Salam to all,

I was wondering if any of you can suggest me some tips/ideas on becoming a good Muslim? I admire prophet Muhammad (pbuh) especially his manners and humbleness. I would love to become like him at least a quarter of his characteristics.

I'm 16 I don't smoke, drink, party, sex for these I am capable of taming my temptation. I would love to be able to pray 5x a day but I find it a bit hard for me because of wudu like when I go to urinate I sometimes forget to wash and after that I just can't be bothered having a shower. But one major thing is that my mother, I mean i look up to her. When I was a bit younger (around 10) she used to bug me a bit about praying and fasting and stuff. But now I would sadly say that the tables have turned. By that I mean she went astray, she smokes, dresses unapproiately, swears, fornication, drinks sometimes (last time I remember was like a year ago), boyfriend. I'm of 6 children ( 2 young sisters ages: 6month and 6yrs), two young brothers ages: 10 and 12 and one older brother,19. My mother is a very bad role model I hate to say that but it is what it is. Ever since I developed some real mature thoughts I wanted to become a good Muslim to please Allah and also to set an example for my siblings especially my sisters. I know that I have a very good heart and I will always testify that but sometimes I just don't think of my mother as anything else but my food and shelter provider. I don't really enjoy talking to her or being around her but Allah for sure can know that I have a very kind heart. If anything my number one worldy affection is my siblings especially my sisters.

Any tips will be appreciated a bunch.