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Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

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    Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning (OP)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    ( First are the Asmaa’ullahi Al-Husna in Arabic only, then is Their transliteration and translation in English, followed by their explanation One By One)

    هوالله الذي لا إلاه إلا هو ألرحمن, ألرحيم,

    الملك, القدوس, السلام, المؤمن, المهيمن, العزيز,

    الجبار, المتكبر, الخالق, البارئ, المصور, الغفار,

    القهار, الوهاب, الرزاق, الفتاح, العليم, القابض,

    الباسط, الخافض, الرافع, المعز, المذل, السميع,

    البصير, الحكم, العدل, اللطيف, الخبير, الحليم,

    العظيم, الغفور, الشكور, العلي, الكبير, الحفيظ,

    المقيت, الحسيب, الجليل, الكريم, الرقيب, المجيب,

    الواسع, الحكيم, الودود, المجيد, الباعث, الشهيد,

    الحق, الوكيل, القوي, المتين, الولي, الحميد,

    المحصي, المبدئ, المعيد, المحي, المميت, الحي,

    القيوم, الواجد, الماجد, الواحد, الأحد, الصمد,

    القادر, المقتدر, المقدم, المؤخر, الأول, الآخر,

    الظاهر, الباطن, الوالى, المتعالى, البر, التواب,

    المنتقم, العفو, الرؤوف, مالك الملك, ذوالجلال و

    الإكرام, المقسط, الجامع, الغني, المغني, المانع,

    الضآر, النافع, النور, الهادي, البديع, الباقي, الوارث

    الرشيد, الصبور

    In some other books there are three more beautiful names
    , they come in place of Al-Muqeet, and before Al-Muntaqim and Al-Maani’ respectively, they are :

    المغيث, المنعم, المعطي.

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    Al-Barr (The Doer of Virtue and The Source of Piety)

    This Attribute of Allah came in the verse 28 of Al-Toor (At-Tur). Its English translation is:

    28. "Verily, We used to invoke Him (Alone and none else) before. Verily, He is Al-Barr (the Most Subtle, Kind, Courteous, and Generous), the Most Merciful."

    This will be the saying of the people in Paradise. To understand the above verse you should read the verses from 17 to 27 before it.

    The Name Al-Barr has very vast meaning which indicate the Excellent virtues of Allah Azza wa Jall to us, the servants. So Allah Ta’ala bestows a lot of blessings on the servants. Allah is the Mawla of blessings, providing vastly forever even without the asking of the servants. There is no limit of the Kindness and generosity of Allah Azza wa Jall.

    Allah’s virtues to HIS servants are of two types:

    1. General, 2. Special.

    General Virtues:

    These are for all of the mankind in common. Allah Azza wa Jall said in surah Al-Israa (surah Bani-Israa-eel) verse 70:

    70. We have honoured the children of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation.

    Another translation of the same verse along with its explanation is given below:

    (17:70) Indeed, We honoured the progeny of Adam, and bore them across land and sea and provided them with good things for their sustenance, and exalted them above many of Our creatures.

    Exp. note 85:

    85. That is, it is an obvious fact that the superiority man enjoys over all other beings on the earth and all that is in it, has not been bestowed upon him by a jinn or an angel or a prophet. Most surely that is Allah’s blessing and favor. Is it not then the height of folly and ignorance that after having achieved such a high rank, man should bow down before any creature of Allah instead of Him?

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    And this honor given to mankind is in the beauty of his/her shape, body, clean and pious moral sense, and his/her ability to see, hear and think. He/she stands and walks upright on his/her legs and feet and eats with hand while animals eat with their mouth and walk on four limbs.

    Allah has given numerous blessing to all man-kind in the form of different kind of foods as vegetables, fruits, meats etc. There are other numerous blessings as Allah Azza wa Jall said:

    Wa in ta-uddu naimat-Allahi laa tuhsooha (If you start to count the blessing of Allah, you will not be able to count them).

    Allah gives guidance of HIS Deen Islam, and the ability to follow this Deen to whomever Allah wills and then gives success to the obedient servants here and in the Hereafter. So there are three places of the success of the obedient servants, those are:

    1. Here in this world,

    2. In the grave (Aalami-Barzakh),

    3. In the Hereafter in Paradise.

    Allah Azza wa Jall said in surah Al-Infitaar 13:

    13. Verily, the Abrar (pious and righteous) will be in delight (Paradise);

    So in the Hereafter Allah Azza wa Jall will give more reward for our good deeds. According to a hadeeth shareef, the reward of one good deed is ten times to 700 times, while for making a sin the punishment shall be equal to the sinful deed.

    This is also due to the Al-Barr Attribute of Allah Azza wa Jall that Allah forgives the sins of a sinner when he /she repents to Allah. Allah said in the verse 53 of surah Al-Zumar (Az-Zumar):

    53. Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

    Like the verse (mentioned above) there are many ahadeeth shareef which encourage us on repentance. (This is because Allah wants people get saved from the Hell-Fire. But in case a sinner becomes proud and insists on making sins, particularly the sin of polytheism, then Allah’s punishments are also unique and everlasting. So we must stay humble in front of our Kind Lord Allah Azza wa Jall).

    There is a Hadeeth Shareef in Muslim from Anas Bin Maalik rAa. He says:

    The Messenger of Allah said: “When a servant of Allah repents to Allah from his sins the Pleasure of Allah on his repentance is more than the one of you who was riding his camel in a desert when his camel disappeared (lost) from him. His food and drink (water) was on the camel. He couldn’t find it and became hopeless. Then he came to a tree and lay down in its shade hopeless from his camel. Meanwhile he saw his camel standing near him ----. The pleasure that he experienced, Allah’s Pleasure on the repentance of someone of you is more than his pleasure.”

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    We must also know that Allah Al-Barr wants us to do birr (good, kindness, virtues) to others. So our hearts will be made closer to Allah as much as we do good deeds. Allah loves virtuous deeds. The following verse gives a summary of the virtuous deeds that we are ordered to do.

    Surah Al-Baqarah verse 177:

    (2:177) Righteousness does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or towards the west;
    175 true righteousness consists in believing in Allah and the Last Day, the angels, the Book and the Prophets, and in giving away one’s wealth in love of Him to one’s kinsmen, the orphans, the poor and the wayfarer, and to those who ask for help, and in freeing the necks of slaves, and in establishing Prayer and dispensing the Zakah. True righteousness is attained by those who are faithful to their promise once they have made it and by those who remain steadfast in adversity and affliction and at the time of battle (between Truth and falsehood). Such are the truthful ones; such are the God-fearing.

    Exp. note 175:

    175. Turning one's face towards the east or the west is mentioned here only by way of illustration. The actual purpose of the verse is to emphasize that the observance of certain outward religious rites, the performance of certain formal religious acts out of conformism, and the manifestation of certain familiar forms of piety do not constitute that essential righteousness which alone carries weight with God and earns His recognition and approval.

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    Last edited by OmAbdullah; 11-04-2016 at 04:30 PM.
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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Tawwaab Pronounced as At-Tawwaab

    It means The Oft-Returning, The Guide to repentance, and the Accepter of repentance. The word is related to the word “tawbah” which means repentance. When a person repents to Allah, he (the person) seeks Allah’s forgiveness and turns back from his sins to the obedience of Allah. Allah is At-Tawwaab in the sense that Allah will turn with Mercy to the sinner servant and will make him (guide him to) do tawbah from his sins. The following verse points to this meaning of the Attribute:

    Surah Al-Tawbah (At-Tawbah) verse 118 (English translation only);

    [9:118] And He also relented towards the three whose cases had been deferred.
    118 When the earth, for all its spaciousness, became constrained to them, and their own beings became a burden to them, and they realized that there was no refuge for them from Allah except in Him; He relented towards them that they may turn back to Him. Surely, it is Allah Who is Much Forgiving, Ever Merciful.119

    (This verse of the surah Al-Tawbah was revealed concerning three of the true believers who stayed behind, without just cause, from going to the Battle of Tabuk. So Allah Azza wa Jall ordered the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) and His Companions rAa not to have any social relations with them. When they reached a state of utter despair, Allah Azza wa Jall revealed this verse and the companions ran to them in pleasure, saying congratulation to them because Allah Azza wa Jall had accepted their repentance. You can read their story in the exp. notes of this verse at tafheem.net)

    When the servant seeks Allah’s Forgiveness by making tawbah then Allah turns to him with Mercy to forgive him.

    This Attribute of Allah came in many verses of the Holy Quraan. For e.g. Allah said in the verse 37 of surah Al-Baqarah (its English translation is ):

    37. Then learnt Adam from his Lord words of inspiration, and his Lord Turned towards him; for He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

    Another translation of the same verse is:

    (2:37) Thereupon Adam learned from his Lord some words and repented
    51 and his Lord accepted his repentance for He is Much-Relenting, Most Compassionate.52

    Exp. notes 51---52:

    51. This means that when Adam became conscious of his act of sin and wanted to return from his state of disobedience to that of obedience, and when he tried to seek remission for his sin from God, he was unable to find the words to use in his prayer to God. In His Mercy God taught him the words with which he could pray.

    The word tawbah basically denotes 'to come back, to turn towards someone'. Tawbah, on the part of man, signifies that he has given up his attitude of disobedience and has returned to submission and obedience to God. The same word used in respect of God means that He has mercifully turned towards His repentant servant so that the latter has once more become an object of His compassionate attention.

    52. The Qur'an refutes the doctrine that certain consequences necessarily follow from sins and that man must in all cases bear them. In fact this is one of the most misleading doctrines to have been invented by human imagination. If it were true it would mean that a sinner would never have the opportunity to have his repentance accepted. It is a mechanistic view of reward and punishment and thus prevents and discourages the sinner from trying to improve.

    The Qur'an, on the contrary, tells man that reward for good actions and punishment for bad ones rests entirely with God. The reward that one receives for good acts is not the natural consequence of those acts; it is rather due to the grace and benevolence of God and it is entirely up to Him to reward one or not. Likewise, punishment for evil deeds is not a natural and unalterable consequence of man's acts. God has full authority to punish man for his sin as well as to pardon him.

    God's grace and mercy, however, are interrelated with His wisdom. Since He is wise, He does not use His power arbitrarily. Hence, whenever God rewards a man for his good acts, He does so because the good was done with purity of intention and for the sake of pleasing God. And if God refuses to accept an act of apparent goodness, He does so because that act had merely the form or appearance of goodness, and was not motivated by the desire to please God.

    In the same way God punishes man for those sins which he commits with rebellious boldness, and which whet his appetite for more rather than lead him to repentance. Similarly, in His mercy God pardons those sins which are followed by genuine repentance and readiness on the part of the sinner to reform himself. There is no need for the criminal to despair of God's grace and mercy, no matter how great a criminal he is. Nor is there any reason for even the most rabid disbeliever to despair, provided he recognizes his error, repents of his disobedience and is ready to replace his former disobedience with obedience.

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    Allah Azza wa Jall said in surah Al-Shura (Ash-Shurah) verse 25 (its English translation is):

    25. He is the One that accepts repentance from His Servants and forgives sins: and He knows all that ye do.

    Thus when we repent to Allah and say astaghfaar Allah Azza wa Jall accepts our tawbah and astaghfaar.

    About the Al-Tawwaab (At-Tawwaab) Attribute I am giving one hadeeth Shareef:

    عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه قال : سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : ( قال الله عزوجل : يا ابن آدم ، إنك ما دعوتني ورجوتني غفرت لك ما كان منك ولا أبالي ، يا ابن آدم ، لو بلغت ذنوبك عنان السماء ، ثم استغفرتني غفرت لك ، يا ابن آدم ، إنك لو أتيتني بقراب الأرض خطايا ، ثم لقيتني لا تشرك بي شيئا ، لأتيتك بقرابها مغفرة ) رواه الترمذي وقال : حديث حسن صحيح .

    Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Allah, the Exalted, has said: 'O son of adam, I forgive you as long as you pray to Me and hope for My forgiveness, whatever sins you have committed. O son of 'Adam, I do not care if your sins reach the height of the heaven, then you ask for my forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of 'Adam, if you come to Me with an earth load of sins, and meet Me associating nothing to Me, I would match it with an earth-load of forgiveness."'

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    Due to this Attribute At-Tawwaab, Allah will forgive the sins of a servant when he repents to Allah and prays for Maghfirah (forgiveness) by saying Astaghfaar, or Astaghfirullah, or Astaghfirullahil-Azeem laa ilaaha illa huwa Al-Hayyul-Qayyoom wa atoobu ilaih.

    We must say these words for repentance frequently because in every day there are special times when du’aa is accepted.

    We must say these words at early morning when 2/3rd of the night has passed because at that time Allah Azza wa Jall comes to the worldly heaven to accept the du’aa and tawbah of those who request Allah at that time.

    We must remember a few important points about tawbah. These are:

    1. If a Muslim has hurt someone then his mere words of tawbah will not be accepted until he/she is forgiven by that someone.

    2. If a Muslim has deprived someone of his right or has unlawfully taken the wealth or property of someone, his tawbah will not be accepted until he pays back someone’s right / wealth /property or when that someone forgives him.

    3. If that someone whose backbiting was done has passed away, then the sinner must do some virtues /good deeds etc. and pray to Allah to send the reward to that person if he was a Muslim. He can return his wealth or property to his children.

    4. The gate of tawbah remains open until a person has not seen the angel of death.

    5. Also the gate of tawbah will close, in general, to all people after the sun rises from the west. If a person has not repented from his sins until that time (rising of the sun from the west) or if he/she remains unbeliever until that time, then his/ her tawbah or faith will not be accepted.

    6. So we must always do tawbah and astaghfirullah and should never be hopeless of the mercy of Allah Azza wa Jall. We must always be careful about the feelings, honor, rights, and property of others. We must try to protect ourselves from gheebah and nameemah (i.e. backbiting etc.).

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Mun-im (The Giver of blessings), Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger)


    Only Allah Azza wa Jall is the Giver of blessings. Allah Almighty said in the surah Al-Nahl (An-Nahl) verses 53 and 18

    (English translation):
    53. And whatever of blessings and good things you have, it is from Allah. Then, when harm touches you, unto Him you cry aloud for help.

    18. And if you would count the graces of Allah, never could you be able to count them. Truly! Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    We must always pray to Allah to protect us from the cessation of the blessings ( Zawaali-ni’mah). We cannot count the blessings of Allah so we must be very thankful to Allah for HIS Blessings.

    According to a Hadeeth Shareef, narrated by Jaabir Bin Abdullah (radi-yallaho anhu) the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) visited him and he (Jaabir rAa) presented to Him fresh dates and cool water. The Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) said “These are from those blessings about which you will be questioned”.

    (Musnad Ahmad, Nisaa-ee, Ibn- Jareer and many others)

    So it is clear from many ahaadeeth that it is not only the unbelievers who shall be questioned about the blessings but also Muslims. The difference is that if a Muslim had realized in this world that the blessings with him were from Allah azza wa Jall and if he tried to pay thanks to Allah with his heart, tongue and actions then he will succeed in the accounting otherwise he/she will fail!!!

    Paying thanks by actions means that we must give a poor, needy and a way farer his right. The numerous blessings that every person is enjoying are of different types. Some are given to mankind directly like eyes to see with, ears to hear with, tongue to speak with, hands to work with and feet/legs to walk with. We must consider these blessings of Allah as Allah ‘s trust and we must use them according to Allah’s Will and Commands. For e.g. we shouldn’t use our eyes to look at immoral scenes, we shouldn’t listen to music, back biting etc. We should use our tongue only for saying proper words and for the praises and remembrance of Allah. We should use our legs and feet to go for doing lawful things and also for going to Masjid but not for going to a cinema. We must do good things with our hands like lawful work to earn our sustenance. But we shouldn’t use our hands for unjust actions.

    Another type of blessings are given to us by our struggle. These blessings must be earned in the lawful way and also must be used and spent in the lawful way.


    The One Who takes revenge. Allah is the Avenger, the Lord of Retribution!!! Allah said in surah Aali-Imraan verses 3 and 4

    (its English translation is):

    3. He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel.

    4. Then those who reject Faith in the Signs of Allah will suffer the severest penalty, and Allah is Exalted in Might, Lord of Retribution.

    And Allah said in surah Al-Dukhaan (Ad-Dukhaan) verse 16 (Its English translation is):

    16. The Day We will strike with the greatest assault, indeed, We will take retribution.

    Although Allah Azza wa Jall is the Forgiving and Forbearing but the transgressive arrogant shouldn’t think that they can take advantage of these Attributes of Allah. They must also remember that Allah is the Lord of Retribution too. Usually, the oppressed Muslims become hasty and start wishing that Allah’s Punishment should catch the oppressors. But the Muslims note that they have to be extremely patient because it is up to Allah whether Allah Almighty punishes in this world or not and if yes then when will Allah catch the oppressors? All this authority lies with Allah and while wishing the punishment for others, we must pray for our own safety as Allah said in the surah al-Ma’idah verse 95:

    (5:95) Believers! Do not kill game while you are in the state of pilgrim sanctity.
    110 Whoever of you kills it willfully there shall be a recompense, the like of what he has killed in cattle - as shall be judged by two men of equity among you - to be brought to the Ka'bah as an offering, or as an expiation the feeding of the needy, or its equivalent in fasting111 in order that he may taste the grievousness of his deed. Allah has pardoned whatever has passed; but Allah will exact a penalty from him who repeats it. Allah is All-Mighty. He is fully capable of exacting penalties.

    Exp. Note 110:

    110. When a person is in the state of pilgrim sanctity (ihram) it is prohibited for him both to hunt and to assist in hunting animals. Indeed, even if an animal has been hunted for him by someone else he may not eat it. However, if someone hunts an animal for himself and makes a gift of it to such a person, there is no harm in his eating it. There is an exception to this injunction and that is with regard to harmful animals. Snakes, scorpions, mad dogs and other such animals which cause injury to man may be killed even by one in the state of ihram. (See Bukhari, 'Talaq', 24; 'Sayd', 2; Abu Da'ud, 'Manasik', 40, 41; Tirmidhi, 'Hajj', 27; 'Sayd', 26 - Ed.)

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    So we must pray for ourselves and for others, for an oppressor we must pray to Allah to guide him on the right path. But we shouldn’t become hopeless of Allah’s Justice. The real place for Allah’s Justice is the Here-After. There Allah shall judge every oppressor and punish him while Allah shall reward the oppressed one as Allah said in the surah Ibraheem verse 42 :

    42. And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror].

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    The translation of the above verse ( i.e surah Ibraheem verse 42) is very clear. Allah Azza wa Jall gives them more and more time to think, reflect and repent from his unjust actions. In case he/she is heedless then they shall suffer much more severe punishment. May Allah protect us. May Allah make us just and kind to people and make us from those who do tawbah (repent) to Allah again and again, aameen. May Allah make us the dwellers of Paradise, aameen. Truly, that shall be a great success.

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Allah is the Lord of Retribution

    It is important to give some examples of the Retribution of Allah Azza wa Jall for the explanation of this Attribute of Allah. This is true that the Here-After is the place for passing judgment and exacting Retribution. But it doesn’t mean that in this world the transgressors are left free to make corruption as much as they want. In the past many nations were killed when their transgression crossed the limits. The Holy Quraan is full of the stories of such arrogant, disobedient nations. Here are some examples of the past and present times.

    The nation of Sabt:

    For the nation of Musa alaihi salaam Saturday was a holyday like Jumah (Friday) is for us. They were ordered to worship Allah on that day and were especially prohibited from fishing. One tribe of that ummah would not stop from fishing on Saturday. So Allah Almighty changed them into apes!!! The verses 65 and 66 of the surah Al-Baqarah shortly mention the Retribution. Here is the English translation of Al-Baqarah 65—66:

    65. And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday). We said to them: "Be you monkeys, despised and rejected."

    66. And We made it an example to their own and to succeeding generations, and an admonition to the Allah-fearing.

    For more detail you can see surah Al-A’raaf verses 163----166.

    The homosexual nation of the prophet Lut (Loot) alaihi salaam:

    The prophet Loot alaihi salaam was sent to preach to that nation. Finally they were killed by stony wrath. You can see the story of that nation in the surah Hood (Hud), surah Al-A’raaf, surah Ash-Shu’araa and others.

    That stony wrath was for Retribution from the homosexuals of the past.

    At the present time there are many homo-gays parties in many nations. Allah Azza wa jall said in the surah Hud (Hood) verse 82—83:

    82. When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer,-

    83. Marked with fire in the providence of thy Lord (for the destruction of the wicked). And they are never far from the wrong-doers.

    So in the verse 83 there is a terrible warning to the homosexual/gays of the present time. This warning also came in the Hadeeth of the Final Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) as He informed us that stony wrath will come on the homosexuals. In another Hadeeth I read that the skulls of the homosexuals will be broken by iron-stones that will come from the stars. (Allah knows best).

    The meteor shower of the present time is also a warning of the stony wrath. When Allah Almighty wants, HE will bring down the stones on the criminals. So all of the mankind must fear Allah, stop from the sins and seek the refuge of Allah from HIS Retribution!!! Everyone must know that the killing and destruction by Allah’s wrath in this world doesn’t mean the end. Rather it means the everlasting severe punishment for the criminals in the Here-After too.

    Sinking of Qaaroon in the earth:

    He was from the cousins /relatives of Musa alaihi salaam. He was very rich and didn’t pay the obligatory charity. He also used to give hard time to Musa alaihi salaam. So Allah caught him and made him sink alive into the earth.

    In the present era
    many incidents of sinking in the earth happened!!! In America one man sank in the earth along with his TV set. Even more sinking will happen according to Hadeeth Shareef and sinking at three places is from the Major signs of the Day of Resurrection.

    Fir’on (Pharaoh) drowned in the sea/ocean along with his chiefs and army and their bodies are preserved in the Pyramids of Egypt
    to warn the Pharaoh- like kings/ Rulers at all times to come!!!

    Now the world is full of killing of the innocent people. There are extensive injustices. Suni Muslims are not only killed by bombing with different kind of bombs (including chlorine bombs and phosphorus bombs) but also by starving them to death. In the near past the Shia and Alawi militias had put siege on more than 85000 people in Madaaya Syria. Then the news said that there were 40000 people under siege. But now no news is coming about the starving people in Madaaya. So it means that all of them died with the torture of starvation.

    The news said that 11000 Syrians were tortured in terrible ways (the photos of their cut limbs and burnt black parts of their bodies were shown in the prisons of Al-Asad regime)!!! That happened and passed, but now there are 350 thousand Syrians in Aleppo Syria under the siege of Asad government. They are starving to death. Every day people are bombed and killed in Syria, Yaman, Iraq, Palestine etc. by the Pharaohs of the present era. The terrible truth is that now on the earth of Allah there is no Muslim Force to fight for justice and to rescue the innocent oppressed people. This was actually the duty and responsibility of the Muslim Powers in the whole world to stop massacres for the sake of Allah!!! But Dajjaal has deceived all responsible Muslims. So there seems none to fight truly for rescuing the Muslims under siege as well as others in prisons and also to rescue those under bombardment in their houses!!!

    We must do a lot of astaghfar and pray to Allah to protect us from Allah’s Anger which may come any time.

    The Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) has informed us about the wraths of Khasaf (sinking in the earth), Masakh (changing into apes and pigs), Qadhaf (Killer wrath of stones) and many other signs that will appear like a neckless of beads breaks and then the beads fall down and cannot be controlled. So many wraths of Allah will come and no one will be able to control them!!!

    May Allah protect us at this time when fitan (tribulations) have increased a lot and Allah’s Retribution /Wrath may come at any place/time/person!!!

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-‘Afuww (The Forgiver)

    Allah Azza wa Jall said in the Holy Quran (Only English translation is given here):

    Surah Al-Hajj 60:

    60. That (is so). And if one has retaliated to no greater extent than the injury he received, and is again set upon inordinately, Allah will help him: for Allah is One that blots out (sins) and forgives (again and again).

    Surah Al-Nisaa (An-Nisaa) verse 43:

    43. O you who believe! Approach not As-Salat (the prayer) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter, nor when you are in a state of Janaba, (i.e. in a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) except when travelling on the road (without enough water, or just passing through a mosque), till you wash your whole body. And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes from place of relieving himself, or you have been in contact with women (by sexual relations) and you find no water, perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands (Tayammum). Truly, Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

    Surah Al-Nisaa (An-Nisaa) verse 99:

    99. For these, there is hope that Allah will forgive: For Allah doth blot out (sins) and forgive again and again.

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    To understand the meaning of the verse 99 of Surah An-Nisaa you should also read the meaning of the verses 97 and 98.

    Surah Al-Mujaadilah verse 2:

    2. Those among you who make their wives unlawful (Az-Zihar) to them by saying to them "You are like my mother's back." They cannot be their mothers. None can be their mothers except those who gave them birth. And verily, they utter an ill word and a lie. And verily, Allah is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

    The meaning of Al-'Afuww is that Allah Azza wa Jall has this quality due to which Allah Azza wa Jall not only forgives but also wipes out sins of people. An Example is given to understand the meaning. Suppose a criminal applied for forgiveness and he was forgiven by the court but his bad record existed with the result that he would face difficulties in finding job etc. Then he requested the court to make his record clean. The court accepted the request and omitted his crime so that even the traces of his bad record are erased. So the Attribute Al-Ghafoor forgives the sins but Al-‘Afuww even omits the sins. Al-Hamdulillah!!! In the above mentioned verses the two Attributes i.e. Al-Ghafoor and Al-‘Afuww are coming together. We must thank Allah Azza wa Jall for HIS great Mercy on us. But we must try to protect ourselves from sins and must do lots of Astaghfaar. A person shouldn’t commit sins with the hope that Allah will forgive him, remember that Allah knows our intentions. It may be that such a one may not get chance to say astaghfirullah and may suddenly pass away. So we all must fear Allah azza wa Jall and keep away from sins. Again we must remember that Allah Almighty’s Justice is very pure. A person is not allowed to attack the rights or honor or property of another person. If one does, then he will not be forgiven by saying astaghfirullah. He has to return the rights of the victim or if the victim forgives him then Allah Azza wa Jall will forgive him.

    Allah Ta’ala said in surah Hood (Hud) verse 114:

    114. Establish worship at the two ends of the day and in some watches of the night. Lo! good deeds annul ill-deeds. This is reminder for the mindful.

    Another translation of the same verse 114 of the surah Hud is here for your understanding.

    114. And perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), at the two ends of the day and in some hours of the night [i.e. the five compulsory Salat (prayers)]. Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds (i.e. small sins). That is a reminder (an advice) for the mindful (those who accept advice).

    According to the above verse good deeds omit sins. Also a hadeeth reported by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhee and Al-Haakim says: “ Do a good deed after a sin, it will omit the sin.” In Arabic it is: "وأتبع السيئة الحسنة تمحها"

    Aa-ishah rAa was advised to pray /ask du’aa in the nights of Al-Qadar as: “ Allahumma innaka ‘Afuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa, fa’afu-‘annee ya kareem”.

    For more information, please read the Names Al-Ghaffaar post # 17 and Al-Ghafoor # 39 on this thread. Unfortunately, some of the posts are distorted because of some fault of the forum. The words are jumbled together. Now it is not possible for me to edit them.

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Ra'uuf (Ar-Ra'uuf)

    This name is derived from the word ra’fa which means mercy. "Ra’fa bi" means to have mercy upon. Ar-ra’fah is the mercy which in this world is common for all but in the Here-After it is only for some special type of people like al-awliyaa (the friends), al-mu’minoon (the practicing believers) and al-muttaqoon (those who fear Allah Almighty a lot and are always obedient to Allah Azza wa jall). Thus Al-Ra’uuf (Ar-Ra’uuf) means the Merciful, the Affectionate the Compassionate and the Clement.

    Here is the translation of some of the verses of the Holy Quraan which have this beautiful name of Allah Ta’ala. One of the important principles about the Names of Allah is that: when an aayah (verse) of the Holy Qur’aan ends with a Name of Allah then it means that the Command in the verse is related to the beautiful Name of Allah. So now we will see the verses with this beautiful Name of Allah Azza wa Jall:

    Surah Al-Baqarah verse 143:

    وما كان الله ليضيع ايمانكم إن الله باالناس لرءوف رحيم ….

    The translation of the complete verse is:

    143. Thus We have appointed you a middle nation, that ye may be witnesses against mankind, and that the messenger may be a witness against you. And We appointed the qiblah which ye formerly observed only that We might know him who followeth the messenger, from him who turneth on his heels. In truth it was a hard (test) save for those whom Allah guided. But it was not Allah's purpose that your faith should be in vain, for Allah is Full of Pity, Merciful toward mankind.

    Thus it means that It doesn’t befit Allah azza wa jall to waste your faith. This is great mercy of Allah and in this there is happy news for the practicing believers that Allah Who by HIS Mercy gave us Islam and eemaan (the faith of Islam), will rather protect our eemaan so that it persists and remains strong with the rituals and character of Islam.

    And Allah said in surah Al-Baqarah 207:

    207. And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah: And Allah is full of kindness to (His) slaves.

    Another translation of the same verse is:

    207. And of mankind is he who would sell himself, seeking the Pleasure of Allah. And Allah is full of Kindness to (His) slaves.

    Here appears a very beautiful and excellent principle of Allah azza wa Jall. That is when a Muslim sells his nafs to seek Allah’s pleasure, i.e. he forgets about his personal desires; rather he struggles to follow Allah’s Commands, then the ending of this verse by this great Name of Allah (Ar-Ra’uuf) with the words “bil ibaad” means that the Muslim (who sold himself for the pleasure of Allah ) will establish peace and security for the people. He /she will try to give people their rights. As Allah is Ar-Ra’uuf bil ibaad (very Kind to HIS servants) So the Muslim who devotes his life and struggles to please Allah, will do many things for the comfort of the ibaad (members of his society) in this world and for their success in the Here-After. We can see that the Prophets alaihim salaam and their close followers always struggled for the rights of the mankind!!! They expect their reward only from Allah Azza wa Jall in the next world and serve humanity for free.

    Surah Aali-Imran verse 30 (English translation):

    30. On the Day when every person will be confronted with all the good he has done, and all the evil he has done, he will wish that there were a great distance between him and his evil. And Allah warns you of Himself (His Punishment) and Allah is full of Kindness to (HIS) slaves.

    Although Allah Azza wa Jall is very strict in punishment to the transgressors but along with that Allah Azza wa Jall is Ra’uufun-bil-ibaad. So before that Hard Day of Judgment, Allah informed us all about the horrible punishment so that we, the servants may try to obey Allah’s Commands and thus protect ourselves from Hell.

    Surah Al-Tawbah (At-Tawbah) verse 117:

    [9:117] Surely Allah has relented towards the Prophet, and towards the Muhajirun (Emigrants) and the Ansar (Helpers) who stood by him in the hour of hardship,
    115 although the hearts of a party of them had well-nigh swerved.116 (But when they gave up swerving from the Right Course and followed the Prophet), Allah relented towards them.117 Surely to them He is the Most Tender, the Most Merciful.

    Exp. note 115, 116 and 117:

    115. Allah forgave the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions for those inadvertent lapses that had been made in connection with the Tabuk expedition, in view of their excellent services. The inadvertent lapse made by the Prophet (peace be upon him) was that he had given leave to stay behind to those people who were able to take part in the Jihad. (Ayat 43).

    116. This refers to those sincere companions who were at first somewhat unwilling to go to war on that critical occasion, but at last overcame their weakness, for they had true faith in their hearts and loved the right way.

    117. That is, Allah will not take them to account for their wrong inclinations for He does not punish a man for that weakness which he himself has overcome and corrected.

    Surah Al-Nahl (An-Nahl) verses 4---7:

    (16:4) He created man out of a mere drop of fluid, and lo! he turned into an open wrangler.

    Another translation of the same verse is:

    4. He has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer!

    (16:5) He created the cattle. They are a source of clothing and food and also a variety of other benefits for you.

    (16:6) And you find beauty in them as you drive them to pasture in the morning and as you drive them back home in the evening;

    (16:7) and they carry your loads to many a place which you would be unable to reach without much hardship. Surely your Lord is Intensely Loving, Most Merciful.

    All of these verses of the surah Al-Nahl (the translation mentioned above) describe the blessings of Allah on mankind who is usually a disputer. Only count the blessings of Allah in the animals that Allah created for our benefits and comfort. Surely Allah is your Lord Ra’uuf-ur-Raheem!!!

    Allah has also given us the blessings in the present era, those blessings which are the sources of transport from place to place like cars, buses trains, ships and air planes etc. So we must be very thankful and obedient to our Kind and Rauuf Lord. Allaho Akbar, wa lillahil hamd.

    Some of the other verses with this beautiful Name of Allah Azza wa Jall are:
    (Their English translation only)

    Surah Al-Nahl (An-Nahl) verses 45---47:

    (16:45) Do those who have been devising evil plans (against the mission of the Messenger) feel secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them up or that chastisement will not come upon them from a direction that they will not even be able to imagine;

    (16:46) or that He will not suddenly seize them while they are going about to and fro and they will be unable to frustrate His design,

    (16:47) or that He will not seize them when they are apprehensive of the impending calamity? Surely your Lord is Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

    Inspite of the fact that mankind is mostly disobedient and thankless to the Lord Allah Ta’ala and fights against Allah’s Messenger salla Allaho Alaihi wa sallam, but Allah Almighty doesn’t catch them at once! Rather Allah gives them long time to think, understand and repent to the very Kind and Unique Lord (Allah). Also gives them all blessings to enjoy. (But mankind must remember that Allah has appointed a Day in the Here-After to pass judgment, therefore they should not consider themselves absolutely free of responsibility. They must fear the Judgment Day).

    Surah Al-Hajj verse 65:

    (22:65) Have you not seen how Allah has subjected to you all that is in the earth, and the vessels that sail in the sea by His command,
    113 and it is He Who holds back the sky that it may not fall on earth except by His leave? Surely Allah is Most Gentle, Ever Compassionate to people.

    This verse 65 of surah al-Hajj is very clear to understand. So Allah is Ra’uuf-ur Raheem for all mankind!!!

    Surah Al-Noor (An-Noor) 20:

    20. And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, (Allah would have hastened the punishment upon you). And that Allah is full of kindness, Most Merciful.

    This verse 20 of the surah Al-Noor is in the context of those verses which were sent down to declare the piety of Aa’ishah radiyallaho anha. That means the false accusation on her might have caused the coming of wrath of Allah on the accusers but due to the Ra’uuf and Raheem qualities of Allah Azza wa Jall the punishment (Wrath) was not hastened. (But you must know that all of the accusers were punished with 80 lashes each in front of the people, according to the Law that was sent down in the beginning of the surah Al-Noor).

    Surah Al-Hadeed 9:

    (57:9) He it is Who sends down Clear Signs to His servant so as to bring you out from darkness into light. Surely Allah is Most Kind and Most Compassionate to you.

    Sending down the Holy Quraan through HIS Messenger Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam to take mankind out of the darkness of kufar (unbelief) into the Light of Islam is the greatest of the blessings because it protects us from the ever-lasting burning in Hell!!!

    Surah Al-Hashar 10:

    (59:10) (And it also belongs to) those who came after them,
    20 and who pray: “Lord, forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in faith, and do not put in our hearts any rancor towards those who believe. Lord, You are the Most Tender, the Most Compassionate.”21

    Exp. note 21:

    21. In this verse although the real object is only to point out that in fai not only the people of the present generation but the Muslims of the later periods and their future generations also have a share, yet, besides, the Muslims have also been taught an important moral lesson that they should never have any malice against other Muslims in their hearts, and they should continue to pray for the forgiveness of the Muslims who have gone before them instead of cursing and abusing them. The bond that binds the Muslims together is that of a common faith. If a person values his faith as the most important thing in his heart, inevitably he would be a well-wisher of all those people who are his brethren-in faith. He can have ill-will and malice and hatred towards them in his heart only when the value of the faith decreases in his sight and he starts valuing other things more. Therefore, it is the requirement of faith that a believer’s heart should be free from every trace of malice and hatred against the other believers.
    In this matter the best lesson is given by a Hadith which Nasai has related from Anas. According to him, once it so happened that for three days continuously the Prophet (peace be upon him) declared in his assembly that a person was going to appear before them who belonged to the dwellers of Paradise, and every time it would be a certain person from among the Ansar. At this Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas became curious as to what deeds the person concerned performed on the basis of which the Prophet (peace be upon him) had repeatedly given the good news of his admission to Paradise. Thus, he made an excuse and spent three consecutive nights in his house to see how he performed his worship, but during the night he did not see anything unusual. At last, he asked him directly as to what special acts and devotions he performed on the basis of which the Prophet (peace be upon him) had given the great good news about him. He replied: You have seen how I perform my worship, but there is one thing which might have carved me this reward: I do not harbor any malice or evil design against any Muslim, nor feel jealous of him on account of any good that Allah might have bestowed on him.
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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Maalik-al-Mulk (The Owner of Dominion)

    Allah Ta’ala said in surah Aali-Imraan verses 26—27 (their English translation is):

    (3:26) Say: 'O Allah, Lord of all dominion! You give dominion to whom You will, and take away dominion from whom You will, and You exalt whom You will, and abase whom You will. In Your Hand is all good. Surely You are All-Power-ful.

    (3:27) You cause the night to pass into the day and the day to pass into the night. You bring forth the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living, and You give sustenance to whom You will beyond all reckoning.'

    Regarding the Al-Mulk there are two names of Allah Azza wa Jall i.e. Al-Malik and Maalik-al-Mulk. The Attribute Al-Malik is described in this thread post # 11. You should read it to understand important points about these Attributes. Here are some dictionary meanings of these words for more understanding:

    Malik --- )In the Arabic word there is only fat’ha on the meem and no alif after meem like مَلِك ). This means the king, monarch.

    Mulk--- (hokum—sultah). It means reign, rule, power, authority, dominion, sovereignty.

    Mulk /milk. It means property, possession (s), estate, domain.

    Maalik--- (In the Arabic word there is fat’ha on the meem and also the meem is followed by alif like (مَالكit means owner, possesser, holder.

    Here the post has the attribute “Maalik-al-Mulk” which according to dictionary, means The Owner of the Dominion. Allah Ta’ala is the Owner of the whole universe. Allah Azza wa Jall is the Owner of all and every thing which (according to our knowledge) includes the whole universe, and all of the creations /creatures as well as the rule and the Commands. Allah Ta’ala is also the Owner of the Here-after. Beyond our knowledge, Allah knows best about HIS other creations. The translation of a few verses which mention the absolute Ownership of Allah, is in the following:

    Surah Aali-Imraan verse 189:

    189. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Allah has power over all things.

    Surah Ghaafir 16:

    16. The Day when they will (all) come out, nothing of them will be hidden from Allah. Whose is the kingdom this Day? (Allah Himself will reply to His Question): It is Allah's the One, the Irresistible!

    This verse 16 is about the Here-after. In this world Allah has given kingdoms to different people who act as rulers/kings/Ministers etc. to test them how do they use the power given to them. They play their role and go /pass away! But on that Day (The Day of Judgment) Allah Azza wa Jall will not give any authority to any one because this world is for test and that world is for the result to come out and all shall be recompensed according to their books of deeds.

    Surah Al-Furqaan 26:

    26. The Sovereignty on that day will be the True (Sovereignty) belonging to the Beneficent One, and it will be a hard day for disbelievers.

    This verse 26 of the surah Al-Furqaan is also about the Judgment Day in the Here-after. The meaning is very clear and understandable. Allah has very clearly informed mankind and Jinn that the Day of Judgment (Day of Accounting and Recompense) shall be very hard on the unbelievers! Allah also said in surah Al-Muddaththir verse 10: على الكافرين غير يسير (“Far from easy for the disbelievers”). That means that the Day of Accounting will not /and never become easy on the unbelievers. This life up to 30 to 60 years is sufficient for a person to choose sincerely for him /her self the Right Path so that he /she don’t cry and regret in the Here-after!

    Surah Al-Zukhruf (Az-Zukhruf) 85:

    85. And blessed is He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them and with whom is knowledge of the Hour and to whom you will be returned.

    As Mulk (the whole universe) belongs to Allah, so Allah’s Commands must be obeyed by all of Allah’s servants among mankind and Jinn. Allah also reminded us the Hour (Resurrection) and that we are all returning to HIM for the result of our tests. The Accounting of every person shall be based on his/her book of deeds.

    Surah Al-Zumar (Az-Zumar) verse 6:

    6. He created you (all) from a single person (Adam); then made from him his wife [Hawwa' (Eve)]. And He has sent down for you of cattle eight pairs (of the sheep, two, male and female; of the goats, two, male and female; of the oxen, two, male and female; and of the camels, two, male and female). He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three veils of darkness, such is Allah your Lord. His is the kingdom, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turned away?

    Surah Faatir verses 13---14:

    13. He merges the night into the day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night are added to the hours of the day), and He merges the day into the night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day are added to the hours of the night). And He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law), each runs its course for a term appointed. Such is Allah your Lord; His is the kingdom. And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmir (the thin membrane over the datestone).

    14. If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call, and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you (O Muhammad SAW) like Him Who is the All-Knower (of each and everything).

    Al-Maa’idah 76:

    76. Say, "Do you worship besides Allah that which holds for you no [power of] harm or benefit while it is Allah who is the Hearing, the Knowing?"

    Those people who worship false deities must understand that their false deities own no power. Nothing in the universe or in their own bodies is in their owner-ship. They cannot do anything to harm or benefit them. So the false deities have no right to be worshipped. Only Allah Ta’ala hears their /our prayers and provides them/and us everything. Allah Azza wa Jall is the Absolute Owner of their /our life and death as well as their / our loss and benefit all are with Allah. Therefore, Only Allah Ta’ala is the True deity so worship none but Allah Azza wa Jall.

    Allah Ta’ala said in Surah Al-Mulk verses 1 and 2 (their English translation is):

    1. Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He has power over all things.

    2. [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving -

    In these two verses of the surah Al-Mulk Allah clearly informed us that the Mulk i.e. the universe and everything in it is in Allah’s Hand. Allah gives the dominion to whomever Allah wants and that is only to test you o mankind. You see that Allah has created death for you. So you are going from here and Allah shall give you life again to recompense you.

    The conclusion is that in this Attribute of Allah there is a great lesson for all kings, rulers and land lords. Think: how many kings, rulers and rich property-holders have passed away. The mulk/property remains here while the owners/rulers just pass away empty-handed BUT they send even before them a lengthy book of deeds to be accounted and recompensed in whatever they got just temporarily in this world. Then this is not wisdom to love these worldly gains and fight for them. Rather, you must believe that everything belongs to Allah Azza wa Jall and thus you must use it according to the Will, Pleasure and Commands of Allah the Greatest!

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Dhu-al-Jalaali wa Al-Ikraam (The Lord of Majesty and Bounty)

    This beautiful name of Allah came in surah Al-Rahmaan (Ar-Rahmaan) verses 27 and 78, their translation is:

    26. Whatsoever is on (the earth) will perish.

    27. And there will remain the Face of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor.

    78. Blessed is the name of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor.

    hadeeth of Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam in Al-Masnad, narrated by Rabee’ah bin Aamir rAa says that he heard Him salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam saying: “Ask du’aa with ya Dhu-al-Jalaali wa Al-Ikraam”. The Hadeeth in Arabic says “Alazzoo” (ألظوا (, which means make it essential/obligatory to say this name frequently and ask du’aa by it. (Allah knows best the words of Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam).
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    This name is a combination of two attributes i.e. Jalaal and Ikraam. Dhu means “the owner of”.

    Jalaal: loftiness, sublimity, magnificence, grandeur.

    Ijlaal: very deep respect, feeling of awe, reverence.

    Ikraam: honor, respect, exalt, dignity, generosity (all of these meanings at the highest level).

    These are the dictionary meanings of the words.

    There are other combinations/ increased forms of the names of Allah Azza wa Jall like: Arham-ar-Raahimeen, Kher-ul-Ghaafireen, Rabb-ul-A’alameen, Maalik-i-Yawmiddeen, Ahsan-ul-Khaaliqeen, Muqallib-al-Quloob, Jaami-un-naasi li Yawmin laa reba feeh. And du’aa by these names is proved by the ijmaa’il-Muslimeen.

    A hadeeth is narrated in the Al-Masnad by Aanas rAa, he said, “ We were sitting with Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam in the Masjid and a man was making salaat. He (the man) said: “اللهم إني أسألك بأن لك الحمد لا إلاه إلا أنت, المنًان بديع السماوات والأرض, يا ذا الجلال و الإكرام, يا حي يا قيوم,"

    The Prophet salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam said, “he prayed to Allah by HIS Ismi_A’zam, that is the Name by which if HE is called, HE answers and if HE is asked (for something) HE gives it”

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    The Hadeeth mentioned above is teaching us that these names of Allah (i.e. Dhu-al-Jalaali wa Al-Ikram and Al-Hayy, Al-Qayyoom) have the Ismi-A’zam of Allah with which our du’aa is surely accepted. While we, the needy servants, have such sources for the acceptance of our du’aa coming out from our restless hearts/minds, then what else do we want?

    Another hadeeth shareef in saheeh Muslim is narrated by Thawbaan rAa, he said: “Allah’s Messenger (salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam) when finished prayer (salaat), used to do astaghfaar three times and then say, “ اللهم أنت السلام و منك السَلام, تباركت يا ذا الجلال و الإكرام".

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    We must follow Allah’s Messenger Muhammad (salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam) and must do the same after salaat as He did.

    we must remember Allah by HIS beautiful names and try to get lots of blessings by these names. Also we should try to supplicate with these names so that our good du’aas are accepted and positively answered to us as we are fuqaraa (beggars) to Allah in all circumstances. We cannot fulfil the rights of the names of Allah in their explanation. May Allah accept my humble attempts, aameen.

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    In the Attribute Dhu-al-Jalaali wa Al-Ikraam (post # 88):

    In the hadeeth shareef from Al-Masnad (first hadeeth after the verses), there is the word ألظوا This word is pronounced as "alizzoo" and it means "say it continually". That means that Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam advised the Ummah to say the Name Dhu-al-Jalaali wa Al-Ikraam continuously many times and ask du'aa by it. It is said that Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam used to say this name once or three times or multiple times. (And Allah knows best).
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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Muqsit (The Equitable One)

    The meanings of Al-Adal and Al-Muqsit are almost similar. You should read the post # 35 (Al-Adal) in this thread to get some more information of the Justice of Allah Ta’ala. Al-Adal is an attribute of Allah which informs us about Allah’s Justice here and in the Here-after.

    Al-Muqsit also means the Just One and the One Who gives everyone his /her portion of justice.
    Qist means justice, Fairness.

    Allah Azza wa jall said in surah Yoonus verse 54 (its English translation is):

    54. And if every person who had wronged (by disbelieving in Allah and by worshipping others besides Allah), possessed all that is on earth, and sought to ransom himself therewith (it will not be accepted), and they would feel in their hearts regret when they see the torment, and they will be judged with justice, and no wrong will be done unto them.

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    As we can see in this verse that the punishments in the Here-after are so much painful that the criminals will wish to escape it even if it was by ransoming himself / herself with the wealth and property equal to the whole world! But it will not be possible to rescue oneself from it when he / she is caught due to his / her own sins. Allah’s Justice is very pure. No injustice will be done to anyone! They shall regret but in vain! May Allah Ta’ala protect us, aameen!

    Allah’s principles have no injustice. So all people who will be admitted to Hell will be due to the pure Justice of Allah Azza wa Jall and all those admitted to Paradise will be due to the Mercy of Allah Ta’ala!

    There everyone will be fully satisfied with the judgment and no one will complain against it. There, everyone will see the truth proven and that he / she was on fault and no injustice is done to them. The criminals will weep and request that they should be sent back to this world and be given another chance, then they would not disobelieve again. But no other chance will be given. See the translation of verse 12 of the surah Al-Sajdah (As-Sajdah):

    12. And if you only could see when the Mujrimun (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) shall hang their heads before their Lord (saying): "Our Lord! We have now seen and heard, so send us back (to the world), we will do righteous good deeds. Verily! We now believe with certainty."

    The answer comes in the verse 14 of the same surah Al-Sajdah (As-Sajdah):

    14. Then taste you (the torment of the Fire) because of your forgetting the Meeting of this Day of yours, (and) surely! We too will forget you, so taste you the abiding torment for what you used to do.

    According to hadeeth shareef, Allah divided HIS Mercy into 100 parts. Allah Azza wa Jall gave only one part from that Mercy to the whole world and kept 99 parts for the Day of Judgment! Now all mercy found in this world [like the mercy of all mothers for their children, even all animals (except snake) have great mercy for their young ones], comes from 1% Mercy of Allah Almighty. In the Here-after all of the 99% Mercy will be for the believers (Muslims) only. For the unbelievers there shall be no mercy in the Here-after. They will be dealt with only adal / qist (justice) from Allah and they will never come out from the ever-lasting Hell!

    All Muslims shall be in need of the mercy of Allah Ta’ala to enter Paradise because their marks (darajaat) will not reach the passing standard. Then Allah Ta’ala will add from HIS mercy to pass them and admit them to Paradise. (May Allah Azza wa Jall make us from them, aameen). To get the Mercy of Allah we must remember the following verse 156 of the surah Al-A’raaf:

    Surah Al-A’raaf verses 155----156 (Translation only):

    155. And Musa (Moses) chose out of his people seventy (of the best) men for Our appointed time and place of meeting, and when they were seized with a violent earthquake, he said: "O my Lord, if it had been Your Will, You could have destroyed them and me before; would You destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones among us? It is only Your Trial by which You lead astray whom You will, and keep guided whom You will. You are our Wali (Protector), so forgive us and have Mercy on us, for You are the Best of those who forgive.

    156. And decree for us in this world [that which is] good and [also] in the Hereafter; indeed, we have turned back to You." [ Allah ] said, "My punishment - I afflict with it whom I will, but My mercy encompasses all things." So I will decree it [especially] for those who fear Me and give zakah and those who believe in Our verses -

    The verse 156 tells about the mercy of Allah Azza wa Jall that Allah will decree it for three types of people (Muslims): 1. Those who fear Allah Ta’ala, 2. Those who pay the obligatory charity, 3. Those who believe in Allah’s verses.

    Thus we must try to get the mercy of Allah Ta’ala on the Day of Judgment by obeying in this world all of these Commands of Allah. Remember that those who do not make prayer (salaat) 5 times every day regularly, are excluded from Islam.

    Note. Verse 155 (above) is included here for your understanding the verse 156.

    Last edited by OmAbdullah; 12-31-2016 at 12:12 PM.
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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Jaami’ (The Gatherer)

    Allah Almighty said in the verse 9 of the surah Aali-Imraan, (here is its English translation):

    9. Our Lord, surely You will gather the people for a Day about which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise."

    Allah Ta’ala is the One Who shall gather all mankind for Accounting on the Day of Judgment. None of the mankind will be able to disappear or remain absent from the Gathering of that Great Day. It is very easy for Allah Azza wa Jall to resurrect mankind from every corner of the earth! That shall happen with the 2nd sounding of the Trumpet! Whether a person died and was buried in the ground or drowned in an ocean or river or was burned to ashes---- no matter how he /she had died and where----- but everyone will be raised with body and soul as adult and then the scattered people shall be brought by angels by the Command of Allah to gather together!!!

    The tafseer of the Holy Qur’aan says that the place of gathering will be the same earth. Before Resurrection it shall become a flat ground / field by the Will of Allah Azza wa Jall so that no curve or elevation or crookedness will be seen in it. Read the translation of the verses 105---107 of surah Taha:

    105. They ask you concerning the Mountains: say, "My Lord will uproot them and scatter them as dust;

    106. "Then He shall leave it (the earth) as a level smooth plain.

    107. You will not see therein a depression or an elevation."

    Another translation of the same verse (Taha 107) is:

    107. "Nothing crooked or curved will you see therein."

    Moreover, when all mankind is gathered, they will be naked and bare foot!

    A hadeeth shareef narrated by Aa-ishah rAa: She said “ I heard Allah’s Messenger salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam saying”: “People will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection bare footed, naked and uncircumcised”. “I said, O the Messenger of Allah, will they see each other”? “He salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam said, “Ya Aa-ishah, the situation shall be too hard to look at each other”!

    (Muslim and Bukhaari)
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    People shall be in terrible state, the sun will be only one meel above and people will be sweating. (The meaning of meel in dictionary is a mile but in Fiq it is not clear to the scholars what is the real meaning of the word meel in the Hereafter). They will be covered by their own sweat up to different levels according to their faith and actions that they did in this world. So some will be covered up to his/ her ankles (their feet shall be under sweat), some up to knees, some up to his /her loins and some will be drowned up to his / her mouth.

    There will be no shade except the shade of the Arshil-Azeem (the Great Throne of Allah Almighty). The believers with special qualities will be given place in that shade.

    According to a hadeeth shareef (in Bukhaari and Muslim), narrated by Abu Hurerah rAa and Abi Sa’eed rAa: Allah’s Messenger salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam said, “seven will be provided shade by Allah on the Day when there will be no shade except the shade (of the Throne) of Allah, they will be; A just leader, a young person who was brought up in the worship of Allah, and a man whose heart is attached with masjid, two men who love each other for Allah, they meet and separate for the love of Allah, a man who is invited by a woman of high status and bauty, but he says, “I fear Allah”; a man (or woman) who gives charity in hidden so that what he spends with one hand the other hand doesn’t know about it, and a man (or woman) who remembers Allah in solitude and his eyes fill up with tears”.

    Thus this Gathering shall be for the purpose of Accounting and passing judgment. You can see the details of different stages and Accounting on the Day of Gathering in the books of Hadeeth and also in the translation and tafseer (explanation/ commentary) of some surahs of the Holy Qur’aan.

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Ghanee wa Al- Mughnee

    means Self-Sufficient.According to some scholar this Attribute of Allah came in 18 places in the Holy Quraan. Allah said in the Holy Qur’aan:
    Surah Al-An’aam verse 133, (English translation only) and its explanarion:

    (6:133) Your Lord is Self-Sufficient, full of compassion.
    101 If He wills, He can put you away and cause whomever He wills to succeed you just as He has produced you from the seed of another people.

    Exp. note 101

    101. The Qur'anic statement: 'Your Lord is Self-Sufficient' signifies that God is in need of nothing from anyone, that none of His interests will be jeopardized by disobedience to Him, and that no benefit will accrue to Him from obedience. Even if all human beings became disobedient, God's dominion will not shrink. Nor will His dominion expand if everybody were to become obedient and serve and worship Him as they ought to. God is dependent neither upon their show of veneration nor upon their offerings. He lavishes His limitless treasures on human beings and seeks nothing in return.
    The other statement, namely that 'Your Lord is full of compassion', has been made here to emphasize two things:
    First, that when God urges human beings to follow the Right Way, and asks them not to do anything in conflict with Ultimate Reality, He does not do so because their good behavior benefits Him or their misconduct harms Him. He does so because good conduct is beneficial to man himself, as evil conduct is harmful to him. Hence it is out of sheer benevolence that God urges man to develop righteous conduct, for it will raise him to great heights, and He urges him to avoid evil conduct because it will lead to his own degradation. Second, that God is not unduly stern in judging man. He gets no pleasure from punishing people. He is not on the look-out for slight lapses for which to convict and persecute people. God is highly compassionate towards all His creatures and governs with utmost mercy and benevolence, and the same characterizes His dealings with human beings as well. Hence, He constantly forgives the sins of people. Many disobey, indulge in sins, commit crimes, disregard God's commands, even though they are nourished by the sustenance He provides. God, nevertheless, continually treats them with forbearance and forgives them. Again and again, He grants them respite in order that they may take heed, understand things properly and reform themselves. Had He been excessively stern, He could even have obliterated them instantly and raised up another people. He could have put an end to humanity and brought into being an altogether different species of creation.

    Surah Faatir 15:

    (35:15) O people, it is you who stand in need of Allah;
    36 as for Allah, He is Self-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy.37

    Exp. note 36 and 37:

    36. That is, you should not remain under the delusion that Allah stands in need of your help. If you do not accept Him as God, His Godhead will fail, and if you do not serve and worship Him, He will incur some loss. Nay, but the fact is that you stand in need of Him. You cannot remain alive for a moment if He does not keep you alive, and does not provide you with the means by which you remain alive in the world and function. Therefore, when you are told to adopt His service and obedience, it is not because Allah stands in need of it, but because your own success depends upon it here as well as in the Hereafter. If you do not do so, you will be harming your own selves only, and not Allah in any way.

    37. The word Ghani implies that He is the Owner of everything: He is Self-sufficient and Independent of all. He does not stand in need of anyone’s help. The word Hamid implies that He is Self-Praiseworthy: someone may praise Him, or may not, but He alone is worthy of hamd (praise and gratitude). These two attributes have been used together because one would be ghani even if one did not do any good to anyone by one’s wealth. In such a case one would be ghani but not hamid One will be hamid only in case one does not draw any benefit for oneself but benefits others in every way from the treasures of his wealth and resources. Since Allah is perfect in these two attributes, it has been said: “He is not just Ghani (self-sufficient) but such Ghani as is worthy of every kind of praise and gratitude, for He is fulfilling your needs as well as the needs of all other creatures.

    Surah Luqmaan 26:

    (31:26) All that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah.
    46 Verily He is All-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy.47

    A Hadeeth Al-Qudsee:

    (Hadeeth Al-Qudsee is a hadeeth shareef which is in the words of Allah Azza wa Jall. Otherwise every hadeeth is in the words of the prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) but its meanings come from Allah azza wa Jall.)

    Allah Ta’ala says: “O MY servants, If all of the former and later of you, and the human kind of you and Jinn of you become the most righteous men it will not increase anything in MY Dominion. And if all of the former and later of you and the human kind and Jinn kind of you become the most evil men, it will not decrease anything in MY Dominion.” And HE said, “O MY servants, indeed you cannot reach ME to harm ME; and you cannot reach ME to benefit ME”.

    (This Hadeeth al-Qudsee is a part of a long Hadeeth narrated by Abi Dharr rAa and reported by Muslim).

    You should also read the translation and explanation of the following verses to know more about this Attribute of Allah Azza wa Jall:

    Surah Muhammad verse 38, Al-Baqarah 267, Yoonus 68.

    In the surah yoonus 68 Allah said:

    68. They have said, " Allah has taken a son." Exalted is He; He is the [one] Free of need. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. You have no authority for this [claim]. Do you say about Allah that which you do not know?

    So the Attribute Al-Ghanee (Rich, Self-sufficient and Free of need) also proves that Allah is High above any fault or defect and also free from any deficiency. Thus Allah is Free from any need to have a son!
    Similarly, Allah being Free of any want or need, doesn’t need a partner or an associate. Thus Allah Azza wa Jall is the Only One God Who has no son and no partner.

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Mughnee (The Enricher)

    Allah is Al-Mughnee as only Allah can make all people rich and independent.

    We, the human beings are extremely weak and needy. We depend upon Allah Azza wa Jall for all of our needs. Allah makes the poor rich as Allah said in Surah Al-Noor (An-Noor) verse 32, (its translation is):

    32. And marry those among you who are single and (also marry) the Salihun (pious, fit and capable ones) of your male and female slaves. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His Bounty. And Allah is All- Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knowing (about the state of the people).

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    Thus Allah ordered the Muslims to marry even the poor slaves because Allah, being Al-Ghanee and Al-Mughnee, will make them rich out of HIS bounty. So all of those people who are rich and independent, are enriched by the Al-Mughnee Attribute of Allah Azza wa Jall.

    All treasures of the heavens and the earth are in the hands of Allah Almighty and His Generosity is very vast for HIS creation. HE is bestowing numerous kinds of blessings on mankind and other creatures day and night!

    Allah Azza wa Jall said in surah Al-Najam (An-Najam) verse 48:

    48. And that He (is Allah) who enriches and suffices (gives contentment).

    People from the whole earth call Allah Ta’ala for their needs. Allah Azza wa Jall fulfills the needs of all servants and makes tremendously rich whomsoever HE wills. This type of ghina (riches) is good in case the rich servants fear Allah Almighty, consider their wealth the wealth of Allah, and spend it to help poor and needy as well as to serve Islam. An example is that of Uthmaan rAa who was called Uthmaan Ghanee rAa as Allah, the Al-Ghanee and Al-Mughnee had made him so rich. He used to spend his wealth for the pleasure of Allah Azza Wa Jall. For example he bought a well from the Jews and left it free for all people to take water from it. So the wealth was in his hand but it didn’t enter his heart.

    Again, there are others who are made rich and independent by Allah, The Al-Mughnee, but they have no fear of Allah and no gratitude for HIM. They show pride and arrogance. Instead of helping the poor, they, if they allowed, would step down on them. There are another type of people whose hunger and greed for wealth is never satisfied. No matter how much wealth they have, but demand more and thus they are always restless to have more and more wealth. So a Hadeeth shareef guides us as:

    باب ليس الغنى عن كثرة العرض

    1051 حدثنا
    زهير بن حرب وابن نمير قالا حدثنا سفيان بن عيينة عن أبي الزناد عن الأعرج عن أبي هريرة قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليس الغنى عن كثرة العرض ولكن الغنى غنى النفس

    This hadeeth shareef is reported by Muslim Saheeh, is narrated by Abu Hurerah rAa that Allah’s Messenger (Muhammad) salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam said, “ Al-ghina is not by excessive riches, rather al-ghina is the ghina of the nafs (soul, heart)”.

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    That is the real ghina which makes one’s heart rich so he/she has little but sufficient for their needs. They are contented with what they have, they pay thanks to Allah and for HIS Pleasure share their food with the poor neighbors and poor relatives.

    We must pray to Allah to make our hearts ghanee and also may Allah Azza wa Jall make us like Uthmaan rAa.

    This is also due to the quality Al-Mughnee that Allah Azza wa jall has prepared unique blessings in the gardens of Paradise for the Muttaqeen practicing believers-------- such blessings that no eye has seen, no ear has heard about, and no heart/ mind can imagine them. Allah Al-Ghanee and Al-Mughnee said in the surah Al-Sajdah (As-Sajdah) verse 17 (its translation is):

    17. Now no person knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden (in reserve) for them - as a reward for their (good) deeds.

    Thus anyone who recognized these qualities of Allah will recognize his own nafs (self). For example, anyone who recognized Allah to be Absolutely Al-Ghanee and Al-Mughnee, he will recognize himself to be absolutely faqeer (beggar) to Allah because he depends upon Allah’s Mercy and Kindness for all his needs!

    We should pray (supplicate) as:

    Allahumma akfina bi-halaalika an haraamik wa aghnina bi-fadlika amman siwak.

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Mu’tee , Al-Jawaad

    means the giver of all blessings and necessities of life to all mankind and all of the other creatures. Al-Jawaad means the Generous One. Allah is Our Lord Who gives us every good generously. Allah has these Attributes. In the old lists of Allah’s beautiful names, Al-Mu’tee comes before Al-Maani’. Similarly, Al-Mun’im (the Bestower of blessings) comes before Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger) and the name Al-Rabb (Ar-Rabb) comes before Al-Muqsit (The Just One). These names are missing in the new lists of the beautiful names.

    The two names (Al-Mu’tee and Al-Jawaad) came in the hadeeth shareef.

    In a Hadeeth shareef reported in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari, narrated by Mu-aawia rAa. It says that Allah’s Messenger salla Allaho Alaihi wa sallam said:

    “For whomever Allah intends Kher (good), HE gives him understanding in Deen (Islam). Allah is Al-Mu’tee and I am Al-Qaasam, and this Ummah will always be dominant on the opponents until the Command of Allah comes and they will be victorious.”

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    Another hadeeth narrated by Aanis bin Maalik rAa says: Allah’s Messenger salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam said;

    “Surely Allah Azza Wa Jall is Jawaadun-Kareem, feels shy from the Muslim servant that he extends his hand to HIM (Allah Azza wa Jall), then he takes his hands back before HE (Allah Azza wa Jall) puts in them what he asked for.”

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    According to a hadeeth, Surely Allah is Jawaad and likes al-jood from HIS servants (generosity). Full hadeeth can be seen in fadaa-il Quraan. It is narrated by Abu Obaid.

    According to this Hadeeth Allah wants from HIS servants generosity and good behavior with each other.

    Allah is the Unique One in Giving all good, blessings and all necessities of life to everyone. If Allah Azza wa Jall gives then none can stop it, but in case Allah prevents then none can give to whom Allah stops or prevents. Allah’s giving and preventing is only by words i.e. a Command. As Allah said in surah Yaseen verse 82 (English translation only):

    82. Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is!

    All of the blessings that all mankind have are from Allah’s kindness. Allah’s Kindness, generosity and providing is so vast that in this world all kind of people, believers and unbelievers, righteous or evil people, all are provided whatever they need and want. But in the next world the rule is different. There all good, blessings and mercy shall be only for the practicing believers. Allah Azza wa Jall said in surah Bani Isra’eel (Al-Israa) verses 20 and 21:
    20. Of the bounties of thy Lord We bestow freely on all- These as well as those: The bounties of thy Lord are not closed (to anyone).

    21. See how We have bestowed more on some than on others; but verily the Hereafter is more in rank and gradation and more in excellence.

    Again here in verse 21 of the surah Al-Israa the statement is about the mo’mineen and muttaqeen. Now see the following verses:

    Surah Al-A’raaf verse 32 (translation only):

    32. Say, "Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has produced for His servants and the good [lawful] things of provision?" Say, "They are for those who believe during the worldly life [but] exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection." Thus do We detail the verses for a people who know.

    Surah Al-A’raaf verse 50:

    50. And the dwellers of the Fire will call to the dwellers of Paradise: "Pour on us some water or anything that Allah has provided you for your sustenance." They will say: "Both (water and provision) Allah has forbidden to the disbelievers."

    Ibn Al-Qayyim rahmatullah alaihi mentioned the wonderful Qualities of Allah that Allah is Ajwadul-Ajwadeen, Akramul-Akrameen, Arhamur-Raahimeen, that HIS Mercy precedes HIS Anger, HIS Forbearance precedes HIS Punishment, HIS Forgiving precedes HIS seizing of the sinners, HE bestowed HIS blessings on HIS creation and decreed on HIMSELF Mercy as Allah Ta’ala said in Surah Al-An’aam verse 54:

    54. And when those come to you who believe in Our verses, say, "Peace be upon you. Your Lord has decreed upon Himself mercy: that any of you who does wrong out of ignorance and then repents after that and corrects himself - indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful."

    Allah’s beautiful and excellent qualities cannot be written as those are numerous. Also Allah the Akramul-Akrameen wants us to pray and supplicate to HIM and ask our necessities, blessings from HIM. In a hadeeth in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari, Altir-midhee and Al-Imaam Ahmad, the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam said:

    "من لم يسأل الله يغضب عليه

    “Anyone who doesn’t supplicate to Allah, Allah becomes angry with him”.

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    See: Allah’s ruling is such that for one sinful deed there is equal punishment while for one righteous deed the reward is ten times.
    Thus we see the Kind qualities of Allah. So we must stay steadfast on the Straight Path so that we stay away from inviting the Anger of Allah Azza wa Jall upon us.

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Maani’ (The Preventer)

    Allah Almighty is the Preventer and With-holder of whatever Allah Ta’ala wants to prevent. The Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him), after obligatory salaat (prayer), used to say the followings:

    لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد و هو على كل شىئ قدير. اللهم لا مانع لما أعطيت ولا معطي لما منعت , ولا ينفع ذا الجد منك الجدُ.

    (Saheeh Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)

    The meaning of the above du’aa is:

    There is no God except Allah, HE is One (God), there is no partner with HIM, to HIM belongs the kingdom and HIS are the praises, and HE has power over all things.

    O Allah, what YOU give, no one can prevent it and what YOU withhold, no one can give it, and with YOU no one can be benefited by his wealth.

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    So no matter how much wealth or high status a person has but near Allah it will be of no benefit. He is benefited only by the faith of Islam and righteous deeds.

    Allah said in the surah Faatir verse 2:

    2. Whatever of mercy (i.e. of good), Allah grants to mankind, none can withhold it, and whatever He withholds, none can grant it thereafter. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

    Another translation of the same verse is:

    (35:2) Whatever Mercy Allah accords to people, none can withhold; and whatever He withholds, no other will be able to release after Him.
    4 He is Most Mighty, Most Wise.5

    Exp. notes 4 and 5:

    Exp. note 4:

    4. This is also meant to remove the misunderstanding of the polytheists, who believed that from among the servants of Allah, someone gave them the provision, someone the children and someone health to their patients. All these superstitions of shirk are baseless, and the pure truth is just that whatever of mercy reaches the people, reaches to them only through Allah Almighty’s bounty and grace. No one else has the power either to bestow it or to withhold it. This theme has been expressed at many places in the Quran and the Ahadith in different ways so that man may avoid the humiliation of begging at every door and at every shrine and may realize that making or marring of his destiny is in the power of One Allah alone and of none else.

    Exp. note 5:

    5. “He is the All-Mighty”: He is dominant and the owner of Sovereignty: none can stop His judgments from being enforced. Also “He is All-Wise”: every act of His is based on wisdom. When He gives somebody something He gives because it is demanded by wisdom, and when He withholds something from somebody, He withholds it because it would be against wisdom to give it.

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    Thus nothing can happen without the will of Allah Azza wa Jall. A single leaf in a tree cannot move. The breath of a person will stop if Allah All-Mighty withholds it from happening. A person will not be able to move a single step. So we must be very humble and obedient to Allah as well as very thankful to HIM for our life and actions etc.

    Al-Maani’ also means Al-Mudaafi’.

    See the verse 251 (translation) of the surah Al-Baqarah:

    (2:251) Thereupon by Allah’s leave they put the unbelievers to flight, and David killed Goliath,
    273 and Allah granted him dominion and wisdom, and imparted to him the knowledge of whatever He willed.
    And were it not that Allah repelled some people with another, the earth would surely be overlaid with mischief.274 But Allah is Bounteous to the people of the world (and thus extirpates mischief).

    Thus Allah stops / prevents the mischief of the evil people from the good ones. If Allah Azza wa Jall didn’t allow the good people to fight against the mischief makers and repel them then the whole land would be filled up with mischief and killing (like it is happening now because the mischief makers are left free to do whatever they want. This is due to the disobedience of the powerful Muslims to their Lord Allah Ta’ala!!).

    Again, all of the heavenly bodies in the universe are held within their orbits only by the All-Mighty Allah. Allah Azza wa Jall is preventing them from collision. So Allah said in the surah Yaseen verse 40:

    40. It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).

    Thus by the Grace of Allah we all live in comfort because all of the stars and planets etc. rotate in their orbits. If Allah didn’t withhold them then collision between the heavenly bodies (Sun, Moon, stars, planets etc.) would happen resulting in killer catastrophe. So we all must be very thankful to Allah Azza wa Jall and we must worship and obey Allah for our prosperity in both of the worlds.

    Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Ad-daarr, and An-Naafi’

    means The One Who harms. And Al-Naafi’ ( read as An-Naafi’) means the One Who benefits i.e. the Benefactor. These are from the beautiful names of Allah Azza wa Jall. These two names are the bases of our life on this earth. Every action of the mankind on this earth is either to benefit or to protect from harm. So anything or action which gives a result beyond these two aims, is haram (unlawful/forbidden) because it will be harmful at once or in the long run. The examples are: Drinking wine or eating drugs will give a little short-term enjoyment but afterwards these harm the health of the users. Zina /Adultery gives short term pleasure but it destroys the human race.

    One can consider the balanced flying of a kite in the air. It is controlled by a string at the hand of a person. If the string cuts off the kite will get entangled in some plant etc. So it will be torn off. Similarly, we are controlled by Allah’s Commands. In case of disobedience the disobedient servant faces harm here or in the Hereafter.

    Allah azza wa Jall said in Surah Yoonus 49 (English translation):

    (10:49) Tell them: 'I have no power to harm or benefit even myself, except what Allah may will.
    57 There is an appointed term for every people; and when the end of their term comes, neither can they put it off for an hour, nor can they bring it an hour before.58

    Exp. notes 57 & 58:

    57. This is to say, I never said that I will sit in judgment on you and inflict torment on those who do not believe in me. Therefore, I am not in a position to tell when the threat will be made good. As the threat has been held out by Allah, He will pass His judgment on you when He wills, and in whatever way He wills, for everything depends on His will.

    58. That is, Allah passes His judgment on individuals and communities after the expiry of the term that He Himself has set and He alone knows how long it lasts for a community. He is not hasty in giving rewards or punishments. When He sends His Messenger to deliver His Message, He allows sufficient time to each individual and to each community to consider it and ponder over it and mend his (or its) way, during the appointed term. The period of the term may extend to centuries in the case of a community and He knows best how long it should be.
    When that term, which is based on justice, expires, and that person or community does not repent of its rebellious conduct, then Allah passes His judgment. When the time of the judgment comes, it is neither advanced nor delayed even by a single hour.

    Allah Ta’ala tests us taking away one benefit and giving harm and then
    taking away harm and giving benefit to see what is the reaction of the abd (servant) in different circumstances. Allah Azza wa Jall said in surah Al-Nahl (An-Nahl) verse 54:

    (16:53) Every bounty that you enjoy is from Allah; and whenever any misfortune strikes you, it is to Him that you cry for the removal of your distress.46

    Exp. note 46:

    46. That is: the fact, that you run to Allah for help in your distress and not to anyone else, is a clear proof of the Oneness of Allah, which has been embedded in your own hearts. At the time of your affliction, your true nature, which had been suppressed by the gods you had forged, involuntarily comes to the surface and invokes Allah, for it knows no other god or lord or master, having any real power. (For further details please refer to (
    E.Ns 29 and 41 of Surah Al-Anaam).

    (16:54) But as soon as He removes the distress from you, some of you associate others with their Lord
    47 in giving thanks,

    Exp. note 47:

    47. That is, at the time of showing gratitude to Allah for removing his affliction, he begins to make offerings also to some god, goddess or saint to show that Allah’s kindness to him was due to the intercession of his patron, for he imagines that otherwise Allah would not have removed his distress.

    (16:55) that they may show ingratitude for the bounties We bestowed upon them. So enjoy yourselves for a while, soon you will come to know (the truth).

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    You can see the above three verses and the exp. notes to understand the behavior of unjust human beings. So Allah, as Ad-Daarr will cause some harm to the person. Then the person will cry to Allah for the removal of the trouble. This is because due to his nature (fitrah) he /she understand that only One Allah can remove the trouble from him /her. Then Allah Azza wa Jall will remove his trouble and will benefit him/her. And then he/she, in paying thanks to Allah, associates others with Allah and thus give the proof of committing shirk. So they become punishable and Allah is reminding in the verse 55 (its translation is above) the truth which shall be known to everyone in the Hereafter on the Day of Judgment. That truth is clearly explained in the Holy Quraan and Sunnah that Only Allah is the Giver of harm and benefit. Therefore, seek help only from Allah. In case you associated other partner with Allah and you died with shirk, you shall be punished in Hell forever!!!

    Surah Al-Nisaa (An-Nisaa) verse 123 (Translation):

    (4:123) It is neither your fancies nor the fancies of the People of the Book which matter. Whoever does evil shall reap its consequence and will find none to be his protector and helper against Allah.

    When the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) read the above verse of the surah Al-Nisaa (An-Nisaa), Abu-Bakar rAa became very much worried. He said, “Who among us is free from making mistakes? So everyone will be harmed!!!”

    The Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) said:

    “"غفر الله لك يا ابا بكر

    “May Allah forgive you o Aba Bakar”

    Then the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) explained to him like, “ don’t you become sick? Don’t you get surrounded by worries? Don’t you come across troubles /difficulties?”

    He answered, “why not”.

    Then the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) told him that these are the harms which are inflicted on Muslims to wipe out their sins.

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    (And Allah knows best about the exact conversation between Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallm and Abu Bakar rAa)

    Thus a Muslim may face harm due to some sin or mistake and the harm or trouble inflicted upon him/her will clean them from the sins. The harm may be a type of sickness or some other trouble.

    Then there are very good, God-fearing Muslims who suffer from harms etc. Even the prophets alaihim salaam, (who were very innocent), suffered illnesses and troubles!!!

    This is because in such cases the harm/trouble etc. cause their ranks to become very high!!!

    The Attribute of Al-Naafi’ (An-Naafi’) is very manifest and doesn’t need examples. Every one of the mankind is enjoing numerous benefits day and night. All of the benefits are given by Allah azza wa Jall alone. In the light of the Holy Quraan and hadeeth, it is very clear that if the whole world wants to benefit you by something, she cannot benefit you except by the thing that Allah Ta’ala decreed for you. Similarly, if the whole world wants to harm you by something, she cannot not except by the thing that Allah decreed for you. So we must bow down only to Allah for anything that we need or want.

    We know from the Holy Quraan, the way of the Prophets alaihim salaam that they always attributed good and benefits to Allah but they didn’t attribute harms to Allah. For e.g. we see in the verse 10 of the Surah Al-Jinn:

    10. And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course.

    At the time of the revelation of the Holy Quraan, the guarding of the worldly heaven became very strict, so much strict that if a Jinn heard something from the heaven, he was targeted by a shooting star!!!. This type of security measures were taken to prevent eavesdropping, so that no jinn would be able to eavesdrop and thus would not be able to interfere with the Divine communication with the prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him).

    The Jinn understood that something special was going to happen to the people of the earth, but they could not know what was going to happen. So they discussed the situation with each other. When they thought about some evil, they said: “whether evil is intended for those on earth”. But when they spoke about the right course, they said: “or whether their Lord intends for them a right course”.

    Thus good is attributed to Allah while the happening of the harm/evil is not attributed to Allah Azza wa Jall. Similarly, there are many other places in the Holy Quraan where good is attributed to Allah Ta’ala and not bad happenings. Ibrheem alaihi salaam said: “when I become sick then HE (Allah) cures me. Thus Ibraheem alaihi salaam attributed only good to Allah Azza Wa Jall. This way is used for the Honor of Allah Azza wa Jall. But also there is a deep reason for it. The reason is that Allah Ta’ala is a Uniquely Kind Sovereign and Lord. Allah is bestowing numerous blessings on mankind. But Allah’s Justice happens due to the transgression of a person. Therefore the transgressor is to be blamed and not Allah Azza wa Jall.

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Noor (read as An-Noor)
    (The Light)

    Allah said in the surah Al-Noor (An-Nur) verse 35 (its translation is):

    35. Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.

    Another translation of the same verse with some exp. notes is here:

    (24:35) Allah
    61 is the Light of the heavens and the earth.62 His Light (in the Universe) may be likened to a niche wherein is a lamp, and the lamp is in the crystal which shines in star-like brilliance. It is lit from (the oil) of a blessed olive tree63 that is neither eastern nor western.64 Its oil well nigh glows forth (of itself) though no fire touched it: Light upon Light.65 Allah guides to His Light whom He wills.66 Allah sets forth parables to make people understand. Allah knows everything.67

    Exp. note 62:

    62. The phrase heavens and the earth in the Quran is generally used for the universe. Thus the verse would also mean: Allah is the light of the whole universe.
    Light is something which makes things visible; which is itself manifest and helps make other things manifest. The human mind conceives light in this very sense. Absence of light is termed darkness, invisibility and obscurity. On the other hand, when there is visibility and things become exposed to view, man says there is light. Allah has been called Light' in this basic sense, and not in the sense of a beam of light which travels at the speed of 186,000 miles per second and stimulates the optic nerve through the retina. This conception of light has nothing to do with the reality of the meaning for which human mind has coined this word; rather the word light is used for all those lights which we experience in this physical world. All human words used for Allah are used in their basic sense and meaning, and not with reference to their physical connotation. For instance, when, the word sight is used with respect to Allah, it does not mean that Allah has an eye like men and animals with which He sees. Similarly when we say that Allah hears or grips or grasps, it does not mean that He hears through ears, or grips or grasps with the hand like us. These words are used in a metaphorical sense and only a man of very poor intelligence would have the misconception that hearing or seeing or grasping is not possible except in the limited and specific sense in which we experience it. Similarly it will be shortsightedness to interpret the word light in the sense of physical light rays emanating from a luminous body and affecting the retina. This word is not applicable to Allah in its limited sense, but in its absolute sense. That is, He alone in this universe is the real and prime cause of manifestation, otherwise there is nothing but darkness here. Everything which gives light and illuminates other things has received its light from Him; it has no light of its own.

    The word light is also used for knowledge, and ignorance is termed as darkness.
    Allah is the Light of the universe in this sense too, because the knowledge of reality and of right guidance can be obtained from Him alone; without having recourse to His Light, there will be nothing but darkness of ignorance and the resultant vice and wickedness in the world.

    Exp. note 65:

    65. In this parable, Allah has been likened to the Lamp and the universe to the Niche. The glass shade is the veil behind which Allah has concealed Himself from His creation. This veil is not a physical veil for concealment, but a veil caused by the intensity of divine manifestation. The human eye is unable to see Him not because of the intervening darkness but because of the intensity of the all-pervading, all-embracing Light radiating through the transparent veil. The human vision which is limited in nature cannot comprehend it. It can only comprehend and perceive limited physical lights which vary in brightness, which disappear and reappear, and Which can be perceived only by contrast to existing darkness. But the Absolute Light has no confronting darkness. It does not vanish, it shines forth and pervades all around with ever existing glory; it is beyond human perception and comprehension.

    The sentence: His light may be likened, dispels the possible misunderstanding that one could have from the words: Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. This shows that the use of the word light for Allah does not at all mean that the essence of His Being is nothing but light. In essence, He is a Perfect Being, Who is All-Knowing, All- Powerful, All-Wise etc. and also possessing all Light has been called Light itself because of His Perfection as a source of Light, just as somebody may be called Grace on account of his being highly gracious and beneficent and Beauty because of his being highly beautiful and attractive.
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    Exp. note 66:

    66. That is, although Allah’s Light is illuminating the whole world, everybody does not and cannot perceive it. It is Allah alone Who blesses whomsoever He wills with the capacity for perceiving His Light and benefiting by it. Just as the day and night are alike to a blind man, so is the case of a man without the gift of inner perception. He may see the electric light, the sunlight, the moonlight and the light from stars, but he cannot perceive the Light of Allah. For him there is nothing but darkness in the universe. Just as a blind man cannot see the stone in his way unless he stumbles over it, so is the man without the gift of inner perception, who cannot perceive even those realities around him which may be all brilliance and shining by Allah’s Light. He will perceive them only when he is overtaken by the consequences of his own misdeeds.

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    This verse 35 of the surah Al-Noor is from the mutashabihaat. The meaning of the mutashabhaat is known only to Allah Ta’ala.

    But I pasted only important portions from the exp. notes.

    Allah’s Light of Guidance is extremely vast but everyone doesn’t have the ability to perceive it. So an unbeliever is in darkness. He/she doesn’t know the purpose of our life and death. They don’t know about the life after death. So they will just waste this precious life without making any good for the Hereafter. His example is given in the verses of Allah’s Book as:

    (24:39) But for those who deny the Truth,
    70 their deeds are like a mirage in the desert, which the thirsty supposes to be water until he comes to it only to find that it was nothing; he found instead that Allah was with Him and He paid his account in full. Allah is swift in settling the account.71

    (24:40) Or its similitude is that of depths of darkness upon an abysmal sea, covered by a billow, above which is a billow, above which is cloud, creating darkness piled one upon another; when he puts forth his hand, he would scarcely see it.
    72 He to whom Allah assigns no light, he will have no light.73

    Exp. note 72:

    72. This parable describes the condition of all the disbelievers and the hypocrites including those who perform good deeds for ostentation. It is being stated that such people are passing their life in a state of absolute and complete ignorance, whether they are the most learned people in the world and leaders in their respective fields of learning. They are like the man who is lost in complete darkness where no ray of light can reach him. They think that knowledge merely consists in producing atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, supersonic planes and moon rockets, or in attaining excellence in economics and finance and law and philosophy. But they little understand that real knowledge is something entirely different and they have no idea of it. Thus considered they are just ignorant, and an illiterate peasant who has gained some acquaintance of the divine truth is wiser than them.

    Exp. note 73:

    73. Here is stated the real object of the discourse which began with: Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. When in fact there is no light in the universe except the Light of Allah and all manifestation of reality is due to that Light, where from can the one whom Allah does not give light have light? There exists no other source of light from where he can receive a ray.

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    Allah is also “The Munawwir-ussamawaati wal-ardi”.
    That is Allah is the One Who has given light to the heavens and the earth. Allah Azza wa Jall has beautified the world /the universe with the Sun, Moon and stars.

    Allah said in surah Al-Hadeed verse 28 (translation):

    (57:28) Believers, have fear of Allah and believe in His Messenger,
    55 and He will grant you a two-fold portion of His Mercy, and will appoint for you a light whereby you shall walk;56 and He will forgive you.57 Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate.

    One Mercy and light is for this life, the light of the Faith of Islam and all guidance to pass life in accordance with the Quraan and Sunnah.

    The second Mercy and light will be given in the Hereafter when there will be no light except that given to the practicing believers. They will go in that light to cross the narrow difficult path passing over Hell. The hypocrites will not have the light, so they will fall into Hell.
    This light of the Hereafter is mentioned in the verse 12 of surah al-Hadeed. Its translation is:

    (57:12) On that Day you will see believing men and women that their light will be running before them and on their right hands.
    17 (They will be told): “A good tiding to you today.” There shall be Gardens beneath which rivers flow; therein they shall abide. That indeed is the great triumph.

    A part of the exp. note 17:

    17. This and the following verses show that the light on the Day of Judgment will be specifically meant for the righteous believers only. As for the disbelievers and the hypocrites and the wicked people, they will be wandering about in the darkness as they had been in the world. The light there will be the light of righteous deeds. The sincerity of the faith and the piety of the character and conduct will turn into light that will lend brightness to the personality of the virtuous. The brighter the deed the more luminous will be his person, and when he will walk towards Paradise, his light will be running forward before him. The best explanation of it is Qatadah’s mursal tradition in which he says; The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The light of some one will be so strong and sharp that it will be running on before him equal to the distance between Al-Madinah and Aden, of another equal to the distance between Madinah and Sana, and of another even less than that; so much so that there will be a believer whose light will jsut extend beyond his steps. (Ibn Jarir). In other words, the intensity of the light of a person will be proportionate to the extent of the good done and spread by him in the world, and the beams of his light will be running on before him in the Hereafter extending as far as his good will have extended in the world.

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    So we must pray for the light of Eemaan and guidance here and in the hereafter as Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa sallam used to pray:

    ((اللهم اجعل في قلبي نورا, و في سمعي نورا, و في بصري نورا, و عن يميني نورا, و عن شمالي نورا, و من فوقي نورا, و من تحتي نورا, اللهم اجعلني نورا))


    Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Haadee (The Guide)

    This beautiful name of Allah came in the Holy Quraan in the following verses:

    Surah Al-Hajj verse 54:

    54. And so those who were given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord and [therefore] believe in it, and their hearts humbly submit to it.
    And indeed is Allah the Guide of those who have believed to a straight path.

    Surah Al-Furqaan verse 3:

    31. And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy from among the criminals. But sufficient is your Lord as a guide and a helper.

    Allah Azza wa Jall is Al-Haadee, The One Who guides HIS servants to all that is good for them in this world and in the Hereafter. And by HIS guidance the awliyaa are led to HIS obedience and to the righteous deeds of HIS Pleasure. Also by the guidance of Allah the animals are guided to do what is good for them and to keep away from the things harmful to them.

    Thus Allah created all things and gave them guidance. As Allah said in the surah Al- A’la verses 2 and 3 (their English translation is):

    (87:2) Who created all things and fashioned them in good proportion;

    Exp. note 2:

    2. That is, He created everything, from the earth to the heavens, in the universe, and gave whatever he created the right proportion and balance and gave every creature the best conceivable form and shape. The same thing has been expressed in Surah As-Sajdah, thus: Who gave everything He created the best form (
    verse 7) Thus, the creation of everything in the world giving it due order and proportion, is an express sign of the truth that some Wise Designer is its Creator. Had the creation of the countless things in the universe been the result of a chance accident, or the work of many creators, there could be no order and balance, no beauty and inner coherence among the many things existing in the world.

    (87:3) Who determined
    3 and guided them,4

    Exp.note 3 & 4:

    3. Set a destiny: Determined beforehand what would be the function of a certain thing in the world, and for that purpose what would be its size, its form and shape, its qualities, its place of location, and what opportunities and means should be provided for its survival, existence and functioning, when it should come into being, and when and how it should cease to be after completing its part of the work. Such a scheme for a thing is its destiny (taqdir). And this destiny Allah has set for everything in the universe and for the entire universe as a whole. This means that the creation has not come about without a pre-conceived plan, haphazardly, but for it the Creator had a full plan before Him, and everything is happening according to that plan. (For further explanation, see (
    E.Ns 13, 14 of Surah Al-Hijr); (E.N. 8 of Surah Al-Furqan); (E.N. 25 of Surah Al-Qamar). (E.N. 12 of Surah Abasa).

    4. That is, nothing was just created and left to itself, but whatever was created to perform a certain function, it was also taught the method of performing that function. In other words, He is not merely the Creator but Guide too. He has taken the responsibility to give guidance to whatever He has created in a particular capacity to fit its nature and to guide it in the way suitable for it. One kind of guidance is for the earth, the moon, the sun, and the stars and planets, which they are following in performing their role. Another kind of guidance is for water, air, light and the solid and mineral elements, and they are performing the same services for which they have been created accordingly. Still another kind of guidance is for vegetables, according to which they take root and spread in the earth, sprout up from its layers, obtain food from wherever Allah has created it for them, produce stem, branches, leaves, blossom and fruit, and fulfill the function which has been appointed for each of them. Still another kind of guidance is for the countless species of animals of the land, and water, and for each member of the species, the wonderful manifestations of which are clearly visible in the life of the animals and in their works, so much so that even an atheist is compelled to concede that different kinds of animals possess some sort of inspirational knowledge which man cannot obtain even through his instruments, not to speak of his senses. Then, there are two different kinds of guidance for man, which correspond to his two different capacities. One kind of guidance is for his animal life, by which each child learns to suck milk spontaneously on birth, by which the eyes of man, his nose, ear, heart, brain, lungs, kidney, liver, stomach, intestines, nerves, veins and arteries, all are performing their respective functions, without man’s being conscious of it, or his will’s having anything to do with the functions of these organs. This is the guidance under which all physical and mental changes pertaining to childhood, maturity, youth and old age go on taking place in man, independent of his will, choice, even his consciousness. The second kind of guidance is for his intellectual and conscious life, the nature of which is absolutely different from the guidance for unconscious life, for in this sphere of life a kind of freedom has been transferred to man, for which the mode of guidance meant for involuntary life is not suitable. For turning away from this last kind of guidance, man may offer whatever arguments and excuses he may like, it is not credible that the Creator Who has arranged guidance for everything in this universe according to its capacity, might have set for man the destiny that he may appropriate numerous things in His world freely, but might not have made any arrangement to show what is the right way of using his choice and what is the wrong way. (For further explanation, see (
    E.Ns 9, 10,14, 56 of Surah An-Nahl); (E.N. 23 of Surah TaHa), ( E.Ns 2, 3 of Surah Ar-Rahman); ( E.N. 5 of Surah Ad-Dahr).
    ************************************************** *********************************

    Allah Azza wa Jall said in the surah Taha verse 50:

    (20:50) He said: "Our Lord is He
    22 Who gave everything its form and then guided it."23

    When Pharaoh (Fir’on) asked the Prophet Musa alaihi salaam as to who was the Lord of the two i.e. who was the Lord of Musa and Haaroon (alaihima salaam), he gave answer as in the above verse (20:50). This verse is explained in the following exp. Notes 22, 23.

    Exp. Notes 22, 23:

    22. That is, we acknowledge Him alone as our Lord in every sense. He is our Sustainer, our Maker, our Master, our Sovereign and is Supreme in everything, and there is no other lord in any sense but Him.

    23. This concise sentence needs serious attention. It means that it is Allah alone Who has created everything and given it its distinctive structure, form, capabilities, characteristics, etc.

    (1) For instance, man has been given the hands and feet which are given the most appropriate structure that was needed for their right functioning.

    (2) A human being, an animal, a plant, mineral and the like, air, water and light, everything has been given that particular form which was needed for its right functioning in the universe.

    (3) Then He has guided everything aright to function properly. It is He Who has taught everything the way to fulfill that object for which it has been created. He has taught the ear to hear and the eye to see, the fish to swim and the bird to fly; the earth to grow vegetation and the tree to blossom and bear fruit.
    In short, He is not only the Creator of everything but also its Guide and Teacher.

    Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) employed this concise and meaningful sentence to convey the message to Pharaoh and his people. He not only gave a suitable reply to Pharaoh as to who his Lord was, but also told him why He was his Lord, and how there was no other lord but God. The argument implied in it was this: As Pharaoh and every one of his subjects was obliged to Allah for his human form and could not live even for a moment without the functioning of the different parts of his body which were performing their functions in accordance with the guidance of Allah, so Pharaoh’s claim that he was the lord of the people was absurd, and its acknowledgment by his people that he was their lord, a folly.

    Besides this, Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) also hinted at the need of Prophethood which was denied by Pharaoh. When Allah guides everything in the universe, He has also to fulfill the need of the guidance of mankind. Whereas the guidance of the animals and birds has been provided by instinct, the guidance of rational human beings has been provided by sending Messengers who appealed to them by rational arguments.

    ************************************************** *******
    I think that the verses and the exp. notes given above are sufficient to explain this beautiful name (Al-Haadee) of Allah Azza wa Jall.

    Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

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    Re: Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

    Al-Badee’ (The Originator)

    This Attribute of Allah Azza wa Jall came in the following verses of the Holy Quraan:

    Surah Al-Baqarah verse 117 and surah Al-An’aam verse 101

    Their English translation is:

    Surah Al-Baqarah 117;

    (2:117) He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth; whenever He decrees a matter He (merely) says: “Be”, and it is.

    Surah Al-Anaam 101;

    (6:101) He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have a son when He has had no mate? And He has created everything and He has full knowledge of all things.

    (How can a person created be the offspring of the Creator???)

    We know that Allah is the Creator and the Originator of everything.

    Al-Khaaliq means the Creator and Faatir means the Originator. Al-Badee’ also means the Originator.

    In fact, regarding the Great Names of Allah Ta’aala our knowledge is very limited. We cannot explain the difference between these names. The exact meaning is known to Allah only. But the scholars say that:

    Al-Khaaliq means to create from nothing. That is there are no elements or compounds, no pre-existing matter/particles etc. Thus Allah Ta’aala created all and everything from nothing.

    Al-Badee’, on the other hand, means that there is no pre-existing example or sample or any models but Allah plans a thing and creates it. For example, look at the face of mankind. All of this shape is created by Allah azza wa Jall without any precedents. What a proper shape!!! Allah said in surah Infitaar verses 6, 7 and 8:

    (82:6) O man! What has deceived you about your generous Lord

    (82:7) Who created you, shaped you, and made you well-proportioned,

    (82:8) and set you in whatever form He pleased?4

    So Allah gave excellent form and shape to mankind. One can try to imagine the excellence of Allah’s Creative Ability by comparing the faces of different people. There are numerous people in this world, they are all created by Allah Azza wa Jall but all of the faces are different from each other although all have a nose, two eyes, a mouth, two cheeks and a forehead. Look at the structure of hand, what a wonderful proportion of the fingers and palm! What a vast variety of works and functions can be performed by the hand!!!

    Look at the wonderful structure of the heaven and the earth! The heaven is decorated with stars so that the darkness of the night becomes lighter and the beauty of the sky at night pleases hearts of people.

    The earth is made a stable and attractive place for living. It is said that if the distance of the sun from the earth was a little more, all the inhabitants of the earth would be frozen to death; and if it was a little less, then all would get burned. So Allah made everything balanced and in good proportion!!!

    This magnificent universe is created and made by Allah Ta’aala in wonderful and excellent shape. Looking at the excellent creation of Allah a sincere Muslim will go into prostration. Surely, in our own nafs and in the universe there are signs of the Greatness of the Creator, Al-Khaaliq and Al-Badee’

    Allah said in the Holy Quraan:

    (41:53) Soon shall We show them Our Signs on the horizons and in their own beings until it becomes clear to them that it is the Truth.
    70 Is it not enough that your Lord is a witness over everything?71

    (translation of the verse 53 of the surah Ha-meem (the other name of this surah is Fussilat).

    Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names Of Allah And Their Meaning

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