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True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

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    Urban Turban's Avatar Full Member
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    Lightbulb True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

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    As salaamu wa alay kum,

    Here's the English translation of a short lecture delivered by Maulana Sa'ad [damath barak tuhum] yours truly did a few months back on the subject of Sacrifice - and its applicable not just on the day of Eid al Adha.

    The audio and full transcript of the lecture in PDF can be found on the given links.

    My dear friends and elders! That work which is not made into a worship will become a mere ritual. Really, this is the difference between worshiping and performing mere rituals. Rituals and festivals are for the non-Muslims and worship and sacrifice are for the Muslims.

    But, because of ignorance…because we do not believe in the rewards that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has promised us nor have knowledge of the rewards that we’d gain through worship, the worship of Muslims has become like that of the festivals of the non-Muslims. People think that the eid of the Muslims are festivals, if such things are said by the non-Muslims, its fine, what do they know what worship is…but if Muslims think Eid’s are festivals?

    If Muslims think of eid’s as festivals…before Islam when the non-Muslims wanted to celebrate, such days were fixed. Didn’t the Companions [ra] say to the Prophet [peace be upon him] “O Prophet of Allah! On this day during the age of ignorance, we used to celebrate, make merry”. The Prophet [peace be upon him] replied: “No! Allah has given you something much better in return, Allah has given you 2 days in return for that 1 day, one is Eid ul Fitr and the other is Eid ul Adha”.

    that night is a night of worship whose [following] day is also a day of worship [meaning the night before the eid and day of eid]. People spend the night before eid doing shopping instead of in ibaadah! And that too in wasteful expenditure instead on giving in charity!.

    And its surprising
    people during the time of eid spend their wealth on clothes instead of on the command of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’la ! Spend money on their desires rather than on the command of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’la. See! For Allah the most favorite, desired wealth is that which is spent on sacrifice of animals [for Eid ul adha]. This also comes in the hadith, the most desired wealth in front of Him is that which is spent on sacrifice.

    My dear friends and elders!
    Deen has left from the hearts of the ummah, now any talk regarding sacrifice [qurbani] and people would think of sacrificial animals, and any talk regarding Daawah [inviting towards Islam] and people would think of eating food. Talk of daawah and it’ll be assumed people are having food and talk of sacrifice, and people will think of sacrificial animals.

    When actually, we today purchase the animal and sacrifice it while Hadrath Ibrahim [Prophet Abraham] [peace be upon him] brought up his son [Hadrath Isma’il, peace be upon him] and then sacrificed him.

    Just think, we ‘buy’ the animal and sacrifice it while Prophet Ibtahim [peace be upon him] brought up his own son, not a lamb, it was his own son and then sacrificed him. And then in return, Allah granted Hadrath Ibrahim [peace be upon him] a lamb for sacrificing…
    “that you [referring to the Prophet] attempted sacrificing your own son upon My orders, for My sake” and Oh ho! Every single kid who is born on this earth and who dies before they attain puberty are all with Hadrath Ibrahim [peace be upon him] – Every single one of them from all over the world! Even if they have taken birth in a Jewish home, or a Christian home or a Hindu, or a Sikh, anything…

    “You sacrificed your son for Me – even though I didn’t allow your son to die, now you tell me how many children you want?”.

    Under a shade of a tree, Hadrath Ibrahim [peace be upon him] is seated with all those many kids. That is how much Allah liked his [Prophet’s] sacrifice. Every single kid ever born and who dies in that way is with Hadrath Ibrahim [peace be upon him] because he sacrificed his son for Allah’s sake and Allah granted him thus.

    Listen my dear friends!
    Give sacrifice with all your heart.

    People tend to purchase weak, feeble sacrificial animal, why?! Listen…when there is NObelief in the promises of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, then worship becomes a huge burden…when there is no belief, knowledge of the rewards that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has promised us, then worship becomes… a huge burden. When such a thing happens, we’ll think… okay, the day of Eid is coming and we will have to sacrifice animals. Lets purchase a sacrificial animal and…

    It surprises me
    …people haggle over the price of the animal, make it less, make it cheaper…make it cheaper! Lo! And not just that, even blame the sellers and say that what you are quoting is too costly…that you have paid too much for the animal…that you have been cheated etc etc! I even heard a man saying “Oh, Ho! You have paid too much for the animal, you have wasted your money”…not at all, this is really the time to spend, this is a great opportunity to spend your money, just think… you are buying it for the sake of Allah, it doesn’t matter how much you’re paying it, whatever it takes.

    My dear friends and elders!
    Sacrifice [qurbani] does not mean killing an animal but performing such a deed in a way which will bring you closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta’la.

    Performing every such deed, the aim of which is to get near to Allah, which Allah likes, is what is known as Qurbani [sacrifice].

    And if the goal of such deeds is not to seek nearness to Allah, then performing such deeds cannot be called worship.

    The Eid’s are an opportunity for physical and monetary sacrifice, both, physical as well as monetary. In Eid ul Adha, both the things are present – salah as well as sacrifice, ….physical sacrifice by performing special salah of Eid and also your wealth by giving sacrifice of the animal.

    And in Eid ul Fitr, give charity [fitrah] as well as perform salah, yes!.

    Salah and charity in Eid ul Fitr and…

    Salah and sacrifice in Eid ul Adha.

    It comes in the traditions
    [ahadith] of Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] that “Whosoever has the capability of offering sacrifice and does NOT do so then let that person not even come close to my masjid”. Let that person not come close to my place of worship, my masjid, my place. But people don’t have faith in these things [indicating weak faith - translator].

    they will spend an enormous amount of wealth on weddings, and on clothing themselves, such that the community’s wealth is being spent on fulfilling their desires, freely spent on all those things which are in effect causing us to move further apart from Allah and saved from all those things which would have brought us nearer to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’la.

    [Hadratji emphasises upon the above words by saying them twice - translator].

    (The above is only Part 1)
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    True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    Imam ash-Shafi`i said:

    "Whoever takes knowledge from books loses the regulations."
    (man akhadha al-`ilma min al-kutubi Dayya`a al-aHkaama). [Reported by Nawawi in the introduction to "al-Majmu"]


    Because Inconvenience is Sacrifice®

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    Re: True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    Very good post. Jazakallah.
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    Al-Mufarridun's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Urban Turban View Post
    Listen…when there is NO belief in the promises of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, then worship becomes a huge burden…when there is no belief, knowledge of the rewards that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has promised us, then worship becomes… a huge burden.
    So True!

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    Urban Turban's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmad H View Post
    Very good post. Jazakallah.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Mufarridun View Post

    So True!

    All good is from Allah rabbul izzat, spread the PDF translation so that that many people give up haggling over the price of the animal before the days of Eid and spend their time in worship on the eve of Eids.
    True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    Imam ash-Shafi`i said:

    "Whoever takes knowledge from books loses the regulations."
    (man akhadha al-`ilma min al-kutubi Dayya`a al-aHkaama). [Reported by Nawawi in the introduction to "al-Majmu"]


    Because Inconvenience is Sacrifice®

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    Urban Turban's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    Part 2:

    As salaamu wa alay kum.
    Continued from here
    The translation continues here:
    Therefore, the two days of Eid are meant for both, worship as well as sacrifice, and in the same way, their previous nights too are for worship.

    [Translator note: In the case of Eid ul Fitr, its sacrifice of wealth]

    The nights before the Eid have so much significance that if one worships in those nights, then paradise is obligatory [Wa’jib] upon such a person.
    Five nights!

    Yes, there are five nights that if a person worships in those nights, then paradise is obligatory upon such a person.

    Yes! Such deeds are known as virtues on the performance of which Allah promises rewards, but we no more have knowledge or believe in what reward we’d be getting for performing such and such a deed. Whoever does not keep the knowledge of virtues…I think brothers….in the work of tabligh, for a short while he’d listen to ta’lim, ta’lim also being one of the activities, actually, keep listening to the virtues so much…SO much that you’d know the virtue of every single deed when the opportunity of performing it comes up before you such that you’d know what to do at this time and this time and this time….

    (What do you think) Is ta’lim just another activity in the work of tabligh…??!

    Keep knowledge of the virtues of performing each and every single deed you’d get in the 24 hours of a day…and if you don’t have knowledge nor have belief then you can’t benefit from the work.

    A person who lets go of opportunities of worship lives in ignorance.

    my dear friends, this night too is a night of worship as well as tomorrow is also a day of worship – the day of Eid. Today’s night…is a night of worship, just like the night of Arafat, yes! Yesterdays’ night too was a night of worship just like today’s night is a night of worship.

    8 Dhul Hijjah – Day of Tarwiyah, then.. 9 Dhul Hijjah – Day of Arafah, then…10 Dhul Hijjah – Day of Qurbani – Whosoever worships in these three subsequent nights, Jannah would be obligatory upon him. The other two nights are different – the night before Eid ul Fitr and 15th of Shabaan. Plus these three nights….how many nights in total? Five! Five nights in total.

    Therefore, whoever worships in these five nights then jannah is obligatory upon such a person.

    Where are the people on the eve of Eid? In the bazaars. No my brothers, all these are but opportunities for ibaadah and its actually commanded that people decorate the days of Eid by proclaiming the greatness of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala [takbeer].

    زَيِّنُوا أَعْيَادَكُمْ بِالتَّكْبِيرِ


    Adorn your Eid’s by proclaiming the greatness of Allah subhanahu wa ta’la.

    Whatever the Muslims have received – they have received it in opposition to the non-Muslims.

    That this day
    was the day they [the non-Muslims in the age of ignorance] decorated their false deities, washed them, cleaned them, beautified them – but right on this day the Muslims were commanded to praise Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala, yes, praise Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala or adorn your Eid’s by proclaiming the greatness of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

    Its commanded
    …“ZAYYINU AYYADAKUM BITTAKBIR” meaning adorn your Eid’s by proclaiming the greatness of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala.

    So my dear friends and elders, tomorrows is a day of worship as well as today’s night too is a night of worship, tomorrow being the day of Eid ul Adha.

    And give Qurbani [sacrifice] with ALL YOUR HEART, yes, with ALL YOUR HEART, with happiness, with fondness, with all your heart… give sacrifice of the animal and only if one has any love for the sacrificial animal would it then be called a sacrifice, isn’t it?

    May Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala forgive us all…some people give such a type of qurbani, that on day of Eid they’d give some money to their servants with orders to purchase a sacrificial animal, and give its sacrifice, yes, the rich people don’t even know what kind of animal was purchased, they just give the money and give orders for its sacrifice.

    [Translator note: Hazrathji Maulana Sa’ad places a lot of emphasis and speaks with a lot of concern when he speaks the above words].

    Once when Hazrathji Maulana Yusuf [rahmatullah alayh] was very young,
    he reared a goat in his house and that goat was such that…every member of his family absolutely loved it, it even used to sit on the cot and not on the ground and it was so much loved that everyone in the family wanted to have a part of their food set aside from their own to feed the animal – such was the love everybody in the household had for the animal. A part of every fruit, bread, sweets etc, that was in the house had to have a part of it set aside for the goat, and because of this, it was even wonderfully healthy, even Hazrathji Maulana Yusuf [rahmatullah alayh] used to love it a lot.

    Then the day of Qurbani arrived and members in his household asked him to get a sacrificial animal, to which Hazrathji replied: “The sacrificial animal is in the house itself!! What’s the need of buying any other animal?!”.

    The family members were shocked and replied: “No! Its like our son! We are not going to sacrifice him!”.

    Hazrathji Yusuf replied: Prophet Ibrahim [peace be upon him] too reared his own son, not any others and then… sacrificed him, it was his OWN son!

    The WHOLE household of Hazrathji Maulana Yusuf [rahmatullah alayh] was crying profusely when the goat was being sacrificed, seeing which Hazratji said “Now,
    THIS is REAL sacrifice!!”

    And then when its meat came into the house, nobody wanted to believe that the goat had been sacrificed, yes. Hazrathji Maulana Yusuf [rahmatullah alayh] later said:

    “When we cooked its meat and sat down to eat, we were all crying thinking that this was the same goat that we so lovingly reared all these years…used to feed it, nurture it for all these years”.

    That’s why I suggest, buy the sacrificial animal that many days earlier from the day of Qurbani that you develop an attachment towards it, you develop love towards it. Yes!

    Upon such a suggestion people would think that the animal would dirty the house…

    Ah! Rather, we should have love towards the sacrificial animal, yes, have love towards the animal, what happens in the houses of the rich? They buy the animal, sacrifice it at the slaughterhouse itself, and what’s more the meat doesn’t even reach the house too!!.

    Much more money gets spent on our desires,
    where’s the sacrifice in spending only a thousand rupees in purchasing the animal and then sacrificing it?.

    To be continued...
    True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    Imam ash-Shafi`i said:

    "Whoever takes knowledge from books loses the regulations."
    (man akhadha al-`ilma min al-kutubi Dayya`a al-aHkaama). [Reported by Nawawi in the introduction to "al-Majmu"]


    Because Inconvenience is Sacrifice®

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    Urban Turban's Avatar Full Member
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    Lightbulb Re: True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    Its that time of the year again... Eid ul Adha is drawing close. Read, Practice & Propagate.
    True Sacrifice. The Essence of Sacrifice.

    Imam ash-Shafi`i said:

    "Whoever takes knowledge from books loses the regulations."
    (man akhadha al-`ilma min al-kutubi Dayya`a al-aHkaama). [Reported by Nawawi in the introduction to "al-Majmu"]


    Because Inconvenience is Sacrifice®

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