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Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

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    h-n's Avatar Full Member
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    Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

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    Are you able to repeat what you said, and what you stood up for in this world on the Day of Judgement? Some of the issues are;-

    Abusive behaviour

    Of course we know that the abusers, killers will be regretting their actions to say the least. The victims should remember that they too also wished that they did not spend much time fearing what clearly is another human being tested. Their abusers are standing on the Day of Judgement, all are looking towards Allah. A person would have wished that they did not spend hours, weeks, years talking and thinking about their abusers but that the should have remembered Allah. No matter the crime, no one on the Day of Judgement is going to say that they should have sat there thinking about what an evil person is saying and doing. Do you really want your book covering your deeds to mention that you were making your life about so and so?

    For example if someone’s neighbour is throwing rubbish, being abusive and attacking them. Now they may spend time thinking and fearing their neighbour, or they could go back indoors and fear Allah, and worship him and remember the Day of Judgement. If he did spend time fearing his neighbour, then on his record it will be written. Even though the neighbour was being abusive, he responded by making his life about what the neighbour was doing, and making his life about him, by fearing him and thinking about him. So then it would be written on your book of deeds as such.

    Some people go far and keep on thinking about what the abuser would be doing, instead of fearing Allah. That is why the magicians at Pharoah’s court were willing to have their hands and feet chopped off, as they feared Allah but not Pharoah. Non-Muslims would have feared Pharoah. This is why they come up with torture techniques today, as they cannot cope as the magicians at Pharoah’s court. Do you really want to say to Allah that all you have been doing for the last couple of years is talking and thing about what this abusive person is up to? No of course not.

    Lewd behaviour

    Would a lewd female and a lewd male call upon their sexual partners to help them? No. Who cares if hundreds have found them attractive, is this going to help them? Is the lewd female going to say it was good enough for her to take off her clothes and “sexually arouse” males? No. Were they so important that she was willing to walk around indecently? Then why don’t she call upon those males for help? Of course they will not come to her aid.

    Music/TV/Fiction Novels

    Michael Jackson is not going to care how many records he has sold, or how many fans he has had.
    Neither are they able to help him on the Day of Judgement.

    People who make TV programmes, act etc are not going to say that they care about their TV programmes etc.

    People who have written novels will not care about writing their fiction.

    Note, that Allah is not going to send someone to hell for playing music, making a film/programme, or writing a novel (as long as its not indecent etc). As they do go to Hell for rejecting Islam, which has been taught by all the Prophets Lut, Ibrahim, Noah, Jesus, David, Solomon peace be upon them etc.

    Some people thought that religious people were boring, and these musicians, actors were OK, but a good example is that if you went to a beautiful environment, waterfalls, lush forests etc, would you really care to listen to music, watch TV, read a book?? Of course in Paradise people will not be bored. Clearly people don’t want to read a book, watch TV, busy listening to music when they are busy enjoying themselves at a theme park etc. Hence in Islam we are also surrender to what is normal, and absolutely the best for us!


    People of course don’t always like what is good for their soul. What is important to remember that people who are poor, will not be complaining about it on the Day of Judgement, to prove yourself as a Muslim and be poor at the same time, is the better then proving yourself as a Muslim and being rich. People at the time of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not repent to be out of poverty etc, they did not repent so Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him could provide for them.

    Poor people try to remind other people that they would not like being poor, but if they remembered Allah and the Day of Judgement then they would not be bothered to. I have met some people who are so selfish, if they can’t cope passing their test the way they are, then they certainly would not cope by having a mansion in this world. Of course this is not the same with all of the poor. This is just a reminder that poor people will not be complaining on the Day of Judgement. It was of course a blessing to be able to prove yourself as a Muslims and attain a goodly reward for being patient.


    Today, you see Politicians claiming they are following people in the past. I say that for someone to actively want to become a leader over lewd, homosexual, not religious people is being evil. No good person would ever want this job. On the Day of Judgement people won’t regret working on farms, offices etc, but there will be Politicians who will regret ever going into Politics. Knowing full well that people aren’t interested in being religious and your saying that it is your job to provide for them etc. People like Barack Obama will regret taking the job as President.
    Last edited by h-n; 07-05-2010 at 04:18 AM.
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    titus's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    I say that for someone to actively want to become a leader over lewd, homosexual, not religious people is being evil.
    Didn't Mohammad rule over non-Muslims? Didn't the rightly guided Khalifa conquer many lands in order to rule over such people?

    How exactly do you form these opinions of yours?
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    h-n's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    Didn't Mohammad rule over non-Muslims? Didn't the rightly guided Khalifa conquer many lands in order to rule over such people?

    How exactly do you form these opinions of yours?
    The message of Islam was spread, and Muslims ruled over other Muslims too, which is totally not the same situation. They ruled for the Muslims in those lands. They did not specifically rule over a nation knowing full well that the majority of them are not going to repent.

    1. Obama did not become leader specifically for the Muslims.
    2. He knows that people have already heard about Islam and have rejected the message.
    3. Majority are not interested in Islam
    4. They are openly accepting homosexuality , and so is he.
    5, He knows that people are openly being lewd.

    So the fact is that if there is a group of lewd, people and I go upto them specifically and say I want to be your leader and protect you and look after you that is dumb. I cannot repeat myself on the Day of Judgement. I should have as a leader should told them to be good. It is every leader's job to tell the population to be good. If they are not interested in Islam, it is not be job to protect and serve their interests.

    That is what Pharoah was told, Allah did not say we have to get rid of him as leader (as the US does if it does not like someone), we have no problems of who is in charge, we don't seek to oust them, Prophet Moses peace be upon him did not ask for people to change leaders, he told him and his people to be good.

    It is a fact that Obama will be regretting his decision they try and make it look like they are doing the same as people in history to try and make it acceptable. He purposely took over people who were being sinful. He already knew what they were like and that they would be staying this way save a few. So he cannot say on the Day of Judgement it was my job to specifically to take care of lewd people, to meet them in the streets and be tolerant yes, that is a different issue. But he should have distance himself from bad people. So what is he going to say to Allah that he was killing people in Afghanistan etc to protect lewd people? He is killing virgins for prostitutes in the US? He is killing Afghanistan children for US children so that they can go into nightclubs etc???

    Again Muslims did not take over lewd people specifically to serve and protect their interests (knowing that they already heard the message and rejected Islam, as Obama came afterwards knowing that people rejected Islam, knowing that they look for the life of this world).
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    They did not specifically rule over a nation knowing full well that the majority of them are not going to repent.
    So they conquered all these nations in order to make everyone Muslim?

    I find it intriguing that your philosophy is that any non-Muslim leader of any type is automatically evil. Laughable, really.
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    h-n's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    So they conquered all these nations in order to make everyone Muslim?

    I find it intriguing that your philosophy is that any non-Muslim leader of any type is automatically evil. Laughable, really.
    I didn't say they conquered, what you have quoted I used the same scenario as Obama, no Muslim would have taken over the US today, and you take out things in context.

    What I said was that Obama arrived knowing that the Iraq and Afghanistan war had already begun. He already knows that people have heard and rejected Islam. So Obama has taken over a nation knowing full well that the majority have rejected Islam and are not interested in repenting.

    There is no difference in people rejecting Prophet Noah peace be upon him, should I just say to the sinful people that I just sit there with you, take care of you, and provide for you and protect you, instead of siding with the Prophet??? Of course I would be in sin, siding with sinful people rather then the Prophet.

    Obama and other leaders there job, is to become a Muslim. As mentioned he arrived later knowing full well that people have rejected Islam. People openly accepting homosexuality etc, were he is also.

    What is laughable is that you ignore the truth, are you saying its a Man's job to;-

    -to provide for and protect homosexuals?
    -to provide for and protect prostitutes?
    -to provide for and protect sinful people when they opposed the message provided by God?

    Of course it shows how a person is, no religious person would ever, ever, take over a people which have already rejected Islam. We are not here to provide and protect them and accept them the way they are.

    What did you expect us to do? After they tried to kill the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, to just go into Politics and take over and provide and protect those sinful people???
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    So it is your contention that only evil people would want to keep non-Muslims safe? It is evil to want to protect women and children if they are not Muslim? It is evil to want to protect men who simply want to be good husbands and good fathers and earn a living for their family if they aren't the same religion as you?

    I think it is evil to hate people based on their religion. I think Islamaphobia is evil, and so is hatred of Jews, Christians, Hindus or the followers of any religion.

    There is most definitely someone preaching evil on this forum.

    Of course it shows how a person is, no religious person would ever, ever, take over a people which have already rejected Islam.
    The early khalifa did. They fought hard to, in fact.
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    h-n's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    So it is your contention that only evil people would want to keep non-Muslims safe? It is evil to want to protect women and children if they are not Muslim? It is evil to want to protect men who simply want to be good husbands and good fathers and earn a living for their family if they aren't the same religion as you?

    I think it is evil to hate people based on their religion. I think Islamaphobia is evil, and so is hatred of Jews, Christians, Hindus or the followers of any religion.

    There is most definitely someone preaching evil on this forum.

    The early khalifa did. They fought hard to, in fact.
    Why are you saying that the early Muslims fought long and hard for indecent people? They did not, fight for lewd, and homosexual people.

    Also time and time again you have refused to answer the simplist questions, and you go around with your pathetic comments. So here I post to you again, so I expect you to answer them IF you decide to reply!!

    1. You say that it is evil to hate for religous reasons, when the religious reasons are personal. So its OK to hate something for another reason? When in Islam we oppose evil and enjoin good.

    2. Are you saying it is evil to dislike Satan???

    3. Would you go up to Prophet Jesus peace be upon him and say to him that you should not dislike the indecent people and homosexuals??

    4. The only good people in this world are the people that have accepted the message of Allah, to worship the one God, rememeber the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell. If you disagree with this, then are you telling us is Prophet Moses, Ibrahim peace be upon them are wrong??

    5. Why have you avoided the question, as stated do you think it is acceptable for a Man to fight for lewd and homosexual people??

    6. You avoided the lewd/homosexual part and then went on to a pathetic example of being being good. The only way to be a good father and husband is by being worshipping the one God, remembering the Day of Judgement, of Paradise and Hell. If you say this is wrong, then are you saying again specifically that Prophet Moses and Ibrahim peace be upon them are wrong?

    7. Your parents, your children, your wife is not going to support you on the Day of Judgement, if you have spoilt your children and they did not repent, they will not thank you on the Day of Judgement they would have wished that they repented. Do you disagree that this would happen on the Day of Judgement? Are you saying that you have helpers on that Day?

    8. If people were so "good" do you teach your children not to have sex before marriage?? Are you saying that the masses teach their children to avoid having sex outside of marriage? Do you teach your wife and your daughters to dress modestly? To show no legs or parts of the breasts etc???

    9. No Prophet has ever taught us that people who don't worship the one God, remember the Day of Judgement and Paradise and Hell are good. So are again are you saying that all the Prophets are wrong??

    This is about Islam, not about what and how evil people want to live in this world. So answer the above relevant questions, if you can't then no need to post the same dribble over and over again. You couldn't even bring yourself to say if Prophet Jesus peace be upon him was wrong for disliking homosexuals and lewd people. If you say we are wrong, then tell us that the Prophets are wrong!

    Evil people are rebellious they pick on the people, even Allah has stated in the Quran, they pick out someone and say is this the person who speaks of your religion to try and make a mockery of Islam. Go ahead and read "Satan refusing to prostrate" thread, you keep on going against people, and not even looking at Islam itself. As that is what you want. That is also the test in this world, the same that Satan failed he was rebellious against a Man, not Islam, Allah. By choosing to go against what all the Prophets have taught you are failing the same test as Satan, you are going against what Allah has taught.

    Do not bother posting without answering the above questions. This has gone on long enough, where you also missed out on the relevant questions and points on the other thread "Non-Muslims and Islam" (which is similar to what you have raised again). If you chose not to answer the relevant questions again, then I will report you for derailing this thread and for being a troll, as you purposely avoid the relevant points and then to say that Islam is wrong and evil for not accepting people who aren't Muslims. Of course we don't accept non-Muslims we tolerate them. Even the Prophets never accepted non-Muslims the way they were until they repented.
    Last edited by h-n; 07-06-2010 at 09:38 PM.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    Why are you saying that the early Muslims fought long and hard for indecent people? They did not, fight for lewd, and homosexual people.
    They didn't fight for them, they fought to rule them. Yet you claim that wanting to rule such people is evil.

    Muhammad promised to protect the non-Muslim under his rule. If a Christian under his rule was attacked do you think he would stand up for them?

    If your answer is yes, then doesn't that make it wrong when you say that early Muslims would not fight for them?

    If you answer no, then what are you saying about Muhammads promise?

    Answer me that relevant question.

    You say that it is evil to hate for religous reasons, when the religious reasons are personal. So its OK to hate something for another reason? When in Islam we oppose evil and enjoin good.
    Sure, there are good reasons to hate people. Simply because they don't share your religious beliefs is not one of them.

    It is that attitude that caused the Crusades and millions of deaths throughout history. Yes, it is evil.

    2. Are you saying it is evil to dislike Satan???
    I have never brought up Satan.

    You have made it quite clear that you hate other people who disagree with you. That is what I have issues with.

    4. The only good people in this world are the people that have accepted the message of Allah, to worship the one God, rememeber the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell. If you disagree with this, then are you telling us is Prophet Moses, Ibrahim peace be upon them are wrong??
    I know the Quran says that it is permissable to be friends with non-Muslims. Do you think it is wrong?

    As for the other questions, since I am not a Muslim then I don't believe the premise for them. How can I answer a question about what I will do on Judgment Day when I don't believe in it?

    By the way, since you type "Judgment Day" so often you should spell it correctly.

    6. You avoided the lewd/homosexual part and then went on to a pathetic example of being being good.
    What is your fascination with homosexuals? I am not one. As for definitions of lewd I am sure that we disagree and no amount of discussion will change either of our minds. You may think my wife wearing a pair of shorts is lewd. I don't. So be it.

    Do not bother posting without answering the above questions. This has gone on long enough, where you also missed out on the relevant questions and points on the other thread "Non-Muslims and Islam" (which is similar to what you have raised again). If you chose not to answer the relevant questions again, then I will report you for derailing this thread and for being a troll, as you purposely avoid the relevant points and then to say that Islam is wrong and evil for not accepting people who aren't Muslims. Of course we don't accept non-Muslims we tolerate them. Even the Prophets never accepted non-Muslims the way they were until they repented.
    The only person derailing this thread is yourself with your nine questions for me. I commented on something you said in your original post about ruling non-Muslims. I answered your questions (which really are off topic) anyway for fun.

    Also, I am tired of the baseless allegations you are making against me. I never said Islam is wrong. I said you are wrong. Not everyone interprets Islam the way you do. Not every Muslim believes that it is their duty to despise all non-Muslims.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    They didn't fight for them, they fought to rule them. Yet you claim that wanting to rule such people is evil.

    Muhammad promised to protect the non-Muslim under his rule. If a Christian under his rule was attacked do you think he would stand up for them?

    If your answer is yes, then doesn't that make it wrong when you say that early Muslims would not fight for them?

    If you answer no, then what are you saying about Muhammads promise?

    Answer me that relevant question.

    Sure, there are good reasons to hate people. Simply because they don't share your religious beliefs is not one of them.

    It is that attitude that caused the Crusades and millions of deaths throughout history. Yes, it is evil.

    I have never brought up Satan.

    You have made it quite clear that you hate other people who disagree with you. That is what I have issues with.

    I know the Quran says that it is permissable to be friends with non-Muslims. Do you think it is wrong?

    As for the other questions, since I am not a Muslim then I don't believe the premise for them. How can I answer a question about what I will do on Judgment Day when I don't believe in it?

    By the way, since you type "Judgment Day" so often you should spell it correctly.

    What is your fascination with homosexuals? I am not one. As for definitions of lewd I am sure that we disagree and no amount of discussion will change either of our minds. You may think my wife wearing a pair of shorts is lewd. I don't. So be it.

    The only person derailing this thread is yourself with your nine questions for me. I commented on something you said in your original post about ruling non-Muslims. I answered your questions (which really are off topic) anyway for fun.

    Also, I am tired of the baseless allegations you are making against me. I never said Islam is wrong. I said you are wrong. Not everyone interprets Islam the way you do. Not every Muslim believes that it is their duty to despise all non-Muslims.

    You can't even bother to answer the questions, and you are derailing this thread. I tell you what this is about, that I burst your bubble, you were even saying that you had Muslims friends, and when I told you that they won't be saying that to Mahdi, then it spoilt your little fun.

    There are plenty of people in the Western world who pride themselves on making friends with people from other cultures and showing off about it too. So all you were doing is to keep that going. AS I reminded you that your so called friends who are Muslims are more closer to me! They are MY Muslim Brothers and Sisters.

    You came on this website probably to show off and keep your stupid fantasy going that you are respected, appreciated as you are (when you are not as Allah throws people who reject his message into the fire), so when I told you that you are no where near standing next to a Muslim, you didn't want to hear that. So you keep on changing what you read and hear. Obviously your not happy with being told the truth.

    1. The Muslims in the past never took over non-Muslims specifically. They ran areas were people converted to Islam, of course not everyone converted to Islam. The non-Muslims had to pay a tax, as why should we fight to protect a nation of Muslims if someone invades and they benefit?? If we treated them the same, then why bother that they were taxed?? We never fight to protect lewd and homosexuals etc. When did we?? If the nations were invaded, of course when the Muslims are fighting they non-Muslims benefited. But we DID NOT fight for their way of life, we fought for Islam.

    2. The Quran has never taught us to be friends with people who refuse to accept Allah, the Day of Judgement and Paradise and Hell. Which I had already explained, test it yourself, approach any Muslim and say that you believe in the one God, believe in the Day of Judgement and Paradise and Hell and that your not a Muslim though, they would still be happy with you! Which again was already mentioned in the "Non-Muslims and Islam" or the "My intentions thread". Yes, I can spell Judgement, so what for a typing error? Also you are a liar, of of course you could have answered those questions including the Day of Judgement ones, but you always have refused as you know that it proves you wrong!! We are here to talk about Islam, we don't answer Islamic questions with what sinful people would say. Yes I brought Satan up, what the problem, you say it wrong for us to dislike for a religious reasons (when its personal), so I used him as an example. You have avoided all the relevant points as it clearly proves that you are in error-people only have to look at the other threads "My intentions" and "Non-Muslims and Islam" to see how much you avoided!

    3. Then you say that you don't think Islam is wrong, because you are changing things to make it acceptable for you. How stupid is that, you don't change Islam to accept it. As stated plenty of times, which AGAIN you refused to mention any of the Prophets!!

    The Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him did not accept idol worship, homosexuals, lewd people. So what are you going to say that he is wrong for disliking them? Time and time again I have mentioned Islam, and you have ignored it. Keep on posting your dribble about people not liking others if they do not agree to their religious beliefs, and now you change it to saying that my interpretation is wrong-well NO MUSLIM HERE HAS SAID I AM WRONG!!! SO WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT MY UNDERSTANDING OF ISLAM IS WRONG??? There is no such thing as interpretation there is only one message.

    You again keep on saying that it is not good to dislike others for a religious reason;-

    Prophet Ibrahim, Moses, Noah, Lut, Job, David, Solomon peace be upon them did not accept people who did not worship the one God, remember the Day of Judgement, and in Paradise and Hell!!! Which you refused to comment on-are you saying that the Prophets are wrong??

    You say you answered for fun, well you have proven what a liar, and a troll that you are.

    4. Everyone cannot change what lewd means, what evil people do is to try and make it acceptable, that is what the homosexuals did at the time of Prophet Lut peace be upon him, when they agreed that he was telling people to be pure and good, and they tried to put a stop to it!

    It does not change as;-

    -everyone in the whole world knows that dressing indecently, having sex outside of marriage is wrong.

    - even Mothers are not happy that their sons get married to lewd females-that never changes, they just forced to accept the situation. If you disagree, when as any Mother said go and marry a female that is lewd?

    - You can't even bring yourself to say that homosexulity is wrong, and you want to try and tell a Muslim how to be??? You accept the evil way not to say anything to be critical of evil.

    -as a woman, why should we show our bodies to other males? to even teenage boys??? What is your wife doing, educating boys on what the female form looks like??

    -as a Husband is it your job to introduce other males to your wife's nakedness??? To let others share the same swimming pool, beach and mingle with other Males and children??

    As a Muslim woman the only person who has the right to see me naked is my husband! Of course its lewd of females wearing shorts. In the past they actually asked how do you know if a virgin wants to have sex, and the answer is by her silence. Now in the west they teach females to show their bodies and be happy about walking around lewd. Then they engage in losing their virginities to idiots, they certainly don't keep their silence as they are lewd anyway. Being a virgin is not just about biologically being one. I have made this reference, as you can NEVER change what it is to be a woman. Not a female wearing shorts could possibly do that.

    If your wife does not repent then she deserves the fires of Hell. Your not going to tell me to respect your wife too are you?? Your not going to say that Islam is teaching us something different that we are to respect lewd females walking around naked?


    Its like the Jews when they complained about the holocaust and they actively judge others on if others will be kind to them, when they did not accept the Prophets Jesus, Muhammad peace be upon him, disrespected King David peace be upon him, irrated Prophet Moses peace be upon him.

    I will absolutely report you know, considering again that you avoid the relevant points in Islam, which shows that you are not actively learning about Islam. Just trolling. People only have to look at your replies on the "Non-Muslims and Islam" and "My intentions" threads to see how much you avoided, and your carrying on from there as you don't like the fact that I told you the truth. That even a donkey is in a better position then you are at least it does not reject the fact that there is one God.

    You keep on bringing up that I personally don't like non-Muslims, when neither do the angels etc. So I'm certainly not sorry to burst your idea that Muslim women are happy with non-Muslims. Probably listening to too much media hype. I would never choose to marry a non-Muslim, this is how personal Islam is for us, not just a way of life but how we are. I am so happy that we only marry Muslim Men who are steadfast and strong and willing to oppose lewd, homosexuality etc, frankly to BE MEN, to worship the one God, and remember the Day of Judgement! An angel wouldn't come down to sit next to a Devil.
    Last edited by h-n; 07-07-2010 at 05:09 PM.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    I tell you what this is about, that I burst your bubble, you were even saying that you had Muslims friends, and when I told you that they won't be saying that to Mahdi, then it spoilt your little fun.
    I don't believe in your Mahdi, so how would that spoil my fun?

    There are plenty of people in the Western world who pride themselves on making friends with people from other cultures and showing off about it too.
    Showing off? If we lived like you wanted, where people only made friends with people just like them then everyone would live in little ghettos.

    1. The Muslims in the past never took over non-Muslims specifically.
    Are you serious? They took over whole regions that had no Muslims in them at all, and if there were any there they were an insignificant minority. Are you that ignorant of Muslim history?

    The Quran has never taught us to be friends with people who refuse to accept Allah, the Day of Judgement and Paradise and Hell.
    It doesn't require it, neither does it forbid it.

    You are the one forbidding it.

    The Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him did not accept idol worship, homosexuals, lewd people.
    So should all Muslims take up his example and go into every temple they can find and smash the idols?

    If you are saying that Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims then yes, Muslims here have said you were wrong.

    If you are preaching that Muslims should hate all non-Muslims then so be it, but to declare that Islam teaches Muslims to hate all non-Muslims is a view not shared by all Muslims, and hopefully not even a majority.

    You say you answered for fun, well you have proven what a liar, and a troll that you are.
    Where did I lie? This comment makes no sense.

    as a Husband is it your job to introduce other males to your wife's nakedness??? To let others share the same swimming pool, beach and mingle with other Males and children??
    I don't see wearing shorts as nakedness. You do. I don't mind sharing a swimming pool with my wife and friends. In fact I enjoy it immensely. If you have a problem with it, or any other religious people have a problem with it then that is their business and they don't have to join us.

    Although we may disagree on certain subjects I see no reasons why people cannot still be friendly. If we only made friends with people who thought exactly the same way we do then this world would be full of lonely people.

    I will absolutely report you know, considering again that you avoid the relevant points in Islam, which shows that you are not actively learning about Islam.
    I look forward to it.

    I am sure the moderator will see that you are the one arguing that Islam requires Muslims to be hateful and I am saying the opposite.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    I don't believe in your Mahdi, so how would that spoil my fun?

    Showing off? If we lived like you wanted, where people only made friends with people just like them then everyone would live in little ghettos.

    Are you serious? They took over whole regions that had no Muslims in them at all, and if there were any there they were an insignificant minority. Are you that ignorant of Muslim history?

    It doesn't require it, neither does it forbid it.

    You are the one forbidding it.

    So should all Muslims take up his example and go into every temple they can find and smash the idols?

    If you are saying that Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims then yes, Muslims here have said you were wrong.

    If you are preaching that Muslims should hate all non-Muslims then so be it, but to declare that Islam teaches Muslims to hate all non-Muslims is a view not shared by all Muslims, and hopefully not even a majority.

    Where did I lie? This comment makes no sense.

    I don't see wearing shorts as nakedness. You do. I don't mind sharing a swimming pool with my wife and friends. In fact I enjoy it immensely. If you have a problem with it, or any other religious people have a problem with it then that is their business and they don't have to join us.

    Although we may disagree on certain subjects I see no reasons why people cannot still be friendly. If we only made friends with people who thought exactly the same way we do then this world would be full of lonely people.

    I look forward to it.

    I am sure the moderator will see that you are the one arguing that Islam requires Muslims to be hateful and I am saying the opposite.

    Again being ignorant, you stated that Muslims fought for non-Muslims and I have said that when people repented to Islam, they took over the leadership of the nations, if that nation got invaded they fought back, which benefited the non-Muslims, we did not specifically fight for non-Muslims, but rather that peope were going against the Muslims.

    When is it written that the Muslims should fight for lewd people?? WE only die in the name of Allah.

    I have never told any Muslim to go around killing and being abusive to people, in fact many of us are and have treated non-Muslims fine. That is a seperate issue about helping others, that is why you find Christians talking about how to treat others, as they look towards the life of this world. They go into any thread about being kind to parents, charity etc, but when it comes to actually talking about one's own duty to worship the one God, rememeber the Last Day and Paradise and Hell they don't always, even ignoring the fact the Prophet Moses, Noah, Lut, Job peace be upon them had taught. Even the Jews talk about how to be with one another, but they too don't talk about remembering the Day of Judgement and even not mentioning Hell.

    So as above in Islam we are absolutely right, I am not talking about helping non-Muslims when we live in this world, ie provide water, assistance etc, that's basic, I expect everyone to know that. I am talking about what Islam says about Muslims and non-Muslims. What you are ignoring is the fact that non-Muslims are not the same as Muslims and NEVER will be, even this is agreed by Allah, the angels the Prophets etc.

    We are never friends with people who don't worship Allah, remember Day of Judgement and Paradise and Hell.

    See you again ignore mentioning what the Prophets would have thought!! So you are a liar, as you know if you mentioned the Prophets the case closed!!!

    1. The Prophets have never said that people who reject worshipping Allah and remembering the Last Day are good!
    2. Prophet Jesus peace be upon him would not be approving the lewd behaviour of you and your wife and your friends.

    There is no difference of opinion of being lewd, again what evil tries to do is get rid of Islam so there won't any opposition.

    Even a lewd female standing in front of a Prophet, a religious Man, would automatically feel dirty, lewd, and not good enough to be in their company, and they don't even have to say a word. As stated in "Freedom and evil acceptance thread".

    I even recall a former classmate of mine, she already has 4 children and is not even married! When we met at the supermarket, she said she was with her "brother in law", and then she soon told me afterwards she was not even married -and biting her lip with embarrassement too. Of course they all know it is disgusting way of life.

    AS you are not talking about Islam on what it says about non-Muslims but instead trying to talk about me personally (when Islam is personal), but as your trying to seperate Islam and trying to make it look like we act and accept what sinful people like you do. I suggest you refrain from commenting on my threads. AS sinful people's behaviour and what they say will never be acceptable. Why don't you accept what the Prophet have taught you, then you are showing that you are one of the best of people, not that I have to accept indecent people that does not make me a better person.
    Last edited by h-n; 07-07-2010 at 06:40 PM.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    Asalaam O Alaikum sister H-n

    just wanted to say that, its better if you try to understand where titus is coming from.... just like how we muslims think , they don't like that... so its pointless to argue with him explaining him from Quran and Sunnah, because he doesn't believe in it.... and my reuqest is if you can calm down

    Titus believes in Leaders being leaders of Homosexuals as well, and since West is Secularised and has separated Religion from the State, he thinks that way...
    You cannot change his views... so let his views be his ...



    Muslims did invade, always because of an Impending Threat from the neighboring nations... so it was also neighboring nations and armies attacking the Heart of Arabian Peninsula or planning to, which lead the Muslims to attack... and What Muslims gave to the Non Muslims after taking them over, is recorded in History, that how fair and right treatment that was and totally different from what even their own rulers were NOT giving them...

    so just wanted to clarify on that
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by syed_z View Post
    Asalaam O Alaikum sister H-n

    just wanted to say that, its better if you try to understand where titus is coming from.... just like how we muslims think , they don't like that... so its pointless to argue with him explaining him from Quran and Sunnah, because he doesn't believe in it.... and my reuqest is if you can calm down

    Titus believes in Leaders being leaders of Homosexuals as well, and since West is Secularised and has separated Religion from the State, he thinks that way...
    You cannot change his views... so let his views be his ...
    Yes Sister h- n , its no point arguing with Kaafirs like titus.
    They are bent on rejecting the truth. It will not make any difference to such people whether you warn them or not, they will not believe.

    Allah (swt) mentions in The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 2 Verses 6 and 7

    "As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them Whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur)."

    Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing and on their eyes is a veil. It is not because Allah has set a seal on their hearts that these kuffar do not understand and believe, but it is the vice-versa. It is because these kuffar are bent on rejecting the truth and whether you warn them or not they will not believe, that Allah has set a seal on their hearts. Therefore Allah is not to blame, but these kuffaar who are bent on rejecting the faith are responsible.

    Here is an example

    Example of teacher predicting a student will fail

    Suppose an experienced teacher, before the final examinations, predicts that a particular student will fail in the exams, since the student is very mischievous, not attentive in class and does not do his homework. If after the student appears for the examination, he fails, who is to be blamed for the student failing: the teacher or the student? Just because the teacher predicted, it does not mean that the teacher is to be blamed but the student himself is responsible for his failure.

    Similarly Allah (swt) knows in advance that there are some people like titus who are bent on rejecting the faith and Allah has put a seal on their hearts. Thus these non-Muslims themselves are responsible for rejecting the faith and not Allah (swt).
    Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    When truth is hurled at falsehood , falsehood perishes. because falsehood by its nature is bound to perish [21:18- Holy quran]
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by syed_z View Post
    Asalaam O Alaikum sister H-n

    just wanted to say that, its better if you try to understand where titus is coming from.... just like how we muslims think , they don't like that... so its pointless to argue with him explaining him from Quran and Sunnah, because he doesn't believe in it.... and my reuqest is if you can calm down

    Titus believes in Leaders being leaders of Homosexuals as well, and since West is Secularised and has separated Religion from the State, he thinks that way...
    You cannot change his views... so let his views be his ...



    Muslims did invade, always because of an Impending Threat from the neighboring nations... so it was also neighboring nations and armies attacking the Heart of Arabian Peninsula or planning to, which lead the Muslims to attack... and What Muslims gave to the Non Muslims after taking them over, is recorded in History, that how fair and right treatment that was and totally different from what even their own rulers were NOT giving them...

    so just wanted to clarify on that
    He does get it, he is a liar, and if you don't believe this then ask him on the Day of Judgement that he rejected the truth on the 07/07/10 etc. They want you to think they don't accept Islam because of such and such reason, which is why I wrote "No such things as Atheism" thread etc.

    Also that Allah will be judging them, so he provides a fair test, he is not going to throw someone in to Hell if they just did not understand Islam, but because they rejected the truth. As explained a bit in the "Collapse of these countries" thread.
    Last edited by h-n; 07-07-2010 at 07:56 PM.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Airforce View Post
    Yes Sister h- n , its no point arguing with Kaafirs like titus.
    They are bent on rejecting the truth. It will not make any difference to such people whether you warn them or not, they will not believe.

    Allah (swt) mentions in The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 2 Verses 6 and 7

    "As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them Whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur)."

    Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing and on their eyes is a veil. It is not because Allah has set a seal on their hearts that these kuffar do not understand and believe, but it is the vice-versa. It is because these kuffar are bent on rejecting the truth and whether you warn them or not they will not believe, that Allah has set a seal on their hearts. Therefore Allah is not to blame, but these kuffaar who are bent on rejecting the faith are responsible.

    Here is an example

    Example of teacher predicting a student will fail

    Suppose an experienced teacher, before the final examinations, predicts that a particular student will fail in the exams, since the student is very mischievous, not attentive in class and does not do his homework. If after the student appears for the examination, he fails, who is to be blamed for the student failing: the teacher or the student? Just because the teacher predicted, it does not mean that the teacher is to be blamed but the student himself is responsible for his failure.

    Similarly Allah (swt) knows in advance that there are some people like titus who are bent on rejecting the faith and Allah has put a seal on their hearts. Thus these non-Muslims themselves are responsible for rejecting the faith and not Allah (swt).
    I am aware that he is rejecting the truth, he's just being a troll. So of course I should just ignore his posts.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    thanks for replying

    one thing is for sure Sister in Islam that Islam does not Force any one , he may believe whatever he wants to ... so if we keep telling them that they will be amongst those who rejected the Truth ... there is no point... i mean there is no point of arguing with them.. however if they say any thing against Islam.. try answering in a Calm way and InshA Allah Allah Sees everything and will reward you for it ..
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    Muslims did invade, always because of an Impending Threat from the neighboring nations.
    The intent was to conquer. It was not self defense, but that is an issue for another thread.

    Regardless of the reason, Muslims did invade and conquer other nations with the intent of ruling over them. That is not in doubt.

    H-N stated that only evil people would want to rule over non-Muslims. The early Muslim rulers wanted to rule over non-Muslims, otherwise they would not have remained and taken over the governments.

    Yes Sister h- n , its no point arguing with Kaafirs like titus.
    They are bent on rejecting the truth.
    So do you agree with her that Islam teaches that it is wrong for Muslims to be friendly with non-Muslims?

    Do you believe that all non-Muslims are evil?

    He does get it, he is a liar
    Please stop the insults. I have been nothing but honest in my posts.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    The intent was to conquer. It was not self defense, but that is an issue for another thread.

    Regardless of the reason, Muslims did invade and conquer other nations with the intent of ruling over them. That is not in doubt.

    H-N stated that only evil people would want to rule over non-Muslims. The early Muslim rulers wanted to rule over non-Muslims, otherwise they would not have remained and taken over the governments.
    the 1st threat from outside came during the time of Prophet muhammad (Saw) himself from Byzantium Empire king Heraclius... its called the Battle of Tabuk.... the Emperor was gathering forces to fight Muslims because a Christian Monk ran to him seeking refuge with him and instigated him to attack Arabian Peninsula... the war did NOT take place, thats another issue.... read History 1st! ... after that Muslims were being threatened by 2 Super Powers of the time Byzantium and Persian Empire... you need to know that...

    It was impending threat from both those nations which led to battles and Muslims winning...
    Last edited by syed_z; 07-07-2010 at 08:20 PM.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    however if they say any thing against Islam.. try answering in a Calm way and InshA Allah Allah Sees everything and will reward you for it
    Have you read my posts? Have I said anything against Islam other than I don't believe in it?

    My whole point is that Islam does not teach hatred of non-Muslims, yet when other Muslims come and post they support the person saying the opposite and make comments that I am against Islam.

    Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Islam does endorse hatred of all non-Muslims. I sure don't see many Muslims flocking to disagree.
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    Re: Can you repeat, repeat yourself?

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    Have you read my posts? Have I said anything against Islam other than I don't believe in it?

    My whole point is that Islam does not teach hatred of non-Muslims, yet when other Muslims come and post they support the person saying the opposite and make comments that I am against Islam.

    Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Islam does endorse hatred of all non-Muslims. I sure don't see many Muslims flocking to disagree.

    I used the word ...IF .... 'IF' i said... don't put words in my mouth .... i never said the way your saying... rather i was telling her be careful! .... you are putting words in my mouth.... its clear that you are blaming me for something i did NOT do!
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