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Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

  1. #1
    Urban Turban's Avatar Full Member
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    Exclamation Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

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    I've previously said about my reservations regarding Bill Gates, that how in the name of charity, he has been covertly doing business for MS in India plus that old grouse as to how the Christian missionaries are being strengthened in the name of aid from the West, but this is altogether something else. And if proved, may Allah bring about his & MS's downfall ASAP. Ameen.


    1. The Taliban had prevented / blocked polio drops in Pakistan administered by the Bill Gates foundation and or its affiliates. Old news.

    a) Colin Todhunter is I as far as I know a Socialist, you could call him a mu'reed (student) of Naom Chomsky and extensively quotes him and his books.

    b) But sympathetic to Muslim causes.

    3. The story is not India specific as Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is present across the world.

    So you've been warned regarding both the sides.

    Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    Colin Todhunter, April, 1, 2013:
    Whatever the publicly stated aims of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) sector, and however terrible its impact has been on cotton farmers in India, there is a much more sinister side to this industry.

    In order to govern a population, apart from the use of violence, people’s consent must be achieved. Noam Chomsky’s book ‘The Manufacture of Consent’ discusses the important role of the media in this. However, possibly the most basic form of controlling a population is eugenics, a philosophy that includes reduced reproductive capacity of ‘less desired’ people.

    There is a growing fear that eugenics is being used for the purpose of population control – to get rid of sections of the world population that are ‘surplus to requirements’. In the West, due to automation and the outsourcing of jobs, there is likely to be a large section of the population that will be permanently unemployed or underemployed. In places like China, Africa and India, promoting birth control has been high on the agenda for some decades.

    Millionaire US media baron Ted Turner has stated that a global population of 250-300 million people, a 95 percent decline from present levels, would be ideal. Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defence Fund asserts that the only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another US and that we can’t let other countries have the same number of cars and the amount of industrialisation currently in the US.

    Billionaire Bill Gates has pledged hundreds of millions of dollars to improve access to contraception in the developing world. Based on the premise that the world is getting overpopulated, fewer people means elites and the better off can reduce the competition for the resources they covert so much and maintain their current high levels of material consumption. Gates has also purchased shares in Monsanto valued at more than $23 million. His agenda is to help Monsanto get their genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into Africa on a grand scale.

    Here’s where things get interesting. In 2001, Monsanto and Du Pont bought a small biotech company called Epicyte that had created a gene that makes the male sperm sterile. In the US, GM foods are already on the market and unlabeled. US citizens have no idea what could be in their food. These foods where not independently tested for their impact on health. Would you like to know whether you are eating stuff that has been proven by Professor Seralini of the University of Caen in France to damage health?

    Would you like to know if what you are eating contains something that could make you sterile?

    Guiding light

    Bill Gates’ father has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood. In 2003, Bill Gates admitted that his father used to be the head of Planned Parenthood, which was founded on the concept that most human beings are just reckless breeders. Gates senior is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and a guiding light behind the vision and direction of the Gates Foundation, which is heavily focused on forcing GMOs on Africa via its financing of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).

    The Gates Foundation has given at least $264.5 million to AGRA. According to a report published in La Via Campesina in 2010, 70 percent of AGRA's grantees in Kenya work directly with Monsanto and nearly 80 percent of the Gates Foundation funding is devoted to biotechnology. The same report explains that the Gates Foundation has pledged $880 million to create the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), which is a heavy promoter of GMOs.

    Rather than embrace a move towards genuine food sovereignty and address the underlying political and economic issues that breed poverty, billionaire Gates has chosen the promotion of corporate-controlled agriculture.

    As the GM sector continues to hammer at India’s door, we have every right to be concerned, not only because of the much reported impact of seed monopolies and GMOs’ well-documented detrimental effects on health and the environment, but also because of concerns over just which genes may be in the foodstuffs that we eat, unbeknown to us.
    Researcher F William Engdahl states that genetic engineering cannot be understood without looking at the global spread of US power. Leading figures in the US financed the ‘Green Revolution’ in the agriculture sector of developing countries in order to create new markets for petro-chemical fertilizers and petroleum products, as well as to expand dependency on energy products. Food has now become a weaponised to secure global dominance.

    The world’s problems are not being caused by overpopulation, but by greed and a system of ownership that ensures wealth flow from bottom to top. It’s not about stopping countries in their tracks, but about changing a widespread global system and mindset that is based an over reliance on oil and unsustainable depletion of natural resources, with the US being the biggest culprit. Millionaires like Ted Turner believe it should be a case of carry on consuming regardless for the likes of him. This is the ideology of the rich who regard the rest of humanity as a problem to be ‘dealt with.’

    Should we be wary of a hugely politically connected sector that has ownership of technology that allows for the genetic engineering of food and a gene that could be used (or already is) for forced sterilization? We should because this is a sector whose stated objective is to control the world’s food chain and, by implication, the global population.

    Last edited by Urban Turban; 04-01-2013 at 01:36 PM.
    Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    Imam ash-Shafi`i said:

    "Whoever takes knowledge from books loses the regulations."
    (man akhadha al-`ilma min al-kutubi Dayya`a al-aHkaama). [Reported by Nawawi in the introduction to "al-Majmu"]


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    Saira Khan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    Yes and that is why, today if you carefully look at his face, he is exactly resembling a monkey. He is the murderer of children on mass level.
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    xboxisdead's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Saira Khan View Post
    Yes and that is why, today if you carefully look at his face, he is exactly resembling a monkey. He is the murderer of children on mass level.
    Oh it is worse than that. I am muslim, I fear Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and I want the best for my brothers and sisters alike...but if this evil thought that I am about to type right now can enter my head and while I fear Allah and believe in him, will never execute it....what would this be in a human being like Bill Gate who does not believe in Allah, who is a disbeliever, who hates Muslim...would do if such thought did enter his head?

    A) Remove fathers from home.
    B) Emasculate his mind and dehumanize him, completely to a point he is less than animal.
    C) Put boys and men at the back, back, back, back seat and put girls and women at the front, front, front seat.
    D) Turn the role of men and boys as redundant and push women and girls to take over the roles that Allah have assigned to men for them now.
    E) Drop down the male population control to extinction if possible or to few limited amount and those belong to elite not to the general public.
    F) Only the elite are allowed to have sons and the entire population will only have daughters.
    G) Use genetic labs and fertilization so that two women can conceive children (daughters only) and only have the government have the power to say which women can have children or not.
    H) Turn women into a very excellent worker bees that will not fight back, rally or have any power or say against the government. What a perfect worker machine if I have never seen one. The government now have fully enslaved and controlled the population once you remove men and boys from the equation.....and the government have full populational control to be at the top and have power to command and order the civilian at his will..and transfer this power from father to son for each new generation.

    If Bill Gate could do the above to cause human sterilization...why is the above I mentioned that far fetched?
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    Physicist's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    For me looks like just another fake news.

    Serious article would start from statistics showing severe decline in fertility among poor population, would introduce research done to figure out reason, consider all alternative explanations...
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    Ahmed.'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    Let's be careful of slander guys, slander is a great sin in Islam and to accuse a person of wicked crimes based on a conspiracy theory article is slander

    It could be true, this guy could have an ulterior motive to 'help the 3rd world' and one of them could be to reduce population by nefarious means, however a conspiracy theory article is nowhere near enough evidence to accuse
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    Physicist's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    Also consider such possibility:

    Bill Gates considering to embrace Islam.
    Some of his associates extremely dislike it and invents such conspiracy theories.
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    CuriousonTruth's Avatar
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Physicist View Post
    Also consider such possibility:

    Bill Gates considering to embrace Islam.
    Lol what?

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is a very real agenda. More importantly I believe AIDS, Ebola, etc are American made bioweapons and the outbreaks in Africa were a small experiment.

    If so, this could actually be a massive problem and shows improtance of developing indigenous pharmaceutical companies in muslim countries.
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    Physicist's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    format_quote Originally Posted by CuriousonTruth View Post
    Lol what?

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is a very real agenda. More importantly I believe AIDS, Ebola, etc are American made bioweapons and the outbreaks in Africa were a small experiment.

    If so, this could actually be a massive problem and shows improtance of developing indigenous pharmaceutical companies in muslim countries.
    Lol, while dismissing the agenda, I'm totally agree with your conclusion.

    May be that's why so many fake news, to train people to dismiss without analysis. To judge by the "authority" of the source.
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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    Maybe gangs like monsanto are suing the farmers in order to prevent due attention to future evolved products and also to counter future lawsuits for allowing their dodgy crops to infect pure organic food by saying : "we told you not to" in advance. The attention would have been to the organic crops being infected, but instead - a pre-emptive counter lawsuit is used to fatigue farmers into reluctant acceptance. There is some reverse psychology involved here and the corporate news machine appears to be assisting them in the scam.
    This is very similar to america suing india for its potatoes possessing a strain of private gm code - and the future implications could be disastrous, especially if it comes to food wars, where a company backed by its governing elite who have the largest weapons stockpile on the planet - lays claim to vast tracts of vegetation in other countries based on gene strain content, and then threatening, acquiring compromises of, and otherwise manipulating their partners in other governments and collecting dividends from their people.
    The templars of the pirate East india company did something similar with the usury trade, and their beneficiaries now collect tributes from the people of the planet via the corrupt monthly installment system. Nobody other than the central usury gang is allowed to print it - though interest is required on top.......

    Food will be another issue altogether - especially since unwanted infection of a farmer's crop is unlawful, whereas advancing positively in agriculture by planting any available lawful food is praiseworthy.
    Imagine employees of the government coming and confiscating your coat on counterfeit or intellectual theft grounds because it turns out that the cotton has monsanto code in it that either wasn't wanted by the grower or because he/she was oblivious or careless of it's genetic makeup.
    Then imagine a plate of food..........or warehouses full of food........


    Some more turkish delight your majesty???
    Our guest is hungry.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 04-28-2019 at 09:28 AM.
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    Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

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  13. #10
    Ahmed.'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Bill Gates using Epicyte gene to control population of poor?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Physicist View Post
    Also consider such possibility:

    Bill Gates considering to embrace Islam.
    Some of his associates extremely dislike it and invents such conspiracy theories.
    Lol that initself is a crazy conspiracy theory

    First of all there is no news of Bill wanting to convert and even if he did, socialists would not attack him like this, so this makes it an absolutely looney theory mate!

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    Maybe gangs like monsanto are suing the farmers in order to prevent due attention to future evolved products and also to counter future lawsuits for allowing their dodgy crops to infect pure organic food by saying : "we told you not to" in advance. The attention would have been to the organic crops being infected, but instead - a pre-emptive counter lawsuit is used to fatigue farmers into reluctant acceptance. There is some reverse psychology involved here and the corporate news machine appears to be assisting them in the scam.
    This is very similar to america suing india for its potatoes possessing a strain of private gm code - and the future implications could be disastrous, especially if it comes to food wars, where a company backed by its governing elite who have the largest weapons stockpile on the planet - lays claim to vast tracts of vegetation in other countries based on gene strain content, and then threatening, acquiring compromises of, and otherwise manipulating their partners in other governments and collecting dividends from their people.
    The templars of the pirate East india company did something similar with the usury trade, and their beneficiaries now collect tributes from the people of the planet via the corrupt monthly installment system. Nobody other than the central usury gang is allowed to print it - though interest is required on top.......

    Food will be another issue altogether - especially since unwanted infection of a farmer's crop is unlawful, whereas advancing positively in agriculture by planting any available lawful food is praiseworthy.
    Imagine employees of the government coming and confiscating your coat on counterfeit or intellectual theft grounds because it turns out that the cotton has monsanto code in it that either wasn't wanted by the grower or because he/she was oblivious or careless of it's genetic makeup.
    Then imagine a plate of food..........or warehouses full of food........


    Some more turkish delight your majesty???
    Our guest is hungry.
    Thank God there's so many harthals (national strikes) in Bangladesh as this dissuades these evil corporations from 'investing' there and enslaving the people with their food and products monopoly
    Last edited by Ahmed.; 04-28-2019 at 02:29 PM.
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