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A Debate Between the Sword and the Pen

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    abo mussaab's Avatar
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    A Debate Between the Sword and the Pen

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    قال الشيخ فارس الزهراني حفظه الله وفك أسره: تأملت التاريخ الإسلامي فوجدتُ أن الذي يرفعُ القلمَ دونَ سيفٍ يذِلّ، والذي يرفعُ السيفَ دونَ قلمٍ يضلّ ويزلّ، ومن يرفعهما معاً فإلى مبتغاه يهتدي ويصل , ورحم الله شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية إذ قال: لا يقوم الدين إلا بكتابٍ يهدي وسيفٍ ينصر وكفى بربك هادياً ونصيراً.

    Sheikh Faris Al Z’zahrani may Allah protect him and hasten his release said: i observed Islamic history, and found that those who raise the pen without the sword shall be humiliated, and those who raise the sword without the pen shall go astray and stumble down, and those who raise them both along each other shall be guided to what they sought after. may Allah have mercy on Sheikh Al Islam ibn Taymiyyah when he said: the religion won’t rise except through a book that guides and a sword that supports, ‘But sufficient is your Lord as a guide and a helper.’

    [A Debate Between the Sword and the Pen, مناظرة بين السيف والقلم]
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    greenhill's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A Debate Between the Sword and the Pen

    Like that, it's not much of a debate of having either one or the other, but that of complimentary function. Law and Order is from enforcement. If there's no enforcement, order would quickly cease to exist.

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    A Debate Between the Sword and the Pen

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    For when my heart does stop its beat, with truth, I die.
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