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Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

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    Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

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    I thought I would share this with you, a little something different from the norm.

    So 2 days ago we had new arrivals in the neighborhood. Of course my wife was standing behind the curtians watching to see who it was (she is always praying for Indians to come to the neighborhood) we live in a gated community and lets face it there aren’t any Brown folk around here. No offense to the pigmentaly challenged.lol

    And to my wifes amazement they where Muslim ( you could tell by the Hijab) and she ran out the door to greet them and welcome them to the neighborhood. Of course, she brouhgt tons of food with her. After she talked their heads off for 2 hours in the front yard she invited The woman over for tea. I won’t mention the mans name, but the woman, Zainub( I think that’s how you spell it ) came by for tea and they talked for 4 hours( I can’t even do that) my jaw would fall off. I went over and helped her husband unpack some boxes.

    When I get back home the women took over my theater room (yes we have a theater) keep in mind we have somewhat large homes. I wanted to watch the normal crap about the stock market, but was kicked out so She and Zainub could play” Wii Fit” on a 10 foot tall screen. Uggg.

    Another 2 hours later they finally came out, because her husband came by to get her. And my wife offered them more tea! Needless to say her husband and I got to know each other, he’s a cool dude, a doctor, they just moved from California after leaving Afghanistan.

    Yesterday Zainub came over again and she and my wife talked for the whole day. “I have to work they get to play”, as her husband said. I said aint that the truth.

    Well I get home from the office today and my wife and Zainub had guilty looks on their faces ,they apparently decided to take our Caddilac Escalade golf cart(no I don’t golf I bought it for my wife to cruise around, she never uses it) cruising around the neighborhood and ran it into a curb……broke the wheel assembly and left it there, they walked all the way home because none of the people in the neighbor hood would give them a ride. They where so worried I was going to get mad. My wife said Zainub doesn’t know how to drive a car, so she was going to teach her on the “Rikshaw” as my wife calls it. I said thats an expensive rikshaw!

    I was mad for a minute but couldn’t stop laughing my A** off. No one was hurt so that’s all that mattered.

    All I could picture was 2 women flying down the road in a golf cart in salwarkameez in 30 degrees weather!lol

    So today guess who was over again….Zainub. They where sitting in the living room drinking tea and laughing because I was served a fine for property damage by the neighborhood association. I wasn’t laughing. So Zainub invited us over for dinner. It was awesome! That woman can cook! So after dinner they where batting there eyes at myself and her husband and asking us to take them shopping at the outlet mall. So we dropped them off in front of the first store. They jumped out of the car and ran! It was like two little kids in a candy shop.

    Their jumping around finding all “The great deals” and emptying our wallets.lol Zainubs husband said he was happy Zainub found a friend like my wife, they get along great and that she didn’t have any other close friends. I told hm the same and siad shes welcome over any time as long as she brings more of that Kabbob she fed us the other night.lol and that they’e not allowed on the Cadillac “rikshaw” anymore without adult supervision. He laughed his A** off.

    I guess I’m just happy my wife ..and Zainub have a good friend to talk to. As long as it doesn’t get me anymore fines.(OMG, you had to se the Cart) I still can’t stop laughing.

    So tomorrow…you guessed it Zainub is coming over so they can go to a store to find some Salwarkameez. And take over my theater again to play Wii fit. Now I have to watch tv in the kitchen.Or should I just go over to Zainub’s house and watch tv with her husband?

    Hope you enjoyed, tune in next week for an all new episode.lol

    God bless good friends!


    so I had to come home early today because my wife called me 30 times. She and Zainab couldn't figure out how to turn on the "film" as my wife calls it. She means the theater. After they wen't shopping....again, they invited Mohammads(Mohammad is the employee of mine i sent on Hajj;look at previous post "HAJJ") wife and kids over so they could watch a movie(the kids). They buggerd the whole thing up! It took me an hour just to get the curtains open! So now they are all sitting in the living room drinking Chai, and giggling at me? Zainab is happier, now she has another Muslim to talk to, (Mohammads wife).

    So my wife volunteers me to drive them to the mall(something about picking out something for Mohammads wife?) I hate shopping, they take forevvvvvver. But I won't let the women go by themselves well atleast not my wife(there are crazy's out there.) and my wife is to affraid to drive by herself, she can barely see over the wheel of her car.(she's only 5'2") and I am 6'2" 250 pounds, so they wan't the big Italian guy there for protection. Zainub say's I'm intimidating? Plus, Zainab's husband said someone needs to be there, he doesn't wan't her alone. (is that a Muslim thing?) I don't let my wife go to many places herself either, shes to nice and gives everything away to people, wich is great but she gets lost easy.

    So now i have the 3 amigo's to attend to. But hey...they are having fun. Finally I might get some peace and quite...yeah right.

    God bless

    P.s. sorry for no exciting crazy stories yet, but it's only been a couple days give them time. , I heard Mohammads wife saying she want's to drive the "rikshaw".......when i get it back from repair.

    Ahhhh yes, another update;

    Okay so yesterday I took my wife, Zainab and Mohammad’s wife and a couple of their friends to the mall…AGAIN! My wife had to finish shopping for a certain holiday we Christians celebrate…I think you get the idea.

    We are having a good time….well they were. Until Zainab comes running over to me to tell me there is a large group of guys following them around, they apparently tried to make a pass (hit on) my wife and Zainab. She was a little afraid because they wouldn’t stop following them.
    Soooooo… I followed Zainab and low and behold it was a large group of guys following them, keep in mind the malls and stores are packed! With people for holiday shopping. I waited to see if they were going to try and talk to them again……it didn’t take long. So, I followed a little bit to hear them and what they were saying. I’m not even going to tell you what I heard. So, they again stopped them and this time asked for their phone numbers….that was it. So I stepped in front of them and said; sure you can have MY number, you can talk to me allll you want, but not these married women! One of them told me to !@$& off! ………Ummm no. I told the women to go in the store behind them.

    I told them that they needed to leave the women alone and that I wouldn’t tolerate it anymore. I told them that they might kick my *** but I was going to take out a couple of them before I go down. Believe it or not they actually walked away! I bet it’s because I’m that awesome……..or because the security guards and a couple of police officers showed up behind me….I like to think it was me.lol

    So I told my wife it’s time to go. Then they made me take them to a large outlet mall an hour away…….Guys, have you ever tried to listen to the radio or even think to yourselves when you have 5 women in the car talking and giggling the whole hour???

    So we get to the outlets and they run out of the car. I decided to get a Latte from Starbuck’s while they were shopping……that lasted about 15 minutes before Mohammad’s wife came running over and told me my wife was causing a ruckus at a store…….So I go to investigate.

    Zainab is in tears because she went in a changing room to try on a scarf, when she came out one of the store employees tried to accuse her of stealing! The woman said “take off the scarf on your head, I want to see under it” Zainab said she cannot. I explained to her that she is Muslim and WILL NOT be taking off her Hijab. So of course we had to wait there for security…..I felt so bad, Zainab was so distraught. …..Dude, you should have seen Mohammad’s wife going off on that woman!

    So security comes and says she has to take off her cover, that they get women claiming they are Muslim trying to hide stuff under their cover. I told them that she is a real Muslim……like there is a fake one?? The security guard asked if I was Muslim, I said no I am a Christian. He said that Zainub was lying then because Christians and Muslims aren’t friends…..can you believe the nerve of this idiot. I told him she would not be taking off her cover, and that if they want to arrest someone arrest me! I told him if they try to touch her, something bad was going to happen. He said, why are you defending a Muslim who steals. Long story short, by the time we got out of the store….I managed to get Zainab a free scarf….on the house!

    Today was a little better. I managed to close down my office for the next two weeks. And when I got home……..yup you guessed it, Five women sitting in my living room drinking Chai tea, and gabbing about what happened. Alllllllllllllll day. I told them no more shopping until after the holidays………….well, 5 over rules 1…..off we went.

    This time I just took them to a candle factory store………All I can smell now is a mixture of 100 different candles they made me smell.

    So I take them out to dinner, nice place, who were the loudest group in the place?......did you have to ask.

    The manager comes up to us and asks us to keep it down………I looked at him and said; I have been shopping with these women for like, a week…give me a break dude…..and the biggest bottle of wine you got! Just kidding, had you there didn’t I.lol

    I don’t drink alcohol…………….I may reconsider after being with these women.lol

    I was joking with Zainabs husband today and asked him why I get stuck with doing all the shopping…….He looked at his phone real quick and said “sorry, gotta run a patient needs some emergency care”……….Smart man! I shoulda been a doctor! We were at the restaurant for 3 HOURS!

    And then they wanted desert from another restaurant! ……I’m not commenting on this one.

    I told my wife that I may open the office back up tomorrow…….”we’re real busy honey, and business comes first”…I tried……….Then came the Tamillian expletives! ……………..Zainabs husband is lucky!

    So tomorrow is a brand new day, I figured I will clean out the space where the “Rikshaw” goes and hang out in the garage…….and hide……... I stand corrected, they just made plans for me………..I guess I set myself up for it?

    Again……God bless good friends.

    P.S. Am I ever going to get my theater back from these women??????? I’m tired of watching TV at the kitchen counter.

    WoW! So i was told off by Zainab and Mohammads wife today

    They said they had to talk to me about the way i dress.....They said i attract to much attention to me? and I sould be more modest.....aparently my wife has been feeling a little down because she thinks I don't love her because i dress well and she thinks i'm trying to attract others....she never told me this.

    My wife confided to them.

    Zainab said i need to be more modest in my dress(I mean suit..fellas)
    She said i wear suits and clothing that make other women look at me and make my wife feel insecure....this makes me sad.

    Zainab said they had 2 women in the mall the other day ask them if i was available!.....I never knew this?

    She said my suits are too form fitting and I take to much time grooming myself and trying to look good. She said i wear to strong of a colonge and its like i think its some kind of love potion.........

    They said when i say we always get stares at the mall its not because i am around a bunch of Muslims.....its because of me

    I only try to look good for my wife and my wife only....i said..........wrong choose of words

    They said my wife was crying the other day when i wasn't around(they were with her) because she thinks she is not good enough for me, I can't beleive she thinks this...... She told them that she is too Indian and should stop wearing saris and salwar kameez so she can look good next to me.

    I just talked to her and reinforced the fact that i love her and how Indian she is I love her individuallity. And I wouldn't have chose her for marriage if i didn't love her for who she is!......plus i think the Indian accent is the cutest thing in the world(for women).

    She said she felt as if I just settled for her

    She said I have always been too atractive for her? And she doesn't now why im not with some model woman?

    I said "to me you are my model woman, you are the most beautiful woman in the world.......IN THE WORLD"

    I feel horible.....i never knew this? I am glad Zainab finaly said something.

    I never settled for her! I love her more than anything! She is my queen! .......not that i'm the king of anything but either way she is my life and my heartbeat. I would give my life for that woman.

    Tonight I feel like crap. I promise I never try to attract attention to myself. I am nothing but a humble servant of God and a husband to my wife.

    What is the proper dress for a man as related to Islam? If i wear a full suit and always cover myself, why do they say these things?

    God bless.
    Last edited by Italianguy; 12-28-2009 at 10:36 AM.
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    Ameen ^_^

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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hayaa View Post
    Ameen ^_^

    Friends are easy to find, but true friends hard to replace.
    Tell that to my Golf cart...excuse me "Rikshaw".lol

    it's great. they're like 2 pees in an pod.

    God bless
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    you have a theater oh:you lucky chap are you rich or what
    Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    ae8iug 1 - Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    wwwislamicboardcom - Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends
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    syilla's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    thats such a nice story... it is so nice they get along very fast.

    I wish i have a bestfriend whom i can break the 'rikshaw' together... hehe. Especially if it is her hubby's
    Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    heart 1 - Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    25:36 And the true servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they respond with words of peace.
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by cat eyes View Post
    you have a theater oh:you lucky chap are you rich or what
    As Zainub's husband put it today "we're not rich, just well to do"

    Save your money and donate it. it comes back around
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by syilla View Post
    thats such a nice story... it is so nice they get along very fast.

    I wish i have a bestfriend whom i can break the 'rikshaw' together... hehe. Especially if it is her hubby's
    Come on down to virginia. Just look for the broken curb and torn up bushes by the front gate of the neighborhood.....and peices of a Cadillac "rikshaw" in the grass

    If they see this post thet're gonna kill me.lol
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy View Post
    Come on down to virginia. Just look for the broken curb and torn up bushes by the front gate of the neighborhood.....and peices of a Cadillac "rikshaw" in the grass

    If they see this post thet're gonna kill me.lol
    It is funny they got along so fast. It's like they knew eachother for 20 years...Well maybe 10 they're only 24 and 25 years old.

    It's fun just to listen to my wife talk about her, she is so exited to have a friend close in the neighborhood. All i have heard about for 2 days is Zainub... Zainub..Zainub.lol

    I'm just happy for them

    P.s. they're on the Telephone right now! They never stop talking. I told her they are going to run out of stuff to talk about. She just shushhed me and yelled something at me in Tamil???
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    Great story. Thanks for sharing.
    Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    From Occupied Palestine:

    We have suffered too much for too long. We will not accept apartheid masked as peace. We will settle for no less than our freedom.

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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    This is amazing, someone moves over to a new home and finds out that there is a special person living there...

    I guess this is Fate
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nabiel View Post
    This is amazing, someone moves over to a new home and finds out that there is a special person living there...

    I guess this is Fate
    She is special (my wife).
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb View Post

    Great story. Thanks for sharing.
    Anything to bring a smile,

    God be with you.
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    Cute story! your wife sounds really sweet.
    And now I really wanna see the Rickshaw
    Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    colorful12 1 - Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    Waiting Eagerly for the next episode.

    Glad for your Wife and Zainab. Wish that their friendship last for ever...
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    very funny story, its very nice to find a good friend after a long search, I can imagine how happy they are.....its like they wanna know everything about each other at once, thats why they keep talking and talking

    format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy View Post
    Save your money and donate it. it comes back around
    Very true and well tried in my case.........its even comes back around doubled SubhanAllah!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy View Post

    If they see this post thet're gonna kill me.lol
    talking about that, why you don't invite your wife here? I bet she will like it here and gain many friends.
    Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    It's such a nice and funny story.

    I'm waiting for the next story. :P
    Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    When you feel alone in this world
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  21. #17
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by Fטлку View Post
    Cute story! your wife sounds really sweet.
    And now I really wanna see the Rickshaw
    I would post pics of the "rikshaw" but Zainub and my wife are in the pictures. If i have any of just the cart i will post them.
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_ View Post
    It's such a nice and funny story.

    I'm waiting for the next story. :P
    Trust me, i'm sure there will be more.
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  23. #19
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    format_quote Originally Posted by Binyamine View Post
    Waiting Eagerly for the next episode.

    Glad for your Wife and Zainab. Wish that their friendship last for ever...
    It's comming.

    Thanks I'm happy too. My wife doesn't have to many Indian friends she can really relate to, most of them are Hindu. And Zainab is he closest (as far as nationality) that she has. Not that my wife is Muslim but neither of them push each others faith on each other. They just enjoy each others company...and my theater....and my "rikshaw"

    God bless!
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    Re: Funny story.....enjoy. God bless good friends

    so I had to come home early today because my wife called me 30 times. She and Zainab couldn't figure out how to turn on the "film" as my wife calls it. She means the theater. After they wen't shopping....again, they invited Mohammads(Mohammad is the employee of mine i sent on Hajj;look at previous post "HAJJ") wife and kids over so they could watch a movie(the kids). They buggerd the whole thing up! It took me an hour just to get the curtains open! So now they are all sitting in the living room drinking Chai, and giggling at me? Zainab is happier, now she has another Muslim to talk to, (Mohammads wife).

    So my wife volunteers me to drive them to the mall(something about picking out something for Mohammads wife?) I hate shopping, they take forevvvvvver. But I won't let the women go by themselves well atleast not my wife(there are crazy's out there.) and my wife is to affraid to drive by herself, she can barely see over the wheel of her car.(she's only 5'2") and I am 6'2" 250 pounds, so they wan't the big Italian guy there for protection. Zainub say's I'm intimidating? Plus, Zainab's husband said someone needs to be there, he doesn't wan't her alone. (is that a Muslim thing?) I don't let my wife go to many places herself either, shes to nice and gives everything away to people, wich is great but she gets lost easy.

    So now i have the 3 amigo's to attend to. But hey...they are having fun. Finally I might get some peace and quite...yeah right.

    God bless

    P.s. sorry for no exciting crazy stories yet, but it's only been a couple days give them time. , I heard Mohammads wife saying she want's to drive the "rikshaw".......when i get it back from repair.
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