بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

Most Muslims know of the scientific miracle with regards to the fingerprints mentioned in verse 4 of Surah Qiyamah (chapter 75). And it is also well known that the Qur'an has several layers of knowledge like that of the layers in an onion. So one verse or one surah may hold several layers of knowledge simultaneously.
In 75:4

3. Does man (a disbeliever) think that We shall not assemble his bones?
4. Yes, We are Able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers.

What is amazing is that the word "banaana" which is linguistically surprising because so many languages use the word banana and they resemble fingers very well. The word corresponds to what it describes. All this is one short verse of 3 words...

I collected some more info from the web:

of Surah Al Qiyamah and I came across the expression in verses 3-4 which reads,

The word "banana" originated from an Arabic word “banan” which means finger. Each individual banana is called a finger so a bunch of bananas is called a hand. That makes sense right?

A bunch of #bananas actually looks like a hand but most times, it has more than five fingers.

-The bananas that were growing in Africa as well as Southeast Asia were not the eight-to-twelve-inch giants that have become familiar in the U.S. supermarkets today. They were small, about as long as a man's finger. Ergo the name banan, Arabic for finger. http://www.banana.com/-

The "finger-tips" expression used here is to denote the "Finger-Prints" . If we recall , no two people have the same fingerprints even though they might look alike in all aspects . This seems to explain the uniqueness of the verse with regards to the resurrection . Allah says that He will(capable /able to) return the same fingerprints to us that we have in this world.

So with respect to those disbelievers who claimed that they will be gone forever , this verse brings up the Resurrection issue in the best possible argument . There could be more to it though which I'm yet to understand.