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Grave and judgement day

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    Grave and judgement day

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    Salam brothers and sisters, in sh allah you are all well.
    Can someone help me please? I have severe waswas about the grave and the here after. I fear that my actions won’t be accepted by Allah swt. I always question am I doing enough?? I live in fear. It’s affecting my life alhundullah. I guess I keep searching to try and find a guarantee that we won’t be punished because we are Muslims.
    Maybe just a glimmer of Home that we will enter jannah if we are good Muslims in sh Allah. Does anyone have any advice for me or had anyone been through this before and how did you get out of this? Jzk
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    This fear is praiseworthy.
    Grave and judgement day

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    Jzk Khodr for your response, but can you elaborate? I have started reading Surat mulk in sh Allah every night and want to start reading Surat Baqarah because allahu A3lam it intercedes for the reader until my Sins are forgiven in sh Allah.
    Has anybody gone through this came to a point of sakkinah?? Or just started with their life again?? Jzk
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    format_quote Originally Posted by Amy_1234 View Post
    Jzk Khodr for your response, but can you elaborate? I have started reading Surat mulk in sh Allah every night and want to start reading Surat Baqarah because allahu A3lam it intercedes for the reader until my Sins are forgiven in sh Allah.
    Has anybody gone through this came to a point of sakkinah?? Or just started with their life again?? Jzk
    Our condition should always remain between Hope and Fear.

    Hope: When you look at the mercy of Allah swt you feel that I'll be forgiven and InshaAllah be place in jannah

    Fear: When you look at your deeds you realize that no deed of yours is acceptable, moreover, your sins will lead you to hell if Allah swt doesn't shower his mercy.

    As far as sakina is concerned, it depends on your piety.

    One thing keep in your mind that paranormal issues should be kept in secret from others.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    Salam, what do you mean by paranormal issues?? You mean the issues I’m having in my head at the moment?? My anxiety?? Jzk
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    as'salaamu alaikum Amy,

    A believer is always fear of his sins taking him or her to the hellfire. But hopelessness and despair is not allowed in Islam. For a believer also believes that Allah's mercy is greater than His wrath and He will enter us in Jannah through His infinite mercy.

    You should focus on keep doing good deeds and trying to stay away from bad deeds. And if you sin then repent right away, for the Prophet said one who repents is like one who didn't commit the sin. And continue have faith in the mercy of Allah and hop for the best as you move forward.

    You can also maxmize your chances of getting there by doing certain things. Such as,

    “He whosoever takes a path that leads to knowledge, Allah, the Almighty will pave his way to Jannah.” (Muslim).

    “He whosoever recites the verse (2:255) after every obligatory prayer will not be forbidden to enter Jannah…” (Nasa’i).

    So stick to your salah. Prophet (sas), “the key to Paradise is Salah.”
    Whoever prays the two cool prayers (Asr and Fajr) will enter Jannah. [Bukhari]

    Be good to your parents.
    “Paradise lies at the feet of your mother” (Nasa’i) or “A father’s pleasure is Allah’s pleasure, a father’s displeasure is Allah’s displeasure (Tirmidhi)

    Be easy going.
    “Allah, the Almighty let a man enter Jannah because that man was easy when buying, easy when selling to others, easy when he passed a judgement and easy when he sought a judgement.” (Bukhari).

    Be patient in times of tragedy.
    “A believing slave servant of Mine will get his reward from Me upon the death of his beloved one, but such a person must show patience and perseverance for the fate of Allah, the Almighty, and if he does so, his reward will be Jannah.” (Ahmed).

    Be Chaste
    Whoever can guarantee (the chastity of) what is between his two jaw-bones and what is between his two legs (i.e. his tongue and his private parts), I guarantee Jannah for him. [Bukhari]

    Whoever says: “I am pleased with Allah as my Rabb, and with Islam as my Deen, and with Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) as my Prophet, Jannah would be mandatory for him. [Abu Dawud]

    Whosoever last words are: laa ilaaha il Allah, will enter Paradise. [Abu Dawud, Saheeh]

    Whoever dies and is free from three: arrogance, grudges and debt will enter Jannah. [Tirmidhi]

    Whoever raises two girls, he and I will enter Jannah. [Tirmidhi]

    Whoever asks Allah for Jannah three times, Jannah will say: “O Allah, enter him into Jannah.” [Tirmidhi]

    And there many others to help us get there inshallah.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    Jzk kheir brother, I apologise for bombarding you with negativity. I guess because I also have a spiritual issue as well that makes me more anxious and seek I guess gurantee that I will be ok.
    That was very helpful information. I ask Allah to enter us into jannah in sh Allah and forgive all our sins.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    Ameen. No need to apologize. Eman goes up and down for all of us and we all need assurances and motivation every now and then. whenever you feel the need to for assurance or motivation then you should reach out and do that. Inshallah we are all here to help each other.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zzz_ View Post
    Ameen. No need to apologize. Eman goes up and down for all of us and we all need assurances and motivation every now and then. whenever you feel the need to for assurance or motivation then you should reach out and do that. Inshallah we are all here to help each other.

    Brother wouldyou put this this down to my Eman being low??
    I mean it fluctuating? I would love to understand where this fear suddenly magnetised from.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    format_quote Originally Posted by Amy_1234 View Post
    Salam brothers and sisters, in sh allah you are all well.
    Can someone help me please? I have severe waswas about the grave and the here after. I fear that my actions won’t be accepted by Allah swt. I always question am I doing enough?? I live in fear. It’s affecting my life alhundullah. I guess I keep searching to try and find a guarantee that we won’t be punished because we are Muslims.
    Maybe just a glimmer of Home that we will enter jannah if we are good Muslims in sh Allah. Does anyone have any advice for me or had anyone been through this before and how did you get out of this? Jzk

    First and foremore, having fear is having TAQWA which essentially IS WORSHIP and it is something that every Momin (Muslim) should adhere to. Living in fear is not something negative, yet very much opposite of that. It is God's sign of love.

    Secondly, there is NO physical GUARANTEE that you should expect from Allah to show his forgiveness towards you and that you will NOT AT ALL be punished. But then again, THIS is the test of our ummat. We are meant to live in fear and HOPE that Allah will forgive our sins as long as we frequently seek forgiveness with a sincere heart and promise not to repeat that particular sin again AND compensate that sin with A GOOD DEED (ie, charity, smiling at somebody, helping somebody cross the road.. )

    Another point to be noted is that a muslim will KNOW that Allah has forgave his/her sins (given they seek repentance with sincerity) when he OPEN their heart. When a Muslims heart is OPEN they will be able to (virtually) see what Allah wants for them and will be able to point out a sin before even doing it so they can prevent themselves from committing sins in the first place. Another piece of evidence or "guarantee" that you will not be punished for that specific sin is when you begin to live in FEAR.

    so at the end of the day, we must do good, seek repentance, and HOPE that Allah will INSHALLAH Forgive us. IF your intentions are clear and you do all of these things, YOU will inshallah NOT be punished. but Allah knows best.

    Hope this helped
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    format_quote Originally Posted by Amy_1234 View Post
    Brother wouldyou put this this down to my Eman being low??
    I mean it fluctuating? I would love to understand where this fear suddenly magnetised from.
    Not really, I do not know what brought on a sudden fear of this, if that is what happened. It could've been just waswas, or sudden anxiety/apprehension or fluctuation of the eman, even just you pondering over this possibility led you to it. You and Allah knows best in this regard. I was stating in general that a believer's eman goes up and down and usually when it's down is when he/she starts to feel depressed or fearful or other similar state of mind.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    Brother, my fear is not valid. It’s not a normal fear. I jump from one thing to the other. Im not worreid about a specific sin alhumdullah. I’ve always feared sinning but it has never stopped me from living. It’s like I’ve lost all hope in allahs forgiveness when my own heart tells me we will be ok in sh Allah. The sacrifices we make in this life for our religion and the hardships I always feel Allah will help us. I say that to myself but I’m still caught up in a depression where I have no will to live or be alive. I know that islamically that’s not the way to be. THATS what I need help with. I want someone to help me get out of this depression and anxiety that I have. I know there is never 100% reassurance that there will be no punishment but I guess I’m reaching out to anyone that has been through this fear and conquered this fear and is living with the hope that we need to live by I guess. Regardless if I have fear or not I will not disobey allah in sh allah because I am shy to disappoint allah.

    I know now everybody says that this fear is Taqwa but I guess I need advice from someone that has balanced the fear and hope. Jzk, sorry about the rambling salam

    - - - Updated - - -

    Brother, my fear is not valid. It’s not a normal fear. I jump from one thing to the other. Im not worreid about a specific sin alhumdullah. I’ve always feared sinning but it has never stopped me from living. It’s like I’ve lost all hope in allahs forgiveness when my own heart tells me we will be ok in sh Allah. The sacrifices we make in this life for our religion and the hardships I always feel Allah will help us. I say that to myself but I’m still caught up in a depression where I have no will to live or be alive. I know that islamically that’s not the way to be. THATS what I need help with. I want someone to help me get out of this depression and anxiety that I have. I know there is never 100% reassurance that there will be no punishment but I guess I’m reaching out to anyone that has been through this fear and conquered this fear and is living with the hope that we need to live by I guess. Regardless if I have fear or not I will not disobey allah in sh allah because I am shy to disappoint allah.

    I know now everybody says that this fear is Taqwa but I guess I need advice from someone that has balanced the fear and hope. Jzk, sorry about the rambling salam
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    I used to read that if you read ayat Qursi after every prayer your guaranteed jannah. I now feel like my head is doubting everything, like I do the actions and I read surat mulk every night alhumdullah but it’s like I’m doubting everything or I don’t know whether or not it’s my fear that’s doing this to me. I hope everyone understands where I’m coming from or what I mean
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    I don't think this is tawqa. If you have more fear even when you know everything is fine then that border lines on irrational fear. That also border lines on waswas, the whispering of the shaytan, trying to tell you things are not 'ok' and you should be scared even when you know otherwise.

    As you stated, long as you know or your heart tells you everything will be ok then tell your brain to stop thinking of losing all hope in Allah's forgiveness. A believer follows his/her heart for the heart is true to itself. It's fine if you fear and think like that. Only way I see out of it is
    1. keep telling yourself what your heart feels, that Allah's mercy is greater than His wrath and there is and will always be hope.
    2. Read about Allah's mercy and how He has made path to Jannah easy so long as we strive for it and how things will transpire for us all the way to the end.
    3. listen to lectures, like mufti menk's, on mercy of Allah and the positive side of things.
    4. Try not to think too much or dwell on this matter for long, when it comes to mind then dismiss it as nonsense and tell your self you put your trust in Allah to do what is best for you.

    And of course reach out to anyone who is willing to help you get through this inshallah.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't think this is tawqa. If you have more fear even when you know everything is fine then that border lines on irrational fear. That also border lines on waswas, the whispering of the shaytan, trying to tell you things are not 'ok' and you should be scared even when you know otherwise.

    As you stated, long as you know or your heart tells you everything will be ok then tell your brain to stop thinking of losing all hope in Allah's forgiveness. A believer follows his/her heart for the heart is true to itself. It's fine if you fear and think like that. Only way I see out of it is
    1. keep telling yourself what your heart feels, that Allah's mercy is greater than His wrath and there is and will always be hope.
    2. Read about Allah's mercy and how He has made path to Jannah easy so long as we strive for it and how things will transpire for us all the way to the end.
    3. listen to lectures, like mufti menk's, on mercy of Allah and the positive side of things.
    4. Try not to think too much or dwell on this matter for long, when it comes to mind then dismiss it as nonsense and tell your self you put your trust in Allah to do what is best for you.

    And of course reach out to anyone who is willing to help you get through this inshallah.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    format_quote Originally Posted by Amy_1234 View Post
    Brother, my fear is not valid. It’s not a normal fear. I jump from one thing to the other. Im not worreid about a specific sin alhumdullah. I’ve always feared sinning but it has never stopped me from living. It’s like I’ve lost all hope in allahs forgiveness when my own heart tells me we will be ok in sh Allah. The sacrifices we make in this life for our religion and the hardships I always feel Allah will help us. I say that to myself but I’m still caught up in a depression where I have no will to live or be alive. I know that islamically that’s not the way to be. THATS what I need help with. I want someone to help me get out of this depression and anxiety that I have. I know there is never 100% reassurance that there will be no punishment but I guess I’m reaching out to anyone that has been through this fear and conquered this fear and is living with the hope that we need to live by I guess. Regardless if I have fear or not I will not disobey allah in sh allah because I am shy to disappoint allah. I know now everybody says that this fear is Taqwa but I guess I need advice from someone that has balanced the fear and hope. Jzk, sorry about the rambling salam- - - Updated - - -Brother, my fear is not valid. It’s not a normal fear. I jump from one thing to the other. Im not worreid about a specific sin alhumdullah. I’ve always feared sinning but it has never stopped me from living. It’s like I’ve lost all hope in allahs forgiveness when my own heart tells me we will be ok in sh Allah. The sacrifices we make in this life for our religion and the hardships I always feel Allah will help us. I say that to myself but I’m still caught up in a depression where I have no will to live or be alive. I know that islamically that’s not the way to be. THATS what I need help with. I want someone to help me get out of this depression and anxiety that I have. I know there is never 100% reassurance that there will be no punishment but I guess I’m reaching out to anyone that has been through this fear and conquered this fear and is living with the hope that we need to live by I guess. Regardless if I have fear or not I will not disobey allah in sh allah because I am shy to disappoint allah. I know now everybody says that this fear is Taqwa but I guess I need advice from someone that has balanced the fear and hope. Jzk, sorry about the rambling salam
    InshaAllah, I hope Allah swt is pleased with you.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    Jzk kheir I really appreciate your response, I will strive to do this in sh allah and I will update you on how I am, in sh allah this will benefit other ppl too in this situation. Wa salam
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    The moment you've tears in your eyes and body begins to tremble because of fear of hell/grave, sins/sinning or love for Allah swt or prophet s.a.w then all your sins have been forgiven and you are as pure as a child.

    Keep on doing dua to Allah swt to keep you steadfast on deen and protect from all tricks of shaytan.

    Be normal. InshaAllah your spiritual condition is good.

    Pay thanks to Allah swt for his mercy and compassion.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    The first paragraph made me cry, jzk.
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    Re: Grave and judgement day

    format_quote Originally Posted by Amy_1234 View Post
    I used to read that if you read ayat Qursi after every prayer your guaranteed jannah. I now feel like my head is doubting everything, like I do the actions and I read surat mulk every night alhumdullah but it’s like I’m doubting everything or I don’t know whether or not it’s my fear that’s doing this to me. I hope everyone understands where I’m coming from or what I mean
    what you read is correct. Not only ayatul kursi will do that but it also protects you from jinns and shayateen. It's good to recite it in the morning and evening and before bed.

    Evil whispers come from the Shaytan, who is keen to misguide the Muslim and deprive him of good and keep it far away from him. Waswas affects each person differently, because waswas has to do with a person’s level of doubts and desires and the degree to which a person is attached to other things or fears other things. Allah says,

    {And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.} (Fussilat 41:36)

    So to remedy this situation the best solution is as stated above, seek refugee with Allah. Which means recite the duas that ask Allah to protect you from the shaytan. And also continue to do as I suggested previously, that is to just dismiss it as just ramblings of the mind or the shaytan. While fear is an emotion, logic and ilm are not. Your own logic tells you if you do these xyz things in Islam then inshallah Jannah will be yours. So continue to do those things regard what your mind says and just trust in Allah and keep moving forward.

    In the event of fear and anxiety one should seek the help of Allah and frequently recite this ayah of the glorious Qur’an “Hasbunallahu wa Ni’mal Wakeel” “Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).” (3:173).

    A true Muslim understands very well that Allah alone is the Bestower and Witholder of Mercy, and He alone is the Remover of Harm and Affliction. Reciting Hasbunallahu Wa Nimal Wakeel provides the healing touch that is very much necessary in one’s life.By putting one’s complete Trust in Allah, by leaving matters unto Him, by seeking only His grace and mercy, by accepting His decree, by submitting to His Will – a Muslim can equip oneself to face the challenges of life.

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by Amy_1234 View Post
    I used to read that if you read ayat Qursi after every prayer your guaranteed jannah. I now feel like my head is doubting everything, like I do the actions and I read surat mulk every night alhumdullah but it’s like I’m doubting everything or I don’t know whether or not it’s my fear that’s doing this to me. I hope everyone understands where I’m coming from or what I mean
    what you read is correct. Not only ayatul kursi will do that but it also protects you from jinns and shayateen. It's good to recite it in the morning and evening and before bed.

    Evil whispers come from the Shaytan, who is keen to misguide the Muslim and deprive him of good and keep it far away from him. Waswas affects each person differently, because waswas has to do with a person’s level of doubts and desires and the degree to which a person is attached to other things or fears other things. Allah says,

    {And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.} (Fussilat 41:36)

    So to remedy this situation the best solution is as stated above, seek refugee with Allah. Which means recite the duas that ask Allah to protect you from the shaytan. And also continue to do as I suggested previously, that is to just dismiss it as just ramblings of the mind or the shaytan. While fear is an emotion, logic and ilm are not. Your own logic tells you if you do these xyz things in Islam then inshallah Jannah will be yours. So continue to do those things regard what your mind says and just trust in Allah and keep moving forward.

    In the event of fear and anxiety one should seek the help of Allah and frequently recite this ayah of the glorious Qur’an “Hasbunallahu wa Ni’mal Wakeel” “Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).” (3:173).

    A true Muslim understands very well that Allah alone is the Bestower and Witholder of Mercy, and He alone is the Remover of Harm and Affliction. Reciting Hasbunallahu Wa Nimal Wakeel provides the healing touch that is very much necessary in one’s life.By putting one’s complete Trust in Allah, by leaving matters unto Him, by seeking only His grace and mercy, by accepting His decree, by submitting to His Will – a Muslim can equip oneself to face the challenges of life.
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    Jzk, I really appreciate all your advice. I will strive to be a better Muslim in sh allah. May allah reward you
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