We have grown very fond of hearing stories, it's what we do best. We all know the early Islamic history, we all know what happened and what didn't happen. But, here's a question, would we do the same thing?

How many of us who live in non-Muslim majority countries are willing to leave our luxury lifestyles and go become a brother with a poor brother in the Middle East for the sake of Allah?

And how many of those who do live in Muslim majority countries are willing to accept the migrant Muslims into their homes and share with them their wealth?

Maybe my aim is a little too high, but I would love to go and live in Madinah. I would give up everything and be on the first flight to Madinah the next morning if I knew that I would be allowed to live there.

What are your thoughts, would you follow the footsteps of the best generation that ever set foot on this earth? Would you leave everything behind?&nbsp

There were many cases of many Sahabis who were forced to leave their wealth behind in Mecca by the Meccans, some were forced to leave their wives. Yet Allah calls them the successful. How can you be successful if you are forced to leave everything behind? I guess Allah calls them such because they left all that in return for Paradise. I want to be successful like them in every way possible, may Allah make it happen.