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Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

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    Muslimah inshal's Avatar Full Member
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    Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

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    The prayers/supplications of a Muslim against the one who hurt or mistreated him will insha-Allah be answered, even if Allah's answers come after a long time.-Apologize to the Muslim you've offended lest their du'as against you may be answered.

    Allah is the Most Just. When He sees injustice being committed, he returns the crimes done against the Muslims back to their evildoers in the form of a punishment which they (wrongdoers) may or may not recognize.-A non-Muslim who remains a non-Muslim (disbeliever) until he leaves this world as a non-Muslim may be a punishment itself from Allah and/or the answer of a Muslim's du'a against that non-Muslim.

    Allah is the All-Hearing. He hears the du'as/supplications of His Muslim servants when they call upon Him.

    Allah is the Most Merciful. He takes pity on His Muslim servants who are dealt with unjustly and who beseech His help. Allah especially helps His Muslim servants against the non-Muslims/infidels.

    Allah is the One who responds. He responds to His servants' du'as as soon as they say it or at the time which He knows is most befitting (to the Muslim and against the wrongdoers).

    Allah is the Most Powerful, The King. Anyone who dares to challenge Allah in any way is an ignoble imbecile who is only calling Allah's punishment and curse to befall him.

    And Allah swt knows best.

    NOTE:-If a Muslim prays against another Muslim, and the latter does not deserve any curse, his/her du'as may return to that Muslim who supplicated against one who does not deserve to be supplicated against. Also be careful of praying against a fellow Muslim lest your du'as may actually return to you.
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    ZeeshanParvez's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

    This is true.

    Muslims beware of wronging others.

    Even the bad du'a of a kaafir who has been wronged is answered.

    Sheikh al-Albaani (may Allaah have mercy on him) graded the following Hadiith hasan li ghairih:

    اتَّقوا دعوةَ المظلومِ ، و إن كان كافرًا ، فإنه ليس دونها حجابٌ

    The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Fear the prayer of the oppressed, even if he is a disbeliever, for there is no barrier (between it and Allah).”

    Narrated by Ahmad, 12140; classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh at-Targheeb wa’t-Tarheeb, 2231

    This indicates that Allah responds to the prayer of the disbeliever who is wronged, because Allah enjoins justice and forbids injustice, and He restores justice to those who are wronged even if they are disbelievers, because His justice is perfect. [Source]

    And then there is the following hadiith in Sahih al-Bukhaari:

    Narrated `Aisha:

    There was a black slave girl belonging to an 'Arab tribe and they manumitted her but she remained with them. The slave girl said, "Once one of their girls (of that tribe) came out wearing a red leather scarf decorated with precious stones. It fell from her or she placed it somewhere. A kite passed by that place, saw it lying there and mistaking it for a piece of meat, flew away with it.

    Those people searched for it but they did not find it. So they accused me of stealing it and started searching me and even searched my private parts." The slave girl further said, "By Allah! while I was standing (in that state) with those people, the same kite passed by them and dropped the red scarf and it fell amongst them. I told them, 'This is what you accused me of and I was innocent and now this is it.' "

    `Aisha added: That slave girl came to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and embraced Islam.

    She had a tent or a small room with a low roof in the mosque. Whenever she called on me, she had a talk with me and whenever she sat with me, she would recite the following: "The day of the scarf (band) was one of the wonders of our Lord, verily He rescued me from the disbelievers' town. `Aisha added: "Once I asked her, 'What is the matter with you? Whenever you sit with me, you always recite these poetic verses.' On that she told me the whole story. "

    Ibn Hajar writes regarding one of the benefits of this hadiith:

    إجابة دعوة المظلوم ولو كان كافرا ; لأن في السياق أن إسلامها كان بعد قدومها المدينة

    Acceptance of the du'aa of the one wronged even if he is a kaafir because the sequence and context [of the narration shows] that her accepting Islaam was after her coming to al-Madinah.
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    SoldierAmatUllah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers


    Need some advice on it!

    Going crazy!No idea honestly what's happening!

    I'm Not sure it's sorcery or kind of azaab though only had much good blessings in Deen& reg.akhirah as I had too much trials!

    I only feel it could be sorcery but it doesn't seem! I have had ruqyas etc& a person is a witness to himself & by many people!

    Only two suspects of sorcery #paternal grandmom & these evil creatures who became azaabun aleem for me !

    Short story!

    fell into my torture cell in 2005 ,same year as Aafiya Siddiqui!

    But her life is not that dangerous as she's had good & many good stuff in prison too though she had her tortures too!May ALLAH hasten release of Aafiya Siddiqui Hafidhullah!

    Mine tortures are different,which in reality are a trial as we know :

    Just tried to help Deen & my Imaan back 12 years & calamities upon calamities!

    Had a dream of Aleppo &its Qalb -" heart "during its seige & my own life got besieged & then saw a big dream of Aleppo women going in car etc before evacuation in Nov &my own future stuff of future imprisonment!

    Every scholar or people of ilm I met or knew me,had same good opinion of me ....but I'm dreading ....as I was always prepared for everything but view of hellfire being in as in feeling as dead end!...Regular in past has made me forget about good!

    Please keep dua for me because seeing hell & being mocked by worst of ppl,will ruin you!And its a fact Muslims will be in large numbers in JAnnah,so keep to Deen!I have had Ruqyah checks on&, off there are as nothing no real stuff&ALLAH let me aware of my situation myself.Repeated Ruqyas& nothing & I went to these people s house to stay for a islamic studies course after a month!
    But thery proved to be treacherous!

    -keep dua against my oppressors!

    1.17-Terrible fearful episodes of ALLAH for years
    2.Scary dreams of azaab & much fear till todate
    3.Deprived of education after Getting into Bachelors...
    4.Eyes up ,attacks for hours for almost 9 years every dayfor few hours (seeing true words turning out to be true)
    5.Stuck in home,on bed-Vitamin d deficiency
    6.No friends
    7.Online with cloudy eyes for years that was similar to true words attacks for few hours.Jinns dont know intricate things of future
    9.Ruqyah checks-Nothing ,Alhamdull'ILLAH
    10.norm of Duhayma fitan!
    11.Full time insecurity since years
    12.laughter & etc in front of everyonethough my friend who's blessed in spirituality,says don't worry about people, enjoy as you know what it's all about. Same was told to us by Ibn Qayyim Rh!
    13.Fraud in marriage
    14.Forceful sent to journeys & making me insane at worst phases of my life for four years on & off
    15.Stigma of schizo, traumatising me psychologically for years till todate-While schizo is totally different & my symptoms entirely different, Alhamdull'ILLAH
    16.Forceful injections & big dosages of meds of schizo when it's dangerous for those who don't have it-Physical ailments due to meds.Because Alhamdull'ILLAH, I wasn't a schizo.
    17.Alhamdull'ILLAH,I saw good dreams reg.gladtidings
    18.Not marriage despite so many good dreams of Jannah' maybe in akhirah with a perfect anti Khawarij!

    21Different family who don't know Islam much
    22.Mujahideen insulting me ,calling me spy,sihr affected or schizo,-My total trying to protect them!&bearing insults!Great people anyways ....May ALLAH Ta'ala protect me & them for all times!

    23.feeling like animals&Ruqyah couldn't work as I felt awful fear of ALLAH Ta'ala!
    25.-All westerners proposals
    26.Making me a zombie, mentally, physically & psychologically torture since I got af. ..affected with evil eye of worst people!
    27.deprivations from sleep out of fear

    And inward so many trials.,Alhamdull'ILLAH.Family Treats me like a kid !
    Threats of imprisonment -mass surveillance
    Finally showing me in hell in waking state in Dec-till off & on basically since 17-MELTDOWN!

    All things without my parents knowing zilch about my life

    parents Forcing me into recovery home,&my going mad because I was well & wanted to get out ...so they gave me powerful injection!People there got upset huh!what happened to this good girl!? As there I wanted them to learn to keep hope & some agreed! But these medics gave me medicines that kept me in pain & I was up all night & smashed their winduw to get out if that place so they said " serious patient needs to get out of recovery "

    My detailed research for people with mental disorders on my blog!(link in the end)

    ALLAH Telling me though true ilhaams about future

    It's all to boost me ,Alhamdull'ILLAH
    .All my friends I met over years have grown & are suffering since years despite being on Deen & sometimes they say they are tired etc!


    My problems are many.With a story of 12 years ,living like a real Ghuraba in my home ,enjoining good,forbidding evil,crying & stopping everyone from all wrong things with every tactic ,struck with trials on another year ,with deep spiritual connection reg. Akhirah, fully tormented due to it ,frauded in marriage, process ,Acute oppression b Muslims, affecteof hassad ,Loss of higher education,wanted by intelligence from East to West ,incl.Muslims Intel.Illnesses reg.spirituality,fearful of akhirah!
    Uncertainty has increased,fear !

    My dad advise me to keep hope ,never even said a word to give up&I cannot play games of suffocating my life in case I get Clinically depressed&I have many other problems that I deal with day to day basis.

    ....all my friends I met over years have grown & are suffering since years despite being on Deen & sometimes they say they want to leave Islam,auzobillah,or some have resentment....Auzobillah!But they are cream of Muslims & have excellent blessings too !And I'm grateful to have found them!

    My advices to them always remained sharp to keep hope because they are good friends & I knew much about them!

    Fitan Duhayma & trials of end times that are affecting all&its touched me with worst,the trials &I git zillion dreams of good stuff but now I don't easily buy them but Do!!!!!Alhamdull'ILLAH because ALLAH tells Truth!Well ,Yes!!!!

    These are duhayma tines,some people ..state some try suicide ,some lose sanity,some are homeless despite having lived good lives in West ,some say ALLAH hates them etc.Auzobillah because we aren't in good times ,ignorance widespread, fitan upon fit

    All that I get is dreams of gladtidings etc &all to boost me ,Alhamdull'ILLAH

    Ulema gave excuses to people who were good ,if tortured much,they are given excuses!

    Since the time i turned towards Islam,i changed into a gurl who no one could point at as a bad person!That's when I got affected with hassad too of the evil people!Although,got much good but life's not a joke!

    I have been suffering & at Aleppo fall,isuffered vulnerably!

    Second part 2

    I have had certain fears ,like feeling in initial time of my acute trials ,I had a tremendous fear that ALLAH will use me for Deen & make me a sign of admonishment!

    It wasnt easy just after first yr of practicing Islam in an environment I described above!

    Home alone with family !

    Then I worked alot in my individual Imaan & online for Deen & striving for Deen

    Then I thought ,ALLAH would fix my issues ,they only increases !

    Then I thought He will punish those who have harmed me severely ,esp some few people who thought they were pious !

    One was a woman in my city,a bit younger than me with little Imaan but just had dreams upon dreams ,no hijab ,noAqeedah etc just normal ,and WORLDLY .....passed comments on me etc though I was good & then I started to try to get to make friends with her so she started to avoid me sooo many times mes,I went to meet her !

    I wonder what dreams was she seeing etc because I wasn't harming her & one incident I had gotten evil vibes of her so some weeks,so I was screaming but I guess that was after or right before I went to that people's house!who I going to narrate!

    This first girl ,I don't know what was her reason ,as she was avoiding me &I heard from her mom she's not practicing only 2 months ago &same acting of avoiding!

    I had made a plan of giving her a gift that my mom brought for me thinking of forgetting the old times&restarting it all ,so I had this dream of her ,it sound good& I told her mom about it so she said yh I have this wish!

    I mean ,then why torture me with people in worst ways & she was even in dunya terms not better nor on practicing side!

    Neither that much tested!
    Later on, we got to know their evil attitudes!

    Anyways!people told my family & I wonder why was I tortured, is it because of evil people or evil vibes they give!?

    Because it doesn't happen with good people or even harmless kuffar but evil Muslims like zombies,braggers,destroy me!

    Also my question is since my early childhood ,you know as a kid ,would look at someone & in heartfeel like nooo!Not good or weird et. So similar always struck me .....I !mean since being a kid when there was no Islamic society or education in our home ,just culture! So,how come kids being tortured &it happened till long or maybe still!
    Only in heart ,first thought & that's it !

    I try to keep aware of thoughts but I'm not an angel that my first thought would be so perfect!Neither Islam tells us this, only on second thought! Or thoughts we speak of!

    But it's getting to me.Also,since years whenever I said Alhamdull'ILLAH, I suffered from loss of littlest to big blessings even though I said in Heart!

    Then ,another point is whenever I trusted ALLAH, in little to big thing I felt trust broken!Experience of 12, years!

    Maybe, it's atrial but very bad that kept me on Deen but I'm shaken!

    Only that I think I'm either bewitched or caught in evil eye badly!

    Btw,we don't call it a gladtidings when we see a dream reg.our enemies from all those who gave us pain but those dreams that give us hope& bring relief & gladtidings?

    I mean. No one can call it a gladtidings when s person us directly suffering from such!

    Anyways I'm on verge of giving up ,so just want to get some advice if anything makes sense!

    I'm trying to get some understanding! One of the things prevalent in Muslims society is sihr even by those who claim practicing ones!I have spoken to a person who had sihr done from a Shaykh of ISIL. Famous one!in UK!I'm not sure how truthful was this story but gave me proofs .Anyways ,I have read many cases how its common in Muslim communities! By practicing ones. Now before I say something else I had trials loads of them ,but my situation was never like this .It was Filled with blessings & trials,so I read these books on jinns ,and starter to misapply everything on myself till I started emailing various Raqis, went through different procedures, Ruqyah auduis& live !Then ,I in my own opinion, thought I'm possessed e c or sihr done on me ,la hawla wala quwwata illa B'Illah.

    I then insisted to parents to take meTo Raqi on authentic Aqeedah but they said No!After few dreams of sihr etc&jinns,I decided to leave myself to get a rule out!Bacvk one yr,I had had it& after direct Ruqyah, I felt calm& serene, which is opposite to reaction to something like sihr or possessed. And there are 2 kinds of drowsiness,one is due to jinns one is due to blessing of ALLAH as happens in miracles. So,that's what I felt that time!Second Ruqyah,nothing !

    Then when I left yr after myself because I was into reading all this,though I had full understanding I was not possessed, just saw my email to scholar in Shaam in 2009,nothing like 'sihr was there but only used to have fearful feelings of ALLAH's Majesty!&episodes related to it! Then I went to these people home whose traits were disrespectful towards Islam & weird kinbda manners to everyone .When I told them my dreams, they changed within few days & I noticed a was getting signs from first or second days,to leave home,I felt super fears in nights .Or that there's no Barakah as I felt disheartened! Later on,their slander,lies,deceitful wat's,evil scheming ,jealousy,mocking at me proved the last night & I had seen an evil thing in my dreams!in my dream in their home during my stay & I saw it in my home!Then the last day, their foolish nature opened up,jealousy& I felt sort of scared or angry as how weird those people were!since the day after I came home,I changed into somewhat different, a person shouting & feeling their Nahs selves& then they would act as worst & I uses to make Duas& got them off my head & life .Slowly,they came back again!&a dream I had in which I saw an Ayah of Qur'an "This is a trick of sorcery" on me &the bro I was having great dreams reg.JAnnah & everything
    Even I saw a saahir&I'm telling him of all basic good dreams &then I had a dream I tell their family to wedbthisperson&I'm on Salaah & I a! Saying kufr stuff in dream la hawla wala quwwata illa B'Illah!

    Later ,the similar episode happened,during Salaah I felt forced & I sort of said that in heart & I became a zombie & those people Nahs returned & sometimes as felt ALLAH is pleased with them ,sometimes, over the WORLDLY level & sometimes give your husband, on& off fouryr years!

    Though had a few good signs etc of some
    have remained on N tragic episode! Even they filled my ears with my grandmother& filled her ears reg. me....And next yr when grandmom came,who always had me as fav,I was fighting with her,only last yr,I had been to
    My grandmoms house or before that!So,only that she herself had told me about some people who are evil or not on Deen misguided, so during the visit I went to Raqi,I went vto visit grandmom only a day& cousins etc were groewnups& etc & I realised that she was just busy so wasn't giving me time !Anyhow, please read all this carefully as it may give you an idea! So,she got troubles at her place ,so I esp gave idea to come to visit us for sometime! And then soon after few weeks, things changed, I was going through my trials of those Nahs creatures & saying weird things & my grandmom was sympathetic
    So,we developed issues that grew in too much ,fights, that Nevdr existed-Both were sympathetic afterwards on& off ...And she saw my condition & used to cry etc &then I turned very bad ,that I had had enough fight with her so I told her to leave & yet whenever she talked back family to take her,no one was being courteous & I was her listener & the day she went she wiped my tears&gave me good advices! Afterwards, we seldom remained on phone but I met her again & she was always saying I'm her fav!And I m narrating this as she was a witness y how I had gone freaked! Then,
    Cut it short:I asked ALLAH Ta'ala for a sign few days ago& I had had this dream ,ALHAMDULL'ILLAH, years ago ,I was saying. About ALLAH's Fadl !And a white cloth shining & a black cat trying to snatch away it all with red eyes I guess!So,a few days ago,after asking ALLAH Ta'ala for steadfastness &I walked past the door & saw a black cat &then I read a good book I had downloaded &it was titled for victory for Believers.

    Then I saw a dream after that. As I found good proof in it reg. my trial& , I had seen a clam dream sort of showing me those pp who had hassad!Then I had had another dream of my initial dreams in 2009 angeks,vehicle & blessings & I'm telling ALLAH in my dream that's when I travelled, so I got this ilhaam in heart ,ALLAH doesn't let fate of pious ones fail or defeated as we knoiw hassad is extremely dangerous & can even change fate!May ALLAH protect me!Aameen !
    Then another dream ,I saw books & in one was Blessed Name of ALLAH & a girl who taking the books&my mom saying you don't know about ALLAH so I replied ,"Yh,j don't know"then she was reading a book in one page was sayyid Al istighfaar & other some zikr &then I was told ,When fitan Duhayma ends,then Hassad ends&waswas &I believe something related to Jibrael Alayhe Salaam
    I had seen Jibrael Alayhe Salaam in start of my trials as he Alayhe Salaam was taking me in car to meet ALLAH Ta'ala!
    Years ago,before all this
    Lastly,I had a dream today ,reg. a gladtidings about me& my sis& it occurred that people! Even in dreams! I flabbergasted at the oppression I been through & then I saw that I knew this sister at Twitter & she had a like a visual tweet on her Timeline & it was a voice I heard since few weeks,black cat cut the way etc in a very weird cheap voice of a man!I was wondering or saying to sister, you had my dream copied nto brief & I had posted my 2009 dream ,of angels,night,vehicle&blessings so ,I have deleted it!
    I don't know what it all means!The only thing I know is I have been oppressed severely since years& now it's like I extremely fear hell&,I don't want JAnnah because I don't want to due to fear of being oppressors & I cannot tolerate to forgive &I know I won't receive justice as I never received ,only maybve few blessings but why punish me ,oppress me through soooo much of tortures in various ways to give blessings to others!

    I wasn't jealous, nor I am but now I'm revengeful, I don't care about any blessings etc but I believe ALLAH shouldn't have wronged me like through all this!
    I had no possession, no sihr before all this ,only after all this I'm suffering & whoever friends I had from Syria,the sisters,the MujahiDeen who I was supporting,everything is being ruined, as I'm not sure how much hassadcan harm but Sihr dies takes friends away!
    And just don't know ,they have destroyed my Imaan,my hopes&trust in ALLAH Ta'ala
    ALLAH Alone knows best!As with all signs recently in few years,I have observed sihr,&hassad together & since it's so common in Muslim community esp Practicing nes too so I'm doubtful of everything rather paranoid of everyone!

    ....So all that I feel is since first day of my life I have only met evil creatures amongst mankind since I started with Islam! Or maybe. It's all reg.kniewing how evil ppl are etc!ALLAH hu Aalam
    The kufr wawas i had in starting time of practicing Islam is a prtoblerm thwt many muslims alone have these problems & for a few days,I didn't even know what was happening! Then I realised & did Salatul TAwba!

    . So and words spoken&witnesses by people, &a dream before of sihr & then dream of kufr in Salaah ,I believe is not just hassad,either its sihr or something deeper evil eye if I evilest creatures!
    ALLAH hu Aalam! Maybe we are living in dajjals times so ithe things I feel like being oppressed by ALLAH, is actually power if sorcery shaytanic powers etc!Thus much troubles I never had as experiencing before m
    ALLAH hu Aalam!
    Also seen Angel Jibrael Alayhe Salaam at 17& seen various dreams reg.Khilafah day but I don't "trust after what's happening"

    One dream I had ,I felt ilhaam ,your husband will love you for bring anti Khawarij like as if it was from ALLAH & then a dream afterwards ,me telling ALLAH regarding it ,that Ya ALLAH, You were right!

    Because since beginning of my journey in Islam 12 yrs ago,I only met Khawarij traits ppl mostly!

    If there's any good,then I might stay as practicing otherwise if it's really going to be hell, then I can live my life in noble manners without fretting about Deen &akhirah!

    After all,my lifes being wasted!

    So much of tortures & I'm fed up!

    I hate to be in jahannum & Iam paranoid to ever think of JAnnah!

    Because I have super fear of azaab &super fear of meeting the mockers!Auzobillah

    And I hate to be friends with ppl there as what the heck

    Who cares of making friends with those who drowned you to hel& off the Imaan totally & ruined your hopes!

    Fact is ,they were super good despite evilschemers &destroyers of my Deen,dunya&akhirah & they "arean innocent people who are the worst zombies"aka good!because of whose oppression I suffered hell on& off

    All because ifelt ALLAH sent me there!

    This interpretation I got of my dream years ago!

    following paragraphs inshallah I will summarize whatever I am able to understand from your dreams, rest I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to protect you in Dunia & Akhira & may he provides you best of both lives, Ameen:
    Dream #1: It seems that sequence of two events will occur and in ‘general’ they seem to be harming you very badly. You may seek or try to find individuals to help you overcome such situations, but you will not be able to get desired results from them. At last your hope will be in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. It seems that at the end of both events “dramatic changes” will occur and your will be protected or further guided by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. How he will protect you, or which kind of human beings will be there to help you, it is beyond our understanding, but inshallah Allah will do what is best for you.

    In 2009,I got this:
    > Date: Fri, 4 Sep
    > 2009 08:02:31 -0700
    > Anyways, based on the
    > nature of your dream it is highly difficult to interpret
    > them. I told you already that Roya or something which is
    > directly from Allah .It is not easy to interpret. But there
    > are main points in your dream, which can help us understand
    > what is going on
    > 1.
    > You have
    > seen that you were hiding yourself with a little girl in
    > some unknown building where some Angles came. Where
    > something was going on with other people. Seeing unknown
    > buildings refers to mainly three things, either the
    > situation of your life after death. Your power and situation
    > of iman (faith in Allah). Or something related with world,
    > situation or some other matters. Anyways you have seen that
    > you was at unknown area/building with unknown little girl.
    > 2.
    > While the
    > second phase starts you feel that you are scared. But those
    > angles (unknown creature) ask you to read
    > Ta'ooz . And you feel that you were supposed
    > to read it in your early life but you did not paid
    > attention, then you read and hear some other words. Which
    > you did not mentioned. There were extremely important.
    > Anyways based on the
    > relationship between Phase #1 & Phase #2 due to the word
    > “Ta’ooz” I can confidently say that the whole issue is
    > related with your life in this world and its situation after
    > death. You are and you were supposed to do something which
    > you haven’t done yet. The dream is a reminder to your
    > responsibilities in this world. It’s good that you read
    > “Ta’ooz” in your dream. It will act like protection
    > from evil acts and forces.
    > As soon as Phase #3 starts, it
    > brings a totally different scenario of your life in front of
    > us. Here, it is related with future circumstance in your
    > practical life. Road represents some matters in your
    > life. On the other hand, you have seen also a Vehicle in
    > night. Thus it represents that a “transformational
    > phase” in your life will start. I mean there will be
    > sequence of changes start to happen in your life. They will
    > lead you in some different scenario. You will be surprised
    > and somehow upset, and feel bad.
    > But then things will start to
    > get better. And your problems will start to settle down. . You
    > will remain protected and inshallah you will enjoy the
    > blessings of Allah.
    > Do not think that I am talking
    > about the knowledge of unseen. It is what Allah is showing
    > you in your dreams.
    > In simple words, starting from
    > a little girl, Ta’ooz, to then strange places, road,
    > vehicle, then your request to angles that you want to meet
    > Allah, and then paper, and at last some blessings.
    > ·
    > I am
    > repeating again that you missed some important points.
    > Anyways in conclusion your dream is related with your
    > practical life. And it will be implemented in a longgggggggg
    > time.
    > Rest Allah knows best!

    Another dream! I had same yr 2009 after a month or so!
    > 1.
    > It is also
    > possible that someone whom you trust he/she may try to
    > betray or you he/she may intentionally try to mislead you.
    > . Point 2 and 3 are related with the ending part covering
    > the actress and Durud! The durud, can be related with 2
    > things:
    > a. Either you will remain protected in both worlds
    > b. Or since it came after the phase of actress who was
    > talking about Jihad, that's why you are told to
    > recognize the actual teachings and rulings of ISLAM!
    > Rest Allah
    > knows better!May He Protect you always.

    Please don't harm me& if you can speak to knowledgeable ppl,then let me try to get understand my situation!

    JazakAllah hu khayra
    BarakAllah hu fik!

    P.S:I have decided i rather be dead forever than live in akhirah either places!After all , ,So atleast I can receive this much mercy!For all the things I did with much trials& calamities& suffered blows upon blows!

    Even kuffar get good rewards in world

    After day of Qiyamah, I will vouch for death! am done when ALLAH shown me much good& tortures with me akhirah stuff Atleast we should believe i N His Mercy, if He doesn't want to punish all those who harmed me !


    There's a hadeeth that talks of hassad changing fate so I think it's already done!

    I was tortured in worst& well,it happens in evil world!

    I am not allowed to curse them at all,only if I !add dua against them,only I suffer with worst upon worst

    Then one Jummah day I was. Very upset. So I made Duas long one &begged ALLAH much

    So,I saw some good dreams that I mentioned above or others,got some curses on them!
    But I was told not to in dream too & then saw it !

    But still now,I wonder whether it was truthful or another lies to me!

    Off&on seeing hell& mockers outside ,(in real life they had done too bad & they became azaabun aleem for me when I came back home)

    So,I cannot understand why am I oppressed because of them?

    All I remember is these people knew all my good dreams etc !And they had evil schemed&lies on lies!

    My whole family knew I had rushed out of their home!

    So many evidences of their evilselves!

    Again,if they were to be good why torture someone else?

    I have been tortured, screamed,seen hell because if them,feared to lose Imaan because of these people & if they were that good what was the need to torture me,giving good dreams,kiramats etc!&taking all away!

    Torturing me & trying to then make me write their I'll doings online since two months on Ummah forums!What's the explanation?

    To just make them feel they are sooo important that they get success by downfall of other good Muslims!

    Huh!Good Muslims surface themselves they don't need to ill scheme on others& try to come as uhhhh.....we have done nothing!

    When my whole neighborhood is witness to my screams!

    So I wonder is this how ALLAH gives victory to others ,by first torturing others lives, ruining their psychological, mental& spiritual health & then making them write of their ills etc ,&trying to prove that I'm the one who slandered, evil schemedor wronged them !

    Start from. Beginning:

    My travel :My stay!

    My tortures there at night:, Their accusations, slanders evil schemes & my running away from their home & their full azaab when I came back home since years!!!!!

    Its always same repeated story!

    So much tortures!


    I don't know what to do!

    Or expect!

    Just for no reason, I'm oppressed ,from all things I told them esp wether dreams of good,same as if is sorcery or evil eye playing viciously on me.

    Those people were very evil,famous in family!The evilest of people only bring People down to earth to get to kufr& azaab!

    No good people I have ever met ,has ever been like this !

    And what's happened to me is all due to these khubasaa!

    And I hate to say all these bad words about ALLAH but yes,I'm not normal gone abnormal!

    Auzobillah he minashaytaan IR Rajeem

    Maybe,ALLAH is giving me signs as I see. Fire in my dream ,my house etc !

    The hadeeth mentions it reg.jinns or sihr !

    The only people I get suspicions about uso these ppl! Paternal grandmother or these people in our dreams!

    I don't know is it sihr or evil eye but it's devastating!

    Or maybe test to understand knowledge as I have seen dreams ,as ALLAH Ta'ala telling me your husband will like you for understanding Khawarij stuff while I felt I'm in JAnnah&woke up at Fajr Salaah time& felt ilhaam about Ali bin Talib R!

    And many times ilhaams reg.Ali bin Talib R . .

    Maybe I'm trying to know evil of people with knowledge!

    Well I do TAwba to ALLAH Ta'ala for any bad words!

    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 04-10-2017 at 06:02 AM.
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

    Isn't it true ALLAH is not Unjust?

    There's always a reason for any ones exposure ,like whatever they did reg.me on front of my face. They ,had it turned towards them!

    But why would I be tortured?

    I only spoke of them after suffering direct & talked about these women to others as soon as I fled their home as I was angry & was all by myself!

    So,just by speaking against a people who wronged me intentionally on jealousy,I git punishment!??? I mean we are allowed in Islam to speak against the people who wrong us!

    And in a dangerous situation, I was in -,they said you get good dreams, such as come to prisoners etc,mocking!

    Then I already had feeling since beginning I could be a prisoner one day so,I replied all calmly, caught their lies!

    So the very same day,I had my family told me that yes!people behind you !

    The very same day!

    Then their Nash's feelings touched me or maybe ALLAH Ta'ala wanted to meet me the jealous evil folks who would become worst of my enemies!
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers


    If you can forgive them imagine how great your reward would be

    So forgive them and forget/stay away from as much as you can, those that wronged you.

    Have tawakkul in Allah and make every action pleasing to him - that's the way you can free yourself from all this
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zeal View Post

    If you can forgive them imagine how great your reward would be

    So forgive them and forget/stay away from as much as you can, those that wronged you.

    Have tawakkul in Allah and make every action pleasing to him - that's the way you can free yourself from all this
    You don't get a zilch of what I wrote!

    I am tortured!

    Forgive them&it restarts!

    I'm out!
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

    Done this so many times!

    As it says hassad can change fate!

    I'm now insane!out to chill & fresh my mind !

    Those khubasa caused me pain & no one likes to be tortured!
    Put yourself in same situation, then tell!

    Advise with intellect!
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

    It's allowed in Deen to forgive but it's also allowed to made dua against!

    I have had some good dreams if victory after oppression!

    They will be punished for what they did to me!

    I have already made my. Mind who to forgive long list! So don't comment unnecessarily!
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

    format_quote Originally Posted by AmatulWudud View Post
    It's allowed in Deen to forgive but it's also allowed to made dua against!

    I have had some good dreams if victory after oppression!

    They will be punished for what they did to me!

    I have already made my. Mind who to forgive long list! So don't comment unnecessarily!
    Yeah sister you are right . It's easy to say but difficult to do . May Allah make it easy for you Amiin ya rab .Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

    format_quote Originally Posted by AmatulWudud View Post
    Done this so many times!

    As it says hassad can change fate!

    I'm now insane!out to chill & fresh my mind !

    Those khubasa caused me pain & no one likes to be tortured!
    Put yourself in same situation, then tell!

    Advise with intellect!
    It's up to you then if you can't forgive them due to what might come after that, then don't.
    But you can do as much to forget about them and not think and stay away.

    I know what these things are like if you ever get a thought about these negative bad/unnecessary things. Shift your thoughts to beneficial one's do dhikr because that will act as a protection for you and make dua.
    It will be hard at first you may fail alot but with time you would succeed inshallah
    It's about strengthening yourself to be able to handle these things. If you can overcome this then fitnah believe me you will become a stronger muslim for it.
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    Re: Be Careful Of Du'as Against Wrongdoers

    it doesnt really matter does it?

    what people do away from the prayer mat is often what is hurtful..

    if only speech was dua.

    then you would realise the trouble we are in..

    by we i mean me usually lol.

    the larger the group the lesser the freedom of choice.
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