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Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

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    Osman18's Avatar Limited Member
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    Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

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    So I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and I passed a Islamic page that I liked and it had a post about Dajjal and then something struck me.

    Does Dajjal have free will? If not then is the things he will be doing his fault? Dajjal is a human thus giving him free will right? If so then it is already written for him to do what is written for him meaning he really doesnt have free will.

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    Muslim Woman's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    we must not waste our time , energy by asking such question . He who revolts against Allah will surely go to hell forever . Dajjal will claim that he is god , he will misled people , will kill Muslims . So , how can u expect that he will be rewarded with paradise ?
    Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172


  4. #3
    Land.Of.Pure's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman18 View Post
    Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?
    Where ever those zionists-&-Co go; who attacked innocent Iraqis Afghanis Pakistanis & other Muslim countries...

    Zionist-America IS Dajjal... fulfills ALL prophecies of dajjal if taken metaphorically. But if one insists that those prophecies were not metaphorical but literal even then it can be said that Zionist-America is the force doing the work of Dajjal...

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    Osman18's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Woman View Post

    we must not waste our time , energy by asking such question . He who revolts against Allah will surely go to hell forever . Dajjal will claim that he is god , he will misled people , will kill Muslims . So , how can u expect that he will be rewarded with paradise ?
    How could you say asking such questions is a waste of time? Quran says to question our religion. To use our intellect. How am I revolting against Allah? I am asking a question which I'm curious for the answer. Reread what I wrote. If dajjal is simply designed to do evil so god can test us then it's not his fault is it now? It's just a logical explanation. If he has free will but yet things are already written for him by Allah then again it's still not his fault is it now?? I am simply asking for someone to clear things for me on dajjal.

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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman18 View Post
    . How am I revolting against Allah? .

    U misunderstood me , bro . I meant Dajjal who revolt against Allah , not u .
    Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172


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    M.I.A.'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    just some thoughts although its not based on much.

    firstly the question of freedom of choice within the realm of an all knowing all controlling god..

    is just a case of perception.

    the quran says something similar to... the disbelievers/ wrongdoers having yolks around there necks.. or a bar before them and a bar behind them.

    there paths are set.

    there hearts are sealed.

    they have no fear of allah swt or remembrance of him.

    i guess they will still be raised up again during judgement day just to have it made plain to them what they actually did.

    as for the case of the dajjal,

    its more apt to ask where his followers will go, heaven or hell?

    because its probably the majority of the world that chooses some sort of heaven.


    does that make sense, seeing as OP said thats the dajjals role as written.

    but every person still has to make a choice based upon...

    there own knowledge of faith.

    there understanding of it.

    there amal and tawheed.

    there own deeds and intentions.

    for muslims, there are the basic tenets of faith.

    ...things that the quran has written in it.

    but i guess if he has no freedom of choice and i have no freedom of choice then truly all things are with allah swt.

    i know you cant control the things you do.

    but i know the things i cannot do.

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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    a related fatwa :

    Fatwa No : 192951
    Predestination is not an excuse for sinning

    ...Submission to Allaah in regard to His Predestination is something Islamically required; if Allaah decrees something, then there is no one who can overturn His Decree, and if He rules, there is no one who can overturn His Rule.

    Allaah Says (what means): {And Allaah decides; there is no adjuster of His decision. And He is swift in account.}[Quran 13:41] This submission is even more confirmed in regard to matters of the unseen, among which is Predestination, which is the hidden secret.

    At-Tahaawi icon6 1 - Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell? said in his book entitled Al-‘Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah: “The essence of Predestination is the Secret of Allaah in His creation which neither a close angel nor a sent Prophet knows.”

    The second fact: Allaah does not do anything except for wisdom; some people might know it and some others might not know it.

    However, asking about the wisdom in order to reassure one’s heart is acceptable, but asking a question as a way of objection is not permissible, as this is the approach of the devil; Allaah Said about him (what means): {And [mention] when We said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam,” and they prostrated, except for Iblees. He said, “Should I prostrate to one You created from clay?”}[Quran 17:61].

    Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172


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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    You know, I've had similar thoughts myself about Satan. Being a free agent he could, in theory, repent--but apparently he won't. We've been told that before. The same was true of Abu Lahab. It's just a matter of what an omniscient being has let us in on in advance, that's all. If this is a matter of confusion between divine foreknowledge and divine predetermination (you know, the old "how could anyone have free will if God knows what we're going to do yada yada yada?"), I got tired of explaining that to people years ago. To summarize there is nothing hard to grasp about the idea of knowing and doing being two different things: for example my correctly predicting to you now that the sun is going to rise in the east tomorrow does not mean that I'm personally spinning the earth in its orbit myself. These matters are complicated only if you make them that way. Remember also how surah 2 says that Allah makes a person into a kafir in the first place because of their earlier actions. A sort of punishment by way of poetic justice: "If you're so bent on acting that stupid then I'm going to give you what you want, and even more of it!"
    Last edited by IAmZamzam; 03-01-2013 at 04:47 PM.

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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman18 View Post
    Does Dajjal have free will?
    Yes of course he will have free will, he won't be a robot. Iblees had free will.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman18 View Post
    If not then is the things he will be doing his fault?
    Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala creates everybody with Qadr or pre-destination. Our fate is written in a book. You could say the same thing about Ibless right?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman18 View Post
    If so then it is already written for him to do what is written for him meaning he really doesnt have free will.
    Can we free will change our destiny? To a certain extent as Prophet Muhammad (SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) has informed us that we can change our destiny with du'a to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.

    I suppose Dajjal is different as he must fulfil his obligations thus fulifilling his destiny. Don't forget Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala is not constrained by time and space so this has already happened. Human beings however must fulfill their term until the horn is blown.
    Allahu Alum.

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  13. #10
    Insaanah's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Where does Dajjal go? heaven or Hell?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Osman18 View Post
    How could you say asking such questions is a waste of time? Quran says to question our religion. To use our intellect. How am I revolting against Allah? I am asking a question which I'm curious for the answer. Reread what I wrote. If dajjal is simply designed to do evil so god can test us then it's not his fault is it now? It's just a logical explanation. If he has free will but yet things are already written for him by Allah then again it's still not his fault is it now?? I am simply asking for someone to clear things for me on dajjal.
    The Qur'an does not tell us that we should question Islam.

    We are encouraged to ask questions pertinent to the practice of our deen, and to clarify our understanding on Islamic matters. We are not, however, to ask things which are unnecessary, and to constantly question things that have no relevance to the practice of our deen, and indeed, some ahadeeth warn against this:

    Abu 'Isa Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
    The Prophet said, "Allah has forbidden you: disobedience to your mothers, to withhold (what you should give), or demand (what you do not deserve), and to bury your daughters alive. And Allah dislikes idle talk, to ask too many questions (for things which will be of no benefit to one), and to waste your wealth".

    Riyaad as-Saaliheen
    Arabic/English book reference : Book 1, Hadith 340 [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

    Narrated Warrad:

    (the clerk of Al-Mughira bin Shu`ba) Muawiya wrote to Al-Mughira: "Write to me a narration you have heard from Allah's Messenger ." So Al-Mughira wrote to him, "I heard him saying the following after each prayer: 'La ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahuI-hamd, wa huwa 'ala kulli Shai-in qadir.' He also used to forbid idle talk, asking too many questions (in religion), wasting money, preventing what should be given, and asking others for something (except in great need), being undutiful to mothers, and burying one's little daughters (alive).

    Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 6473
    In-book reference : Book 81, Hadith 62
    USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 480

    The following ahadeeth also warn us how people will continue to ask useless questions until they question who created Allah, and they tell us what we should do if we find ourselves faced with such a situation:

    It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah observed:
    The Satan comes to every one of you and says: Who created this and that? till he questions: Who created your Lord? When he comes to that, one should seek refuge in Allah and keep away (from such idle thoughts).

    Reference : Sahih Muslim 134 c
    In-book reference : Book 1, Hadith 252
    USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 1, Hadith 244

    Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Satan comes to one of you and says, 'Who created so-and-so? 'till he says, 'Who has created your Lord?' So, when he inspires such a question, one should seek refuge with Allah and give up such thoughts."

    Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3276
    In-book reference : Book 59, Hadith 85
    USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 496

    Anas b. Malik transmitted it from the Messenger of Allah that the Great and Glorious Allah said:
    Verily your people would constantly question about this and that till they would say: Well, it is Allah Who created the creation, but who created Allah?

    Reference : Sahih Muslim 136 a
    In-book reference : Book 1, Hadith 258
    USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 1, Hadith 250

    It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said: Men will continue to question one another till this is propounded: Allah created all things but who created Allah? He who found himself confronted with such a situation should say: I affirm my faith in Allah.

    Reference : Sahih Muslim 134 a
    In-book reference : Book 1, Hadith 250
    USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 1, Hadith 242

    Thread closed.
    Last edited by Insaanah; 03-01-2013 at 09:19 PM.
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