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Jinn stories / experiences

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    I put up this new thread for interesting and also scary jinn or angel stories. Many have surely had such special encounters and experiences and I want you all to share them.
    As mentioned in the noble Quran in various surahs, jinns exist and are another creation of Allah swt next to us insaan. There are good and bad ones just like with us people. And also there are obedient and disobedient ones which want to scare and trouble us. But such encounters shouldnt be taken with worries. Those happenings are sometimes test for our imaan. Without the will of Allah swt nothing can harm us. As long we have imaan and remembrance of Allah swt, we are safe and shouldnt be afraid. That was my small introduction into this topic and if u like, then you can share your experience. Thank you.
    Jazakum Allah khair

  2. #21
    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences

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    There are many different shaytans, not just one.

    What you're asking is kind of like asking 'why would burglars steal from me when I have been stolen from so many times, that it no longer affects me?'

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    Amoeba's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences

    Yes, that's why I used plural shaytans.

    Burglary does affect you though - your possessions are taken from you, even if you yourself don't place much value upon them or are used to having them taken from you. Those possessions could still have been used by you for a meaningful purpose, or to keep food on the table, or something like that even if you didn't need them right away and used for evil purposes when taken from you. Even if some aren't affected by it, there is still a good tangible reason to be affected by it.

    However during sleep paralysis you don't come to any harm, your possessions are not stolen from you. For one who doesn't fear that which can't harm them either physically, materially or emotionally, what would be the point of an attacker repeatedly using an ineffective means of attack?

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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences

    I haven't experienced anything so far, alhumdulilah. However, just a few days ago I encountered something I initially thought was a 'spirit' but turned out to be something totally different..

    After fajr I had crept into my parents room and thought I'd take a couple hours' nap. I wasn't able to rest my eyes so I turned to my side and saw a head - all white and moving left and right. You have NO IDEA how scared I was! I was too frightened to check what it really was, so I started reciting surahs and verses of Ayatul-Kursi. I closed my eyes and then opened them again - and that strange looking head-thing was still moving about in mid air! My dad was sleeping beside me and I even woke him up and told him that there was this 'head' right next to him. I suddenly had this urge to actually touch it and it turned out to be a balloon! XD
    All that stress for nothing!

  6. #24
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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences

    I know ghosts don't exist in Islam, but there are malevolent Jinn. In February of '09, I was walking my dog one calm night and then suddenly a really cold strong wind started blowing, the trees were flailing wildly, and the area by the development's clubhouse got a bit hazy in the distance, and I usually walk him around that area. But it seemed as though the universe itself was urging me to go back to the house. I bolted with the dog back to the house, and he was running with his tail between his legs, not wagging it like he usually does when running. Scariest feeling I ever had. Once I was back in the house, everything was calm again.

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    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences


    Okay. Burglary was a bad example on my part. How about someone who is emotionally abused (in whatever manner) day in day out by their spouse as a form of deliberate 'attack'? Slowly but surely they'll get used to it. The spouse will simply continue it. Don't get hung up on this one example, btw. I'm sure there are other such examples that can be thought of. I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

    From hadith, we know that bad dreams can (may not always) be from shaytan. So with that in mind, you could also ask, going by your current mode of reasoning: 'I have had bad dreams so often that they don't affect me anymore, why would shaytan persist in doing this?'. The answer to that from me, would be 'I don't know'. This doesn't mean there isn't a proper answer for it, just something I am personally unaware of.

    Shayateen/jinn consist of different species and what motivates them Allah knows best. These beings have crude personalities and are said to have low intelligence, from what I understand.

    You're free to believe what you wish, sister. I personally will not attribute sleep paralysis to a natural bodily function. Just my belief based on what I have experienced and read of over the years.

  9. #26
    S.Belle's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences

    format_quote Originally Posted by Bedouin View Post
    I personally will not attribute sleep paralysis to a natural bodily function.

    If you have severe cases of sleep paralysis you can actually get treated for it so it has to do with your body's reaction/ functions....its a disorder(sleep paralysis).
    I personally have never had it unless ive accidentaly fell asleep on my back (which is one of the many factors that can cause it to happen.....maybe that is why Prophet (pbuh) advise not to sleep on the back..)

    Medications such as Sodium oxybate (Xyrem) may be prescribed as a cure for sleep paralysis in severe cases, but the best treatment for sleep paralysis is to reduce stress and get the proper amount of sleep.

    more here.

    But i do agree to an extend that shaytan is messing with you becuase as you said nightmare sometimes come along with sleep paralysis
    Jinn stories / experiences

    "Yesterday is history.
    Tomorrow is a mystery.
    Today is a gift.
    That's why we call it 'The Present'."

  10. #27
    Flower1111's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences

    sorry to change the topic of this sleep paralysis stuff..but i read tht story which was too scary to believe but i found it on one page smone telling his own experience..
    Author: Syed Muhammad Yusuf Ahsan (Pakistan) / Location of Story: Pakistan

    Story: My father has a business of importing and for that we have many offices in Pakistan. When our business progressed by the grace of Allah, we had to import more material and thus requiring more space in the store(Since it was already full).We expanded the store but as we imported more and more material we ran out of space in the store. Very soon the search for a new office began and within just 10 days we found a very large office at an amazing rent and decided to rent it. I was at the spot with my father’s Finance Manager who selected that office. After we selected the office we were to begin shifting the next day but the owner said that there should be at least one person in the office for the night. All the people were busy and I being a mature adult was selected to spend the night in that office. I had no choice but to agree. They left me at that office the time was 2 PM of the afternoon.
    Soon they left me and I instantly became very bored as I did not have anything to do. There was nothing in the office besides a soft carpet on the floor. I decided to spend the day in the recital of the Quran and the night to sleep on the soft carpet.
    I started my task and soon it was time for the Maghrib prayer. As I was going back after prayer, the lights went away (Because of load shedding in Pakistan). I decided to continue towards the room to supplicate in the dark anyway. When I reached the room I started again in the pitch black darkness. While I was supplicating, I felt a strange feeling, as if someone was touching my hair while standing behind me. I thought it was the wind and continued. The feeling remained till the next few minutes but as I felt that my hair was now being pulled, I looked back and asked in a loud voice ’’Who is there?’’ and there was no reply. I blamed it to my imagination and continued. Moments later the same thing began to happen again and this time I became a little scared. It went on and on in the black darkness till…….someone grabbed me from behind and started to laugh!! That things voice at first sounded like a man’s voice and then the pitch slowly changed and it would sound
    like a woman, then it would slowly reverse back into a man’s voice again! I became very scared and when that thing let me go. I looked back and saw that no one there…I looked front again and…..A dead girl was hanged from the fan with a rope around her neck. Her eyes were almost out of their sockets and her tongue reached the floor!!! I became so intensely scared that I was unable to move and soon that girl fell on the ground and started to move as if she was having a seizure while making sounds resembling the bleating of a goat. Suddenly a huge man with a bloody face came running from out of the WALL with an axe in his hand and straight cut the girls head off!!! The cut off head fell less than 5 feet in front of me. Then as I was looking at the man, he disappeared right in front of my eyes! As I looked down…The cut off head was looking at me with its tongue out, smiling and nodding!!!! Just as I was about to run away someone grabbed me again and some old woman with a
    very disturbing face approached the cut off head which was lying in front. She picked it up and rushed towards me. She then started laughing very loudly including the thing behind me and cut off head!!!!! That’s when I started to recite Ayat Al Kursi and BELIEVE me they all fell down and I saw them burn alive right in front of me. Soon, they were no more than mere ashes and then disappeared. After all this, I did not have the guts to sleep there and decided to leave. Except for going out that office through the door, I went out the window. Soon when I was out and I started to walk towards my home. I reached in about 2 hours. I then immediately called my dad and told him all about it and after we inquired about that house this was the information we recovered…
    1) The owner of that office was long dead and who we saw was actually a Jinn who wanted a human inside the house.
    (We don’t know why)
    2) The office was haunted by a depressed Jinn family.
    3) The Jinns wanted to kill at least 1 human.
    (We don’t know why)
    4) All people living there had to recite Ayat al kursi 111 times after every prayer otherwise the Jinns would enter their homes.
    5) The Jinns were all kafirs.

  11. #28
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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences


    "To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and (all that is in) the earth and Ad-Din Wasiba is His [(i.e. perpetual sincere obedience to Allah is obligatory). None has the right to be worshipped but Allah)]. Will you then fear any other than Allah? And whatever of blessings and good things you have, it is from Allah. Then, when harm touches you, unto Him you cry aloud for help" [Al Quraan:Surah An Nahl :16:52-53]

    "And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.).Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return." [Al Quraan surah Al Baqarah, verse 155-156]

    wa alaaykum salaam
    Jinn stories / experiences

    "Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists).".."[Al Qur'aan 3:2]

  12. #29
    Amoeba's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Jinn stories / experiences

    format_quote Originally Posted by Bedouin View Post

    Okay. Burglary was a bad example on my part. How about someone who is emotionally abused (in whatever manner) day in day out by their spouse as a form of deliberate 'attack'? Slowly but surely they'll get used to it. The spouse will simply continue it. Don't get hung up on this one example, btw. I'm sure there are other such examples that can be thought of. I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

    From hadith, we know that bad dreams can (may not always) be from shaytan. So with that in mind, you could also ask, going by your current mode of reasoning: 'I have had bad dreams so often that they don't affect me anymore, why would shaytan persist in doing this?'. The answer to that from me, would be 'I don't know'. This doesn't mean there isn't a proper answer for it, just something I am personally unaware of.

    Shayateen/jinn consist of different species and what motivates them Allah knows best. These beings have crude personalities and are said to have low intelligence, from what I understand.

    You're free to believe what you wish, sister. I personally will not attribute sleep paralysis to a natural bodily function. Just my belief based on what I have experienced and read of over the years.
    Fair enough. I guess for some sleep paralysis just isn't a frightening experience and could never be compared to something such as abuse even on their first experience, and those poeple wouldn't know how it feels for someone who experiences fear from sleep paralysis comparable to that of abuse or torture. I suppose if there are unseen creatures capable of this who have low intelligence it might be possible that they might persist with futile "attacks" on those individuals who it's completely ineffective against. Funny thing is sleep paralysis affects every individual slightly differently. Some are terrified, some are just a little bit scared, some just don't care, some are curious about it or even enjoy it. Consider also some were never afraid of it in the first place.

    I've never actually thought of or heard of it being anything more than a normal bodily function so it's interesting to see a different and less clinical perspective on it.

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