Sometimes when I am praying I get extremely hot and itchy, and my mind starts to wander OR my mind goes totally blank to I am not thinking of anything else but at the same time, I'm not really thinking about my salah either and I lose my train of thought. So I find myself thinking: did I already read fatiha? or which rakat am I on?
And I also find myself in Sujood for a long period of time to the point that I lose track of my rakats. I know sujood is good, but losing concentration isn't.
I don't get it, for a while I had kind of mastered the art of Concentration almost, now it isn't working for me. And I thought shaytan was locked up.
This has crossed my mind many times. I finally came to the conclusion that if that is so, then shaytan has 'trained' me so well in the 11 months he roams free that even when he is locked up those whispers have become so intrinsic in my psyche that the routine does not change so easily.
I also at times suffer the same problem you do. I reckon in a day, there would be solats that I did extra raka' as I am not sure of the amount I have done. Normally I would notch/count the raka' with my fingers as I rise to perform a new raka'. Even this is not failsafe as I do sometimes forget!
Someone told me that he suffers the same and he reads the 4 Quls for the 4 raka'. This way he knows which one he is at. But I like a variety of surahs for the second verse. Perhaps I should just read the 4 Quls.
Can't really help you I'm afraid, but you're not alone in this.
Am the same my mind wanders or my cats sits in front of me meowing at me
i have to watch that i don't look at him and laugh
He waits there for me to finish my prayer then he gets some love
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