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Clarification of a Hadith

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    Pak-istan786's Avatar Full Member
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    Clarification of a Hadith

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    I found a Hadith a while ago which was regarding wudu and ritual showering. Though I can't remember it exactly, it was something like:

    " The Prophet( SAW) used to perform wudu with one Mudd of water and Ghusl with 4 Mudd's of water" where a single 'Mudd' is equivalent to a handful of water i.e with cupped hands. Now my question is... this seems like very little water to me but obviously I will believe it if that is what the Hadith is saying. However, has anyone come across this Hadith before and would they care to explain it better/clarify it? When I perform wudu, I know I use greater than a single Mudd of water, and likewise for showering.

    JazakAllah, Wasalaam

    P.S From the way I've written it here I haven't put it to come across as a Hadith, though I'm sure it was, or maybe it was a description of one of the behaviours of the Prophet (SAW)?
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    Ramadhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Clarification of a Hadith

    We are supposed to use water as efficient as possible, because I also read some other hadith that Rasulullah (SAW) performed wudu using water from his drink water container (which couldn't have been big).
    So it is sunnah to conserve water, especially in desert environment.

    Have a look at the world now: just because the western world have access to and uses so much water, many, if not most people do not have access to clean water.
    This is another evidence that Islam is for all humankind.
    Last edited by Ramadhan; 09-28-2011 at 02:15 AM.
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  4. #3
    Ramadhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Clarification of a Hadith

    From http://www.angelfire.com/oh4/turntoislam/learnprayer.html
    , ablution, is one of the prerequisites of Salaah. Allah declares:
    "O believers, when you get up for prayer, wash up your faces and your hands up to the elbows and wipe your heads and wash your feet up to the ankles..."(Al-Quran, 5:6)
    One performs Wuduu with clean water in the following procedure:
    Bring in the heart Niyyah, (intention) for Wuduu, say it in the mind, not aloud.
    Then say silently "Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem," in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
    Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, "There is no wudu for him who does not mention Allah's name upon it." [Reported by Ibn Maajah, At-Tirmidhee, Abu Dawood and others.]
    Starting with the right hand, wash both hands up to the wrist three times.
    Rinse the mouth, using the index finger, all about the mouth three times. This procedure is known as Madmadah.
    Clean the nostrils by sniffing water and blowing it out three times. This is known as Istinshaaq and Istinthaar, respectively.
    'Amr ibn Yahyaa, radhi Allahu'anhu, said, "And he (the Prophet, salla allahu alayhi wa salaam) washed his mouth and nose using three handfuls of water." [Muslim]
    Wash the face three times. The face is what is between the forehead and chin, and ear to ear.
    'Uthmaan, radhi Allahu'anhu, called for water to make wudu and so mentioned the way in which the Prophet made wudu, he washed his face three times. [Al-Bukhari, Muslim]
    Take a handful of water and put it under your jaw and pass it through the beard. Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam, said, "This is what my Lord, Allah, ordered me to do." [Related by abu Dawud, al-Baihaqi and al-Hakim]
    Wash the arms up to the elbows, three times. Begin with the right arm.
    'Uthmaan, radhi Allah'anhu called for water for wudu and mentioned the Prophet's way of making wudu, then he washed his right arm including the elbow three times, then the left in the same way. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
    Rub the head with wet hands in a front to back motion, once.
    It is recorded in sahih hadith that the Prophet, peace be upon him, use to wipe his head in three different ways. The Prophet wiped his head with his two hands, moving them forwards and backwards - beginning with the front of the head and (wiping) with them up to his nape then he returned them to the place from which he began. [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmithee, and others]

    Men who wear a head piece that is difficult to remove (such as a turban) should wipe over the head covering. Do this one time.
    Amr ibn Umayyah, radhi Allahu'anhu said, "I saw Rasoolullah wipe over his turban and leather socks." [Reported by Al-Bukhari and others]
    If part of the head is uncovered and it is normally so, then it is preferable to wipe over the part that is uncovered along with the turban. Do this one time.
    Shu'bah, radhi Allahu'anhu said, "The Messenger of Allah made wudu and wiped over the front portion of his scalp, his turban and his socks." [Muslim]

    It is permissible to wipe over your hijab (head scarf) in certain circumstances. This would be if you have no private place for wudu (where non-mahram men may see you). Do this one time.
    Umm Salamah, radhi Allahu'anha, used to wipe over her head cover.

    With the water left on your hands from wiping your head, wipe your ears by putting the tips of your index fingers into your ears, twist them around the folds of the ears then pass the thumb behind the ears from the bottom, upwards. Do this one time.
    Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam, wiped his head and his ears, the interior and exterior, while making ablution. He also put his finger inside his ear. [Related by Abu Dawud and at-Tahawi]
    There is nothing in the Sunnah which obligates taking fresh water for the ears - therefore he should wipe them along with the water for the head - just as it is also permissible to wipe the head with the water remaining from that of the arms after washing them according to the hadeeth of Ar-Rabee' bint Mu'awwidh that the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa salaam) "wiped his head with water remaining in his hand". [Reported by Abu Dawood and others with hasan isnad]

    Use the right hand to wash the right foot up to and including the ankle. Use the right hand pinkie finger to wash between the toes. Repeat three times. Then use the left hand to wash the left foot up to and including the ankle. Use the left hand pinkie finger to wash between the toes. Repeat three times.
    Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam, washed his right foot till he reached the shin, then he washed the left foot till he reached the shin. [Reported by Muslim]
    When the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam, made wudu he would enter the water between his toes with his little finger. [Reported by Abu Dawood, at-Tinnidhee, and Ibn Maajah]

    As one finishes washing the left foot, one says the following Du'aa:
    Ash hadu allaa ilaaha ill ............... I bear witness that there is no deity
    Allah, wahadahuu laa shareeka but Allah. He is one and has no
    laha. Wa ashahdu anna associate. And I bear witness that
    Muhammadan 'abduhuu wa Muhammad is His servant and
    rasuuluhu. Allaahumma Messenger. O Allah, join me with those
    j'alnee minat tawwaabeena who repent of their sins again and
    waj'alnee minal mutatahireen again, and join me with those who keep themselves
    neat and clean at all times
    When following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam, of using just one mudd of water for wudu, then there should really be no need to dry yourself. It is permissible to dry yourself as there are no authentic hadeeth to prevent it and the Prophet, peace be upon him, did dry himself sometimes.
    Aishah, radhi Allahu'anha, said, "Rasoolullah had a cloth which he used to dry himself with after making wudu." [Reported by an-Nasa'i]
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