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I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

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    Tuba13's Avatar Full Member
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    I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

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    Assalamualaikum...I am a 14 year old Muslim girl...I never used to pray and that actually changed me into a hypocrite...I had started lieing...lieing a lot...suddenly I never realised that I had lied and then suddenly things just started slipped out of my mouth and I never knew what I had said...suddenly my friends started hiding stuff from me...I started praying and realised that I had become a hypocrite...I wanna ask forgiveness from everyone but I don't know if they'll forgive me and I really want to change..pls help me...jazzakAllah in advance☺
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    lif's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh all praises due to Allah for guidance sister i would highly suggest you get closer to you’re creator before asking forgiveness and thinking about those stuff

    First clean you’re heart keep remembering Allah SWT and be thankful. You really need to be careful of the tongue as it can be sharper then a sword.

    You need to be careful about lieing as indeed it is a major sin it would be better for you to not answer or stay quiet then lie stop lying and fear Allah SWT

    As for you’re freinds not trusting you, do not worry they will come back once they see you’re action changes

    Respect people so that they might respect you back be careful what you say because after it is said there is no return for it do not lie as it brings much more destruction then goodness also a lier never have any respect neither do people care what she/he says so be careful because you’re lord does not like the one who lies

    The most important thing you should do like i said at the start is to get close to you’re lord because once you’re close to Allah SWT sin will be come much harder meaning everytime you sin you will have a regret that is unable to bear so within seconds you ask for forgiveness and indeed you’re lord forgives all sins

    If you’re wondering how to become closer to Allah SWT heres a few tip when you pray take you’re time,keep remembering Allah SWT and thank him for everything, spread goodness and say good words, say astaghfirullah like 1000 times this will help you out alot.

    And most important thing is to not leave you’re prayers and keep makeing Dua believe in Allah SWT and his mercy keep haveing faith

    Heres what you should tell you’re brain when you’re about to lie to look cool or to hide things not sure why someone lies but tell you’re brain that it would be much better to look down upon by humans then to disobey Allah SWT the one who created everything

    May Allah SWT forgive you for every sin that you have done and that you might do indeed without the mercy of Allah SWT we will all be losers we should be thankful that our lord has such a great mercy alhamduillah for guidance after we misguide our self
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    Tuba13's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    JazzakAllah for the great tips I've been doing all this for thexample past 6 months alhamdolillah I feel guided and close to Allah now...it's just that I feel tested and really break down at times..please do make dual for me
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    Re: I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    Sister i don’t mean no harm neither do i wane upset you but i personally don’t think someone who is close to Allah SWT would be a hypocrite neither would that person be a liar that’s why i told you, you should focus on getting closer to Allah SWT

    May Allah SWT guide us and give us knowledge that will benefit
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    Tuba13's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    Don't worry brother I din get upset nor did I get hurt..I am trying my best to get close to Allah...jazzakAllah for the great advice and pls remember me in your duas������
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    greenhill's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    Welcome to the forum.

    In life there is a time and place for everything. Will you spot it? Will you understand it? Will you overcome it? Will it overcome you? Does it teach you a lesson? Does it reinforce you further?

    The only thing constant we have is the use of our mind. Even that can be tainted via anger, greed, jealousy, or kindness, generosity or fairness etc.

    Despite what lif has said, about doubting someone who is close to Allah would be a hypocrite, I believe that we cannot band it so easily like that. Because I believe that everyone has to deal with jealousy, anger, greed, and revenge. Everyone will have pride, arrogance and selfishness. People would lie, be spiteful and steal. It is in our nature. The way things are 'wired' out there in the world we live in the environment is almost leading us to be more selfish. That is the jihad, the primary jihad we all have to face in our daily lives. To remain humble, patient, forgiving and charitable.

    Allah says, those who struggle in His cause are the most dear to Him. So the path to be near Him is a very difficult one. The path to be away from Him is the easiest.

    It is good that you are able to get yourself back from the deviated path you were on before. Hopefully you will be able to keep correcting yourself in the future as you have a long life still ahead of you, and it will be filled with bigger and bigger challenges. It is all a test. Do you give up faith or do you still take that step forward, asking forgiveness and seeking guidance?

    So now you have learnt about being true to yourself. That is a good solid platform to build your future life. Things may be different for you, but for those around you that your have caused grief in the past, they may not be so quick to forgive. Speaking of which, I would seek forgiveness from those people. Do not try justify what you did. Just admit that it was a bad phase of your life entering adolescence. You are through it now.

    Wishing you a great stay.

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    I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    As long as my heart does beat, I shall live, not lie
    For when my heart does stop its beat, with truth, I die.
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    Shamil_j's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    Selam Aleykum, The Friends of Allah say that Holy Prophet (asws), said only a believer thinks he is a hypocrite and only a munafiq thinks he's a believer. The problem with our generation is that we are surrounded by fitna outside and we put so much of it inside of us. No one around us, is actually practicing Islam, maybe quote some hadith some verses and slap it on to you expecting people to follow by just that. Our generation need real role models to follow not just Internet celebrities, people who are living the life of the Holy Prophet and spreading that light that changed the those people who were living in Mecca, that were burying their daughters on the desert, into people who are known as Sahaba Kiram, the best after the prophets.
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  10. #8
    lif's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    format_quote Originally Posted by greenhill View Post
    Welcome to the forum.

    In life there is a time and place for everything. Will you spot it? Will you understand it? Will you overcome it? Will it overcome you? Does it teach you a lesson? Does it reinforce you further?

    The only thing constant we have is the use of our mind. Even that can be tainted via anger, greed, jealousy, or kindness, generosity or fairness etc.

    Despite what lif has said, about doubting someone who is close to Allah would be a hypocrite, I believe that we cannot band it so easily like that. Because I believe that everyone has to deal with jealousy, anger, greed, and revenge. Everyone will have pride, arrogance and selfishness. People would lie, be spiteful and steal. It is in our nature. The way things are 'wired' out there in the world we live in the environment is almost leading us to be more selfish. That is the jihad, the primary jihad we all have to face in our daily lives. To remain humble, patient, forgiving and charitable.

    Allah says, those who struggle in His cause are the most dear to Him. So the path to be near Him is a very difficult one. The path to be away from Him is the easiest.

    It is good that you are able to get yourself back from the deviated path you were on before. Hopefully you will be able to keep correcting yourself in the future as you have a long life still ahead of you, and it will be filled with bigger and bigger challenges. It is all a test. Do you give up faith or do you still take that step forward, asking forgiveness and seeking guidance?

    So now you have learnt about being true to yourself. That is a good solid platform to build your future life. Things may be different for you, but for those around you that your have caused grief in the past, they may not be so quick to forgive. Speaking of which, I would seek forgiveness from those people. Do not try justify what you did. Just admit that it was a bad phase of your life entering adolescence. You are through it now.

    Wishing you a great stay.

    as salaam alaikum

    brother no offence but what are you saying??? please do not say it is our nature to have jealousy, anger, greed, and revenge. because you are disrespecting the whole humanity there are humans out there who have does some sins but never lie in their life etc.... im not sure if you have heard how Allah SWT got angry at iblis? like why dinit iblis put his head down for adam? because of jealousy and arrogance... Allah SWT coursed him those are just some ayat's to answer you if you would like more i will more then glad to give it to you also hadith test is one thing human nafs/inner self is another thing

    Quran 10:62 Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve

    Allah, Almighty, Says (what means): “I will turn away from My Ayaat (verses of the Quran) those who behave arrogantly on the earth, without a right, and (even) if they see all the Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons signs, revelations, etc.), they will not believe in them...” [Quran; 7:146] and (what means) “... truly He likes not the proud.” [Quran; 16:23]

    Allah the Almighty says in Surah an-Nahl, verse 105:
    “Only they forge the lie who do not believe in Allah’s communications, and these are the liars.”
    And in Surah az-Zumar it is mentioned:
    “Surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful.”(Surah az-Zumar 39:3)
    It can be understood from the verses of the Qur’an that a liar calls for divine curse and invites the anger of Allah (S.w.T.).
    For example:
    “... and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars.”(Surah Āli- Imrān 3:61)
    And also:
    “... the curse of Allah be on him if he is one of the liars.”(Surah an-Nūr 24:8)

    im in no shape or form trying to disrespect you but correct you and if i am wrong then in Sha Allah you will bring me evidence from the quran/hadith
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    greenhill's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    Thank you @lif

    Yes, I can see where you are coming from. Those are the after effects, so to speak, what you have quoted. You see, Allah isn't arbitrary.

    We are to face challenges in this life on earth. Nobody will have it easy as we are here to face the test. Hence the greater jihad we must undergo, to keep true to the path. It is how we deal with these challenges that is evaluated and each person will have his own set of challenges (in good and in bad). So, if a person decides never to lie in his life, then it is his 'jihad'. Another person may feel something else. Nabi Adam realised his folly and sought forgiveness at the first available opportunity. There may be others who may not have done so, Alahualem, but that is not for me to judge. The point being, Everyone is born with these feelings. It is a matter of choice and attitude that can put them all in perspective.

    True, there are pious people around, and it appears that they have a great handle on their challenges. How much they have to struggle is anybody's guess. I'm tempted to try many things or to go back and do things or stop doing things and the temptations vary from time to time as its intensity. Sometimes I cave in (like losing my head, and feeling bad after it when I could have easily walked away)..

    No, I stick to what I have said. We all have our own set of demons, we have to face it and that is mostly what we are judged on. I don't think I really need to quote the Quran on that.

    I hope you get what I'm trying to say. If not please let me know.

    Jazakallah khair

    Last edited by greenhill; 11-29-2017 at 09:01 AM.
    I need help...i used to be a hypocrite...i changed but i feel like it's too late

    As long as my heart does beat, I shall live, not lie
    For when my heart does stop its beat, with truth, I die.
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