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    hello everyone. I decided to make this account just to ask some questions, and find some guidance maybe
    i am 21 and i have always tried to be a good muslim and loved Allah and feared him.
    to this day i never drank alkcohol or used any drugs or even smoked a ciggarete.
    i was kind to people always but i feel im not being rewarded enough and i feel like Allah never truly gave me what i deserved
    i was a practicing muslim and grew all my teenagehood as a practicing muslim.
    and i see these people who are taller than me, being at least just 8 cm taller would be enough for me. i see them being more blessed than me,i see them having more then me, even tho im a good muslim and I deserve them more! not that they shouldnt be blessed. but if these sinners are being rewarded why not me? i dont blame allah that i am not rich, thats up to me. but why am i not taller, and better?
    why cant i just be a bit happier. .. i just so want to be a better person. im not sinning anything beyond normal. im 21 and i have never even kissed a girl cause im afraid of zinnah. and i am full of desire towards women and i had chances! i feel that all my sacrifices are going to waste.
    this is making me mad towards Allah and i have abondoned prayer. sometimes i go back but then i leave it again.
    i dont feel much lvoe anymore..
    so what do u say to my situation? sometimes im quite suicidal. not that i would do suicide. id never do that. but id just love to sleep and never wake up
    i want to be taller and better! why hasnt Allah give me the things i want. and has given them to people who barely deserve them.and are sinners.and never even pray or think to pray. maybe your words shall change me.
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    so where do i begin?
    im 21. a guy who tries not to be a sinner and maintains a character.
    i been like this since forever. as long as i remember myself. i never did zinah even when i had chances. i never smoked or drinked alcohol or used any kind of drugs. I always tried to beahve. but i feel like none of this things truly sent me anywhere. i feel like Allah never gave me the things i deserve. and the things i deserve always go in the hands of "sinners"/ i always wanted to be just abit more taller. im not. at least if i was 178... im not. i wish i was better.. i wish i could just be a better man... but Allah never gives me what i deserve. thats how i feel.
    i want e beautiful lady for nikkah. she probably wont like me. there was a time when i was too religious and good. but i now i have really lost hope and i dont feel like Allah answers my duas.. im just destructive and mad towards Allah. i no longer pray cause i dont even feel anything its like i have given up hope and nothing is changing my mind. i dont want to wake up in the morning .i expected life to get good but it really isnt. i feel like these worries are heavy and Allah wont help. Like Allah isnt with me at all .no matter how good i am. Allah is not rewarding towards me.
    what did i do to deserve these? why the people who dont deserve get the things that i want.?
    why is this happening. why i am so lost.
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    Re: LOST

    May Allah make it easy for you.

    Don't quit prayer, thats one thing you don't do. Think positively, remove negative thoughts from your mind
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    Re: LOST

    This attitude of yours is exactly what Allah knows about and brings it out from the depth of your heart. Your reaction is all that He is testing. I can find million excuses to say Alhamdullilah for all that Allah has given, yet you feel entitled to those so called rewards. Bro NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER feel entitled to whatever reward. You are NOTHING literally you are nothing and you deserve NOTHING. This is the same with me and every other creature Allah has created. We are nothing and we deserve nothing. Just because you stay away from zina you think suddenly you deserve such things? Bro staying away from zina is good for YOU not for Allah. Doing zina or not doesn't make Allah not worhty of worship or worthy of worship. Allah will ALWAYS be the ONLY One worthy of worship, no matter what we do or don't. So you being alive or die, i will not even know about and to be honest it doesn't care about 7 billion other people if you are alive or dead. Your existence is not even worth mentioning just like mine. All that we are doing is for our OWN gain and whatever Allah has given us, is to test us.

    Those fingers of yours to type that comment..those legs of yours to walk..to muscles Allah gave you to use..the brain, the eyes ..the ears..the tongue..the feeling..the food..the sleep He gives, the water you are drinking the air you are inhaling, the possibility to go to the bathroom to release your self..the possibility to laugh ..the money you get..the knowledge He has given you, the understanding He has given you, the teeth you use to chew food..the the heart that pumps blood without any problems. ...I cannot stop and also I will not even be aware of all the blessings...

    Would you wish that Allah would STOP giving you even one drop of water, however you being 1.80 meters long? Or never being able to eat food anymore not even one bite, but being 1.90 meters tall? Those tall people are wishing for something else than you. They wished they are more rich or more muscular or this or that. This ungratefulness makes me furious of how simple minded we Muslims not human beings, but Muslims have become. We Muslims know that Allah is the One who gives, yet we are being so ungrateful ..while He has given us so much and STILL is. Just thinking about it..that Allah would stop giving you water to drink..everybody can drink water, but you are not even being able to drink one drop of water. No science can help you with it, as the body would reject taking the water in. Yet you are worrying about something as puny and not worth talking about..as height.

    What about if Allah would give you the height of 2 meters, as there are people who are that tall, but their back is broken and can only move their heads. Would you rather wish for that? Or 2 meters, but 1 leg is amputated..that would be much better choice right?

    Bro open up your mind ..you have eyes but you are completely blind right now. Ponder about the things you have in your life. The parents, the hardship they have to endure to give you food that Allah has provided to such a ungrateful person like you. Again, be aware of your ungratefulness, because when Allah takes those blessings away that you never grateful of, suddenly this height thing becomes rather a curse. A friend of mine was so greedy with his money. He wanted a tv a large tv he wanted a smartphone..all those things wanted it and he had the money..but did not spend on it. Allah took that money away from him. Somebody broke in to his house and sub'han'Allah only thing that was missing was the money. NOTHING else was missing.

    "And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah , you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful." Qur'an 14:34
    Last edited by Simple_Person; 04-06-2017 at 04:14 PM.
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    Re: LOST

    i wish i wasnt even created. if i dont deserve nothing ,and if my existance doesnt mean much, than i dont want to be a part of this.
    id never kill myself. thats stupid. but i wish i sleep and never wake up again
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    Re: LOST

    format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Soldier View Post
    i wish i wasnt even created. if i dont deserve nothing ,and if my existance doesnt mean much, than i dont want to be a part of this.
    id never kill myself. thats stupid. but i wish i sleep and never wake up again
    What is the reason you are alive? Or even in this world? You think Allah made us in to this without given us the choice?

    "Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant." Qur'an 33:72

    It is your own ***** choice and now you regret your choice. Nothing is without choice. Allah is the MOST just the MOST merciful. He doesn't do any of His creatures injustice. You like me have chosen this life, however i say ALHAMDULILLAH for guidance. I say ALHAMDULILLAH for so many things He has given me. In the eyes of society i am a bum, but WALLAHI i feel as i am one of the riches people on this planet. I mean sub'han'Allah, i have RUNNING water in my own house. Just think about it..running water. When i am thirsty i can go to the kitchen and alhamdulillah have a glass of water. No need to walk some distance to get that water. Or I have ALHAMDULILLAH eyes to observe so many things around me..so much beauty to see. Ever thought about doing things yourself with ONLY help of Allah nobody else. Just taking the stairs to go up and down and nobody helping you with it..ALHAMDULILLAH. In summer times the feel of a cold air coming and hitting your body such a wonderful feeling..and there are people who are not able because of some condition. The ability to smell something so nice that i get all hungry or when i break the fast with that first bite ..the amount of taste sub'han'Allah that i am tasting. ALHAMDULLILLAH. Or when i have been thirsty for hours and somebody gives me a glass of cold water on a hot summer day..ALHAMDULILLAH. How can i not feel the MOST richest person on this earth and i say even "la illah ila Allah muhammad rasul Allah" which is by it self the BIGGEST blessing He has given me. Some people are millionaires, but they are poor, i do not have so much money, but yet i am richer than that person. Going to bed with a peaceful mind and waking up with a peaceful mind. Alhamdulillah.

    Yet you being so entitled. Allah for sure will cleanse the Muslims from ungrateful people.

    "O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion – Allah will bring forth [in place of them] a people He will love and who will love Him [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic. That is the favor of Allah; He bestows it upon whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing." Qur'an 5:54
    Last edited by Simple_Person; 04-06-2017 at 04:31 PM.
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    Re: LOST

    Bro-do Salaah,keep up hope & do something that you enjoy!

    Stop burdening yourself!

    You're only 21 so maybe marriage will happen within a few years!

    There is nothing to say beauty is good or being taller,etc

    If you're good mannered&all that, that what makes a person a human !

    Do Salaah for sure,most of us after going so far are suffering with worst & worst ....so my advice to you is keep eyes on akhirah!

    Once there, you could get all good!

    This is the common advices going around by people suffering from worst & worst & you're story is not that bad,just that you're being too hasty& judgemental of your looks!
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    Re: LOST

    Our Purpose in this life is to worship Allah, and only Allah, in whatever we do. And whatever we do, it will never increase the glory of Allah, nor will it Help Allah. Because Allah needs nothing and none. Allah is free of all need from any thing or being.

    Everything you do is for your own benefit. We all need Allah while He needs us not. Everyone and everything in this entire existence needs Allah , while Allah is free of need, self-sufficient, etc.

    Yet, Allah :swt , in His mercy gave us eyes to see with, a mouth to eat, ears to hear, a heart that pumps blood, etc. He didn't need to do it, because Allah has no need.

    Allah loves us, why else would He grant us the ability of sight and hearing, walking and intellect? Eating, etc.??

    Are you being bombed and persecuted. Start saying Alhamdulillah for whatever you have!!

    Allahu alam.
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    Meaning of Shirk according to The Qur'an
    " Worshipping anyone or anything besides Allah " or " distributing anything exclusive to Allah, to anyone or anything else "

    Meaning of Tawheed according to The Qur'an
    Worshipping none but Allah. Affirming whatever is exclusive to Him, Him alone.
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  11. #9
    Muslimah inshal's Avatar Full Member
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    format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Soldier View Post
    hello everyone. I decided to make this account just to ask some questions, and find some guidance maybe
    i am 21 and i have always tried to be a good muslim and loved Allah and feared him.
    to this day i never drank alkcohol or used any drugs or even smoked a ciggarete.
    i was kind to people always but i feel im not being rewarded enough and i feel like Allah never truly gave me what i deserved
    i was a practicing muslim and grew all my teenagehood as a practicing muslim.
    and i see these people who are taller than me, being at least just 8 cm taller would be enough for me. i see them being more blessed than me,i see them having more then me, even tho im a good muslim and I deserve them more! not that they shouldnt be blessed. but if these sinners are being rewarded why not me? i dont blame allah that i am not rich, thats up to me. but why am i not taller, and better?
    why cant i just be a bit happier. .. i just so want to be a better person. im not sinning anything beyond normal. im 21 and i have never even kissed a girl cause im afraid of zinnah. and i am full of desire towards women and i had chances! i feel that all my sacrifices are going to waste.
    this is making me mad towards Allah and i have abondoned prayer. sometimes i go back but then i leave it again.
    i dont feel much lvoe anymore..
    so what do u say to my situation? sometimes im quite suicidal. not that i would do suicide. id never do that. but id just love to sleep and never wake up
    i want to be taller and better! why hasnt Allah give me the things i want. and has given them to people who barely deserve them.and are sinners.and never even pray or think to pray. maybe your words shall change me.
    My brother , what are you gonna get from doing does bad things . What are you gonna get from smoking or drinking alcohol .... You should be grateful to Allah for protecting you from doing it.
    You don't have to be sad or depressed for not being tall enough . Who told you that being tall is better for you . Who knows ? Only Allah swt knows what is best for you and what's not .
    If smoking or drinking or having lot of money was good then you wouldn't see non muslims coming to Islam . Because they find no hapiness in it and that's why they come to Islam .
    Please check the following videos :








    Please brother take some time to watch it .


    Specially the last one .
    Last edited by Muhammad; 04-07-2017 at 01:48 PM. Reason: posts merged
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    Re: LOST

    As'salamu Alaikum,

    I can understand where you are coming from. Your beliefs are stemming from lack of knowledge and that is why you are confused about this. Let's break it down and look at it inshallah.

    We'll go with the obvious one first, you height or any other physical traits. Allah created Adam a.s. 60 cubits (90 feet) and created him in the best form and left it at that. And He says He created us into tribes and nations so that get may get to know each other. So over the centuries different races came out of Adam a.s. and that's pretty much set in stone. Regarding other physical factors, such as height, is based on other influencing factors. If you get all the proper required nutrients for your body development throughout your life then you will grow healthy, strong and tall. If you don't then you will be malnourished and have shrunken growth. On the other hand, if you have been eating processing food then although not healthy but still would effect your physical well being. For example, all those big macs and chicken nuggets with growth hormones pumped into them will influence your growth as well. And lastly, it simply comes down to genes. If your parents are grandparents or anyone in your family tree is tall then you maybe tall as well, provided you got passed down that gene. So for example, if you are not happy with your height but want your future children to be tall then you would marry someone who is tall or tall people run in her family so your kids can inherit that trait from their mother side. So you see it simply comes down internal factors (what's passed down to you from family) and external factors (healthy food, no food, processed food). Other external factor could be making dua you get taller, but this would also include tying your camel (doing your part) by eating right and exercising. Crucial time for that would be your growing period (age 10-19 mostly).

    So you see it is useless trying to blame Allah for your height when you lack proper understanding of biology, genetics and external influences. Some things Allah set in motion and let them take their course, like all these genes being passed down. If you want to change that then do selective breeding; if you want light skin kids then marry a white women, if you want chinese kids then marry a chinese, if you want tall kids then marry a tall woman, if you want arab kids then marry an arab, etc. it's simple as that.

    Regarding wanting reward because you didn't do zina or this or that, you have faulty logic in that as well. Have you ever tried going to the court and demanding you be rewarded because you didn't steal or kill anyone? You have to understand there is the norm and then there is things outside of the norm. The norm is you don't kill anyone and everyone is fine. If you go negative side of that norm and kill someone, then you will be punished. If you go positive side of that norm and save a life then you will be rewarded by the society. It is a simple concept. Just because you stayed away from zina, don't expect reward for that thinking you deserve it. You want a reward for that? then know that your reward is that you averted the punishment you would have gotten if you had done that sin. Rather then thinking you "deserve" something for that, you should be thinking that "may Allah reward me with something better for my obedience to my Lord and staying away from that which He dislikes". You have to change your mindset from that entitlement to am i doing enough to earn the pleasure of my Lord? No one deserves anything. We all earn what our hands bring. If you do good then you will get good, if you do bad then that is what you will get.

    There are other factors that influence us, such as evil eye and black magic done on us by haters. Which is why we are told to do our adkhars and protect ourselves. Allah says the best among you are those who are most pious or have tawqa. So if you want something in life, you would make dua for it and ask Allah for it, not hate Allah because you don't have it. But in order to get there you need to have tawqa, you need to get close to Allah through sincere ibadaah. How do you expect to ask Him for something while disliking Him at the same time?

    As for all the goods the kuffars have. This earth is their paradise, this is where they get reward for their deeds and get no share in the hereafter. For the believers, having such blessings or not having them, both are a test for the them. For you not having them and wanting them is a test for you. Are you going to moan about it and speak out against your Lord because of it or say Alhamdulilah for all the other blessings He has given you? Prophet :saw1: said when you look at someone better than you then also look at someone below you. How many millions in the world are missing limbs, living in poverty, are homeless, parent-less, don't have education, etc. Do you think they hate Allah by looking at people like you who is better off then them or do you think they still say Alhamdulilah for what they do have and trying to make the best of it? Allah says, "If you give thanks (or are greatful), I will give you more (of My Blessings)...." [14:7]

    "Assuming the Best about Allah"
    Last edited by aaj; 04-06-2017 at 05:38 PM.
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    Re: LOST

    format_quote Originally Posted by aaj View Post
    As'salamu Alaikum,

    I can understand where you are coming from. Your beliefs are stemming from lack of knowledge and that is why you are confused about this. Let's break it down and look at it inshallah.

    We'll go with the obvious one first, you height or any other physical traits. Allah created Adam a.s. 60 cubits (90 feet) and created him in the best form and left it at that. And He says He created us into tribes and nations so that get may get to know each other. So over the centuries different races came out of Adam a.s. and that's pretty much set in stone. Regarding other physical factors, such as height, is based on other influencing factors. If you get all the proper required nutrients for your body development throughout your life then you will grow healthy, strong and tall. If you don't then you will be malnourished and have shrunken growth. On the other hand, if you have been eating processing food then although not healthy but still would effect your physical well being. For example, all those big macs and chicken nuggets with growth hormones pumped into them will influence your growth as well. And lastly, it simply comes down to genes. If your parents are grandparents or anyone in your family tree is tall then you maybe tall as well, provided you got passed down that gene. So for example, if you are not happy with your height but want your future children to be tall then you would marry someone who is tall or tall people run in her family so your kids can inherit that trait from their mother side. So you see it simply comes down internal factors (what's passed down to you from family) and external factors (healthy food, no food, processed food). Other external factor could be making dua you get taller, but this would also include tying your camel (doing your part) by eating right and exercising. Crucial time for that would be your growing period (age 10-19 mostly).

    So you see it is useless trying to blame Allah for your height when you lack proper understanding of biology, genetics and external influences. Some things Allah set in motion and let them take their course, like all these genes being passed down. If you want to change that then do selective breeding; if you want light skin kids then marry a white women, if you want chinese kids then marry a chinese, if you want tall kids then marry a tall woman, if you want arab kids then marry an arab, etc. it's simple as that.

    Regarding wanting reward because you didn't do zina or this or that, you have faulty logic in that as well. Have you ever tried going to the court and demanding you be rewarded because you didn't steal or kill anyone? You have to understand there is the norm and then there is things outside of the norm. The norm is you don't kill anyone and everyone is fine. If you go negative side of that norm and kill someone, then you will be punished. If you go positive side of that norm and save a life then you will be rewarded by the society. It is a simple concept. Just because you stayed away from zina, don't expect reward for that thinking you deserve it. You want a reward for that? then know that your reward is that you averted the punishment you would have gotten if you had done that sin. Rather then thinking you "deserve" something for that, you should be thinking that "may Allah reward me with something better for my obedience to my Lord and staying away from that which He dislikes". You have to change your mindset from that entitlement to am i doing enough to earn the pleasure of my Lord? No one deserves anything. We all earn what our hands bring. If you do good then you will get good, if you do bad then that is what you will get.

    There are other factors that influence us, such as evil eye and black magic done on us by haters. Which is why we are told to do our adkhars and protect ourselves. Allah says the best among you are those who are most pious or have tawqa. So if you want something in life, you would make dua for it and ask Allah for it, not hate Allah because you don't have it. But in order to get there you need to have tawqa, you need to get close to Allah through sincere ibadaah. How do you expect to ask Him for something while disliking Him at the same time?

    As for all the goods the kuffars have. This earth is their paradise, this is where they get reward for their deeds and get no share in the hereafter. For the believers, having such blessings or not having them, both are a test for the them. For you not having them and wanting them is a test for you. Are you going to moan about it and speak out against your Lord because of it or say Alhamdulilah for all the other blessings He has given you? Prophet :saw1: said when you look at someone better than you then also look at someone below you. How many millions in the world are missing limbs, living in poverty, are homeless, parent-less, don't have education, etc. Do you think they hate Allah by looking at people like you who is better off then them or do you think they still say Alhamdulilah for what they do have and trying to make the best of it? Allah says, "If you give thanks (or are greatful), I will give you more (of My Blessings)...." [14:7]

    "Assuming the Best about Allah"
    I have a question

    Since years,whenever I said Alhamdull'ILLAH, The God took that blessing whether worldly or Deeni,little to big!

    How can I understand this?
    I'm confused!
    No one knows it because I say it in my heart & I always said that when readthis Aayah
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    Re: LOST

    Think of every single thing that Allah has given you, write it down, every little thing.
    Eyes, nose, mouth, hair, ability to taste, to feel, to hear, to see, skin, nails, 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand etc keep thinking of the things you have, then write down what you don't have and see what outweighs what
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    Re: LOST

    thanks for the kind words. well i am mother less too. died when i was 18.
    i do understand . btw i was always a healthy eprson . i never ate mc chicken or smth like that. i always stayed away from sodas and that. me wanting to be taller was always a priority.something i never got. sometimes i feel good. sometimes i feel bad. i dont know whats wrong with me. i just wish . i was better. may Allah help my mind.
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    Re: lost

    i am aware of not getting anywhere by using those things. thats why i dont use them.
    all im saying is that. if these people who do those get what i would wish, why cant i have it?
    hoping i will find peace
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    Re: LOST

    format_quote Originally Posted by aaj View Post
    As'salamu Alaikum,

    I can understand where you are coming from. Your beliefs are stemming from lack of knowledge and that is why you are confused about this. Let's break it down and look at it inshallah.

    We'll go with the obvious one first, you height or any other physical traits. Allah created Adam a.s. 60 cubits (90 feet) and created him in the best form and left it at that. And He says He created us into tribes and nations so that get may get to know each other. So over the centuries different races came out of Adam a.s. and that's pretty much set in stone. Regarding other physical factors, such as height, is based on other influencing factors. If you get all the proper required nutrients for your body development throughout your life then you will grow healthy, strong and tall. If you don't then you will be malnourished and have shrunken growth. On the other hand, if you have been eating processing food then although not healthy but still would effect your physical well being. For example, all those big macs and chicken nuggets with growth hormones pumped into them will influence your growth as well. And lastly, it simply comes down to genes. If your parents are grandparents or anyone in your family tree is tall then you maybe tall as well, provided you got passed down that gene. So for example, if you are not happy with your height but want your future children to be tall then you would marry someone who is tall or tall people run in her family so your kids can inherit that trait from their mother side. So you see it simply comes down internal factors (what's passed down to you from family) and external factors (healthy food, no food, processed food). Other external factor could be making dua you get taller, but this would also include tying your camel (doing your part) by eating right and exercising. Crucial time for that would be your growing period (age 10-19 mostly).

    So you see it is useless trying to blame Allah for your height when you lack proper understanding of biology, genetics and external influences. Some things Allah set in motion and let them take their course, like all these genes being passed down. If you want to change that then do selective breeding; if you want light skin kids then marry a white women, if you want chinese kids then marry a chinese, if you want tall kids then marry a tall woman, if you want arab kids then marry an arab, etc. it's simple as that.

    Regarding wanting reward because you didn't do zina or this or that, you have faulty logic in that as well. Have you ever tried going to the court and demanding you be rewarded because you didn't steal or kill anyone? You have to understand there is the norm and then there is things outside of the norm. The norm is you don't kill anyone and everyone is fine. If you go negative side of that norm and kill someone, then you will be punished. If you go positive side of that norm and save a life then you will be rewarded by the society. It is a simple concept. Just because you stayed away from zina, don't expect reward for that thinking you deserve it. You want a reward for that? then know that your reward is that you averted the punishment you would have gotten if you had done that sin. Rather then thinking you "deserve" something for that, you should be thinking that "may Allah reward me with something better for my obedience to my Lord and staying away from that which He dislikes". You have to change your mindset from that entitlement to am i doing enough to earn the pleasure of my Lord? No one deserves anything. We all earn what our hands bring. If you do good then you will get good, if you do bad then that is what you will get.

    There are other factors that influence us, such as evil eye and black magic done on us by haters. Which is why we are told to do our adkhars and protect ourselves. Allah says the best among you are those who are most pious or have tawqa. So if you want something in life, you would make dua for it and ask Allah for it, not hate Allah because you don't have it. But in order to get there you need to have tawqa, you need to get close to Allah through sincere ibadaah. How do you expect to ask Him for something while disliking Him at the same time?

    As for all the goods the kuffars have. This earth is their paradise, this is where they get reward for their deeds and get no share in the hereafter. For the believers, having such blessings or not having them, both are a test for the them. For you not having them and wanting them is a test for you. Are you going to moan about it and speak out against your Lord because of it or say Alhamdulilah for all the other blessings He has given you? Prophet :saw1: said when you look at someone better than you then also look at someone below you. How many millions in the world are missing limbs, living in poverty, are homeless, parent-less, don't have education, etc. Do you think they hate Allah by looking at people like you who is better off then them or do you think they still say Alhamdulilah for what they do have and trying to make the best of it? Allah says, "If you give thanks (or are greatful), I will give you more (of My Blessings)...." [14:7]

    "Assuming the Best about Allah"
    thats the biggest issue man. the girl i want probably wont like me cause im shorter than most males. 170 cm is not enough. its never going to change but what can i do really. its just something i really want
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    Re: lost

    format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Soldier View Post
    i am aware of not getting anywhere by using those things. thats why i dont use them.
    all im saying is that. if these people who do those get what i would wish, why cant i have it?
    hoping i will find peace
    Bro, we all are tested in different ways. Sometimes Allah tests us by giving us what we want and see if we are grateful or not and sometimes He doesn't give us what we want and see if we are patient. Remember that this duniya is finite and won't last long. Whatever we don't get in this duniya, we can have it in jannah where we get to keep it forever. All belongs to Allah and see say Alhamdulilah for everything because there is khair in everything even though we may not realize it. Inshallah learn more deen and gain more knowledge and you will begin to see some of this. may Allah make it easy on you.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Soldier View Post
    thats the biggest issue man. the girl i want probably wont like me cause im shorter than most males. 170 cm is not enough. its never going to change but what can i do really. its just something i really want
    well you have been given what your parents passed down to you. You can accept it or your can cry about it, it won't change that but how you view it will change how you live your life. And you are assuming she "probably" won't like you. If she has a preference for height then that's her choice, if she doesn't than she won't care. You should learn to accept your height, we all wish/want something but know it's unrealistic and accept it.
    Last edited by aaj; 04-06-2017 at 08:40 PM.
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    Re: LOST

    format_quote Originally Posted by aaj View Post
    As'salamu Alaikum,

    I can understand where you are coming from. Your beliefs are stemming from lack of knowledge and that is why you are confused about this. Let's break it down and look at it inshallah.

    We'll go with the obvious one first, you height or any other physical traits. Allah created Adam a.s. 60 cubits (90 feet) and created him in the best form and left it at that. And He says He created us into tribes and nations so that get may get to know each other. So over the centuries different races came out of Adam a.s. and that's pretty much set in stone. Regarding other physical factors, such as height, is based on other influencing factors. If you get all the proper required nutrients for your body development throughout your life then you will grow healthy, strong and tall. If you don't then you will be malnourished and have shrunken growth. On the other hand, if you have been eating processing food then although not healthy but still would effect your physical well being. For example, all those big macs and chicken nuggets with growth hormones pumped into them will influence your growth as well. And lastly, it simply comes down to genes. If your parents are grandparents or anyone in your family tree is tall then you maybe tall as well, provided you got passed down that gene. So for example, if you are not happy with your height but want your future children to be tall then you would marry someone who is tall or tall people run in her family so your kids can inherit that trait from their mother side. So you see it simply comes down internal factors (what's passed down to you from family) and external factors (healthy food, no food, processed food). Other external factor could be making dua you get taller, but this would also include tying your camel (doing your part) by eating right and exercising. Crucial time for that would be your growing period (age 10-19 mostly).

    So you see it is useless trying to blame Allah for your height when you lack proper understanding of biology, genetics and external influences. Some things Allah set in motion and let them take their course, like all these genes being passed down. If you want to change that then do selective breeding; if you want light skin kids then marry a white women, if you want chinese kids then marry a chinese, if you want tall kids then marry a tall woman, if you want arab kids then marry an arab, etc. it's simple as that.

    Regarding wanting reward because you didn't do zina or this or that, you have faulty logic in that as well. Have you ever tried going to the court and demanding you be rewarded because you didn't steal or kill anyone? You have to understand there is the norm and then there is things outside of the norm. The norm is you don't kill anyone and everyone is fine. If you go negative side of that norm and kill someone, then you will be punished. If you go positive side of that norm and save a life then you will be rewarded by the society. It is a simple concept. Just because you stayed away from zina, don't expect reward for that thinking you deserve it. You want a reward for that? then know that your reward is that you averted the punishment you would have gotten if you had done that sin. Rather then thinking you "deserve" something for that, you should be thinking that "may Allah reward me with something better for my obedience to my Lord and staying away from that which He dislikes". You have to change your mindset from that entitlement to am i doing enough to earn the pleasure of my Lord? No one deserves anything. We all earn what our hands bring. If you do good then you will get good, if you do bad then that is what you will get.

    There are other factors that influence us, such as evil eye and black magic done on us by haters. Which is why we are told to do our adkhars and protect ourselves. Allah says the best among you are those who are most pious or have tawqa. So if you want something in life, you would make dua for it and ask Allah for it, not hate Allah because you don't have it. But in order to get there you need to have tawqa, you need to get close to Allah through sincere ibadaah. How do you expect to ask Him for something while disliking Him at the same time?

    As for all the goods the kuffars have. This earth is their paradise, this is where they get reward for their deeds and get no share in the hereafter. For the believers, having such blessings or not having them, both are a test for the them. For you not having them and wanting them is a test for you. Are you going to moan about it and speak out against your Lord because of it or say Alhamdulilah for all the other blessings He has given you? Prophet :saw1: said when you look at someone better than you then also look at someone below you. How many millions in the world are missing limbs, living in poverty, are homeless, parent-less, don't have education, etc. Do you think they hate Allah by looking at people like you who is better off then them or do you think they still say Alhamdulilah for what they do have and trying to make the best of it? Allah says, "If you give thanks (or are greatful), I will give you more (of My Blessings)...." [14:7]

    "Assuming the Best about Allah"
    as far as i know about biology, females REALLY care about a mans height. i can be a very good character. but if she doesnt find me attractive ( im good looking but short ) thewn, the girl probably will pass me. and that breaks me. cause it happened before.
    i want a good looking woman. why not get one just cause im short?
    its all programed man. im suffering from it
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    Re: LOST

    format_quote Originally Posted by AmatulWudud View Post
    I have a question

    Since years,whenever I said Alhamdull'ILLAH, The God took that blessing whether worldly or Deeni,little to big!

    How can I understand this?
    I'm confused!
    No one knows it because I say it in my heart & I always said that when read this Aayah
    Allah test those more whom He loves more.

    Maybe you are grateful and so He tests you more to help you elevate your status even higher?

    maybe some other factors influence it (evil eye, shaytan, lack of protection duas, etc.)?

    Allahu alim.
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    Re: lost

    format_quote Originally Posted by aaj View Post
    Bro, we all are tested in different ways. Sometimes Allah tests us by giving us what we want and see if we are grateful or not and sometimes He doesn't give us what we want and see if we are patient. Remember that this duniya is finite and won't last long. Whatever we don't get in this duniya, we can have it in jannah where we get to keep it forever. All belongs to Allah and see say Alhamdulilah for everything because there is khair in everything even though we may not realize it. Inshallah learn more deen and gain more knowledge and you will begin to see some of this. may Allah make it easy on you.

    well you have been given what your parents passed down to you. You can accept it or your can cry about it, it won't change that but how you view it will change how you live your life. And you are assuming she "probably" won't like you. If she has a preference for height then that's her choice, if she doesn't than she won't care. You should learn to accept your height, we all wish/want something but know it's unrealistic and accept it.

    please bro. tell me how to swallow this bitter pill. once and for all. tell me how to find peace..
    you see. i am not a big sinner. i make mistakes but i try my best to not do the WORST. is that good? will it benefit me? are you sure?
    you believe that i will find a cute young lady, cause i waited so long. and when my friends were having fun i waited?
    or will it all go to waste? or its just me feeling that way?
    at times i feel like i will get something good. at times i feel i wont get NOTHING.
    and im afraid man. im afraid about the future. i have good intentions. i just want to find peace
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    Re: LOST

    format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Soldier View Post
    as far as i know about biology, females REALLY care about a mans height. i can be a very good character. but if she doesnt find me attractive ( im good looking but short ) thewn, the girl probably will pass me. and that breaks me. cause it happened before.
    i want a good looking woman. why not get one just cause im short?
    its all programed man. im suffering from it
    No, that is not true. Majority do prefer a man taller than them. But that is not always the case and not with everybody. Have you never seen a really really good looking girl outside with a very very unpleasant looking guy and wonder what did he do to get her or what does she see in him ? It happens. Well money is one factor, another is knowing you. If you go and propose to that girl and she cares about height then she will say no. But if you get to know her (islamically) and she sees your character/personality and has a liking to you as a person then height will become less of importance to her. You can ask any sister on this forum and in your life, men are visual gender and care more about physical attributes then women. Women want security and belonging, if they see you as a reliable and keep worthy then height will become less of a factor. They like a confident man, something you are lacking right now with your insecurity towards your height.
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