Most Kind.

    I have presented this book as a treasure chest filled with beautiful ideas with which you may adorn your life. It contains pearls of beauty and truth that surpass the brilliant lure of gold and silver.

    If you have this book in your hands, you should not care about any worldly adornments, empty decorations, false appearances or transient fashions. Adorn yourself with these treasures and wear them on all special occasions in life, at all times of joy and celebration, so that you will be – if Allâh wills – the happiest woman in the world.

    The way to happiness is to be found in clarity of knowledge and soundness of education. This cannot be achieved by reading romantic fiction that takes the reader away from reality and is filled with rosy dreams and dizzying illusions, but which leads to frustration and depression. Indeed, the matter is even more serious than that, such as the stories of Agatha Christie, which teach about deceit, crime and robbery. I have read the series entitled The Best of World Fiction, a selection of exciting, Nobel Prize-winning stories, and I found that these stories contained many serious mistakes and a great deal of foolishness. Undoubtedly, some of the best of world fiction includes some stories that are good from a purely artistic point of view and with regard to the skill of storytelling, such as The Old Man and the Sea by Earnest Hemingway, and other such stories that avoid immoral content, decadence and other signs of literary decline.

    Every wise woman should read the books of our sound (Arabic and Islâmic) literary heritages, such as the books of at-Tantâwi, al-Kilâni, al-Manfalûtî, ar-Râfi’i and so on, those of a pure and clear conscience who carry a clear message. I have only mentioned this because I am keen for my book to be free of any foreign influence, deviation or trivia. How many people have fallen victims to articles or stories that they have read. And Allâh the All-Glorious, is the One Whose protection we seek.

    Whatever the case, there is nothing better than the stories told by Allâh in His Book, and by His Messenger in the Sunnah, and the glorious history of the righteous, the caliphs, scholars and pious people. So be of good cheer and rejoice in the blessings of Allâh, for you are blessed in your religion and guidance, your ‘aqîdah (belief) and heritage.

    Dr.’A-îd al-Qarni
    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    tt1940125fltt - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    z134143596 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Welcome, O’ devout, Allâh-fearing woman who prays and fasts

    Welcome, O’ wise, dignified woman who observes hijâb

    Welcome, O’ aware, well-read and educated woman

    Welcome, O’ charitable, sincere, trustworthy and loyal woman

    Welcome, O’ patient woman who seeks reward from Allâh repenting and turning to Him

    Welcome, O’ woman who remembers Allâh and gives thanks to Him, and calls upon Him

    Welcome, O’ woman who follows the footsteps of ‘Asiyah. Maryam and Khadîjah

    Welcome, O’ mother of heroes and producer of men

    Welcome, O’ cherisher and guardian of values

    Welcome, O’ woman who heeds the sacred limits of Allâh and keeps away from forbidden things
    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    To The Muslim Woman...

    15864311 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World


    Yes to your beautiful smile that sends a message of warmth and friendliness to other.

    Yes to your kind words that establish friendship as permitted in Islam and dispel rancour.

    Yes to acceptable charity that brings happiness to the poor and feeds the hungry.

    Yes to sitting with the Qur'an, reciting it, pondering its meanings and acting upon them, and repenting and seeking forgiveness.

    Yes to remembering Allah a great deal and praying for forgiveness, persisting in du'a and offering sincere repentance.

    Yes to raising your children in Islam, teaching them the Sunnah and guiding them to that which will benefit them.

    Yes to modesty and hijab as enjoined by Allah, which is the means of self-protection.

    Yes to the friendship of good women who fear Allah, love Islam and respect high values.

    Yes to honouring one's parents, upholding the ties of kinship, honouring one's neighbours and caring for orphans.

    Yes to reading useful, interesting and beneficial books

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    s a b r

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    No to wating time in trivial pursuits, and love of revenge and futile arguments.

    No to giving priority to money and accumulation of wealth over one's health, happiness, sleep, and peace of mind.

    No to seeking out other people's faults and backbiting about them, whilst forgetting one's own faults.

    No to indulging in physical pleasure and giving in to every whim and desire.

    No to wasting time with shallow people and spending hours in idle pursuits.

    No to neglecting physical hygeine and cleanliness in the house, and being disorganized at home.

    No to haram drinks, cigarettes, narghile ("hookah pipes"), and all foul things.

    No to thinking of past calamities and dwelling on past mistakes.

    No to forgetting the Hereafter and neglecting to strive for it, and to being careless of what will happen in the Hereafter.

    No to wasting money one harm things, being extravagant with regard to permissable things, and falling short in acts of worship

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    tt1940171fltt - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    z38272014 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Remember that your Lord forgives those who ask him for forgiveness and he accepts the repentance of those who sincerely repent, and he accepts those who sincerely come back to him.

    Show mercy to the weak and you will be happy; give to the needy and you will be well; do not bear grudges and you will be healthy.

    Be optimistic for Allah is with you and the angels are praying for forgiveness for you, and paradise awaits you.

    Wipe away your tears, think well of your Lord, and chase away your worries by remembering the blessings Allah has bestowed upon you.

    Do not think that this world is ever perfect for anyone. There is no-one on the face of the earth who gets all that she/he wants or is free form all kinds of distress.

    Be like a tall tree with high aims; if a stone is thrown at it, it simply lets its fruits drop.

    Have you ever heard that grief brings back what has been lost, or that worry corrects mistakes? So why grieve and worry then?

    Do not except trials and calamities; rather expect peace, safety and good health, if Allah wills.

    Extinguish the flames of hatred from your heart by forgiving everyone who has ever hurt you.

    Ghusl, Wudu’, siwak and being organised are effective medicines for all kinds of stress and worry.

    z38272014 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    tt1940184fltt - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    207902txigtzolfg 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    1. Be like the bee, which lands on fragrant flowers and fresh branches.

    2. You do not have time to seek out people's defects and mistakes.

    3. If Allah is with you, then whom do you have to fear? If Allah is against you, then what hope do you have?

    4. The fire of envy consumes the body, and excessive jealousy is like a raging fire.

    5. If you do not prepare today, then you will not be able to do anything tomorrow.

    6. Withdraw peacefully from places where idle arguments are going on.

    7. Let your morals and attitudes be even more beautiful than a garden.

    8. Do acts of kindness and you will be the happiest of people.

    9. Leave people to their Creator, leave the envier to death, and forget about your enemy.

    10. The pleasure of haram actions is followed by regret, loss and punishment.

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    tt1940197fltt - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    wwwislamicboardcom - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    The past is gone and the hoped-for future is still unknown. All you have is the present.

    Look at the texts of Islam, the Qur’an and Sunnah. Allah, the Exalted, the Almighty, praises righteous and believing women. He says:

    وَضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اِمْرَأَةَ فِرْعَوْنَ إِذْ قَالَتْ رَبِّ ابْنِ لِي عِندَكَ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّنِي مِن فِرْعَوْنَ وَعَمَلِهِ وَنَجِّنِي مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ

    [And Allah has set forth an example for those who believe: the wife of Fir’awn (Pharaoh), when she said: “My Lord! Build for me a home with you in Paradise, and save me from Fir’awn (Pharaoh) and his work, and save me from the people who are Zalimun (Polytheists, wrongdoers and disbelievers in Allah).”] … (Qur’an 66:11)

    Think about how Allah made this woman – Asiyah, may Allah be pleased with her – a living example for believing men and women, a clear symbol for everyone who wants to be guided and follow the ways of Allah in life. How wise this woman was, when she sought a home with the Lord and put that above her worldly interests. She freed herself from the control of the Kaafir (Disbeliever) tyrant Pharaoh and refused to live in his palace with his servants and courtiers, and with all its luxuries.

    She sought a better home that was more lasting and more beautiful, with the Lord of the Worlds, amidst gardens and rivers, in a seat of truth (i.e. Paradise), near the Omnipotent King (Allah, the One, the All-Blessed, the Most High, the Owner of Majesty and Honour) (Qur’an 54:55).

    She was a great woman whose ambition and sincerity led her to speak the word of truth and faith against her tyrant husband. She was tortured for the sake of Allah but she ultimately earned a home with the Lord of the Worlds, and Allah the Exalted, made her an example for every believing man and woman until the Hour comes, and He praised her in His book, recording her name and commending her deeds, and condemning her husband who deviated from the right path on earth,

    “Be optimistic, even if you are in the eye of the storm.”

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    s a b r

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    (Verily with every difficulty there is ease)

    Qur’an 94:6

    You Have A Huge Wealth Of Blessings

    My sister, verily with every difficulty there is ease (Qur’an 94:6); after night comes the day. The clouds of worry will be blown away, the darkness of distress will be dispelled, and calamities will come to an end, by Allâh’s leave. Remember that you will be rewarded, and if you are a mother, your children will be a great support and help for Islâm, if you bring them up properly. They will make du’â’ for you when they prostrate and at the end of the night, just before dawn. It is a great blessing if you are a compassionate and kind mother. It is sufficient honour and pride for you to remember that the mother of Muhammad (Blessings and Peace be upon him) gave mankind a great leader, the noble Messenger.

    venus sky 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    You have the potential to be a dâ’iyah (caller to Islâm) calling other women to the path of Allâh with kind words, good exhortation and wisdom, arguing in a manner that is better, debating and guiding others by means of your good behaviour and setting an example. A woman may achieve, by means of her conduct and righteous deeds, things that cannot be achieved by Khutbahs (religious sermons), lectures and lessons. How often has a woman gone to live in a neighbourhood, and people started to talk about her religious commitment, modesty, hijâb (Islâmic dress) and good attitude, her kindness to her neighbours and her obedience to her husband, so she became a good example to others – that was spoken by all.

    “Soon the flowers will bloom, grief will depart and happiness will prevail.”

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    s a b r

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    It is sufficient honour for you that you are a Muslim

    Everything that happens to you for the sake of Allâh is an expiation for you, if Allâh, the Exalted wills. Hear the glad tidings narrated in the Hadîth:

    “If a woman obeys her Lord, offers her five daily prayers and preserves her honour, she will enter the Paradise of her Lord.”

    These are easy matters for the one for whom Allâh makes them easy. So, by doing these great deeds you will meet a merciful Lord who will give you happiness in this world and in the Hereafter. Follow His laws no matter where that leads you, and adhere to the Book of Allâh (the Qur’an) and the Sunnah of His Messenger Muhammad (Blessings and Peace be upon him), for you are a Muslim woman, and this is a great honour and source of pride.

    z82737839 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Other women were born in the lands of Kufr (disbelief), Christians, Jews, Communists or something other than the religion of Islâm, but Allâh chose you to be a Muslim woman, and He made you one of the followers of Muhammad (Blessings and Peace be upon him), following in the footsteps of ‘A’ishah, Khadîjah and Fâtimah – may Allâh be pleased with them all.

    z81621569 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Congratulations, for you offer the five daily prayers, you fast in Ramadân, you go on pilgrimage to the House, you observe Islâmic Hijâb.

    Congratulations, for you are pleased with Allâh as your Lord, Islâm as your religion, and Muhammad (Blessings and Peace be upon him) as your Prophet

    thdriftaway2 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    ...Allâh is sufficient for us and He is the best disposer of affairs....(Qur'an 3: 173)

    060924 muslim 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    4. The believing woman and the disbelieving woman are not equal

    You can be happy if you examine just one issue - the situation of the Muslim woman in the Muslim lands and the situation of the disbelieving woman in the lands of disbelief. The Muslim woman in the Muslim land is a believing woman who gives charity, fasts prays Qiyâm al-Layl (night prayers), observes Hijâb, obeys her husband fears her Lord, is kind to her neighbours and is compassionate towards her children. So she is to be congratulated for her great reward, tranquility and contentment. The disbelieving woman in the lands of disbelief is a woman who makes a wanton display of herself; she is ignorant, a mere fashion model, a cheap and worthless product on offer in all places. She has no value, honor or religion. Compare the two situations and you will see that you are the happiest, the most well off. Praise be to Allâh the Almighty.

    So do not become weak [against your enemy], nor be sad, and you will be superior [in victory] if you are indeed [true] believers.[Qur'an 3:139]

    'All people will live, the one who lives in a palace and the one who lives in a hovel. But who is the one who is happy...?'

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    “Allâh is my Lord and I do not associate anything with Him.”

    Laziness is kin to failure

    wwwislamicboardcom - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    I urge you to keep busy, not to give in to laziness and idleness. Rather, you should take care of your house and home library, and do your duties and your work, or pray, or read Qur’an or useful books, or listen to useful tapes, or sit with your neighbours and friends and talk to them about things that will bring them closer to Allâh. Then you will find happiness and joy, by Allâh’s Leave. And beware of giving in to idleness, for this will lead to worries, anxiety, devilish whispers and doubts that nothing can relieve except hard work.

    You should take care of your appearance, wear perfume at home, keep your house tidy, and meet your husband, children, siblings, relatives and friends looking cheerful with a ready smile and an attitude of contentment.

    Beware of sin for it leads to grief, especially the sins that are very common among women, such as forbidden glances, wanton adornment, being alone with a non-mahram man, cursing, slandering, backbiting, denying one’s husbands rights and not acknowledging his acts of kindness. These sins are very common among women, except for those on whom Allâh has mercy, so beware of incurring the wrath of Allâh and fear Him, for fear of Allâh is what brings happiness and a clear conscience.

    “When distress strikes and calamities come one after another, then say: Lâ ilaha illallâh
    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    z56357912 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    “….Patience is most fitting…”

    [Qur’an 12:18]

    You are better off than millions of women

    Think of this world as a whole, of the hospitals filled with patients who have been stricken with disease and calamity for many years; and the prisons in which thousands of people are held behind bars, their lives and pleasures ruined; and the asylums and hospitals which accommodate people who have lost their minds and have become insane. Are there not poor people living in tattered tents and hovels, who cannot find a bite to eat? Are there not women who have been stricken with calamities that took away all their children in a single incident? Or women who have lost their sight or hearing, or whose arms and legs have been amputated, or who have lost their minds, or who have been stricken with chronic diseases such as cancer and the like? But you are sound in body and in good health, living a life of tranquillity, security and contentment. So give thanks to Allâh, the Exalted, All-Merciful, for His blessings and do not waste your time with things that are not pleasing to Him, sitting for hours in front of satellite TV with its cheap, nasty and foolish content that makes the heart sick and causes depression, and makes the body lethargic. Rather, choose that which is useful and beneficial, such as lectures and conferences, or programmes about medicine or news that concerns Muslims, men and women, and so on. Avoid this garbage that is shown and this promiscuity that they are trying to spread, for it destroys modesty and religious commitment.

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Build yourself a palace in paradise

    z1069220911 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Look how many generations have passed away. Did they take their wealth with them? Did they take their palaces and their high status? Were they buried with their gold and silver? Did they take their cars and planes with them to the hereafter? No! They were stripped of even their clothing, and placed in their graves in their shrouds, then each of them was asked: Who is your Lord, who is your Prophet, what is your religion? So prepare yourself for that day; do not grieve or despair about any worldly comforts, for they are cheap and transient. Nothing will abide except righteous deeds. Allah, the Exalted says:

    ‘Whoever works righteousness – whether male or female – while he [or she] is a true believer [of Islamic Monotheism] verily, to him We will give a good life [in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision], and we shall pay them with certainty a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do [i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter].’ (Qur’aan 16:97)

    Sickness is a message in which

    There is a glad tiding, and good

    Health is a garment that has a price
    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Do not destroy your heart with your own hands

    Avoid everything that wastes time, such as looking at immoral magazines, indecent pictures, bad ideas, heretical books or immoral stories. You should seek out that which is beneficial and useful, such as Islamic magazines, beneficial books and articles that will benefit a person both in this world and in the hereafter. Some books and magazines instil doubts in the heart and lead one astray. This is the effect of the decadent culture that has been imported to us from the world of disbelief and has spread throughout the Muslim world.

    heart in hands - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Remember that with Allah are the keys of the unseen, and He, the Almighty, All-Merciful, is the One Who brings relief from worry and distress. So turn to Him and call upon Him, and always repeat this Du’aa:

    ‘Oh Allah, I seek refuge with You from distress and grief, and I seek refuge with You from incapacity and laziness, and I seek refuge with You from miserliness and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and from being overpowered by men.’

    If you repeat this often and ponder its meaning, Allah, the Almighty, All-Gracious, will grant you a way out of your distress and worry, by His Leave.
    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    z92423095 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World z127966840 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World z126973429 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    You are dealing with a Lord who is most Kind and Most Generous

    Be of good cheer, for Allah, the Exalted, has promised you a great reward, as He says:

    (So their Lord accepted of them [Their supplication and answered them], ‘Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female.’…) (3:195)

    Allah has given the same promises to men as to women and He praises women as He praises men

    033 035 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    For Muslim men and women, - for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s praise, - for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward. (33:35)

    This indicates that women are the twin halves and companions of men, and that your reward is stored with Allah. You can do good deeds at home and in society, that will help you attain the pleasure of Allah. So, set the best of examples and be a beacon for the children of the Ummah.

    Take your cue from the life of Asiyah, the wife of pharaoh, May Allah be pleased with her, and Maryam (Ra), Khadijah, A’ishah, Asma and Fatimah (Ra). These were chosen women, devout believers who fasted and prayed at night. May Allah be pleased with them and grant them great reward. Follow their footsteps and you will find tranquility and dignity.
    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    You will be the winner in all situations

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    You have to seek reward with Allah. If some worry, distress or grief befalls you, remember that it is an expiation for sin. If you lose one of your children, remember that he will intercede for you before Allah. If some disability or sickness befalls you, remember that it brings its own reward from Allah, which is preserved with Him. Hunger, sickness and poverty all bring their own rewards from Allah. Nothing is ever lost with Him. He keeps it as a trust with Him until He gives it to its owner in the Hereafter.

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    May Allah bestow upon us all a sweet sakeenah and keep us content with Qadr and the workings of this world. Ameen.

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    Count the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you.

    …Take what comes to you and give thanks. (7:144)

    When morning comes, remember that the sun is shining upon thousands of miserable women, but you are blessed; it is shining on hundreds of hungry women, but you have plenty to eat; it shines on thousands of women who are imprisoned, but you are free; it shines on thousands of women who have been stricken with calamity and lost their children, but you are happy and healthy. How many tears flow down women’s cheeks, how many mothers’ hearts are filled with pain, how many screams come from girl’s throats- but you are smiling and happy. So praise Allah, the Exalted, for His kindness, protection and generosity.

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    Sit and think, and be honest with yourself; look at the numbers and statistics. How many things do your own, how much wealth do you possess, how many blessings do you enjoy, how many things do you have that bring you delight? Beauty, wealth, children, shade, a home, a country, light, air, water, nourishment, medicine? Rejoice and be of good cheer.
    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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    Re: You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    z73416173 1 - You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

    A little that makes you happy is better than a lot that makes you miserable

    The part of your life that really counts is that in which you are happy and contented. As for greed and panic, they do not count at all. They are bad for your health and rob you of your beauty. Remain content with Allah and with what is decreed for you; believe in Al-Qadr (the divine decree) and be optimistic about the future. Be like a butterfly, which is light-hearted and beautiful, not attached to mere things; it flies from flower to flower, from hill to hill, from garden to garden. Or be like a bee, which eats good things and produces good things; when it lands on a branch or flower, it does not break it; it takes the nectar and does not sting, and produces honey and does not sting, and buzzes with love and glad tidings, reflecting a sense of contentment, as if it is a heavenly creature that has come down to earth.

    You Can Be The Happiest Woman in The World

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