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Isaiah 41:10

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    Sunnie Ameena's Avatar Full Member
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    Isaiah 41:10

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    Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

    I was wondering if "Isaiah 41:10" something that Islam recognizes, or if only Christians read it in their Bibles. I am just asking because I think it is a beautiful thing. I have heard that Muslims believe in the Old Testament, is this true also? Sorry if my questions sound silly, but I always say that if you don't know something, ask and maybe you will find someone to give you the answer. I am a new convert and have lots to learn.

    Isaiah 41:10

    gardenppproper 1 - Isaiah 41:10
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    Ramadhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Isaiah 41:10

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sunnie View Post
    I was wondering if "Isaiah 41:10" something that Islam recognizes, or if only Christians read it in their Bibles. I am just asking because I think it is a beautiful thing. I have heard that Muslims believe in the Old Testament, is this true also? Sorry if my questions sound silly, but I always say that if you don't know something, ask and maybe you will find someone to give you the answer. I am a new convert and have lots to learn.

    Alhamdulillaah you have reverted to your natural state (fitrah of Islam)

    First of all, muslims don't believe in old testament. Only Islamophobes, orientalists and those who are not knowledgeable that would claim such a thing.

    Muslims believe in the suhuf ibrahim, torah that was revealed to Musa (as), Zaboor that was revealed to Dawood (as) and Injeel that was revealed to Eesa (as). These are all narrated to us in the Qur'an.
    Now, you have to understand what Old testament is. Old testament is actually collection of books, and the number of books contained in old testament vary widely depending on the denominations, protestant old testament has 39 books, while catholic, eastern orthodox, coptic, ethiopian have far more varying number of books in their old testament.

    Most of authorships of the books of old testament are not known, and most books were written, re-written, accumulated throughout centuries. Some authorships such as the author of pentateuch attributed to Musa (as). Some old testament books have even been proven by bible scholars as historical novelia (ie. fiction with some historical facts thrown here and there) such as the book of esther.

    Pentateuch (five books of Musa as) may contain traces of original torah as revealed to Musa (as) but the books themselves couldn't have been written by him as they told stories of Musa (as) death and funeral (unless you believe that Musa as crawled out from his grave and rewrite his books). So we cannot be sure which parts of the pentateuch that were still parts of the unchanged orginal torah. The same goes with Psalms, which may contains some traces of Dawood's (as) zaboor, but as has been proven, psalms were actually written by many different authors throughout centuries, each adding their own creative words.
    Last edited by Ramadhan; 10-10-2011 at 06:05 AM. Reason: typos
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    Insaanah's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Isaiah 41:10

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sunnie View Post
    I am a new convert and have lots to learn.
    Assalaamu alaikum, and welcome to Islam, sister.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sunnie View Post
    I am just asking because I think it is a beautiful thing.
    The Qur'an contains innumerable beautiful verses.

    Just some of them (translations, that is), with relevance to what you posted above, are here:

    He said: "Fear not: for I am with you: I hear and see (everything). (20:46)

    We said: "Fear not! for thou hast indeed the upper hand. (20:68)

    Indeed, those who have said, "Our Lord is Allah " and then remained on a right course - the angels will descend upon them, [saying], "Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised. (41:30)

    Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (39:53)

    [Remember] when you asked help of your Lord, and He answered you, "Indeed, I will reinforce you with a thousand from the angels, following one another." (8:9)

    And if they intend to deceive you-- then surely Allah is sufficient for you; He it is Who strengthened you with His help and with the believers. (8:62)

    And remember when you were few and were reckoned weak in the land, and were afraid that men might kidnap you, but He provided a safe place for you, strengthened you with His Help, and provided you with good things so that you might be grateful. (8:26)

    O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm. (47:7)

    And all we relate to you of the accounts of the messengers is to strengthen your heart therewith; and in this has come to you the truth and an admonition, and a reminder to the believers. (11:120)
    Isaiah 41:10

    Stunningly beautiful adhaan from the Dome of the Rock in Masjid ul Aqsa
    Download (right click and choose "save target/link as").

    This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that those of understanding may take heed (14:52)

    Indeed Allah knows, and you know not (16: 74, part)
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    Sunnie Ameena's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Isaiah 41:10

    Thank you very much for the response. I much more to learn. Peace, Sunnie
    Isaiah 41:10

    gardenppproper 1 - Isaiah 41:10
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