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My Faith is Low--what do I do?

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    *charisma*'s Avatar Super Moderator
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    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

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    Assalamu Alaikum

    In the past month, I've seen a lot--A LOT of brothers and sisters who's iman has either dropped considerably or they're trying to figure out their way.

    I want you all to bear in mind that a forum is a place for discussion, support, and reminding. There are a lot of positives that can help us in our iman, but there are some downfalls as well such us having varying opinions, bluntness/criticism, negativity, and ignorance. So while you're trying to figure something out, you're getting different answers. Varying answers leads to more confusion...What do you do??

    This is how I imagine some of you (bear with me on my weird analogies :P) your brain is a square, and islam is a circle. Once you realize that Islam is a circle, all of a sudden you start thinking that "I don't understand why Islam does this or says this or is this.." then you may see other people who have circle brains and you wonder "how do they understand Islam but not me, why is their brain a circle and not a square like mine??? why do i have to suffer?? Maybe Islam is just not meant for me.." Basically, you wake up to the fact that you don't know much about Islam and you also don't know about your own self either because you've been blindly following and now you've come to a place in your life where things aren't going so well. As you search for answers, you get distracted and start asking random questions (yes a lot of you ask questions that really have no real significance in your life).

    So, this is a reminder for you all:

    The first word that Allah sent down to Muhammed (peace be upon him) was IQRA. You all need to go to the basics of Islam. Leave the forum, take a break. Read the Quran and read the tafsir. Some of you try to nitpick the difference between what the quran says and what science says and haven't even read the Quran cover to cover (probably never even took anything above basic science either). You wonder about why your life has been so bad and you blame Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala but you did not learn the essence of "sabrun jameel" or how Allah trials the servants He LOVES. You will educate yourselves for worldly gains to get a degree, cry about how can't find a job, pray only once because you're desperate, and then complain about how Allah is not listening. You spent your whole life learning the knowledge of this world, and you never once dedicated time to take a course about your own deen. Why? Iqra!

    The people of this forum have limited knowledge and even moreso, we don't know your entire situation. Allah does though! So the least you can do for yourself is to learn about your deen. Ask questions that awaken your soul instead of nitpicking with scientists and scholars about why this occurs or why that occurs. Listen, there are scientists who know more than you and I about the world and they are Muslims. There are scholars who spent majority of their life studying Islam, who will always disagree with other scholars, and yet they are still Muslim! There are people who become Muslims from a history of atheism and witchcraft. There are people who are dying from the worst diseases or from famine and war, and they still have their deen intact. Yet you're over here wondering "why is there suffering in the world? Why does one scholar say you have to do this but the other says you shouldn't?" If the sufferers believe in Allah and say ALHEMDULILAH, then there's something they have that you need to gain. If Atheists can accept and understand islam, then you can renew yours. IF scholars can put aside religious differences and still practice Islam, then you have no excuse.

    Also remember that the people that faced the BIGGEST trials, were the prophets pbut. Not you, not your family, not the kid dying from cancer...It was the prophets. They lived amongst the WORST of people during the WORST of times. How did they get through it? Read about the sahaba, the closest people to them. You can connect to anyone of these beautiful people. Bilal came from slavery, Mus'ab bin U'mair came from wealth...how did they discover Islam and become the best of the best? Read about Yusuf who was betrayed by his brothers, about Ayoub who's patience was tested to an extent we cannot even understand. Learn about these things..whatever trial you are facing, you can connect with them and learn how they overcame it, because if they were able to, you FOR SURE can, especially when you have an advantage of not having tests even near theirs!

    You have a gift of Islam and just because you don't know how to use it, doesn't mean you put the blame on Islam. So back to my analogy...You can shape your square brain into a circle by triggering knowledge that applies to you and your soul. Slowly it will soften and take it's proper shape..What difference does it make if dinosaurs ever existed but are not in the Quran? They're not here NOW, but your depression, your problem, your confusion, your "fill in the blank" is still here. How will you deal with that from an Islamic perspective? IQRA.

    Put aside your arrogance and desires which can only satisfy you momentarily, and for once do something that will benefit your soul for eternity. I'm not saying to refrain from asking questions, No, ask questions..but ask the right questions at the right time--the time when you are able to actually comprehend the logic behind everything. Knowledge builds upon itself...we don't teach children how to write stories before they can read and write the alphabet and put together sentences..right? Sooo why do some of you search for answers that do nothing for you in the end? Your soul is suffering, fix that first, because even if some of you thought about leaving Islam it doesn't remove the fact that Allah exists..it doesn't take away the fact that your life will one day cease to exist and you will have to meet Him..and it doesn't take away the fact that just because your desires don't meet with Islam it makes it false. Islam will never become a "square" for you..you have to fit yourself into that round mold. I see the zeal of some of you working so hard to do something to fulfil your lowest desires, to break someone, to seek revenge, to harm yourselves to the point of suicide, but that zeal is not even there when it comes to saving yourselves and finding the path to Allah.
    Last edited by *charisma*; 05-18-2016 at 02:25 PM.
    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

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    the hardest
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?


    Excellent points and a very useful reminder to us all.

    If we concentrate & focus on ourselves not only will we see the goodness but our family members, friends & community too.

    It has a powerful domino effect on us all.

    Jazahka Allah.

    May Allah swt open the doors of knowledge & wisdom Ameen.
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    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Pain and hardships allow you to grow spiritually Alhamdulilah so smile when a so called calamity befalls upon you.
    Alhamdulilah Allah swt is the greatest.
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Wa alaikum assalaam Charisma,

    JazakAllah khairan for this passionate plea!
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    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Our finitude is our distance from Him. His infinitude is His closeness to us. Abdal-Hakim Murad @Contentions

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  5. #4
    strivingobserver98's Avatar Jewel of IB
    If you can read this please remember me in your duas :P
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    for this much needed reminder.

    Turned into "Gems" thread .

    PS: I would rep this post more than once if I could . "You cannot give Reputation to the same post twice."
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    *charisma*'s Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    D e a t h

    is the easiest
    of all things after it
    ; ;

    the hardest
    of all things before it
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    Scimitar's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Double bump - for no reason except for a bump... anyone want ice cream?
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    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    15noje9 1 - My Faith is Low--what do I do?
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him [59:23]

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    Serinity's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Yeah. I am still struggling Idk why! Read my signature. The waswass is all about Shirk and Quran

    Secondly, whenever I pray........ I repeat words, cuz I am afraid I said it wrong! I feel I am making things TOO hard on myself.. OR I am just playing into shaytaan's game.

    Allahu alam
    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
    " Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "

    Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an
    Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
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  11. #9
    talibilm's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Good points so we should look into ourselves for our Problems and these noble Quran verses will enlighten us inshallah

    4:62 ''So how [will it be] when disaster strikes them because of what their hands have put forth and then they come to you swearing by Allah , "We intended nothing but good conduct and accommodation."

    36:19 '' They (Messengers) said, "Your omen is with yourselves. Is it because you were reminded? Rather, you are a transgressing people."

    The other reasons that we see from the Noble Quran
    is Loving this dunya more than Akirat which is the root cause if weakening of our Eemaan.

    53:29 ''
    Therefore withdraw (O Muhammad SAW) from him who turns away from Our Reminder (this Quran) and desires nothing but the life of this world.''
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    Search's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

    (Peace be upon you)

    Brother, as you know, waswas comprises of compulsive negative thoughts. The best way to deal with compulsive negative thoughts is to ignore them and watch as an observer the thoughts and you'll find they disappear because you'll realize immediately their absurdity.

    (And peace be upon you)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity View Post

    Yeah. I am still struggling Idk why! Read my signature. The waswass is all about Shirk and Quran

    Secondly, whenever I pray........ I repeat words, cuz I am afraid I said it wrong! I feel I am making things TOO hard on myself.. OR I am just playing into shaytaan's game.

    Allahu alam
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  14. #11
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Search View Post
    (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

    (Peace be upon you)

    Brother, as you know, waswas comprises of compulsive negative thoughts. The best way to deal with compulsive negative thoughts is to ignore them and watch as an observer the thoughts and you'll find they disappear because you'll realize immediately their absurdity.

    (And peace be upon you)
    It is just going in circles. I wonder why I have to go through this kind of trial. I'd be better off with physical pain.

    I feel no more than a hypocrite staying in Islam. Let me explain the waswass>

    I believe in the Quran 100% --> I reject Shirk 100% --> Definition of shirk (look at my signature) understood --> I believe in the Quran 100% --> I know what the definition of shirk according to the Quran is, yet the waswass makes me feel prone to shirk whenever I attest my belief in the Qur'an.

    As if I didn't know what the definition of shirk is according to the Qur'an is. I then say to myself "I know worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah is shirk according to the Qur'an, Makes sense"

    Then the waswass is like "where in the Qur'an does it explicitly say that" I know logically what shirk is, but by verse, I find you have to decode the verse or something..

    And here the Waswass goes back to --> Rejecting Shirk (knowing the definition) 100% <--> Believing in the Qur'an 100% /loop.

    I know this waswass is silly. I think it has more to do with me always doubting the definition of shirk according to Qur'an.

    Allah knows best.
    Last edited by Serinity; 08-07-2016 at 04:43 PM.
    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
    " Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "

    Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an
    Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
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  15. #12
    talibilm's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity View Post
    It is just going in circles. I wonder why I have to go through this kind of trial. I'd be better off with physical pain.

    I feel no more than a hypocrite staying in Islam. Let me explain the waswass>

    I believe in the Quran 100% --> I reject Shirk 100% --> Definition of shirk (look at my signature) understood --> I believe in the Quran 100% --> I know what the definition of shirk according to the Quran is, yet the waswass makes me feel prone to shirk whenever I attest my belief in the Qur'an.

    As if I didn't know what the definition of shirk is according to the Qur'an is. I then say to myself "I know worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah is shirk according to the Qur'an, Makes sense"

    Then the waswass is like "where in the Qur'an does it explicitly say that" I know logically what shirk is, but by verse, I find you have to decode the verse or something..

    And here the Waswass goes back to --> Rejecting Shirk (knowing the definition) 100% <--> Believing in the Qur'an 100% /loop.

    I know this waswass is silly. I think it has more to do with me always doubting the definition of shirk according to Qur'an.

    Allah knows best.
    Bro Serenity

    I've been watching you bro you have high eemaan and consequently Shaitan tries to create waswas so that you get tired about Protecting your eeman and such attempts where also happening with me (and even Sahabas seen from hadiths) when I was in my teens but not anymore, Alhamdulilah.

    You were looking for verses of the Noble Quran which condemns Shirk there are many and some are here but many are implied like when Allah says us to establish Salah Allah does not mention the performing of Ghusl or wudu Because they are implied , since without them Salah is invalid and are the basics of Islam which is understood.

    20:14 ''
    "Verily! I am Allah! La ilaha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so worship Me, and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) for My Remembrance.''

    22:26 '' And (remember) when We showed Ibrahim (Abraham) the site of the (Sacred) House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) (saying): "Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, [La ilaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah Islamic Monotheism], and sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who stand up for prayer, and those who bow (submit themselves with humility and obedience to Allah), and make prostration (in prayer, etc.);"

    24:55 '' .......... He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).''

    18:110 '' Say (O Muhammad SAW): "I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God i.e. Allah). So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord."

    12:108 ''
    Say (O Muhammad SAW): "This is my way; I invite unto Allah (i.e. to the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me (also must invite others to Allah i.e to the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge. And Glorified and Exalted be Allah (above all that they associate as partners with Him). And I am not of the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah; those who worship others along with Allah or set up rivals or partners to Allah)."

    36:61 ''
    And that you should worship Me [Alone Islamic Monotheism, and set up not rivals, associate-gods with Me]. That is a Straight Path.''

    31:13 ''
    And [mention, O Muhammad], when Luqman said to his son while he was instructing him, "O my son, do not associate [anything] with Allah . Indeed, association [with him] is great injustice."
    Last edited by talibilm; 08-08-2016 at 12:18 AM.
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  16. #13
    Serinity's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    Bro Serenity

    I've been watching you bro you have high eemaan and consequently Shaitan tries to create waswas so that you get tired about Protecting your eeman and such attempts where also happening with me (and even Sahabas seen from hadiths) when I was in my teens but not anymore, Alhamdulilah.

    You were looking for verses of the Noble Quran which condemns there are many and some are here but many are implied like when Allah says us to establish Salah Allah does not mention the performing of Ghusl or wudu Because they are implied , since without them Salah is invalid and are the basics of Islam which is understood.

    20:14 ''
    "Verily! I am Allah! La ilaha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so worship Me, and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) for My Remembrance.''

    22:26 '' And (remember) when We showed Ibrahim (Abraham) the site of the (Sacred) House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) (saying): "Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, [La ilaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah Islamic Monotheism], and sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who stand up for prayer, and those who bow (submit themselves with humility and obedience to Allah), and make prostration (in prayer, etc.);"

    24:55 '' .......... He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).''

    18:110 '' Say (O Muhammad SAW): "I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God i.e. Allah). So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord."

    12:108 ''
    Say (O Muhammad SAW): "This is my way; I invite unto Allah (i.e. to the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me (also must invite others to Allah i.e to the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge. And Glorified and Exalted be Allah (above all that they associate as partners with Him). And I am not of the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah; those who worship others along with Allah or set up rivals or partners to Allah)."

    36:61 ''
    And that you should worship Me [Alone Islamic Monotheism, and set up not rivals, associate-gods with Me]. That is a Straight Path.''

    Shaytaan is trying to twist the ayats in my head.

    I know what the ayats mean - basically whatever is exclusive to Allah - it is shirk to distribute to anyone or anything besides Allah.

    I am weak in Imaan, with all the waswass - and mostly because of lack of knowledge - ignorance. That is making me anxious / uncomfortable, as I do not want to lose my Imaan.

    However, to be 100% sure.

    Basically Islamic Monotheism is pure strict monotheism, worshipping none but Allah, that is the decree of Allah. That is Tawheed. And setting up in worship anyone or anything besides Allah, is shirk. As it is basically implicitly setting up a rival to Allah, while Allah has no rival.

    Allah is the only Lord. So that is His exclusve Status-position. His unique rights are for Him alone, and He shares it not with anyone.

    I reject shirk 100% of which the definition is: Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah, as Worship is the exclusive right of Allah, and it is the opposite of Monotheism.

    I believe in the Qur'an 100%, and I know that the Qur'an's definition of shirk..^the above.

    I'm overthinking it. I am highly reliant on my brain. my strongest point seems to be my brain, yet the weakest at the same time. Because of overthinking.
    Last edited by Serinity; 08-08-2016 at 12:24 AM.
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    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
    " Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "

    Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an
    Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
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  17. #14
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity View Post
    Shaytaan is trying to twist the ayats in my head.

    I know what the ayats mean - basically whatever is exclusive to Allah - it is shirk to distribute to anyone or anything besides Allah.

    I am weak in Imaan, with all the waswass - and mostly because of lack of knowledge - ignorance. That is making me anxious / uncomfortable, as I do not want to lose my Imaan.

    However, to be 100% sure.

    Basically Islamic Monotheism is pure strict monotheism, worshipping none but Allah, that is the decree of Allah. That is Tawheed. And setting up in worship anyone or anything besides Allah, is shirk. As it is basically implicitly setting up a rival to Allah, while Allah has no rival.

    Allah is the only Lord. So that is His exclusve Status-position. His unique rights are for Him alone, and He shares it not with anyone.

    I reject shirk 100% of which the definition is: Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah, as Worship is the exclusive right of Allah, and it is the opposite of Monotheism.

    I believe in the Qur'an 100%, and I know that the Qur'an's definition of shirk..^the above.

    I'm overthinking it. I am highly reliant on my brain. my strongest point seems to be my brain, yet the weakest at the same time. Because of overthinking.

    WASWAS (copy & paste)

    ''Some of the Sahaabah complained about the waswaas that was bothering them. Some of the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said to him, ‘We find in ourselves thoughts that are too terrible to speak of.’ He said, ‘Are you really having such thoughts?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘That is a clear sign of faith.’” (Narrated by Muslim). (Narrated by Muslim, 132 from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah).

    Al-Nawawi said in his commentary on this hadeeth (narration): “The Prophet’s words, ‘That is a clear sign of faith’ means, the fact that think of this waswaas as something terrible is a clear sign of faith, for if you dare not utter it and you are so afraid of itand of speaking of it, let alone believing it, this is the sign of one who has achieved perfect faith and who is free of doubt.”

    And it was said that what it means is that the Shaytaan only whispers to those whom he despairs of tempting, because he is unable to tempt them. As for the kaafir (non-Muslim), he can approach him in any manner he wants and is not restricted to waswaas, rather he can play with him however he wants. Based on this, what the hadeeth means is that the cause of waswaas is pure faith, or that waswaas is a sign of pure faith. See also question no. 12315

    The fact that you hate that and your heart recoils from it is a clear sign of faith. Waswaas happens to everyone who turns to Allaah by reciting dhikr etc. It is inevitable, but you have to be steadfast and patient, and persevere with your dhikr and prayer, and not give up, because in this way you will ward off the plot of the Shaytaan. “Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytaan” [al-Nisa’ 4:76 – interpretation of the meaning]. Every time a person wants to turn to Allaah, waswaas brings other matters to mind. The Shaytaan is like a bandit: every time a person wants to move towards Allaah, he wants to block the way. Hence when it was said to one of the salaf that the Jews and Christians say, “We do not experience waswaas,” he said, “They are speaking the truth, for what would the Shaytaan do with a house in ruins?”

    (From Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, 22/608).

    The remedy:

    1 – If you feel that you are being affected by this waswaas, say, “Aamantu Billaahi wa Rasoolihi (I believe in Allaah and His
    Messenger).” It was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Shaytaan comes to one of you and says, ‘Who created you?’ And he says ‘Allaah.’ Then the Shaytaan says, ‘Who created Allaah?’ If that happens to any one of you, let him say, Aamantu Billaahi wa Rusulihi (I believe in Allaah and His Messenger). Then that will go away from him.”

    (Narrated by Ahmad, 25671; classed as hasan (sound)by al-Albaani in al-Saheehah, 116).

    2 – Try to stop thinking about that as much as possible, and keep busy with things that will distract you from it.
    Finally we advise you to keep on turning to Allaah in all situations, and to ask Him for help, and to beseech Him, and to ask Him to make you steadfast until death, and to cause you to die doing righteous deeds…

    And Allaah knows best.''

    It did happen with me too when i Was a Teen and i kept talking to Allah in solitude in Masjids for months saying Oh , my Creator if you do not lead me to you I will get Lost and before i became Stronger in my Faith it was like a tug of war even after gaining a stronger faith due to waswas of Iblis then and then . Inshallah eeman for ordinary people like us will be in a zigzag pattern unlike Prophets of Allah. Read the Noble Quran with its meanings- tafsir and see How Ibrahim A.S did try to strengthen his faith.
    Last edited by talibilm; 08-11-2016 at 12:02 AM.
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  19. #15
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm View Post
    WASWAS (copy & paste)

    ''Some of the Sahaabah complained about the waswaas that was bothering them. Some of the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said to him, ‘We find in ourselves thoughts that are too terrible to speak of.’ He said, ‘Are you really having such thoughts?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘That is a clear sign of faith.’” (Narrated by Muslim). (Narrated by Muslim, 132 from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah).

    Al-Nawawi said in his commentary on this hadeeth (narration): “The Prophet’s words, ‘That is a clear sign of faith’ means, the fact that think of this waswaas as something terrible is a clear sign of faith, for if you dare not utter it and you are so afraid of itand of speaking of it, let alone believing it, this is the sign of one who has achieved perfect faith and who is free of doubt.”

    And it was said that what it means is that the Shaytaan only whispers to those whom he despairs of tempting, because he is unable to tempt them. As for the kaafir (non-Muslim), he can approach him in any manner he wants and is not restricted to waswaas, rather he can play with him however he wants. Based on this, what the hadeeth means is that the cause of waswaas is pure faith, or that waswaas is a sign of pure faith. See also question no. 12315

    The fact that you hate that and your heart recoils from it is a clear sign of faith. Waswaas happens to everyone who turns to Allaah by reciting dhikr etc. It is inevitable, but you have to be steadfast and patient, and persevere with your dhikr and prayer, and not give up, because in this way you will ward off the plot of the Shaytaan. “Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytaan” [al-Nisa’ 4:76 – interpretation of the meaning]. Every time a person wants to turn to Allaah, waswaas brings other matters to mind. The Shaytaan is like a bandit: every time a person wants to move towards Allaah, he wants to block the way. Hence when it was said to one of the salaf that the Jews and Christians say, “We do not experience waswaas,” he said, “They are speaking the truth, for what would the Shaytaan do with a house in ruins?”

    (From Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, 22/608).

    The remedy:

    1 – If you feel that you are being affected by this waswaas, say, “Aamantu Billaahi wa Rasoolihi (I believe in Allaah and His
    Messenger).” It was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Shaytaan comes to one of you and says, ‘Who created you?’ And he says ‘Allaah.’ Then the Shaytaan says, ‘Who created Allaah?’ If that happens to any one of you, let him say, Aamantu Billaahi wa Rusulihi (I believe in Allaah and His Messenger). Then that will go away from him.”

    (Narrated by Ahmad, 25671; classed as hasan (sound)by al-Albaani in al-Saheehah, 116).

    2 – Try to stop thinking about that as much as possible, and keep busy with things that will distract you from it.
    Finally we advise you to keep on turning to Allaah in all situations, and to ask Him for help, and to beseech Him, and to ask Him to make you steadfast until death, and to cause you to die doing righteous deeds…

    And Allaah knows best.''

    It did happen with me too when i Was a Teen and i kept talking to Allah in solitude in Masjids for months saying Oh , my Creator if you do not lead me to you I will get Lost and before i became Stronger in my Faith it was like a tug of war even after gaining a stronger faith due to waswas of Iblis then and then . Inshallah eeman for ordinary people like us will be in a zigzag pattern unlike Prophets of Allah. Read the Noble Quran with its meanings- tafsir and see How Ibrahim A.S did try to strengthen his faith.
    The waswass is trying to make me doubt the definition of shirk:

    Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah is shirk akbar.

    I know ^the above is clearly shirk. So I just ignore? Ok.

    But anyways, I don't think I am strong in faith. But one thing I've learnt is, that I can't run away from the trials. I know Islam is pure strict true Monotheism, worshipping none but Allah, and none else.

    Only way I can strengthen my faith is to overcome the waswass. I believe in the Quran 100% and part of believing is to reject shirk(Definition of shirk: Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah)

    And I do reject shirk, and I do believe in the Qur'an. The Shaytaan is trying to separate the two. Audhu billah! Only way one can stay Muslim is to worship Allah alone. Only then.

    To reject Shirk (Definition already explained) is obligatory to be Muslim. I know. And I do.

    Just Like There is Tawheed of Lordship, there is Tawheed of Worship. There is only one true Lord, Allah. And Only Allah has the right to be worshipped.

    may Allah grant me and ALL OF US Certainty in Faith, Ameen!

    may Allah make us die with Certainty in Faith and with firm Imaan. Ameen.

    And Allah knows best.
    Last edited by Serinity; 08-10-2016 at 02:17 PM.
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    My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
    " Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "

    Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an
    Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
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    Re: My Faith is Low--what do I do?

    جزاك الله خيرا أختي
    موضوع قيم!
    Great thread mashaallah !!
    Jazaki lahu khayran sister
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