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Are they born like that?

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    ajr's Avatar Full Member
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    Are they born like that?

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    Some muslims have claimed that being gay is how they were born. Allah made them 'gay' A'oothubILLAH.

    Aren't they going against the natural disposition (fitrah) which Allah has created in mankind?

    Allah says:
    “And (remember) Lut (Lot), when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Alameen (mankind and jinn)?

    Verily, you practise your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins)’”
    #Quran 7:80-81

    “And (remember) Lut (Lot), when he said to his people: ‘You commit AlFaahishah (sodomy the worst sin) which none has preceded you in (committing) it in the ‘Alameen (mankind and jinn)’”
    #Quran 29:28

    "Do you commit lewdness such as none preceding you has committed in all of the nations Verily, you practice your lusts on men instead of women meaning, you left women whom Allah created for you and instead had sex with men Indeed, this behavior is evil and ignorant because you have placed things in their improper places.
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    ghareba's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    I've seen your posts around and you are rather interesting. Wrong a lot of the time, but interesting. Here is the things, depending on what society you live in and the cultures you are exposed too, you build desires based on what has been presented to you or what has been romanticised before you. Allāh tests everyone differently, and we will never know. Allāh knows best.
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    ghareba's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    I saw your post about Shia's and cringed quite frankly. You speak specifically about the person and not the sin, you need to learn how to control your tongue. You can not go around calling Shia's Kaffir, this is ill mannered. If you are so obsessed about Shia-ism then talk about the acts they comment for example 'cursing the Sahaba is a sin' instead of 'Shia's are Kaffir because they curse the Sahaba'. You are generalising completely and rather, not gaining anything but displaying a wicked tongue. I advice you sincerely to stop posting random and controversial forums such as this and about other sects.
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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    Shias are kaffirs and anyone who fails to recognize their kufr is also a kaffir!

    وقد نص أهل العلم على أن من لم يكفر الكافر المحقق كفره من اليهود والنصارى أو غيرهم من الملل الأخرى فهو كافر، جاء في كشاف القناع للبهوتي – وهو حنبلي المذهب-: من لم يكفر من دان أي تدين بغير الإسلام كالنصارى واليهود أو شك في كفرهم أو صحح مذهبهم فهو كافر لأنه مكذب لقوله تعالى : وَمَنْ يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الْأِسْلامِ دِيناً فَلَنْ يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الْآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ .
    وانظر للمزيد

    There are worse things in life than being by perceived as ill mannered - we are not to acquiesce of the will of what a random group believes is politically correct or incorrect - we acquiesce to the will of Allah
    وقال شعبة ، عن مجالد ، عن الشعبي ، عن شريح ، عن عمر رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لعائشة : ( إن الذين فرقوا دينهم وكانوا شيعا ) قال : " هم أصحاب البدع " .


    Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.

    cursing the sahaba, fabrication of Quran and Hadith a religion based on khums, tuqya and mut3a has nothing to do with Islam!

    Are they born like that?

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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    Homosexuality is haram, one must bear in mind though that some people are born mixed gender, some mmen are born limp wristed and camp, and some women are born gruff and tough.
    It is a test from Allah and since i am not too well read on the topic i won't comment on how the fetus develops hormones and receives it's instructions - Allah knows best.
    One thing i've noticed the Iranian government doing is to offer those with external sexual issues or internal hormonal issues a gender re-assignment and thereby leave no excuse for male sodomy or female lesbianism, mqybe further research would shed more light on the rationale.

    format_quote Originally Posted by جوري View Post
    Shias are kaffirs and anyone who fails to recognize their kufr is also a kaffir!

    وقد نص أهل العلم على أن من لم يكفر الكافر المحقق كفره من اليهود والنصارى أو غيرهم من الملل الأخرى فهو كافر، جاء في كشاف القناع للبهوتي – وهو حنبلي المذهب-: من لم يكفر من دان أي تدين بغير الإسلام كالنصارى واليهود أو شك في كفرهم أو صحح مذهبهم فهو كافر لأنه مكذب لقوله تعالى : وَمَنْ يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الْأِسْلامِ دِيناً فَلَنْ يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الْآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ .
    وانظر للمزيد

    There are worse things in life than being by perceived as ill mannered - we are not to acquiesce of the will of what a random group believes is politically correct or incorrect - we acquiesce to the will of Allah
    وقال شعبة ، عن مجالد ، عن الشعبي ، عن شريح ، عن عمر رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لعائشة : ( إن الذين فرقوا دينهم وكانوا شيعا ) قال : " هم أصحاب البدع " .


    Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.

    cursing the sahaba, fabrication of Quran and Hadith a religion based on khums, tuqya and mut3a has nothing to do with Islam!

    Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
    MashaAllah you're back!
    It's a trait of human nature that when people interact with each other more frequently, or have interests or spaces which overlap they generally tend to see each other's differences more than they do that of others despite the fact that others may be much further down the spectrum.
    I personally believe that the differences were born out of legitimate issues which weren't resolved and slowly magnified over time until enmity caused people to ignore facts or oppose each other based on tribalism and schism.
    However i believe those differences can be resolved a lot more easily than differences elsewhere in the world.

    You've mentioned many negative traits however i noticed those and worse than those in America.
    Some positive acceptances that are lacking in many other parts of the world at the present moment:
    They believe that there is no God but Almighty God
    They believe that Muhammad pbuh was the Messenger of God.
    They observe hijab outdoors
    They believe chastity is a necessary part of faith,
    They call adhan
    They pray salat
    They give zakaah
    They fast during ramadan
    They perform hajj
    Plus much more.

    If you want to attack them, then attack everyone who fails to keep half of those prqctices first and work your way up.
    How does that work?
    Having travelled a little through the world, although much less than many others, i have noticed all sorts of weird practices in people, just naming oneself "sunni" despite absolving oneself from every single Islamic obligation, while buying candles for the mazar of a saint doesn't make anyone immune to the judgement of Allah.

    We can't up hope on someone who's more than halfway nearer to perfection while ignoring the totally corrupt who blaspheme the name of God, call all the Messengers liars, magicians and madmen, all the sahabas of all the prophets foolish simpletons who fell for lies or manipulators who collaborated in lies, and all people who believe in God's truth as being foolish simpletons who naively believe anything? Nobody's perfect but the truth is clear by now so there's no excuse for anyone to pretend that God doesn't exist.
    Are they born like that?

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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    having amicable traits doesn't exempt you from falling into error. We agree on that much!
    Manyare the things which will put you completely outside the folds of Islam
    Uttering that Allah is one and Mohammed is his prophet is parroted even by kaffirs it doesn't make them Muslim!

    The pillars you mention are just that pillars but where's the rest
    you've five fingers those are pillars but what are you doing with them? And the same applies here!
    if you don't know what puts you outside the fold of Islam then please let me enlighten you and then there's no excuse!
    Mew can discuss صحوات والروافض ومطايا الحكام والمنافقين
    Indeed all sorts of people exist who classify themselves as Muslims and precisely why Salah Ad'deen Al'Ayoubi rid us of the Fatimids before liberating Jerusalem!

    please familiarise yourself with these brother and return to Allah on the path of as'sabqeen!


    you can say you made wudu and then there are things which will put you outside the state of ablution even if you have just made it two minutes ago and everyone witnessed it?
    same concept applies here!

    [13:40] ----------thine is but conveyance (of the message). Ours the reckoning

    i have conveyed an unadulterated message free from BS and sophistry and I am not interested when it comes to Islam to things outside of it to make it palatable!

    dont like what pure unadulterated Islam is don't be Muslim - in fact I really wish that were the case it's better than this current state which prophet described us as being many but like the useless foam of the ocean

    btw with regards to the gay issue its psychological not physiological and not genetic the cases of genetic problems are a separate issue from this lewdness!
    let's all act on our mental illness because it will make us happy!
    Last edited by جوري; 11-09-2015 at 02:27 AM.
    Are they born like that?

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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    I notice how the Muslim world was manipulated into supporting one side or other of the Amwrican manufactured and administered war between iran and iraq while the U.S media kept saying Sunni Saudi, Sunni Iraq and Shiah Iran despite Saddam having been a Baathist which was more near to atheism, and the Saudi Ruling elite involved in international drug smuggling like their partners in the CIA, all the while the Muslim nations weakened and spent billions on U.S manufactured near obsolete weapons due to the arms race it created.
    And i'm seeing it again as the Muslims take the burden of suffering whether in Yemen or Iraq or Syria, while they are much more deserving of Allah's mercy than the kuffar who have ungratefully rejected Allah and harmed the believers over and over again and manipulated them into shedding each other's blood over minor differences.

    I recall the claim of Amr ibn al 'aas when he told An Najaashi "they claim that Jesus is a slave" while ignoring the fact that Amr ibn al 'Aas and his Quraishi cohorts themselves believed Jesus and all the Prophets who claimed that God is One to be a total imposters and fabricators.
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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    All world government share the same agenda and you are making hefty payments!
    they're bedfellows!

    here are some of the 'walat amr' which they expect you to give sam3 and ta3a too

    and if you're interested in Shia equivalent but I am sure from above link you can already see they lie in bed together in kufr add to it tuqya, khums and Mut3a!

    there's no America the evil and Iran the misunderstood- hopefully one day the rest of you will recognize that - whatever you're waiting for will not be accomplished by the UN!

    Last edited by جوري; 11-09-2015 at 09:51 AM.
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    I try not to talk about homosexuality. When I converted to Islam, I was bisexual but now Im straight. I think homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else in a non theocracy based government but most people agree it is haram
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    ajr's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    I don’t know how I should view that comment? As an insult or??? Who views what I say as wrong? MAN???
    Those to whom we gave the Book recite it as it should be recited (Yatlunahu Haqqa Tilawatihi) they are the ones who believe therein. And whoso disbelieve in it, those are they who are the losers.) #Quran 2:121
    *WRONG is WRONG*
    Even if everyone is doing it

    *RIGHT is RIGHT*
    Even if no one is doing it

    I suppose everyone should re-evaluate why we were Created. Creation were Created for the sole purpose of worshipping Allah and making His law the law we are governed by. Not agreeing with part of what Allah says then discarding the parts that seem intolerable.

    So when someone says depending on the culture we live in…ahmm okay then so lets review….Nabi Lut lived among a culture that practiced lewdness openly, as did his followers, did he succumb to that kind of evil??? Did they??? No he was told to leave that place so that SODOM could be destroyed.
    Our test today, those that are on the path of truth, is what are we doing about it? Much like you said, we are all tested and this is our test!!! You might not like what im saying, or even view it as WRONG, I could say ‘’to each his own’’ but then I ask myself how does that work in brotherhood???
    Narrated Anas:
    The Prophet said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself." (Volume 1, Book 2, Number 13. Bukhari)
    So as a brotherhood it becomes incumbent on me to love for my muslim brothers what I love for myself.
    “O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak always the right word” #Quran 33:70
    “And tell My servants that they should always say those words that are the best. Satan verily, sows a state of conflict and disagreements among them.” #Quran 17:53

    As for Shia’s…Generalizing hmm…If a people among you practice TAQIYA and hold this in high regard..for those that don’t know taqiya is LYING. As I said in my post, someone telling me they go on hajj does not make them muslim- hypocrites perform hajj?!!! sadly
    Heres an extract from the thread

    A muslim is one who Submits to the will of GOD...not one who associates partners with GOD...hence shia are not muslim...if Ali(r.a) is held in the same regard with God, if there 12 imams has a higher status than the prophets, if they practise taqiyah (lying is permisable and held in high regard, if they slander the Companions and aylul bayt, yet claiming to be the followers of ahlul bayt (hypocrisy) and lastly the founder of this deviant group is a JEW!!!!!!! so how do you propose to defend them with a clear frame of mind, when their very existance is to mislead man and create mischief and FITNA.

    So on a base level they are hypocrites

    They have made their oaths a screen. Thus they hinder (others) from the path of Allah. meaning, the hypocrites shield themselves from Muslims when they falsely and sinfully swear to be what they are not in reality. Some Muslims were deceived because they did not know their falsehood, and thus, thought that they were Muslims. Some Muslims believed what hypocrites say and even imitated them in their outward behavior. However, inwardly, hypocrites seek the destruction of Islam and its people, and this is why trusting them might bring great harm to many people.

    These people go on hajj, just to spit on the graves of the companions? (witnessed). The recent stampede in Makkah showed them in light of 'falsehood' when clearly the dead Shia's had tattood under their feet slanderous remarks about the Companions (witnessed).

    And when you look at them, their bodies please you; and when they speak, you listen to their words. meaning, hypocrites have a graceful outer appearance and are eloquent. When one hears them speak, he will listen to their eloquent words, even though hypocrites are truly weak and feeble, full of fear, fright and cowardice.

    They are the enemies, so beware of them. May Allah curse them! How are they denying the right path) means, how they are being led astray to the misguidance, away from the guidance

    Now lets talk about their kufr. which nulifies whatever inkling or warped idea they had that they are still bound to the religion of Islam...

    ASSOCIATING A PARTNER with Allah...Ali (a.s)

    So dear brothers and sisters if after all these facts, given to you, you still persist in calling them your 'brothers' then go ahead, one just has to sit on a shia forum, much like this and read their slander, one just has to converse with them and hear the slander, one just has to witness the day of ''Ashurah'' and see their evil. All of which i have...

    Fi AmaanILLAH
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    ajr's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Are they born like that?

    format_quote Originally Posted by ghareba View Post
    I saw your post about Shia's and cringed quite frankly. You speak specifically about the person and not the sin, you need to learn how to control your tongue. You can not go around calling Shia's Kaffir, this is ill mannered. If you are so obsessed about Shia-ism then talk about the acts they comment for example 'cursing the Sahaba is a sin' instead of 'Shia's are Kaffir because they curse the Sahaba'. You are generalising completely and rather, not gaining anything but displaying a wicked tongue. I advice you sincerely to stop posting random and controversial forums such as this and about other sects.
    format_quote Originally Posted by ghareba View Post
    I saw your post about Shia's and cringed quite frankly. You speak specifically about the person and not the sin, you need to learn how to control your tongue. You can not go around calling Shia's Kaffir, this is ill mannered. If you are so obsessed about Shia-ism then talk about the acts they comment for example 'cursing the Sahaba is a sin' instead of 'Shia's are Kaffir because they curse the Sahaba'. You are generalising completely and rather, not gaining anything but displaying a wicked tongue. I advice you sincerely to stop posting random and controversial forums such as this and about other sects

    Ok! so what do you propose i call them? YAHUD? seeing that the founder of this deviant group was a Yemeni Jew by the name of Abdullah bin Sa'ad. I could you know

    Lets see the Zions today practise taqiya too, how you ask? Well they shoot defenseless Palestinians and the world cries, and the zionist hits back with, ''they had a knife, or they had a stone etc etc And we cringe at this act, dont we?

    I can give you more similarities between the JEWS and SHIA'S

    1. The Jews said only the progeny of David has the authority to rule, likewise the Shia stated that only the descendants of Sayyaina Ali(ra) should be the Imams or leaders.

    2. The Jews stated that there can be no fighting in the way of God unless the Messiah (Dajjal) comes and the sword descends. Similarly the Shi’ites stated that that there can be no fighting in the way of God unless Qaem appears and an announcer will call from the sky.

    The Jews distorted the Torah similarly the Shia distorted the Quran - by giving wrong explanation and misusing of the verses-like those of tafseer al-Qummi- and alleging that parts of the Quran are changed, missing and deleted out by the Sahabah. Examples of such allegation is that of the respected Shiite scholar at-tabarasi, when he regarded that two surahs: Wilayah and an-Nuraiyn, were deleted out of the official Quranic text by Uthman ibnu Affan.

    shall i go on....

    The Jews had slandered the chaste and pure Mary the mother of Jesus(as), whereas the Shia slandered and accused Ayesha (ra) the wife of the Prophet. It should be known that Imam Malik issued a fatwa of kufr on the Shia for this reason.

    The Jews pray three times a day, similarly the Shia pray three times a day such that they combine Asr and Thuhr and pray them at the same time, and they combine Maghrib and Isha and pray them together.

    I did not post a thread on this forum without knowing my facts, dear... therefore i sat painstakingly on different forums ''shia'' forums to ask them questions. I met with shia's spoke to them etc etc....
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