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Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

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    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ? (OP)

    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?
    this question is asked by a friend who is living in India which is governed by Hindu
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    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    27y9utc 1 - Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

  2. #21
    azc's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person View Post
    Think about it back then as Muslim LANDS. If there was any invasion by others, you defending it and dying defending it, is becoming a martyr (this for example i am of opinion about Turkey for example being the aggressor in Kurdish lands). However these days if in the western country that i am living a country is invaded WITHOUT a valid reason, i will even defend it as a Muslim. But as we know of NATO it is rather the aggressor and this country that i am living in is also part of NATO. If there is a war, i will NOT fight on the side of the army, rather abstain that is why for me it is VERY important to be able to THINK for myself and not be a sheep that is herded by a propaganda. As they seek war with another country and want YOU to die for those corrupt politicians. So if we talk about India as land and there is a war that starts with another country and in EVERY case there is the one who is at fault and the one who is defending and not being at fault. If India is at fault you should NOT join the army, because what you are doing is rather fighting on the side of the aggressor.What YOU TRY to do is make nationalism/loving your country and this defending of land be the same. The line is very clear for people who think, while one who is rather shallow-thinker will see everything being the same.Btw, i also forgot to mention if certain people (not the country you are living in) are being invaded (as we know for example of the Muslims), they also should be defended even if the corrupt politicians don't want you to fight for them which by rules of nationalism one is rather prohibited to do so. If the promised one (start with M) would for example arrive, would you choose for the country that you live in or would you join him? Islam or nationalism, as when he arrives that choice MUST be made. Things are much "complicated", while reality if you ponder and reflect more you will see they are not complicated whatsoever. Everything is very clear.
    Your views are impracticable. If a Muslim is a soldier, he will have to follow the order of his commander without even pondering over this matter whether his country is oppressor or oppressed.... I think Muslims who live in non Muslim lands must prefer to join force whether it's military or para military force or police. If you feel the pulse of the world, can understand why I assert this.
    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Your views are impracticable. If a Muslim is a soldier, he will have to follow the order of his commander without even pondering over this matter whether his country is oppressor or oppressed.... I think Muslims who live in non Muslim lands must prefer to join force whether it's military or para military force or police. If you feel the pulse of the world, can understand why I assert this.
    This i strongly disagree with you. In case of a western country for example, one does NOT join the army. One ONLY does join the army if what i said before when defending the country if a force is trying to invade and they are the aggressors. That is the moment one joins the army to defend the country. When as a soldier you still ABIDE by the rulings of war according to Islam NOT according to the Geneva Conventions (Islamic rulings such as: if a soldier gives up, you abstain from killing him, one does not harm children, women, elderly, inhabited houses, trees, animals, monks etc. etc.). One also joins certain groups within the army that does not go according to "collateral damage" like being a pilot, but rather as a foot soldier. That is the moment you have when one thinks about it EVERYTHING under control that one can abide by Islamic rules.

    So no you have not thoughts this through. When we talk about a Islamic army (no not Saudi or Egypt or Turkey or Iran..not 1 army right now is Islamic army) like back with Rasullah(saws) and with rightful leaders as back in the history of Islam, that is when one does without questioning.

    There are hadith about end times that talk about that one has to retreat themselves to their place of residence. It was asked what if they come in to my house, it was said be the best of the two sons of Adam(as). Also in another hadith it was said when they force you to join them, then make your sword blunt. And i believe in yet another hadith it was said do not take up arms or else you will be joining them in sins or doing harm.

    These hadith aren't for the show you know. They are meant as lessons for us that we MAYBE will witness those times and how to act. So what we must ask ourselves is, is our imaan that strong that when they try to force us that we say you better kill me, because i will not join you in your killing.

    One of the hadith here..

    “Before the Hour comes, there will be tribulation like pieces of black night, when a man will wake up as a believer but be a disbeliever by evening, or he will be a believer in the evening but will be a disbeliever by morning. And the one who is sitting will be better than the one who is standing, and the one who is standing will be better than the one who is walking, and the one who is walking will be better than the one who is running. So break your bows, cut their strings and strike your swords against rocks, and if anyone enters upon anyone of you, let him be like the better of the two sons of Adam. (i.e. the one killed, not the killer).”

    Source used: https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah/36/36
    Last edited by Simple_Person; 08-19-2017 at 04:53 PM.
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  5. #23
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    In case of a western country for example, one doesNOTjoin the army.
    What's the level of prohibition?
    One ONLY does join the army if what i said before when defending the country if a force is trying to invade and they are the aggressors. That isthe moment one joins the army to defend the country.
    but even in this situation they don't want you to join their force because they know that the representation of large number of Muslims in force will make Muslim community stronger in their country.
    When as a soldier you still ABIDE by the rulings of war according to Islam NOT according to the Geneva Conventions (Islamic rulings such as: if a soldier gives up, you abstain from killing him, one does not harm children, women, elderly, inhabited houses, trees, animals, monks etc. etc.). One also joins certain groups within the army that does not go according to "collateral damage" like being a pilot, but rather as a foot soldier.That is the moment you have when one thinks about it EVERYTHING under control that one can abide by Islamic rules.So no you have not thoughts this through.
    Islamic laws are not applied on non Muslims army or any other government sector and if a Muslim serves in it, will have to abide by man made laws, simultaneously, abiding by the Islamic laws in his individual capacity in case being a true Muslim.
    When we talk about a Islamic army (no not Saudi or Egypt or Turkey or Iran..not 1 army right now is Islamic army) like backwith Rasullah(saws) and with rightful leaders as back in the history of Islam, that iswhen one does without questioning.
    yes, there is no Islamic army in any Muslim country.
    There are hadith
    Most of the referred ahadith belong to the age close to the eta of Hz imam Mahdi ra.
    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    Allah (swt) knows best
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  6. #24
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    What's the level of prohibition?
    What is the reason a army in the first exist? If we answer this based on logic, rationality and reason, we come to the answer solely based on defensive issues which sometimes offense is also defense, as when somebody oppresses your people and with dialogue they refuse to listen, you wage war against such oppressors, not to conquer, but to remove such oppressors. So rest of the time army does "not" exist.

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    but even in this situation they don't want you to join their force because they know that the representation of large number of Muslims in force will make Muslim community stronger in their country.
    It is not what THEY think of you. You are responsible for your OWN actions. Joining the army without any defensive cause, will only bring harm upon you. I often am reminded of this.

    "And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect." Qur'an 18:28

    When one joins the army not for the sake of protection as it has occurred, you will see that many Muslims will not be with you. You will be with those that do not worship Allah. You will create a bond who neglect the duty they have towards Allah. In other words, you WILL become like them. Do not worry about anyone, it is Allah who protects, not you. You only try to show to Him what is your limit of wanting to please Him, by joining the army while there is no reason right now, is not really something you should even dare to take. You KNOW i am right, although i do not care about me being right or wrong, but what is truth. Think about yourself, because on the Day of Judgement you will be held responsible.

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Islamic laws are not applied on non Muslims army or any other government sector and if a Muslim serves in it, will have to abide by man made laws, simultaneously, abiding by the Islamic laws in his individual capacity in case being a true Muslim.
    I am not sure where you base this on. Islamic law is applied to YOU and every other Muslim individual not the army. As far as i have known is that YOU will be held responsible for what YOU do, not what others do on the Day of Judgement. So you going to do collateral damage..you think Allah will say on the day of Judgement to the ones who had been killed by your collateral damage..be quite. Azc gets a free ticket to Janah. Fear Allah because what you say is the other side of the spectrum you are closely going towards. Remember, you will be held responsible for every deed you do, good or bad. Ponder about what i am saying, it is not simple "opinion" that is based on nothing.

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Most of the referred ahadith belong to the age close to the eta of Hz imam Mahdi ra.
    Who says that? What is close? Is close 1 month? 1 year? 10 years? 100 years? 100 years? Who says we are not within the scope of his arrival? Do not assume or "postpone" things or assume you are within or not within the time scope of his arrival.

    "Then do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming [aspect] of the punishment of Allah or that the Hour will not come upon them suddenly while they do not perceive?" Qur'an 12:107

    If we look at many signs of the end times, many are visible and they are getting worse. Since Arab spring things have gone in fast-mode. Do not expect him to come, but also expect him that he will come within your lifetime. What does that say? PREPARE yourself!! Your attitude is the TYPICAL attitude that i have witnessed many Muslims today. Be like this and the last thing you will witness is following dajjal. Be wise to not assume either the arrival or not the arrival, what stance then do we have to take? Preparation. If it happened within our life time..we say Alhamdulillah we have prepared for it. If it did not happened in our life time but we did prepare for it, we say alhamdulillah that i did not had to go through such fitna. That is the best advice i can five you.
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    I am Indian and yes I love India. It is ruled and governed by mostly Hindu people but India doesn't stop you for giving Dawah.
    We have masjids everywhere in this country and preaching Islam is not prohibited either.
    If anything is not going against Islam, then I have no problem to follow. But if anything clashes with the ruling of Islam then of course I will not follow.
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  9. #26
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person View Post
    What is the reason a army in the first exist? If we answer this based on logic, rationality and reason, we come to the answer solely based on defensive issues which sometimes offense is also defense, as when somebody oppresses your people and with dialogue they refuse to listen, you wage war against such oppressors, not to conquer, but to remove such oppressors. So rest of the time army does "not" exist. It is not what THEY think of you. You are responsible for your OWN actions. Joining the army without any defensive cause, will only bring harm upon you. I often am reminded of this."And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect." Qur'an 18:28When one joins the army not for the sake of protection as it has occurred, you will see that many Muslims will not be with you. You will be with those that do not worship Allah. You will create a bond who neglect the duty they have towards Allah. In other words, you WILL become like them. Do not worry about anyone, it is Allah who protects, not you. You only try to show to Him what is your limit of wanting to please Him, by joining the army while there is no reason right now, is not really something you should even dare to take. You KNOW i am right, although i do not care about me being right or wrong, but what is truth. Think about yourself, because on the Day of Judgement you will be held responsible.I am not sure where you base this on. Islamic law is applied to YOU and every other Muslim individual not the army. As far as i have known is that YOU will be held responsible for what YOU do, not what others do on the Day of Judgement. So you going to do collateral damage..you think Allah will say on the day of Judgement to the ones who had been killed by your collateral damage..be quite. Azc gets a free ticket to Janah. Fear Allah because what you say is the other side of the spectrum you are closely going towards. Remember, you will be held responsible for every deed you do, good or bad. Ponder about what i am saying, it is not simple "opinion" that is based on nothing.Who says that? What is close? Is close 1 month? 1 year? 10 years? 100 years? 100 years? Who says we are not within the scope of his arrival? Do not assume or "postpone" things or assume you are within or not within the time scope of his arrival."Then do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming [aspect] of the punishment of Allah or that the Hour will not come upon them suddenly while they do not perceive?" Qur'an 12:107If we look at many signs of the end times, many are visible and they are getting worse. Since Arab spring things have gone in fast-mode. Do not expect him to come, but also expect him that he will come within your lifetime. What does that say? PREPARE yourself!! Your attitude is the TYPICAL attitude that i have witnessed many Muslims today. Be like this and the last thing you will witness is following dajjal. Be wise to not assume either the arrival or not the arrival, what stance then do we have to take? Preparation. If it happened within our life time..we say Alhamdulillah we have prepared for it. If it did not happened in our life time but we did prepare for it, we say alhamdulillah that i did not had to go through such fitna. That is the best advice i can five you.
    Your attitude is the TYPICAL attitude that i have witnessed many Muslims today. Be like this and the last thing you will witness is following dajjal.
    who will face dajjal and who will follow him, Allah swt knows best.
    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    who will face dajjal and who will follow him, Allah swt knows best.
    Allah knows that exactly, but guidance is as clear as daylight ..what to do to not follow him. That one might follow dajjal has also a reason. Just like a family member of mine, brushing me off by making it as if we will not experience it in our life time. That is why i gave you that aya about the hour. We human beings always THINK things will come way ahead.

    This even sub'han'Allah with dajjal etc, is a mercy of Allah, because Rasullah(saws) has made the signs of the Day of Judgement known. If one seeks about those signs that Rasullah(saws) talked about, we already see the minor-signs have appeared, one being his death. With those signs having appeared one talking the necessary steps to ignite change within themselves. It is not easy, but first step of acknowledging that those signs have appeared and will only worsen, thus making preparations for the next step of learning a, b, c, and doing x, y, z.

    Allah saves whom He wants from dajjal and hell fire. But to be the one Allah chooses to save, one must ponder about what criteria has Allah so i could be one of those Allah saves. We already know of wiping out arrogance, pride, greed, trust in Him, being thankful for His bounty, envy, having patience, being steadfast, doing dhikr, good character, being humble, etc. etc.
    Last edited by Simple_Person; 08-21-2017 at 06:50 AM.
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  11. #28
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Kamruddin View Post
    I am Indian and yes I love India. It is ruled and governed by mostly Hindu people but India doesn't stop you for giving Dawah.
    We have masjids everywhere in this country and preaching Islam is not prohibited either.
    If anything is not going against Islam, then I have no problem to follow. But if anything clashes with the ruling of Islam then of course I will not follow.
    Go and try to slaughter a cow this Eid InshaAllah and see what happens.
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  12. #29
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    Go and try to slaughter a cow this Eid InshaAllah and see what happens.
    What are you talking about..India is so free to practice your religion..the cow will be saved from slaughtering, and he will be slaughtered instead.
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person View Post
    Allah knows that exactly, but guidance is as clear as daylight ..what to do to not follow him. That one might follow dajjal has also a reason. Just like a family member of mine, brushing me off by making it as if we will not experience it in our life time. That is why i gave you that aya about the hour. We human beings always THINK things will come way ahead.This even sub'han'Allah with dajjal etc, is a mercy of Allah, because Rasullah(saws) has made the signs of the Day of Judgement known. If one seeks about those signs that Rasullah(saws) talked about, we already see the minor-signs have appeared, one being his death. With those signs having appeared one talking the necessary steps to ignite change within themselves. It is not easy, but first step of acknowledging that those signs have appeared and will only worsen, thus making preparations for the next step of learning a, b, c, and doing x, y, z.Allah saves whom He wants from dajjal and hell fire. But to be the one Allah chooses to save, one must ponder about what criteria has Allah so i could be one of those Allah saves. We already know of wiping out arrogance, pride, greed, trust in Him, being thankful for His bounty, envy, having patience, being steadfast, doing dhikr, good character, being humble, etc. etc.
    You're advised to sit with righteous ulama.

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    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    Go and try to slaughter a cow this Eid InshaAllah and see what happens.
    Islam injuncts us to refrain from fasad and you're advising him to create fasad.
    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    Allah (swt) knows best
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  15. #31
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Islam injuncts us to refrain from fasad and you're advising him to create fasad.
    Nauzbillah. Brother, please read my post again, i was simply making a point that Muslims are not really free to practice their religion there and the biggest example of that is the slaughtering of cow. Just a few weeks ago, there was a man killed for slaughtering an animal and the government did nothing to give the family any justice.

    If practicing your religious duties and pleasing Allah means creating fasad then isn't it better that you move to a Muslim country where you are completely free to practice Islam. Pakistan isn't very far and despite its corruption, it's still a place where you can practice Islam freely.

    Yes, i'd advise the brother to not slaughter any cow lest he or his family be harmed from the extremist hindus but my first advice would be to migrate to a Muslim country where he can practice his religion freely.

    And don't forget because of these extremist hindus that one of the great scholar Dr Zakir Naik was forced out of the country, we used to get his tv channel PeaceTV in Pakistan and my whole family used to sit and learn so much islamic knowledge but the channel doesn't even exist anymore.
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    Its no bad thing if you know how to fight.. the army is probably a good place to become competent.

    ...and disciplined.

    If you just turned up on the day you would have to be pretty darn good.

    Or pretty darn well lead.

    But if you know anything about life then you know its never that simple.

    As it is.. most people just get emotional at the tv.

    And thats ok..

    Everything is with allah swt.

    I think a lot of people wouldnt fight unless they were paid, bribed or conscripted.. and thats a pretty mixed bag.
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  17. #33
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    Slaughtering a cow where I live is still allowed and yes, Insha'Allah we are slaughtering cow in this Eid also.
    I live in a Muslim majority place where no one can do anything.

    But again, even if you are not allowed to slaughter cow then don't forget cow is not the only animal that we allowed to slaughter in Eid.
    There are other options as well like Goat, Camel, Sheep, etc you can definitely slaughter them if cow is a problem in your city.

    Again, I am saying yes I am proud Indian Muslim. The first prophet in Islam didn't step on Saudi, Iran, Iraq, USA, London, etc. but in India, so indeed it is one of the best place on Earth.
    Insha'Allah, Haji Ali (Peace be upon him) is sleeping in Mumbai, Abu Bakr Siddique (Peace be upon him) sleeping in Furfura sharif, West Bengal, Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (Peace be upon him) sleeping in Ajmer, and so on.

    Yes, Muslims are certainly facing challenges in India but every honest Muslim in the world is not immune from it either. Never did, Never will.
    But we do seek help from Allah and indeed Allah will do justice to everyone.
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by STN View Post
    Go and try to slaughter a cow this Eid InshaAllah and see what happens.
    The courtesy of respecting other faiths is expected . Just like we dont throw a pork in your mosques .
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    I think there is a hadith suggesting Muslims not to slaughter cows in India. Not sure though..But that can be followed. Allah doesnt forbid us to be kind to the others. If they are offended by your slaughter of cow why wouldnt you respect them? You still have other options.
    Last edited by anatolian; 11-19-2017 at 03:05 PM.
    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    “Either seem as you are or be as you seem” Rumi
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  21. #36
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    The courtesy of respecting other faiths is expected . Just like we dont throw a pork in your mosques .
    I don´t think we can compare slaughtering the cow because people want to eat with throwing dead animal parts to the mosque because thrower wants to insult some others. Slaughtering an animal for the purpose to get a meal fulfills very different needs (than throwing pork to the mosque - then it perhaps fulfills the need to insult others?).
    Last edited by sister herb; 11-19-2017 at 04:55 PM.
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    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    From Occupied Palestine:

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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by MazharShafiq View Post
    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?
    this question is asked by a friend who is living in India which is governed by Hindu
    So...Before you popped the question on IB - what was your answer to your friend?
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
    The courtesy of respecting other faiths is expected . Just like we dont throw a pork in your mosques .
    Yes, cleverly, you like the idea of others (whoever they may be) respecting your faith but obviously do not believe in the same courtesy vis a vis hijab as proven as per your own words in the other thread about U.S. teachers pulling off students' hijabs. Hypocritical and rather sad too.

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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Search View Post
    Hypocritical and rather sad too.
    Thats your narrative uwu

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb View Post
    Slaughtering an animal for the purpose to get a meal fulfills very different needs
    You do realize when you are in someones else land you have to respect emotions of others as well . Otherwise you see you have terrible repercussions .
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    Re: Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by MazharShafiq View Post
    Sir, may we(Muslims who are resident of India) love India ?
    this question is asked by a friend who is living in India which is governed by Hindu
    Did the Hindoos and Muslims love India when it was governed by the British Raj? Or are they happier under the boot of the USA and the UN now? As India is not governed by either Hindoo or Muslim ways but by modern western systems and mind sets. India has been ruled by foreign powers for centuries so I doubt that they can ever be free from external imperialist control, especially from the diabolical powers of the West. The Indians biggest weakness is their lack of defiance against foreign imperialists including foreign culture. Iranians, North Koreans and some African countries, on the other hand, at least have some self respect and try to fend off these imperialists. On the brighter side though, India has apparently expelled all foreign NGOs (spies and cultural manipulators). That is a step in the right direction but they have to go much further if they want to be free. Any nation that wants to be truly free should cut ties with the all controlling Zionist UN which has intensions of destroying all sovereignty of nations under a totalitarian One World Order.
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