AssalamuAlaikum, my question is regarding writing fiction in Islam.
For example, imagine I wished to write a book like "The Lord of the Rings" or a story like the Science Fiction movie Avatar. Would this be impermissible? Some say it is impermissible because fiction writing is Telling Lies. However Fiction Writing is openly stated as false, so therefore there is no deciet of lying involved. Some say it is impermissible as it is a "waste of time".
What for someone who can make an income from writing such books? Or someone who balances their time well and writes for Liesure. (By this I mean religious and family obligations are always prioritised).
My question arises since some say reading novels and writing fiction is impermissible, I know The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) forbid the drawing of anything with souls but there isn't an account of him saying anything for fiction writing, then why is it okay to forbid something that is not forbidden?
I understand the arguement, that you should not write of sorcery or witches, because these things are actually reality. But what if you wrote fantasy novels just based Mythologies that are known to be untrue, or just made up from your imagination, e.g in Lord of The Rings. Or as I mentioned in Science fiction movies like Avatar. It is all just an imaginative construction.
What if you clearly state at the beginning of your book something to the effect of "Due to my strong personal convictions I would like to stress this is 100% a work of fiction and in no way endorses a belief in mythology and occults, and no way seeks to imitate the creation of God." ? Jazak Allah Khairun for your time.