The salves of Allah, humans are in the race to do good deeds and these good actions and performances may bring them closer to Allah. As a result, Allah gives the reward and forgiveness. The Creator of universe, Allah Says in the Holy Quran,

“So, race to (all that is) good. To Allah is your return altogether.” (Holy Quran 5:48)

Allah gives a one month every year where He shackled the Satan and opens the doors of Jannah and closes the doors of Jahannam and this is a month of Ramadan. And a majority of Muslim Ummah went to Makkah and Madinah to perform Umrah with Ramadan Umrah Package for Groups. Allah’s Messenger, the Prophet (PBUH) said that,

“Performing two ‘Umrah’s redresses the evils committed in the interlude among them.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The significance of the Umrah which is performing in the month of Ramadan is special merit over that which is done in any other month. There are narrations of Quran and Hadith that encouraging Muslims to accomplish their religious worship in the month of Ramadan and get the double reward. The Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said that,

“An Umrah done in Ramadan is equivalent (in reward) to performing Hajj once.” (Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi)

If you having the intention to perform Umrah during Ramadan, the Muslim is suggested to have a wash a body and apply perfume. A nd don’t use form-fitting clothes just practice to wear Ihram. But, women wear whatever clothes they want and they can’t cover their hands and face.

The Muslim Ummah perform the Umrah in Ramadan with great spirit and you see above Hadiths regarding Umrah in Ramadan. If you are physically and financially strong then avail this golden opportunity and get the Tips for Successful Marital Life for Muslims in the holy cities through explore Prophet's (PBUH) marital life. May Allah bring the happiness in our lives and show us the Holy Kaaba and Green Tomb.