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China Inaugurates Park Made Entirely Out of Clay.

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    Lightbulb China Inaugurates Park Made Entirely Out of Clay.

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    A unique cultural park made entirely out of clay has recently been open to the public, in Tangshan City, China.

    Featuring rows of houses, busy streets filled with vendors and their carts, high ranking officials and horse-pulled carriages, the park is a reproduction of Zhang Zerui famous scroll painting Riverside Scene during the Qingming Festival. The man behind this unique project is a local from the city’s Fengrun District, named Qin Shiping. Tangshan has along standing tradition in ceramics, and Qin worked as a sculptor and painter ever since he was a young boy. In 2005, he got the idea to offer a unique view on China, and since he had always been a fan of Zhang Zherui’s painting, he decided to recreate the images depicted in the artwork with clay sculptures.

    Qin Shiping put his idea into practice in 2008. He hired two clay sculpture experts with plenty of experience behind them, and 100 more regular clay workers who got started on the project. Three years later, the Tangshan clay sculpture park has finally been completed and opened to the general public. It’s 300 meters long and 60 meters wide and has been built at 2/3 life-size scale. The exact cost of the park hasn’t yet made public, but back in 2009, Qin Shiping stated he had already invested over 10 million yuan ($1,545,000).

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    Tangshanclaypark5550x387 1 - China Inaugurates Park Made Entirely Out of Clay.

    Ok,i fix the images myself

    Last edited by Soulja Girl; 10-05-2011 at 03:45 PM.
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