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Depression, Anxiety, Fear

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    TheMirza's Avatar Full Member
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    Depression, Anxiety, Fear

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    Salam, I would like to hear your personal success stories of how you dealt with depression or anxiety through patience and prayer. I would also like permission to share those stories as a means of motivation.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    I feel such stories are very comforting and imaan boosting, but I found very few of them on the internet, mostly they are written in the form of advices but i want to listen to the struggle and the outcome.
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    drac16's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    I have depression and it's a daily struggle. I constantly feel like I'm a failure because I don't fit in anywhere (even among muslims). What helps me get through it is to think of prophet Joseph [peace be upon him]. He was abandoned by his brothers and was sent to prison even though he was innocent. I'm sure he wondered about why God allowed him to go through this, but in the end, God raised him in status. He went from being alone in a well to being second in command of one of the world's most powerful empires (at the time).

    I often feel like Joseph in the well; I feel like the world has abandoned me and I can't get out. I sometimes wish I was never born at all. However, I try to not let my disease define me. I find fulfillment in selfless devotion to Allah. He has used my depression as a way of drawing me closer to Him. If I was mentally healthy, I wouldn't pray as often as I do now, so in a way, depression has been a good thing for me. I wish I knew of a way to cure myself, but I don't. I've had depression for over ten years.

    Allah is increasing me in patience, which means that I will get a bigger reward in Jannah than if I had been healthy.
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    talibilm's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    format_quote Originally Posted by TheMirza View Post
    Salam, I would like to hear your personal success stories of how you dealt with depression or anxiety through patience and prayer. I would also like permission to share those stories as a means of motivation.

    First few verses tafsir here does have the answers for you


    '' An instance of this is found in the tradition of Hadrat Khabbab bin Arat, which has been related by Bukhari, Abu Da'ud and Nasa'i. He says, "During the time when we had become sick of our persecution by the mushriks, one day I saw the Holy Prophet sitting in the shade of the wall of the Ka`bah. I wen up to him and said, `O Messenger of Allah, don't you pray for us !' Hearing this his face became red with feeling and emotion, and he said, `The believers who have gone before you had been subjected to even greater persecutions. Some one of them was made to sit in a ditch in the earth and was sawed into two pieces from head to foot. Someone's joints were rubbed with iron combs so as to withhold him from the Faith. By God, this Mission will be accomplished and the time is not far when a person will travel without apprehension from San`a' to Hadramaut and there will be none but Allah Whom he will fear." In order to change this state of agitation into forbearance, Allah tells the believers, "Ho one can become worthy of Our promises of success in the world and the Hereafter merely by verbal profession of the Faith, but every claimant to the Faith will have to pass through trials and tribulations so as to furnish proof of The truth of his claim. Our Paradise is not so cheap, nor Our special favours in the world so low-priced, that We should bless you with all these as soon as you proclaim verbal faith in Us. The vial is a pre-requisite for them. You will have to undergo hardships for Our sake, suffer losses of life and property, face dangers, misfortunes and difficulties; you will be tried both with fear and with greed; you will have to sacrifice everything that you hold dear for Our pleasure, and bear every discomfort in Our way. Then only will it become manifest whether your claim to faith in Us was true or false. This thing has been said at every such place in the Qur'an where the Muslims have been found placed in hardships and difficulties and obsessed by fear and consternation. In the initial stage of life at Madinah, after the migration, when the Muslims were in great trouble on account of economic hardships, external dangers and internal villainy of the Jews and the hypocrites, Allah said: "Do you think that you will enter Paradise without undergoing such trials as were experienced by the believers before you? They met with adversity and affliction and were so shaken by trials that the Prophet of the time and his followers cried out, `when will Allah's help come?' (Then only they were comforted with the good tidings ''Yes, Allah's help is near!"' (Al-Baqarah: 214). Likewise, when after the Battle of Uhud, the Muslims again confronted a period of afflictions, it was said: "Do you think that you will enter Paradise without undergoing any trial? whereas Allah has not yet tried you to see who among you are ready to lay down their lives in His way and who will show fortitude for His sake." (Al-i-`Imran: 142). Almost the same thing has been said in AI-i-'Imran: 179, Taubah: 16 and Surah Muhammad: 31. Allah in these verses has impressed on the Muslims that trial is the touchstone by which the pure and the impure are judged. The impure is turned aside by Allah and the pure is selected so that Allah may honour them with His favours which the sincere believers only deserve.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    format_quote Originally Posted by drac16 View Post
    I have depression and it's a daily struggle. I constantly feel like I'm a failure because I don't fit in anywhere (even among muslims). What helps me get through it is to think of prophet Joseph [peace be upon him]. He was abandoned by his brothers and was sent to prison even though he was innocent. I'm sure he wondered about why God allowed him to go through this, but in the end, God raised him in status. He went from being alone in a well to being second in command of one of the world's most powerful empires (at the time).

    I often feel like Joseph in the well; I feel like the world has abandoned me and I can't get out. I sometimes wish I was never born at all. However, I try to not let my disease define me. I find fulfillment in selfless devotion to Allah. He has used my depression as a way of drawing me closer to Him. If I was mentally healthy, I wouldn't pray as often as I do now, so in a way, depression has been a good thing for me. I wish I knew of a way to cure myself, but I don't. I've had depression for over ten years.

    Allah is increasing me in patience, which means that I will get a bigger reward in Jannah than if I had been healthy.

    I think thats a really positive way to look at it. We were created to worship Allah, but sometimes when we stray, He is kind enough to guide us back to him through different ways, the best part is you have looked at depression as a means to get closer to Him, some people sadly fall deeper into it and stop praying.

    May Allah call us back to Him, through beautiful ways. ameen
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    I would like to listen to more such stories, sometimes advices don't really help, listening to people struggle and deal with it is much more encouraging.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    Greetings and peace be with you TheMirza; and welcome to the forum.

    I guess the greatest form of despair or depression is when you have given up on life, and suicide is the chosen path.

    Many years ago I called on a lady, she said, if I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone else, having known her for some time, I thought she was going to tell me some gossip, and agreed.

    She said she was in the process of ending her life, she was gradually overdosing on some tablets every day. ( I don't want to mention the name of these tablets) She knew this would eventually destroy her organs, the damage would be irreversible; and she would suffer a slow and painful death. This seemed like a carefully planned and determined attempt to end her life, but she still chose to tell me about it.

    She told me her story, some of which I already knew, she said that everyone who was important to her in her life had used her. Her husband ran of with another woman, her business partner bankrupted her, and her children only came to see her when they wanted something. Then another man did a terrible thing, there was no chance of getting justice, so she decided to end her life.

    My response was to say that dying is not the problem, we all die, but leaving this world a bitter twisted and angry woman is not the way to leave this Earth. I talked about finding some way to forgive this person, because it was not in her nature to be bitter and angry. I said, even if you continue taking the tablets, try and forgive, you are a kind and caring person and it is not in your nature to leave this world angry and bitter.

    There came a point when she had said all she could, and there was no more I could say, other than its pointless coming back next month to see you. She said come back.

    I did phone later, and came back the following month, she’d had her kitchen decorated and was planning to landscape her garden. She never mentioned about ending her life again.

    I had left her with a terrible burden, every day she would have to live with the memory of the hurt, and strive to overcome her loss.

    Letting go of anger, and striving to forgive, helped this lady find a purpose in life.

    In the spirit of always searching for hope.

    Last edited by Eric H; 10-06-2016 at 02:14 PM.
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    anatolian's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    I suffered from from depression for a while too. I had even professional help. But you know when you don't use your drugs it starts again. Then I thought that there must be another way to heal myself. The answer is really simple. Get rid of the cause which puts you in depression. No body is born with depression if you don't have a specific disease. It is developed pysochologically. And if you get rid of the root cause, you automatically become happy again. But when you dont do this you can make your mind busy of thinking about it even in prayers. I quite remember that I was thinking about it even in prayers.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    Greetings and peace be with you TheMirza; and welcome to the forum.


    In the spirit of always searching for hope.

    Hi Eric. You should have made her remember the story of Job. In Islam we refer to the stories of the Prophets frequently in such cases.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    Greetings and peace be with you anatolian;

    Then I thought that there must be another way to heal myself. The answer is really simple. Get rid of the cause which puts you in depression.
    You make it sound so simple, but not everyone can do this, would you mind saying any more about how you did this please.

    I guess the prophet Job just carried on with life, despite all the troubles he suffered, but it is often not so easy to follow in the footsteps of the prophets, the chosen people of God.


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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    I used to be pretty miserable.
    A change on outlook, eating healthy and exercising did the most for me.

    I didn't have a somber outlook, eat unhealthy nor avoid exercise, but doing a change of lifestyle to improve is great.
    Small steps go a long way, in the long run.
    Last edited by Snow; 10-06-2016 at 08:39 PM.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    Greetings and peace be with you anatolian;

    You make it sound so simple, but not everyone can do this, would you mind saying any more about how you did this please.
    There are several methods for doing that. Some people heal from depression by just focusing on another subject, sports for example. But the best method I think is realizing that that thing which essentially cause you feel depressed has no such an importance really. But it is just the importance what you give it. Talk to yourself about it and destroy it. But the most important point here is, you must find out the real root cause. If you focuse on a false cause you cannot achieve anything. In some cases it takes time to understand the real root cause. Actually with my case, I realized it long time ago but I just didnt want to accept it as the root cause of my depression and didnt want to destroy it.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    I guess the prophet Job just carried on with life, despite all the troubles he suffered, but it is often not so easy to follow in the footsteps of the prophets, the chosen people of God.


    Here we Muslims differ from Christians I guess. We believe that those stories of the prophets were put in Quran (and I think in Bible also) by Allah just as an example for us. Allah informed us about those stories to get enlightened with. Otherwise it would be meaningless for us to read all those long stories. Of course we cant be prophets but we can be "like" prophets. They were humanbeings like us.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    Thank you for all the answers. I really appreciate them.

    I would like to know if anyone has gone for therapy or your views on therapy. Does it help or is it just like talking to a friend?
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    One thing I really find hard is to forgive, I sure tell myself that I have forgiven and have moved on but thinking back I realise, I still hold on to the anger, ultimately hurting myself.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    Greetings and peace be with you TheMirza;
    One thing I really find hard is to forgive, I sure tell myself that I have forgiven and have moved on but thinking back I realise, I still hold on to the anger, ultimately hurting myself.
    I believe I was unfairly sacked from a job I had been doing for ten years. I never had a day of sick, I did a lot of the jobs other people were afraid to do, caring for people with challenging behaviour and learning disabilities.

    Even to this day I think it was unfair, but I feel it is better to forgive and strive to overcome any anger I have for them. So, to help me overcome my anger, I have done about fifteen hundred hours of voluntary work for the people who sacked me. I shall be going back again on Friday to do another five, and at the end of next month, I will voluntarily take a couple of the guys on holiday for a week. At minimum wages I have probably given the company about £10,000 of my time. Every now and then, I come into contact with the people responsible for my sacking.

    People say I am mad, I should have sued for compensation, and I agree with them. But I cannot explain the profound sense of peace that I feel, it is beyond money. At the old age of 62, I found another job, the day after being sacked.

    About six months after being sacked, another branch of the company that sacked me, asked me to come and work for them part time. So now I have been working for about four and a half years for the people who sacked me, crazy. I don’t understand life at all, I should have retired a couple of years ago.

    My belief is, that the person who is able to forgive, gains more than the transgressor who is forgiven. I believe it is important to forgive, even if the other person does not say sorry.

    Holding onto anger eats away at you. Anger is like picking up a burning coal, with the intention of throwing it at the person who angers you, and the person who gets burned the most is you. The longer you hold onto the burning coal of anger the hotter it becomes.

    It helps to pray a blessing for those who anger you, I love this..........

    Now may the peace of the Lord be with you,
    Now and always

    May the Lord bless you
    May the Lord keep you
    And may God's face shine upon you always
    And give you peace

    In the spirit of praying for a peace that surpasses all understanding.

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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    Islamic solution to schizophrenia that helps me.
    I have schizophrenia but I have found the solution that helps me. There are times when this solution is too difficult for me especially when I am being overwhelmed. When things are easier, when the voices are not too much then I go back to my regiment. It’s important because it is a form of meditation that is very peaceful. My parents and family were also very patient with me when this all started, this was also vital. The important thing for me is that I was reminded everyday of God’s oneness. This really helped me because I was hearing terrible things about God.

    The solution that helps me.

    1. I Pray everyday
    In Islam, Muslims pray 5 times a day. When this all started all I could do was prostrate and declare God’s oneness with my index finger. But things did get better for a while. I still struggle with prayers but I still do my best which does make me feel better.

    2. I write to God about my life in a dairy.
    My problem is that I forget easily the blessing in my life. Hearing the voices everyday makes one really depressed. But having a diary to God really helps me. Reason being is that I replace a negative thought process with a positive one. I don’t write about negative things in my diary. I talk about comics, good jokes, heaven, art, computer graphics, good deeds that I see people doing and especially my family and friends etc.

    3. I Recite God’s names
    In Islam, God has many names which relate to his personality. This helps me understand God better which helps me realize that God is with me through my sickness God willing.

    The following are examples are God’s names
    God: Allah
    God the Merciful : ar-Raheem
    God the Healer : al-Qayoom
    God the Compassionate : ash-Shafee
    God the Granter of Peace: as-Salaam

    I was really struggling in the beginning and then I found a book of God’s names. The first name I read was (al-Muqmeen) God - The preserver of faith. To this day it’s one of my favourite names of God because I do believe without His support I would have lost faith a long time ago.

    Please note: I try everyday to make relevant prayers by each of God’s names. For instance God the healer (al-Qayoom), Here, I pray for my health as well as my family and friends etc It really helps me find peace. In Islam we repeat God’s names as a form of Meditation. It’s called thikr. We use rosemary beads which really helps Muslims go to a peaceful place.

    4. I also Read Quran/Surah Hasr
    Allah is He than whom there is no other god Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He Most Gracious Most Merciful.

    Allah is He other than whom there is no other god the sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), The Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (high is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.

    He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or colors). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the exalted in Might the Wise.

    5.I also Read Quran/Surah al-Ikhlaṣ

    Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
    Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
    He neither begets nor is born,
    Nor is there to none like unto Him."

    6. I take Medication
    I do take medication which really helps. I did find a psychiatrist and medication that suits me. I believe God provides relief that’s why I never forget to take my meds.

    I hope that this information helps you and all those suffering from schizophrenia.

    Another point that is important is that one should keep trying. If you can't read all of Allah names then start with one. If you can't make salaah properly then just do your best but don't forget to extend your index finger to declare God's oneness and to make Sujood inshallah. If you can't read Quran, then scan through it with your right index finger inshallah. That's what happend to me in the beginning I could hardly make Salaah or read Quran but I still tried inshallah.

    Basically, Start slow then work your way slowly up inshallah. It may take a while but you'll get there inshallah.

    Inshallah I hope those that need help find this information inshallah. May Allah grant us our health inshallah.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    One thing is just remember that this life is truly short and only temporary, that there is a hereafter you will go to and all of your worries will be gone as long as you are a good Muslim. What's the point of worrying and such if I am going to die, and this life doesn't matter at all. As long as I am good with Allah, I'm fine because the desires and glamour and even just simple things of this dunya don't matter, I will die and my problems will eventually be gone, and I just need to turn to Allah and trust in him.
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    format_quote Originally Posted by whosebob View Post
    Islamic solution to schizophrenia that helps me.
    I have schizophrenia but I have found the solution that helps me. There are times when this solution is too difficult for me especially when I am being overwhelmed. When things are easier, when the voices are not too much then I go back to my regiment. It’s important because it is a form of meditation that is very peaceful. My parents and family were also very patient with me when this all started, this was also vital. The important thing for me is that I was reminded everyday of God’s oneness. This really helped me because I was hearing terrible things about God.

    The solution that helps me.

    1. I Pray everyday
    In Islam, Muslims pray 5 times a day. When this all started all I could do was prostrate and declare God’s oneness with my index finger. But things did get better for a while. I still struggle with prayers but I still do my best which does make me feel better.

    2. I write to God about my life in a dairy.
    My problem is that I forget easily the blessing in my life. Hearing the voices everyday makes one really depressed. But having a diary to God really helps me. Reason being is that I replace a negative thought process with a positive one. I don’t write about negative things in my diary. I talk about comics, good jokes, heaven, art, computer graphics, good deeds that I see people doing and especially my family and friends etc.

    3. I Recite God’s names
    In Islam, God has many names which relate to his personality. This helps me understand God better which helps me realize that God is with me through my sickness God willing.

    The following are examples are God’s names
    God: Allah
    God the Merciful : ar-Raheem
    God the Healer : al-Qayoom
    God the Compassionate : ash-Shafee
    God the Granter of Peace: as-Salaam

    I was really struggling in the beginning and then I found a book of God’s names. The first name I read was (al-Muqmeen) God - The preserver of faith. To this day it’s one of my favourite names of God because I do believe without His support I would have lost faith a long time ago.

    Please note: I try everyday to make relevant prayers by each of God’s names. For instance God the healer (al-Qayoom), Here, I pray for my health as well as my family and friends etc It really helps me find peace. In Islam we repeat God’s names as a form of Meditation. It’s called thikr. We use rosemary beads which really helps Muslims go to a peaceful place.

    4. I also Read Quran/Surah Hasr
    Allah is He than whom there is no other god Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He Most Gracious Most Merciful.

    Allah is He other than whom there is no other god the sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), The Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (high is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.

    He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or colors). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the exalted in Might the Wise.

    5.I also Read Quran/Surah al-Ikhlaṣ

    Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
    Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
    He neither begets nor is born,
    Nor is there to none like unto Him."

    6. I take Medication
    I do take medication which really helps. I did find a psychiatrist and medication that suits me. I believe God provides relief that’s why I never forget to take my meds.

    I hope that this information helps you and all those suffering from schizophrenia.

    Another point that is important is that one should keep trying. If you can't read all of Allah names then start with one. If you can't make salaah properly then just do your best but don't forget to extend your index finger to declare God's oneness and to make Sujood inshallah. If you can't read Quran, then scan through it with your right index finger inshallah. That's what happend to me in the beginning I could hardly make Salaah or read Quran but I still tried inshallah.

    Basically, Start slow then work your way slowly up inshallah. It may take a while but you'll get there inshallah.

    Inshallah I hope those that need help find this information inshallah. May Allah grant us our health inshallah.
    I really appreciate you taking out time to write an answer. I got some really good advice from you. Thankyou. I pray, Allah makes life blessed for you and the hereafter even more blessed. Ameen
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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    format_quote Originally Posted by .alhamdulillah. View Post
    One thing is just remember that this life is truly short and only temporary, that there is a hereafter you will go to and all of your worries will be gone as long as you are a good Muslim. What's the point of worrying and such if I am going to die, and this life doesn't matter at all. As long as I am good with Allah, I'm fine because the desires and glamour and even just simple things of this dunya don't matter, I will die and my problems will eventually be gone, and I just need to turn to Allah and trust in him.

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    Re: Depression, Anxiety, Fear

    For me, listening to other peoples experiences makes me feel even more depressed and my own experience seem much worse. Agree with the advice that this life is short...
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