I wanted to add that these points can also apply when using IslamicBoard.com.
Read below on the notes from Fiqh Of Chillin . Source
It is not good to rely on Google, or the internet in general especially for fatawa (rulings) because knowledge is sacred and it needs to come from a reliable scholar so it's best to ask a scholar personally.
Remember fatawa can change depending on time, circumstances. and region one lives and online sources don't take that into account so some fatawa may not apply to you.
There is a serious problem when people become addicted to social media such as facebook. Time is precious and we should limit our use of social media.
Every time you want to check your facebook or twitter, just make dhikr for 30 seconds before checking it. You will probably end up making more dhikr than the average Muslim.
The Online Tongue
1. Arguing and debating online can deaden the heart. 'The most hated person in the sight of Allah is the one that argues the most.. (Bukhari)
2. Social media can become a facilitator for backbiting, slander, and rumor mongering.
3. Re-tweeting/sharing without thinking is dangerous.
4. Passive aggressive updates
ex: I hate people who do such and such.
If a friend knows who you are talking about then it is considered back biting even if you didnt mention any names.
Real life vs. Online
1. How we represent ourselves online should correlate with who we really are in person.
2. Apathetic posting- before you like something or post something. make sure to apply it yourself first.
3. A lack of sincerity- anything you do online, make sure to do It for Allah.
4. Seeking the praise of others can cause us to do bad things so keep that in mind.
Online Modesty
1. Lowering your online gaze! (goes for both genders) meaning don't go on the facebook of the opposite gender and look through all their pictures! Don't do facebook stalking.
2. Interacting with the opposite gender act the same way you would in person meaning be really formal and keep things halal.
What not to share
1. Don't display your sins! you are just getting double the sin. So instead just repent to Allah and dont put your sins online (ex: take down those pits of you at the hookah bar)
2. Make a clear distinction of your private and public life-meaning protect your life inside your home and your family so don't put that on display online.
Re: How to use Social Media and IslamicBoard in the best way possible!
A huge problem that is evolving on social media is that laymen are being given positions of authority based on their religious dress code or appearance. This is extremely detrimental to the eemaan and deen of the masses who follow them blindly and take Islamic rulings from them. Similarly with self proclaimed Qurra' who are reciting without learning basic tajweed or holding any sort of ijazah.
Don't be deluded by the number of followers or fans a person has on social media. Do some research. Has this person studied by credible teachers? Does this person hold ANY type of qualifications? Is this person in a position to be passing rulings or is this person simply using Google translate to post a few quotes in Arabic to look authentic?
In general, learning your Islam off the internet is a bad idea. There is so much conflicting information out there, you could be innocently searching something up yet end up on a Shia or Qadiyani website without even realising.
A quote from one of the tabi'3een, Muhammad Ibn al-Mubarak comes to mind "الاسناد من الدين، ولولا الاسناد لقال من شاء ما شاء"
"Isnaad (chains of narration) are from the deen, and if there was no isnaad then people would say whatever they want"
Make sure that the person you are taking your deen from holds a chain of narration linking him to reputable teachers. Your hereafter is at stake.
Re: How to use Social Media and IslamicBoard in the best way possible!
Well the main thing is to have Imaan and full trust in Allah where ever to go to seek knowledge. Have the correct intention to seek the proper knowledge and Allah will guide you to the right sources. The greatest source of help is Allah. He will protect the righteous servants from reading anything from online that harms them.
Re: How to use Social Media and IslamicBoard in the best way possible!
format_quote Originally Posted by MSBi
Well the main thing is to have Imaan and full trust in Allah where ever to go to seek knowledge. Have the correct intention to seek the proper knowledge and Allah will guide you to the right sources. The greatest source of help is Allah. He will protect the righteous servants from reading anything from online that harms them.
Ramadan2020: Peaceful & Productive| MakeIftarEasy | Meal Ideas – The Online Ummah Network
So following up on our previous post on #MakingIftarEasy we have curated this list of meal ideas and recipe links from around the web so that you can spend less time planning out each Iftar and have more hours to focus on ibadah! Use this Iftar planner sheet to list out what item you would…...
Re: How to use Social Media and IslamicBoard in the best way possible!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Although it is difficult. Leave your smartphone at home. Detox from it. Shut it off ever so often. Subscribe to a less permanent connection (also usually cheaper).
This phone and Internet is an ddiction for many.
AND Allah Knows Best.
- - - Updated - - -
]بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Although it is difficult. Leave your smartphone at home. Detox from it. Shut it off ever so often. Subscribe to a less permanent connection (also usually cheaper).
This phone and Internet is an ddiction for many.
Re: How to use Social Media and IslamicBoard in the best way possible!
I see that in our current time, social media is a blessing for spreading the religion of God Almighty. Through videos, we can publish them on more than one platform and in more than one place in order to spread the religion of God and the Sunnah of His Messenger. If the videos are effective, they will undoubtedly reach people’s hearts.We can also spread <a href="https://example.com">learning the Arabic language</a> to those new to Islam in an interesting way and not as complicated as some claim
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