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Is Cannabis usage haram?

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    Snow's Avatar Full Member
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    Is Cannabis usage haram?

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    There are loads of videos on the subject on youtube, and they seem to take on the subject differently.
    I'm interested in your take on that subject.
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    noraina's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    I am assuming you are mean for medicinal purposes rather than a medicinal drug?

    It is certainly haraam as a recreational drug, it really messes with your mind subhanAllah. As for medicine, I understand it is being studied to be used to treat certain conditions such as stroke or epilepsy, however there are major side effects - including schizophrenia, psychological imbalance, addiction. I would think you should really, really avoid it if there are safer alternatives or medicines whose side-effects are not so severe, and there curing abilities are actually confirmed.

    This is my take on it, someone with more knowledge could discuss it from a fiqh perspective inshaAllah.
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    Is Cannabis usage haram?

    Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
    Oh turner of the Hearts make my heart firm on Your Deen

    islamb 1 - Is Cannabis usage haram?

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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by noraina View Post
    I am assuming you are mean for medicinal purposes rather than a medicinal drug?

    It is certainly haraam as a recreational drug, it really messes with your mind subhanAllah. As for medicine, I understand it is being studied to be used to treat certain conditions such as stroke or epilepsy, however there are major side effects - including schizophrenia, psychological imbalance, addiction. I would think you should really, really avoid it if there are safer alternatives or medicines whose side-effects are not so severe, and there curing abilities are actually confirmed.

    This is my take on it, someone with more knowledge could discuss it from a fiqh perspective inshaAllah.
    Thank you for the reply.
    It is kind of a gray area, in my mind. I've suffered from depression at times and it has helped me quite a bit. So... I don't know if it is a bad thing.
    It differs with people, like you mention.
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    Is Cannabis usage haram?

    Canabis temporarily helps with depression, but does not cure it at all and makes you addictive. So when you stop using it. You become stressed, easily angered, irritated because it was eliminating these little crevices.

    If you suffer from horrible pains that no other drug can help cure. That is different than suffering from depression as it is a mental versus a physical issue.

    My brother uses canabis and he's not a Muslim. His argument is that it helps diminish his stress or depression. However his depression or stress consist of passing LOL.... League of legends :/ he has no financial responsibilities, he lives at home, is fed, clothed, sheltered and cared for when he is sick. Canabis went from being a temporary cure for depression to a quick bandaid for everything else that he finds hard and doesn't want to deal with.

    Be careful about using it.
    Last edited by Bhabha; 04-29-2016 at 10:22 PM.
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    Is Cannabis usage haram?

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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Bhabha View Post
    Canabis temporarily helps with depression, but does not cure it at all and makes you addictive. So when you stop using it. You become stressed, easily angered, irritated because it was eliminating these little crevices.

    If you suffer from horrible pains that no other drug can help cure. That is different than suffering from depression as it is a mental versus a physical issue.

    My brother uses canabis and he's not a Muslim. His argument is that it helps diminish his stress or depression. However his depression or stress consist of passing LOL.... League of legends :/ he has no financial responsibilities, he lives at home, is fed, clothed, sheltered and cared for when he is sick. Canabis went from being a temporary cute for depression to a quick bandaid for everything else that he finds hard and doesn't want to deal with.

    Be careful about using it.
    Thank you for the elaborate response.
    I'm the opposite of your brother. I've got plenty of responsibilities and Cannabis has helped me dealing with them.
    And I'm not a constant user, just here and there. Anything from once a month to a couple of times a week.
    That is the thing... I have a hard time to think of anything negative about it.
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by noraina View Post
    I am assuming you are mean for medicinal purposes rather than a medicinal drug?
    Cannabis for medicinal purpose has been processed specially, and used not through smoking it like in recreational purpose. That's why argument from people who request cannabis smoking legalization because cannabis can be used for medicine cannot be accepted.
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    It is kind of a gray area, in my mind. I've suffered from depression at times and it has helped me quite a bit. So... I don't know if it is a bad thing.
    It differs with people, like you mention.
    Cannabis makes you want to laugh although you see something that not funny. But cannabis doesn't cure depression. You just get a suggestion, like people who feel relax when they watch fish in aquarium. And you will be psychologically addicted because without cannabis you feel not confident to face the life.

    I am not an aleem who capable to say haram or halal, but I was cannabis smoker in my young age. So I really suggest people to not smoke cannabis, for recreational purpose, or for escape from problem. Cannabis make you feel like in different world, and it give you psychological effect which you always want to go to this different world when you face little problem, rather than face this problem. Later you will not able to face the real life.

    You problem is psychological, not medical. And you actually have ability to cure your depression without using cannabis.
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    strivingobserver98's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    I agree with same stance mentioned on this fatwa.

    In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

    Drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, opium, etc are all unlawful (haram) due to the various harms connected with them.

    Marijuana is a psychoactive drug made from the leaves of the cannabis plant. It is usually smoked but can also be eaten. It is the most commonly used and considered to be a soft drug.

    Marijuana intoxicates a person the same way alcohol does. It weakens one’s senses and the capability to reflect. Scientific research has proven that, marijuana has much harm, and could lead one in becoming an addict to other hard drugs.

    The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Every intoxicant is prohibited.” Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 4088)

    And he (Allah bless him & give him peace) also said:

    “That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities.” (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators)

    So here there is no need to doubt the illicit nature of such modern narcotics like cocaine, heroine, etc. or such soft drugs that are available in the club scenes, places, unfortunately, visited frequently by Muslim youth in the West.

    Therefore, explain to you friend that, all drugs are Haram due to the fact that they intoxicate a person in one way or another. One looses the ability to think and reflect in a proper manner, and that is intoxication. If you have a local scholar, seek his advice and take your friend to him.

    And Allah knows best

    [Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam
    Darul Iftaa
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    My knowledge of Islam is not that great, but I thought there was a hadith or Quran verse that says that anything toxicating in large amounts is haram even in small amounts, like alcohol. Is that correct? Not true with medicine, or else surgery would be haram.
    Last edited by LaSorcia; 04-29-2016 at 11:53 PM.
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    Hamza :)'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by LaSorcia View Post
    My knowledge of Islam is not that great, but I thought there was a hadith or Quran verse that says that anything toxicating in large amounts is haram even in small amounts, like alcohol. Is that correct? Not true with medicine, or else surgery would be haram.
    'Every intoxicant is khamr and every intoxicant is haram.'

    'If a large amount of anything causes intoxication, a small amount of it is prohibited.'

    This is not my take on cannabis btw, just quoting ahadith to satisfy your curiosity.
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    There are loads of videos on the subject on youtube, and they seem to take on the subject differently.
    I'm interested in your take on that subject.
    Asalaamu Alaikum,

    Taking Marijuana, pot, skunk, weed, hash, draw, whatever you want to call it, has become quite common amongst the Muslim youth in particular. Many go on to continue taking it for decades and even for life. Regarding the status of Marijuana in Islam then the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) informed us:

    "Every intoxicant is prohibited." (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 4088)

    And he also said:

    "That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities."
    (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators)

    Therefore it is clear that all drugs are Haram due to the fact that they intoxicate a person in one way or another. One loses the ability to think and reflect in a proper manner, and that is intoxication.

    Intoxication linked to psychosis

    It is a typical excuse that shaythan gives to a user of intoxicants such as marijuana that it does not affect them in anyway and that they will still be able to function normally etc. But that is a great deception of shaythan who wants the user to continue taking intoxicants so that he can go further away from Allah. As well as his deen suffering the user of Marijuana also loses out in this world as his education, family life and work suffer as a result of this evil habit. Not only does he suffer spiritually and physically but also mentally as it is now scientifically proven that Cannabis is linked to psychosis aswell as many other psychological defects. The user of intoxicants may think that they are fine right now and that they will never end up suffering such mental problems but research indicates that the longer the user takes it then they increasingly risk deterioration of their mental and physical health. Not only does cannabis use cause many psychological defects but it destroys ones ambitions, determination and zeal, so a person ends up living everyday just for the next charge or "buzz". What a worthless existence.

    Losing this world and the hereafter to intoxication

    Intoxication is very detrimental to ones life in this world and the next. If a person were to die in such a state then they would in effect have ruined their Hereafter. So not only will one lose this world by using such a substance but the worst thing is they will also lose the hereafter. What a loss that would be! That person would ask of Allah:

    "Oh Allah please i beg of you send me back to the Earth just one more time so that i can do things better. This time i know the truth and i will obey your commands to the best of my ability".

    But it will be said to that person
    "NO! You were given your chance yet you ruined it so now you will have to face the consequances of your actions."

    Imaan (faith) cannot stay in the same body as intoxication

    All Intoxicants are a test for mankind just like the apple was a test for Adam (As). When a person intoxicates themself then Imaan (faith) cannot remain in the same body as Imaan. Therefore when a person intoxicates themself then imaan (faith) comes out of the body and hovers over their head. This means that a person who is intoxicated does not have imaan until they are sober that is if Allah wills. Imam Rabbani (Ra) described this as a contagion of disbelief where a Muslim who commits a major sin like intoxication and dies without repentance has died in a type of disbelief. Not in the same way as a disbeliever but it is still a type of disbelief as they died without imaan. Imam Suyuti (Ra) states that intoxication is one of the major sins where a person may die in disbelief.

    One opinion of some scholars is that a person who does die in such a way may not even smell the scent of Paradise although the majority of scholars agree that a believer who dies without repentance from a major sin lik intoxication may go to Jannah some day if Allah wills but it may be after a very long time in Jahannam but they will certainly have a bad death and the grave punishment as well as a terrible time on the day of Judgement where people will be scorched so much by the sun which will be so close that they will be drowning in their own sweat!

    Is it worth risking losing the Hereafter over a short buzz?

    We cannot even spend a second in such a terrible place as Jahannam so how will we cope in there for eternity? We struggle in temperatures of 90 degrees F but what about thousands of degrees? How will we cope in such a place where we will be fuel for the fire? The way a person dies that is the way they will be raised up therefore a person who dies whilst intoxicated will be raised up intoxicated and Allah will not even look at him but ask the angels to throw him into the fire. What a disgusting way to enter the worst of places - Jahannam. A true dogs death.

    So can the one who intoxicates themselves guarantee that they will not die whilst they are intoxicated? We all have a 50 % chance of dying at any moment therefore when one is intoxicated then they are actually taking a 50% risk of eternal doom. Is it really worth it for a short and pointless artificial buzz? You can be the judge of that...

    Intoxication - A vile act

    Allah has described intoxicants amongst other things as being appalling, despicable and hateful acts of Satan and he has commanded us to abstain from them, Allah thereafter states in the next verse: -

    Satan’s plan is to sow hatred and enmity amongst you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hamper you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not give up? (5:91)

    Ibn Majah reported from Abu Hurairah (Ra) that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:

    “An addict of intoxication is like a worshipper of an idol.”.”

    Subhanallah what a strong statement to make of a person who intoxicates themselves. The Prophet described such people as idol worshippers. What a terrible way to live ones life being classed in such a way. Is this then not enough to make us want to stop indulging in such vile and evil acts?

    The time to give up is NOW, for tomorrow may never come!

    Therefore there is NO time to waste. How long have we got until we will face Allah for the choices we made in this life. we ONLY have this one chance so how can we ruin it? How can we sacrifice this petty short life for ETERNITY OF BLISS? What a foolish person who would choose this life over the next. How can one choose a few years over an eternity?

    Remember the choices we make now will affect our lives in this world and our eternity in the next. Therefore let us forget the past now and repent sincerely to Allah with utter remorse and with firm resolve NEVER return to such an evil act again and one will find Allah most merciful.

    Move away from bad company!

    Let us move AWAY from those who indulge in such acts as they are NOT our true friends. They may be with us now whilst we are committing evil but as soon as they have a better offer then they will be gone. Such people will cause our destruction in this world AND the next. The company of such people is poison; just even sitting and talking with them will lead one to commit sins. Just as a person who sits for a long time with a perfume seller begins to smell nice, and a person who sits by a gutter cleaner begins to smell awful, similarly a person who spends time in the company of the wicked eventually gets affected badly by them.

    Rather, we should seek out pious friends who fear Allah taala and who have the qualities of humility, charity, compassion, modesty and knowledge. If we sit with them we will always benefit and they will be a means for us to get closer to Allah taala!

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “The case of the good companion and the bad companion is like that of the seller of musk and the blower of the bellows (iron-smith). As for the seller of musk, he will either give you some of the musk, or you will purchase some from him, or at least you will come away having experienced its good smell. Whereas the blower of the bellows will either burn your clothing, or at least you will come away having experienced its repugnant smell.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

    Remember: “All friends will be enemies of one another on that Day (Day of Judgment) except those of the virtueous.” (al-Qur’an 43:67)

    Use your time wisely

    Rasulallah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) urged us to use our time in a useful way when he said:

    “Grab five things before five others: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your wealth before your poverty, your leisure before your work, and your life before your death.” (Al-Hakim)

    He also indicated that we are to be asked about these times and how we invested them in the judgment day. Rasulallah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “A servants two feet will not move on the Day of Judgement until he is questioned about four (things): His youth, how he spent it, his knowledge, how he acted upon it, his wealth, how he earned it and how he spent it and his body, how he used/wasted it.” ( Al-Tirmidhi)

    Make the best of your youth

    Worship in ones youth is the best worship that one can do in ones lifetime and this is because of the fact that this is the time that one will have the most desires and this is the time when one has passion, drive, determination and energy. So this is the time we should spend pleasing Allah NOT our enemy shaythan who ONLY wants the worst for us!

    We should be doing those actions which will benefit us forever and NOT wasting our time in useless talk or hanging around with bad friends, taking intoxicants and ruining our hereafter.

    Uthman (Ra) said: "Allah gave you this world so that you may seek the Hereafter with it, not for you to desire it."

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:

    "This world, in comparison with the world to come (The hereafter), is the same as if one of you were to put his finger in the ocean.?Consider how much (water) you would have (on your finger) when you pulled it out." (Muslim)

    We want to be of those who are raised on the day of judgement as one who spent their youth in the worship of Allah and not as those who wasted their youth chasing after their desires. What an utter loss that would be. We would regret it forever. So we can still change things if we take action NOW! But if we continue as we are then we only risk ruining our hereafter for this petty meaningless life.

    He also said: "Wise is he who controls his desires & prepares for the life which starts after death, and wretched is he who makes himself a slave to his desires and has false expectations of Allah". (Tirmidhi)

    Then will you not end it?

    Therefore there is NO doubt that Drugs and alcohol are totally forbidden in Islam. They ruin people’s lives physically, mentally, morally and spiritually. So one will be the loser in this world and the next. If you think that a person who continues to intoxicate themselves will have peace, blessings, contentment and happiness in their lives then you are very much mistaken and decieved. Wake up and realise that you are risking eternity of torture for this useless and evil habit. The buzz of being the closest to Allah and pleasing him surpasses any buzz that can be achieved in this life. So feel the pure buzz of being close to Allah and leave this evil habit lest you regret it FOREVER! Choose NOT this life but the Hereafter:

    The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said,
    "O Allah! There is no life worth living except the life of the Hereafter... (Bukhari)

    Finally Allah has questioned the user of intoxication:

    “Then, will you end it?”

    May Allah save us from that which will be detrimental for us and enable us to go towards that which will benefit us in this world and the next. Ameen

    Very good talk on intoxication by Sheikh Ahmed Ali - part 1 - Download other parts to:

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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    Medical Marijuana Use Linked to Cognitive Impairment

    Is Cannabis usage haram?

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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    There are loads of videos on the subject on youtube, and they seem to take on the subject differently.
    I'm interested in your take on that subject.
    Salaam sister,

    Mmm ok ull don't know me so ill tell u the truth inshaALLAH.

    it is haraam, and I'm not just saying it, I smoke a couple times everyday ( not proud of it ),

    I know what u mean by the calm down, lol, but at the end of the day its still haraam

    If we practice really hard, salaah and dhikr will be our calm down.

    oh ALLAH, we are humans and full of sin, oh ALLAH please forgive us and ummah and guide us, ameen
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    Quran 4:43 ..although depending on translation it applies specifically to alcohol.

    ..don't know, weed smokers are some of the highest people I knew.
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    Sister, and this is not just referring to cannabis, but for any drug which people may use for problems such as depression or lack of confidence - psychoactive drugs treat the symptoms, but not the central cause.

    I am just studying psychology, so not an authority on the matter - but using such drugs can create a slippery slope of dependency. They only inhibit your feelings, more like camouflage them into making you think they are gone when they are still there, and may prevent you from seeking a solution to the true problems or difficulties you are facing - many people become dependant on them as a way of feeling good, and the issue is that ideally the ability to feel good should come from within yourself, not from any external thing.

    This is probably really easy for me to say, so forgive me if I've said anything wrong, but don't underestimate the power of such things like this. Try to rely on yourself more, inshaAllah, if you look deep inside, you'll see Allah SWT has given up the capacity to handle everything life throws at us and more.
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    Is Cannabis usage haram?

    Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
    Oh turner of the Hearts make my heart firm on Your Deen

    islamb 1 - Is Cannabis usage haram?

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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by LaSorcia View Post
    My knowledge of Islam is not that great, but I thought there was a hadith or Quran verse that says that anything toxicating in large amounts is haram even in small amounts, like alcohol. Is that correct? Not true with medicine, or else surgery would be haram.
    That is an interesting subject, as Cannabis is not toxic. Unless you take it in amounts that make water look toxic.
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A. View Post
    Quran 4:43 ..although depending on translation it applies specifically to alcohol.

    ..don't know, weed smokers are some of the highest people I knew.
    Lol, that's what it does
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    Re: Is Cannabis usage haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    That is an interesting subject, as Cannabis is not toxic. Unless you take it in amounts that make water look toxic.

    Lol, I made a typo- I meant INtoxicating.
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